Can magnetic therapy be done for uterine fibroids or not?

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Physiotherapy methods are widely used in medical practice as an addition to drug treatment or as a method of rehabilitation after injuries and operations. They are relatively safe and have a small list of contraindications.

In gynecology, different methods of physiotherapy are used, but many clinics prefer to use the Almag device in the treatment of uterine fibroids and some other diseases of the female genital area.

Magnetic therapy and fibroids

Many types of physical therapy for uterine fibroids are strictly prohibited. This is because exposing the tumor to currents, chemicals and temperatures can cause it to grow. However, magnetic therapy for uterine fibroids is not a prohibited method. If the patient has no contraindications, it can be prescribed. Used as an auxiliary method to conservative drug treatment.

It is not prescribed as widely as, for example, baths. Because in addition to positive ones, it also has negative effects. However, the method is suitable for some patients. For them it gives positive results quite quickly. In this case, the level of estrogen decreases, and the tumor stops growing.

What procedures are prohibited

Physiotherapy for uterine fibroids is prescribed taking into account the fact that fibroids are a disease associated with an imbalance of hormonal balance (estrogens and progesterones) in the body, therefore all physical procedures that enhance the effects of estrogens or stimulate their production provoke the growth of uterine fibroids, so they are strictly prohibited .

So, prohibited physiotherapy for uterine fibroids:

  • Healing mud.
  • Heated sand, clay, paraffin, ozokerite and more.
  • Balneotherapy or treatment with mineral waters. Hydrogen sulfide, turpentine, salt, antler, carbon dioxide, and hot baths are contraindicated.
  • Ultrasound cannot be used in pulsed radiation mode.
  • Darsonvalization and ultratonotherapy.
  • Copper electrophoresis, high frequency magnetic therapy.
  • Mountain climate.
  • Vibration massage.
  • Manual massage of the lumbosacral spine.

In case of uterine fibroids, it is necessary to avoid thermal, heat-transferring and heat-generating external influences.

In folk practice, there are a number of methods that are not recognized and not recommended by physiotherapists, but there is no strict ban on them - these are acupuncture, hirudotherapy, fasting, etc.


This procedure has an indirect effect on myoma. That is, magnetic therapy does not directly fight fibroids. It increases the body's ability to fight it. Creates conditions in the body under which fibroids cannot develop and grow. In addition, the body's sensitivity to drugs used to treat the tumor increases.

Magnetic therapy device

Until recently, this method of magnetic therapy was not used at all. It was thought to have the potential to alter the intensity of hormone production. Presumably, he could either reduce it or increase it. But it has recently been proven that this does not happen. Magnetic therapy can only reduce estrogen production.

Positive effect

Magnetic therapy for fibroids is prescribed for several reasons. It has a complex positive effect. It is expressed as follows:

  • Normalization of ovarian function. As a result, the level of sex hormones in the body is normalized and the growth of fibroids is stopped;
  • The growth of benign neoplasms stops;
  • Gradual reduction in tumor size even when large;
  • The effectiveness of treatment is significantly increased;
  • The patient’s psychological state is normalized;
  • The severity of pain symptoms is significantly reduced;
  • The menstrual cycle is restored after just a few procedures;
  • The amount of discharge during menstruation decreases.

All these positive effects are observed only when the full course of therapy has been completed. However, some positive changes can be noticed after 2-3 visits to the physiotherapy office.

Negative impact

It is believed that the process accelerates blood microcirculation in the pelvic organs. Potentially, such exposure can cause bleeding. For this reason, the procedure is not performed during menstruation. It is also prohibited in case of severe bleeding from fibroids. Although regular use of the procedure, on the contrary, can eliminate such a symptom. However, if fibroids are prone to bleeding, they try not to prescribe such treatment.

Progress of the procedure

The main feature of any such procedure is its continuity. It is necessary to complete a full course of procedures. And exactly according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor. Even skipping a procedure once can negate the effectiveness of treatment. The manipulation must be performed as follows:

  1. Carry out the first procedure on the 5th, 6th or 7th day of the menstrual cycle;
  2. In the middle of the cycle or during ovulation, the effectiveness of the effect decreases;
  3. Do not use during menstruation;
  4. During the procedure, the patient assumes a horizontal position;
  5. Either she is placed in a stationary magnetic unit or small mobile magnets are placed on her abdomen;
  6. After this, the impact begins.

