Pain in the left ovary during intercourse

According to data obtained from a survey of women of different ages, approximately half of the respondents have pain in their ovaries after sex. Unpleasant pain in the appendages often also occurs during sexual intercourse or after orgasm. Most often, the cause of pain in the lower abdomen is simply an uncomfortable position. Of course, an uncomfortable body position is a completely natural and safe factor for a woman’s health. However, it happens that changing position does not lead to the disappearance of unpleasant sensations. In this case, many women turn to forums and to their doctors asking why their ovaries hurt so much during sex. There can be many reasons for this pathological condition. In addition, diseases of the uterus or other pelvic organs can also create the feeling that the appendage area hurts.

A little information

In fact, a feeling of discomfort is often not a symptom of any disease and often appears for trivial reasons, for example, due to an incorrectly chosen position or too rough sex.

But if pain in the ovarian area is constantly present during intercourse, then it should not be ignored under any circumstances. This condition requires immediate contact with a specialist and determination of the reasons for its occurrence. Otherwise, simple pain, which many ladies do not pay attention to, will sooner or later lead to sad and possibly irreparable consequences.

Regardless of why your ovaries hurt after sex, if such an alarming sign appears, immediately make an appointment with your gynecologist. At least when it comes to chronic discomfort.

Pain during sexual intercourse in the left ovary

Statistics show that almost half of the fair half of humanity have pain in their ovaries after sex.

Unpleasant, painful tingling sensations can occur both during and after sexual intercourse. The feeling of discomfort most often is not a sign of any pathology and occurs due to an incorrectly selected posture or due to too intense movements. However, if pain in the ovaries during intimacy with a loved one is present on an ongoing basis, then it cannot be ignored. This condition requires contacting a doctor and finding out the reasons for its occurrence.

There are many reasons why women may experience pain after intercourse. Some of them are completely harmless, while others may indicate the presence of a pathological process in the body.

  1. An uncomfortable sex position can cause pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. By changing it, you can instantly get rid of unpleasant sensations.
  3. If your appendage hurts after sex, you should think about your mental state. In fact, you shouldn’t be surprised, because the state of her body depends on what the girl’s emotional state is in a particular situation. It has been proven that women prone to depression, hypochondria or hysteria often experience pain in a variety of places during sex, including the ovaries.
  4. The individual structural features of the female genital area are another reason why pain occurs in the lower abdomen on both sides.
  5. If we consider the problem from all sides, then we should not lose sight of such an aspect as monthly ovulation. This is one of the harmless reasons why pain occurs in the ovaries after sex. Ovulation is a natural process that occurs every month in the body of all healthy women of reproductive age. Pain that occurs on one side of the pelvis only indicates the imminent onset of the next menstruation. Moreover, sometimes the left ovary hurts, and after a month the right appendage “suffers”.
  6. Too rough sexual intercourse is another physiological reason why some discomfort occurs after sex. If a woman independently finds out this fact, then she should try to structure her sex life in such a way that similar problems no longer arise. Perhaps it will be enough to have an open conversation with your partner.

Inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs can lead to pain during sexual intercourse, localized in the ovarian area. They can manifest themselves in different ways: burning, frequent or one-time sharp tingling. Sometimes there is a feeling that there is a strong pulling in the lower abdomen, but not pain.

In chronic pathological processes, pain in the ovaries during sex practically does not make itself felt. As a rule, it occurs after orgasm and is dull in nature. Such pain does not last long, fading away in a few minutes. However, they arise on an ongoing basis.

Among the main diseases that can cause pain in the appendages are:

  1. Endometriosis. The growth of the uterine epithelium beyond its boundaries is not normal, therefore, with abundant blood supply to the pelvic organs during sexual intercourse, it can lead to severe pain.
  2. Apoplexy of the ovary. This is what is called a rupture of the epididymal membrane. If this happens during or after sexual intercourse, the pain will be very sharp. At the same time, bleeding occurs and blood pressure may drop. In this case, immediate medical attention is required.
  3. A tumor of the appendage responds with chronic, not too intense pain, which can be disturbing during intimacy, or after serious physical exertion. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, they are of a pulling nature and occur periodically, but over time they tend to increase.
  4. Large cystic formation. During sexual intercourse, it will put pressure on the internal organs from all sides, which will cause some discomfort. It will be localized in the right or left side, depending on where exactly the cyst is located.
  5. Venous stagnation is another reason why the ovaries hurt after intimacy. During arousal, blood flows to the pelvic organs in significant quantities. If a woman does not receive the release she needs, she may linger in them. This can cause not only pain, but also lead to neurological disorders, such as depression, worsening mood, psycho-emotional stress.

