How long does it take to bleed after losing your virginity? Why is there no blood during deprivation? Should there always be blood and pain when losing virginity?

How heavy will the bleeding be after losing virginity?

When a woman loses her virginity, she may notice that she is not bleeding at all or that the bleeding is not very heavy.
Most women will only experience a few light spots of blood within a few hours of having sex for the first time. It is important to remember that bleeding during sex, or lack thereof, is not an indicator of a woman's health or unhealthiness. This is simply a natural reaction to the amount and elasticity of the hymen, as well as the extent of its damage.

There are some women who do not bleed at all after their first sexual experience. Most often this happens to those who are accustomed to masturbation, play sports, go through intense physical activity, and lead an active lifestyle. Lack of bleeding the first time you have sex means that the hymen was torn or stretched at an earlier time.

Hormonal disbalance

A lack or excess of a particular hormone affects the functioning of the entire body. If you experience bleeding 5 days before your period, you should think about problems with hormonal levels.

With increased estrogen, the endometrium may be shed prematurely, causing minor bleeding of unknown origin. Thyroid hormones also have an effect. Problems in the endocrine system negatively affect the functioning of the genital organs. Bloody secretion may occur on the third, fourth or fifth day from the onset.

Progesterone deficiency

If there are problems with the luteal phase of the female cycle, the reproductive system may secrete a brownish secretion before menstruation. This symptom is not the only evidence of improper formation of the corpus luteum. The woman's inability to become pregnant or bear a child soon becomes evident.

The main sign is a short period of time from ovulation to menstruation (less than 12 days). In appearance, the secretion in this pathology is very similar to premenstrual discharge. Therefore, a woman can ignore the lack of progesterone for a long time until she decides to have a child.

Treatment of the disease is carried out only after a comprehensive diagnosis and study of the patient’s lifestyle. World medical practice has long proven that women involved in sports most often bleed before menstruation.

Intense physical activity provokes luteal phase deficiency. Against this background, the reproductive system can secrete a normal amount of progesterone. Even the duration of the second half of the cycle is most often normal. But the phenomenon in this case is caused either by improper absorption of the hormone, or by a disrupted relationship between progesterone and LH. As a result, almost every cycle is accompanied by bloody discharge two to five days before the expected menstruation.

This article should be used for informational purposes only. Any secretion with blood before your period should be discussed with your doctor. The specialist will examine the symptoms and refer you for diagnosis. Only a doctor, based on the test results and examination, can make an accurate diagnosis.

Blood during sex can be puzzling: it is obviously a deviation from the norm. To properly help the girl, you need to consult a doctor. Indeed, in some cases, a delay can cost her not only her health, but also her life.

Treatment of bleeding after sexual intercourse

The goal of treatment for this condition is to immediately stop the bleeding. If blood appears after the first sexual intercourse, then no specific treatment is required. Blood flow stops quickly

It is important to ensure peace and careful hygiene

In other cases, traditional treatment consists of taking drugs that increase blood clotting and optimize the balance of hormones. When choosing a medicine, the following factors are taken into account:

  • underlying pathology;
  • age;
  • features of menstruation;
  • the amount of blood that is released during the cycle;
  • presence of sexual activity and its regularity;
  • state of the body;
  • the presence of allergic pathologies.

Among folk remedies, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used for oral administration or douching. The most effective are barberry, viburnum, and boron uterus. They should be used only for medical reasons.

So, blood during sex is not always a safe symptom. If this happens frequently, you should consult a doctor.

But if scarlet blood after sex in a woman or man comes from the genitals, only a specialist can stop it. There are known cases of miscarriage during intercourse in a woman if she was pregnant and did not know it.


Medicines that every person has in their medicine cabinet, a regular analgesic, an antispasmodic, can be taken

You can take the medicines that every person has in their medicine cabinet, a regular analgesic, an antispasmodic. But you should warn your doctor about this if you decide to go to the hospital. It is necessary to stitch up areas of significant damage, if any. This, of course, can only be done by a gynecologist. If there is internal bleeding, surgery will likely be indicated. Analgesics and antispasmodics affect the clinical picture to a small extent.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine uses medicinal herbs, just like folk medicine. Decoctions of some plants are an excellent antiseptic; they contain many useful substances. They strengthen the immune system and speed up the healing process. Their action is soft and delicate. But only an accurate diagnosis guarantees the effectiveness of therapy.

The results of a professional examination often differ from one’s own guesses. All the symptoms are difficult to compare. Serious pathologies that progress slowly are difficult to recognize without laboratory tests. The statistics on cases of uterine cancer and prostatitis are very frightening. During preventive regular diagnostics, even minor deviations from the norm will be noticed. It is recommended for both men and women to take them.

