Blood after sexual intercourse erosion. Bleeding after sex: where does it come from and what is it fraught with?

It is very difficult to find an event in people's lives that could compare with the first sex. The feeling of excitement, fear and excitement is overwhelming, and this novelty is literally intoxicating and beckons. Guys are trying to show their best side and present themselves as a gentleman, and girls spend more than one hour preparing and want this moment to be perfect.

But not everyone knows why there is bleeding after the first time and whether this is normal. This article will help you find the answer to your question.

How dangerous is bleeding in women?

The presence of blood during sex is typical for women, since their genitals are closely connected to the circulatory system and are more easily injured during sexual intercourse. The blood may come from the external genitalia, the uterus and cervix, the hymen, or the vaginal septum. The latter phenomenon is quite rare, since this septum occurs in a very small number of women and is not a normal part of the female reproductive system.

The septum divides the vagina into two parts and is injured by the penis during sex. The presence of a vaginal septum is indicated by constant bleeding from the vagina, accompanied by severe pain. The partner can feel this partition with the penis and also be injured. Removal of the vaginal septum is possible only by surgical intervention immediately upon detection of pathology.

As a form of protection for women, a spiral is installed inside the vagina. If you insert it incorrectly, blood and sharp pain may occur during sex. Then you need to remove the used IUD and ask your gynecologist how to insert the contraceptive correctly.


The method of treatment depends on what diagnosis is made.

If hormonal disorders are detected, drugs are prescribed to regulate the content of estrogen in the blood. Progesterone-based products are used (Utrozhestan, Duphaston and others) or combined preparations of estrogen and progesterone, usually used as contraceptives (Yarina, Zhanin, Diane 35).

In the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal agents are prescribed. They are used in the form of tablets or topical preparations (ointments, creams, suppositories, douching solutions).

To remove polyps and cysts, surgical methods are used (hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, uterine curettage). In case of cancer, the uterus is removed partially or completely, sometimes along with the appendages. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are then given if necessary. The complexity and success of treatment depends on the stage of the disease.

Abundance of bleeding2

The main criteria for how dangerous bleeding is are the amount of discharge and the pain that accompanies it. If a woman has lost a large amount of blood, this indicates the presence of serious problems, because even during the menstrual cycle, heavy discharge that disrupts the comfortable course of life is caused by disruptions in the body.

You should not relieve severe pain by taking hot baths, as this will further affect blood circulation and increase the amount of blood released. The appearance of dark blood clots, weakness, nausea, dizziness, general malaise of the body during bleeding is a reason to contact an ambulance.

Definition and prevalence

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Pathological discharge has no connection with the menstrual cycle. They can occur on any day, be almost invisible or quite intense, and be accompanied by pain during sexual intercourse.

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This symptom is observed in 1-9% of women during the fertile period.

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In 30% of patients with this symptom, abnormal uterine bleeding is simultaneously present, and in 15% there is pain during sexual intercourse.

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Depending on the level of damage to the genital organs, the nature of bloody discharge may be different:

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  • when the uterus is involved, blood clots formed in its cavity may be released;
  • if a pathological process, for example, inflammation, affects the cervix, mucus with blood appears;
  • when the outer part of the cervix or vaginal walls is affected, scarlet blood is released.

With intense bleeding, the possibility of internal bleeding cannot be ruled out, for example, due to vaginal injuries. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately call a doctor if, along with vaginal discharge, there are the following signs:

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  • increasing abdominal pain;
  • bloating;
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • cold sweat;
  • weak pulse;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • shortness of breath, severe weakness;
  • drop in blood pressure, dizziness, fainting.

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Rough sex4

There is nothing special about rough sex, because everyone has their own tastes and preferences, but you need to be careful not to hurt your partner. If sharp pain is noticed during sexual intercourse, you need to stop and check the amount of blood. Perhaps the required amount of lubrication is not enough, due to strong friction, irritation occurs, and the genitals begin to bleed. Mechanical damage is possible when using dildos.

The occurrence of wounds or irritation can provoke the development of infections if pathogenic bacteria enter the damaged genital organs. To do this, immediately after sex, you need to rinse the external genital organs with running water, apply a healing ointment for the vagina, and then use medicinal baths.