Important! If after intimate intimacy pain occurs on the right or the other side, and in parallel there are symptoms such as increased body temperature, the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract, nausea or vomiting, then you need to call an ambulance. It is possible that a complication of the cyst has occurred, for example, its rupture or torsion. In this case, surgery cannot be avoided.

It is not always the case that a woman is able to figure out on her own why she experiences discomfort in the lower abdomen after intimacy. Sometimes it can even be difficult to distinguish where exactly the pain is localized: in the ovary, in the uterus or in the vagina.

Thus, a nagging pain spread across the lower abdomen during sex can be the cause of uterine fibroids and inflammation of the cervix. In this case, no pathological processes will occur in any appendage. Therefore, if your lower abdomen hurts repeatedly after sex, you need to contact a gynecologist.

First, the doctor will examine the patient on the chair. This will allow you to clarify which side the pain is localized on. If two appendages are inflamed, then both of them will be increased in size. In the case when the right ovary hurts, it is the one that will react more strongly to palpation.

Probable Causes

In fact, there are a huge number of assumptions about why the ovaries hurt after sex. There can be many explanations for this condition. Moreover, some of them are considered completely harmless, but others may indicate the presence of a serious disease in a woman’s body, or rather in her reproductive system.

Why do my ovaries hurt after sex?

So, in what cases is pain not a symptom of pathology? There can be many such situations:

  • An uncomfortable position during sex can lead to pain in the lower abdomen. By simply changing it, you can feel relief almost instantly.
  • If the ovaries hurt after intimacy, a woman should think about her psychological state. And don't be surprised! In fact, the female body is extremely complex, and the state of the internal organs often depends on how the girl is emotionally adjusted. They may also experience some stress. It has been scientifically proven that women who are prone to hysterics, depression and anxiety often experience pain in a variety of places during sex, in particular in the ovaries.
  • Individual characteristics of the reproductive system are another common reason. In this case, the ovaries hurt on both sides or separately after sex.
  • Considering the problem comprehensively, you should not lose sight of monthly ovulation. This cause of pain in the ovaries is considered one of the most harmless. And it is not surprising, because ovulation is a natural process that occurs monthly in the body of all healthy women of reproductive age. Unpleasant sensations appearing on one side of the pelvis can only indicate the imminent onset of menstruation. Moreover, sometimes the discomfort covers the left side, and the next month the right ovary hurts. Why does it feel several times stronger after sex? In response to additional mechanical stress, supplemented by internal events.
  • Excessively rough sex is another reasonably explainable reason for the appearance of discomfort in the appendage area. If you yourself understand that this is why pain overtakes you, then in the future you should refrain from similar actions. Maybe all you need to do is be frank with your partner.

About possible causes of pain

There are many reasons why women may experience pain after intercourse. Some of them are completely harmless, while others may indicate the presence of a pathological process in the body.

When pain is not a sign of pathology

  1. An uncomfortable sex position can cause pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. By changing it, you can instantly get rid of unpleasant sensations.
  3. If your appendage hurts after sex, you should think about your mental state. In fact, you shouldn’t be surprised, because the state of her body depends on what the girl’s emotional state is in a particular situation. It has been proven that women prone to depression, hypochondria or hysteria often experience pain in a variety of places during sex, including the ovaries.
  4. The individual structural features of the female genital area are another reason why pain occurs in the lower abdomen on both sides.
  5. If we consider the problem from all sides, then we should not lose sight of such an aspect as monthly ovulation. This is one of the harmless reasons why pain occurs in the ovaries after sex. Ovulation is a natural process that occurs every month in the body of all healthy women of reproductive age. Pain that occurs on one side of the pelvis only indicates the imminent onset of the next menstruation. Moreover, sometimes the left ovary hurts, and after a month the right appendage “suffers”.
  6. Too rough sexual intercourse is another physiological reason why some discomfort occurs after sex. If a woman independently finds out this fact, then she should try to structure her sex life in such a way that similar problems no longer arise. Perhaps it will be enough to have an open conversation with your partner.

