How long does it take for bleeding to stop when taking duphaston? Duphaston withdrawal bleeding

Causes of bleeding

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is a common gynecological diagnosis that is given to women with hormonal disorders in the body.

Uterine bleeding occurs at different age periods.

The reasons are considered to be:

  • various disorders of the reproductive function regulation system;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • inflammatory processes of female organs;
  • surgical interventions;
  • stress;
  • change of climate zone;
  • medicinal and other intoxications;
  • hormonal disorders.

Doctors say the leading cause of bleeding is hormonal disorders, which result in anovulation, a condition in which the egg does not leave the ovary. Against the background of anovulation, there is a deficiency of gestagens - hormones produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries.

Therefore, the uterine endometrium remains unprotected from the effects of estrogens, and a hyperplastic process is formed - a pathological change in the uterine layer. This pathology is often accompanied by bleeding.

To treat this disorder, gynecologists prescribe gestagens. These hormones transform the endometrium and reduce the effect of estrogens.

One of the drugs containing gestagens is Duphaston. It contains dydrogesterone, a synthetic analogue of progesterone that directly affects the endometrial layer.

According to the results of clinical studies, Duphaston is recognized as a highly effective remedy for the treatment of uterine bleeding.

Many factors influence the occurrence of pathological bleeding. Many of them are successfully treated with hormonal drugs.

Properties of the drug Duphaston

Duphaston contains a synthetic analogue of the natural hormone progestogen - dydrogesterone. After oral administration, the substance is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and penetrates the blood, replacing the endogenous hormone. The synthetic substance affects the condition of the endometrium and vaginal mucous tissues. Does not affect ovulation and the functioning of menstruation.

The drug is used to eliminate hormonal imbalances, namely progesterone deficiency, as well as to treat conditions caused by a lack of hormones. The medication does not affect ovulation and other functions of the reproductive system. Duphaston is actively used:

  • For menstrual irregularities (PMS, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea,
  • In the treatment of endometriosis
  • For the treatment of female infertility, which is based on insufficient luteinization of follicles
  • If there is a threat of miscarriage
  • If dysfunctional uterine bleeding occurs
  • During menopause and menopause
  • In replacement therapy.

The dosage and duration of administration are determined by a specialist, based on the diagnosis and characteristics of the patient’s body.

Duphaston - indications and action

The medicine is prescribed for various female pathologies caused by a lack of progesterone:

  • endometriosis – pathological growth of the endometrium;
  • inability to become pregnant;
  • threat of pregnancy failure;
  • premenstrual illness;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • dysmenorrhea - unbearable pain during menstruation;
  • Secondary amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual bleeding.

Duphaston should be prescribed by a doctor. The dosage is selected individually. Instructions for use of Duphaston prescribe the prescribed daily dose to be distributed throughout the day.

The medicine prevents the proliferation of the endometrial uterine layer. After Duphaston, menstrual pain decreases. Ovulation is not suppressed. Taking medication for bleeding helps stop it. To treat bleeding, the doctor prescribes Duphaston together with estrogens for a week. Other hemostatic drugs may also be used.

Duphaston has virtually no side effects.

While taking it, some unpleasant symptoms may occur:

  • increased breast sensitivity;
  • headache;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • skin rash;
  • allergic edema.

The medicine is not prescribed for individual intolerance, during lactation, or for malabsorption - malabsorption.

Before using Duphaston, the doctor carefully examines the patient, on the basis of which the dosage is selected and a treatment regimen is drawn up. If the drug is taken for a long time, the patient should undergo regular medical examinations and examinations.

Bleeding when taking Duphaston

Bleeding often occurs while taking Duphaston. Women are worried about this condition. Why does this happen, and is it worth worrying about in this case?

Doctors prescribe the drug for various pathologies. Its effect on the body depends on the period in which the woman began taking the medicine.

The menstrual cycle consists of several stages. At the beginning of the cycle, the endometrial surface of the uterus is shed due to low levels of estrogen and progesterone. The amount of estrogen increases towards ovulation. The egg matures. After ovulation, if pregnancy does not occur, the volume of progesterone increases and estrogen decreases. Under the influence of progesterone, they occur in the reproductive organs, and a new menstruation begins.

Bleeding from Duphaston is a natural reaction of the body. The synthetic hormone in Duphaston, when entering the body, suppresses the action of natural hormones. If you take the drug before ovulation, the body perceives the incoming progesterone as a sign that ovulation has occurred, and menstruation should come accordingly. The endometrium in the uterus, under the influence of dydrogesterone, begins to change and be rejected. This is how bleeding begins due to the use of Duphaston.

To treat pathologies caused by progesterone deficiency, Duphaston is prescribed in the second phase of the cycle, that is, after ovulation. Bleeding may occur during treatment. This is due to the body’s adaptation to the synthetic hormone. If the doctor prescribed the medicine for several months, then the bleeding should end soon. Usually by the third cycle the bleeding stops.

If a medicine is prescribed for the treatment of infertility, if pregnancy occurs, Duphaston continues to be taken. How to take the drug during pregnancy is decided by the doctor leading the pregnancy.

In any case, it is impossible to cancel the drug on your own and abruptly. It is better to consult your doctor about any disturbing symptoms.

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Among the fair sex, this is a fairly common phenomenon. There are a considerable number of methods for treating such manifestations of the body. One of them is drug therapy, which cannot be done without prescribing Duphaston for bleeding. This product has individual characteristics and requires prior consultation with a specialist before use.

The difference between uterine bleeding and menstruation

Menstrual bleeding is an indicator of the normal functioning of a healthy female body. The slightest health problems affect their quality: regularity, volume of blood coming out, accompanying symptoms.

Uterine bleeding (or metrorrhagia) occurs regardless of the cycle for various reasons. Bleeding from the uterus can be distinguished by the following signs:

  • Menstruation is considered normal if an average of 50 to 100 ml of blood is released per cycle. Higher rates indicate problems in the female body, and if measures are not taken, regular large blood loss can provoke iron deficiency anemia.
  • Pathology can also be judged by the frequency of changing sanitary pads. If there is a need to change them every hour, this is also indirect evidence of uterine bleeding.
  • Metrorrhagia occurs regardless of the day of the cycle and may not coincide with its beginning. The minimum duration of the menstrual cycle is 21 days, and the longest is about 35. Bleeding from the uterus can be judged not only by the day it started, but also by the increasing volume of blood loss.
  • The color of menstrual blood is usually dark, but with metrorrhagia it is bright red.
  • On average, critical days last from 3 to 5 days. If their duration is longer, it is necessary to check for uterine bleeding.