The duration of the procedure is prescribed by the doctor. It ranges from 5-6 to 15-20 minutes.


The price of the procedure depends on where it is performed. And, in addition, it depends on which areas of the body are being worked. The cost of one procedure lasting 10 minutes in Moscow ranges from 200 to 400 rubles. Subject to working on one area.

M magnetic therapy

Magnetic therapy for uterine fibroids is recommended at a low frequency. The magnetotherapy method is based on the fact that any magnet has a north and south pole and they have a certain effect on the human body. The effectiveness of magnetic therapy has been criticized in the global scientific community. For example, in the United States there is a ban on advertising any magnetic emitters as medical devices, but in Russia this method of physiotherapy is officially recognized, therefore magnetotherapy procedures are performed in public hospitals and in private ones.

Contraindications to magnetic therapy are low blood pressure and coronary heart disease.

The following devices are used at home: MAGOFON-01, Almag-01, MAG-30-4, Polimag-01 and others.

The Almag-01 device was developed and manufactured in Russia, its effect consists of a pulsed traveling magnetic field (BeMF), it changes according to three parameters: time, magnitude, direction. The instructions do not contain a recommendation for the use of Almag-01 for uterine fibroids; it is recommended for female inflammatory diseases, after cesarean section. On the other hand, it is possible to use Almag 01 for fibroids, but contraindications must be taken into account: pregnancy, severe blood diseases, a tendency to low blood pressure, cancer.

The advantage of this device is its compactness and ease of use, but you need to be prepared that the nature of menstruation may change: bleeding may become heavier or it will become longer but scanty.

The first physiotherapy procedures have minor effects on the body, due to the fact that the medicinal drug is deposited on the upper layers of the dermis. With each subsequent physiotherapy procedure, the substance penetrates deeper and deeper into the skin, entering the blood and lymphatic vessels. The substance is carried through the bloodstream throughout the body and again reaches the affected organ in the area of ​​​​which electrophoresis was performed.

Various factors influence the amount of medication absorbed: the age characteristics of the patient, individual skin characteristics, current parameters and duration of the physiotherapy procedure. To introduce a larger portion of the substance, the effect of electrophoresis is enhanced through the use of additional methods (magnetic therapy and others).

Electrophoresis has a number of advantages:

Electrophoresis for uterine fibroids is performed using the intracavitary method, taking into account the fact that there are no signs of degeneration into a malignant tumor. With the intracavitary method, an electrode is inserted into the vagina, and the other two are attached to the suprapubic and sacral region.

The duration of the physiotherapy procedure is 20-30 minutes, the course is from 10 to 20 procedures daily or every other day.

Iodine is the medicine of choice for uterine fibroids because it helps regulate the production of estrogen by the ovaries. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the drug. Errors during the physical procedure reduce its effectiveness: reversing the polarity of the terminals, using the wrong solvent, and others.

Physiotherapy with radon baths is very popular among women with uterine fibroids. The principle of their operation is that the radioactive gas radon is added to water and when it decays, alpha radiation occurs. There are natural sources of radon water, but they are also prepared artificially. In addition, air radon baths, douching, microenemas and more are used.

If a patient lies in a radon bath for 20 minutes, then 0.5% of radon will penetrate through her skin, and about 2-5% will remain on the skin; 2-3 hours after the end of the physical procedure it will disintegrate. Radon, accumulating on the skin, enters the blood and then it is delivered to the internal organs, but they are much less susceptible to irradiation than the skin. Radon leaves the body through the lungs and skin within 4-5 hours.

During radon therapy, radiation is distributed unevenly and the dose rate of certain tissues is several times higher than natural radiation exposure with a low dose of radiation to the whole body - this is the therapeutic effect of radon used in small doses.

Under the influence of radon, water ionizes, which has a beneficial effect on metabolic and redox processes in cells.

For fibroids, it is necessary to take baths with a low concentration of radon, in which case it affects the endocrine system: the thyroid, gonads, adrenal glands - this helps to normalize the level of hormones in the body. In addition, they have an anti-inflammatory and sedative effect. The duration of the physiotherapy procedure takes about 10-15 minutes, the course of treatment is 12-15 procedures. In addition, before taking a bath, vaginal irrigations or microenemas lasting 15-20 minutes are performed.

