“A week of terrible pain, suppuration and swelling”: doctors forgot to remove the tampon from the patient’s nose after surgery

I also had an unpleasant situation... the day before yesterday I had sex with a young man, but I don’t remember whether I pulled out the tampon or not. but the martyr says that he didn’t feel anything .. but still it seems to me that he might not remember since he was under alcohol .. But I don’t feel him inside, I checked several times (And I called the medical centers (gynecology), they tell me We don’t work on weekends..we just have to wait for Monday..((

So, I’m not the only one after all! I've been on edge since the morning. Yesterday we celebrated my birthday, I had too much (I didn’t expect this from myself.) My husband literally brought it home and put me to bed. and in the morning he admitted that he really wanted sex and took advantage of my, at that time, completely insensitive body.)))) he laughs, says he liked it, and I remember with horror that I didn’t take out the tampon at night. And this parasite, too, since I was drunk, doesn’t remember whether it was in me (I mean a tampon)))) I can’t feel it, I tried to rinse it with a shower, but nothing happened. It's a shame to go to a gynecologist. Apparently I have to, otherwise I won’t calm down!

Dear girls, who managed to pull it out without visiting a gynecologist, please share your experience on how best to do this.

Hi all. I also forgot to take out the tampon and walked with it for more than a week. My husband and I even had sex, but he was not comfortable and so I went to the gynecologist. she pulled everything out and prescribed suppositories. Girls, be sure to go to the doctor after this and get a smear, otherwise you never know!

The reaction of some ladies who are not familiar with this problem is upsetting. The same situation happened to me, at the moment I’m just in heavy thoughts about my situation. I don’t remember whether I pulled out the tampon or not. I talked to my mother here, she told me that if my period is still going on, then I should come out. This situation is extremely delicate and uncomfortable. Dear girls, I understand you. Don't worry, everything can be solved. The main thing is not to delay going to the doctor. Yes, it’s embarrassing, uncomfortable and scary, but it’s better to get through it all. and not earn yourself necrosis. Good luck everyone! Dont be upset!

I thought I was the only one too. My husband and I flew on vacation on the day of my period. then the transfer we spent the night))) with friends and again we got on the plane to rest, and on the second day there was a terrible stench and the whole 2 weeks were overshadowed by this nuisance. They found absolutely nothing in local pharmacies. In short, today I’m at home after 3 weeks and after drinking too much antibiotic and a course of suppositories, a TAMPON came out in the toilet. The same one that I forgot to take out during all the chaos with the flight and transfer. I’m shocked and so is my husband. He also added that it was necessary to treat not THERE but the head)))) And today I had an appointment with a gynecologist, but I couldn’t go, so he would have gone crazy and laughed inside and it’s a disgrace to me. Right now I’m douching with chlohexedine and potassium permanganate, but I’m still going to the hospital... you never know. maybe he's not the only one there)))

If you don't like it, don't read it. It turns out that this happens too. So I read it and calmed down (that I’m not the only one)

I also felt the smell for two days during sex, I even went to wash myself every time. And yesterday I stuck my finger in there. and my hands started shaking. I felt really bad. The tampon has been sitting there for a week. It turned over, but it’s very deep. My husband helped me, I took it out, I could barely “reach out.” I thought it would tear me apart. I’m not myself, I’m having all sorts of terrible thoughts about what’s probably going on there. I’m already using them 10 years old. And so... thank you very much girls. They helped, suggested how to treat.. I cried in horror. And I was very embarrassed to go to the hospital.

damn, I’m also ashamed to admit, but I got drunk and slept with a young man, forgetting to take out the tampon. I didn't find anything there this morning. After a few days, unpleasant odors began, I thought I had become infected with something, but I didn’t go to the gynecologist. 10 days later I discovered a tampon. I am terrified. Probably needs to be disinfected with something. he spent 10 (.) days in the vagina..

the girl asked what to do, do you find it funny? neighing is not here! Do I really live among such stupid women?