Features of examination and treatment for ejaculation with blood

When visiting a doctor, you should be prepared to answer the following questions:

  • the approximate number of cases of the presence of blood in the seminal fluid;
  • what is the color of the ejaculate;
  • is there any accompanying symptoms;
  • whether the patient used medications before;
  • whether the appearance of ejaculation with blood was preceded by a diagnostic procedure, if so, which one;
  • does the patient have signs of arterial hypertension;
  • whether the man had any injuries;
  • whether the patient suffers from blood clotting diseases;
  • features of the patient's sexual life.

To identify the causes of this symptom, ultrasound of the prostate, testicles and seminal vesicles, Doppler ultrasound of the pelvic vessels, prostate specific antigen (PSA) and blood coagulogram, bacteriological analysis of secretions and prostate biopsy can be used. It will be mandatory to conduct research to identify urogenital viruses and infections.

The presence of stones in the prostate and various tumors do not in most cases have accompanying pain during ejaculation, which is present in inflammatory diseases.

To begin treatment, it is necessary to establish the disease that caused hemospermia. Treatment methods can vary greatly depending on the cause of the symptom.

If a symptom occurs once and there are no pathologies as a result of diagnosis, as well as in the absence of other complaints, the doctor, as a rule, does not prescribe treatment. Blood during ejaculation in young people under 40 years of age is rarely caused by serious diseases and pathologies.

Treatment can be conservative or surgical. Non-surgical therapy involves treatment with antibiotics that are aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of the symptom. If prostatitis is detected, antibacterial medications are used. A severe form of prostatitis requires the administration of medications intravenously. For prostate cancer, medications are prescribed to reduce the degree of obstruction of the urinary system. Problematic blood clotting requires the use of appropriate medications. Treatment with medications is aimed at treating the disease that causes the appearance of blood during ejaculation.

As accompanying therapy, the doctor prescribes painkillers and antipyretics, and recommends frequent, warm and plentiful drinks.

Surgery is required for prostate problems associated with varicose veins. Treatment with endoscopic methods is used in cases of persistent bleeding. Using an endoscope, you can operate on the ejaculatory ducts, seminal vesicles, etc.

The principles of oncological surgery are necessary when prostate or bladder cancer is detected.

If blood in the seminal fluid is associated with the detection of other diseases, parallel treatment by several appropriate doctors is necessary. Successful treatment is influenced by the stage and nature of the identified diseases.

You should not resort to traditional methods without consulting a specialist, since these methods of treatment may be contraindicated in some situations.

Some tips

It is worth noting that the choice of position has little effect on the conduct of the first intercourse, and no one will give exact recommendations on this matter - everyone chooses what is best for him. The most common option is the missionary position, in which the guy is on top of the girl. That is, in general, an exact answer to the question of which pose is best to choose for the first time.

There is no need to feed yourself empty hopes that in some position there is less pain or bleeding less, this is true. It depends on the characteristics of the organism, and not on the location of the body.

Young girls are often intimidated with scary stories about how their first sexual experience only brings suffering. Some argue the opposite. And such phenomena as the presence of pain and the absence of blood, or the presence of blood and the absence of pain - none of this means that defloration has not occurred, this is simply a feature of the genital organs of an individual girl.

You need to follow some tips so that the first time is remembered as something positive: you need to do it only if the girl is excited enough and penetration does not cause problems because of it. If a girl’s lubricant is not enough, she can use any artificial one sold in a pharmacy. The position should be comfortable for both partners. It is recommended to have the first experience in the dark to reduce fear and shyness of both. Even if you have confidence in your stronger half, you should use contraceptives in any case.

As for blood and its quantity, this question also falls on the girl’s physiology. For example, bleeding may continue even after this for several days.

Blood flows precisely when the hymen ruptures and after that, as a consequence of disruption of the genital organs. Pain and blood are quite normal for first intercourse, as is the absence of one of the variables. If a girl has any doubts, she can turn to a specialist. For example, it would not be a bad idea to do this if, some time after the first experience, there was a delay in the critical days or pain was felt before them.

The need to consult a doctor

Sometimes a phenomenon such as an abnormal structure of the pubic bone causes acute pain during the first sexual intercourse. The norm is a roller shape, as thick as a thumb. It is this structure that does not pose any threat during the first sexual intercourse or during childbirth. By abnormal is meant a shape such as a saber-shaped bar, the width of which is 3 or 4 times greater than normal. Therefore, pain may occur that has nothing to do with whether it is the first sexual intercourse or the tenth.

During penetration, the penis presses the urethra against the protruding part of the pubic bone, which causes acute pain. Because of this, a woman reinforces the belief that her first intimate relationship is not the most pleasant experience. Medicine is powerless in this case, so it is worth discussing convenience with your partner, because both parties to the relationship should be comfortable. There is no need to endure pain; it is advisable to be honest with yourself and your chosen one.

