Why may there be bleeding when taking Visanne?

Visanne is the latest generation hormonal drug intended for the treatment of endometriosis. During hormonal therapy, the process of follicle maturation in the ovary slows down, but is not completely inhibited. It is thanks to this that the therapeutic effect of the contraceptive is manifested. To understand how the menstrual cycle will be restored after therapy, you should first understand how the body reacts to hormones and whether you have periods while taking Visanne.

Can there be discharge during hormone therapy?

Taking Visanne and menstruation are two incompatible concepts, since when taking this hormonal drug, partial suppression of ovulation is observed, as a result of which menstruation does not occur, but the presence of spotting is not excluded.
Why is this happening? Therapeutic therapy is aimed at allowing the ovaries to “rest” and thereby stopping the process of endometrial growth. Under the influence of the progestin component of the tablets (dienogest), there is no growth of the endometrial layer of the uterus, it remains thin and quite dense, and the risk of bleeding is minimal.

If taking the drug is accompanied by “smears” (during the likely critical days, it was smeared not with blood, but with brown) – this is normal. This type of discharge without blood is the most common reaction to Visanne.

In some cases, uterine bleeding may occur with Visanne, in which case you should consult a doctor. The specialist may prescribe a double dosage (2 tablets daily). This dose will need to be taken until the bleeding stops. Then you can continue taking pills according to the standard regimen. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to stop bleeding with Visanne (Visanne) only under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Despite the fact that treatment with Visanne suppresses ovulatory function, this drug is not used as a contraceptive. During use, non-hormonal methods of contraception should be used, since the possibility of ovulation and subsequent pregnancy cannot be ruled out.

If a woman took Visanne for several months and during this period she had intimate relations without protection, but did not have periods, pregnancy is possible, especially during 1-2 months of taking hormonal pills. Gynecologists recommend doing a test before each subsequent cycle.

What happens after completion of treatment

It will take quite a long time to restore menstrual function after treatment. How many months does it take for menstruation to start after Visanne? Usually you wait 2-3 months for the onset of menstruation. But each woman’s reproductive system can work according to its “own regime,” so exceptions are allowed when diagnosing endometriosis.

If your period comes immediately after stopping Visanne, you cannot talk about complete normalization of the menstrual cycle and a cure for endometriosis. This may be a manifestation of a relapse of the disease; in this case, periods are not as intense as before, and painful sensations in the lower abdomen are possible. To stop bleeding, you need to take the drug Tranexam.

After taking Visanne, it is important to monitor your own body's reactions. If your period comes during the first month of withdrawal, it is necessary to monitor the nature of the discharge and the presence of associated symptoms. Ovulation after Visanne is not excluded during the first cycle after completion of treatment, even if menstruation has not started.

Women who have undergone treatment should understand that recovery of the body, for example, after laparoscopy, may take a longer period. A repeat laparoscopy may be required (which is not uncommon with endometriosis). After all, after hormonal therapy there is a high risk of the formation of cysts on the surface of the ovaries, as well as the development of benign neoplasms. They can stop the process of restoring menstrual function for more than 3 months.

If after 2-3 months menstruation does not occur, this reaction of the body may be associated with stress caused by prolonged treatment. You need to be prepared for such consequences. To track the processes occurring in the body, it will be necessary to regularly conduct ultrasound, which will help eliminate the development of pathologies associated with the progression of endometriosis.


It is also not recommended for girls under 18 years of age or women after menopause to treat endometriosis with Visanne.

Many patients evaluate the drug positively. General well-being improves, some have managed to lose weight, pain is present, but moderate and not for every woman. Hair and skin are noticeably improved.

The severity of use was noted only in the first two months, then the condition returned to normal and even at stage 4 of endometriosis it was possible to become pregnant. But you need to be treated for a long time and without breaks, for at least six months.

Some, on the contrary, complain of incessant menstruation, constant ointments, and thrush appears. This goes away gradually. The body, as well as the hormonal background, is different for every woman.

Taking the drug is contraindicated if:

  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • vascular pathology, diabetes mellitus with complications in blood vessels;
  • bleeding from the vagina for an unknown reason;
  • lactose deficiency;
  • liver tumor;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • thromboembolism in the veins;
  • breast cancer;
  • cholecystitis type jaundice;
  • pathological processes occurring in the liver;
  • tumor-like neoplasms dependent on hormones;
  • frequent increases in blood pressure;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • previous ectopic pregnancy, during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to some components of Visanne;
  • frequent migraines;
  • carbohydrate metabolism disorders;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • elevated lipid levels;
  • depressive disorders.

The drug is approved by gynecologists. Many patients experience a long-awaited pregnancy. However, there are caveats. Pregnancy is not allowed during the treatment period. During treatment, it is recommended to use additional methods of contraception. Even if you manage to get pregnant with endometriosis, then cleaning is indicated. The probability of pregnancy without pathologies is low.

