How to cure vaginal chafing

Classification of injuries to female genital organs received during sex

Unlike men, for whom entire treatises can be written on the types of sexual traumatization, such diversity is less inherent for women (except for wounds) - therefore, the “female” classification is more “primitive.” So, injuries to the female genital organs that can happen during sex are as follows :

  • microtraumas (rubbing) of the external genital organs and the inner surface of the vaginal walls;
  • damage to the clitoris;
  • rupture of the vaginal walls;
  • rupture of the vaginal vaults;
  • damage to the ligaments of the uterus;
  • traumatic bleeding without significant damage to the female genital organs;
  • wounds of various origins;
  • hematomas.

Despite the widespread sexual awareness thanks to open sources on the Internet, traumatization of female genitals in the 21st century is far from a rare phenomenon. The main causes of such injuries :

  • sexual illiteracy during sexual intercourse, as a result – incorrect use of sexual techniques and positions;
  • sexual relations while taking alcohol, drugs or medical psychedelic drugs that disable control over what is happening;
  • blind imitation of book or movie characters;
  • molestation of girls whose genitals are still too tender and not adapted to “adult love”;
  • sexual intercourse with elements of violence - against the will of the partner or with the use of devices for aggressive stimulation of the female genital organs.

Treatment of allergies to pads

Treatment of an allergic reaction should be carried out under strict medical supervision. You can eliminate the symptoms of irritation on your own, but after that you still need to seek help from a medical facility. This is primarily due to the fact that many other pathologies have a similar clinical picture.

It is extremely important to make sure that the symptoms appeared due to the use of hygiene products, and not as a result of the development of the disease.

Eliminate the cause

During therapy, first of all, you need to avoid contact with the allergen. If unpleasant symptoms appear as a result of using panty liners, then they should be completely abandoned. In cases where sanitary pads designed to absorb menstrual flow have caused irritation, it is recommended to choose an alternative. Hypoallergenic pads are considered the ideal option.

During this period, you also need to give up synthetic underwear. You should choose period panties made from natural fabrics.

Rinse skin

Simply washing the skin with cool water will help relieve itching. This procedure promotes intensive blood flow from the external genitalia, due to which clinical manifestations are stopped.

Do not resort to using soap or shower gel. These products can disrupt the acid-base balance in the vagina and aggravate the situation. It is better to wash the genitals with plain water or using special products designed for intimate hygiene.

After performing this procedure, the skin should be carefully blotted with a towel and under no circumstances should it be rubbed.

Apply antihistamine ointment to the affected areas

Swelling, itching and redness can be eliminated with the help of antihistamine ointment , which does not contain hormonal components. The effect of its use is observed after a short time. If the manifestations of allergies are too pronounced, they resort to the use of medications in the form of tablets.


The best way to eliminate an allergic reaction to intimate hygiene products is the use of antihistamine ointments. To get rid of itching, burning and redness, the following medications are used:

All of them are applied to the external genitalia and help eliminate discomfort. In cases where dryness and irritation are noted deep in the vagina, they resort to using Vagilac gel. This medication is equipped with a special applicator that allows you to administer the drug internally.

In case of an excessively vivid clinical picture that disrupts the usual way of life, systemic antihistamines are used:

Unpleasant symptoms disappear a day after the start of therapy, but complete restoration of the genital mucosa will take several more days. During this period, it is necessary to eliminate all irritating factors that could aggravate the situation. It is recommended to abstain from intimacy for a while and avoid excessive physical activity.

Microtraumas (rubbing) of the female genital organs

This is the most common type of trauma to the female genitals during sex.

Microtraumas (rubbing) of the labia majora and minora, as well as the clitoris, occur due to a man’s incorrect tactics, his haste, or a frankly careless, careless attitude towards a woman during coitus.

The condition is aggravated by ignoring the rules of personal hygiene - as a result, even not too intense efforts can lead to irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, from which microtrauma is just one step away.

Vaginal microtraumas occur due to an insufficient amount of lubricant, which is normally released as a result of a woman’s sexual arousal. Causes of “lubrication deficiency” in a partner:

  • frigidity (sexual coldness);
  • lack of arousal during forced sexual intercourse;
  • disruption of the excretory glands (those that produce lubricant);
  • dehydration (occurs due to water-electrolyte imbalance as a result of systemic diseases, which may be directly and not related to the female genital area).

