Klaira has not had her period for 2 months. Menstruation after taking Qlaira: when will the cycle be restored? Side effects of Qlaira

Today, there are many methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy, among which hormonal contraceptives occupy one of the leading positions. But any medication that has hormonal components has one or another negative effect on a woman’s body.

One of the German pharmaceutical companies offers a modern and improved combined hormonal contraceptive, Qlaira. The drug contains estradiol, composed according to the same chemical formula by which it is produced by the female body in natural conditions. In addition, the product has minimal impact on the liver, unlike other tablets with a similar purpose.

Despite all the positive properties of the drug, some women complain that they do not have periods while taking Qlaira, and wonder whether this phenomenon is normal and how it can be corrected.

What is the drug

Due to its composition, Qlaira is very different from other pills that are used for hormonal contraception. It is based on 2 types of hormones: estrogen valerate and dienogest. The package, which should be used in one menstrual cycle, contains tablets of different colors:

  1. 3 pieces of bright yellow color, based on the hormone estradiol, its dose is 3 mg.
  2. 5 pink pills. Each of them contains 2 mg of estradiol and 2 mg of the hormone dienogest.
  3. 17 light yellow tablets, each containing 2 mg estradiol and 3 mg dienogest.
  4. 2 deep red pills containing 1 mg estradiol.
  5. 4 pieces white. These tablets are called pacifiers because they do not contain hormones, but only excipients.

The tablets are specially made in different colors so that women do not get confused when taking them. If there is no pregnancy, after taking the red pill, the body begins to intensively increase hormone levels. If the efforts are not enough, then problems with menstruation are possible. If everything is normal, then after the white pill, which is intended to restore a woman’s hormonal levels, menstruation should begin.

The dosage of substances in each tablet and their daily use are clearly defined by the rules for taking the drug, and should not be changed under any circumstances.

One of the properties of Qlaira is that it helps to delay or completely stop menstruation. If you do not take white pacifiers after taking red pills, but immediately start the next package of the drug, you can postpone your period by several days, since the level of hormones increases significantly.

The first period is a long-awaited, but at the same time joyful, exciting, and even frightening event. After all, they are the ones...

In addition to the contraceptive function, Qlaira also has the following properties:

  • helps regulate the menstrual cycle;
  • reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors of the reproductive system.

In order for the use of the drug to bear fruit, you must strictly follow the instructions for use. You cannot skip taking pills, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

Qlaira and menstruation: how to take the first package, when it starts to work, video tips and reviews

Modern pharmaceuticals offer women a huge number of products that can prevent pregnancy. Effective drugs not only prevent the fertilization of the egg, but also have a beneficial effect on the female body as a whole. Doctors include the contraceptive drug “Qlaira” as one of these effective means.

General information about the drug

The new generation contraceptive Qlaira is an effective hormonal contraceptive with virtually no side effects. Its main components are estradiol valerate (estrogen) and gestagen (dienogest). Thanks to hormones of natural origin, the drug is close to the group of HRT (hormone replacement therapy) drugs.

In addition to obtaining a contraceptive effect, Qlaira is intended for the following purposes:

  • elimination of menstrual irregularities;
  • minimizing the risk of cancer of the female reproductive system.

One Qlaira blister contains 28 tablets of different colors:

  1. Bright yellow – 3 pcs. containing 3 mg estrogen.
  2. Pink – 5 pcs., consist of 2 mg of estrogen and 2 mg of gestagen.
  3. Light yellow – 17 pcs., containing 3 mg of dienogest and 2 mg of estradiol valerate.
  4. Red – 2 pcs. with estrogen in the amount of 1 mg.
  5. White – 4 pcs., do not contain any hormones.

Each package of the drug is designed for 1 month cycle. You need to take 1 piece every day. at the same time. If the pill is not taken on time, you need to drink it soon. If, for some reason, vomiting occurs after use, you should take the tablet again.

Different colors of tablets help you avoid confusion about the days you take them. Taking the red pill increases hormone levels to induce menstruation. White pills are designed to restore hormonal levels, and while taking them, the onset of menstruation is expected. If the red ones fail to achieve their goal, menstruation does not come.

Why is it prescribed?

Zoely is a modern contraceptive drug. It contains estrogenic (1.5 mg estradiol hemihydrate) and progestin (2.5 mg nomegestrol acetate) components. One blister contains 24 active tablets and 4 inactive tablets with a placebo effect. It is this ratio that gives the most gentle hormonal effect on a woman’s body.

Zoely is a monophasic oral contraceptive. This means that the amount of its active substances in the blood during the entire time of administration is approximately the same and does not vary depending on the processes occurring in the body.

The estrogenic component included in the composition is almost identical to the natural one in its properties and chemical structure. During administration, its average concentration is maintained in the blood throughout the entire cycle.

The progestin component, nomegestrol acetate, in addition to its high similarity to progesterone in women, has antiandrogenic properties.

Therefore, it is preferable to prescribe it to girls with signs of increased levels of male sex hormones in the blood - excess hair growth (hirsutism), a tendency to acne, oily skin and others.

Taking Zoele will help normalize the concentrations of estrogens and androgens, eliminating the main symptoms of the pathological condition.