During the first experience, it is better for a woman to be as relaxed as possible in order to avoid unnecessary discomfort for both herself and the man. It’s better to think about the positive, that sexual intercourse is a pleasant process, and also that all this is happening with a person you trust. In this case, everything will go smoothly and the memories will be positive.


Prevalence of the phenomenon

Pathological bleeding is in no way related to the menstrual cycle and can appear at any time. They can be invisible or, conversely, quite intense, often accompanied by pain at the time of sexual contact and cause discomfort. This phenomenon, according to medical statistics, is observed in 2−8% of patients at antenatal clinics during the fertile period, and only 30% of women seeking help suffer abnormal uterine bleeding along with this symptom.

The nature of this type of discharge is revealed by the condition and lesions of the genital organs:

  • blood clots that form in the uterus appear when it is involved;
  • blood and mucus appear due to a pathological process (for example, inflammation affects the cervix);
  • scarlet blood occurs when there is damage and injury to the walls of the vagina and the outer (upper) part of the cervix.

In the case of prolonged and intense bleeding, internal bleeding cannot be ruled out (for example, due to injury). In such a situation, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor, especially if, in addition to discharge, there are the following signs:

  • bloating;
  • unbearable abdominal pain of a prolonged and increasing nature;
  • pale skin or mucous membranes;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • weak pulse;
  • sweating (usually cold sweat);
  • shortness of breath and weakness;
  • low blood pressure, fainting, severe dizziness.

The importance of defloration

The loss of innocence in the fairer sex should happen at an age when the girl is fully formed, that is, physically ready for intimacy and can make a thoughtful and informed decision on such an important step. That is, the most suitable age for starting sexual activity is precisely 18 years old. This fact has been confirmed by experts in the field of sexology in many countries, although many nations have their own opinion on this matter.

A reasonable question is asked: why is defloration important for virgins? The first experience is remembered for life, everyone knows this: it even determines the girl’s attitude towards the opposite sex in the future. And often the life moments in which the loss of innocence occurs differ for both girls and boys. Some choose a completely experienced man as their first man, while others prefer to start with an equally innocent one.

Is there a certain age to lose your virginity? The best time to start sex is when you are mature enough to choose the time and not give in to your boyfriend or group. You need to understand that you are not losing anything, but you are adding a layer of life experience.

Therefore, the timing must be chosen so as not to regret later. Are you sure what you want? Do you feel confident in yourself? It's your choice, no pressure? Then this may be the right time if it is properly prevented from sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS, in addition to unplanned pregnancy. Is it possible to lose your virginity through masturbation? If masturbation is only clitoral, this is not true.

The first experience is remembered for life

The first intimacy greatly changes a girl psychologically - she becomes a real woman

For this reason, a guy's behavior during the first sexual intercourse is important. For the first time, a girl may experience uncertainty, fear, embarrassment and fear of pain.

It's no secret that during the first intimate intimacy the virgin membrane ruptures, which certainly leads to the onset of painful sensations. In any case, after the first sexual intercourse there is blood - this is the most obvious indicator of a girl’s innocence. But the blood may not flow, that is, the fact that there is no blood also does not mean that the girl was no longer innocent at the moment of intercourse. This depends on the individual characteristics of the body, so the first experience can lead to various changes in the body of a young girl.


To clarify the reasons why blood appears from the vagina after sexual intercourse, the doctor uses the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Finding out the medical history: the patient’s age, duration of bleeding, presence of diseases of the vagina and cervix, abnormal smear results, genital infections.
  2. Inspect the cervix to rule out ectropion, erosion, cervical ulcer, or polyps.
  3. Gynecological smear with subsequent diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections, primarily chlamydia.
  4. Transvaginal ultrasound to evaluate the endometrium.
  5. Colposcopy if precancerous conditions or a malignant tumor of the cervix are suspected.
  6. Pipel biopsy for suspected endometriosis or uterine tumor.
  7. With repeated bleeding, a normal colposcopy picture and a good smear result, hysteroscopy with a biopsy of the inner layer of the uterus is indicated.

Colposcopy is the most informative, but not mandatory, research method. It is prescribed to women with suspected cervical tumor lesions, pseudoerosion or ectropion only if Pap smear results are abnormal and/or visible cervical lesions are present.

In postmenopausal women, an ultrasound examination of the uterus or an endometrial biopsy is immediately performed.

Bleeding after deflowering - the norm and deviations from it

Bleeding after losing your virginity is quite a possible problem.

Bleeding after losing virginity - what is the reason?