A separate case when microtraumas of the vaginal walls appear is vaginismus - a spasm of the vaginal muscles when the male penis is visible inside it. Vaginismus occurs in women during coitus due to fear, stress, haste, dissatisfaction with the partner or sexual intercourse, and so on. As a result of such a spasm, the penis is literally trapped. The man, in a panic, tries to jerk out the stuck penis, thereby injuring (rubbing) the vaginal mucosa.

Microtraumas of the female genital organs can be regarded as the easiest type of trauma during coitus. But the costs associated with them are greater than it seems at first glance:

  • due to the fact that micro-wounds are not paid attention to, they become chronically irritated and over time begin to heal poorly, and if they heal, they appear in the form of scars;
  • constant mechanical irritation of tissues in the same location can cause an unhealthy response of cells - in other words, there is a risk of their oncological degeneration (in particular, in the area of ​​scar tissue).

Symptoms: moderate pain in the lower abdomen, intensifying during sexual intercourse.

I rubbed it with a pad in an intimate place, what should I do?

Often every woman is faced with such an unpleasant situation when the labia are rubbed.

Of course, the first question that haunts me is: “Why does chafing happen? And is it possible to smear the labia with something if the chafing causes discomfort?”

Today we will deal with this pressing problem, consider the reasons that provoke chafing and what can be applied, as well as when urgent medical attention is needed.

Damage to the clitoris

This type of injury to the female genital organs during sex rarely happens, because the clitoris is quite reliably “hidden” in the tissues. If this happens, the main causes of damage to the clitoris are as follows :

  • rough persistent stimulation (most often with sex toys);
  • a “disservice” from a partner in the form of excessive efforts to please the partner through cunnilingus (an oral type of sex during which the man takes an active position);
  • constant awkward positioning of partners during sexual intercourse, during which the clitoris feels pressure - in other words, technically illiterate sex.

In its structure, the clitoris is similar to the penis - it also has cavernous (cavernous) bodies, and when a woman is aroused, this organ, like the penis, becomes filled with blood and becomes erect. Therefore, if it is injured (for example, due to inaccurate stimulation with aggressive sex devices - clamps, etc.), significant bleeding may occur.

Symptoms: point pain that intensifies during urination, redness and swelling of the clitoris and surrounding tissues.

We find the cause and eliminate it

First, you need to check those reasons that a woman can eliminate herself without the help of a specialist.

  • If a woman has chafed her intimate area due to wearing low-quality, tight and narrow underwear, she needs to change it to high-quality one. Choose a model that will sit on you not tightly, but a little loosely. The main thing is that the underwear does not compress or tighten anything. Seamless underwear may also be a good option; it will not rub in intimate areas where panties usually have a rough seam that contributes to the formation of chafing. The fabric from which the underwear is made is also important. It is better to give preference to natural cotton. This fabric will allow the skin to breathe and diaper rash will not form.
  • In cases where a woman has urinary incontinence, it would be correct to use sanitary pads specially designed for this. They have a high level of liquid absorption than regular panty liners. There are also disposable absorbent panties. It should be remembered that such products need to be changed regularly and often, then chafing will not occur.
  • Panty liners with fragrances and various additives are no exception. They can irritate private parts and cause chafing. During your period, changing your pad infrequently can contribute to chafing. Therefore, the main thing is to change the pads regularly and as needed to prevent discomfort in the intimate area.
  • Chafing of the labia occurs with frequent and very prolonged sexual intercourse. In this case, both or one of the partners has a lack of lubrication. As a result of friction and dryness of the mucous membranes, swelling of the labia, the entrance to the vagina, and small tears occur, which can cause pain during intimacy or when washing. As a rule, such abrasions are not dangerous, but they bring a lot of inconvenience and discomfort.
  • Special training clothing for fitness, training, etc. Even wearing a wet swimsuit for a long time can cause discomfort in an intimate area. You need to choose the right workout clothes. So that it does not hinder movement, does not squeeze or rub anywhere. Things need to be washed regularly, as during training there is increased sweating, which provokes the active proliferation of bacteria and germs on clothes.

Vaginal wall rupture

It often happens in the classic position with a woman’s legs on a man’s shoulders (the so-called officer position), when the partner overdoes it with the strength and frequency of frictions (forward, repetitive movements of the penis in the vagina like “back and forth”). Also observed when changing posture awkwardly.