Contraindications to radon baths: acute infectious diseases, all the time of pregnancy, the presence of malignant tumors, fibroids larger than 12 weeks, tuberculosis, blood diseases, ovarian hypofunction, epilepsy.

Iodine-bromine baths are obtained by dissolving iodine-bromine salt. There are no natural sources with iodine-bromine water, but iodine and bromine ions are present in chloride mineral waters. In sanatoriums, artificially prepared iodine-bromine baths are used. These physiotherapy procedures can be easily implemented at home. To do this, you either need to buy a ready-made solution at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself.

Iodine ions enter the blood through the skin and are then absorbed by the thyroid gland, under their influence the hormonal balance is restored and protein production is stimulated. In addition, they have a sedative effect on the nervous system and normalize blood pressure.

A pearl bath is a type of gas bath. They are obtained by supersaturating water with gases; in nature they are carbonated mineral waters; in sanatoriums they are water saturated with gases. In the case of a pearl bath, saturation occurs with ordinary air; in another way, this procedure can be called hydromassage. The advantage of air is that it has maximum mobility of bubbles and thanks to this you can achieve the greatest effect when they touch and separate from the skin.

The duration of the physiotherapy procedure is 10-15 minutes, the course ranges from 8 to 20 baths. They are recommended for uterine fibroids, but they cannot be used if there is a thermal factor.

For uterine fibroids, only dry, but not water, carbon dioxide baths are possible. They are produced by supplying a dry mixture of carbon dioxide and low-temperature air. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes. Dry baths have a beneficial effect on peripheral blood circulation, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure and improved overall well-being in case of heart disease.

Despite the fact that in most Internet sources, laser radiation is classified as prohibited physical procedures, however, according to Doctor of Medical Sciences M.V. Ipatova, laser radiation can be used for uterine fibroids. Laser radiation improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolic processes, activates the immune system, improves blood counts, and stimulates the endocrine system. Laser radiation is used for surgical purposes, during myomectomy.

Inphytatherapy is a physiotherapy procedure, the principle of which is based on the use of low-tension pulsed electric fields.

This physiotherapy procedure is easy to implement: the patient sits down, puts his hands on the table and places his head from the irradiator at a distance of 20-25 cm. The duration of the procedure is from 2 to 20 minutes every day, the course is from 10 to 30 procedures. Infitatherapy has a sedative, anti-inflammatory, defibrosing effect, improves immunity, and helps normalize blood pressure in hypertension.

A physiotherapy procedure in which certain organs and tissues are exposed to low-frequency electric current pulses.

Physiotherapy using interference, diadynamic (DDT), fluctuating, sinusoidal modulated (SMT, amplipulse therapy) currents for uterine fibroids are allowed. They improve blood circulation, have an analgesic effect, and are used after surgery for a speedy recovery.


The procedure has a number of contraindications. They apply not only to patients with fibroids. But also for all patients who can be prescribed magnetic therapy. Contraindications to it are:

  1. Menstruation;
  2. The tumor volume exceeds 12 weeks;
  3. Heavy bleeding not associated with the menstrual cycle;
  4. Oncological diseases;
  5. Individual intolerance.

There are also other contraindications. For this reason, this procedure should only be performed as directed by a doctor. And only after discussing all contraindications.

Who should not use the device

Features of the use of physiotherapy in gynecology are related to the patient’s menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Contraindications include both of these conditions. It is also necessary to focus on medical history and the presence of concomitant pathologies. Contraindications for the use of magnetic therapy are as follows:

  • Severe systemic blood diseases;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Aneurysm of the aorta or large vessels;
  • Bleeding and bleeding disorders;
  • Malignant tumors;
  • Pregnancy or suspicion of it;
  • Acute period of myocardial infarction, stroke;
  • Thyrotoxicosis;
  • Purulent foci of any location;
  • Acute phase of an infectious disease, including tuberculosis;
  • Increased body temperature of any origin;
  • Installed pacemaker.