You should exercise caution when engaging in sexual activity. Pregnancy planning should be done after completing the treatment course. First, Visanne is prescribed for 3 months, then the condition of the uterus is assessed based on ultrasound results. The course can be extended. According to all research indications, taking Visanne ultimately produces positive results, despite the side effects. The condition of the uterus returns to normal over time.

Some women have reported side effects and there is negativity towards the drug. There are complaints of abdominal pain, insomnia, and hair loss. A woman’s body is fragile, and the behavior of hormonal levels after taking Visanne is difficult to predict. Doctors say the drug is safe and side effects are acceptable. Each woman's body reacts differently to the components in Visanne. Banal intolerance may be the cause of some unpleasant symptoms.

In case of severe aggression after taking the drug, severe hot flashes, fever, sudden mood swings, nausea, vomiting, excessive hair loss, severe bleeding from the vagina, pain and bloating in the abdomen, discomfort, aching in the back, you should see a doctor. The drug costs from 2500 rubles. It should be used only after being prescribed by a doctor, who will first study your medical history and a number of tests taken, in particular an ultrasound. For a positive outcome after a treatment course, positivity, hope for good results and pregnancy within a short time are important.

Lack of menstruation: what to do

If your period does not come after cancellation, you can safely wait for 3 cycles.
They can go on 4 month withdrawal. There is no need to start taking any medications or homeopathic medicines. Normally, menstrual function can be restored even after 3-4 months have passed. drug withdrawal. Your period may start with spotting. If there is a longer delay after Visane, you will need to conduct a detailed examination: donate blood for hormones, undergo an ultrasound scan. How serious everything is, the doctor will draw conclusions. The results obtained will help determine the choice of treatment therapy. After laparoscopy, a second operation may be performed to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.

In some cases, oral contraceptives are prescribed; they will help restore the process of growth of the endometrial layer of the uterus (on Visanne it becomes very dense, which makes it possible to eliminate existing foci of endometriosis). COCs can be prescribed for 3-6 months. After this, wait for the natural menstrual cycle to resume.

To restore menstrual function, the gynecologist may also prescribe the use of other hormonal drugs, for example, Progesterone, Duphaston, Utrozhestan or Norkolut. Taking these medications is aimed at getting your periods regularly.

The use of the above medications requires strict medical supervision. Perhaps, after several months of such treatment, it will be possible to completely restore ovulation, which will contribute to the early onset of pregnancy.

It must be remembered that a correctly chosen treatment regimen and regular medical monitoring of the patient’s condition will help restore menstrual function and get rid of the manifestations of endometriosis. It is possible that the onset of pregnancy will have a positive effect on the woman’s hormonal background and after childbirth the disease will completely disappear.

The main thing is not to self-medicate and consult a doctor in time. Timely therapy will help avoid complications. Endometriosis is not a death sentence; today this disease is successfully treated. Take care of your own health!

Bleeding after stopping Visanne and other side effects

Hello! I have this problem. In February 2014, I underwent surgery to remove an endometrial polyp (hysteroresectoscopy). But they left the fibroid, they said it was small. The Visanne course was prescribed. I started drinking Visanne back in December. On June 14 I took my last pill. On July 4, my period arrived, after 21 days, on time. My periods were very heavy, I had to get up at night, it looked like I was bleeding. I took several Tranexam tablets. The bleeding stopped. But now he’s smearing scarlet blood and the temperature is 37.2, “breaking” his back.

The active ingredient in Visanne is dienogest. It is a derivative of nortestosterone and exhibits androgenic effects on the body. The substance attaches to progesterone receptors in the uterus, its affinity for progesterone is only 10%. But, despite this, dienogest has a powerful progestogenic effect. No mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid activity was observed in this drug.

In the photo - Visanne tablets

The effect of Visanne on the mucous membrane of the uterus - the endometrium - occurs through the suppression of the trophic effects of estrogens on the altered structure of the epithelium. At the same time, the production of estrogen in a woman’s body decreases, and their concentration in the blood plasma falls. Long-term use of the drug leads to atrophy of endometriotic lesions and a therapeutic effect. In addition, Visanne has antiangiogenic and immunological effects, which leads to the suppression of cell proliferation. The drug does not have a detrimental effect on bone tissue, does not change its density, and does not change laboratory blood parameters. The decrease in estrogen synthesis in the ovaries when taking Visanne is moderate.

Composition and action of Visanne

The main purpose of the drug is the treatment of endometriosis. How does this pathology manifest itself? First signs:

  • dysmenorrhea;
  • pain during menstruation in the lower abdomen and pelvic area;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • violation of reproductive functions, fraught with infertility.

When the endometrium grows, it leads to blockage of the fallopian tubes, preventing the egg from entering them. When the lining increases in volume, the endometrium affects the nearby internal organs of the woman: intestines, bladder.