Pathological causes of pain

Inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs can lead to pain during sexual intercourse, localized in the ovarian area. They can manifest themselves in different ways: burning, frequent or one-time sharp tingling. Sometimes there is a feeling that there is a strong pulling in the lower abdomen, but not pain.

In chronic pathological processes, pain in the ovaries during sex practically does not make itself felt. As a rule, it occurs after orgasm and is dull in nature. Such pain does not last long, fading away in a few minutes. However, they arise on an ongoing basis.

Among the main diseases that can cause pain in the appendages are:

  1. Endometriosis. The growth of the uterine epithelium beyond its boundaries is not normal, therefore, with abundant blood supply to the pelvic organs during sexual intercourse, it can lead to severe pain.
  2. Apoplexy of the ovary. This is what is called a rupture of the epididymal membrane. If this happens during or after sexual intercourse, the pain will be very sharp. At the same time, bleeding occurs and blood pressure may drop. In this case, immediate medical attention is required.
  3. A tumor of the appendage responds with chronic, not too intense pain, which can be disturbing during intimacy, or after serious physical exertion. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, they are of a pulling nature and occur periodically, but over time they tend to increase.
  4. Large cystic formation. During sexual intercourse, it will put pressure on the internal organs from all sides, which will cause some discomfort. It will be localized in the right or left side, depending on where exactly the cyst is located.
  5. Venous stagnation is another reason why the ovaries hurt after intimacy. During arousal, blood flows to the pelvic organs in significant quantities. If a woman does not receive the release she needs, she may linger in them. This can cause not only pain, but also lead to neurological disorders, such as depression, worsening mood, psycho-emotional stress.

Important! If after intimate intimacy pain occurs on the right or the other side, and in parallel there are symptoms such as increased body temperature, the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract, nausea or vomiting, then you need to call an ambulance. It is possible that a complication of the cyst has occurred, for example, its rupture or torsion. In this case, surgery cannot be avoided.

Pathological causes of pain

Inflammation of the pelvic organs is quite capable of causing pain during sex, localized in the ovaries. Moreover, they can manifest themselves in completely different ways: a burning sensation, single or frequent tingling sensations. Some ladies experience nagging pain.

With chronic diseases, pain in the ovaries during sex hardly reminds you of itself. It usually appears after orgasm and has a dull character. The discomfort does not last long, disappearing in just a couple of minutes. But instead they arise constantly, after every sexual intercourse or orgasm.

There are several pathologies that can lead to the development of pain in the ovaries after sex:

  • Endometriosis. Pathological growth of the uterine epithelium with abundant blood supply during intimacy can provoke pain.
  • Apoplexy of the ovary. This is what is called the rupture of its shell. If this happens during or after sex, the pain will be sudden and very sharp. Along with it, bleeding appears, and blood pressure may drop. In such a situation, a woman needs emergency medical help.
  • Ovarian tumor. It usually manifests itself in the form of chronic, but not too severe pain that occurs during sexual intercourse and physical activity. At first, the disease brings nagging pain, which appears only occasionally, but as the defect progresses, the discomfort will increase.
  • Cystic neoplasm. During sex, it will put pressure on the internal organs from everywhere, which will lead to the development of discomfort. The pain will be localized on one side, depending on where the growth itself is located.
  • Venous stagnation. This is another common reason why women have pain in their ovaries after sex. At the moment of excitement, a large amount of blood arrives to the pelvic organs. If the lady does not receive satisfaction, the liquid may remain there. This phenomenon can lead not only to pain, but also to neurological disorders, such as depression, overexertion, and worsening mood.
  • Etiology of pain

