Papillomas and condylomas: types, diagnosis and treatment


Condylomas that appear on the cervix are a viral disease. Both young girls and older women are susceptible to infection. The pathology is dangerous in its consequences, and therefore requires mandatory treatment.

The appearance of formations is promoted by the human papillomavirus. The disease is not harmless, as it seems to many at first glance. Despite the fact that many are accustomed to living with such growths and do not pay attention to them, they need to seek help.

An example of what a growth looks like

  • Symptoms and signs
  • Treatment methods
  • Traditional methods of treatment
  • Frequently asked questions to the doctor
      Laser treatment
  • Short description

    Today, 65% of people who are sexually active are carriers of HPV. Some of them do not even suspect the presence of such an insidious disease, which is why they continue to infect all their partners. That is why a large number of studies have been carried out in laboratory conditions that have proven that the human papillomavirus is transmitted in several ways:

    • During childbirth from mother to child.
    • In the process of unprotected intimacy.
    • Through untreated instruments in medical institutions and beauty salons.
    • After using general hygiene products.

    When an HPV infection has already entered the body, it does not appear immediately; a person’s good immunity is able to suppress pathogens. For the virus to activate, the following conditions are needed:

    • Serious hormonal imbalance.
    • Decreased protective function of the immune system due to frequent colds.
    • Early onset of intimate life.
    • Prolonged stress.
    • Uncontrolled intimate life.

    When the body's protective functions are reduced, the human papillomavirus develops at high speed. Pathogenic organisms can penetrate the DNA of healthy cells, changing them. As a result of this, flat condylomas are formed on the human body - dark brown growths up to 6 mm in size. In women, such neoplasms are often localized on the cervix, where they are quickly detected by a gynecologist without special diagnostics.

    Much less often, condylomas occur on the labia and face. Due to their external similarity, they can easily be confused with herpes. But there are significant differences between them. The papilloma has a stalk, with which it is attached to the mucous membrane. It is worth noting that in men such tumors are located on the fingers, head of the penis and face.

    Symptoms and signs of development

    In some cases, flat condylomas can manifest themselves as cervical erosion , sometimes they can be completely asymptomatic.

    Although women may complain of pain during intercourse and spotting at different periods of the cycle.

    The main diagnosis is made during a gynecological examination and a series of tests. If necessary, a biopsy is performed for histological examination.

    Cervical condylomas

    The development of cervical condylomas is quite rare and should always be differentiated from polyps, erosions, endometriosis, cancer and some other conditions.

    These tumors are detected only during a gynecological examination. Women may consult a doctor due to long or painful periods, complain of pain during sexual intercourse, as well as bleeding that occurs after sex or spontaneously.

    Photo 1. Sudden gynecological bleeding may be a sign of the proliferation of condylomas. Source: Flickr (Francisco Sosa Lemus).

    Flat condylomas during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, physiological immunosuppression (decreased immunity) develops, associated with a high concentration of estrogens and the prevention of the development of an immune response aimed at the fetus.

    This condition allows all previously dormant infections to manifest themselves. HPV is no exception and its manifestations can develop in any trimester of pregnancy.

    The formation of flat condylomas occurs , as a rule, with manifestations of papillomavirus already existing before pregnancy . They must be removed due to two factors:

    • During the process of a child passing through the natural birth canal, he can become infected with papillomavirus, which will negatively affect his health in the first years of life;
    • The presence of any neoplasms of the cervix can serve as an obstacle to its normal opening during childbirth;
    • Due to physiological immunosuppression, the already significant risk of malignancy of flat condylomas increases.

    This is interesting: Condylomas in virgins

    Localization and classification

    Flat condyloma l sil quite often affects the cervix. Of course, it is impossible to detect such warts on your own, which is why those women who neglect a routine medical examination by a gynecologist may not be aware of the existing problems. Most often, a maximum of two lesions are formed on the cervix, the size of which ranges from 2 to 7 mm.

    Benign neoplasms are brown or dark red in color and have a pimply surface, which is why they are often confused with herpes. Experts consider three stages of development of condylomas:

    1. At the initial stage of virus activation, up to 10 warts are observed. This is the mildest stage of the disease.
    2. A person develops up to a hundred growths, which can cause not only aesthetic discomfort, but also pain.
    3. The situation can be considered complex when there are more than 120 flat papillomas on the human body, which is why the affected areas of the body cause burning and itching.


    To find out what type of growth is present in a person (exophytic or flat condyloma), a diagnosis of the pathology is necessary.