The main purpose of Zoely is to obtain a contraceptive effect. If taken correctly and following all recommendations, the likelihood of pregnancy is reduced to almost zero.

This effectiveness of the drug is due to its ability to suppress ovulation from the first day of use. Zoely also promotes thickening of cervical mucus and a special transformation of the endometrium.

All this prevents sperm from penetrating the egg.

Zoely is also preferable in the sense that when the drug is discontinued, ovulation resumes the next month in most women.

Menstruation after taking Zoely, as a rule, becomes less painful and not as heavy, if this bothered the woman before. The cycle itself also normalizes while taking the pills.

Watch the video about the action of contraceptives:

Features of menstruation when taking Qlaira

Initial use of Qlaira should begin on day 1 of the cycle. After completing the packaging, you must immediately begin the second one. Correct use of the contraceptive causes menstruation on the last two pills of the initial package, they end on the first two tablets of the next blister.

Taking this remedy suppresses ovulation and prevents the growth of the functional layer of the uterus, which is shed with menstruation in a normal cycle. This makes critical days painless and light.

In the first 3–4 cycles of taking the drug, the following phenomena may be observed:

Source: https://MedLazaret.ru/ginekologiya/mesyachnye-posle-otmeny-klajry.html

Features of the menstrual period when taking Qlaira

The contraceptive role of this hormonal drug is to suppress ovulation. Menstruation becomes less painful and less heavy. This is a very important factor in the prevention of anemia.

They start drinking the first package from the first day of their period and without a break, then move on to the next one. Usually, menstruation takes the last two tablets of the first package and the first few pieces of the next.

In the first months of using the drug, disruptions in the menstrual cycle may occur. This can continue for up to six months. At different periods of the cycle, spotting may appear. Sometimes a woman notices them throughout the entire cycle.

If Qlaira is prescribed after using other hormonal drugs with a high content of hormones, bleeding may occur while taking Qlaira. This is due to a decrease in the dose of hormones.

Menstruation while taking Qlaira may begin in the middle of the cycle, or may not begin at all. If this happens after finishing the first package, then there is no need to worry. But if menstruation is absent for two cycles in a row, you need to consult a doctor. The drug may need to be changed.

Rules for taking Qlaira

In order for the effect of taking Qlaira to be maximum, with a minimum number of side effects, everything must be done according to the rules.

  • If hormonal contraception was not used in the previous monthly cycle, start taking it on the 1st day of menstruation.
  • When using tablets in the previous monthly cycle, the drug Qlaira begins to be used immediately after the end of the active pills of the previous drug. Menstruation will begin only in the next cycle.
  • When using an intrauterine device, you can start taking Qlaira on any day. Remove the spiral and begin packaging.
  • After an abortion, Klaira is taken on the day of surgery. After childbirth, the drug is taken 4 months later.

If you miss a white tablet, nothing bad will happen. You must continue to take the medication as scheduled, and simply throw away the missed pill. If you miss another pill, the situation changes. If 12 hours have not passed, you need to take the dispensed pill. If the interval is more than 12 hours, you should take 2 tablets of Qlaira at once.

Menstruation after quitting Qlaira

During the first three menstrual cycles, which are accompanied by taking Qlaira, the body is reconfigured. Therefore, some women note a complete absence of menstruation. There is no need to worry here, but still, if there are no periods for two cycles in a row, pregnancy should be ruled out. If pregnancy occurs due to Qlaira, you must immediately stop taking the drug.

See also: Can Flucostat be used during menstruation?

A woman’s reproductive system normally recovers very quickly. After stopping the pills, your period should start as planned in the next cycle, approximately 21–35 days after taking the last pill. If you don't have your period for longer, this may indicate pregnancy.

Also, the absence of menstruation may indicate disorders in the body, so it is necessary to take Qlaira strictly under the supervision of your doctor.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

If while taking Qlaira there is a deterioration in the general health of a woman, you need to consult a specialist and possibly stop the drug. This is especially important in the case of constant spotting or bleeding, nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Also, the most common side effects of the drug are:

  • Strong headache;
  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • rapid pulse;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • changes in basic blood parameters.

Heavy menstruation may indicate serious problems with a woman’s reproductive system. If the human papillomavirus is present in the body, the use of the drug may contribute to the formation of uterine cancer.

The main contraindications for prescribing Qlaira are:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes;
  • liver diseases;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug.

Klaira birth control pills are a good option for family planning; in addition, the drug has a positive effect on the general condition of the reproductive system. But not everyone understands some of the body’s reactions to the drug.

One of the manifestations that causes claira is. Should this be so or is this a signal that the pills are not suitable?

Read in this article

Delayed menstruation after stopping birth control pills

Menstrual irregularities after taking or stopping hormonal contraceptives occur quite often. The delay after contraceptive medications does not depend on the woman’s age; even in a young and healthy body, there is a failure of the ovulation process and other phases of the cycle. Gynecologists assure that such a delayed situation is a natural and natural reaction of the body to a dose of hormones not planned by nature.

More information about the drug

Qlaira has serious differences from products of similar purposes due to its composition. The package, intended for use in one cycle, contains several types of tablets of different colors. Some contain estradiol and dienogest, which suppress ovulation, in strictly calculated quantities. Some are “dummies”. Taking the latter is also necessary.

