buscopan suppositories before childbirth reviews

Depending on the purpose, suppositories during pregnancy are used rectally and intravaginally.
Buscopan is often prescribed at the 38–39th week of pregnancy. This drug relaxes the muscles of the cervix, which helps it open during childbirth. Buscopan suppositories are recommended for use for a period of forty weeks or more by women who are post-term in order to prepare the body for childbirth. The medicine is also prescribed for prophylactic purposes to first-time mothers: a week and a half before the expected birth, the woman begins to use Buscopan suppositories, which helps:

  • make the cervix softer;
  • reduce pain caused by contractions;
  • prevent severe ruptures during childbirth.

After seven to ten days of using Buscopan, the cervix softens and labor begins. If the due date has come, and labor still does not occur, then doctors resort to the help of other stimulants or surgical intervention.

Buscopan can be prescribed to pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy for constipation and intestinal colic. To normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, suppositories are inserted into the rectum. If Buscopan is used to prepare the cervix for childbirth, then suppositories are inserted into the vagina.

This is what gynecologist Elena Viktorovna Molchanova answers to the expectant mother’s question about Buscopan suppositories:

Good afternoon, I am 39 weeks pregnant, the doctor recommends Buscopan suppositories to stimulate labor. I didn’t find anything similar in the instructions for this drug. Tell me if I should use them. If yes, which is better: rectally or vaginally. Sincerely, Elena.

Hello! You didn't quite understand your doctor correctly. The drug is not used to induce labor. In order for the process of labor to proceed faster and to soften the cervix and help it open faster, doctors prescribe Buscopan suppositories before childbirth. Of course, vaginally.

Molchanova Elena Viktorovna, gynecologist


And here is how gynecologist Nelin Alexey Sergeevich speaks about Buscopan suppositories:

Hello, I am 36 weeks and 2 days due. The cervix is ​​4 cm according to ultrasound. Closed. The maternity hospital rated it 3 points. The plug comes off clear within a week. Is it possible to use Buscopan to soften the cervix if I want to give birth at 37–38 weeks, since I am very poorly tolerated during this pregnancy. The baby weighs 2700 g at exactly 36 weeks on ultrasound, his lungs are ready and he is making breathing movements. Will buscopan cause labor too quickly? Exactly at 36 weeks I inserted 1 suppository vaginally and missed 1 day, now I want to insert it today. What do you advise? I have a tendency to overbear. She gave birth to her first child at 41.5, and then labor was induced.

Good afternoon, Sarah. I don’t see any problems or cause for concern in your situation. You are not yet old enough to think about post-term pregnancy. I don’t see any need for Buskopan. If you want to give birth as early as possible, then after 37 weeks, be openly sexually active and use colposeptin suppositories.

Nelin Alexey Sergeevich, gynecologist


Buscopan during pregnancy: indications

Basically, this drug is prescribed by the attending physician to women in late pregnancy, especially when the onset of labor does not occur after the fortieth week. The main component contained in the suppositories helps prepare the cervix for childbirth, softening and relaxing it. Also, after using suppositories, opening occurs faster, and the risk of ruptures is reduced during the birth of a child. That is why buscopan is used vaginally before childbirth, or prescribed during post-term pregnancy, in order to carry out some kind of prevention against ruptures and other possible problems with the opening of the cervix.

Despite the fact that this drug is not recommended for use in the early stages of pregnancy, your doctor may prescribe the use of suppositories for problems such as:

• Pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic area (in the first and second trimester of pregnancy). • Threat of miscarriage (in the early stages). • Training contractions. • Weak cervical tone.

It is worth remembering that Buscopan suppositories in the early stages of pregnancy should be used exclusively as prescribed by the attending physician. Particular care should be taken when taking buscopan in the second trimester of pregnancy, in order to avoid the occurrence of unwanted premature birth. In any case, prescribing it yourself is extremely dangerous; it is necessary to conduct a preliminary examination, do an ultrasound and consult with a specialist. The optimal dosage is also determined by the attending physician, but, as a rule, buscopan suppositories are used in the morning, once a day. If necessary, the dose is increased to twice a day.

Indications for use

These suppositories are available in most pharmacies and are sold without a prescription. They are an effective antispasmodic and are used to relieve spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. The use of these suppositories is recommended for the following symptoms and diseases:

  1. For peptic ulcer and duodenal disease during exacerbation;
  2. For colic in the kidneys, liver and intestines;
  3. Cholecystitis is another indication for taking suppositories;
  4. Pylorospasm is a condition in which the muscles in the area of ​​the pyloric part of the stomach contract and the process of removing food from the stomach is disrupted;
  5. Spasms of the gallbladder and bile ducts;
  6. Pain and general malaise during menstruation.