The occurrence of breakthrough bleeding during treatment with Duphaston is determined by the specifics of the drug and the purpose of therapy. Considering that this is a serious hormonal drug, the issue of changing the dosage is decided by specialists.

Girls, has anyone had bleeding from Duphaston?? This is my second cycle without OK. I have been taking Duphaston since day 14 of my cycle. On the 17th day, a red spot began, and on the 18th it began to flow like a real period(((And I was so hopeful for this cycle(((and the follicle was good, and the tests for O were positive. And here is such garbage. Pregnancy, as I understand it, is no longer possible ?I went to the doctor, she said that this happens with duphaston, it’s not scary, she prescribed a hemostatic, and said, in the next cycle we will continue to look. It happened to someone from. Read more →

Girls, who had bleeding (and not spotting), and then everything ended well, please answer a few questions: 1. Did your stomach and lower back hurt like during menstruation? 2. Did the bleeding intensify or, on the contrary, stop immediately after taking the drugs? 3. On what day did the bleeding stop? 4. What color was it? Girls, I’m sorry if there’s a lot of me today, thank you for your support and advice. If it weren’t for you and the Internet, I would definitely go crazy at the sight of bleeding and think. Continue reading →

I went to the hospital myself without waiting for Monday. It became very bad, my head was spinning, I got injections and started bleeding even more. Duphaston was prescribed. Continue reading →

There was a delay in menstruation, I went to do an ultrasound, they found a cyst, in the conclusion it was written to differentiate between the follicular cyst and the corpus luteum. She looked on the chair - everything was normal. She told me to drink duphaston for 10 days, 2 tons per day. I started drinking and drank for 6 days, and a discharge similar to menstruation began. I continued drinking duphaston until the 10th day. There is not a lot of discharge, no clots. Sometimes it seems that I look like postpartum discharge. (But where are they from, after giving birth I already had my period 2 months later) and for the last 2 days they don’t look like my period. stomach. Continue reading →

Good afternoon In this cycle I take Duphaston from days 14-26, and spotting began around the 6-7th day of taking it. I re-read the instructions again - the sidebar only talks about possible bleeding. Has anyone encountered this or should I go to the doctor again?) Continue reading →

Dear girls, please tell me. I took the first cycle of DUPHASTON from the 16th to the 25th day, then on the 29th day menstruation began, sooooo heavy, it looked like bleeding. Could this be due to taking duphaston?! Continue reading →

Hi all. Girls, please advise how to properly cancel duphaston. Week 22. Was prescribed for bleeding at 5 weeks. The doctor said to immediately switch to 0.5 tablets. 2 times a day and drink like this for a week. Now I take 1 tablet. 2 times a day. Anyone who canceled it, please advise. Continue reading →

Indications for use of the drug

The occurrence of uterine bleeding is considered one of the most common gynecological diagnoses. Why does the uterus bleed? Such deviations in the body indicate that hormonal imbalances are occurring.

Bleeding can appear at any age, with the main causes being:

  • dysfunction of the female reproductive organs;
  • diagnosing concomitant diseases of the endocrine system;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • indications for surgical treatment;
  • the impact of numerous stressful situations;
  • changes in climatic conditions;
  • the influence of the drugs used;
  • hormonal imbalance.

The last reason is considered fundamental, since against the background of such changes, so-called anovulation is formed - a condition during which the egg is not able to leave the ovary. As a result of this process, estrogens have an active effect on the endometrium, which entails the development of a pathological process and changes in the uterine layer. It is this factor that causes heavy uterine bleeding.

One of the effective therapeutic methods is treatment with gestagens - steroid hormones that act on the endometrium at the cellular level and protect the uterine organ from pathological neoplasms, as well as creating a favorable environment for conception. The most common drug in this group is Duphaston. Thanks to the main component of the composition - dydrogesterone, the endometrial layer is restored. In addition, the drug is actively used in diagnosing numerous other female diseases:

  • endometriosis - negative enlargement of the endometrium;
  • impossibility of conception;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • premenstrual tension syndrome;
  • heavy menstrual flow;
  • severe pain during menstruation;
  • frequent delays, instability of the menstrual cycle.

The dosage of Duphaston and the duration of its use are selected exclusively by the treating specialist. The instructions for use of this drug imply the distribution of the daily dose of the drug throughout the day. In most cases, Duphaston should be taken simultaneously with drugs to stop bleeding.

The drug is practically safe to use, as it has a minimal number of possible side effects. The most common include increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, headaches, impaired functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions to active substances, and swelling of the skin. It is also forbidden to drink the drug during breastfeeding and if you have an individual intolerance to certain components of the composition.

Duphaston instructions for use

The drug is taken orally.


10 milligrams/from 2 to 3 times/day. from the fifth to the twenty-fifth days of the cycle or continuously.


10 milligrams/1r/day. from the fourteenth to the twenty-fifth day of the cycle. Treatment should not be interrupted for at least six subsequent cycles, including the first trimester of pregnancy.

Risk of miscarriage


10 milligrams/2r/day from the eleventh to twenty-fifth days of the cycle.


Ten milligrams / twice / day (days 5 to 25 of the cycle);

Menstruation is irregular

ten mg/two times a day (days 11 to 25 of the cycle);


Duphaston - 10 mg / 2 r / day (days 11 to 25) + estrogens - 1 r / day (days 1 to 25 of the cycle);

Stopping dysfunctional uterine bleeding

10 mg/2 r/day for 5 days or a week.

Prevention of dysfunctional bleeding (uterine)

10 mg / 2 r / day from 11 to 25 days of the cycle.

Hormone replacement therapy combined with continuous estrogen treatment is prescribed to take Duphaston 10 mg/1 r/day for two weeks of use within a 28-day cycle.

Duphaston during pregnancy

During pregnancy, Duphaston can be taken according to indications. Do not breastfeed during treatment.

