Can there be discharge when taking Visanne?

Contraindications for taking Visanne

Despite the fact that the drug is prescribed in almost all cases of endometriosis, it is important to keep in mind that in the presence of any of the listed conditions, its use can negatively affect a woman’s health . Such contraindications include:

  • hormone-dependent malignant tumors
  • liver tumors
  • bleeding from the vagina of various origins
  • diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2
  • history of cholestatic jaundice in pregnancy
  • heart attacks
  • strokes
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system

In addition, one of the main contraindications is pregnancy and lactation .

Side effects

Along with uterine bleeding, which can occur almost at any time (in connection with menstruation and without it), taking the drug can also have other characteristic consequences:

  • enlargement of the breasts and nipples, pain in the corresponding areas;
  • temperature changes, weakness;
  • copious viscous discharge may intensify in the middle of the monthly cycle;
  • discharge during menstruation may acquire an uncharacteristic color, smell, consistency and be accompanied by fairly large amounts of bleeding;
  • the cycle may get confused - take place at a different time or be interrupted unexpectedly; you need to be prepared for such surprises;
  • decreased libido and sexual activity.

Less common manifestations of more severe abnormalities in the body are:

  • pain in joints and bones;
  • sudden mood swings, strong feelings of fear;
  • decrease or surges in blood pressure;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • swelling on the face and limbs;
  • deterioration of concentration and memory.

The drug can be taken with extreme caution:

  1. Women after menopause.
  2. Girls under 18 years of age.
  3. In case of heart failure, as well as after operations on the heart or blood vessels.
  4. After or during thrombophlebitis.

If bleeding is observed during use, weakness is most often inevitable, and it is not allowed to stop taking the drug. If the effect of the medicine becomes unbearable, or atypical effects are observed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Is it possible to combine Visanne and alcohol?

After taking Visanne, you should never drink alcoholic beverages; experts unanimously answer this question to patients that hormonal drugs cannot be taken together with alcoholic beverages.

at the same time increases the risk of serious side effects on the heart and blood vessels. You should not smoke while using Visanne, especially if the woman is over 35 years old .

If you drink alcohol (even low strength) after taking Visanne, the hormonal balance that was restored by the drug is disrupted. In this case, all medications taken will be in vain, and the desired pregnancy may not occur.

Why does it bleed when using the product?

In women who take these pills, the body gradually blocks the production of gonadotropins and estradiol, which is responsible for the enlargement of the endometrium. Then depletion of the foci occurs, the functions of blood vessels in the epithelium are suppressed. Dienogest (the active component of the drug) prevents ovulation, so it is impossible to become pregnant while taking the medicine.

Women who bled on Visanne note the maximum amount of discharge in the first few days after starting to take the drug. This problem occurs due to a failure of the menstrual cycle and the elimination of endometrial foci.

In addition to bleeding, side effects of the drug may also occur, such as:

  • decreased libido;
  • absence of menstruation;
  • constant feeling of weakness;
  • enlargement and soreness of the nipples and breasts;
  • sudden changes in body temperature;
  • changes in the consistency, smell and color of discharge during menstruation;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • deterioration of memory and concentration.

In addition, while taking Visanne, pain in the bones and joints, mood swings, panic attacks, rapid pulse, and a pronounced decrease/increase in blood pressure may occur.

Experts say that the drug is safe, and side effects when using it are normal.

Important information: How many days does bleeding occur after cleaning the uterine cavity (curettage) and should there be bleeding?

Instructions for use of Visanne

The drug is intended for internal use. As a rule, Visanne is prescribed for half a year , after which the patient undergoes tests, after which a decision is made to cancel or extend the course of the drug.

You can start taking Visanne on any day of the menstrual cycle , but it is better if it is the first day. The drug is taken daily at the same time, if necessary, washed down with plenty of liquid. There should be no gaps in the course of treatment, so after the tablets from one package are finished, you should move on to the next one. When taking Visanne, bleeding of any origin is not taken into account.

If you do not take the pill within 24 hours, the effectiveness of the drug may decrease , so you should resume taking it immediately, even if more time has passed.

In cases of poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea, which slow down the absorption of the drug, you should take another tablet.

The effect of Visanne

This drug is used to treat endometriosis, a gynecological disease associated with pathological growth of the inner walls of the uterus.

It is accompanied by:

  • pain during bowel movements and bladder;
  • noticeable prolongation of menstruation and increased volume of discharge;
  • palpable pain in the pelvic area; intensifies several days before the onset of menstruation, sometimes permanent;
  • extraneous sensations during intimacy.

The pathology is quite dangerous, since there is still no generally accepted opinion about the causes that give rise to it. They are often associated with hormonal disorders in the female body.

In this case, therapy based on the hormonal drug Visanne (active ingredient dienogest) is often prescribed. It has an antiandrogenic effect, i.e. suppresses the effect of estrogens (female sex hormones), which have a beneficial effect on the development of the endometrium (tissue of the internal areas of the uterus). As a result, the cells stop multiplying rapidly, which is why endometriosis is treated. Basically, the positive effect of the drug on the body is associated with the following actions:

  1. Relief of pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Reduction of endometrial foci, blocking its growth.
  3. Elimination of pain before menstruation.
  4. Reduces the synthesis of estrogens in the female gonads (ovaries).

The drug should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor. Self-medication in such complex processes as hormonal changes in the body very often leads to the opposite results. Therefore, contacting a gynecologist is the only right decision.

Combining Visanne with other medications

Some medications or products may interfere with the way Visanne works , these include:

  • antiepileptic drugs (barbiturates, carbamazepine, and others);
  • antidepressants (fluoxetine, fluvoxamine);
  • medicines used to treat high blood pressure, angina (diltiazem, verapamil);
  • anti-tuberculosis drugs (rifampicin);
  • antifungal drugs (ketoconazole, itraconazole, fluconazole);
  • some antibiotics (erythromycin, clarithromycin);
  • antacids;
  • St. John's wort, as part of herbal remedies;
  • grapefruit.