During sex, the penis can damage the uterus. Uterine bleeding is much more difficult to stop, so if there is a large amount of blood, you should not wait and contact a doctor immediately.


In order to protect the vaginal mucosa from dryness, it is recommended to use lubricants (lubricating and moisturizing intimate gels based on water, silicone or fat). To choose them correctly, you need to consult a doctor.

If alarming suspicions arise about discharge after sexual intercourse, a woman should immediately go to the gynecologist and take the necessary smears and blood tests. It is preferable to use condoms during sex. This will protect against infection and infectious diseases.

Postcoital bleeding is a type of pathological bloody vaginal discharge. In many cases, this symptom is a manifestation of non-life-threatening diseases; it is also one of the main signs of a malignant tumor of the cervix. When bloody discharge is observed after or during sexual intercourse, you should consult a gynecologist.

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Infectious diseases5

Sexually transmitted diseases can cause bleeding during sex. These diseases include:

  • Syphilis
  • Gonorrhea
  • Chlamydia
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Cervicitis
  • Vaginitis
  • Endometritis

Sexual infections can also be caused by the presence of E. coli, staphylococcus, fungi and other harmful microorganisms. To avoid the occurrence of fungus, it is necessary to carefully monitor intimate hygiene, use special cream soap, change sanitary pads and tampons at least once every 3-4 hours and change clean underwear daily with soap and boiled water.

Natural factors

Virginity. It is well known that during the first sexual intercourse the hymen ruptures (defloration), this is accompanied by slight bleeding. But if it does not stop after sexual intercourse, there may be a blood clotting disorder, then the help of a doctor is necessary. It also happens that after intercourse for the 2nd and 3rd time, blood flows again, which means that there is too active coitus. In some women, the hymen can stretch greatly, but not tear at the first contact, then blood can be observed during repeated intercourse.

Menstruation. Sometimes sex speeds up the approach of menstruation. This usually happens the day before they occur. In this case, the bloody discharge starts out brown, then becomes normal.

Ovulation. Drops of blood during intercourse and after sex in the middle of the cycle can indicate the onset of ovulation - the release of an egg from the follicle. They are sparse and pink in color. On days 7-13 after ovulation, light bleeding also occurs during sexual intercourse. In such cases, it is associated with the implantation of the zygote into the wall of the uterus and the onset of pregnancy.

Physiology includes the following conditions:

  • insufficient arousal of a woman during sex and lack of vaginal lubrication;
  • age-related vaginal dryness as a result of estrogen deficiency during menopause;
  • too active frictions during coitus;
  • using tampons.

Active masturbation can irritate the vaginal mucosa and can also cause bleeding during sex. The mucous membrane in these cases heals quickly without treatment. Bloody discharge the day after sex indicates residual menstrual blood - normally, the discharged residue disappears after a few hours.

Mechanical damage to the mucous membrane can occur during installation or removal of an intrauterine device, after abortion, during curettage - then pink discharge occurs. In all these cases, no treatment is required.

Presence of tumor10

Uterine cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases for the female body. The first symptoms of uterine cancer are constant bleeding. In order to identify the nature of the disease (benign or malignant tumor) as quickly as possible, you need to contact experienced specialists.

There are several types of tumors:

  • Cervical cancer – flat epithelial cells cover the cervix.
  • Cancer of the uterine body - develops in the mucous tissues and muscular lining of the uterus.
  • Endometrial cancer is a tumor that originates from the inner layer of the uterus, the endometrium.
  • Leiomysarcoma is cancer of the muscular lining of the uterus.

Reason four: benign and malignant neoplasms

Often, the reason that brown discharge causes discomfort to a woman after sex is various neoplasms. Most often we are talking about polyps: these benign tumors appear due to stress, weakened immunity or hormonal imbalance.

Polyps are formed from cells of the cervix and parasitize on it until they are removed. Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure this disease using conservative methods: polyps can only be gotten rid of through surgery, and nothing else. The secretions released from polyps are either pink or bloody in color: brown is not typical for them.

Brown discharge after sex can also indicate cervical erosion: unlike polyps, this disease is not characterized by any other symptoms and often goes unnoticed until the next examination by a specialist. Erosion is incredibly dangerous - if there is a delay in treatment, it develops into cancer, which is why, at the slightest suspicion of it, an examination by a doctor is necessary.