Duphaston for bleeding

Dysfunctional bleeding (uterine) is one of the common pathologies in gynecology, which most often can befall a woman during age-related hormonal changes in the body.

The reason for the development of this pathology is often disturbances in the reproductive system and its central regulation, as a result of which anovulation develops, which entails the occurrence of a state of gestagen deficiency. The endometrium becomes less protected from estrogen and a hyperplastic process develops.

To neutralize such pathological effects, you should resort to taking gestagens.

When conducting a clinical study on the use of the drug Duphaston in the treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding, it was found that this drug proved to be a highly effective drug that was well tolerated by patients without particularly serious side effects.

Bleeding during use

Bleeding may often occur when taking Duphaston. Why is bleeding possible from Duphaston? This drug is prescribed for numerous pathological processes of the reproductive system and menstrual cycle disorders, and it is important at what period the patient began taking it.

The menstrual cycle includes several stages. That is why bleeding caused by taking Duphaston is considered a normal reaction of the female body. In this case, natural hormones are suppressed due to synthetic ones.

If the start of taking Duphaston occurs before ovulation, the body will perceive this as the fact that ovulation has already passed, therefore, critical days are approaching.

If the drug is prescribed to eliminate diseases, then it must be taken in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. This does not exclude the presence of minor bleeding. If a drug is prescribed to treat infertility, the drug continues to be taken even after the fertilization process has occurred. Further appointments will be agreed with the attending physician.


In addition to the main reasons, the presence of endometriosis in the body also provokes the formation of a slight separation of blood from the genital organ in women after taking duphaston. Such manifestations occur in pregnant women due to the fact that there are no periods and the endometrium grows, which interferes with the normal functioning of the uterus. Also, the appearance of brown discharge can occur when the functional action in the endocrine system is disrupted. After duphaston, in the middle of the cycle there is a failure, and the secretion of mucus with bloody clots begins.

This disorder requires timely treatment and the help of a highly qualified specialist. As a rule, the doctor will help you find out what caused the disorder and will also prescribe all the necessary tests. The formation of discharge when taking duphaston occurs when the drug is used incorrectly or if the patient started using it without consulting a specialist.

To avoid the formation of discharge during medication treatment, you need to make an appointment with a doctor, who will prescribe some examinations. Usually prescribed:

  • donate blood to determine the amount of progesterone and estrogens in the body;
  • passing bacterial sowing;
  • Ultrasound of organs in the pelvis.

As a result, spotting does not always mean that a disorder has occurred in the body; in some cases, it is just the effect of the medication. Regardless of what factor provoked the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital organ, you should seek the help of a doctor. Any form of discharge requires adjustment of treatment with duphaston. If serious complications arise, the drug is replaced with another medication. It is important to promptly pay attention to the presence of discharge and find out its cause, and then nothing will threaten your health.

Duphaston is a popular remedy used in gynecological practice to eliminate various disorders caused by hormonal imbalance. Like any medicine, it can cause reactions in the body. One of them is breakthrough bleeding when taking Duphaston. What are they and how should you respond to them?

Heavy bleeding after taking the drug

Taking Duphaston should be done with caution, as it is considered a strong hormonal drug. Many patients wonder whether Duphaston can cause bleeding against the background of other pathologies? Often the drug is prescribed in case of a long absence of critical days, if the cause of the delay is not pregnancy.

The menstrual cycle has several periods depending on which hormones take an active part in the functionality of the female body:

  • the initial period, lasting until the maturation of the egg;
  • ovulation period;
  • the final stage, characterized by the formation of pregnancy or the appearance of uterine bleeding.

Bleeding resumes immediately after taking Duphaston. However, such a process does not at all indicate that the problem has been solved, since the processes in the ovary itself are not activated. After Duphaston (several courses), the drug is stopped, as a result of which bleeding resumes again, but due to discontinuation of the drug.

Thus, the use of Duphaston for bleeding in some situations becomes a prerequisite, especially if a woman is diagnosed with concomitant diseases. It should be remembered that the duration of use and dosage are determined only by the attending physician as a result of certain tests. Abrupt withdrawal of the drug is extremely dangerous for the condition of the female body.

Hormonal drugs are used to treat many diseases of the female reproductive system. And this is logical, because often it is hormonal imbalances that lead to certain pathologies. To a greater extent, they are associated with the function of childbirth, when a woman fails to become pregnant or carry a baby due to an imbalance of hormones.

Side effects

The drug still has a number of side effects, which the doctor should not discount when prescribing it for treatment.


Sometimes the development of hemolytic anemia was noted.


There have been isolated cases of a patient developing a hypersensitivity type reaction.


The patients complained of headaches and migraines.

Hepatobiliary system

Rarely, but still, cases of development of liver dysfunction were recorded, which were insignificant. They could be expressed by the development of jaundice or pain in the abdominal area, as well as a state of weakness and general malaise.

Reproductive system

In rare cases, patients complained of severe sensitivity of the mammary gland and breakthrough bleeding.


In the form of an allergic reaction expressed by itching and rash, sometimes urticaria. In rare cases, Quincke's edema has developed.


There have been extremely rare reports of peripheral edema.


There are no known cases of overdose of Duphaston.

In case of accidental overuse of the drug, urgent gastric lavage and symptomatic therapeutic measures are recommended as assistance. There is no specific antidote.

Drug interactions

Combining Duphaston with phenobarbital or rifampicin can accelerate the metabolism of its active substance and, as a result, reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug.

No other incompatible use of Duphaston with other medications was noted.

Additional instructions

If breakthrough bleeding occurs in the patient, the dose of the drug should be increased.

If it is necessary to prescribe a drug in combination treatment, where it will have to interact with estrogen (for example, HRT), the doctor should weigh the pros and cons of this treatment option.

Before starting hormone replacement therapy, it is necessary to take the trouble to collect a complete medical history of the patient. She should also be warned that during treatment she will be subject to individual tolerance monitoring and mammography examinations.

If, after treatment, the patient suffers from breakthrough bleeding, additional studies should be used to exclude malignant changes in the endometrium.

If the patient has a genetic pathology with respect to galactose intolerance, malabsorption syndrome or lactase deficiency, Duphaston cannot be prescribed to her for treatment.

Driving vehicles and work requiring increased concentration are not prohibited during the treatment period, since the drug does not have a detrimental effect on these properties.