The entrance to the vagina for most women before the onset of sexual activity is limited by the hymen. Sometimes it just isn't there. Like skin, this hymen can tear during physical exercise, rough washing, rough gynecological examination, or during sexual intercourse (sometimes not the first time). During rape, it is possible that not only the hymen will rupture, but also the skin on the perineum. This topic is shrouded in so many myths and omissions that some women are afraid to begin sexual activity at all, because they have heard about terrible pain during damage to this hymen. Sometimes conflicts occur among young couples, since the young man believes that the first sexual intercourse must necessarily end in bleeding. And he interprets the absence of blood on the sheets in accordance with his misconceptions.

The reality is that not all girls have a hymen. But if it does exist, then it will not necessarily rupture during intercourse, or it is not necessary to expect the appearance of blood during rupture.

Bleeding after losing virginity. The norm and deviations from it

It should be understood that pain when the hymen ruptures most likely indicates inflammation of neighboring organs. And prolonged bleeding after deprivation of virginity makes one suspect an inflammatory process in the vagina. Hematogenously (through the blood), with urine (with pyelonephritis, cystitis), if hygiene is not observed, the infection could be introduced into the vagina and cause an inflammatory disease there.

If you experience minor bleeding after your first sexual intercourse following deflowering, there is no cause for concern. However, if the pain is severe and does not go away, the bleeding is intense or does not stop for a day, purulent discharge from the vagina appears, the temperature rises, you should immediately consult a doctor. It should also be remembered that when trying sex for the first time, a young girl may have a vague idea of ​​contraception. Therefore, if after the first episode of sexual activity there is a delay in menstruation, then there is a high probability that this is pregnancy. Despite the complexity of the issue of pregnancy at a young age, it should be borne in mind that of those women who ended their first pregnancy before the age of 18 with an abortion, 30% have a chance of not living to the age of 30 due to oncology of the reproductive system. Besides, abortion is murder. The pros and cons should be assessed before engaging in sexual intercourse. It should be especially noted that most women, at best, do not experience anything during their first sexual intercourse. So, losing your virginity by following fashion or imitating a friend is simply stupid.


Pathology of the urinary tract

However, most people bleed during urination. Both fresh blood and clots can come out with urine flow. The timing of bleeding is also important. If bleeding occurs at the beginning of urination, then initial hematuria occurs. If at the end, then we can talk about final hematuria. In the case when this occurs throughout the entire act of urination, it is customary to talk about total hematuria.

  1. Initial hematuria is most often characteristic of urethritis, which is accompanied in men by burning and pain along the urethra.
  2. Final hematuria in men indicates the bladder neck. If the stream of urine is intermittent, then one of the reasons may be stones in the bladder.
  3. With total hematuria, the doctor suspects the presence of acute infectious processes in various parts of the urinary system. For example, cystitis, urethritis or nephritis. The causes of which are most often hypothermia, infectious agents, autoimmune damage involving the pyelocaliceal system in the pathological process. Total hematuria is sometimes a sign of a malignant oncological process.

It is important to remember that total hematuria, which is accompanied by pain, in some cases is a harbinger of renal colic. And this is already a formidable condition that requires urgent assistance.

"First time". Myths and reality



For every girl, saying goodbye to virginity is the beginning of a new stage in life.

In it, she becomes an adult and begins to communicate with men intimately. And this stage depends on many factors. It's no wonder people have come up with a bunch of myths about losing your virginity.

Researchers have been conducting various experiments in this regard for a long time. Scientists from the University of California are confident that the genes of each girl carry information about when their owner will lose her virginity. It’s just that genes “help” with this, give hints on a subconscious level.

That is, the girl begins to think about intimate relationships, she has a sexual desire. It turns out that after such thoughts, almost every representative of the fair sex decides to start a new “adult” life, in which there is a place for sex.

We are gradually coming to the first myth regarding the loss of virginity.

Girls lose their virginity at 13-14 years old

This fact cannot be stated with certainty. In fact, psychologists are sure that girls are simply showing off to their friends, passing off fiction as reality.

It’s just that teenagers try to look older in the eyes of others, and “having sex” helps them in this. If we talk about the age when girls begin to be sexually active, in Russia it is 16 years old.

The global figure is slightly higher – 17.4 years. According to research, 25% of Russian schoolchildren first try to do “this” at the age of 16.

For some reason, scientists are confident that the age at which virginity is lost is directly related to the family in which the child grew up and how much he values ​​himself. If these indicators are high, then the teenager will lose his virginity later than his peers.

It is very difficult to lose your virginity at an older age.

This stereotype has become very firmly entrenched in public opinion. To be honest, the density of the hymen does not increase with age. Here the main role is played by the characteristics of the girl’s body. For example, if the hymen is elastic at age 18, it will remain so in the future.

If you don’t lose your virginity “on time,” it will lead to deterioration in health

It happens that virgins suffer from headaches and all kinds of skin rashes. In their opinion, all these problems are associated with the presence of the hymen. But that's not true. It all depends on the hormonal background, that is, the proper functioning of the organs responsible for the production of hormones in the girl’s body.