The dosage of substances, as well as the use of tablets by day of the cycle, are clearly defined and should not change.

Proper use will provide a gentle but steady effect on the functioning of the reproductive organs. Therefore, menstruation changes its parameters during clearing. This property of the drug is used, among other things, to stabilize them.

Another feature of the product is that you can use the clair to move your periods. If, after finishing taking hormone-containing tablets, you do not drink “pacifiers”, but immediately take the next package, the level of hormones in the body will increase. Your period will be delayed by a few days.

Menstruation while taking the product

Estradiol, which is part of the tablets, is no different from the substance produced by the female body. Other drugs contain its synthetic analogue, which puts more strain on and changes blood clotting.

Estradiol valerate in claira does not have these disadvantages, but retains the necessary properties of the hormone. Together with dienogest, they do not allow the egg to mature, which gives a contraceptive effect. But its absence also means the impossibility of thickening the uterine mucosa, which is 70% when taking Qlaira.

The use of the drug, although insignificant, affects blood viscosity, it increases. This is another reason that the volume of menstrual flow decreases very noticeably.

Those who start using the drug may experience the following body reactions:

But if the remedy is suitable for a woman and is taken correctly, then menstruation while taking Qlaira is scanty and almost painless. It is important that after normal perception by the body, any of the manifestations described above do not begin. This situation already needs to be corrected or the drug discontinued altogether.

Is missing a period always normal?

Confusion when using the drug Klaira, why there are no periods, is not always resolved by an explanation about the suppressive effect of dienogest on the size of the endometrium.

The reasons for this may be unexpected and unpleasant:

Diamine: no periods, scanty, do not stop... Bleeding when taking birth control pills... No periods while taking Qlaira is a reason...

  • Why is femoston prescribed and how is it taken if there is no menstruation? The rapid decline of the female body after 50 years is primarily due to hormonal deficiency.
  • Sometimes girls note that they do not have periods when taking Zoely in the first month. ...Bleeding when taking birth control pills...No menstruation while taking Qlaira is a reason...
  • We recommend reading the article about the peculiarities of menstruation with Klaira. ... How to cure endometrial hyperplasia without curettage. No menstruation while taking Qlaira is a reason...
  • In any case, if there are no periods after stopping the OC, you should consult a specialist. Only a doctor, after further examination, can find out the true cause of the delay and prescribe the necessary treatment.

    Previously asked:

      Natalia Kucherenko

      I have been taking Qlaira birth control pills for a year now. At the last examination, tests showed a decrease in potassium, calcium and magnesium in the body. A vitamin-mineral complex, Lavita, was prescribed for joint use. It turned out that with long-term use of contraceptives such a decrease is possible. In addition, I noticed that my hair and nails began to grow better than before taking Lavita.

      Hello. To begin with, I don’t understand the main thing - what specific analysis did you use to determine that your body lacks three microelements at once - calcium, potassium and magnesium? As for birth control pills, I don’t see a problem here, now there is quite a large selection of them, if the drug Qlaira does not suit you, or there are side effects, let the gynecologist choose another remedy for you. I can’t say anything about the vitamin-mineral complex, because I don’t quite understand how you were diagnosed with mineral deficiency.


      Hello. This is my second year taking Qlaira. My period comes regularly, every 28 days. But this month they arrived two weeks after receiving the new package. There were no missed pills. Tell me, what could be the matter?


      Hello. Most likely this is a slight hormonal imbalance. Stress, taking antibiotics, fatigue, even a change in weather could have affected it. The use of hormonal contraception cannot counter these circumstances. Things should get better in the next cycle. If not, go to the doctor and have an ultrasound. The use of hormonal drugs requires even more careful monitoring of the condition of the reproductive organs.


      Hello. After the abortion I started drinking Qlaira. 7 days have passed since the end of the pack, and my period has not arrived. Tomorrow you need to start drinking a new pack. To drink or not?


      Hello. Lack of menstruation in the first month of using Qlaira happens. You can start taking the new package. If you don't get your period in the next cycle (this is possible, but it doesn't happen often), go to the doctor.

      Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

      Hello Olga! It’s not entirely clear why after taking Qlaira you think you are pregnant. Perhaps there was a violation in taking the pills? Then your period may not come after you finish taking it, there will be a delay immediately. If you started planning a pregnancy after taking Qlaira, then exactly one month later you will not have your period if you conceive. All the best!

  • Qlaira tablets belong to the category of hormonal contraceptive drugs and are an effective way of family planning. The drug itself has a smaller list of contraindications. At the same time, the reactions of the female body to taking pills can be very unexpected. This is especially true for situations when there are no periods while taking Qlaira. How normal this phenomenon is and whether it can be a signal that the drug is not suitable for the body, only a doctor can tell you in detail after an examination and tests.

Why do I not get my period while taking the contraceptive Klaira?

There are 5 types of Qlaira tablets. One tablet contains estradiol valerate, micro (20-1 or 20-2 mg). The pills also contain dienogest, micro (2-3 mg).

Round, convex, coated pills vary in color. Depending on the amount of active ingredients, the tablets can be dark yellow, pink, white, red or light yellow.