In addition to these indications, doctors often prescribe Buscopan suppositories during pregnancy. As a rule, such suppositories are prescribed at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy to prepare the uterus for childbirth. This drug is also often used during childbirth - it is believed that it somewhat speeds up the process of opening the cervix.

This use of Buscopan suppositories is due to the risk of post-term pregnancy. If forty weeks of pregnancy have passed, and the child has not yet been born, the pregnant woman’s attending physician begins to especially closely monitor the condition of her body and the condition of the child. After all, post-term pregnancy is dangerous for the expectant mother and baby because the mother’s body is depleted, and the child, in turn, does not receive enough nutrients and develops poorly. Therefore, the doctor prescribes Buscopan suppositories during pregnancy before childbirth, as they relax the entire inner layer of the myometrium in the uterus. Thanks to this effect, the cervix opens easier and more intensely during labor.

Instructions for use

Many women are primarily interested in where and how to insert Buscopan suppositories. As a rule, once a day for a week, candles are inserted into the anus with a slightly pointed end, as deeply as possible. Before starting the procedure, a woman should take the most comfortable horizontal position (preferably lying on her side), wash her hands thoroughly and relax the muscles of the anus for better insertion and passage of the suppository. After the candle has been inserted, it is necessary to lie in the same position for at least half an hour to improve the effect.

It is also worth noting that in some cases the attending physician may prescribe the administration of Buscopan suppositories not rectally, but directly into the vagina.

On what day after buscopan does childbirth occur?

As a rule, the attending physician recommends using buscopan suppositories for seven to ten days, and after this period the cervix softens enough for dilatation and the birth process itself to begin.

But here everything is purely individual and depends on the dose and the body of the woman in labor. So, if the pregnancy is postponed, and after a week’s course the uterus remains hard or is not sufficiently prepared for the process of giving birth, then the attending physician either prescribes other stimulant drugs or admits the woman in labor to a hospital for further observation and delivery.

The principle of action of Buscopan in softening the uterine cervix

The drug Buscopan is used to soften the cervix, but it was not originally developed for pregnant women. This is a synthetic drug made from hyoscine butyl bromide, which is used to relax the muscle layer of various internal organs. It belongs to the category of antispasmodics, and is often used for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.

Features of the impact

Buscopan suppositories, used to soften the cervix, are used only if the intended benefit to the woman’s body outweighs the risk to the health of the fetus. Therefore, most gynecologists prefer not to interfere with the natural process of opening the cervix.

However, it happens that this cannot be avoided, and due to the lack of prostaglandins and estrogens, which are responsible for the contractile functions of the reproductive organ, the onset of natural childbirth is impossible. Buscopan suppositories for softening the cervix have a relaxing and stimulating effect. Due to these properties, they have a significant impact on the cervical region of the reproductive organ, under the influence of which it gradually begins to open.

Although the medicine is usually prescribed to women who are due to give birth any day now, it can be prescribed by a doctor much earlier than that. Advance administration of Buscopan suppositories to soften the cervix is ​​carried out for preventive purposes, and almost always in primiparous patients. They are prescribed approximately 1.5 weeks before the expected date of birth.

Not all doctors consider the prescription of Buscopan a necessary measure to soften the cervical tumor, even if there is a post-term pregnancy. Often this drug is replaced by other substances, under the influence of which the cervix softens and smoothly opens. This is associated with a fairly high risk of side effects, which can also cause harm to the fetus.

Pros and cons of using Buscopan suppositories during pregnancy

Buscopan suppositories effectively soften the cervix, thus preparing it for childbirth, and ensure easier passage of the baby through the birth canal. This is especially important for a woman during her first pregnancy, because during the first birth the cervix opens much more painfully and takes longer than during subsequent births. Buscopan suppositories, which have an antispasmodic effect, will help relieve a woman in labor as much as possible from pain during labor and the birth process.

According to many patients, the suppositories helped them give birth to a child easier and faster. Buscopan will also be useful not only for facilitating the birth process, but also for the health and well-being of the expectant mother, especially if she has intestinal or stomach diseases.

The disadvantages of using such a drug include the fact that it has minor side effects and should not be prescribed independently. A mandatory consultation with your doctor is required, who will select the correct individual dosage for the pregnant woman and monitor her condition during the entire course of using these suppositories.

