Borovaya uterus during pregnancy, use of tincture

Among all the medicinal herbs, two “lady’s” herbs are distinguished - boron uterus and red brush. Borovaya uterus for endometriosis, fibroids and other gynecological diseases is used in folk medicine so often that almost all patients have heard about its effectiveness. However, its effectiveness in the treatment of endometriosis is questioned by most doctors.

Composition of grass

Ortilia unilateral contains acids, minerals and a number of vitamins. It is these components that determine the use of the plant for medicinal purposes.

Table 1. Composition and characteristics of the components of the boron uterus

Name of substanceCharacteristic
QuinolAn aromatic substance with a pronounced disinfectant effect
EricolinLight antiseptic
CoumarinHas a weak anti-clotting effect
Ascorbic acidParticipates in metabolic processes, is an antioxidant
IronNecessary for hemoglobin synthesis, etc.
ZincImportant for the synthesis of enzymes, takes part in the polymerization of RNA and DNA, is a catalyst, etc.

This is not the complete composition of Ortilia lopsided. In addition to the listed components, the herb is rich in magnesium, potassium, flavonoids, tannins, quinones, etc. In addition, the plant contains phytoestrogens. Is it possible to drink herbal tea from sage leaves? The healing properties of aloe in injections, composition and application features.

Wintergreen: properties and indications for use

Wintergreen roundifolia is a perennial medicinal plant used in gynecology for the treatment of genitourinary diseases and infertility in women and men.

The leaves of the plant, containing flavonoids, essential oils, tannins, resins, ascorbic acid, vitamins and microelements, have healing properties. Thanks to these substances, wintergreen has the following effects:

  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • diuretic;
  • regenerating;
  • hemostatic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • stimulates the functioning of the endocrine system.

In women, wintergreen is used to treat infertility resulting from:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • endometriosis;
  • colpitis;
  • vaginitis and adnexitis of various etiologies;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • cystitis.

Where does it grow?

The plant is widespread in forest areas of the planet's Northern Hemisphere. Ortilia prefers coniferous or mixed forests and is found on forest edges, clearings and ravines. Where does the boron uterus grow in Russia:

  • in Siberia;
  • in the Caucasus and Crimea;
  • in the Far East.

The plant blooms in mid-summer, and the fruit ripens in August or early September.

Upland queen at the edge of the forest

How is it useful?

In many sources you can find a description of the plant, telling about its unprecedented healing abilities. Indeed, ortilia can have a beneficial effect on some body systems. The plant cannot be used as an independent therapeutic agent, but is suitable for use as part of complex treatment.

Table 2. What are the benefits of boron uterus grass?

EffectMore details
DiureticMild diuretic
ImmunomodulatoryHas a general strengthening effect
Anti-inflammatoryFights inflammation localized in various body systems
AntisepticThe grass can fight germs

These are not all the medicinal properties of the boron uterus. It is recommended for fixing diarrhea, hemorrhoids, cystitis, purulent otitis media, etc.

*//Irisha//*mother of many children

Hog uterus (Ortilia unilateral) Since ancient times, this herb has been used to treat infertility. It may look unattractive, but it has enormous benefits! It has a diuretic, disinfectant, strong antitumor, absorbable and anti-inflammatory effect. BM treats gynecological inflammations, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, adhesions, fibroids and uterine cysts, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, uterine polyps, erosion, uterine bleeding, restores the menstrual cycle, and is used for severe menopause. BM also strengthens the fetus and is used to prevent miscarriage and helps with toxicosis of pregnancy. In addition, it perfectly treats diseases of the kidneys and bladder: pyelonephritis and cystitis, and is used for hemorrhoids. It should be remembered that in women, the breasts and uterus are closely interconnected, they even say “one organ,” so BM is also used for breast tumors: mastopathy, fibroadenoma, etc. BM is also used in the complex treatment of malignant tumors: breast cancer, uterine cancer . BM can also help men with inflammation of the prostate gland - prostatitis. So, she awarded not only women with her healing power! BM contains: arbutin, hydroquinone, coumarins, vitamin C, hydroquinone, resins, flavonoids, bitter substances, saponins, tartaric and citric acids, trace elements: titanium, copper, zinc, manganese.