One blister contains two white, red and orange, as well as 17 light yellow and 5 pink tablets. There are a total of 28 tablets in the pack. The blister is glued into a folding cardboard book. One box contains 1-3 books along with annotations and an appointment calendar.

The drug is manufactured in Germany by Schering GmbH und Co. Productions KG or Bayer Pharma AG. The cost of Klayra is from 900 rubles.

The instructions state that the drug is used as oral contraception. Qlaira is also effective for menstrual bleeding without organic diseases.

  • Arterial or venous thrombosis
  • Angina pectoris
  • Pregnancy
  • Liver dysfunction
  • TELA
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology
  • Stroke
  • Migraine accompanied by neurological symptoms
  • Ischemic attacks
  • Diabetes
  • Heart attack
  • Pancreatitis
  • Lactase deficiency
  • Lactation
  • Liver tumors
  • Intolerance to tablet components
  • Pheochromocytoma
  • Hypolactasia
  • Malabsorption syndrome
  • Pregnancy
  • Childhood.

The product is used once a day, 1 tablet. It is important to drink Klaira at the same time.

The product is first used on the first day of menstruation. The tablets must be used continuously for 28 days.

If a pill was missed, the pill should be taken as soon as possible (preferably within 3-4 hours). If the pill has not been taken within 12 hours, then additional methods of contraception must be used until the end of the month.

Qlaira can cause a number of negative symptoms. These are vulvovaginitis, hypotension, anemia, itching, vaginitis, dystonia, and baldness.

Other adverse reactions:

  • Ischemia
  • Hypertension
  • Thrombosis
  • Stroke
  • Acne
  • Headache
  • Feeling depressed
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Dryness of the mucous membranes of the eyes
  • Depression
  • Varicose veins
  • Increased appetite
  • Chest pain.

Qlaira and menstruation

The contraceptive effect of Qlaira is caused by inhibition of ovulation. At the same time, the properties of cervical mucus change.

Menstruation becomes less painful when taking Qlaira. At the same time, the volume of blood released is reduced and the number of days of menstruation is reduced, which is important for preventing anemia.

To ensure that the drug does not cause harm and acts correctly, it is important to know how to use it. The first package of Qlaira is used continuously from the 1st day of menstruation. Then they start drinking the next pack.

Many women are interested in which Klaira pill starts their periods. As a rule, menstruation occurs during the use of the last two tablets and lasts when taking the first pair of tablets from the second pack.

Sometimes it happens that while taking Qlaira, menstruation begins in the middle of the cycle. Gynecologists warn that menstruation may occur later (1 week) or earlier (7-14 days) than the established time after using hormonal contraceptives. This is considered the norm. But if the bleeding does not stop within half a month, then you need to seek medical help.

The leading reason for the appearance of menstruation when taking Qlaira is addiction, which lasts 2-3 months. Also, disorders can develop due to the presence of a number of gynecological diseases.

If you do not have periods while taking Qlaira, then most often this indicates too suppressed ovarian function. Sometimes menstruation appears only after 3 months from the start of taking contraceptives.

This is also considered the norm. Also, menstruation may not occur if you suddenly stop using the pills. Gynecologists know what to do if you don’t have your period while taking Qlaira. Therefore, if such problems arise, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When your period should begin after stopping Qlaira, it is written in the instructions for the product. Normally, menstruation should occur approximately 21-35 days after using the first tablet.

If, after stopping the contraceptive, spotting does not appear for a long time, this may indicate pregnancy. Also, the absence of menstruation sometimes indicates the presence of various disorders in the body. In view of this, Qlaira should not be used without the supervision of a gynecologist.

After stopping the pills, menstruation begins as planned in the next cycle - approximately 21–35 days after taking the last pill. If there is no discharge for longer, this may indicate pregnancy.

Doctors warn that every woman should know what consequences await her after discontinuing Qlaira. Often, after finishing using the pills, the structure of the hair changes, which begins to fall out and becomes oilier.

The condition of the skin also becomes worse. The skin becomes oily, acne, pigmentation and blackheads appear on it. At the same time, there is an improvement in appetite, which can contribute to weight gain.

Mood swings and abdominal pain are sometimes possible. In addition, the menstrual cycle is disrupted. And your period often becomes longer.

Description of the drug

The active substance of Qlaira is estradiol valerate, which promotes the production of endogenous estrogens. The drug is available in the form of tablets enclosed in a blister. One blister contains 28 tablets: 17 light yellow, 5 scarlet, 2 white, red and dark yellow.

All tablets, except those colored white, contain estradiol valerate. The drug also contains additional components: lactose, povidone 25, corn starch and magnesium stearate. White tablets consist only of additional substances.

Features of menstruation

When using a contraceptive, various menstrual irregularities may occur. Your period may become less frequent, appear at the wrong time, or be absent altogether. Let's look at how the body reacts to taking pills and what happens after they are discontinued.

In the first 4 months of taking Qlaira, disruptions are observed in the menstrual cycle. Some patients notice spotting that appears on different days of the cycle, others talk about constantly appearing brownish discharge. All these manifestations are normal.

At the beginning of using Qlaira, sometimes there are no periods at all, which is also considered the norm. However, if there are no periods within 2 cycles or during the cycle following drug discontinuation, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Deviations include severe bleeding or constant spotting after 3 months of using Qlaira.