Hymen rupture12

This may come as a surprise to many, but the hymen may not break during the first sexual intercourse and may stretch under the influence of the penis. The hymen can break even before the first sex during masturbation or subsequently during the growth of the girl’s body. There is nothing terrible if the hymen breaks when a woman is already sexually active. In this case, this is not a pathology, since the body of every woman is universal, as is the structure of the hymen.


The main reasons for the appearance of blood after sexual intercourse:

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  1. Benign formations: polyps of the uterus, its cervix and ectropion.
  2. Infections: cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometritis, vaginitis.
  3. Lesions of the external organs of the reproductive system: herpes, syphilis, genital warts, lymphogranuloma venereum, chancroid.
  4. Vaginal atrophy in old age, pelvic organ prolapse, benign vascular neoplasms (hemangiomas), endometriosis.
  5. Malignant formations of the cervix, vagina, endometrium.
  6. Injury due to sexual assault or the presence of a foreign body.

If a woman leaks blood during intercourse, the risk of cervical cancer ranges from 3 to 5.5%, and the risk of cervical intraneoplasia is up to 17.8%.

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In a significant proportion of patients, in more than half of the cases, doctors are unable to figure out why coitus provokes bleeding. However, the pathological condition should be considered as a potential indicator of cervical neoplasia (precancer) and cervical cancer.

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Discharge of blood after sexual intercourse is typical for women of reproductive age, and it is observed less frequently in young patients.

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There are physiological reasons for this condition:

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  1. In a girl after her first sexual intercourse, her hymen is damaged.
  2. Mid-cycle, some blood may be released during ovulation.
  3. Bloody discharge before menstruation may be a sign of implantation of a fertilized egg into the endometrium.
  4. Vaginal discharge may occur during the first weeks after birth, until the uterus has fully recovered.
  5. Bleeding after sexual intercourse during pregnancy is normal and does not require treatment. This should be reported to the observing gynecologist at your next visit.

Bloody discharge can be observed during sexual intercourse, immediately after it and after some time. If blood appears immediately after sexual intercourse, diseases of the vagina and the outer part of the cervix are most likely. In these pathologies, the damaged tissue is mechanically injured, which is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels.

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If bleeding is more common the day after sexual intercourse, it is necessary to exclude pathology of the endometrium, that is, the inner uterine layer. In this case, the mechanical effect is not so significant; greater importance is attached to increasing blood flow in the walls of the uterus. In this case, pathologically altered tissues have increased vascular permeability. Red blood cells emerge from the arteries, accumulating first in the uterus and after some time exiting through the cervical canal into the vaginal cavity.

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Major diseases accompanied by bleeding

Malignant tumor

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Postcoital bleeding occurs in 11% of women with cervical cancer. This disease is the second most common cancer among women worldwide. The average age of onset of pathology is 51 years. The main risk factor is HPV infection, as well as decreased immunity and smoking.

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In recent years, the incidence of postcoital bleeding in cervical cancer has decreased significantly. This is due to earlier diagnosis of the tumor, when the tissues have not yet disintegrated and the vessels have not been damaged. Cytological screening of the cervix and testing for HPV can identify precancerous and cancerous diseases, which is especially important given their long asymptomatic course.

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The main types of cervical cancer are squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. The latter is less likely to cause bleeding because it is located higher in the cervical canal and is protected from damage during sexual intercourse.

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Bleeding occurs more often with advanced than with early stages of cancer.


Ovulation is the moment in the female reproductive system when a mature egg is released into the cervix from the follicle and remains there, ready for fertilization. If active sperm reach the egg, it is fertilized. Otherwise, the egg dies and renewal of this process begins, accompanied by the cleansing of the uterus from the dead egg through menstruation. During ovulation, some bleeding and blood clots are normal, but in moderation.