    Why do the ovaries hurt after intimacy, and for what reason does pain appear during sexual relations? The regular occurrence of discomfort in the lower abdomen is a clear cause for concern. They can be triggered by any gynecological disease or the course of one or another pathological process. In some cases, pain appears after sexual intercourse due to mechanical reasons, including tension in the vaginal walls or insufficient amount of lubrication secreted by the vagina. In this case, the pain in the ovaries after sex goes away quite quickly. If eliminating these factors during subsequent sexual intercourse does not lead to the disappearance of the symptom and pain in the ovary appears when walking or playing sports, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible. Only after an examination and, possibly, an ultrasound, the doctor will be able to determine the etiology of the pain.

    We recommend you learn: About burning sensation in the ovaries in women

    The reasons that the ovaries constantly hurt during sex may be the following:

    • The presence of inflammatory processes in the appendages. Most often, it is inflammation that leads to unpleasant pain. In most cases, women with this disease complain of pain at the very beginning of sexual intercourse. The symptom does not disappear throughout the contact with the man, as well as after its end. In each individual case, pain manifests itself differently. So, some women feel a strong burning sensation and itching, while others experience pain accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina. With inflammation of the ovaries, such symptoms indicate that their mucous membrane is damaged.
    • Acute or chronic diseases of the appendages. In this case, a woman may feel pain in the ovary during sex, which covers the entire abdominal area. Unpleasant sensations can be quite strong or have a pulling or dull character. If such symptoms appear regularly after orgasm or during sexual relations, it is recommended to visit a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe treatment. For unadvanced ovarian diseases, a course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications is sufficient.
    • Rupture of the ovarian membrane. Scientifically speaking, this pathology is called apoplexy. In this case, the outer shell of the appendage is damaged and bleeding may develop. In this case, the woman not only feels pain, but may also lose consciousness due to a sharp decrease in pressure. If an ovary ruptures, you need to go by ambulance to the hospital, since only surgical intervention can save the woman. A sign that a rupture has occurred is that the pain syndrome cannot be eliminated with painkillers or antispasmodics.
    • Too rough sexual relations. It is worth remembering that during sex, an increased amount of blood flows to the pelvic organs, including the appendages. Particularly rapid blood supply is observed during the period of ovulation. If a partner acts harshly, a woman may feel that after intercourse one ovary aches and hurts. The sensations often do not go away for quite a long time. To eliminate this pathology, it is recommended before and during ovulation to ask your partner to make sex more careful and gentle, and not to use difficult positions.
    • Presence of a cyst. Although cysts that form in the appendages do not cause discomfort to most women, some types of cystic neoplasms still cause discomfort during sexual intercourse. The ovary can also hurt because the cyst has grown to a large size and during sex begins to put pressure on nearby organs.

    If such a formation is functional, it will disappear without treatment after a few menstrual cycles. In this case, temporary inconvenience can be eliminated by taking painkillers before sexual intercourse. The act itself should be carried out carefully, in a position comfortable for the woman and without aggressive movements.

    • Complication of the cyst condition. This may be a rupture or torsion of the pedicle of the cystic body. In this case, the pain is accompanied by other symptoms, including fever, general weakness, dizziness and nausea. This situation requires immediate contact with a medical institution for surgery.
    • The presence of venous stagnation. Often after orgasm, the ovaries ache due to congestion in the blood vessels leading to the genitals. The fact is that during arousal, blood enters the pelvic organs in large quantities. If sexual intimacy takes place without the emotional or physical release the woman needs, the blood cannot drain from the organs. As a result, the painful sensations do not disappear even after sex. Such situations are also provoked by excessive psycho-emotional stress and a feeling of mistrust in the partner. To cope with this pathology, many women turn to psychologists and sex therapists.
    • Polycystic ovary syndrome. After sex, the ovaries may hurt due to multiple cysts formed in them. Polycystic disease often leads to enlargement of the appendages and their pain.

    Important! Any discomfort during sexual intercourse requires contacting a gynecologist. Only a doctor can determine what disease caused them. It is strictly not recommended to engage in self-diagnosis, and even more so, self-medication.