During the period after discontinuation of the contraceptive, women complain of the following symptoms:

  • strengthening the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • increase in the duration of menstrual bleeding;
  • heavy periods;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • uncontrollable mood swings;
  • delay of menstruation.

Source: https://ginekologiya-urologiya.ru/menstruaciya/pochemu-net-mesyachnyh-pri-prieme-protivozachatochnyh-klajra

Composition of the drug

The medication is manufactured in the form of multi-colored tablets with a total quantity of 28 pieces. The tablets themselves, which differ in color, have a different composition of hormones and their concentration in the overall mixture. Hormones used in the manufacture of tablets:

  • estradiol valerate;
  • dienogest.
  • The first three tablets with a rich yellow color contain 3 mg of the hormone estradiol valerate. The next five pills, distinguished by their pink color, contain 2 mg of both substances. Another seventeen of them with a light yellow color have 2 mg of the hormone estradiol valerate and already 3 mg of dienogest. Just two red tablets contain only 1 mg of estradiol valerate. The last four pills are dummy pills that do not contain any hormones, but do contain auxiliary components.

    Admission rules

    The variety of colors was designed specifically so that women could take the drug without getting confused by the schedule itself, for example, white tablets are intended to restore hormonal levels in the body. It is during the period of taking them that patients should begin their periods.

    Taking red pills provokes an increased increase in hormones in the body that cause menstruation, but provided that there is no pregnancy. If you drink Qlaira, problems with menstruation may begin due to the body’s insufficient efforts to call for menstruation.

    When taking Qlaira birth control pills, you must follow some rules, which are as follows:

    1. The first use of the drug must begin on the first day of menstruation. If the drug has already been used, a new stage must be started the very next day after the end of the previous dose of active tablets.
    2. If you use an intrauterine device before taking birth control pills, you can start taking the pills any day after removing the device itself.
    3. After an abortion, you must start taking the pills on the day of the operation itself. After giving birth, you can use the drug no earlier than four months.
    4. If you miss taking a white pill, you just need to throw it away and then continue taking it according to your existing schedule.
    5. If you miss taking a pill of a different color, further actions look like this: if 12 hours have not passed since the omission, you just need to drink the missed pill, but if more than 12 hours have passed, the missed pill is used simultaneously with the next one.

    The total time for taking Qlaira can only be determined by the attending gynecologist. As a rule, the drug is prescribed for 4 months with mandatory follow-up examination.

    Rules for stopping pills

    Some women independently decide to stop taking hormonal pills, and are faced with a whole bunch of withdrawal symptoms. After taking contraceptives, a delay in menstruation will be the first result of improper action. This should absolutely not be done, even if before taking it the hormonal levels functioned stably, without failures.

    Features of menstruation

    The combination of estradiol valerate with dienogest interferes with the process of egg maturation, which is the result of a contraceptive effect on the female body. At the same time, this effect makes it impossible to standardly thicken the mucous layer of the uterus, which means that menstruation itself with Klaira is reduced by an average of 70%. Due to the use of the drug, the blood becomes thicker, which means that the discharge with menstruation noticeably decreases in volume.

    When taking Qlaira

    The reason that there are no periods after Qlaira can be explained by physiological changes in the body, but there is also a list of other possible reactions. Primary use of combined hormonal drugs may be accompanied by:

    • the appearance of spotting at any stage of the menstrual cycle, which often turns into more abundant discharge;
    • the manifestation of menstrual-like mucus, which will appear in 1.5 - 2 weeks, is also the norm;
    • Acceptable side effects of Qlaira include the complete absence of menstruation, especially if without taking contraceptive medications, menstruation was not particularly profuse (dienogest prevents the process of thickening the functional layer of the uterine mucosa, which should then come out in the form of menstrual bleeding);
    • the presence of intense discharge at the initial stage of use may be due to the need for the body itself to get used to the new drug (it is important to discuss the need to adjust the process with your doctor in advance, especially if the gynecologist himself prescribed Klaira for long-term use).

    The described effects are permissible only at the initial stage of using contraception.

    After cancellation

    Since in the process of taking the drug the work of the ovaries was blocked, and the onset of menstruation was provoked according to certain rules for the influence of hormones, it takes time to fully normalize the functioning of the reproductive system. During the recovery stage, there may be a delay in menstruation due to the resulting disturbances in the usual hormonal balance.

    In the absence of any serious complications or disorders, the first full menstruation should begin a month after the last dose of the drug. But there are cases when menstruation begins after stopping Qlaira only in the second cycle. In this case, patients may experience disruptions in the menstrual cycle, which improves only after six months.

    In this case, the entire process must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, despite the positive reviews about Qlaira and the safety of using the tablets themselves.

    Effect of contraceptives

    The main purpose of contraceptive drugs is to eliminate favorable conditions for conceiving an unplanned child. They contain a large number of so-called female hormones that affect the functioning of the ovaries. These contraceptives affect the ovulation process, slow it down or completely block it. In addition, their action is aimed at changing the structure of the uterine mucosa and genital tract, making it thicker and more viscous. This condition of the membranes prevents the invasion of sperm into the fallopian tube. At the same time, the lining of the uterus itself becomes thinner - if the egg is fertilized, the embryo will not implant. Therefore, after taking contraceptives, the delay is not surprising.