At the very beginning of taking BM, BT may jump, since old diseases may remind themselves again - this is normal. After some time, usually after a month of use, BT returns to normal, unless, of course, there are any serious diseases. BM tends to provoke stagnant diseases at the beginning of use.

In no case does BM block ovulation; we must not forget that the presence of anovulatory cycles is the norm, not a pathology! When taking BM throughout the entire cycle, a shift in day O is possible.

BM is suitable for those who have too large endometrium, i.e. endometrial hyperplasia is present, and this is due to increased estrogens. BM helps to reduce or even disappear fibroids. And because Hyperestrogenism is considered one of the causes of fibroids, then we can certainly say that BM helps to lower estrogen, therefore, if estrogen levels are low, it is recommended to take BM only in the 2nd phase of MC and conduct control studies of the hormone level to determine the effect of the herb on your body. You can start drinking BM from any day of the cycle, without waiting for the start of a new cycle. They always drink BM until their period comes, without focusing on the schedule. The effect of BM on menstruation is different for everyone; it can become more abundant, or more painful (which is rare), or scanty. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. BM only strengthens the ongoing pregnancy, so it is not recommended to suddenly stop taking BM when pregnancy occurs, but by gradually reducing the dosage, reduce the intake to nothing. BM has a beneficial effect on ovarian cysts, resolving them; in this case, it is possible to take the herb throughout the entire MC, starting from the last day of discharge. BM can be taken with elevated androgens. By the way, elevated male hormones have a very bad effect on the fetus, especially if it is a boy, and there are often missed pregnancies and miscarriages due to this type of disorder. To maintain the 2nd phase, drink BM when progesterone is normal, and Utrozhestan (Duphaston) when progesterone is low. BM is recommended for balancing hormonal levels in case of minor disorders.

Contraindications: It is not recommended to take BM if the diagnosis is tubal obstruction, since the development of an ectopic pregnancy is possible. BM is possible, but not recommended, to be taken together with OK if you need to get rid of inflammation, infections in the genitourinary system, but not if you are planning a pregnancy in this particular cycle. The simultaneous use of BM with sage is not recommended (although it is possible).

If BM, when taken on an empty stomach, causes acute, unpleasant long-term sensations (for example, with gastritis), then it is recommended to take it after a meal 20-30 minutes later, the therapeutic effect weakens somewhat but is not lost, but it is not recommended to increase the dose. I rarely experience headaches or migraines. Also, BM in the first cycle can cause a delay in menstruation.

Can it be used by men?

It is possible to use decoctions and infusions for men. The properties of the boron uterus allow:

  • relieve inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • improve blood supply in the pelvic area;
  • strengthen the immune system, etc.

Representatives of the stronger sex should take the herbal remedy under the supervision of a specialist, in accordance with the chosen dosage and short course. Red brush for men.


The use of ortilia is recommended for many pathologies. It should be borne in mind that the plant has a pronounced effect. If consumed in excess or thoughtlessly, products based on boron uterus can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Even if indicated, the possibility of use should be discussed with your doctor.

Table 3. Indications for the use of boron uterus

Female pathologiesErosion, endometritis, bleeding, inflammation of the tubes, etc.
ENT diseasesOtitis
Urological pathologiesCystitis, urinary incontinence, inflammation of the prostate gland, etc.

Relief of symptoms of toxicosis is also included in the list of what boron uterus is recommended for. However, during pregnancy and lactation, decoctions and infusions based on ortilia should be used with caution.

Instructions and method of application of the collection

You can collect and prepare the grass yourself. Ortilia is dried in the open air, avoiding exposure to sunlight. However, it is easier to purchase a ready-made collection of boron uterus at the pharmacy. It comes with instructions for use, describing all the nuances of herbal medicine.

How to brew tea?