There are no exact reasons for the development of endometriosis; however, cell enzymes are involved in the development, leading to gene mutation, which worsens the quality of life of women. The symptoms are always painful and lasting. The composition of the hormonal drug "Visanne" includes dienogest, a progestin that is active and has a powerful androgenic and gestagenic effect on the body, inhibiting sex hormones that promote the growth of endometrial foci inside the uterine mucosa.

The disease is treated with medication or surgery, which doctors resort to in case of damage to other internal organs. Medicines slow down the growth of the endometrium, reducing the size of the lesions. Taking Visanne leads to inhibition of uterine receptors, reduction or, conversely, production of estrogen that can suppress the growth of focal pathology. With the restoration of pathological cells, recovery occurs.

For atrophy of endometrial foci, it is necessary to block the arrival of menstruation using medications. It is the gestagenic drug that has proven its effectiveness when the regimen and dosages are followed. Visanne is not addictive, but the course of treatment is long, up to six months. Changing dosages on your own is prohibited; you should take the drug only under the clear guidance of your doctor.

The medicine does not lead to deterioration of health, leaching of minerals from the body, while leaving bones strong. Visanne:

  1. Eliminates symptoms of pain due to endometriosis.
  2. Treats dysmenorrhea, eliminates pain in the pelvic area before menstruation.
  3. Improves the quality of life of women.
  4. Leads to a reduction in endometrial lesions.
  5. Reduces bone mineral density, eliminates hot flashes and menopausal symptoms.
  6. It has a negative effect on lipid levels and estrogen synthesis in the ovaries, lowering them.

What side effects should I expect?

Like any drugs containing hormone derivatives, Visanne can lead to many side effects, but they are not common and do not occur in all patients. The main side effects of the drug:

  • Vaginal bleeding not associated with menstruation
  • Irregularity of menstruation
  • Increased blood flow during menstruation
  • Uterine bleeding
  • Anemia
  • Increase or decrease in body weight
  • Increased appetite
  • Headache
  • Migraine
  • Decreased mood
  • Apathy
  • Depressive disorders
  • Sleep disorders including insomnia
  • Attention disorders
  • Feelings of anxiety, increased irritability
  • Decreased libido
  • Sudden mood changes
  • Dry eyes and increased sensitivity of the cornea, especially common for people who use contact lenses
  • Hearing impairment
  • Increased heart rate
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Dyspnea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Stool disorder - diarrhea and constipation
  • Discomfort in the abdomen and epigastric region
  • Gum inflammation
  • Exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the digestive organs
  • Muscle spasms
  • Back and joint pain
  • Painful sensations and a feeling of heaviness in the limbs
  • Swelling on the face and body
  • Fatigue, asthenia
  • Inflammatory processes of the urinary organs, for example, cystitis.

Deterioration of the skin condition is also often observed:

  • The appearance of pimples - acne
  • Increased hair loss, baldness - alopecia
  • Feeling of dry skin, loss of moisture
  • Stagnation of fluid in the body
  • Itchy skin
  • An increase in the number of hairs, their increased growth in places where there was no hair before, or they were present in small quantities
  • The appearance of dandruff
  • Dermatitis
  • Skin photosensitivity
  • Pigmentation disorders in various parts of the body.

However, most side effects affect the reproductive system and mammary glands:

  • Patients often complain of discomfort in the mammary glands, their enlargement, coarsening, soreness, and increased sensitivity, especially in the area of ​​the nipples and areolas.
  • Development of ovarian cysts
  • Feeling hot flashes
  • Bleeding from the uterus and vagina
  • Heavy menstruation with significant blood loss, which after a while can lead to anemia
  • Spotting bloody discharge from the genital tract in the middle of the menstrual cycle
  • Dry mucous membranes in the vulvovaginal area
  • Change in the nature of vaginal discharge (color, smell, quantity)
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic area
  • Atrophic vulvovaginitis
  • Development of fibrocystic type of mastopathy
  • The appearance of compactions in the mammary glands.

In what situations is Vazanna contraindicated for use?

Since the drug can cause many side effects, its use should be treated with extreme caution. Before doing this, you need to compare all the risks and take into account contraindications. You should not take the drug in the following cases:

  • Acute thrombophlebitis
  • Current presence of venous thromboembolism
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  • Vascular atherosclerosis
  • Heart attacks, strokes, transient ischemic attacks in the past or present
  • Diabetes mellitus complicated by vascular pathologies
  • Severe liver pathologies in history or at the moment
  • Tumors in the liver
  • Breast cancer
  • Presence of hormone-dependent tumors
  • Cholestatic type of jaundice
  • Severe sensitivity to certain components of the drug
  • History of depressive disorders
  • Past ectopic pregnancy
  • High blood pressure
  • Chronic heart failure
  • Migraine
  • Elevated blood lipids
  • Deep vein thrombophlebitis.

The treatment of uterine fibroids is described in detail in the video:

How does Visanne affect the nature of menstruation?