    This requires the following research:

    1. PCR diagnostics
      Examination of the patient’s skin and mucous membranes.

    2. Colposcopy. The study allows us to identify flat condylomas inside the female genital tract, on the uterine cervix.
    3. Anoscopy.
    4. Examination by a gynecologist using mirrors.
    5. PCR diagnostics. Identifies the causative agent of the disease. The analysis is important because it can detect other serious pathologies.
    6. Urine and blood analysis.
    7. Biopsy. Prescribed if there is a suspicion of cancer.

    Reasons for development

    In laboratory conditions, it has been proven that flat condylomas in women and men most often develop due to activation of the papillomavirus. The disease itself is considered quite insidious, as it can negatively affect a person’s quality of life. You can become infected with a virus and provoke its activation in several ways:

    • Long-term use of birth control pills.
    • Prolonged stressful situations and depression can provoke a serious weakening of the protective function of the immune system.
    • Frequent contact with an HPV carrier.
    • Wearing someone else's clothes.
    • Hormonal disorders.
    • Chaotic intimate life.
    • The presence of chronic pathologies, frequent infectious diseases.
    • Raw manicure tools in beauty salons.
    • Unprotected sexual intercourse.

    In the womb or while passing through the birth canal, a baby can become infected with HPV infection.

    What is the prognosis for the development of flat condylomas?

    Urethral infection caused by condylomas
    Such neoplasms impair sexual life and significantly interfere with hygienic procedures. During such activities, it is easy to touch the growth, after which an infection is introduced into the resulting wound.

    When flat condyloma is not removed in a timely manner, it spreads throughout the body.

    Main symptoms

    In many women, the disease occurs in a latent form, since the warts themselves have a specific location. Such growths can only be detected during a routine examination by a gynecologist. Symptoms appear only if the disease has become chronic:

    • Specific secretions.
    • Itching, burning in the vagina.
    • Unpleasant sensations during intimacy.

    It is much easier to detect squamous cell condylomas in men. But some patients do not attach importance to several tiny warts, and turn to the doctor only when the growths unite with each other, which is why a large lesion is formed. This situation can significantly worsen the appearance of the organ.

    In addition to an aesthetic defect, benign neoplasms can cause pain, burning, and itching. If several condylomas are localized in the urethra, then a man may experience pain when visiting the toilet.

    What complications can occur due to flat condylomas?

    Possible complication of condylomas on the penis
    Complications include the likelihood of new appearances of flat condylomas after their removal. However, the greatest danger is the change in cells due to exposure to the virus when they begin to form carcinoma.

    This malignant form of pathology affects 7% of patients who have flat condylomas. A similar complication is caused by cancer of the cervix or penis.

    Other complications include:

    1. Possible complications of condylomas in the vagina
      The average form of the pathology provokes general weakness, the affected areas cause a burning sensation;

    2. The growth of flat condylomas on the uterine cervix causes changes in the basal epithelium of the organ;
    3. An advanced disease causes multiple growths to join together, after which the formation rots, infecting the body.

    Course of the disease

    The human papillomavirus can be stored for a long time in the genital epithelium. Despite all attempts, experts have not yet been able to determine the exact cause of this phenomenon. In addition, in some cases, neoplasms in different parts of the body and mucous membranes may not manifest themselves for several decades. But under the influence of various unfavorable factors, a kind of degeneration of flat papillomas into dangerous malignant neoplasms can occur.

    Other carriers of HPV infection may experience a fairly rapid growth of condylomas, which is why all therapeutic measures should be taken as quickly as possible. It takes 3-5 years for a benign tumor to degenerate into a malignant tumor. If activation of the virus occurs in a young person, then the reproductive system may be seriously affected. Any transformation of condyloma can develop into cancer.

    As metastases grow, there is a rapid deterioration in health, due to which a person loses his ability to work, his body temperature rises, there is acute pain in the affected area, as well as physical and nervous exhaustion. In an advanced stage, condylomatosis can affect the anal area. The whole danger is that at the initial stage, papillomas are invisible. Only after the rapid growth of growths does the patient experience severe itching and burning during bowel movements.

    The process of wart formation itself takes only a few hours; there are no vessels inside them, which is why such papillomas are rarely large. Sometimes there are situations when, after a short period of time, the growths dry out and fall off on their own, due to which there is no need to undergo drug therapy.

    Condylomas during pregnancy

    The danger of condylomas during the prenatal period is due to the fact that the virus can enter the child’s body. In pregnant women infected with HPV, due to changes in hormonal levels and decreased immunity, a high percentage of neoplasms appears. Tests for the presence of papillomavirus in the body must be carried out at the planning stage. If condylomas are detected, they must be removed and the appropriate therapeutic course must be taken before ovulation occurs. In pregnant patients, the elimination of neoplasms must be carried out in the first trimester, since in later stages they are likely to grow rapidly, which can cause serious complications. After the condylomas are removed, the specialist must carefully monitor the condition of the woman and the fetus until delivery occurs. Along with the elimination of neoplasms, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs are treated and the microflora in the vagina is brought back to normal.