Packaging allows you to quickly and conveniently prepare a healthy drink. The instructions for using boron uterus advise pouring a glass of boiling water over the bag and leaving for 30-40 minutes. Then squeeze and remove the bag. Tea with boron matka can be prepared without purchasing it. To do this you will need 2 tablespoons of dry herb. The raw materials also need to be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and left for 30-40 minutes.

Tea from boron uterus in filter bags

How to use?

The resulting tea is drunk during the day, 1/3 cup. It is recommended to take the product only after or during meals. Herbal tea with boron uterus has a sharp bitter taste. To improve taste in the absence of allergies, honey can be added.

For treatment, you can use a useful infusion. This is another way to brew boron uterus:

  • take 10-20 grams of raw materials for 1 glass of water;
  • boil the ingredients for 5-12 minutes over low heat;
  • leave for 2-3 hours.

The infusion is drunk daily 3-5 times, 10-20 grams, with or after meals. The shelf life of this product is no more than 3 days. The infusion should be stored in the refrigerator.

How much can you drink?

If any negative manifestations occur or the condition worsens, it is recommended to immediately interrupt herbal medicine. How much you can drink boron uterus depends on the individual indications of the patient, his age and diagnosis. According to indications, it is possible to repeat the course after a break. The instructions for using boron uterus recommend drinking the product from 3 weeks to several months.

Treatment of endometriosis

Borovaya uterus is considered an effective herbal remedy for the treatment of endometriosis. But please note that, despite all the positive qualities of the plant, its improper use can only complicate the disease.

Endometriosis is a very dangerous disease. With this pathology, the inside of the uterus begins to grow beyond its boundaries. This causes heavy menstrual bleeding, anemia and general weakness of the body.

The disease is characterized by an excess of the hormone estrogen in the body. Treatment with boron uterus helps reduce its level, restore damaged tissue and relieve the inflammatory process. Doctors recommend using boron uterus douching for endometriosis, but only in combination with traditional methods of therapy.

Phytohormones can eliminate the bleeding that occurs with pathology. The menstrual cycle is normalized.

Thanks to the effect of the plant, women manage to avoid surgery when treating the disease.

Note! Treatment with folk remedies cannot be interrupted. It is advisable that the course of treatment be prescribed by a herbalist.

The course of treatment for pathology includes both the use of herbs in infusions and decoctions, and in the form of douching. The external method of application should be carried out once a day before bedtime. It is very important to use only fresh herbs and infusions for douching. Douching with a hog uterus cannot be done if the woman is bleeding at this moment.

In order to prepare the remedy, you need to throw 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs into boiling water. The broth should brew and cool to room temperature.

When carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to monitor the power of the jet pressure. The decoction should not enter the uterus itself. The duration of treatment should be prescribed by a gynecologist. It depends on the degree of the disease and the individual characteristics of the female body.

Note! It is not advisable to use this method on your own without consulting a doctor. Many doctors believe that douching can cause the disease to spread.

Side effects

Consumption of any medicine, including herbal ones, can cause negative effects. Side effects of boron uterus include an allergic reaction. It may appear as:

  • skin redness, itching, dryness;
  • urticaria, eczema;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock, etc.

If the recommended dosage of boron uterus infusion is exceeded, side effects such as dyspeptic disorders are recorded. These include heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.


The herb uterus for infertility, which is also called ortilia, has a rich composition. Multiple beneficial substances in varying concentrations are contained in the foliage, roots and inflorescences, which allows you to use the entire plant, rather than a separate part of it.

Hog queen

The chemical composition is truly amazing in its diversity, therefore, before starting to consider recipes and treatment methods, it is worth understanding what effect the herb has on the body.

First of all, boron uterus contains a lot of vitamins, microelements, resins, acids and coumarins. Thanks to this, any person's immune system improves. The components also help stop the progression of inflammatory processes, including those localized in the genital organs of men and women.

The plant is also used for douching, and all thanks to the fact that it contains a natural antiseptic - arbunin. When this substance penetrates the body, the vital activity of pathogenic microflora is suppressed, which may prevent conception from occurring.