Indeed, the drug changes the nature of menstruation and also causes acyclic spotting. Such complaints come from many patients who have been prescribed Visanne for long-term use. Uterine bleeding increases, especially in those women who have gynecological diseases, uterine pathologies and tumors. Bleeding is dangerous because it can lead to anemia. If there is discomfort when using the drug, it is advisable to discontinue it and find an alternative.

You need to see a doctor, and the sooner the better. Despite discontinuation of the drug, you still have bleeding, and your body temperature has increased, which suggests the addition of some kind of disease or infectious inflammatory process. In such cases, a thorough examination and laboratory tests are required. Based on the examination results, the specialist will tell you about further treatment tactics and prescribe appropriate medications.

Also watch the video - 3 silent killers of women, asymptomatic diseases:

How to use Visanne?

Taking Visanne can be started on any day of the cycle, regardless of the onset of menstruation. Also start at any time, regardless of meal or time of day. The course of treatment is 6 months.

According to the instructions, take 1 tablet per day with water. After using one package, immediately start another without allowing any breaks. The effectiveness of the drug will be reduced if vomiting or diarrhea occurs. But as the attacks pass, you still need to take the pill, being careful not to violate the dosage time. Each portion of the hormone should enter the body at approximately the same time. The appointment date will be determined by the gynecologist. To monitor the condition of the endometrium, ultrasound is periodically prescribed.

The drug suppresses ovulation, but is not a contraceptive. Pregnancy during treatment is undesirable. The menstrual cycle gets confused and this is normal. Before the appointment, the woman undergoes a gynecological and physical examination. If there was an ectopic pregnancy or abnormalities were noted in the fallopian tubes, mammary glands, or pelvic organs, the question of prescribing Visanne is decided by the doctor based on the test results, weighing the possible risks and benefits.

If fibroids are detected, endometriosis can be treated with Visanne. The risk of possible development of a malignant tumor in the breast after taking Visanne disappears 10 years after the end of its use.

You need to take the drug with caution, and also look at how you feel if:

  • frequent depression;
  • increased blood pressure, high cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • headaches;
  • heart failure;
  • after previous thrombophlebitis.

Alcohol consumption is prohibited during treatment with dienogest. Side effects after taking Visanne are different, the ratio of possible risks to benefits must be carefully analyzed. Not only Visanne, but also any other drug with hormone derivatives, naturally affects the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system, including the mammary glands. Possible:

  1. Enlargement and soreness of the nipples and alveoli.
  2. Hot flashes during menstruation, feeling of heat.
  3. Severe uterine bleeding.
  4. The appearance of an ovarian cyst.
  5. Blood loss, development of anemia with prolonged heavy menstruation.
  6. Ointments and discharge occur in the middle of the cycle.
  7. Drying of the mucous membrane in the vulva area.
  8. Pain in the lower abdomen, in the pelvic area.
  9. Changes in discharge by smell, color, quantity.
  10. Development of atrophic vulvovaginitis, cystic mastopathy
  11. Seals in the mammary glands.


  • menstruation is irregular, frequent, intense with prolonged monotherapy with progestins;
  • bleeding from the vagina may be completely unrelated to menstruation;
  • a woman’s body weight increases or decreases;
  • there is a feeling of apathy, depression, blues;
  • attention is impaired, libido decreases;
  • increased irritability and sensitivity of the corneas. Dries the eyes, especially for those who wear lenses;
  • possible acne after taking Visanne;
  • hearing is impaired, heart rate increases;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • back pain, joint aches;
  • the face and body swell. The skin as a whole suffers, itching, dandruff, dermatoses appear, acne appears, pigmentation appears, hair falls out, and the skin dries out.