I laughed and remembered how I had the opposite case - I pulled out the tampon before going to take a shower, somehow mechanically, apparently thinking about something. And I forgot about it. I go into the shower stall and think - damn, I forgot to take out the tampon, I fumble with my fingers in search of the string, but it’s not there :)) I think - it probably curled inwards by accident. I check deeper - no. I got scared, panicked, I thought - well, that’s it, the rope came off, what should I do now? I check with my finger and there is no tampon. Moreover, I clearly remember how I installed the new one in the morning, but I don’t remember how I pulled it out at all :)))


If you forget about the tampon for an extra 1-2 hours, it’s unlikely that anything will happen. If for a day, go to the gynecologist. Perhaps he will take a smear and prescribe antibiotics so that there is no infection in the body. In general, set a reminder on your smartphone and don’t forget about intimate hygiene!

Gynecological products for one-time use for hygienic purposes are a real salvation for the modern woman. Women have no worries or fears about pads. But there are several concerns about tampons, one of which concerns the possibility of it getting stuck in the vagina. Such situations are not very frequent, but they still happen. What to do if a tampon gets stuck? Will it fall out on its own or do I need help somehow? When is urgent medical attention needed? How long can it stay inside without harming the body? Many issues require detailed study.

Can a tampon stay inside a woman?

This question is usually asked by girls who only have experience using pads. Fear is quite natural, because you have to put something inside yourself, and then you also need to get this something out. Even though we are talking about a hygienically clean product specifically designed for such purposes, fears do not go away.

A gynecologist will find a stuck tampon faster than an x-ray will show.

We will try to clearly explain whether a tampon can get stuck inside and what to do if it goes deep. First, you need to remember your anatomy lessons, which talked about the length of the vagina being 10-13 cm (from the entrance to the cervix). This is the maximum depth that the hygiene product can reach.

The opening of the cervix is ​​25 mm in diameter. The standard diameter of a tampon is 1.2 cm. So any questions about what to do if a tampon has fallen into the uterus are meaningless. It's simply impossible

If we take into account that the length of the tampon is 4-5 cm, then its edge will be at a distance of 5-9 cm from the entrance to the vagina. Let each girl decide for herself how deep it is.

It is also worth considering that for some manufacturers, when absorbing secretions, tampons expand in diameter, while for others they increase in length.

How to remove a tampon if it's stuck deep inside

The question of whether an inserted tampon can go inside the uterus is always relevant. This is especially common for girls who have recently started menstruating.

According to statistics, 62% of the female population use sanitary pads during menstruation, the rest prefer tampons.

This priority is due to the fact that representatives of the fairer sex are afraid of penetration of the inserted product into the uterus or its loss into the vagina due to a broken thread. However, the use of such products for one-time use is completely safe if the instructions are followed.

Can a tampon get into the uterus?

The cervical canal expands before menstruation, which is why girls using tampons fear that the sanitary product may enter the uterus. However, it is groundless, since the opening is not enough for the inserted product to go deeper.

Another fear is based on the fact that the tampon may get lost in the vaginal space and penetrate into it along with the thread.

If the tampon is used correctly, there is no risk of it penetrating deep with the string. This is due to the fact that the vaginal depth reaches 10–13 centimeters, and it is simply impossible for feminine hygiene items to get lost inside it.

Why does a tampon get stuck?

When the thread breaks and an unsuccessful attempt to remove the inserted sanitary product is made, some girls panic and think that they have a tampon stuck in their vagina. Therefore, many people are concerned about whether the inserted tampon can get stuck.

Most often, this situation occurs when using low-quality products, the rope of which may come off when they are removed.

In such cases, you should not panic; you need to pull out the absorbent surface, especially if it has penetrated deep enough.

When a hygiene product is left in the vagina for several days, blood cells begin to decompose, causing an unpleasant odor and disruption of the microflora.

A tampon can also get stuck if it goes inside during sexual intercourse. In this case, the hygiene item gets inside along with the string, which makes removal even more difficult.

In any case, products that have been inserted incorrectly must be removed as soon as possible.