Bloody discharge when taking Duphaston

Duphaston is one of the most popular hormonal agents that correct progesterone levels. Progesterone is a hormone that supports pregnancy. Its lack can lead to miscarriage.

Duphaston is prescribed if:

  • A woman is diagnosed with miscarriage;
  • Endometriosis was detected;
  • Menstrual functions are disrupted;
  • Uterine bleeding occurs.

Sometimes Duphaston is prescribed if the course of premenstrual syndrome is severe for a woman. But in most cases, Duphaston is a drug to support pregnancy in the early stages. It is a hormonal drug of the latest generation, and its side effects are minimal.

Usually the drug is prescribed if a pregnant woman has scanty bleeding. They may occur on the days when your period should have started. Or this discharge during pregnancy is associated with implantation of the fertilized egg, which can be expressed by severe pain in the lower abdomen and/or spotting.

Spotting: against the background of Duphaston, spotting

If a pregnant woman is already drinking Duphaston, and the spotting has not stopped (or vice versa, it was not there, but it started), this situation definitely requires medical intervention. Tell your doctor right away. Most likely, he will tell you to continue taking the medicine, perhaps even increase the dosage. But this decision can only be made by a doctor!

It is also important how long after the start of treatment the discharge began. Some women get scared and think that their period has arrived and their pregnancy is in danger. If the doctor decides that it is advisable to admit the expectant mother to the hospital, you should not resist the referral for hospitalization. The first weeks of pregnancy are the most important, difficult, and risky.

What to do if brown discharge starts while taking Duphaston

As mentioned above, first tell your doctor that you have discharge. Don’t panic - we are not talking about a miscarriage, the discharge can last a couple of weeks, and the pregnancy will continue safely. But often the matter turns into detachment of the ovum or the threat of this detachment. If the situation can be saved, then after a timely visit to the doctor you can count on a successful resolution.

If the drug is prescribed, and the spotting continues, do not increase your own dosage, do not replace Duphaston with another drug. The consequences can be dire. There is no need to wait until real bleeding can occur instead of spotting. Just see a doctor, just follow all his recommendations and, most importantly, don’t worry or overexert yourself.

Severe breakthrough bleeding when taking Duphaston

Breakthrough uterine bleeding occurs due to hormonal imbalances. When the balance of hormones is disturbed, the endometrium grows, and its rejection may occur in parts, resulting in breakthrough bleeding. If they begin while taking hormonal drugs, this may require discontinuation of the drug.

More often:

  • The doctor prescribes hemostatic drugs, and does not change the dosage of Duphaston, or drugs + change in dosage;
  • Additional ultrasound is required;
  • Hospitalization is required to maintain pregnancy.

Remember also that Duphaston is not a harmless vitamin, but a serious hormonal drug. This is an expensive drug that is taken according to a schedule, at the same time. That is, you can’t do this: today I drink, tomorrow I forget. The drug cannot be discontinued on your own, even if all the warning signs go away. You cannot replace it yourself with Utrozhestan, as careless mothers advise on special forums. You will read a lot of their advice, but they will not be able to call you an ambulance if something happens, and they will not be responsible in any way for the sad consequences.

Bleeding on day 20 of the Duphaston cycle

A disorder such as discharge when taking duphaston often appears in females during treatment with this drug. It is important to know in advance about the possibility of such an adverse reaction. The drug duphaston is a popular medicine and is widely used in gynecological practice. Experts prescribe it to women before preparing for conception.

General position

It is also used to normalize pregnancy, since thanks to the active components of the substance, the sex hormone progesterone is restored.

At the first formation of discharge, some patients stop taking the pills without the knowledge of the doctor, while others do not pay attention and consider this normal.

Doctors inform the female gender in advance that if any deviations from the norm or unpleasant symptoms appear, then it is necessary to come for a consultation to find out the cause of the discharge.

Important! Any hormonal drug must be taken at the same time; skipping a medication is not allowed. If you increase or decrease the dose of the medicine without a specialist’s prescription, spotting or heavy bleeding may occur, which will lead to unpleasant complications.

Characteristics of the disorder

When the drug is taken for a long time, spotting of blood from the vagina may occur, and such bloody discharge often resembles menstruation. Its only difference from menstruation is a slightly different shade.

Such signs are neither an allergy nor a side effect. Duphaston and discharge in this form of the disorder appear as a result of the directed active actions of the medication on the internal membranes in the uterus.

With this effect on the genital organ, the initial stage of renewal in the system and preparation for pregnancy are stimulated.

Such processes provoke the formation of bleeding, but are not menstruation. This is explained by the occurrence of a response from the body to the effect of the drug. Recovery of the uterus takes a long time, usually requiring at least 30 days, and sometimes more, for complete recovery. As a rule, it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

The use of duphaston and the formation of secretions

When discharge occurs while taking duphaston, one of the possible causes of breakthrough uterine bleeding is a malfunction in the reproductive system. A disorder is formed if an imbalance occurs, which leads to the growth of the endometrium.

Thus, rejection occurs and the woman begins to bleed heavily. Discharge from duphaston tablets occurs due to the fact that it is a hormonal drug. If the reason lies in the drug itself, then the doctor discontinues its use.

Important! There are also cases when, after therapeutic therapy, the patient experiences a change in the menstrual cycles, and the separation of blood from the vagina itself becomes insignificant.

To find out what is causing these changes, when smearing with blood occurs instead of the usual menstruation, you need to consult a specialist.

You should also undergo a blood test to determine your hormonal levels.

Duphaston is not a harmless pill (vitamin), it is a rather serious hormonal drug. Moreover, it has a rather high price, and it is taken according to the scheme prescribed by the specialist.

Self-cancellation of the medication is strictly prohibited; only the gynecologist changes the treatment.

Also, you cannot replace it with similar medicinal substances without the knowledge of the doctor, otherwise this will lead to serious complications.

Main reasons

Discharge while taking duphaston, especially brown at the initial stage, is considered a normal indicator. But not every patient stops.

There are cases when bloody discharge from the vagina does not stop for a long time, and in severe cases, breakthrough bleeding is noted. This occurs due to the influence of various factors.