Physiological reasons for the appearance of blood

The appearance of blood is completely natural in some cases. It is associated with various stages of sexual life and the functioning of the reproductive system. The appearance of blood after sex is normal in the following cases:

  1. When a girl enters into intimate relationships for the first time. Bleeding, as a rule, is scanty; it appears due to rupture of the hymen and damage to small vessels of the thin vaginal mucosa. If the bleeding is profuse and sexual intercourse was painful, this indicates possible damage to the female genitalia. In such cases, urgent medical attention is required to eliminate bleeding, and sometimes surgical treatment.
  2. If sexual contact took place 1 day before your period. Excitement leads to increased contractility of the uterus and early onset of menstruation. If you had sex on the day your menstruation ended, then the appearance of traces of blood is also quite possible.
  3. Sexual contact coincides with the moment of ovulation, after which barely noticeable ovulatory bleeding occurs due to the rupture of the follicle and the release of a mature egg.
  4. Sexual intercourse took place at a time when menstruation was delayed by about a week. It is possible that pregnancy has occurred, the appearance of blood in a woman after sexual intercourse occurs against the background of implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus. Implantation bleeding is spotty and lasts for several hours.

The appearance of blood in the discharge is also possible if contact took place after childbirth or abortion. Contractions of the uterus lead to damage to the capillaries in the area of ​​the healing inner surface of the uterus. And if there were tears and sutures in the cervix, they may diverge during sexual intercourse.

During pregnancy, the appearance of any blood discharge from the vagina, including after sex, must be reported to the doctor monitoring the patient’s condition. The cause may be both hormonal changes in the body and various pathological conditions (ectopic pregnancy, threat of miscarriage or premature birth). Postcoital spotting sometimes indicates placental abruption or its low location (previa) in the uterus.

Penis structure15

One of several main parts of the male genital organ may be damaged.

On the glans is the foreskin, which moves away from the glans during sex or can be pulled back with a hand movement. Damage to the foreskin or the formation of cracks on the head is one of the possible causes of bleeding. In this case, the damage is easy to detect, since almost the entire male reproductive system is external.

Next comes the shaft of the penis, consisting of three bodies: two cavernous and spongy. It is the corpus spongiosum that is responsible for urination. During sex, the shaft fills with blood, which is why it is easier to damage it during an erection. The penis ends with the root and genital testicles. Possible damage to the scrotum. The main causes of blood discharge from the penis.

Reason six: pregnancy

If the discharge is bloody, brown or almost black, and appears only after sexual intercourse, we may be talking about pregnancy. Small spotting that appears after sex or during the menstrual cycle does not portend anything terrible or dangerous, so in the absence of other warning symptoms there is nothing to worry about.

Usually, spotting during pregnancy is completely normal, but excessive and frequent bleeding may indicate insufficient progesterone levels or detachment of the fertilized egg - both of which can lead to miscarriage. In addition, the problem may be an ectopic pregnancy: this is an incredibly dangerous condition!

This is why consultation with a specialist, ultrasound and examination are necessary in such a situation: the gynecologist will not only confirm whether you are pregnant, but will also assure you that there are no problems if everything is fine. You should not neglect visiting a doctor in such a situation.

Presence of stones in the urethra 16

Urolithiasis is the most common cause of bleeding. Stones coming out of the penis during urination can damage the walls of the shaft and cause bleeding. Also, during sex and active movements, stones can cause unpleasant pain. Urolithiasis develops due to kidney pathology. Urine coming out of the penis may contain blood.

Treatment and prevention

Bleeding after sexual intercourse is not a disease, but only a symptom of the disease. Therefore, to eliminate it, it is necessary to know the cause of the pathology. Sometimes it cannot be detected, and any dangerous diseases are not diagnosed. In this case, only regular observation by a gynecologist is recommended.

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If, after the examination, problems with the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys, or blood coagulation system are discovered, then the doctors’ efforts will be aimed at treating these diseases.