When problems might arise

Difficulties associated with using tampons arise when a girl does not follow the instructions for their use. Discomfort also appears:

  • when choosing the wrong personal hygiene products;
  • their untimely change of tampon;
  • having sexual intercourse with a tampon inserted inside.

In rare cases, problems with use may occur when purchasing low-quality products. This applies to situations where the manufacturer did not securely fasten the thread, and it broke when removing the tampon from the vagina.

It hurts to take the product out

If a woman has chosen the wrong type of product, that is, has not taken into account the characteristic features of her menstrual cycle, when removing it, pain may occur when removing the tampon.

Unpleasant sensations arise from friction between the material from which the object is made and the vaginal walls.

Due to the discomfort that appears, it seems that the tampon may get stuck in the vagina, but this is not the case.

Even in the absence of pain, the hygiene product should be removed at the end of the recommended period of use, since long-term use of one product threatens the appearance of gynecological problems, for example, disruption of the vaginal microflora.

To do this you will have to apply a little more force than usual. If the thread breaks and the absorbent part remains inside, it should be removed using the method of tension of the vaginal muscles.

Pain can also occur if a woman tries to remove a stuck object ahead of time. This occurs because the product is not saturated with menstrual fluid and remains dry, causing friction.

To ensure that the hygiene item does not get stuck in the vagina, and that the woman does not have difficulty removing it, it is necessary to select tampons correctly. To do this, you need to pay attention to the absorbent characteristics displayed on the packaging in the form of drops.

The woman forgot to remove the tampon before inserting the next one.

There are situations when a woman forgot to remove the inserted tampon and uses another one. This threatens that the thread from the remaining hygiene item can completely penetrate the vagina. At best, there will be problems with removing the product, and at worst, the second absorbent part may remain inside the woman if she completely forgot about it and removed only one item.

You can recognize this by the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the vagina due to the decomposition of blood cells. This symptom may appear after 1–3 days.

If a girl forgot to take out the tampon and a characteristic unpleasant odor appears, she should remove the hygiene item, wash herself, and consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of gynecological problems.

Women forget about the inserted tampon for several days

Sometimes, after inserting a tampon, girls forget to take it out; in some cases, this period can last for a week. If a woman thought she had removed the sanitary product, but has a putrid odor from her vagina, it is necessary to check whether the product was removed.

To exclude the occurrence of consequences, if she has been wearing the same hygienic absorbent item for a week, the girl needs to contact a gynecologist. The fact is that the material located in the vagina for a long time gradually begins to decompose. Even after removal, its fibers can remain inside, causing inflammatory processes and disruption of the vaginal microflora.

How to remove a tampon without a string

Given the possible negative consequences, it is important to know what to do if a tampon is stuck inside and there is no thread to remove it. There are two methods for this. The first of these is suitable in cases where the object has not fallen too far. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. You can pull out the inserted tampon without a thread by contracting the vaginal muscles. To do this you need to relax, squat down.
  2. Then you need to push in the same way as during bowel movements. It is necessary to tense the muscles contractively. In this case, the absorbent part will gradually move outward.
  3. When a small part of the product appears, you need to grab it and carefully remove the item completely.

If the tampon is stuck deep, you need to try to remove it with your fingers:

  1. You must wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Then the woman squats down and inserts one or two fingers into the vagina. You must try to feel and remove the lace that has penetrated inside. If the string comes off, you can feel the tampon with two fingers. The product must be grabbed from both sides and pulled outward.

If the tampon is not sufficiently saturated with menstrual fluid and comes out with pain, you can use an intimate gel.

If both methods do not help to remove the inserted object at home, you need to contact a gynecologist. It is also necessary to visit a female doctor if the product has been inside for more than 8 hours.

Source: https://TopGinekolog.ru/menstruation/gigiena/mozhet-li-tampon-ujti-vnutr-matki

Possible causes of jams

Problems with the inability to remove a tampon are usually associated with several situations:

  • the product turned out to be of poor quality, and the pull cord came loose while removing the gynecological product;
  • due to some circumstances, the thread got inside and is no longer visible;
  • in a drunken state or in a fit of strong passion, sexual intercourse was performed with a hygienic product inside. This could cause the thread to be pushed inward.