Negative reviews

In November 2021, endoetriosis was discovered by laparoscopy. After taking Visanne (3 months), uterine fibroids of 8 mm formed! I was 20 and was diagnosed with endometriosis in an expensive paid clinic. They prescribed Visanne a course of treatment for 1.5 years, took it for 6 months, all this time my hair was growing terribly, I had pain in the lower abdomen, and I didn’t have my period all this time! I decided to go to another hospital and see another doctor! And it turned out that it was not in vain! They told me that at this early age, visana caused me menopause; all the reproductive organs do not function, and there is a possibility that they will no longer be able to do so at all! + a large ovarian cyst has formed, it turns out that you need menstruation for the cyst to go away! But they may not come because of the visa!! And in general, the result is expensive pills of 3 thousand rubles (I paid 18 thousand for ruined health, I may not be able to have children, and menopause at 20 years old) you don’t need to believe one doctor, go to another hospital. I've been taking Visanne for three weeks. Constant pain in the lower abdomen. Everything in the mammary glands itches. Be sick. This had never happened before before I started taking the medicine. Hello. Today I want to talk about the drug Visanne. A little bit about yourself. Now I'm 29 years old. At the age of 13, I began to be bothered by very severe pain during menstruation, I went to see a doctor, but no one could say anything. At the age of 22, I registered for pregnancy, and HERE it began. They discovered endometriosis in both ovaries, an adhesive process, and at 16 weeks they did a puncture (by the way, it didn’t hurt at all!). (There was a lot, but that’s in another review). It was because of this matter that I was Caesareaned. My daughter was born healthy, thank God! Of course, they told me that I needed further treatment. They also said that pregnancy usually cures endometriosis, but this was not my case. Naturally, I had no time for this)))))) I was a small child, and just in 2009 the crisis hit, finances were a bit tight. This is how I continued to live, nothing bothered me. I visited the gynecologist regularly, everything seemed to be okay. Moreover, after giving birth, pain during menstruation stopped bothering me. And then recently at work, I got a headache! My lower abdomen hurt terribly, they called an ambulance. It turned out that endometriosis had woken up))) Luckily, I found a very competent doctor. Who explained that endometriosis may not bother you at all, you can live with it your whole life and not feel it. Or maybe, like me, I wake up periodically. We are all unique people and everyone has their own way. They prescribed Visanne. for 3 months! The drug is not cheap, not even VERY cheap! For 28 tablets (pack) I had to pay almost 3 thousand. There are a lot of side effects, excess weight, irritability, migraines, dandruff))) yes, yes, even the instructions say pain in the mammary glands, back pain, and that’s not yet the whole list. I faced all this. Forgive me for nausea and vomiting too (especially in the morning). The condition is as if in a position.)) Incredible fatigue, and already in the morning, as if I had run 100 meters. The zhor is incredible. Plus, after a month of taking it, the doctor prescribed Xenalten to me because... I gained 3.5 kg in a month)))). Of course, it’s my own fault because I ate everything in a row - especially sweets))) After the second month of taking it, the drug was discontinued, as the migraines became simply unbearable, ketones didn’t even help. The ultrasound result showed that no changes were found! Everything is as it was ((((((((. The doctor with sympathy advised not to do anything for now and, if possible, give birth again))), and then delete the whole thing for the hell of it)))))). So much so that I don’t even know what to do. Unfortunately, the drug did not work for me. Oh, I forgot, they advised me to try Danazol - after reading again the terrifying side effects, including facial hair, I refused. So, for now, I’ll live until the next attack))))) and then we’ll see, maybe I’ll decide on a second child)))))). Advantages:

lack of menstruation
apathy, back pain, headache, hello excess weight, many side effects, does not guarantee that cysts will not appear again, unreasonably expensive, nervousness, a lot of side effects, dandruff and hair loss, loss of libido))) ), syndrome.
After laparoscopy, I was discovered to have external endometriosis: it was on the bladder, peritoneum and uterosacral ligaments, and the discharge stated the second stage. I suffered from pain for many years; doctors could not find the cause and even advised me to “treat my head.” On my operating doctor’s table there was a box of hormonal pills with the beautiful name “Visanne”. On the day of discharge, I was prescribed this drug, and was told that I could take it from any day of the cycle. NOT TRUE! Girls, you need to drink from the first day of menstruation, so that there are no unforeseen consequences. I’m telling you my experience: spotting did not leave me for three months of taking Visanne. But it's not scary. In the first month of taking it, I experienced uterine bleeding, which lasted almost two weeks. I called the doctor, he said he didn’t know what to do about it, “let’s wait.” Another doctor from MONIAG advised me to take a lethal dose of dicinone. By zero. Thank God, the medical forum advised me to take a double dose of pills and oh-la-la, the bleeding stopped almost immediately. I took a double dose for five days, and then switched back to one tablet a day. No hemostatic agents helped me. Girls, regarding stopping bleeding from Visanne, I hope my advice will save someone. I don’t mean “daub,” but BLEEDING! I must say that the pain did not leave me while taking Visanne. Painkillers were my companions more often than before taking Visanne. A month later I had bleeding again, which also had to be stopped with a double dose. My head started to hurt, I began to be afraid to be in stores, it felt stuffy everywhere. Panic attacks started, I just ran out of the stores because I couldn’t stand in line. The vegetative system has “gone crazy.” But that's not all. In the last month of taking Visanne, my back began to hurt terribly, from the sacrum to the middle of the back. I couldn't sleep well. It was a complete mess! Three months of taking it lasted me and I stopped taking this drug. And what happened next cannot be described in words. While I was canceling Visanne, I started having terrible pain with fever and joint pain. I didn’t understand what was wrong with me. Once I felt sick at my friends’ place, I had terrible pain and a fever. They took me home because with such a fever I was simply unable to get there on my own. They injected me with an antibiotic because they thought it was inflammation. No. This endometriosis was returning. I was breaking down like a drug addict. The doctors also shrugged their shoulders and forced me to take rheumatic tests, but all the tests were normal. It was the work of endometriosis. This terrible condition lasted for about a year. I don’t think I need to say that I didn’t work. The relatives were shocked. A year later, I decided to have a repeat laparoscopy to find out what was happening to me. A year and a half later, I had a second operation and voila, it was already the third stage of endometriosis! “Visanne” is a new lure of doctors in order to make money from us women! This drug doesn't work! Tested for yourself! There was no relief for us for a moment! I feel sorry not only for my health, but also for the money spent, but this hormone costs quite a lot - 2300 rubles. The drug has such a toxic effect on the body and certainly does not help. The composition is the most common: “2 mg dienogest.” What a scientific discovery this is for such money! I do not advise anyone to take the hormonal drug Visanne. They just make money from us; the pharmaceutical business thrives at the expense of women's health. Doctors can say whatever they want, but our health and whether or not to drink any drug is up to us to decide and we are responsible for ourselves! Girls, I wish everyone good women's health! Disadvantages:
back pain, headache, bleeding, unreasonably expensive, a lot of side effects, withdrawal syndrome and hello endometriosis.
The disease progresses. After discovering an endometrioid cyst of 3.5-4 cm, the doctor prescribed Visanne for 3 months. A concomitant disease is uterine fibroids, a node about 2 cm at the beginning of treatment. After the treatment, the cyst only increased, 5.5-6 cm, the fibroid also grew, and at an accelerated pace and by 4 cm in just 3 months (fibroids are also the result of endometriosis). Decide for yourself whether you are ready to spend a lot of money and waste time.