Discharge can occur when a woman takes the drug incorrectly and independently changes the dosage of the drug. Discharge with duphaston can form in patients who do not know how much progesterone was in the body.

Therefore, you initially need to undergo all the necessary tests, and only then undergo treatment (in this case, you cannot do without consulting a doctor, who, after the examination, will prescribe the correct dose and course of taking the drug).

Also affecting the occurrence of heavy periods after taking the pills is a pathological process in the ovaries, during which the level of estrogen in the body decreases. Thus, the hormonal background shifts. Also, in some patients, the egg is released much later than two weeks after the start of the new menstrual cycle.

If, when taking the drug, incorrect calculations are made about when the ovulation process will occur, then spotting begins to form.

Discharge in pregnant women when taking duphaston

In medical practice, the medication is prescribed to patients already at the onset of pregnancy, when its use is necessary to maintain the normal course of gestation.

Occasionally, in pregnant women with this treatment, the formation of blood discharge from the vagina with a brown tint is observed. The formation of yellow mucus or white clots is much more often noted when using the drug.

This occurs due to a change in the microflora in the vagina, and also changes occur in the functioning of the reproductive organ.

Bloody discharge when taking these tablets in pregnant women also occurs when the fertilized egg attaches not to the uterus, but to the fallopian tube (i.e., bloody discharge occurs during an ectopic pregnancy).


In addition to the main reasons, the presence of endometriosis in the body also provokes the formation of a slight separation of blood from the genital organ in women after taking duphaston.

Such manifestations occur in pregnant women due to the fact that there are no periods and the endometrium grows, which interferes with the normal functioning of the uterus. Also, the appearance of brown discharge can occur when the functional action in the endocrine system is disrupted.

After duphaston, in the middle of the cycle there is a failure, and the secretion of mucus with bloody clots begins.

This disorder requires timely treatment and the help of a highly qualified specialist.

As a rule, the doctor will help you find out what caused the disorder and will also prescribe all the necessary tests.

The formation of discharge when taking duphaston occurs when the drug is used incorrectly or if the patient started using it without consulting a specialist.

To avoid the formation of discharge during medication treatment, you need to make an appointment with a doctor, who will prescribe some examinations. Usually prescribed:

  • donate blood to determine the amount of progesterone and estrogens in the body;
  • passing bacterial sowing;
  • Ultrasound of organs in the pelvis.

As a result, spotting does not always mean that a disorder has occurred in the body; in some cases, it is just the effect of the medication. Regardless of what factor provoked the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital organ, you should seek the help of a doctor.

Any form of discharge requires adjustment of treatment with duphaston. If serious complications arise, the drug is replaced with another medication. It is important to promptly pay attention to the presence of discharge and find out its cause, and then nothing will threaten your health.


Types of discharge after taking Duphaston and what they mean

Progesterone is a female hormone that is synthesized by the ovaries (or rather the corpus luteum) during the onset of ovulation. It is this that ensures the maturation of the egg and its release from the follicle, as well as support for pregnancy if it occurs.

But in some women, this hormone is produced in very small quantities, as a result of which they experience infertility, systematic miscarriages, menstrual irregularities, etc. And to compensate for the deficiency of progesterone in the body, doctors prescribe Duphaston.

This drug has a minimal list of contraindications, but may lead to some side effects. For example, women often notice scanty periods after Duphaston, which occur in different phases of the cycle.

Whether they are the norm or indicate deviations, you will now find out.

As mentioned above, progesterone is a female sex hormone produced by the ovaries. When there is a lack of it in the body, the endometrium of the uterus suffers greatly, which leads to the development of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, etc.


Why does brown discharge occur in the first trimester?

Previously, when society was not so advanced in terms of contraception, women were more aware of their bodies. For example, they noticed white or clear discharge in the middle of the cycle, realizing that this was ovulation. Does every woman feel this way about her body today? Therefore, you need to look closely at the slightest changes.

In most cases, slight brown discharge in the first trimester is not a problem. You need to understand their nature; you don’t have to be a gynecologist for this. And be sure to tell your doctor all the information.

What you need to pay attention to:

  • Abundance of discharge;
  • Consistency of discharge;
  • Duration of discharge;
  • Frequency of discharge;
  • Odor and irritation of the skin from them.

If this is a short-term, spotting discharge, it is sporadic, brown or light brown, without odor or other symptoms, as a rule, there is nothing to be afraid of. But definitely go to the doctor! Often physiological discharge with the introduction of an egg into the lining of the uterus. This process lasts more than one day, sometimes it stretches for one and a half to three weeks. Implantation is often accompanied by rupture of small vessels, and blood mixes with vaginal discharge.

The second common reason for such brownish discharge is the reaction of the female body to hormonal changes. And blood impurities mix with the mucous vaginal discharge exactly on those days when menstruation should have arrived. It's as if this brown discharge came instead of them. But the discharge is scanty, lasts several days, and has no odor. Red or yellow discharge is a more alarming signal, which the doctor will respond to.

Bleeding in the middle of the cycle - what is it?

Discharge or bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle is a fairly common phenomenon that many women are familiar with; Almost all women have noticed unexpected bleeding mid-cycle at one time or another in their lives.

This bleeding or discharge may appear immediately after or before your period ends, or at any other time during your cycle. Most often, bleeding or discharge in the middle of the cycle does not bode well and is completely natural.

But unexpected bleeding can also be a sign of uterine disease.

Uterine bleeding in the middle of the cycle between menstruation is observed in almost 30% of women and is considered normal if it is not severe (spotting from the vagina) and not prolonged (up to 72 hours). Find out more about the possible causes and consequences of bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

In this problem, if bleeding is frequent and heavy at different periods of the menstrual cycle, only a gynecologist can help by establishing the true cause of the bleeding and recommending treatment methods. A common cause of bleeding in the middle of the cycle is uterine disease.

Mid-cycle bleeding can be defined as heavy uterine or vaginal bleeding that occurs between periods or earlier than expected.

This phenomenon is also called “intermenstrual bleeding” or “vaginal bleeding between periods.”

Often, the appearance of bleeding in the middle of the cycle does not pose a threat and can be caused by a slight disruption in the hormonal background.

Intermenstrual bleeding usually occurs 10-16 days after the last menstrual period. This is barely noticeable bleeding that continues for 12 to 72 hours. If bleeding increases over time, you should contact a gynecologist and undergo the necessary examinations.