Side effects

Buscopan suppositories have virtually no side effects. If a specialist has selected the correct dosage and the woman does not have an individual intolerance to the drug, then the suppositories will not harm the health of the mother or the child.

If you exceed the prescribed dose on your own, unwanted side effects may appear, such as:

• Increased heart rate (tachycardia). • Dizziness. • Urinary retention. • The appearance of allergic reactions (for example, urticaria). • Bowel problems (constipation). • Anaphylactic shock. • Severe skin dryness and flaking. • Nausea, vomiting.

If one or more of the above-described side effects occurs, you should consult a specialist to reduce the dosage or completely discontinue the drug.

If you abruptly stop using these suppositories on your own, unpleasant side effects may also occur, such as nausea, pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness or minor intestinal problems. To avoid this, you should not cancel the prescribed drug yourself; it is better to make an appointment with your doctor and discuss this issue personally with a specialist.

how much per day to put (did you put) and where to use Buscopan suppositories to prepare the cervix for childbirth. And did this help you?

(The drug buscopan stimulates and relaxes the muscles of the cervix, thereby helping it open during childbirth. The drug buscopan is recommended for use at 40 weeks of pregnancy and beyond, when a woman carries the fetus to term. In this case, it helps to open the cervix. in order to influence the cervix, suppositories are used intravaginally, i.e. inside the vagina. Usually 1 suppository is prescribed in the morning and evening (twice/day). - I found this information on the Internet, but on different sites the information differs in the number of suppositories and where to insert )

The duration of a normal pregnancy is 10 obstetric months. After 40 weeks, labor begins and the baby is born. But there are cases when this does not happen, and then we can talk about post-term pregnancy. To stimulate the uterus and speed up the onset of labor, doctors prescribe various medications to expectant mothers, including Buscopan suppositories.

Effect of candles

All pregnant women know that while pregnant, it is better to avoid taking any medications, as they can negatively affect the formation and development of the fetus. Therefore, when closer to the due date, an obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes Buscopan suppositories, many do not understand why this is necessary and are afraid that they may harm the baby.

The drug Buscopan is an antispasmodic drug with a natural composition, that is, of natural origin. It is indicated for use for problems with the gastrointestinal tract and pelvic organs. The main task of Buscopan is to relieve pain and spasms by relaxing the smooth muscles of the peritoneum and gastrointestinal tract.

Suppositories are indicated for:

  • cholecystitis;
  • spasms of the pylorus of the gallbladder, stomach, ureters and biliary tract;
  • renal and hepatic colic;
  • biliary and intestinal colic;
  • the presence of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • painful menstruation.

In practice, Buscopan candles have been used for more than half a century. Its safety and effectiveness have been proven in clinical studies. No negative effects on the course of pregnancy were identified during this entire period, however, it is not recommended to use it before conception, as well as in the first two trimesters of gestation. Women who are breastfeeding should consult a doctor before using Buscopan suppositories.

Most often, the drug is prescribed to pregnant women in the later stages of pregnancy, especially in cases where the onset of labor does not occur after the baby’s scheduled date of birth.

The main component of the suppositories helps prepare the unripe cervix by softening and relaxing it.

In addition, after using Buscopan, it was noticed that the cervix opens faster with the onset of the birth process, and when the baby comes out, the likelihood of ruptures decreases.

Therefore, Buscopan suppositories are often prescribed to pregnant women immediately before childbirth or during post-term pregnancy. They are a kind of prevention of problems with opening the neck and ruptures.


Any questions that arise regarding the use of Buscopan suppositories, as well as any other drugs, should be discussed directly with your doctor. But if for some reason you did not do this, and the doctor did not conduct proper consultation, then you must carefully study the instructions for use of the medicine.

Buscopan suppositories are used three times a day. The doctor determines how many suppositories are needed per day. For some patients, one at a time is enough, others are prescribed two (6 suppositories per day). However, this scheme does not apply to pregnant women.

In order to prepare the cervix for delivery, one suppository per day is usually sufficient. This kind of preventive therapy begins 7–10 days before the end of the gestation period. If the fetus is overdue, the number of suppositories per day can be increased to 2–3 pcs.

Now let's figure out where to insert Buscopan suppositories before childbirth, because, oddly enough, this question is one of the most frequently asked. The fact is that these suppositories are rectal preparations, and they are prescribed to pregnant women to stimulate labor, so many women cannot understand where to administer them.