Description of the drug Visanne

Visanne is a hormonal drug that has a complex effect on the body. It belongs to the group of progestogenic and antiandrogenic medications. All this determines the popularity of the drug Visanne for endometriosis. The main active ingredient is dienogest, 1 tablet contains 2 mg of the active ingredient, everything else is additional elements: lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, starch, talc, magnesium stearate, povidone k25, crospovidone. Visanne is available in the form of round tablets of white or yellowish color.

Visanne and its effects on the body

Dienogest is a chemical derivative of nortestosterone; it has some affinity for progesterone molecules (approximately 10%), which is what determines its therapeutic effect. Once in the body, dienogest binds to progesterone receptors in the uterine area. This causes a decrease in the secretion of estrogen in the ovaries, suppresses the growth of the endometrium, and leads to atrophy of endometriotic lesions. At the same time, the tablets do not change the concentration of other hormones, so only progestogenic and antiandrogenic effects are realized. It is worth noting that after taking the drug orally, its peak concentration in the blood is observed after 1.5 hours. Visanne is evenly distributed throughout all tissues of the body and is processed by liver cells; the metabolites are completely excreted in the urine after 18-20 hours.

Menstruation and Visanne: the nature of the discharge and when it will go after stopping the drug

Most women do not want to visit the hospital or seek advice from a doctor for any reason. Therefore, they are looking for information on the Internet about what menstruation should be like after Visanne and while taking it. The successful course of treatment is indicated by the nature of menstrual flow, a description of which can be found in this article.

When is Visanne needed?

According to reviews on the forums, most women were prescribed Visanne in the following cases:

  • conservative treatment of endometriosis;
  • postoperative recovery due to removal of an endometrioid cyst;
  • prevention after surgery.

The reason for taking the drug is problems with the mucous layer of the uterus, or more precisely, the appearance of pathological proliferation of endometrial cells outside this layer.

And also girls talk in reviews about the connection between Visanne and menstruation, because it is atypical bleeding that forces them to consult a specialist. Treatment with such tablets is prescribed for the following negative features of menstruation and accompanying symptoms:

  • menorrhagia (excessive uterine bleeding);
  • pain in the pelvis and lower abdomen during menstrual periods;
  • infertility and pain during sex;
  • nausea and vomiting.

The main effect of the drug

The active substance of Visanne is micronized dienogest, which is a gestagen. The component has an antiandrogenic and progestogenic effect on the female body:

  1. Stops the secretion of gonadotropin by the pituitary gland.
  2. Reduces the production of estradiol in the ovaries.
  3. Blocks ovulation.
  4. Suppresses the proliferation of tissues of the uterine mucosa.
  5. Atrophies foci of endometriosis.

During treatment, organs and systems are affected that have an important impact on the monthly cycle. But Visanne has a gradual effect, so menstruation can be observed in the first two months of use, despite the suppression of the ovaries and the low level of estrogen, which is not enough for the full maturation of the uterine mucosa.

Most often, Visanne is used for 3 months, but the course can last up to 6 months without a break. It makes no difference what day of the cycle the woman started taking the hormone; it is much more important to do it at the same time in order to achieve the required concentration in the body. It is necessary to stop taking the drug only after consulting a doctor. The direct indication is severe bleeding, against the background of which a specialist often advises increasing the dose of the drug or choosing an analogue.

Menstruation after Visanne withdrawal

After stopping the course of therapy, the functioning of the reproductive organs is not immediately restored. It takes 2-3 months for the body to normalize hormonal levels. But the recovery process is individual. The first menstruation after Visanne's withdrawal may differ in intensity, duration and character from the usual ones.