Before you pull out a tampon that is stuck in the vagina, you need to understand what kind of case we are dealing with. If the thread has not come back, then it makes sense to try to find it. Perhaps it has not gone too far, and its edge will be hidden under the labia.

To ensure that the thread remains outside, it must be stretched along its entire length before using the tampon.

If the tampon is left inside, what are the signs of a problem?

When a woman forgets to take out the tampon or the string comes off, she immediately begins to panic. You need to understand when it becomes dangerous and how much time you have to make the right decisions.

As for the body, there will be no signs of problems due to the stuck hygiene product. No fever, chills or pain. If any discomfort appears in the intimate area, it is likely due to improper use of the hygiene product.

A tampon forgotten inside will begin to signal itself by leaking. If you do not change it for a long time, it will become heavily saturated with secretions that it can no longer contain. In fact, this is the only possible sign of a tampon stuck (forgotten) inside the body.

Over time, a characteristic odor will begin to spread. It is clear that if you ignore the problem for more than a day, then problems of a more serious nature will begin. Reproducing bacteria in an environment that is beneficial to them does not bode well. But it’s somehow hard to believe that you can ignore a leaking tampon.

In extremely rare cases, a girl forgets about the old tampon and tries to insert a new one. In this situation, it will not go to a sufficient depth and will cause significant discomfort due to its incorrect location. In addition to discomfort, an important sign will be a strong unpleasant odor from the vagina.

Can a tampon really go into the uterus?

According to research, almost 62 percent of women use pads, and only 42 percent of the female audience choose tampons. This is all due to fears about losing the product in the vagina, a broken rope, etc.

Questions often pop up on the Internet about “can a tampon get lost in the vagina?” or “can a tampon go into the uterus?” Such horror stories seriously frighten especially young girls who have just started menstruating.

You need to understand all these fears and find out the whole truth about using this hygiene item during the menstrual cycle.

Can a tampon get into the uterus?

Similar questions arise quite often, because girls are afraid that the product may get lost inside the body or that they may not be able to find the thread that got there. But all these are misconceptions that do not have any serious justification. The anatomy of the female reproductive system is such that this is simply impossible.

The vagina has a depth of 10-13 centimeters, so the hygiene product does not go so far that it could disappear without a trace. Yes, the cervical canal dilates during menstruation, but the opening is not enough for the tampon to penetrate the cervix.

Find out if sex with a tampon is possible during your period.

When might problems arise?

Advances in the modern production of feminine hygiene products ensure their safe use during menstrual periods.

But if a woman complains that she cannot remove the tampon or that it could remain with a string in the vagina, then this is the fault of the girl who did not take into account all the rules for using a hygiene product.

Of course, in rare cases, manufacturers are to blame for not securing the thread securely or skimping on materials.

Read about the dangers of tampons for women's health.

Problems with tampons occur when:

It is painful for a woman to remove the product

Either the product did not have time to soak completely, or the woman chose the wrong product with a higher ability to absorb menstrual flow than necessary. Naturally, you cannot leave a tampon in the vagina for a long time, since in addition to unpleasant sensations, gynecological problems may arise.

The lady forgot to take out the tampon before inserting the next one

Often women simply forget to take out a hygiene product before the next procedure or introduce two at once to avoid leakage (see photo). Doing this is strictly prohibited, because there is a high probability that the rope will completely get into the vagina.

Women forget about the inserted tampon for several days or even a week

On many forums you can find stories from subscribers about menstruation, where a girl forgot a tampon and now cannot get it. The main symptom is the unpleasant smell of the removed product, reminiscent of rot, because the product begins to decompose.

In this case, you should definitely visit a doctor to check the microflora. After all, fibers from the product may still remain inside the vagina after such a long stay, which will provoke inflammatory processes or cause diseases.

Read in the article at the link that it is better to choose tampons or pads.