When losing your virginity, you cannot avoid pain and blood.

If you notice blood during your first sexual intercourse, this does not mean that it should be so. It was just that a blood vessel was touched during intercourse.

In fact, if a girl is excited, there should be no blood, because at this time the uterus is intensively moisturized due to the lubricant produced. There may be no blood if the rupture occurs in an area of ​​the hymen where there are practically no blood vessels.

If there is increased elasticity of the hymen, then there is a possibility that the hymen will remain intact even after the “first time”. In such cases, you should contact a gynecologist, who will help you avoid resistance next time.

When having sex for the first time, it is better to use a condom, which is designed to reduce pain thanks to the lubricant on it.

By typing the word “virginity” into the search, you will be offered the most popular queries: “How to deprive...?” And this is the main catch. Because a person does not have extra organs. As you get older, virginity becomes stronger. And this is very necessary. It needs to be kept from tearing. This is necessary so that the girl is not deprived, but stretched.

With Love and affection (not with affection and passion of lust, but with real sincere Love) prepare her to become your beloved and wife. “With Love, the lotus itself will open so that you can carefully look through the window. But we must try not to crush the window with our shoulders.” During defloration, the feeling of love weakens or disappears completely.

And if you stretch Virginity with Love, then there will not only be a deep orgasm, but also an increase in the feeling of Love to the level that everyone is looking for. They only seek through fornication. That's why they don't reach...

It is described in more detail in the Love Formula and the author kindly advises those interested in absentia and without payment.


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Dyspareunia due to STDs

Chlamydia is the most common STD, but in the early stages the disease is virtually asymptomatic. Signs of inflammation appear only 2-3 weeks after infection with chlamydia: burning pain in the urethra during micturition (urination), drawing pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. In women, vaginal discharge is profuse, yellowish-gray, with a strong, unpleasant odor. In men, chlamydia occurs with mild symptoms, characterized by signs of prolonged urethritis and scanty, glassy discharge from the penis, the so-called. morning drop. With chlamydia, only women experience pain during sexual intercourse.

Gonorrhea. Symptoms develop within 2-10 days after infection, excluding cases of latent infection, which can manifest itself even after several months. Gonorrhea discharge is abundant and thick, yellowish-green in color, and blood and clots are often visible in it. Urethritis in men and women is manifested by frequent mictions and burning pain, colpitis (inflammation of the vagina) - redness of the mucous membrane and characteristic discharge.

Both men and women experience sexual discomfort with severe symptoms of gonorrhea: the partner experiences pain during sex, and her partner experiences pain at the end of sexual intercourse.

Syphilis rarely manifests itself as pain during sexual intercourse : primary syphilomas (hard chancre) and the rash associated with secondary syphilis are usually painless, but with atypical clinical forms, pain during sex is possible.

Signs of chancre (primary syphilis):

  • Genital chancroid in men often forms on the penis or scrotum, in women - on the labia, clitoris, and cervix;
  • Looks like an erosion or ulcer with raised edges and a dense bottom;
  • Usually painless;
  • Disappears without treatment, leaving behind a compaction;
  • Scleradenitis develops in the chancre area - regional lymph nodes become enlarged, they are dense and do not hurt;
  • The node located closer to the chancre is always enlarged more than others.

discharge accompanied by pain is a likely sign of sexually transmitted infections

Trichomoniasis is classified as a parasitic STD and is caused by the single-celled organism Trichomonas vaginalis. In men, the urethra becomes infected first, but symptoms may not appear for a long time. In women, it begins with trichomonas colpitis with yellow-green purulent discharge, which has a particularly pungent and putrid odor, and then an ascending infection develops. Vaginal itching, bleeding between cycles, pain during intercourse are concerns.

Genital herpes is a viral disease, transmitted by contact (contaminated underwear, dirty hands) and sexually. Manifests itself as blistering rashes in the genital and anal areas; subsequently, the blisters turn into erosions and ulcers, causing pain to partners during intercourse. After sex, pain is also felt, the cause of which is mechanical irritation of the inflamed mucous membranes.

Genital papillomatosis : the causative agent is HPV (human papillomavirus), its involvement in the development of cervical cancer has been reliably proven. This type of tumor is especially unpleasant, because the primary focus can be negligible (up to only a few mm) and outwardly resemble ordinary cervical erosion, but metastases form very quickly and lead to the death of the patient. The primary signs of genital warts are small bumps (in the vagina, on the penis, in the urethra, around the anus, in the throat), local itching, pain and slight bleeding during sex.