Candles must be used as indicated in the instructions for use. They are inserted into the anus with the pointed end first. Before the procedure, you should perform hand hygiene, take a comfortable position (preferably lying on your side) and, after removing the protective sheath, insert the suppository into the anus as deeply as possible. For the best effect, you need to lie down for about half an hour and only then get up.

How to use Buscopan

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, Buscopan suppositories are administered according to the instructions: into the anus. The duration of treatment depends on the doctor's prescription.

If the drug is used to eliminate gynecological problems, the dose is selected by the doctor individually. Usually, to prepare the cervix for childbirth during the first pregnancy, the doctor prescribes vaginal use of suppositories. 7–10 days before the expected birth, if the pregnancy is post-term and the uterus is not softened enough, the doctor selects an individual dosage.

Side effects

Buscopan suppositories during pregnancy before childbirth are convenient to use because when used topically they have virtually no side effects. Given the correctly selected dosage and the absence of individual intolerance by the body to some components of the drug, no side effects are observed.

Undesirable manifestations may occur if the dose of the drug is exceeded. Side effects have the following symptoms:

  • increased dryness of the skin;
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • drying of the oral mucosa;
  • problems with urination (urinary retention);
  • dizziness;
  • allergic rashes (urticaria);
  • itching;
  • constipation;
  • anaphylactic shock.

Analogues and side effects of the drug

According to the instructions for using Buscopan suppositories, during pregnancy, a negative effect of the drug on the fetus and pregnancy has not yet been observed. However, when using this drug, you must be aware of possible side effects:

  1. Nausea, vomiting and bloating;
  2. There may be problems with urination;
  3. Possible weakness, headache, dizziness, insomnia and nervousness;
  4. Possible development of tachycardia and increased blood pressure;
  5. Allergies and individual intolerance to the drug may occur.

If side effects occur, you should consult your doctor and, if possible, discontinue the drug. For some diseases, the drug should be used with caution: if there is a suspicion of intestinal obstruction, with obstruction of the urinary tract, as well as if the patient is prone to atrial fibrillation. The drug Buscopan has no analogues in terms of its active substance, however, there are several drugs that are similar in pharmacological group, for example, drugs such as Atropine, Vesicare, Gastrocepin and others.


According to the pharmacological group, Buscopan suppositories have a whole list of drugs similar to it in action.

Therefore, if there is an individual intolerance to the main component of these suppositories, then they can be replaced with the following drugs:

But such a replacement should be made only after discussing it with your doctor. Remember that before using any medicine during pregnancy, consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is mandatory.

Reviews of Buscopan suppositories during pregnancy before childbirth

The gynecologist prescribed Buscopan suppositories at 39 weeks, since an examination showed that the cervix was too hard and not at all ready for the birth process. I put one suppository a day. On the third day, I noticed that my skin became somewhat dry and flaky, but there were no other side effects, so I didn’t quit. The birth began three days later than the due date, but there were no problems with the opening of the cervix, and the tears were very minor.

I started using Buscopan suppositories starting at 38 weeks. The doctor said that this would make the cervix easier to dilate and help avoid rupture. She gave birth to her baby two days early. The pain was tolerable, there was no tearing, and the process itself did not last long. So the candles helped me.

Buscopan was prescribed at 40 weeks, since the uterus, in general, was not going to prepare for the birth of the baby. I inserted two candles in the morning and evening. The birth never happened. At 41 weeks I was admitted to the pathology department and began to be given other stimulant drugs. The process began the next morning. The only thing that candles helped me was to avoid ruptures.

But Buscopan didn’t help me. They prescribed suppositories at 39 weeks of pregnancy. So, not only did she miss her due date, but she also tore during childbirth.

I was told to put Buscopan suppositories at 40 weeks. She administered two suppositories per day. Labor began the next morning after the scheduled date. The cervix opened quite quickly. The baby passed smoothly and without any complications. It didn't break. It may, of course, be a coincidence, but I think it’s thanks to him.

buscopan suppositories before childbirth reviews

A little more than 2 weeks have passed since giving birth, I wanted to write a story while still in the maternity hospital, but the Internet connection there was poor, and the message was not sent. ((((The second birth is much more emotional than the first. Half of the first birth I had passed in a fog, I don’t remember everything well. Because I was injected with promedol, and I fell asleep and couldn’t wake up later. This time I was completely conscious and remembered everything.)))) Although somehow everything passed quickly...