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Conservative and other methods of treating postcoital bleeding:

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  • If the cause of this phenomenon is endometrial precancer, progesterone preparations are prescribed. They slow down the development of malignant cells.
  • If the patient has polyps, hemangiomas or other benign tumors, they are removed surgically. Minimally invasive procedures are used, for example, cryosurgery, radioknife, laser exposure.
  • If the cause of bleeding is an infection (cervicitis, nonspecific or chlamydial, gonococcal vaginitis), antibiotics must be prescribed. They are prescribed orally in a course, after which the woman again takes smears to check the microflora and cleanliness of the vagina.
  • Bleeding during sexual intercourse during pregnancy is not dangerous if it lasts only for a short time. It is recommended to reduce the intensity of sexual activity and report discharge to your obstetrician. If you experience abdominal pain, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, since this condition often accompanies the threat of miscarriage.
  • Endometriosis can be treated with hormonal treatments or surgery.
  • If there is excessive bleeding caused by sexual intercourse, curettage of the uterine cavity may be necessary, but this condition occurs extremely rarely.
  • When diagnosing cervical cancer, comprehensive treatment by a gynecological oncologist is necessary. Amputation of the organ, removal of nearby lymph nodes, chemotherapy, and radiation are performed.

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Preventive measures include the following:

  1. Maintaining good sexual hygiene, using condoms or having contact with only one partner.
  2. For vaginal dryness, use lubricants.
  3. Regular medical examinations with a gynecologist with smears and cytological examination.

Vaginal discharge mixed with blood is an unpleasant phenomenon that frightens many women. Sometimes they are considered safe, but much more often they speak of serious illnesses that require timely diagnosis and treatment under the supervision of a specialist. The appearance of this kind of discharge after sexual intercourse is a bad sign!

So, why can brownish spotting appear after sex, and how to deal with it?

Development of prostatitis18

Prostatitis is a dangerous disease - inflammation of the prostate, which can lead to cancer of the corresponding organ. Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the tissues of the prostate glands and is a dangerous disease for the male body. The tumor tends to spread quickly throughout the body. According to statistics, every seventh man over 50 develops prostate cancer.

With prostatitis, the pelvic organs are compressed, their normal functioning is disrupted, and blood begins to be actively released into the urethra, which can also be noticed during sex. Any discharge from the penis has blood clots. Prostatitis is a dangerous disease that can cause complications throughout the entire body, so if it is detected, you must immediately consult a proctologist who will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Reason five: side effects of medications

The fact that you have bloody discharge after PA may well be to blame for the medications. Thus, medications that affect blood clotting often provoke bleeding after sex! Regular aspirin can have the same effect on you: it is a minor and not dangerous side effect.

Bleeding after sexual intercourse occurs even more often when taking oral contraceptives. Violation of taking pills, skipping a pill or abruptly interrupting a pill, as well as switching from one drug to another or starting to take hormonal drugs - all this can cause brown spotting. If they appeared in the first month after starting to take OK or because of a missed pill, there is nothing to worry about: this is a normal reaction of the body.

At the same time, frequent and fairly heavy bleeding when taking oral contraceptives is a bad sign. Most often, this indicates that the drug and dosage of hormones are chosen incorrectly and are not suitable for your body! If the brown discharge becomes constant, and blood clots begin to be released along with it, consult a gynecologist - your course of taking oral contraceptives needs to be adjusted.

Blood during ejaculation20

This disease has a specific name - hematospermia. Typically, hematospermia develops in men who frequently have sex. The disease manifests itself as inflammation of the left or right seminal vesicles and the prostate gland, which is located just below the bladder. When the moment of orgasm comes, a man may notice blood mixed with sperm - this is the first sign of a possible disease.

In this case, the blood should be dark in color. Hematospermia can be confused with another type of spotting after sex, associated with damage to internal organs. In this case, blood is also released with the semen, has a bright red color, but is in no way associated with hematospermia.

Doctors establish the fact of illness only if blood is released less than 10 times with a certain frequency.

To avoid such problems, you need to carefully monitor personal hygiene, use contraceptives that protect against infections, take certain precautions during sex, and be examined in a hospital as soon as one of the above symptoms appears. Diseases of the reproductive system are very dangerous and require timely treatment.

Pathological causes

The appearance of blood after sex may be a symptom of diseases of the reproductive organs. The causes of illnesses are often hormonal disorders, infections, and dysbiosis.

Diseases that may cause postcoital bleeding

Vulvovaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the internal and external genital organs leads to damage to blood vessels, scarring and tissue destruction. The cause of inflammation is the penetration of infectious agents, including sexually transmitted ones, into the organs. The development of opportunistic microflora, provoked by a sharp decrease in immunity and the death of beneficial lactobacilli, is also possible.

Cervical polyps. These benign neoplasms are easily injured, as they are held in the mucous membrane only by a thin stalk.