Doctors' answers

It’s not a fact that if there was no blood, then the girl is not a virgin. Firstly, the elasticity of the hymen largely depends not only on age, but also on the degree of arousal. For some, it is very elastic and at first only stretches,

but it sometimes breaks even after several sexual acts.
Now about bleeding and its duration. Complete destruction of the hymen occurs only after childbirth.
Before this, the remains of the hymen are preserved in the form of small folds.
So repeated attempts at coitus only lead to tears in the hymen. Often, repeated sex after a few days can cause re-bleeding. Moreover, the abundance of blood and the presence of pain are not at all interconnected, just like the density of the hymen itself. Much depends on the degree of innervation and blood supply. Sometimes there is no bleeding at all the first time. Another option is that some girls do not have
a hymen at all, since it was not formed in utero.


You said that it could go through several sexual acts, but I have been sexually active with my boyfriend for 2 months now.


You said that it may break after several sexual acts, but I have been sexually active with my boyfriend for 2 months now.

As I wrote to you earlier, the options may be different. First, there may be no hymen at all! Well, it wasn’t formed in utero. The second - first - stretches. Micro-tears don't count, they hardly bleed. But!! - they exist. and little by little defloration still occurs in the presence of a hymen.

Third, it breaks completely only during childbirth! But at the same time, it is in no way an obstacle to sperm) If you have questions about this, then a gynecologist will be able to answer them more accurately during the examination.


Hello! I am 24 years old and I had sexual intercourse a day ago, but there was no blood at all. We’ve been dating this guy for a year and a half, but apparently during this period he didn’t recognize me well, because he didn’t believe that I was a virgin. What should I do? Could it be that he just didn’t reach the hymen and I’m still a virgin?

It doesn't always bleed the first time. Firstly, the elasticity of the hymen largely depends not only on age, but also on the degree of arousal. For some, it is very elastic and at first only stretches,

but it sometimes breaks even after several sexual acts. The older the woman, the stronger the hymen. It is possible that your young man has only stretched his hymen. Another option is that some girls do not have a hymen at all, since it was not formed in utero. To determine whether it is the first time or not, it is advisable to contact a gynecologist in the first three to five days, then your young man can get answers to all his questions in a personal conversation if the doctor wants to answer them for him. You can find out exactly what condition your hymen is in from your doctor. Explain your situation, they will examine you in a chair, and then it will be clear whether the hymen is stretched or some other options.


Can a girl become homeless after her first sexual intercourse?

Maybe this happens quite often. There is not always blood the first time and the hymen does not always break the first time. Firstly, the elasticity of the hymen largely depends not only on age, but also on the degree of arousal. For some, it is very elastic and at first only stretches,

but it sometimes breaks even after several sexual acts. The older the woman, the stronger the hymen. Another option is that some girls do not have a hymen at all, since it was not formed in utero.


Disturbances at the cellular level

Such pathological disorders include:


Endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus. It can settle on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines, and so on. This is the most mysterious and most symptomatic disease. One of the patients’ complaints is pain during sex and bleeding afterwards. Moreover, he can smear himself after every sexual contact.


A pathology that is accompanied by too active cell division. This condition can lead to the development of a tumor, benign or malignant. Contact bleeding is not a specific, but an alarming symptom of hyperplasia. Blood may indicate the degeneration of cellular pathology into cervical cancer.

Why there was no blood the first time or myths about virginity

Many, and almost everyone, can say with confidence what exactly distinguishes a woman from a girl, namely sexual experience. If it happened, then she is no longer a girl. Where all this came from is no longer known.

Also, everyone inexperienced in this difficult matter is convinced that every girl has a hymen, which breaks during the first sexual intercourse, accompanied by, and in confirmation, blood appears and pain is felt.

Everyone knows this and expects that their first time they will not be an exception and will survive all this.


  • 1 Myth 1
  • 2 Myth 2
  • 3 Myth 3
  • 4 Myth 4
  • 5 Myth 5
  • 6 Myth 6

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But now the time has come to be surprised: everything that you knew as a virgin and for the first time is far from true. Not everything your girlfriends tell you about is true.

They could embellish and lie, because they could be frightened by the lack of “normal” pain and blood for the first time, and you, believing, expect this from your first time, and later discover that everything is far from being so.

This is where questions arise like “Why was there no blood the first time” or “Why was it not painful the first time” and so on.

Next, all the myths that have been destroyed by specialists from medical centers and organizations will be listed.

Myth 1_1

The hymen blocks the entrance to the vagina and breaks during the first sex. If there was a break, then the girl is no longer a virgin.

This is far from true. The hymen, of course, exists, but not everyone has it in such a position that it can be torn. It may partially or not cover the entrance at all.

This depends on the physiological characteristics of both the girl and her sexual partner.

Myth 2_2

During the first sex, blood must come out of the vagina.