Bayer Visanne tablets – review

Before using medications, consult a specialist.
I will share my experience of taking Visanne. I was prescribed this drug after a laparoscopy, during which the surgeon discovered several foci of endometriosis. Naturally, the lesions were cauterized, however, just in case, and to rest the ovaries, the doctor prescribed Visanne for 4 months after taking antibiotics.

Having read the reviews on the forums, I didn’t expect anything good (in terms of side effects) for myself, and the list of them in the instructions included with the tablets is more than impressive. It seems that this drug is capable of driving the patient either to a psychiatric hospital or to a wheelchair.

However, trusting the doctor, I began treatment with the hope of my own youth and strength, which should help me cope with all the side effects. After reading the recommendations of make-up girls (thanks to everyone who shares their observations, you can’t imagine how you help thousands of women cope with our gynecological troubles), I started taking it from the first day of my period.

I recommend everyone to do exactly this, because I did not have any suffering with bleeding during the entire period of use. Thanks to the pills, the intensity of the bleeding decreased noticeably on the second day, on the fourth it was already more of a dark smudge than menstrual flow. The pain quickly went away. A few days later, despondency set in - my husband was missing at work, there were scars on his stomach...

It’s time for the New Year, and everyone understands the mood after laparoscopy... maybe the circumstances turned out this way, or maybe a side effect appeared, but irritability and excessive vulnerability, incontinence and tearfulness in the first month of treatment became my constant companions.

You will also have to get used to nightmares and phobias out of nowhere, but if you try to cope with them, they will not last more than a couple of months. In the first month, one morning I woke up from the feeling of “internal stuffiness” that my grandmother described to me, sometimes hot, sometimes cold... And then I realized that the pills would not give me the feeling of pregnancy, rather they would introduce me to menopause.

Visanne imitates menopause of the reproductive system, and now I even understand too well and want to tell everyone - we have one life, girls. You need to, no matter what (everyone has their own trials), enjoy every day, every pleasant moment. We need to spread goodness and light around us, be this light, love our man, our family - as long as each of us can do this.

Because when extinction comes, there will be nowhere to get energy from, and if you didn’t shine while “the flower was blooming,” then when “autumn comes” you will never shine again. These are lyrics, but the truth is that hot flashes can happen. There may be dizziness. Headache? - as a strong reaction to pressure surges.

Feel what old age is like... Closer to the second month of taking it, sudden mood changes began. Moments of joy and causeless laughter and sharp tears coming from nowhere. Someone advises drinking valerian, I haven’t tried it, but I really wanted to. I never drank alcohol during the appointment. However, towards the end of the second pack, I had some kind of brown smudge for about two weeks.

I think this could be due to the fact that the pills were not always taken exactly at the same time. I took this moment into account, and this never happened again. In the first two and a half months, my feet hurt almost constantly - I wore low-heeled shoes at work and tried to sit more.

The desire to be beautiful is natural, but I strongly recommend that during the treatment period you feel sorry for yourself and try, whenever possible, to wear comfortable, soft shoes with flat soles - the danger of varicose veins greatly increases. Be prepared for wreaths and additional moles and small age spots to appear. I didn’t notice any particular problems with my skin and hair.

I was mentally prepared for the “hair loss” - surgery, anesthesia, antibiotics, hormonal drugs, winter, stress, lack of sleep - it could have been worse in this regard... I can note that the pores become more clogged, I will have to pay a little more attention to the skin. In the third month My chest began to hurt constantly.

She was pleasantly rounded, puffed up, and took on a seductive shape, but the pleasure from this side effect was exclusively aesthetic due to its extreme pain. My chest turned into one continuous swelling, touching which my husband caused me real agony. Closeness should be mentioned separately.

We cannot talk about the complete extinction of desire for your partner - this largely depends on the microclimate of your relationship. But getting aroused is much more difficult. You will need to clearly explain to the man that he will have to “persuad” you into sex, “cajole” you and not despair, or you can somehow warm yourself up if you feel that “the atmosphere is heating up.” I found my way out - lubricant.

Even if the side effects are tormented, your mood is at zero and you want to go to bed just to fall asleep, it’s worth a try, because appetite, as you know, comes with eating. In any case, I never had any thoughts of refusing my spouse, even if my own body did not want to listen to me.

Vaginal dryness, as another side effect of Visanne, in this case is not an insurmountable obstacle. In general, I suggest being patient and persistent. Side effects will occur, but there is no need to despair. You need to react correctly, take action, help yourself cope with this.

Be sure to consult your doctor about taking other medications and their compatibility with Visanne. Monitor your condition carefully if coadministration occurs. In my own experience, I experienced the side effects of such incompatibility - lightheadedness, ringing in the ears, severe nausea, shortness of breath. It’s good that the cold subsided quickly and the medications could be stopped.

By the beginning of the fourth package, the side effects had subsided. But not for long. Severe burning sensation in the perineum and pain when urinating, reminiscent of cystitis symptoms. Tests, treatment, temporary relief - and another attack, treatment. The analysis revealed a strong concentration of E. coli, as well as the presence of amorphous phosphates in the urine. Again, medications, diet... And soon, an ultrasound reveals a cyst on the left ovary, as a result of taking a hormonal drug. All this is quite logical and understandable, but extremely unpleasant. I hope for a speedy recovery, my treatment ended a few days ago and I hope that over time my body will return to normal.


  • Doesn't affect weight
  • Does not worsen the skin
  • Lack of menstruation


  • Quite expensive
  • Lots of side effects

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