I had to give birth in the maternity hospital in Shchelkovo. For some reason, the reviews about this maternity hospital are not very good, and I was scared to give birth there. And my friends tried to dissuade me, although they weren’t there themselves. But those who gave birth there spoke well of the maternity hospital. I decided to make an agreement with the doctor to be sure that everything would go well. Moreover, all my friends recommended the same doctor.

The maternity hospital was supposed to open after cleaning on August 5th. My due date was on the 15th, but, of course, I thought I would give birth earlier. Like second birth, large fetus, etc. and so on. At the ultrasound at 38 weeks, my baby was measured at 3800, so I was very worried about her weight.

My husband and I decided to go meet the doctor and agree with her on the birth on August 7th. But plans have changed. At a scheduled visit to the doctor at the residential complex, it turned out that I had gained a lot again, was swollen, my blood pressure had risen, and the tests were not very good. In general, I was sent to pathology in Fryazino with gestosis and anemia. The next day, this maternity hospital closed for cleaning, they gathered all the girls who had a long term (5 people), and took us to a neighboring maternity hospital. There was already a line of girls with directions. It took a very long time to get us registered. We spent probably 3 hours in line. That's where I met my doctor. She runs the pathology department. And she herself receives all applicants and immediately examines them. And the nurse writes everything down in the chart. That's why it took so much time for each girl. But despite the fact that it was already lunch time, we were all greeted very friendly, there was no irritation due to such an influx of people, the examination was very neat and completely painless, and on a couch, not on a chair. In general, I really liked the doctor, although at first I didn’t know what exactly I wanted to negotiate with her.

The next day I agreed with her about the birth. She gave me her phone number to call if it started. I lay there for 4 days, they put me on drips with euphilin, the swelling subsided, and I was allowed to go home, but was not discharged. It was exactly 39 weeks. On this day, the plug began to come out little by little, and my stomach ached slightly, like at the beginning of my period. At first I doubted whether to go home. But she left anyway, and everything stopped there. I saw the plug several more times over the course of a week and a half, but labor never began. I came for examination every 2-3 days. The neck was not ready, I drank No-shpa, raspberry leaves and put Buscopan suppositories. At home I tried to move more, but it didn’t work.)))

And at the examination on August 18, when the 41st week had already begun, the doctor told me that the cervix was already ready and that I should give birth before the end of the week. If I don’t give birth myself, they will puncture the bladder. I really didn’t want this, because the first birth began like that. But after the bladder was punctured, my contractions did not start; in the end, labor was induced, constantly with an IV, it was very difficult. This time I wanted it to be different. But I was already tired of worrying about my baby, she either calmed down for a while, then moved so that I thought she would tear my belly into pieces. And the weight didn’t give me any rest. That's why I agreed. We agreed on Thursday, August 21, if I don’t give birth, I’ll come in the morning and they’ll puncture my bladder. Just on my birthday, I wanted us to be there on the same day.

But my baby decided otherwise. On Tuesday, August 19th, I finally persuaded Lera to go for a walk with me. We walked (I walked and she rode a bicycle) about 2 kilometers. Then after lunch I lay on the sofa, knitting, and felt a pain in my back and a slight pain in my stomach. This happened again and again. I decided to check it out, not really hoping for anything. The frequency was every 25 minutes. This went on for about 2 hours. Then I went to cook dinner and stopped noticing these “contractions”.

It was already 17:00, I had just put a delicious dinner and salad on my plate when I felt something leaking out of me. At first I thought it was another part of the cork, but it was somehow wet. I decided to take a look and it turned out to be slightly pinkish water. I realized that it was water. So it's already starting! I was absolutely calm, although the closer the due date approached, the more afraid I was to give birth. I was very afraid to give birth! But then the fear disappeared somewhere. The first thing I decided to do was... eat, and then get ready.))) Otherwise, it won’t be long before I eat some delicious food.))) Anyway, I ate, called my husband to find out when he would arrive for work. He was already close to home, I was glad that we would go to the maternity hospital. He’s been telling me for 3 weeks now, let’s give birth already. And when he took me to the maternity hospital for examinations, he hoped that they would leave me there. )))) I called my mom. And she began to get ready. All the bags had been ready for a long time, but I decided to boil the bottle and pacifier again. In general, I dug for another whole hour. While I was in the shower, contractions began. I haven’t noticed it yet, but it seemed like it happened very often, although it went away quickly and wasn’t very painful. At 6 p.m. I called my doctor and joyfully announced that my water had broken. She said to come and we went. Lera hugged my belly and said that she wants me to always remain like this, she doesn’t want to give my belly away.)))