And again no. This is wrong. As you know, blood comes only from damaged areas of the body. For a girl to bleed during the first sexual intercourse, which supposedly signals a rupture of the hymen, we hasten to disappoint you. Most likely, the blood started due to the fact that the partner was not gentle and affectionate enough with the girl, and could not excite her enough.

Simply put, there was simply not enough lubrication and due to rudeness on the part of the man, the girl could feel pain, which indicates a possible injury and damage. Understand what you are chasing. For drops of blood on the sheets or for pleasure? If you choose the second option, then be as gentle, sensitive as possible and make sure that your girl is sufficiently excited.

If it doesn’t work out, then lubricant will help you.

Myth 3_3

If there was no blood, then this means that the girl already has a torn hymen.

Of course, it is possible that during a strong stretch in this area, a girl’s hymen may be damaged, but these cases are very rare. In other cases, it can stretch out at most. And again, do not forget that not everyone has a hymen.

Myth 4_4

With age, the hymen thickens and it is almost impossible to lose virginity.

It sounds very stupid and funny. This is simply impossible. On the contrary, with age, by the age of 25, the hymen becomes thinner and smaller, and with time it disappears completely. And nothing affects this. You can lose your hymen even if you have never had sex in your entire life. Like this.

Myth 5_5

The first time always hurts.

Of course this is not true. It can be painful, it is possible, but it does not always happen and is not the norm even for the first time. Pain can occur even after several years of active sexual activity. This is due to the fact that the girl was simply not excited enough and her natural lubrication was not enough. Then everything starts to rub there and penetration becomes painful.

Therefore, if your girlfriend complains that she is in pain, it means that you have not spent enough time on foreplay or that there is simply not enough female lubrication. Using additional lubricant will help you with this, which you can buy anywhere, even at the grocery store.

Myth 6_6

By looking at the vagina, you can understand that the girl is not a virgin.

Not even every gynecologist can understand from an examination whether a girl has had sexual contact or is still a virgin. Again, this is due to the structure of the girls’ bodies and the hymen as well. They have different forms, and some don’t have it at all. Therefore, if a highly qualified specialist could not determine such a seemingly simple thing, then an ordinary person will certainly not understand.

And in conclusion, a little parting word. Remember that what everyone calls the hymen may not exist at all. Each girl has it individually, and the fact that during the first sex it tears and the girl bleeds is not always the case. Don’t believe the myths, but develop your intellect more and then no one will be able to deceive you.



Bloody discharge after sex

The reproductive system of the fairer sex is constantly exposed to both external and internal factors that affect its functioning. This effect is manifested by various signs, including vaginal discharge. Regular rejection of the endometrium does not raise any questions for women, while spotting before menstruation is alarming because it can be a symptom of a gynecological disease. The duration of secretion with blood, its volume, time of occurrence, as well as accompanying symptoms will help to recognize the norm or a serious violation.

Signs of normal discharge

There is no cause for concern if the vaginal secretion has the following characteristics:

  1. A small amount is spotty (a daily pad is enough).
  2. There is no itching, burning, or swelling of the genitals.
  3. There is no severe pain.
  4. Shade from light red to brown.
  5. Brown discharge on the first day of menstruation.
  6. Duration: several days (3–4 days).
  7. Complete absence of odor or slightly sour aroma of discharge.

Most often, after such discharge is indicated, normal menstruation soon begins. But if the appearance of spotting 2 days before your period recurs systematically, you need to undergo an examination.

Find out in one of our articles what spotting in the middle of your cycle will tell you about.

Reason one: mechanical damage

This cause of bleeding after sexual intercourse is the most common and widely known. Mechanical damage, for example, includes a rupture of the hymen: during a girl’s first sexual intercourse, this causes mild discomfort and mild pain, as well as a small amount of blood.

In addition, mechanical damage during sexual intercourse will include microcracks and minor injuries that arise either from excessively hard and rough sex, or from insufficient natural lubrication if the woman was poorly prepared. Such cracks do not cause much discomfort and heal on their own: just two or three days, and this condition will pass, leaving behind only memories.

The injury may be too severe, or the cause of the bleeding may be something else.

Mechanical causes are those associated with any injury. Most often, blood after sexual intercourse causes the following conditions:

  • Increased fragility of blood vessels, which occurs in women suffering from vitamin deficiency, diabetes mellitus and hormonal disorders. This condition is especially common during menopause, when hormonal changes occur. In people with increased capillary fragility, vascular lesions in the gums, nose, rectum, and skin are common.
  • Atrophic vaginitis. A decrease in estrogen levels causes thinning of the vaginal walls, which become easily cut and bleed.
  • lack of lubrication that facilitates the sliding of the penis inside the vagina. The mucous membrane of the genital organs, to which a lot of blood flows during coitus, rubs and bleeds;
  • Hard sex, especially with the use of various sex toys. Such an act causes trauma to the smallest vessels of the vagina and cervix, accompanied by bleeding.