Normally, the walls of the vagina are quite elastic and, under mechanical stress, stretch well, withstanding the pressure of a fairly large force. Aggravating circumstances when the vaginal wall cannot withstand and breaks:

  • narrow vagina (congenital, in women with little sexual experience, after surgical suturing);
  • pathological changes in the vaginal wall (atrophic or scar tissue changes);
  • a partner’s large penis with an excellent erection;
  • the use of hard, traumatic attachments on the penis in an attempt to enhance sexual sensations.

Choosing the right hygiene product

The first thing to do is decide on the type of hygiene product. Despite all the variety that is presented on store shelves, everything is not so complicated.

Firstly, you should distinguish between pads for critical days and the so-called “daily pads”.

With wipes for daily use, everything is simple. They are not designed to eliminate heavy discharge, therefore they have a minimum thickness, compact size and do not have such additional protective devices as wings - they are simply not necessary. Read what panty liners are for.

With pads for critical days, everything is not much more complicated. They differ:

By absorbency

To determine which products are needed in a given situation, you should pay attention to the abundance of discharge, as well as directly to the absorbent capacity of the hygiene product. These are the same droplets on the packaging. The more there are, the more secretions the pad can accommodate. In the first and last days of menstruation, products with 1-2 drops are sufficient, and during heavy discharge, options with the maximum number of drops will be more reliable.

By shape and size

Hygienic products from different manufacturers may have their own distinctive characteristics. But first of all, they are divided into products with and without wings. Needless to say, products with protective wings are much more functional and convenient, since they allow you to more securely fix the pad on your panties?

The shape of modern hygiene products is created taking into account the anatomical features of the female body. Hygienic products with low absorbency are produced in slightly smaller sizes, and options for heavy discharge are larger in size. There are also special products for use at night; they have a maximum size and increased absorbency, which allows a woman not to interrupt her sleep to replace a hygiene product. Follow the link to find out if you can use tampons at night.

By the presence or absence of aromatic components

Girls who are prone to allergic reactions and skin sensitivity are better off avoiding scented hygiene products, as they often provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

If you still have questions, then you can watch the video on the topic: “How to choose sanitary pads?” And also read in our article about the types of gaskets and their functions.

Find out what you can use instead of a pad in case of emergency by following the link.

Vaginal vault rupture

Occurs in cases of extreme disproportion between the vagina and penis. The latter literally has nowhere to turn around due to its size, and the penis reaches the vaginal vaults - its deepest arch-like areas, which are adjacent to the cervix.

Most often, the rupture is observed in the posterior and lateral vaginal fornix, very rarely in the anterior (for the same reasons as damage to the vaginal walls).

Symptoms: the same as for rupture of the vaginal walls.

Damage to the ligaments of the uterus

The uterus is attached to the surrounding tissues by bundles of connective tissue - ligaments. With strong uncontrolled shocks during frictions, it shifts, the ligaments are literally stretched (in advanced cases, almost to the point of “looseness”). This state of affairs is observed if partners whose weight categories are strikingly different (a large, powerful man, a thin, slender woman) engage in physical love.

The danger of damage to the uterine ligaments is that after some time they cease to perform their retaining function. The uterus is displaced from the normal axis, and this is a threat to reproductive function (the ability to become pregnant, bear and give birth to a child).

Symptoms: aching pain in the lower abdomen, which can intensify during menstruation (due to contraction of the uterus and thereby disturbing the calm of its ligaments).

Where do allergies come from?

The shortage of hygiene products in the past excluded the possibility of negative reactions when using them. Indeed, on critical days, women were left with cotton wool and gauze, which are completely natural.

Modern gaskets have several layers. The upper one, which is adjacent to the crotch, can also be synthetic. This is a fabric that has the ability to retain secretions in the inner layers of a hygiene product. In addition, it allows it to keep its shape, preventing leaks and stains on clothes.

There are also pads with a natural cotton surface. It is hypoallergenic, but has a significant drawback: the product wrinkles quickly, which increases discomfort during use.

Most women prefer more comfortable sanitary bags with a synthetic outer surface. They are the ones who are more likely to experience what an allergy to pads is.

The following can also add discomfort during use:

  • Glue with which the product is attached to the linen. Although it is applied to the side of the pad that is not in contact with the skin, it still has an effect on living tissue;
  • Flavors. The product is impregnated with them to avoid the occurrence of an unpleasant odor from the discharge;
  • Dyes. Give the gaskets a specific color.