Signs of hygiene product remaining inside

“I don’t remember what I got” - these, as well as other statements by forgetful women, cause serious distress. If you cannot check with your finger, then you can find out for sure about a deeply stuck tampon by yourself by the following signs:

  1. Feeling dry. Keeping the product in the vagina for a long time subsequently causes unpleasant sensations and general discomfort. If the tampon is stuck, it is better to calm down and try to get it out yourself so that it does not remain inside for too long.
  2. Unpleasant smell. The discharge does not have a significant odor, but when interacting with bacteria, it produces an odor reminiscent of rot. Take out the tampon immediately, and if that doesn’t work, contact your gynecologist.
  3. Toxic shock syndrome. This symptom is very rare, but quite serious, which is why it is so important to remove the hygiene product in time. The main signs of TSS are a sharp decrease in blood pressure, an increase in body temperature, and redness of the skin. The phrases “I remember I pulled it out” and “I can’t remember” no longer play a role here. The only correct solution is to call an ambulance.

Even if the product remains in the vagina for no more than a day, it still doesn’t hurt to visit a gynecologist. The vaginal microflora could easily be damaged after the product remained inside for longer than expected.

What to do if a tampon gets stuck or how to remove a tampon without a string?

Can a tampon get stuck? This is quite possible, but in almost all cases women can get it themselves at home.

It’s worth figuring out how to pull out a tampon without a string yourself and not harm yourself. If the thread remains in your hands or goes into the vagina under certain conditions, then there is no need to be afraid. The woman could have pulled it too hard or simply bought an unreliable product. Almost anyone can do this on their own:

  1. You need to wait a couple of hours for the product to soak in, because then it’s easier to get it out.
  2. Be sure to wash your hands to prevent bacteria from entering your vagina.
  3. The most comfortable position is squatting. If the thread comes off, then in this position you can help the tampon fall lower.
  4. Tighten your muscles while pushing out the product (muscle tension should resemble pushing during the defecation process).
  5. If it still doesn’t appear, then perhaps your fingers will help, but without long nails.
  6. If the tampon remains inside the woman for more than eight hours, then you need to urgently go to the gynecologist, who will remove the product.

Why shouldn't you rely on your own feelings?

Sometimes a woman does not remember whether she took out a tampon or not. There are also situations when a woman simply lost a hygiene product while visiting the toilet. Anything can happen, but even the absence of unpleasant sensations is not a 100% guarantee that the woman definitely took out the tampon.

  • Take the following saying as a rule: “if I can’t get it within a few hours, I go to the hospital.”
  • Buy only proven brands, avoiding too cheap items.
  • Eliminate the phrase “I don’t remember” when it comes to intimate hygiene. If your memory is poor, it is better to take notes on your phone.
  • Select the appropriate absorbency label. It is undesirable to use products that are either too small or have a high ability to absorb secretions unnecessarily.
  • “I always know that you can’t use a tampon for more than 4 hours.” The golden rule, which not only protects against missing threads in the vagina, but also does not aggravate the condition of the mucous membrane.
  • Always wash your hands thoroughly before administering the product; in extreme cases, you can use the applicator if there is no access to water.
  • In case of any serious illness, immediately call an ambulance, because leaving a tampon for too long can cause toxic shock syndrome.

Remember that the control rope can come off even from the most reliable tampon, so you should carefully insert and remove the product without using too much force. Modern feminine hygiene products during menstruation will not harm the body if you remember to change them on time and follow the rules of use.

Source: https://MesyachnyeDni.ru/zhenskaya-gigiena/tampony/mozhet-li-tampon-uyti-v-matku.html

How to get a tampon without thread?

There are very rarely situations when you cannot get a hygiene product because the thread has come off. How to remove a tampon without a string yourself? If you don’t have the opportunity, time or desire to go to a doctor, then you can try to cope on your own.

There is no need to try to correct the situation with your bare hands (finger), because this way you can harm yourself even more by pushing the tampon even further.

The algorithm of actions is as follows.