Possible diseases

The causes of spotting a week before menstruation may be due to:

  • the presence of infection in the genitals;
  • inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes;
  • oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries);
  • acute and chronic endometritis;
  • the presence of cervical erosion;
  • infection with a sexually transmitted infection;
  • the presence of cysts or polyps;
  • atrophic vaginitis;
  • the presence of benign and cancerous tumors;
  • growth of the inner layer of the uterine walls (endometriosis).

This is an incomplete list of possible gynecological problems that can be associated with both scanty and heavy discharge before menstruation. The state of the reproductive system is individual for each woman and similar symptoms do not allow us to determine the disorder without tests and examination.

The causes of spotting before menstruation are not related to the gynecological area. The described symptom may be based on the presence of:

  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • bladder inflammation;
  • adrenal gland diseases;
  • malfunction of the central nervous system;
  • dysfunction of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

The bloody nature of secretion can be observed 3 or 4 days before menstruation, but significant disruptions cannot be ruled out when blood can flow for 10 days or more. To solve the problem, you need to visit a gynecologist, who will refer you to other specialists if necessary.

What should you do if you experience pain or discomfort when having sex?

  1. Find out the cause of the problem. In men, it is mainly somatic (bodily); Psychological disorders predominate in women.
  2. If there is a sharp pain and burning sensation in combination with discharge from the genitals (pus, blood), then you should consult a venereologist. By performing a culture or PCR, you can accurately determine the pathogen and receive the correct treatment.
  3. Blood discharge during or after sex is a sign of inflammation or tumor. A medical examination is required.
  4. Neuralgic pain can be a sign of internal inflammation, spinal injury or age-related osteochondrosis. The pain must be quickly relieved, then the underlying disease must be treated.

Pain during intercourse in women

Women feel pain during sex if they suffer from vaginismus - spasm of the vaginal muscles . The reason may be an unsuccessful first experience of sexual activity and the resulting fear and mistrust of a sexual partner. With vaginismus, the vagina contracts sharply if a penis or any object (for example, gynecological instruments) is inserted into it. The spasm is so strong that it promises serious trouble for a rude partner. Therefore, a gentlemanly attitude towards women is by no means a whim, but a matter of personal safety for men.

Failed defloration , when the hole in the hymen stretches but does not break in a T-shape. In this case, pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse may be felt until the first birth. Help in this situation is surgical defloration or understanding on the part of the partner and pharmacist. help (lubricants).

Inflammatory processes of any origin in the functional layer of the uterus - endometritis. Pain appears during sexual intercourse only before menstruation, along with spotting. With inflammation of the muscle layer (myometritis), pain during sex is felt at the peak of mechanical impact. If parametritis (inflammation of the periuterine tissue) and plexitis (inflammation of the pelvic nerve plexus) are added, then the pain becomes especially sharp and radiates to the perineum and sacrum.

Large cysts in the ovaries manifest themselves as pain during sex, small ones (up to 1-2 cm in diameter, with polycystic disease) are not felt at all.

Static phenomena : the outflow of venous blood from the pelvic organs is difficult if a woman has a “sedentary” job, her sex life is unsatisfactory or irregular. In these cases, swelling of the vagina and internal genitalia develops, which is manifested by sharp pain during coitus (sexual intercourse). The condition is dangerous, because venous stagnation is a “green light” for the development of inflammation and tumors. Therefore, a high-quality sex life is definitely needed, and in case of its hopeless absence, you should resort to vaginal massage. It is done either by a gynecologist or independently, using gadgets from a sex shop.

Neuralgic pain, which is especially noticeable during sex, occurs with equal frequency in both women and men. The nature of the pain is burning, shooting. With pelvic neuralgia, the pain radiates (gives) to the groin, thigh, labia, and scrotum. At the same time, muscle spasm occurs, the pain intensifies and stabilizes - the person takes the so-called. forced position and freezes. With such symptoms, the partners are clearly no longer interested in sex, so romance will have to be put off for a while and treated. To relieve neuralgic pain, diclofenac is used (preferably in ampoules of 75 mg, into the muscle); An intramuscular injection of mydocalm will help relieve the spasm, and a course of vitamin B12 injections (10 ampoules) will “restore the nerves.” This regimen can be used for any neuralgia, if the patient is not allergic to these medications.

Problems of painful sex due to discrepancies between the sizes of the penis and vagina are from the category of folk tales. A woman is able to accept any partner if the man understands her sexually and behaves appropriately to the situation. There are elementary anatomical explanations for this: during childbirth, the vagina can pass through the body, and most importantly, the child’s head, which is clearly larger in diameter than any penis.

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