Among the gynecological contraindications to the use of Almag, the main one is pregnancy. When treating fibroids, it is necessary to act directly on the focal area, and for the fetus, especially in the early stages, magnetic fields can be destructive.

During pregnancy, the use of magnetic therapy in the treatment of fibroids is strictly prohibited, since magnetic fields can negatively affect the fetus.

It is important to know

Women with delayed menstruation or those who suspect possible conception should be ensured that there is no pregnancy before starting therapy.

When using the device on the lumbar region, bleeding may increase as a result of the natural activation of blood flow under the influence of Almag-01. This complication occurs when there is a blood clotting disorder (due to illness or the use of medications).

In gynecology, the use of magnetic therapy is not recommended for endometriosis. This pathology is accompanied by bleeding during the intermenstrual period, long and heavy periods, and physical treatment can only intensify the negative manifestations.

It is also useful to read: Use of the drug “Zhanin” for uterine fibroids

Malignant tumors are very sensitive to external influences. Magnetotherapy can lead to an acceleration of tumor growth even in the initial stage of its development, since the effect of magnetic fields on the body causes increased blood flow, which means an additional supply of oxygen to the tumor tissues. If an oncological process of any localization is suspected, magnetic therapy and other methods of physical treatment are not recommended.

The magnetic therapy method cannot be used for cancer of the female reproductive system.

Physiotherapy for fibroids

Every year the incidence of diseases of the female reproductive system increases. The prevalence of uterine fibroids is no exception in this case.

Please note that this text was prepared without the support of our Expert Council.

Several decades ago, the tumor was diagnosed in only 30% of women. In fact, it occurs in more than 80% of the fair sex. The thing is that the pathology in most cases develops asymptomatically and only manifests itself in 30% of cases.

Detailed information about the disease, methods of its diagnosis and therapy is presented on our website. Our expert council is always ready to answer all your questions and give useful recommendations.

What is uterine fibroid

Uterine fibroids are a benign neoplasm that grows from the muscle fibers of the reproductive organ.

It begins its development as a response to damage to the uterus. Such damage is caused by menstruation repeated many times from month to month. The trigger for the growth of myomatous nodes is hormonal imbalances and a number of factors, including:

  • Abortions and gynecological curettages;
  • Reproductive organ injuries;
  • Surgical operations on the uterus;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • Overweight;
  • Endocrine system dysfunction;
  • Genetic factor.

In practice, fibroids are treated with medications, uterine artery embolization, and surgery. With this diagnosis, physiotherapy is sometimes prescribed, which is effective in neutralizing pronounced symptoms and inhibiting the growth of fibroids.

What physical procedures are useful for fibroids?

The growth of fibroids is observed against the background of an imbalance of hormones in the body. This imbalance leads to increased division of uterine muscle cells and tumor formation. Its growth is stimulated by active blood supply in the pelvic area, heat, stress and other factors.

Physiotherapy for fibroids should counteract the listed factors and normalize the functioning of the nervous system, normalize hormone levels and prevent increased oxygen supply to the fibroid tissues.

The following physical procedures will help normalize your cycle, reduce the amount of menstrual flow, and improve overall well-being:

  • Electrophoresis;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Iodine-bromine and radon baths.

Electrophoresis for fibroids

Electrophoresis is ensured by applying a galvanic current. Some experts claim that in this case the pelvic area begins to warm up. In fact, the situation is somewhat different. Electrophoresis without exposure to high temperatures provides better tissue susceptibility to drugs.

Electrophoresis for fibroids cannot be used in all cases, but only when the size of the tumor is less than 12 weeks of pregnancy and it is characterized by slow growth. For large fibroids, a physical procedure such as electrophoresis is contraindicated.

To alleviate the woman’s condition, she is injected with potassium and sodium iodide during electrophoresis. This physiotherapy is performed 15-20 times.

Electrophoresis is carried out as follows: cotton pads are soaked in a 2% solution, placed on the lumbar and abdominal area, and then connected to the electrodes connected to the device. Electrons from medicinal substances enter the body through the sebaceous and sweat glands.

The current strength for each patient is selected individually, depending on her level of sensitivity. There should be no pain during electrophoresis. This physiotherapy procedure lasts only a few minutes.