Erosion, dysplasia, cervix. The diseases are associated with damage to the surface of the cervix, the formation of ulcers and cracks. Often such pathologies are the consequences of the development of chronic inflammatory processes.

Prolapse of the uterus and vagina. Bloody discharge appears after sexual intercourse as a result of the fact that the mucous membranes of the cervix and vagina become more vulnerable, and the functioning of the glands that produce protective mucus is disrupted.

Viral infection of the mucous membranes of the genitals. It is possible, for example, to be affected by herpes or human papilloma viruses. When infected with HPV, condylomas (cone-shaped warts) appear on various parts of the genitals. Sexual intercourse becomes painful and is inevitably accompanied by the appearance of blood.

Endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis. These pathologies arise as a result of abnormal growth of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus). Hyperplasia leads to the formation of polyps in the cavity and disruption of the structure of blood vessels. Endometriosis is a serious disease in which endometrial particles, riddled with blood vessels, extend beyond the uterine cavity and into the cervix or abdominal cavity. The cause of such pathologies is a hormonal imbalance in the body.

Cervical cancer. A malignant tumor occurs either on the vaginal part of the cervix (squamous cell carcinoma) or inside the cervical canal. During and after sexual intercourse, bleeding often occurs when the tumor is located externally, which is more susceptible to mechanical stress.

Addition: The insidiousness of such a disease is that it is almost asymptomatic, there is no pain signaling the rapid development of a deadly pathology. The appearance of a small amount of blood after sex is one of the few signs of tumor development. The symptom is especially obvious in women after menopause, when menstruation no longer comes, the appearance of blood from the genital tract is a clear anomaly.

After sexual contact, not only external bleeding may appear, but also internal bleeding (blood leaking into the abdominal cavity). This condition occurs due to rupture of the ovary or its cyst, as well as if sexual intercourse provokes the onset of a miscarriage or rupture of a tube during an ectopic pregnancy.

Causes of brown and bloody discharge after sexual intercourse


You should not be afraid of secretion mixed with blood after sex, if it is without pain and discomfort.

It may be spotting for the same reason as ovulation, as well as on the eve of menstruation. Some couples have sex even during menstruation. You can't do without blood here.

Red discharge as a result of the first sex is explained by the rupture of the girl’s hymen. In this case, a light scarlet smudge is sometimes observed, and prolonged bleeding may occur. It all depends on the characteristics of the body, but the next sexual intercourse usually this symptom no longer appears.

Excessively active sexual intercourse can contribute to the appearance of bloody discharge. Scarlet secretion in this case will mean mechanical damage to the vessels or tissues of the vagina.

If one of the above reasons occurs, then there is no reason to worry. But it’s worth mentioning it during a visit to the gynecologist.


The cause of pink or brown discharge after sexual intercourse is often erosion of the cervix, characterized by a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane. Blood from the deformed area gets into the mucus, which is especially noticeable after intimacy.

Secretion in the presence of polyps is of an urinary nature. Often they represent benign neoplasms, but having identified such a pathology, it is necessary to undergo a histology analysis in order to exclude malignant tumors.

Symptoms of endometriosis - the proliferation of cells in the internal tissue of the cervix - also include. An insidious disease has a tendency to degenerate into cancer. Pathologies of this kind are also accompanied by pain during and after sexual intercourse and delayed menstruation.

Yellow and white discharge after sex

A sour milk smell will indicate thrush, which occurs due to the development of a fungus of the Candida family. Candidiasis is transmitted both sexually and progresses against the background of an increase in the number of candida in the microflora due to stress, physical activity, taking antibiotics or poor hygiene. It differs from ordinary leucorrhoea by burning and itching after PA.

Yellow, profuse discharge after sexual intercourse indicates infectious diseases such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis and even gonorrhea. An unpleasant odor, itching, and burning sensation when urinating are among the symptoms of these diseases. Sores may appear in the genital area.

The secretion of mucus, characteristic of a particular ailment, is more noticeable in women than in men. This is explained by the fact that the microflora of the reproductive organs of the weaker half of humanity is more sensitive.