    There are also combined contraceptives that combine both a male hormone (progestin) and a female hormone (estrogen). In a woman's body, the ovaries produce estrogen from puberty until menopause. Its highest concentration occurs during ovulation; birth control pills reduce this level of the hormone, preventing the maturation of the egg.

    Combined contraceptives can be monophasic - the entire intake is one level of hormones, and triphasic - the set of hormones is different during the menstrual cycle. All combined products qualify for:

    1. Microdosed ones are prescribed to nulliparous girls who have just begun to be sexually active. Small doses of hormones in these drugs do not disrupt the menstrual cycle, taking them is not accompanied by side effects, and delay is unlikely.
    2. Low-dose drugs are used when, for some reason, a small dosage of hormones does not have an effect on the girl’s body.
    3. High-dose contraceptives are used to treat serious hormonal disorders in middle-aged and elderly women.
    4. Progestin tablets are a means of contraception for nursing mothers. They do not contain estrogen.

    When choosing contraceptive drugs, it is important to take into account the woman’s age, the presence or absence of hormonal disorders and the fact of pregnancy and childbirth. This is required so that after taking contraceptives, the delay does not become a symptom of a serious problem with the body.

    When to stop taking the medication

    Since in most cases Qlaira will help to obtain the desired contraceptive effect, there are times when the drug should be discontinued. The list of main reasons for stopping the use of the drug includes prolonged pain in the abdominal area, as well as excessive and constant bleeding from the vagina.

    Among the additional side effects that require discontinuation of hormonal medication, it is worth highlighting:

    • severe headache and frequent migraine attacks;
    • manifestation of pain in the gastrointestinal tract and disturbances in its functioning;
    • an increase or decrease in blood pressure that cannot be normalized by taking appropriate medications;
    • attacks of angina pectoris (rapid heartbeat for no particular reason);
    • problems in the liver and the formation of ulcerative colitis (inflammation of the mucous layer of the colon).

    Another important argument for the need to take the drug under medical supervision is the ability of Qlaira to provoke the development of tumors if papilloma viruses or any other neoplasms are present in the body. Excessive and excessive bleeding may indicate endometriosis.

    The medicinal product Qlaira is a combined oral contraceptive. Its main task is to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The product compares favorably with analogues in that it contains a hormonal substance - estradiol, which is close in structure to the hormone produced by the woman’s body. In order for the product to be beneficial, it is important to control the dynamics of menstruation when taking Qlaira.

    Reason for stopping taking pills

    A deterioration in the general condition of the body is a reason to discontinue the drug Qlaira. Especially if this is observed against the background of blood, constant vaginal discharge, pain in the lower abdomen. Additional side effects that should not be ignored:

    • Severe headache, increased frequency of migraines.
    • The occurrence of problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Pain in the abdominal area.
    • Rapid heartbeat, angina attacks.
    • An increase or decrease in blood pressure that cannot be treated.
    • Liver problems.
    • The formation of ulcerative colitis.
    • Changes in blood parameters.

    If there is a papilloma virus in the body, taking Qlaira tablets provokes the development of tumors. The risk of cancer of the uterus increases. Heavy menstruation may indicate serious problems in the reproductive system.

    Mechanism of action of the drug

    The effect of the drug Qlaira is explained by the actions of two hormones - estradiol valerate and dienogest. These active substances suppress ovulation processes and prevent the formation of an egg. These effects prevent pregnancy from occurring.

    In addition to the contraceptive effect, Qlaira reduces the level of blood lost during menstruation by 70%, shortens the duration of bleeding and reduces painful symptoms during this period. Thus, menstruation when taking Qlaira is low in volume.

    Since the volume of rejected blood decreases, the drug prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia. The effect of the drug on the likelihood of developing ovarian cancer, which Qlaira reduces


    As an estrogen hormone, the drug contains estradiol valerate, which is a natural substance. This is the main difference between the contraceptive in question and other means. Other contraceptives most often contain synthetic estrogen analogues, for example, ethinyl estradiol.

    A natural analogue of the hormone, compared to ethinyl estradiol, loads the liver to a significantly lesser extent and also has a significantly less effect on blood clotting.

    The second component of the contraceptive, dienogest, belongs to the group of progestogens. This substance causes antiandrogenic effects, manifested in improving the condition of hair, skin and nails. But it should be noted that some women, when using dienogest, note a weakening of sexual desire.

    If we compare the effectiveness of a contraceptive according to the Pearl index, it is less than one. This index is calculated as the number of pregnancies per hundred women who used contraception in one year. But failure to comply with all mandatory requirements

    when taking the medication (for example, skipping) significantly increases the likelihood of pregnancy.

    How does Qlaira affect menstruation?

    The main effect, of course, is achieved due to the presence of hormones. They lead to the fact that ovulation in the body is suppressed and the egg does not mature. This prevents pregnancy from occurring. However, in addition to this effect, Qlaira will significantly reduce the amount of discharge during menstruation and reduce pain on these days. In addition, there is a decrease in iron loss and a decrease in the risk of anemia. There is evidence that confirms a reduction in the risk of developing ovarian cancer.