The husband was in a hurry and overtook everyone. And I was driving calmly, and I told him not to rush, that there was still plenty of time. And she herself began to detect contractions. They went exactly every 5 minutes for 30 seconds, but were not particularly painful. So I sat quietly, not showing that anything was bothering me. Half an hour later we arrived at the maternity hospital. I changed my clothes, gave my street clothes to my husband, kissed him and Lera, and they left. I began to wait for the doctor. A few minutes later she came and took me to the examination room. I looked for a long time, another contraction hit me, it was not very pleasant. Then she says, it’s not water, the bubble is intact, you’re not giving birth. I was shocked! How??? What then follows from me??? She said that this happens, it’s a double bubble, like a bubble within a bubble. One shell burst, but the main one, where the child is, remained intact. In general, I’m not in labor yet, it might all start at night, or it might not. I asked if there was an opening? She said that there were 2 fingers, but with difficulty. I said that my stomach gets sick every 5 minutes. She said that if these were real contractions, then I wouldn’t stand so calmly now and smile at her. In the end, she decided to leave me until the morning, because it was a long way for me to go home, and my husband had already left. She said that the doctor on duty would see me in a couple of hours. And if nothing changes, they will inject me with painkillers so that I can sleep. And if I change and start giving birth, then call her and she will come.

The maternity hospital was overcrowded and there were no empty beds. In order not to lie in the corridor, they gave me bed linen and told me to lie on the bed of a girl who had gone home for the night, and in the morning they would decide what to do with me. I came to the room, made my bed, lay down on the bed and turned on the contraction-counter on my phone. Lying down, the contractions were very easy to bear. I played the game, periodically switching to the scramble counter. The interval varied. On average, every 5 minutes, 45 seconds. But there were intervals of 2 minutes and 10, when I already thought it was all over. I called my husband and mother and said that I’m not giving birth yet, but when something changes, I’ll call. The contractions became a little stronger. I lay and sat. When I got up and went to the toilet, it seemed to me that the contraction was not ending. And some kind of bloody mucus continued to flow out of me. In the ward we chatted with the girls, and when the contraction began, I closed my eyes and breathed deeply and slowly, it was easier. The girls got scared and started asking, what’s wrong with you? You feel bad? And she said, no, on the contrary, it’s good, the contractions are going on. They were surprised how I could bear everything so calmly. And I said that it wasn’t very painful yet, that the contractions were still weak. And from the second floor, where the prenatal and delivery rooms were located, the screams of those giving birth could be heard. It was terrible! I heard enough of these screams when I was still in pathology. This made giving birth even more scary. But then I was calm. So about 3 hours passed. At about 10 p.m. I went to the nurse to find out when the doctor would examine me. Because I thought that if these were not real contractions, then I was already pretty tired of them, let them give me painkillers, and I’ll sleep. The nurse was surprised, why do you need a doctor? Is something bothering you? I said that I was very worried, because I don’t know if I’m giving birth or not. She said that the doctor was at the birth, and as soon as she was free she would call me. I returned to the room and tried to sleep. Of course, it didn't work out. About half an hour later I was called into the examination room. The doctor, a rather pleasant young woman, came and looked at me. It turns out that my doctor had already told her about me. She said the water was leaking. And that the opening is already 3 cm, that I won’t wait until the morning. She told me to call the doctor. I was glad that by the morning I would already give birth! I left my phone in the room. The nurse said that you will walk back and forth, let me call myself, while I give you an enema. In general, they performed this “pleasant” procedure on me. The doctor promised to arrive in 15 minutes. I went to a white friend and was told to sit there for 40 minutes. But I only lasted half an hour, and even then with difficulty. The contractions did not stop, and my legs became numb.))) During these half an hour, I felt a small click and it was as if some warm piece was falling out of me. Probably the water continues to leak, I thought. Then I went to the shower and tried to relax by pouring warm water on my stomach. I read a lot about how it helps during contractions. It didn't help me at all. As a result, when I got out of the shower, my doctor was already waiting for me. She decided to pierce my bladder, took this knitting needle and started moving it there. I know it doesn't hurt, but it's still scary. Then I took another knitting needle. I was afraid that this knitting needle would scratch my baby's head. By the way, just recently I found a small scratch on the very top of her head, maybe from that knitting needle... In the end, the doctor said that there was no more water. I said that I felt them leak out. She began to watch me, watched the opening of the contraction. I remember how painful it was during my first birth. But this time everything was tolerable. Then we went into the room to get our things and went up to the prenatal room. It was already 12 o'clock at night.