Electrophoresis for uterine fibroids has the following effect:

  • Reduces the inflammatory process in the reproductive organ;
  • Reduces pain during menstruation;
  • Reduces the production of estrogen in the ovaries;
  • Eliminates bleeding between periods.

The advisability of using physiotherapy in each particular case can only be determined by an experienced doctor. Therefore, treatment of fibroids must be carried out under the supervision of a qualified specialist by contacting a fibroid treatment clinic. It is important to remember that if there are contraindications, electrophoresis can be harmful and aggravate the course of the disease.

Magnetic therapy for fibroids

The physiotherapy procedure involves applying low-frequency pulses to the area of ​​the body where the tumor is located. Their effect on the body is gentle, and the penetration depth is 5 centimeters. This type of physiotherapy leads to normalization of the concentration of many substances, including hormones.

  • Normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • Reduce pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Reduce the amount of menstrual flow;
  • Increase the level of immunity;
  • Remove swelling.

In some patients, after this physical procedure, the size of myomas decreases. This is explained by the stabilization of the central nervous system and the reduction of stress under the influence of magnetic rays. The physiotherapy procedure lasts about 10-25 minutes. The number of sessions is 10-15.

Physiotherapy is carried out using a device that creates a magnetic field. The devices are placed over the location of the fibroids and the device is turned on. Like electrophoresis, this physical procedure can only be used for small tumors and if they are growing slowly.

Magnetic therapy can only be prescribed by the attending physician. In this case, the patient must be under the close supervision of a doctor throughout the entire course of physiotherapy.

Technical features of magnetic therapy

Stationary and portable devices, as well as various products for everyday use, have been developed for magnetic therapy.

Stationary devices are used to treat large areas. In them, using a computer program, various treatment protocols are prescribed, which set a certain power and direction of influence, as well as the frequency of magnetic fields. They are also capable of creating a circular magnetic field.

It is also useful to read: The use of herbs in the treatment of uterine fibroids

Portable devices are more compact. They can be used both in the physiotherapy room and directly in the patient’s room. The effects that the devices provide are identical. The following device types are used:

  • "Magofon-01";
  • "AMnp-01";
  • "Alimp-1";
  • "Almag-01";
  • "Almag-02".

They have different appearances and differ in the power used and the frequency of the magnetic field.

Portable devices for magnetic therapy.

The devices “Almag-01” and “Almag-02” differ from each other. In the first version there are 4 emitter plates assembled on one tape. The Almag-02 device has several devices for use in various pathologies. The strength and depth of impact also differ between these devices. Almag-02 has more parameters, which means the indications for using the device are wider. This device is used for more severe conditions and diseases.

The operating time of the Almag-01 device is only 20 minutes, then you need to take a break for 10 minutes. For Almag-02 the time interval is set to 30 minutes.

Iodine-bromine and radon baths for fibroids

Radon restores biological processes in the body, reduces the production of sex hormones and improves immunity. Iodine-bromine baths improve carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and also stabilize hormone levels. Iodine helps resolve inflammation and helps reduce the size of tumors.

The listed physical procedures can only be effective if they are carried out correctly and without contraindications. Such treatment should only be performed under the supervision of a physician. If you feel worse, you should definitely inform your doctor. Consultation by e-mail is possible on our website.

You can learn about physiotherapy and other effective methods of combating fibroids from specialists in one of the specialized clinics. You can make an appointment with a doctor by calling the number listed on the website. In our specialized medical centers, treatment of uterine fibroids is carried out using all known methods, including using embolization of the uterine arteries. This is a highly effective technique recognized throughout the world. You can consult the expert council of our website for more information about this method.

Magnetic therapy for uterine fibroids, alone and in combination with other methods of physiotherapy, is carried out at the INTELmed clinic. Our specialists draw up an individual treatment plan taking into account the clinical picture and concomitant diseases.

Previously, it was believed that magnetic therapy, like most physiotherapeutic methods, could not be used for uterine fibroids. However, practice shows that in most cases a benign hormonal tumor is not a contraindication to magnetic therapy. The main principle is the absence of stimulation of female sex hormones, estrogens, when they are in excess. Thus, for uterine fibroids, pulsed ultrasound, copper electrophoresis, heating, and mud therapy are prohibited.