If endometriosis can be cured, then menstrual flow will become different. Indeed, with this disease, women complain of heavy, painful menstruation; they can last more than 7-8 days in a row. If the pills help, then the duration of menstruation will be reduced to 3-6 days, the discharge will become moderate, and the pain will decrease.

It is difficult to figure out on your own whether the condition has returned to normal. Recovery should take place under the supervision of a gynecologist who prescribed hormonal treatment. If all the doctor’s recommendations are followed, many women manage to normalize their condition without surgery or prevent the development of relapse of endometriosis after surgery.

How long does it take to get your period after stopping Visanne?

After stopping treatment, ideally your periods should return within 2 or 3 months. If they begin immediately, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist; there is a possibility that a continuation of the course of therapy is required.

Some women do not start their periods 3 months after stopping the pills. This may be due to the formation of functional cysts on the ovaries, benign tumors in the uterus. Such patients require more time to restore reproductive functions.

A delay after withdrawal may occur under the influence of stress or depression, which may develop while taking Visanne. If your period does not start 3 months after the end of therapy, you should see a gynecologist.

How do your periods go after stopping Visanne?

In women who have completed the full course of treatment, the nature of their periods may change. With the gradual restoration of ovarian function and growth of the endometrium, they will be scanty in the first cycles. If after 2-3 cycles the volume of discharge does not increase, this may indicate a hormone deficiency.

The appearance of spotting on the expected days of menstruation after discontinuation of the drug indicates that the ovaries have not begun to work normally and the endometrium has not grown. This condition is typical for hormonal imbalance, which sometimes occurs after artificial menopause. To eliminate it, the doctor may prescribe oral contraceptives.

Heavy periods after Visanne

When ovarian function is restored, the first menstruation that began after Visanne was discontinued may become heavy. When drug suppression of the process of estrogen production stops, the endometrium begins to actively grow. Therefore, the volume of discharge during menstruation increases.

But heavy discharge may be a sign of relapse of endometriosis or insufficient effectiveness of the drug. To clarify the condition, it is advisable to undergo a gynecological examination.

Visanne and menstruation

Menstruation with Visanne should disappear due to the action of the main component of the drug. But due to the individual characteristics of each organism, menstrual flow may be observed at the beginning of use, but not turn into bleeding.

Under normal circumstances, only a brown smudge will be visible on the gasket. It is such minor discharge that indicates that the ovaries are fully resting, and the endometrium is no longer growing. Therefore, doctors warn patients that while taking pills, the absence of menstruation is a good signal.

But side effects cannot be ruled out:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • deterioration in general health.

They arise for the following reasons:

  1. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract impair the absorption of dienogest.
  1. The pills are not suitable for women.
  1. Presence of concomitant pathologies.

In all these circumstances, the drug does not work properly, so you need to reconsider the treatment after undergoing diagnostics and tests.

Visanne and menstruation during treatment

When prescribing a course of treatment with dienogest tablets, the gynecologist must explain to the patient how they affect the body. A woman should be prepared for the fact that the nature of menstruation may change during the first 1-3 cycles, and with continued treatment they may disappear altogether.

Should you have your period while taking Visanne?

Normally, during treatment with Visanne, menstruation should disappear; bloody or brownish discharge is allowed on the days of expected menstruation.

But the tablets do not begin to act instantly, so in the first 3 months of treatment with Visanne, menstruation occurs, although the volume and duration of discharge in many women is reduced.

Why do I get my period during Vizanne?

The appearance of minor spotting during treatment is acceptable. Scanty, short periods with Visanne are normal. But if full menstruation begins, then a doctor’s consultation is necessary. This drug is not suitable for some patients, because the dose of hormones in it is designed for an average woman.

If there are complaints that menstruation continues while taking Visanne, the gynecologist should refer the patient for an ultrasound. If, based on the results of the examination, it is determined that the follicles are enlarging, the endometrium is growing, which means that it is necessary to increase the dose of hormones or change the drug.

Menstrual-like heavy discharge during a therapeutic course appears with complications. They can also occur in patients with reduced blood clotting or while taking blood-thinning drugs.

Delayed menstruation while taking Visanne

The absence of menstrual flow while taking dienogest is normal. During therapy, the production of estrogen is suppressed, and endometriotic lesions atrophy. A delay in menstruation at the start of treatment is the expected effect of taking the pills, this means that the drug is working. It is worse if menstruation continues while taking Visanne, and the volume of discharge does not decrease.

Heavy bleeding while taking medication

Menstruation can also occur while taking Visanne. Such discharge is not dangerous only at the beginning of the course, especially if the first tablets were taken shortly before the start of the menstrual cycle. Further, only smear marks on the gasket should be present. Heavy discharge can be caused by the following:

  1. Coagulability. At risk are patients with poor blood clotting or those who take medications that reduce blood viscosity. Therefore, Visanne is contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension or atherosclerosis.
  2. Consistency of menstruation. The hormone modifies vaginal discharge and menstruation. The uterine mucosa develops unevenly, hence the bloody clots. But such an effect is allowed only in the first months of therapy.
  3. Neoplasms. The presence of cysts often provokes severe bleeding, which, against the background of dienogest, can cause anemia and become the main cause of worsening endometriosis.