Associated symptoms

Approximately 30% of women with postcoital bleeding have abnormal MV, and 15% have dyspareunia. With STI infections, there are constant symptoms of itching and burning, blood can be released with pus and mucus, and ulcers, blisters, and reddened areas can be found on the genitals. There is painful urination and discomfort during intercourse. Leucorrhoea can be white, green, yellow, with or without odor. Symptoms can often be vague, and carrier status is even more common.

The following pathologies can cause the appearance of blood:

  1. Cervicitis - its clinical manifestations are often erased; if left untreated, the disease becomes chronic. Painful “bloody” sex and mucous leucorrhoea are noted. The vaginal opening may be red and swollen.
  2. Vaginitis - contact bleeding is not very pronounced, but painful. There is itching, irritation, and a feeling of fullness from the inside. Urination is frequent and painful. Both inflammations are treated quickly, with antibiotics or cauterization.
  3. Endometriosis - bleeding can occur on any day of the MC. The appearance of discharge during the intermenstrual period is typical. There may be pain during sexual intercourse and in the vagina at the onset of menstruation. Constipation, increased urination, and hematuria are observed.
  4. Atrophic colpitis - develops during menopause. The level of estrogen decreases, severe dryness and burning of the mucous membrane, pain during sexual intercourse, itching, and leucorrhoea appear. Development is gradual. Due to the decrease in lactobacilli, pathogenic microflora is activated.
  5. Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the ligamentous-fascial apparatus is weak. In the early stages there are no symptoms. The first sign is lack of orgasm. Then nagging pain appears in the vagina. Urinary incontinence and increased frequency of bowel movements are noted, the cervix and vagina swell, and postcoital bleeding occurs. Sexual violence and a foreign body in the vagina also always cause bleeding.

Distinctive symptoms of bleeding during cervical erosion

The following characteristic signs will help to suspect pathology:

  • Bloody discharge is weak, spotting, moderate,
  • The color of the discharge is scarlet, brown, pale pink,
  • Bloody discharge can almost always be associated with one or another effect on the cervix (sex, gynecological examination, use of tampons, etc.),
  • Bleeding occurs outside of the menstrual cycle,
  • The discharge stops on its own within a few hours,
  • Pain is not typical, itching and burning are absent.

The picture shows the characteristic features of discharge in the presence of erosion.

For your information

Cervical erosion is not capable of causing heavy and prolonged bleeding. Severe bleeding in diseases of the cervix may be associated with pathology of the blood coagulation system, and also indicate malignant degeneration.

Typical bleeding from erosion can be seen by the appearance of brown or scarlet spots on the laundry. In such a situation, regular panty liners are sufficient; no additional measures are required. If the bleeding does not stop or gets worse during the day, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Normal discharge after sex

Of course, discharge can and even should appear after intimacy.

This is explained by the fact that during arousal, blood circulation increases, increasing the supply to the genital organs. There is a powerful stimulation of the vagina and its glands, as a result of which mucous secretion is actively produced.

Nature designed it this way to ensure a more comfortable intimate process, easy penetration and sliding. This mucus is popularly called vaginal lubrication. It also performs a barrier function, trapping all foreign microorganisms and then removing them out. Normally, female secretion is watery, transparent, odorless, and is not accompanied by discomfort. With orgasm it becomes thick and sticky. Find out from the article at the link.

If you notice brownish, bloody, greenish, pinkish, beige, cloudy white discharge after sex, a cheesy, sour, fishy smell and discomfort, then most likely there is a violation.

The presence of white or copious yellow discharge after sex is possible due to the man ejaculating into the vagina. They have a sharp protein aroma and flow out 10-20 minutes after the end of the PA. Thus, the sperm, mixing with the female cervical fluid, comes out.

The abundance and thickness of mucus secreted depends on the level of hormones. When there is an imbalance, the amount of discharge, especially at the time of excitement, can increase significantly. This phenomenon is often discovered during menopause or as a side effect of medications containing hormones.

An allergic reaction to contraceptives or intimate hygiene products can change the nature of the excreted secretion. An excess of artificial sexual lubricant can affect the intensity of discharge.

The characteristics of female secretions change throughout the menstrual cycle. During ovulation, before and more abundantly and thickly, they acquire a yellowish tint and a sour smell, which is especially noticeable during intimacy.

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