    The main difference between this drug and others is that it contains the natural component estrogen. This helps reduce the load on the liver, and clotting indicators do not change. The presence of dienogest improves the condition of hair, nails, and skin. However, in some women it significantly suppresses sexual desire. The effectiveness of this drug is very high.

    That is why doctors often prescribe it not only as an excellent remedy for unwanted pregnancy, but also to improve the menstrual cycle and treat endometriosis.

    Indications and contraindications for use

    The main indications for the use of the drug include contraception. In some cases, Qlaira is effectively used as a normalizer of the menstrual cycle or in the treatment of other gynecological pathologies. The latter, for example, includes endometriosis. But it should be said that this area is not the main one for the use of the drug.

    With the correct regimen of using the drug at an early stage of menopause, it becomes possible to prevent many negative effects. This allows you to make this period calmer and more comfortable for the woman. Since the drug contains hormonal substances, its effect affects almost all body systems.

    This leads to a very wide range of contraindications for the use of the product. You should not use the medication if there are any contraindications, as this can cause serious negative consequences. The conditions listed below are absolute contraindications to the use of contraceptives:

    These contraindications are absolute. If one or more of these conditions develops while taking the drug, you should stop using it immediately.

    But the contraceptive also has relative contraindications. If the patient has such conditions, then using the drug is not prohibited. But the appointment is possible under the supervision of a doctor, who must carefully monitor the dynamics of the woman’s health.

    When deciding on the advisability of a course of Qlaira, you should weigh both its benefits and possible risks. The potential risk when using a contraceptive with relative contraindications depends on the individual characteristics of the body of a particular woman. Relative contraindications include:

    • factors contributing to the development of thrombotic and thromboembolic changes in the body (excess weight, smoking, migraine, hypertension);
    • disturbances in the functioning of the heart valves;
    • long period of immobility;
    • surgical intervention. It is usually recommended to stop taking hormonal contraceptives several weeks before surgery. In this case, specific instructions are given by the attending physician;
    • traumatic effects;
    • disorders in the peripheral circulation caused by diabetes mellitus, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and certain types of anemia);
    • angioedema;
    • all types of pathologies that appear or worsen while taking hormonal drugs (cholelithiasis, porphyria, otosclerosis, chorea, etc.);
    • postpartum period.

    Features of the menstrual cycle

    One package of contraceptive contains 28 tablets. The blister itself indicates the dosage regimen for Qlaira, which must be strictly followed. One pill per day is recommended. The optimal method of use is to take the tablet at the same time of day. After all 28 pills have been consumed, you need to start taking another package without interruption.

    Many women are interested in the question of which Qlaira tablet starts their periods. Menstrual bleeding, as a rule, appears during the period of taking the last pills from the blister. In a much rarer case, bleeding occurs with the start of the course of the second package of the drug. You should start drinking the next package regardless of whether your menstrual flow has ended or not.

    Thus, the answer to the question of when menstruation should begin with Klaira depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

    It happens that a girl drinks Klaira, but does not have her period, what to do in such cases? Menstrual flow while taking the drug is usually scanty. If during the normal period of menstruation a slight spotting secretion appears, then we can talk about the norm.

    There is a high probability of absence of menstrual flow during the period of using white pills. In this case, menstruation may appear while taking pills from the second pack. If you follow the correct schedule for taking the medication (no omissions), there is no need to worry - there is no chance of getting pregnant. Here you should complete the course of one package and monitor the dynamics of menstruation. If discharge does not appear, then consultation with a specialist is necessary.

    After discontinuation of Qlaira, periods may appear delayed. At the same time, a significant amount of menstruation cannot be excluded. But within two or three cycles after withdrawal, the body will adjust the functioning of the ovaries. The recovery period can range from three weeks to a month.

    During the first month after discontinuation of the drug, care should be taken to protect against pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that the abolition of combined contraceptives leads to a high risk of conception.


    Side effects

    Depending on the individual characteristics of a woman’s body, side effects can be frequent or rare. To frequent negative effects


    • headache;
    • abdominal pain;
    • skin rashes;
    • weight gain;
    • discomfort in the chest;
    • pain in the nipple area;
    • failure of menstruation;
    • the occurrence of various bleedings.

    There are also rare side effects when taking Qlaira. These include:

    But there are rare effects that can be caused by the use of a contraceptive. Experts include such negative consequences:

    Thus, the contraceptive Qlaira is a natural hormonal drug. It is perfect for women of reproductive age. In addition to contraception, this medication helps improve immunity and facilitates the cycle. But like any medicine, Qlaira also has its contraindications. This means that taking such a drug should only be started after prior consultation with a doctor.

    Qlaira is a contraceptive based on natural estradiol. It has a very good effect on a woman’s reproductive system and is often used as the main drug during therapy when planning conception. One of the features is that when taking Qlaira there is usually no menstruation.

    What is the drug

    Due to its composition, Qlaira is very different from other pills that are used for hormonal contraception. It is based on 2 types of hormones: estrogen valerate and dienogest. The package, which should be used in one menstrual cycle, contains tablets of different colors:

    1. 3 pieces of bright yellow color, based on the hormone estradiol, its dose is 3 mg.
    2. 5 pink pills. Each of them contains 2 mg of estradiol and 2 mg of the hormone dienogest.
    3. 17 light yellow tablets, each containing 2 mg estradiol and 3 mg dienogest.
    4. 2 deep red pills containing 1 mg estradiol.
    5. 4 pieces white. These tablets are called pacifiers because they do not contain hormones, but only excipients.