I wrote a text message to my husband and mother that I was going to give birth. The prenatal ward is small, but there were 4 beds. I was lucky and no one was giving birth at that time. I was allowed to take my phone and water with me. I also took chapstick because I remember how during my first birth my lips got chapped from breathing too hard. The midwife made my bed. I lay down, turned on music on my phone and a game, and was going to have fun. The contractions are still tolerable. Then the doctor came and said, why are you lying there, playing? Come on, get up, walk around, the process will go faster, you need to wait for the opening to be at least 5 cm, then you can rest. I got up and began to walk around the room, between the beds, tentatively. The window was open, I approached it in the hope of breathing in cool fresh air, but there was a sewer smell from the street. Phew... Anyway, I walked between the beds, the contractions became longer and stronger. I leaned on the headboards of the beds, closed my eyes and breathed, inhaling through my nose for 4 counts, exhaling through my mouth for 6 counts. The doctor monitored my breathing and suggested how best to breathe. She was there all the time. In between contractions we just talked. The contractions were tolerable. An hour passed like that. I didn’t even notice how time flew by. The doctor looked at me and said that I was already 5 cm dilated and that I could lie down and rest. She gave me a Buscopan suppository to make my neck softer. Then she said that they would inject me with promedol, I would sleep for an hour and let’s go give birth. How I didn’t want him at first. I immediately asked if I would wake up after it. She assured me that everything would be fine. Yes, I already wanted to sleep myself. In general, they injected me with promedol, I immediately felt dizzy, and I began to try to fall asleep. They covered me up, turned off the lights and left me alone to sleep. I tried to fall asleep, but the contractions began to intensify. They hardly had a break. I didn’t understand how I was breathing, I tried to breathe in every way, just to help a little. Now the real contractions have begun! It didn't help much. The main thing is that I tried not to become tense and relaxed as much as I could. About 15 minutes of these contractions and I started to feel pain. I tried not to push, but it didn’t work. During my first labor, I almost didn’t want to push. So this time it was hard for me to resist it. I thought that it was still too early to push, because the opening was only 5 cm. I called the doctor, I said, he’s pushing me, is it too early? She looked, it’s completely open, you can push, it will be easier, the pain will be less. I went nuts! So fast! 15 minutes ago it was only 5 cm... I started trying to push while lying on the bed, on my back. I pressed one leg to myself, the doctor helped me hold the other, because there was a catheter in my hand, and it was in my way. Indeed, the pain became less. But I was terribly uncomfortable and had trouble pushing. You need to inhale air and push, but I exhaled and began to push. During the first birth, I also couldn’t push, and I didn’t have the strength. As a result, they cut me open and squeezed out the baby. This time at least I had strength. I tried very hard to do everything right, listened to the doctor, she helped me a lot. But she couldn’t push for me. The efforts on the bed did not last long. She said that the head fits well, let's go to the chair. I went there with such joy! No, she ran! She asked, can I not wear slippers, so I’ll go?! Can! Last time I was transported to the delivery room on a gurney; I couldn’t walk on my own... They helped me climb onto a chair, showed me where to put my feet, what to hold on to with my hands. It has become much more convenient. And the contractions stopped. Not for long, of course. But I really rested. And the hard work began. It was really hard! I can't push! It turned out bad. I tried to push down, it seemed to work at first, but then I still felt my head swelling. Started again. And she persistently exhaled and after that began to push. There were breaks between contractions, I tried to catch my breath and focus on the correctness of the process. The doctor and midwife entertained me with jokes and told me something, but I didn’t hear them. I tried to concentrate to do everything right. It seemed to me that this would never end. I was very afraid for my girl, that I would do something wrong, that it would be hard for her too. The doctor listened to the heartbeat, everything was fine. They shoved something on my crotch and it stung everything. Everything in my mouth was not just dry, everything just stuck together. I couldn't breathe. I asked for water, they brought it, it became easier. I didn’t even remember about the hygienic lipstick, I didn’t have time for it. I continue to push. The midwife was holding something with her hands in between contractions, probably the head. And I kept pushing and pushing. I didn't feel any changes. It’s just that during one of my attempts I feel something warm. And I see my baby in the hands of the midwife. They say the time is 2.15. She screamed! My God, what happiness!!! They put her on my stomach and cover me with a diaper, she is so warm and so dear! I ask why is it so blue? They answer me, are you not blue at all, a normal child, you screamed right away, rejoice! Of course I'm happy!!! I lift the diaper and want to look at it. They tell me to cover it. I ask the doctor, is it really a girl? She looked and said it was a girl. Otherwise, Lera and I were promised a boy at the ultrasound, but a girl was born. Then they examined me to see if there were any internal ruptures. I ask, am I torn? The doctor says, yes, along the old stitches, but only the skin and muscles are intact. I expected this.((((Next, a urinary catheter, stitching up the tears, with pain relief. But I don’t feel any pain anymore, because my little miracle is lying on my stomach. I’m happy and do with me what you want. Then they take her away to weigh, measure. 3620 and 53 cm! Big... They wrap her in a blanket and leave her on the table, she’s probably warming up there, like a big lamp hangs over her. They cover me too, the maternity chair turns into something like a bed, for me They gave me a phone number and left it for 2 hours. I called my husband and mother, I was glad that I gave birth. They were surprised that it was so quickly. Only 2 hours ago I told them that I was going to give birth. My baby is lying there alone, screaming, I feel so sorry for her . I ask you to let her feed. They gave it to me. When we talked to the girls in the ward later, they didn’t let anyone else feed her. Maybe because they didn’t ask. In general, she screamed for the whole 2 hours. I so wanted to come up and take her in my arms. But The promedol probably started to take effect on me, I fell asleep for a few minutes. If my baby hadn't cried, I would definitely have fallen asleep. After 2 hours, the midwife came and brought a gurney to take me to the ward. I wanted to go on my own, I had so much strength, but they didn’t allow me. Before moving onto the gurney, she pressed on my stomach. I thought I was giving birth again, such pain! They brought me to the ward, there was already one girl lying there. Room for 4. I should have slept, but I didn’t feel like sleeping at all. There were so many emotions, so many impressions! We started chatting. As a result, we didn’t sleep. And we didn’t want to at all. After 2 hours I decided to go to the toilet. I stood up, it started pouring out of me, there was a whole puddle of blood on the floor. I was even scared, but the doctor said it was normal. The children were brought in at about 8 o'clock. Now I could see her. How cool it is and how great it smells! On the 4th day we were discharged home.