In the conservative treatment of uterine fibroids with magnetotherapy in women of reproductive age, various effects are observed.

  • Reduction in the size of myomatous nodes in more than half of the patients. The diameter of tumors is reduced by an average of 16 percent. Reverse development even with long-term existence of fibroids.
  • Increasing the effectiveness of conservative therapy in the first three months. Maintaining positive dynamics after six months. It is expressed in a reduction in symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbosacral spine, normalization of the menstrual cycle. In patients, its duration and volume of periodic discharge are reduced.
  • Stopping the growth of uterine fibroids in all patients who have undergone long-term complex treatment with conservative methods.
  • Improvement of psycho-emotional state. Anxiety, irritability, depressive symptoms, and hypochondria decrease.

The use of magnetic therapy for uterine fibroids is advisable for patients of reproductive age with tumors up to 12 weeks and a course of up to 8 years. Moreover, general magnetic therapy is sufficient. Also prescribed:

  • hormonal therapy - taking gestagens for 6 months from days 5 to 25 of the cycle,
  • diet therapy - increasing fiber and foods with monounsaturated fats in the diet.

The course begins on days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle. We remind you: a new cycle is counted from the first day of discharge. Hardware parameters change depending on the phase of the cycle. During menstruation, magnetic therapy is not performed so as not to provoke increased bleeding.

In the gynecology department of the INTELmed clinic, the following is carried out:

  • treatment of female infertility,
  • treatment of endometriosis, endometritis, cervical erosion, genital herpes, urogenital infections,
  • other diseases.

Gynecologists have access to a wide range of surgical treatment methods, including minimally invasive ones. Conservative therapy is also used.

Come for a consultation first. The doctor will examine you, collect anamnesis, and, if necessary, prescribe laboratory diagnostics.

Make an appointment by phone.

Physiotherapy for uterine fibroids

Women who are diagnosed with a benign tumor on the reproductive organs very often wonder what physical procedures are contraindicated for uterine fibroids, and what will help get rid of the disease. This type of effect on the body is very common in medicine, since it allows not only to treat pathologies, but also to prevent them.

The formation of myomatous nodes is diagnosed very often in women of reproductive age. To prevent the tumor from increasing in size and having to remove it, it is necessary to regularly perform certain treatment procedures. Therefore, it is worth considering in detail whether it is possible to do physiotherapy for uterine fibroids, which ones, and which ones it is better to refuse.

The frequency of detection of uterine fibroids is quite high, so in modern medicine doctors practice not only surgical removal of tumors, but also conservative therapy, which is developed taking into account the clinical case, as well as the individual characteristics of each woman’s body.

Before you understand whether it is possible to perform physiotherapy for uterine fibroids, it is worth determining what it is. Therapy of this type includes a wide range of different methods of influencing the body. It is due to this that it is possible to choose the type that will not cause harm to the patient with diagnosed fibroids.

Accordingly, it cannot be said that physiotherapy in the presence of a benign tumor in the reproductive organs is contraindicated. However, there are a number of exposures that should be avoided:

  • Ultrasound treatment;
  • Impact on the body with laser;
  • Paraffin therapy and phonophoresis;
  • Massage of the area where the reproductive organs are located;
  • Vibration therapy of the abdominal cavity and sacral spine;
  • Heat treatment.

Experts identify only two reasons why these physical procedures should be abandoned. The fact is that each manipulation from this list has one thing in common - they have a stimulating effect on the body, therefore the level of estrogen production increases. Since the tumor is hormone-dependent, with a large amount of this substance there is a rapid increase in the size of myomatous nodes.

It is also worth noting that each manipulation leads to an increase in body temperature. As a result, blood circulation in the pelvis improves and fibroids grow faster.

Magnetic therapy in the treatment of myomatous nodes

This method began to be used in gynecology for the treatment of uterine fibroids quite recently. In combination with conservative methods, magnetic therapy for uterine fibroids leads to an increase in their effectiveness. Its long-term use stops the growth of education. With magnetic therapy, low-frequency pulses affect the tumor locally to a depth of 5 cm.

The indication for magnetic therapy is a small tumor size - up to 12 weeks in women of reproductive age. After its use, visible positive dynamics are observed:

  • the emotional background improves;
  • the menstrual cycle is restored;
  • pain syndrome decreases;
  • Discharge from the organ cavity decreases.