Bleeding in the middle of the cycle occurs in almost 30% of women and is considered completely normal. The sudden rise and fall in estrogen levels during ovulation weakens the endometrium, which causes bleeding.

This phenomenon is considered normal, and to correct it, women are prescribed estrogen supplements to regulate hormone levels. The most common cause of mid-cycle bleeding in healthy women is sudden changes in estrogen levels in the body.

Intermenstrual bleeding is also observed in women suffering from disorders of the genitourinary system, in this case the bleeding is more intense.

There are two main types of mid-cycle bleeding:

  • Intermenstrual bleeding is bleeding between two periods.
  • Metrorrhagia is severe acyclic uterine bleeding.

Possible causes of intermenstrual bleeding

  • Hormonal changes in the body
  • Low thyroid hormone levels
  • Miscarriage
  • Presence of an intrauterine device
  • Starting or stopping oral contraceptives
  • Starting or stopping estrogen supplements
  • Gynecological procedures, such as cauterization (cauterization) of the cervix or conization of the cervix
  • Taking certain types of medications
  • Vaginal infections or trauma to the vagina
  • Stress

If bleeding occurs in the middle of the cycle, doctors recommend getting more rest and avoiding stress. If the bleeding is caused by a disease or disorder, give appropriate treatment for that disease or disorder.

Causes of bleeding in the middle of the cycle. Intermenstrual bleeding refers to uterine or vaginal bleeding that occurs between menstruation, earlier or later than the expected start of menstruation.

Spotting or bleeding between periods is a very common problem that many women experience. Every woman has experienced bloody intermenstrual discharge at least once in her life.

Such discharge most often appears before the start of menstruation or within a few days after it ends. But they can also occur on any day in the middle of the cycle. Typically, such discharge is normal and is not a sign of disease.

But heavy bleeding that occurs unexpectedly, as they say, out of the blue, may indicate the presence of diseases of the uterus and other problems in the organs of the reproductive system. What does bleeding in the middle of the cycle mean? We bring to your attention detailed information about this issue.

Bleeding in the middle of the cycle - definition and causes

Mid-cycle bleeding can be defined as heavy uterine or vaginal bleeding that occurs between periods or earlier than expected.

Mid-cycle bleeding is heavy uterine or vaginal bleeding that occurs between periods, either earlier or later than your expected period. Intermenstrual bleeding in most cases is observed 10-16 days after the end of menstruation.

This bleeding is not profuse (daily pads are enough) and lasts about 12 – 72 hours. If the amount of blood lost does not increase, there is usually nothing to worry about. If, over time, more blood flows out or the bleeding continues for more than 3 days, then you should go to see a gynecologist.

In emergency cases, you need to call an ambulance. It very rarely happens that after conception, women have their last menstruation and do not even know they are pregnant. Therefore, if bleeding is accompanied by pain, there may be a suspicion of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, etc.

Bleeding in the middle of the cycle occurs in almost a third of women and is considered normal. It occurs due to an increase or decrease in estrogen levels during ovulation, which weakens the endometrium and causes bleeding.

Typically, in this case, the woman is prescribed hormonal medications to regulate hormone levels. Intermenstrual bleeding also occurs in women who are diagnosed with frequent disorders of the genitourinary system, then the bleeding is more intense.

There are two main types of bleeding in the period between menstruation: 1) Intermenstrual bleeding - bleeding between two menstruation. 2) Metrorrhagia – severe uterine bleeding.

The following are the causes of intermenstrual bleeding:

  • Changes in the body's hormonal levels
  • Low thyroid hormone levels
  • Miscarriage
  • Presence of an intrauterine device
  • Starting or stopping birth control pills
  • Starting or stopping taking estrogen hormone supplements
  • Gynecological procedures, such as cauterization (burning) of the cervix or cervical biopsy
  • Taking certain medications
  • Vaginal infections or trauma to the vagina
  • Stress or depression If you have intermenstrual bleeding, doctors advise devoting more time to rest and avoiding stress and depression.

If the bleeding is caused by related diseases, then proper treatment is prescribed.

Causes of occurrence: spotting when taking Duphaston (video)

Whatever the doctor prescribes for you - Duphaston, Janine, Utrozhestan or Magnet, everything is drunk according to the scheme, in accordance with the instructions. Even if it smears while taking medications, do not cancel anything yourself, do not change the dosage, and report any reactions of the body to your doctor. There is no need to be afraid, everything can be physiological, but your stress and fears can be a threat to pregnancy.

Happy pregnancy!

Duphaston is a hormonal drug. Bleeding from duphaston can be as likely as when using other hormonal drugs. Release form: tablets. Active ingredient is dihydrosterone. This is an analogue of progesterone. The two main hormones in a woman's normal cycle are estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen prepares the female body for the possibility of conception. This is a “female” hormone. In contrast, progesterone can be found in high concentrations in men in everyday life. This hormone is released in a woman by a ruptured follicle. It appears precisely after the released egg. And it is released until menstrual bleeding begins. The main role of this hormone is to preserve pregnancy. If there is a deficiency of this hormone, there will be a high probability of miscarriage.

Bleeding from duphaston: clinical manifestations

Accordingly, this duphaston is indicated in cases where a lack of progesterone will cause clinical manifestations, namely:

– Endometriosis;

– Infertility;

– Miscarriage that occurred due to progesterone deficiency, habitual and threatening;

- Premenstrual syndrome;

– Dysfunctional uterine bleeding from duphaston;

– Dysmenorrhea;

– Secondary amenorrhea;

In all of the above cases, the woman’s body has disorders associated with progesterone deficiency. However, it should be remembered that synthetic hormones are not a complete replacement for the real thing. And let's understand this point - dysfunction against the background of reduced progesterone is not always associated only with a lack of this very progesterone. There are often more reasons and you shouldn’t pin all your hopes on duphaston alone.