    Diagnostic measures

    Since flat papillomas are quite difficult to differentiate correctly, to clarify the diagnosis, a specialist must prescribe a full examination. Experts say that standard diagnostic procedures include the following :

    • Colposcopy. The specialist examines the condition of the cervix under a special microscope to identify affected areas.
    • The gynecologist takes a smear from the vagina.
    • Polymerase chain reaction study. The analysis allows you to accurately detect HPV. But doctors cannot determine the type of infection and the level of oncogenicity.
    • Cervical biopsy. To conduct a laboratory test, a small piece of organ tissue is taken.
    • Blood test for tumor markers. It is possible to detect the presence of malignant neoplasms even at the first stage of development, when a person does not experience any symptoms.
    • Histological examination of cells. This is a mandatory addition to the biopsy. Before studying the taken material, specialists fill it with paraffin to cut it into the thinnest layers. The resulting samples are examined under a microscope. This approach makes it possible to accurately distinguish healthy cells from altered ones.


    Prevention of the disease comes down to increasing immunity and taking measures to avoid infection. The following recommendations must be followed:

    • approach the choice of a sexual partner responsibly;
    • do not have promiscuous sex life, refuse sexual relations without a condom;
    • change underwear more often;
    • take a shower daily;
    • do not overwork;
    • eat more fruits, berries and vegetables;
    • take regular walks in the fresh air;
    • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
    • eliminate stress;
    • prevent acute and chronic infectious diseases;
    • promptly treat STIs.

    Effective treatment

    As soon as the first flat papillomas appear on the cervix or genitals, doctors immediately prescribe therapy. Experts recommend removing the growths so that subsequent antiviral and restorative treatment can achieve the desired results. Most often, cryodestruction is performed, which has many advantages. During this procedure, condyloma is frozen with liquid nitrogen, due to which all affected tissues become necrosis and epithelial cells are destroyed.

    In modern medicine, laser removal of warts has long been practiced, since this approach to treatment makes it possible to qualitatively remove all neoplasms without damaging healthy tissue. As a result, you can achieve a good cosmetic effect; there are no scars left on the treated area.

    Some patients respond well to the radio wave method of treating flat condylomas. The advantage is that the high-frequency beam cuts the affected area. The resulting material must be sent for histological examination. The duration of the procedure is a maximum of 40 minutes, during which the patient experiences virtually no discomfort.

    The method of electrocoagulation is used less frequently, since in this case the patient must be under local anesthesia. After cauterization, a tiny wound remains at the site of the growth, which eventually becomes covered with crusts. It is strictly forbidden to touch the wart, as it should fall off on its own.


    During the entire recovery period and after its completion, the patient should not stop drug therapy to avoid recurrence of the infection.

    Postoperative treatment procedures

    The basis of post-operative health measures for HPV is the regular use of immunomodulatory drugs, which will strengthen the body’s protective functions and reduce the chance of the pathology returning. Along with the use of immunomodulators, it is necessary to observe preventive measures and take vitamin and mineral complexes.

    While the tablets suppress the infection inside the body, the site of condyloma removal should be treated with topical antiviral drugs (ointments, sprays, solutions, gels). Anti-wart medications will stimulate local immunity, accelerate wound healing after removal of growths and destroy viral cells that remain in the tissue structure.

    In-demand medications

    Not in all cases, doctors recommend resorting to radical medicine, since some growths can be removed with the help of drugs. Numerous reviews from patients and doctors have shown that the following medications are most effective:

    • Cycloferon. The medicine is sold in ampoules for injection. Moderate use helps strengthen the immune system so that the body can resist viral attacks.
    • Viferon. Universal interferon is used as an active component. The product is ideal for treating affected areas, but not more than twice a day. The medication has a minimum of contraindications. You can get rid of flat condylomas in a maximum of 7-10 days. If papillomas occur on the cervix or in the urethra, then it is better to choose rectal suppositories.
    • Isoprinosine. The drug perfectly inhibits the virus, stopping its active development. Long-term use helps strengthen the immune system.
    • Bleomycin. The active action of this medicine is aimed at suppressing the viability of the human papillomavirus. In addition, the product is actively used in cases where it is necessary to create all the conditions to prevent the growth of tumors.
    • Feresol. A common cauterizing liquid that helps destroy protein compounds in affected cells. To cope with tiny condylomas, it is enough to lubricate the flat growths with this medicine just once. You should be as careful as possible, as there is a risk of getting burned.