Magnetic therapy is complemented by hormonal treatment and proper nutrition. To cure, it is necessary to undergo a course of 20–25 procedures once a year for three years. Before surgery to remove a tumor, it is prescribed to soften adhesions in the pelvis. After the operation, the action of the magnet is used for prophylactic purposes to avoid the formation of infiltrates.

The physiotherapy procedure lasts up to 30 minutes. The number of sessions per course is fifteen. Temporary dizziness and nausea may occur in some patients. There is no specific treatment, the symptoms go away on their own.


Physiotherapy for small uterine fibroids can be a fairly effective treatment measure. If a woman has a benign tumor that develops in the cavity of the reproductive organ, then it is worth choosing procedures that will help reduce the level of hormones in the body.

In modern medicine, doctors give great preference to iodine electrophoresis, radon and iodine-bromine baths. Magnetic therapy and ozone therapy also have a high therapeutic effect. Each procedure allows you to stop the inflammatory process, so they are often prescribed before surgery.

Indications and contraindications

Diseases that arise due to hormonal imbalance in women include adenomyosis, mastopathy, endometriosis and uterine fibroids. Each of them, without timely treatment, can be complicated by transformation into a malignant process. Physiotherapeutic methods are widely used as part of complex treatment of many diseases. Despite the fact that fibroids are a benign formation, the following procedures are prohibited for its treatment:

  • paraffin therapy, naftalan;
  • laser and ultrasound treatment;
  • phonophoresis;
  • baths with hydrogen sulfide, turpentine, concentrated salt baths (approved for the treatment of endometritis - an inflammatory process of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus);
  • therapeutic mud, hot wraps;
  • mountain resorts;
  • massage and vibration therapy in the abdominal area.

The effect of the massage due to blood flow and increased production of hormones by the ovaries is equal in strength to a 20-minute hot mud procedure on the same area.

Any of these methods can lead to a rise in temperature and provoke increased production of estrogen.

Without the risk of tumor growth, you can use electrophoresis with iodine or zinc, magnetic therapy, radon and iodine-bromine baths, UHF (ultra-high frequency).


The answer to the question whether it is possible to do magnetic therapy for uterine fibroids, just a few years ago the answer would have been negative. However, after scientists conducted multiple specific studies, it was found that the presence of a benign tumor in the uterine cavity is not a contraindication for the procedure.

Magnetic therapy for benign tumors. Source:

Doctors have found that such an effect on the body does not have a stimulating effect, and accordingly, the amount of sex hormones produced does not increase. Magnetic therapy is characterized by the following results if it is used to combat a benign tumor in the uterine cavity:

  • Myomatous nodes decrease in size, even in situations where the pathology is old and the formations are large;
  • When conservative treatment is carried out in combination with magnetotherapy, the effectiveness of the former increases;
  • With prolonged exposure to the body, this procedure can completely stop the growth of uterine fibroids;
  • There is an improvement in the patient’s general condition, including psycho-emotional, anxiety, depression, and irritability go away.

Symptoms of the pathological process, if they manifest themselves, become less pronounced after magnetic therapy. Women note the disappearance of the painful syndrome in the lower abdomen, their menstrual cycle stabilizes, and the discharge becomes less abundant.

This type of physiotherapeutic effect on the body is justified only for those patients whose tumor size is no more than 12 weeks. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is advisable to combine magnetic therapy with taking hormones and following a diet.

The first session is best done immediately after menstrual bleeding has ended. During the regulation, it is worth refusing to influence the body. Otherwise, there will be a copious release of biological fluid.

How magnets work in medicine

The history of the use of magnets for medical purposes began a long time ago. Initially, pieces of processed magnetic rock were used for this; later people switched to using crushed magnetic powder. Magnets were used for therapeutic purposes in Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, China, and they were used to treat the rulers of European states. The alchemist and physician Paracelsus noticed that ulcers, inflammation of tissues, diseases of the intestines and skin can be healed with a magnet.

The scientific study of magnetism began in the 16th century. Over the next centuries, physicists studied various properties of the magnetic field, including the features of its effect on the human body. In the middle of the twentieth century, the Japanese recognized the effectiveness of magnetic therapy and launched large-scale production of magnetic insoles, bracelets, rings, and belts, which were proposed to be worn for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes.