In addition to this, there are also flavonoids. The grass pine forest contains them in large quantities. Use for infertility and other pathological conditions also helps to improve the protective function of the body of men and women.

Due to the presence of hydroquinone, the body has an antioxidant effect. Due to this, the process of resorption of various neoplasms in the uterus and its tubes occurs. This, in turn, leads to normalization of the menstrual cycle and restoration of ovulation.

The composition contains natural phytoprogesterones and phytoestrogens, which help normalize hormonal levels. Also, thanks to them, the functioning of the ovaries and fallopian tubes is restored.

Based on its rich effects on the body, we can say with confidence that the medicinal plant not only helps to cope with the problem of infertility with an integrated approach, but also improves overall health, which also affects conception.

Alcohol tincture

You can make the product yourself or purchase it ready-made at the pharmacy. The beneficial properties of alcohol tincture from boron uterus are almost identical to those of the decoction. However, the product cannot be used in case of individual intolerance to ethanol, alcoholism and persons under 18 years of age.

The method of using boron uterus in the form of an alcohol tincture is quite simple. 30-40 drops of the product are diluted in ½ glass of water and drunk three times a day after the diet. The duration of treatment is also determined by the specialist. Tincture of red brush.

Is it possible to combine “red brush” and “hog queen”?

“Red brush” is the name given to a plant common in the Altai Mountains and called Rhodiola tetrapartite.
This herb is actively used for gynecological diseases, kidney pathologies, hormonal imbalances, etc. Its use, like the use of boron uterus, is recommended for women to treat infertility, uterine bleeding, ovarian cystosis, etc. Both the red brush and the hog uterus are quite active, it is better not to combine them with hormonal drugs. In addition, simultaneous use of Rhodiola and Ortilia is not prescribed, but alternation leads to a mutual enhancement of the beneficial effect. The drugs are prescribed in courses lasting 1-3 months with mandatory breaks.


The woman's herb contains two components that help a woman become pregnant. These are phytoestrogen and phytoprogesterone. These phytohormones are important for a woman’s body.

With a deficiency of the steroid hormone in a healthy woman of reproductive age, various changes occur, as a result of which pregnancy does not occur for a long time. Low concentration of the hormone leads to:

  • miscarriages;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • infertility;
  • painful menstruation;
  • various diseases.

Phytoprogesterones and other hormones contained in Ortilia unilateral strengthen the cardiovascular system and have a rejuvenating effect on the reproductive system. These substances increase the likelihood of conception and pregnancy.

Reviews of use for conception

The use of the herb for problems with conception is widely practiced. Reviews about the use of boron uterus to accelerate fertilization are quite contradictory. Many women write that the plant had a positive effect on their health and helped with the onset of the desired pregnancy.

This mainly concerned those who wanted to have a child after a long course of oral contraceptives. In addition, representatives of the fair sex noted a normalization of the cycle, a reduction in PMS symptoms, and a decrease in pain during menstruation.

Despite the fact that the instructions for the boron uterus describe the possibility of using the drug for the treatment of infertility, truly miraculous cases of conception are extremely rare.

There is no scientific basis for the effectiveness of ortilia for conception. Reviews of pregnancy are extremely rare. Many of them contain information about the effectiveness of using sage and ortilia together.

Alternative Fertility Treatments

Traditional methods of treatment are traditional because they were all developed by trial and error. And most importantly, they have been tested on more than one generation of people. In the treatment of infertility, infertility tinctures , which can be quite easily prepared at home, can be a real lifesaver. Tinctures that help against infertility can be made from the following herbs: sage, hogweed, geranium, oregano, plantain seeds, walnut, wintergreen, wormwood and many others.

Nut for infertility

  • Ingredients: sugar, honey, alcohol or vodka, green unshelled nuts.
  • We put the nuts in a jar and fill it with alcohol.
  • Let the mixture steep for about a month.
  • As soon as the tincture is ready, add sugar (to taste) and honey.

You need to take 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening every day for two months. In addition, in parallel with the course of treatment, it is recommended to pay attention to nutrition for infertility . Proper nutrition is an important factor in recovery.

Be healthy!

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