    Women are not always able to understand what exactly is causing the pain, the ovaries or the uterus. Thus, pain in the appendage area during sexual relations can cause inflammation of the cervix. As a rule, with this disease, women experience pain in the vagina during deep penetration during intimacy. The pain often does not disappear even after sexual intercourse. Uterine fibroids can also cause similar symptoms affecting the appendages. In this case, the woman will feel pain in positions in which the tumor begins to put pressure on other organs and nearby nerve endings.

    If pain occurs once, you don’t have to worry. Most likely, this is only a consequence of incorrect posture or too active sexual contact. If pain reappears, it is recommended to consult a doctor without delay. If the pain is too acute and occurs with accompanying pathological conditions such as fever, bleeding, nausea and vomiting, lightheadedness, dizziness and general weakness, you should call an ambulance. This may require emergency surgical treatment.

    We recommend you find out: Ovarian cyst, can you have sex and Where are the ovarian appendages located?

    Critical condition

    Keep in mind that if after sex the ovaries on the left or right side are very painful, and additional symptoms arise: fever, development of abnormal bleeding from the vagina, vomiting or nausea, then you must immediately call a team of doctors.

    There is probably a complication of the cyst, for example, torsion or rupture. In such a situation, it is simply impossible to do without surgical intervention.


    Not all women can independently understand why their ovaries hurt after sex. Sometimes it is completely difficult to determine where exactly the discomfort is localized: namely in the appendages, uterus, or even in the vagina.

    For example, a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen during intimacy may be a consequence of uterine fibroids or inflammation of the cervix. In this case, none of the ovaries will be subject to abnormal processes. So if you have chronic abdominal pain after sex, you should consult a gynecologist.

    First of all, the doctor will examine the woman in the chair. Such a simple manipulation will make it possible to understand where exactly the pain is localized. If both ovaries are inflamed, they will be enlarged. If the right appendage is damaged, then it will be the one that will react more strongly to palpation.

    Causes of pain in the ovaries during or after sexual intercourse

    According to data obtained from a survey of women of different ages, approximately half of the respondents have pain in their ovaries after sex. Unpleasant pain in the appendages often also occurs during sexual intercourse or after orgasm. Most often, the cause of pain in the lower abdomen is simply an uncomfortable position. Of course, an uncomfortable body position is a completely natural and safe factor for a woman’s health. However, it happens that changing position does not lead to the disappearance of unpleasant sensations. In this case, many women turn to forums and to their doctors asking why their ovaries hurt so much during sex. There can be many reasons for this pathological condition. In addition, diseases of the uterus or other pelvic organs can also create the feeling that the appendage area hurts.

    What tests are needed

    To determine an accurate diagnosis, the gynecologist may refer the patient for additional examinations:

  • blood tests for hormone levels, sugar, as well as general and clinical studies;
  • donating blood to identify sexually transmitted pathologies that have a latent form;
  • taking a smear for bacterial culture;
  • cervical biopsy;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, most often transvaginal.
  • Much less often there is a need for an MRI. This is usually necessary in cases where the doctor is unable to detect the cause of the pain using simple diagnostic techniques.

    After identifying pathological factors leading to discomfort, the woman is prescribed appropriate treatment. It is possible that she will have to abstain from sexual intercourse during this period.

    Ovaries hurt after sex: what to do?

    The necessary therapy depends entirely on the original cause of the pathology. Defects of an inflammatory and infectious nature require the use of antiviral and antibacterial drugs. At the same time, a woman may be advised to take medications that reduce inflammation and the severity of negative clinical manifestations. To treat the female reproductive system, it is most convenient to use medications in the form of vaginal suppositories.

    The presence of tumors requires the most thorough examination. It is possible to prescribe hormonal drugs. If there is no effect from conservative therapy, the woman is recommended to have surgery.

    If the pain has a psychological pathogenesis, the girl needs to consult a psychotherapist or sexologist.

    If we are talking about discomfort caused by ovulation, the woman does not need special treatment. In this case, the intensity of spasms can be reduced through proper nutrition, active exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

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