In the 50-70s of the last century, in order to improve health, Japan began to produce various magnetic products, including insoles.

Since the 70s, pulsed magnet therapy has become widespread in resorts in the United States. Doctors from the former USSR did not lag behind. In the post-Soviet space, physiotherapy with magnets has not lost its relevance.

Magnetotherapy is a method of influencing the entire body or individual areas of it with a constant or alternating magnetic field. The impact can be carried out both in pulsed and continuous mode.

Magnets have two poles - north and south. Each of them affects the body in its own way. The south pole is characterized by the following effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Bacteriostatic effect;
  • Anesthesia;
  • Hemostatic effect;
  • Improving the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • Calming effect on the nervous system.

The north pole of a magnet is characterized by the following effects:

  • Stimulating human performance;
  • Acceleration of bacterial growth;
  • Acidification of the body.

It is believed that the north and south poles of a magnet have different effects on the human body.

Medical physics explains the effect of magnets from the point of view of knowledge that the body contains ions of various metals that enter cells through special channels. The density of currents created by these ions in single channels of cell membranes is a certain value that can be influenced. During magnetic therapy, electric fields and currents are induced in the body, which are comparable in density to their own. This effect on the human body leads to the following effects:

  • Metabolism improves;
  • The ability of hemoglobin to bind oxygen increases, which reduces tissue hypoxia;
  • Hydrodynamic forces arise that increase the mobility of blood cells;
  • Lymphatic vessels contract, lymphatic drainage improves;
  • Tissue swelling decreases;
  • The transmission of nerve impulses is activated;
  • Local blood flow and blood supply to individual organs increases;
  • In case of pathology of peripheral blood flow, the condition of microvessels improves;
  • The speed of wound healing increases, the likelihood of the formation of rough scars decreases.

Thanks to these beneficial effects, magnetic therapy has found application in many areas of medicine at the stage of treatment of the acute phase of the disease and during the rehabilitation period.

Magnetic therapy treatment of various human health problems.


Another fairly common question from patients is whether electrophoresis can be done for uterine fibroids. Such an effect on the body is permitted and encouraged. Thanks to the procedure, a woman can almost completely get rid of the unpleasant symptoms that are characteristic of the progression of an inflammatory disease that affects the reproductive organs.

Electrophoresis also helps restore and normalize the functioning of the ovaries. The level of production of female sex hormones, in particular estrogen, decreases. The condition of the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the organ) is restored. If the procedure is prescribed to older women, it helps to reduce or completely eliminate the proliferative effect of sex hormones on all layers of the uterus.

When diagnosing fibroids, it is better to give preference to electrophoresis with iodine or sodium and potassium iodide. It is these substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the ovaries. Even taking into account the fact that electrophoresis is a universal method of influencing the body, before performing it you need to make sure that the following contraindications are absent:

  • Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiac system;
  • Presence of installed pacemakers;
  • Acute stage of progression of inflammatory pathology;
  • Impaired blood clotting ability;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Individual intolerance to the medications used;
  • High likelihood of developing allergic reactions.

It is worth noting that for uterine fibroids, electrophoresis is one of the priority methods of physiotherapy. If you supplement conservative treatment with it, the expected effect will occur faster and be more sustainable. The likelihood that ovarian diseases will begin to develop or their functioning will be disrupted is reduced.

Ozone therapy

Currently, the relevant question is whether ozone therapy is carried out for uterine fibroids. Reviews from doctors draw patients' attention to the fact that this method of influence can also be quite effective when combined with conservative therapy.

In cases with a benign tumor, procedures can be performed in the form of rinsing, vaginal irrigation, and subcutaneous injections. Ozone therapy for uterine fibroids is not performed by intravenous administration of the drug. With this method of exposure to the body, there is a possibility that the gas will reach the neoplasm through the systemic bloodstream, which can lead to the formation becoming malignant.

It is worth saying that in modern medicine physiotherapy is becoming increasingly popular. Moreover, most of them are carried out in the presence of various types of gynecological diseases. However, this should not be considered a panacea, since not everyone can produce a positive therapeutic effect.

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