    The tablets are specially made in different colors so that women do not get confused when taking them. If there is no pregnancy, after taking the red pill, the body begins to intensively increase hormone levels. If the efforts are not enough, then problems with menstruation are possible. If everything is normal, then after the white pill, which is intended to restore a woman’s hormonal levels, menstruation should begin.

    The dosage of substances in each tablet and their daily use are clearly defined by the rules for taking the drug, and should not be changed under any circumstances.

    One of the properties of Qlaira is that it helps to delay or completely stop menstruation. If you do not take white pacifiers after taking red pills, but immediately start the next package of the drug, you can postpone your period by several days, since the level of hormones increases significantly.

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    In addition to the contraceptive function, Qlaira also has the following properties:

    • helps regulate the menstrual cycle;
    • reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors of the reproductive system.

    In order for the use of the drug to bear fruit, you must strictly follow the instructions for use. You cannot skip taking pills, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

    Qlaira to stop menstruation

    Quite often, when taking this medicine, women may completely lose their periods. Doctors achieve this effect when treating endometriosis in order to give the ovaries a rest and thereby remove the factors that provoke the development of the disease. In most cases, the discharge is purely symbolic, like a daub.

    Many women who have been taking such drugs for a long time are concerned about how to stop taking them without harm to their health. The most important thing here is that you need to complete the next course, and then, according to the doctor’s instructions, stop taking the pills. Under no circumstances should you throw it suddenly in the middle of the package. We must not forget that these are still hormones and stopping their entry into the body can lead to serious problems.

    In general, women's reviews of the drug are positive. Of course, at the beginning of the treatment there was a deterioration in the condition, but by the third pack everything returned to normal, the skin became cleaner, severe bleeding and pain disappeared. Although, undoubtedly, there are also representatives for whom this drug simply did not suit.

    Features of the menstrual period when taking Qlaira

    The contraceptive role of this hormonal drug is to suppress ovulation. Menstruation becomes less painful and less heavy. This is a very important factor in the prevention of anemia.

    They start drinking the first package from the first day of their period and without a break, then move on to the next one. Usually, menstruation takes the last two tablets of the first package and the first few pieces of the next.

    In the first months of using the drug, disruptions in the menstrual cycle may occur. This can continue for up to six months. At different periods of the cycle, spotting may appear. Sometimes a woman notices them throughout the entire cycle.

    If Qlaira is prescribed after using other hormonal drugs with a high content of hormones, bleeding may occur while taking Qlaira. This is due to a decrease in the dose of hormones.

    Menstruation while taking Qlaira may begin in the middle of the cycle, or may not begin at all. If this happens after finishing the first package, then there is no need to worry. But if menstruation is absent for two cycles in a row, you need to consult a doctor. The drug may need to be changed.

    How delays are affected by incorrect use of COCs

    It’s another matter if, while using COCs, pills were missed, or the contraceptive was stopped altogether “in the middle of the package.” This happens when, for example, a woman has suffered stress, joy, etc. and forgot that she was supposed to take pills, or decided to interrupt hormonal contraception on her own because she did not tolerate the drug well. In such cases, most often there may be a delay in menstruation. Hormonal imbalances due to abrupt cessation of birth control can lead to menstrual irregularities ranging from delays of 1-2 months to amenorrhea (prolonged cessation of menstruation).

    Attention! If you are planning a pregnancy, or no longer want to take COCs for other reasons, do not stop taking the drug abruptly and on your own. To avoid hormonal imbalance, be sure to finish the entire package of tablets and consult your doctor for advice.

    Menstruation after quitting Qlaira

    During the first three menstrual cycles, which are accompanied by taking Qlaira, the body is reconfigured. Therefore, some women note a complete absence of menstruation. There is no need to worry here, but still, if there are no periods for two cycles in a row, pregnancy should be ruled out. If pregnancy occurs due to Qlaira, you must immediately stop taking the drug.

    See also: Can Flucostat be used during menstruation?

    A woman’s reproductive system normally recovers very quickly. After stopping the pills, your period should start as planned in the next cycle, approximately 21–35 days after taking the last pill. If you don't have your period for longer, this may indicate pregnancy.

    Also, the absence of menstruation may indicate disorders in the body, so it is necessary to take Qlaira strictly under the supervision of your doctor.

    Opinion of gynecologists

    Today, many doctors prescribe birth control pills to plan pregnancy and normalize the menstrual cycle. Qlaira is very popular because it consists of the most important hormones. Pregnancy may occur while taking the drug, in which case it should be stopped immediately. In most cases, after several months of taking this remedy, the menstrual cycle is completely normalized. A very important point is strict adherence to the recommendations given by the attending physician.

    Qlaira is a very popular contraceptive. The drug is designed to stabilize the general condition of a woman’s body. Klaira has a number of features, which most often manifest themselves in the absence of menstruation. With long-term and correct use of the pills, the menstrual cycle improves and the reproductive system returns to normal.

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