  1. You need to relax and stop panicking. It is clear that a torn thread causes panic, but it must be overcome. If you don't stop being afraid, you won't be able to relax your vaginal muscles. Only after you have calmed down can you move on.
  2. You need to squat down. There is no need to sit on the toilet, because in this case an incorrect angle will be created, which will complicate the process. In this position, the abdominal and vaginal muscles should be completely relaxed.
  3. How to remove a tampon if it is deep and relaxation does not help it come out? You need to start pushing, as if you are having a bowel movement. With one gust you can push the hygiene product out.
  4. If the previous option did not work, then we continue to sit in the same position and push again. This time you need to tense the vaginal muscles contractively, as if releasing waves. Any woman can do this, even those who do not develop their female muscles.

If the four points described above did not help, then you need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist, which will help in solving the problem. Remember that a tampon stuck in the body for more than 8 hours is considered harmful to the body.

Usually the hygiene product comes out well, but if the discharge is scanty, then the hygiene product may not be soaked enough to come out painlessly. In this case, you may experience some pain, dryness and discomfort when trying to remove it using one of the above methods. You can use an intimate gel to simplify the movement of the gynecological product.

You can learn more about how to remove a tampon that is stuck inside from the video.

Forgot your tampon...

I thought for a long time whether to write this post or not, but I finally decided to do it. In general, I still don’t want to speak badly about the Mytishchi maternity hospital, because I really liked everything there, except for one incident... Unfortunately, there are some nuances that we, mothers in labor, apparently have to somehow control ourselves and this is very sad (My the birth took place on May 23 and we were already discharged home on May 25. Since I was given an episiotomy during childbirth, I was in a lot of pain and my stitches were pulling...at the central hospital they recommended ketarol injections for me...but after the next injection was released I felt incredible pain in the area stitches.. (not a big note.. so I still couldn’t go through the small one.. it was agony).. I went into the shower and instead of the vagina, I felt with my hand some kind of large foreign body and it emitted a terrible smell.. I asked my husband to see what it was (he helps me process the stitches).. he was horrified.. it was clearly something not mine and was bursting me.. I looked in the mirror and almost lost consciousness from what I saw. I called the reception of the maternity hospital and explained that it seemed to me that a tampon (a thick bandage) was sticking out.. they laughed and told me to go to the gynecology department.. We decided to just come right away (I want to note that it was one in the morning and I had a 4-day-old child at home.. okay we We live with my grandmother and she agreed to babysit him). As a result, the receptionist giggled at me and sent me for examination.. I could barely climb onto this chair with my stitches (well, the doctor was nice and helped me)... and what do you think.. as I said.. she pulled me out the tampon was almost the size of a fist!!! it just stank disgustingly!!! and I also thought how good it was that after giving birth I didn’t have a gush like many people did.. the tampon absorbed a decent amount of lochia.. Then she treated me and let the candles stand .. When I came out, she apologized for such negligence of the doctor who carried out all the postpartum manipulations on the birth table .. A little lower I wrote about the elderly woman doctor involved in my birth, she just stitched me up and inserted this tampon. .I immediately felt relief in the area of ​​the stitches, they certainly hurt, but not so much (and the tampon apparently began to come out and put pressure on everything possible... that’s why there was wild pain)... and when I arrived home I was finally able to go little by little... So this is what happens sometimes... This could have happened in another maternity hospital... just control the girls down to the last detail! And I hope they punish this doctor... my mother couldn’t stand it and went to swear at the head of the maternity hospital!

How to avoid the problem

There are several recommendations that will help you avoid problems with a tampon left inside. Although you may never encounter such a problem in your entire life, certain preventive measures will not be superfluous:

  • There's a reason 90% of women use ob, Tampax or Kotex tampons. These are market leaders who have gained trust with quality products. Problems usually arise from little-known manufacturers, whose products, although cheaper, clearly carry more risks;
  • The product must be correctly selected according to its characteristics. Choose products based on the number of drops on the package. It should last 4 hours and be easy to remove without discomfort;
  • It’s better to postpone sex until your period ends;
  • Tampons should only be used during menstruation.

Such simple and obvious recommendations help to avoid many problems.

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