And also the side effects from the tablets are enhanced due to:

  • vasodilation from large amounts of alcohol;
  • problems with the digestive system.

It is very important to immediately consult a gynecologist upon the presence of a disorder in order to stop treatment and undergo additional diagnostics.

Possible side effects

Side effects may occur when taking Visanne. Some of the most common problems women face include:

  • heavy periods;
  • the appearance of menstrual discharge with clots;
  • random bleeding.

Situations where menstruation occurs while taking Visanne are not considered normal. But the manufacturer notes that these side effects occur mainly in the first months of therapy and disappear over time.

But if complications occur, you should additionally consult with your gynecologist. The doctor can change the treatment tactics and select hemostatic agents.

Other complications that arise during treatment include the following:

  • anemia;
  • change in body weight;
  • migraine, headache;
  • worsening mood;
  • decreased libido;
  • nervousness;
  • acne;
  • discomfort in the mammary glands;
  • tides.

Menstruation after Visanne withdrawal

When your period should come after Visanne depends on the following factors:

  1. Individual characteristics of the body.
  2. Duration of the treatment course.
  3. Conditions of the body before taking the pills.

After taking Visanne, it is most difficult for women who have undergone laparoscopy (removal of cysts, foci of endometriosis) to restore a normal cycle. In the initial stages of pathological growth of the mucous layer of the uterus, menstruation after laparoscopy occurs after 2 months. But sometimes the body needs a little more time to restore the reproductive system.

In the first month

In rare cases, periods after stopping Visanne begin immediately or a week after taking the last pill. This does not indicate a rapid recovery of the body, but indicates a possible relapse of endometriosis and other hormonal problems.

But don’t worry, it’s better to pay attention to the nature of the blood and sensations. Severe pain in the lower abdomen, heavy discharge immediately after stopping the course is a reason to go to the hospital for additional information from your doctor.

Delay of menstruation

If menstruation does not begin after the third or fourth menstrual cycle, it is important to eliminate stress and anxiety. Because of these two factors, even a completely healthy woman does not experience monthly bleeding. Further, one may suspect that the changes in hormonal balance were too severe.

To make an accurate diagnosis and determine the reason why menstruation has not occurred, the doctor prescribes hormone tests (learn which day of the cycle to take hormone tests). According to most reviews, the onset of menstruation after Visanne became possible after the prescription of oral contraceptives, which restored the normal growth of the uterine mucosa. The drug not only fights foci of pathology, but also makes the endometrium very dense, and this structure prevents the disease from progressing.

If there is a delay, pregnancy must be ruled out using a test or blood test. Visanne is not used as a contraceptive, although it does inhibit follicle maturation. Therefore, there is a possibility that menstruation does not occur due to fertilization of the egg. You can get pregnant both during therapy and in the months when there are no menstrual flows yet.

Nature of bleeding

Based on the start of your period, you can only roughly assess the state of your body. In many situations, the following discharges are noted:

  1. Abundant. They are the norm, because as soon as the drug is discontinued, the suppression of estradiol production stops. The endometrium develops rapidly and more tissue is rejected. But this may also indicate a period of renewed outbreaks of the disease.
  2. Scarce. They are not a violation when caused by the gradual restoration of the reproductive system. But they also often indicate a deficiency of hormones in a woman’s body.
  3. Daub. Requires examination even in the first months after taking the last pill. Doctors may find a lack of hormones and problems with the reproductive system.

All questions about taking Visanne should be directed to your doctor. Only a specialist is able to explain all the processes occurring in the body. The woman is not able to make an independent diagnosis. Menstruation during and after taking the drug superficially demonstrates the success of treatment, and changes can be accurately tracked only after ultrasound of the ovaries and endometrium.

How does it work?

Taking Visanne gradually begins to block the secretion of gonadotropins, reducing the production of estradiol, which fuels the growth of the endometrium. Further, the lesions atrophy, and the growth of blood vessels in the epithelial layer is suppressed. Under the influence of Diogenest, ovulation is completely absent; pregnancy is impossible when using Visanne.

Disruption of the menstrual cycle is quite appropriate after stopping Visanne. After 2 months, the cycle of menstruation and ovulation will be completely restored. The action of the drug gradually leads to the disappearance of loose foci of the endometrium and the compaction of its layer in the uterus. It is advisable not to skip doses of the drug. If you miss taking a pill for any reason or if nausea or vomiting occurs, you should take a new pill as soon as the symptoms go away. Abruptly stopping this medication is also unacceptable. It can ultimately lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle – to the ineffectiveness of treatment for endometriosis and even in severe cases – to surgical intervention.

It is important to adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor. According to reviews from women, pregnancy occurs in most of them after completing the full treatment course.

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