Correction of treatment of bleeding from duphaston

Some patients report bleeding when taking Duphaston. According to the instructions, in this case the dose of the drug should be increased and the bleeding from duphaston will stop. But this event should be reported to your doctor, since there is always a possibility that this is not bleeding from duphaston, but bleeding from the uterus caused by other reasons. And in this case, it may be necessary to adjust the prescribed treatment, and in some cases, hospitalization to provide urgent medical care.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe hemostatic drugs, instead of (or together with) changing the dose of Duphaston. In any case, treatment, especially on such an important and sensitive topic as infertility, should be prescribed by an experienced and reliable doctor. And it may very well be that this will not be a doctor from your local antenatal clinic. The main thing is that it is a professional and a person. After all, anyone can face the unexpected, the unknown. And a normal person in such a situation should not hide his ignorance behind clever phrases, but honestly admit - I can’t explain this now, let me turn to books (colleagues) for help. In short, spend time looking for a good doctor once and it will save you nerves and time many times over.

Asked by: Nadezhda, Moscow

Female gender

Age: 35

Chronic diseases: Mastopathy, thyroid nodules, uterine adenomyosis, gallbladder polyposis, varicose veins, chronic tonsillitis.

Hello, I had a hysteroscopy to remove an endometrial polyp and curettage. I had a very early miscarriage, I didn’t do any cleaning, I only had ultrasound control. As a result, 5 months after the miscarriage, I turned in and had a polyp diagnosed by ultrasound. Histology showed that the polyp was glandular-fibrous. The doctor prescribed me to drink duphaston from days 16 to 25 for 3 months. I came for an appointment on the 18th day after the operation, she said it’s okay, start on the 18th day. After the first pill my stomach started to hurt. On the 3rd day of admission (20 after the operation and 28, if you count according to my usual cycle), scanty brownish and burgundy discharge began (it turns brown on the pad), and my stomach began to hurt even more severely, as with painful periods. I called my doctor friend, who is in another city (weekends, no need to go to the clinic), she said that taking Duphaston is pointless with such a diagnosis, and there is no need to drink anything at all. If normal periods begin, then stop duphaston immediately. As a result, the discharge has not increased, it flows out drop by drop, the stomach hurts like during menstruation on the first day, what should I do? Should I continue taking duphaston, with such discharge, and until what day, if I started on the 18th day after the operation (one doctor said at the clinic from 16 to 25, but since I came on the 18th day, take it from 18 to 25), the other, that Doesn't it make sense to drink Duphaston for less than 10 days? And one more difference in the opinions of doctors: one says to wait 3-6 months and drink duphaston before planning a pregnancy, the other says not to drink anything, it makes no sense and to get pregnant faster so that the polyp does not suddenly grow again if it was not removed properly. Thank you!

Heavy periods after Duphaston

Until recently, medicine had its own position regarding hormonal therapy. Hormones were used when a person’s life was at risk as a replacement treatment after organ removal, in diabetes mellitus, where the hormone is vital. It was unacceptable for a healthy woman, without cycle disorders, who was able to get pregnant herself, to take hormones for the purpose of contraception, since the entire body system was disrupted.

As for Duphaston, we must not forget that this is a strong hormone, you should not take it just in case or just to prevent. It is frivolous to treat your body this way, as there is an invasion of the reproductive and endocrine system of the body.

The drug should be taken under the strict supervision of a gynecologist, especially if a woman takes it during pregnancy, when the internal organs of the child are forming, when the pregnancy is in doubt and there is a threat of miscarriage due to a lack of this hormone. Based on the results of the hormone analysis, the doctor will determine the dose of the drug that the body needs.

Many countries have abandoned the use of Duphaston. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers the effect of substitutes for this hormone on fetal development to be unproven.

Now let's talk about periods. In the ovaries of a woman in the luteal phase, i.e. after ovulation (before the onset of menstruation), progesterone and estrogen are produced - hormones that are intended for the birth of a child. They prepare the endometrium of the uterus for conception. Estrogens develop the endometrium, and progesterone nourishes it. If pregnancy does not occur, the uterine layer is shed and bleeding begins - menstruation.

If ovulation does not occur, then there will be no luteal phase. This means that the woman will not have menstruation - there is nothing to be rejected from the uterus.

The question remains unclear: what happens in the ovary? This is the whole solution. In the ovary, the processes have been frozen and will remain so. When the drug is discontinued after several cycles of use, bleeding may occur due to.

Progesterone is a female hormone that is synthesized by the ovaries (or rather the corpus luteum) during the onset of ovulation. It is this that ensures the maturation of the egg and its release from the follicle, as well as support for pregnancy if it occurs. But in some women, this hormone is produced in very small quantities, as a result of which they experience infertility, systematic miscarriages, menstrual irregularities, etc. And to compensate for the deficiency of progesterone in the body, doctors prescribe Duphaston. This drug has a minimal list of contraindications, but may lead to some side effects. For example, women often notice scanty periods after Duphaston, which occur in different phases of the cycle. Whether they are the norm or indicate deviations, you will now find out.

General information

As mentioned above, progesterone is a female sex hormone produced by the ovaries. When there is a lack of it in the body, the endometrium of the uterus suffers greatly, which leads to the development of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, etc.

A deficiency of this hormone also affects the process of conceiving a child - pregnancy either does not occur at all, or frequent miscarriages occur. This happens because progesterone:

  • Thickens the endometrium of the uterus and makes it loose, making it much easier for a fertilized egg to attach to its walls.
  • It has a relaxing and antispasmodic effect on the muscles of the uterus when pregnancy occurs.
  • Strengthens the maternal instinct in women.
  • The mammary glands are prepared for the upcoming lactation.

Not only the processes described above, but also the woman’s mood depend on the level of this hormone in the body, since it also affects the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness). Therefore, with progesterone deficiency, a woman becomes irritable and prone to depression.

In addition, this hormone is responsible for the formation of the figure. When its concentration drops, body hair growth increases, facial features become coarser, etc. In other words, the figure begins to change from a feminine type to a masculine one.

When is it prescribed?

In medical practice, Duphaston is used to treat the following conditions:

  • Infertility.
  • Systematic miscarriages.
  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Lack of menstruation for 2-3 months or more.
  • Periodic intermenstrual bleeding.
  • Painful and heavy periods.
  • Endometriosis.

Important! Endometriosis is a dangerous pathology, as it can provoke the development of uterine epithelial cancer. It is characterized by the proliferation of organ cells beyond its limits and is manifested by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, brown vaginal discharge outside of menstruation, etc.