I really liked this maternity hospital. Living conditions were poor, the ward was cramped, and due to the overcrowding of the maternity hospital, queues formed for the toilet and shower. But these are all minor things. The attitude of all the staff was excellent, everyone, from the nurses to the doctors, was very attentive and friendly. I don’t regret at all that I gave birth in this maternity hospital. And I am especially grateful to the doctor! She didn’t leave my side for a minute, she helped and supported me a lot, and just talked. During my first birth, I was alone and I was terribly bored. But there the birth lasted longer. This time, as they wrote in the extract, the first period is 4 hours, the second is 15 minutes, the anhydrous period is 2 hours. In fact, the period of contractions was longer, probably 6-7 hours. But most of the contractions were minor. The strong contractions lasted only about 15 minutes. And I pushed for the same amount, but it seemed to me that it lasted an eternity. But still, everything happened very quickly, somehow I didn’t even have time to realize everything. I was simply overwhelmed with emotions! I want to do it all again!!! Really want to!!! But it’s unlikely to work out... Although our dad wants a boy... So what else, maybe...)))))

Other methods of softening the uterus

In addition to Buscopan suppositories, there are many other methods that help stimulate the onset of labor by first preparing the cervix.

The following methods are often used in medical practice today:

Taking antispasmodicsMost often, this type of medication is prescribed two weeks before birth. They are necessary to help the uterus ripen by relieving excess muscle tension. Before childbirth, antispasmodics such as No-shpa and Papaverine are often used.
Taking prostaglandins
The drugs are used by introducing them into the cervical canal. They promote rapid ripening of the uterus and softening of the cervix.
Physical stimulationIt is carried out through acupuncture or massage of the cervix and nipples. The method is selected purely individually.
Husband therapyHaving sex before childbirth trains the uterus for future contractions and softens the cervix, and in case of postpartum it is an excellent natural method of stimulation.
Proper nutritionBy excluding heavy foods from your diet before giving birth and including more fiber, you can avoid problems with post-birth and dilatation of the cervix.
Raspberry leaf decoctionStimulates uterine contractions and facilitates childbirth. Drink no earlier than 36 weeks and only cold. A warm decoction can cause premature birth, and a hot one can speed up delivery.

Before resorting to any stimulation method, you should consult your doctor. Otherwise, you can harm the baby or cause early contractions.

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