    To avoid the development of adverse reactions from a particular drug, it is better to undergo treatment in a hospital setting. You should not rely on home recipes, as they can only affect visible areas of growths. It is difficult for an ordinary person to independently reach the hidden particles of a wart. In addition, there is always a risk of a dangerous infection, which can provoke the development of a complex inflammatory process.

    Removal of condylomas on the cervix

    How to treat condylomas? There are several ways:

    • deletion;
    • taking antiviral drugs;
    • use of traditional medicine.

    Five basic procedures will help you remove condyloma.

    1. Cryodestruction. Liquid nitrogen is used during the procedure. The growth freezes and falls off over time. This treatment method is completely painless and safe. If discomfort still appears, the doctor administers local anesthesia. Cryodestruction is carried out if the condyloma turns out to be benign.
    2. Acid cauterization. Typically, 10% trichloroacetic acid or the drug Solkovagin, which contains nitric acid and zinc nitrate, is used. The substances should be applied to the condyloma once a week until it completely disappears.
    3. Laser therapy. It is carried out only if there is a low risk of transformation of condylomas into malignant neoplasms. The procedure requires pain relief. After exposure to a beam of laser beams, the growth dries out and becomes crusty. In a week it will disappear.
    4. Electrocoagulation. The condyloma is removed under the influence of electric current. Most often, this procedure is performed in the treatment of pointed formations. One of its advantages is the absence of bleeding. Along with the growth, blood vessels are also cauterized using current.
    5. Surgical intervention. It is performed using local anesthesia and only when the size of the condyloma reaches 1 cm. Another indication for the operation is the degeneration of the neoplasm into a malignant tumor.

    After removal of the condyloma, it is necessary to begin using antiviral drugs. They can be for both internal and external use. Such remedies help at the initial stage of development of the disease. There are several types.

    1. Immunostimulants. Most often prescribed are Imunoflan and Genferon.
    2. Antiviral. Prevents the growth and spread of infected cells throughout the body.
    3. Cytological means. They destroy the viral cell from the inside.

    Attention! The doctor must choose medications, determine their dosage and duration of treatment. This also applies to traditional medicine recipes. Self-medication may worsen the condition.

    Like medications, folk remedies have several goals:

    • strengthen the immune system;
    • remove the tumor;
    • prevent recurrence of growths.

    To strengthen the immune system, products based on red wine are suitable.

    1. According to the first recipe, you need to mix wine (125 ml), apple juice (125 ml), 2 cloves of garlic and half a lemon. Let it brew for several hours. Then strain. Take once a day on an empty stomach.
    2. Combine red wine with cinnamon, coriander, cloves. Heat over medium heat, without bringing to a boil. Add cherry juice (from 500 g of cherries) to the container, 2 tbsp. honey and 5 chopped garlic cloves. Let it brew for 30 minutes. Drink 200 ml 3 times a day.

    Herbal infusions are no less effective.

    1. Wash and chop blueberry leaves and berries. Pour 0.5 liters of cold water. Boil over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Drink 3 tbsp. before every meal.
    2. Grind the lemon balm thoroughly. Pour 500 ml of hot water and let it brew (2 hours). Drink 50 ml several times a day.
    3. Pour crushed burdock with hot water. Leave for 2 hours. Take 125 ml 4 times a day.
    4. Mix horsetail, plantain, nettle, lemon balm and dandelion root. Pour a few tablespoons of the herbal mixture with hot water. Bring to a boil over low heat. Take several times a day.
    5. Prepare a mixture of hop cones, valerian, linden flowers, coriander, motherwort and oregano. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the raw materials. Let it brew. Drink 2 tsp. 2 times a day (morning and evening).

    Popular products for external use based on celandine or hydrogen peroxide are not recommended for the treatment of genital warts on the cervix to avoid burns.

    Cost of getting rid of condylomas

    Patients themselves choose how the growths will be removed. The price of procedures in Moscow depends on the location, quantity, and size of tumors. The method by which therapy will be carried out is also important. For example, laser removal costs from 4500 to 5000 rubles. (if there are no more than 10 condylomas). For high-frequency exposure you will have to pay 900-2000 rubles per unit, depending on the size. Elimination of formations with nitrogen – 400-450 rubles/piece.

    Treatment and removal of condylomas is a long process. Conservative methods of therapy are effective, but require prolonged exposure. Surgical methods are more effective, but are traumatic, cause significant pain and require rehabilitation measures.

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