This product is available in tablets and contains the synthetic hormone progesterone. Unlike other hormonal drugs, you need to drink Duphaston only in the second phase of the cycle. The duration of the course of treatment and the dosage of the drug are determined individually depending on the initial level of progesterone in the woman’s blood and her general health.

At the initial stages of treatment, women may experience spotting after Duphaston, which is considered normal when taking hormonal drugs. Its appearance is caused by the body becoming accustomed to increased levels of progesterone. But!

If you experience scanty periods for several months while taking Duphaston, you should immediately consult a doctor, since the adaptation period ends during this time and the appearance of this symptom indicates the presence of pathological conditions not related to taking the drug, or a shift in hormonal levels in as a result of a violation of the Duphaston dosage regimen, which requires treatment adjustment.

It should be noted that women often receive complaints in the form of “I started taking pills and now my stomach hurts.” This is one of the side effects, and if you also begin to notice abdominal pain while taking the drug, be sure to consult your doctor.

Main reasons

Brown discharge when taking Duphaston in the initial stages of treatment is normal. However, not all women experience them only in the first few months. Sometimes discharge while taking this drug can be observed for a long time, and in some cases breakthrough bleeding is even observed.

Why is this happening? There are several reasons for this. Most often, spotting when taking Duphaston occurs when the drug is taken incorrectly and its dosage is changed independently.

Important! Any hormonal drugs, including this one, must be taken strictly at the same time, without missing a single dose! Increasing or decreasing the dosage without indications can provoke spotting outside of menstruation or bleeding, which will require mandatory hospitalization!

Some women take hormonal medications without first consulting a doctor, which is also not allowed. After all, in order to choose the right dosage and avoid health problems from Duphaston, you need to know the initial level of progesterone in the blood.

Heavy periods after Duphaston can be provoked by ovarian pathologies, which lead to a decrease in the level of estrogen in the body. As a result of this, a shift in hormonal levels occurs, which gives such a reaction.

Moreover, some women, due to hormonal imbalance, experience late ovulation. That is, the release of the egg occurs much later than 14 days after the start of a new menstrual cycle. And if you incorrectly calculate the onset of ovulation, spotting occurs while taking Duphaston.

Often this drug is prescribed to women to maintain an existing pregnancy. However, very rarely there is bleeding or brownish smear. Most often, when taking Duphaston, pregnant women experience yellow discharge or copious white discharge, which is associated with changes in the microflora of the vagina and the general functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.

Dark brown discharge during pregnancy while taking Duphaston can signal placental abruption and a high risk of spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, if a pregnant woman takes the drug and notices that she has started to spot, she needs to immediately visit a doctor about this. In this case, it is necessary to adjust the dosage of Duphaston for brown discharge during pregnancy.

Bloody discharge when taking Duphaston during pregnancy occurs in two cases - when a spontaneous miscarriage occurs or when the fertilized egg attaches not to the uterus, but to the fallopian tubes (ectopic pregnancy). And if menstruation was first smeared and then stopped, this does not mean that the threat of miscarriage or further development of an ectopic pregnancy has passed. You definitely need to do an ultrasound.

Endometriosis can also provoke the appearance of scanty discharge with Duphaston. Moreover, they occur instead of menstruation and this happens due to the strong growth of the endometrium, which prevents the normal exit of the contents of the uterus.

When taking Duphaston, brown discharge instead of menstruation may begin due to disruption of the functionality of the endocrine system organs, for example, the pituitary gland.

As you can see, there are many reasons why brown spotting or heavy periods may occur after taking Duphaston. And in order to accurately determine the exact cause of their occurrence, you must definitely consult a doctor and undergo all the necessary tests.

How to avoid discharge?

To prevent bleeding after Duphaston and brown discharge, before you start drinking it, you need to consult a specialist and undergo a full examination, which includes:

  • Donating blood to determine the level of progesterone and estrogen in the body.
  • Bacterial culture to identify the vaginal microflora and the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in it.
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

Since the drug is started several weeks after the start of the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to accurately determine when ovulation begins. To do this, you need to measure the basal temperature in the intestines for 1-2 weeks.

For this purpose, it is better to use mercury thermometers rather than electronic ones, as they show the most accurate results. In the middle of the cycle, when ovulation occurs, the basal temperature varies from 37.2 to 37.5 degrees. It should be measured only in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. All measurements must be recorded in a diary. And so that you don’t then receive complaints in the form of “I’m drinking Duphaston, but I’m getting a rash,” you need to take it exactly at the moment when a sharp increase in basal temperature was noted.

Important! If a woman has been taking the drug for several months and decides to quit it, she should first consult a doctor. The withdrawal of hormonal drugs must be carried out according to all the rules, otherwise bleeding may occur.

Based on all this, it should be concluded that Duphaston is a drug that really helps fight infertility and irregular menstrual cycles. But its incorrectly selected dosage and violation of the dosage regimen can only do harm. Therefore, it must be taken strictly in accordance with the recommendations given by the doctor.

The instructions contain information about the drug Duphaston, which will be useful to the patient when using it in the treatment of infertility, uterine dysfunctional bleeding, the threat of miscarriage and other health problems.

Form, composition, packaging

The drug has a tablet form and is a coated pill. Each package contains two dozen pieces.

The active ingredient of Duphaston is dydrogesterone, of which each tablet contains 10 milligrams.

The required amounts of lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, colloidal silicon dioxide and corn starch were added as auxiliary components.

The shell is made up of white opadra, which in turn consists of titanium dioxide, hypromellose and polyethylene glycol 400.

Storage period and conditions

The acceptable storage temperature should not be higher than thirty degrees, and the storage location should not be accessible to children.

The drug Duphaston is stored in its original packaging for up to five years.


The main pharmacological property of the drug Duphaston is gestagenic.

Not a contraceptive.

It does not have a negative effect on liver functionality.

The drug achieves a therapeutic effect without disrupting menstrual functionality and without suppressing ovulation.


After the Duphaston tablet has been taken orally, its active substance undergoes fairly rapid absorption from the digestive tract. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood plasma will be reached in two hours.

Almost completely binds to plasma proteins (98%).

Metabolism occurs in the liver.

It is completely eliminated from the body in three days. Excretion is carried out through urine gradually in conjugates of glucuronic acid. Consistently not present.

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