Another possibility for allergies is poor hygiene. Pads must be changed at least every 4 hours, even with light discharge at the end or beginning of menstruation. Their surface is in close contact with the skin, which, with long-term use of the same product, allows microbes to actively multiply, causing sweating, itching and rashes.

Wounds of various origins

Wounds of the female genitals of a sexual nature are:

  • bitten - due to excessive agility of the partner, loss of self-control;
  • stabbed - this and the next two varieties are most often found when using aggressive sexual devices (“hand in hand” with them comes the realization of an overly violent fantasy of one or both partners);
  • cut;
  • torn;
  • thermal burns - with extreme severity of sadomasochistic tendencies (for example, the use of hot wax);
  • chemical burns - in most cases, when partners want to immediately protect themselves from potential sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy, for this purpose, various chemical compounds are introduced into the woman’s vagina simply during sexual intercourse.

Such a variety of injuries to the female genitals during sex, without exaggeration, can compete with their variety during military operations - except that shock wave damage and radiation damage are not observed.

Symptoms: presence of a wound surface, pain in its area, bleeding.

Prevention measures

By following simple recommendations, you will be able to avoid an allergic reaction to pads. Among the main ones are the following:

  1. It is not recommended to use panty liners on a regular basis. It is advisable to use them for several days before the onset of menstruation and about three days after its completion.
  2. Daily intimate hygiene products should not be used at night.
  3. The choice should be made on products without fragrances and dyes.
  4. An allergic reaction is least likely to occur when using hygiene products with natural fillers such as wood cellulose. You need to carefully study the composition of the absorbent substance before making a purchase.
  5. The gasket should be changed at least once every four hours. With longer use, a favorable environment is created for the development and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.
  6. Before replacing a hygiene product, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  7. It is imperative to take into account the amount of blood loss and select the appropriate means.
  8. The adhesive base on the gasket must be of high quality so that the product does not wrinkle or rub the skin.
  9. Preference should be given to underwear made from natural rather than synthetic fabrics.

Particular attention should be paid to intimate hygiene. Neglecting such basic procedures as washing and changing linen leads to serious consequences: the microflora of the mucous membranes is disrupted, creating an environment favorable for various bacteria.

Gaskets can cause an allergic reaction. Unpleasant symptoms appear due to improper selection of hygiene products and non-compliance with intimate hygiene rules. If discomfort occurs, it is extremely important to immediately eliminate the irritating factor that caused the allergy. Only in this case will it be possible to quickly get rid of all clinical manifestations and restore the microflora of the genital organs. In the future, you will only need to take a more responsible approach to the choice of hygiene supplies.


Bruises (hematomas) are one of the most common and perhaps the most harmless consequences of superficial trauma to the female genital organs during sex. The main reasons for their occurrence are as follows:

  • too intense, close contact during physical love (intense kissing, pressing, squeezing, pinching tissue);
  • weakness of the vascular wall;
  • blood clotting disorders.

Symptoms: characteristic blueness of the tissues with relatively clear boundaries, swelling, moderate pain.

Diagnosis of female genital injuries sustained during sex

Injuries to the female genital organs received during sex are not difficult to diagnose. If a couple comes to the appointment, then, as a rule, she is ready to voice the traumatic details of sexual intercourse, during which the partner suffered injuries. It is obligatory to examine the woman on the gynecological chair - in the mirrors and with the fingers. In some cases, to clarify the diagnosis, additional examination methods will be required - digital examination of the rectum, cystoscopy and rectoscopy.


The mildest injuries (abrasions and bruises) can go away on their own without medical intervention - you just have to eliminate the traumatic factor, and a generally healthy body will recover without outside help. You should abstain from sex for several days (the duration of the rest period depends on the intensity of the damage). Then sexual activity can be resumed, taking into account previous mistakes during physical love.

If there is severe bleeding, its source is determined and eliminated (using tamponade or suturing of blood vessels). Ruptures of the walls and vaults of the vagina, walls of the rectum and bladder require suturing in the operating room. If the uterine ligaments are weak, reconstructive surgery is performed. If there are symptoms of peritonitis, a laparotomy is performed with sanitation (cleansing) of the abdominal cavity and suturing of damaged organs.

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