Why is there no discharge before menstruation and is this normal?

Women have long been accustomed to the fact that they begin to have discharge before their period. But what to do if such discharge disappears, and what could this mean in terms of physical health?

The female body is unique, and therefore studying all its features can sometimes be difficult. So, for example, discharge before menstruation no longer frightens women, because it indicates the proper functioning of the body, but what to do if it disappears?

Features of discharge and its nature

If there is no discharge before menstruation, you should be wary. The fact is that discharge helps prepare the body for menstrual cramps. They also help moisturize the vagina and prevent the development of infectious diseases in the female genital organs.

That is why discharge a few days before your period is normal, and with the help of it the body tries to protect the genitals from possible diseases. The lack of discharge is a problem of a completely different nature, because often because of this a woman experiences severe discomfort.

What could the absence of discharge indicate? Firstly, this is direct evidence of disturbances in the functioning of the female reproductive system. Sometimes the discharge disappears if the woman has experienced severe stress or has been very ill in the last month. Because of this, the course itself may shift, and the allocations may disappear for a while. The key point here is the time factor, because with a stress factor, the body sooner or later recovers, and, therefore, the normal functioning of the reproductive system returns. If, even during the next cycle, discharge does not appear before menstruation, you should consult a doctor.

Secondly, the absence of characteristic discharge may be a sign of the development of infectious diseases. A woman may feel a slight burning sensation, dryness of the genitals and pain in the abdominal area. Any painful sensations are a reason to immediately consult a specialist. The development of infectious diseases in the reproductive system can cause a sharp deterioration in health and even cause the development of infertility. If there is still discharge, but there is very little of it, and because of its appearance the woman feels a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, she should also consult a doctor immediately. It is possible that by urgently contacting a specialist, it will be possible to prevent the development of the disease.

Typically, such formations appear a day or two before menstruation, and they are characterized by a white or transparent color. Slightly brownish discharge is also normal. A woman should not feel pain during the discharge of such formations. They should also not have a strong odor. An unpleasant odor, as well as the complete absence of discharge before menstruation, is a direct sign of the development of pathologies, which should be addressed to a gynecologist as soon as possible. If the problem is not investigated in time, it can develop more severely, causing the woman considerable discomfort.

If the discharge before menstruation has a cheesy character, an unpleasant odor and is accompanied by itching, then we are talking about the development of thrush. This unpleasant disease has a detrimental effect on the entire reproductive system, so you should start fighting it as soon as possible.

A few more reasons for the lack of discharge

Sometimes there is no discharge before menstruation due to improper functioning of the genitourinary system. If the doctor finds no other signs of disease development, he usually prescribes a course of vitamins or medications that help stimulate the appearance of the desired secretions.

Often, the genitals suffer from dryness during a delay in the menstrual cycle. Such a delay can be caused by pregnancy, infection or serious diseases of the genitourinary system. Usually, if a woman is pregnant, but does not yet know about it, she begins to feel how her body is rebuilding to a new way of working. During the process of such restructuring, transparent or whitish discharge may completely disappear for a while, which is why the girl will feel quite dry in the vaginal area.

Sometimes, instead of the usual formations before menstruation, a strange liquid mixed with pus appears from the vagina. This is not the best sign, because it often indicates the development of gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases. Typically, such discharge is accompanied by itching and severe burning. There is no point in enduring pain with the hope that it is temporary, because the disease will only progress. The girl should immediately consult a doctor before the consequences of the disease become unpredictable.

A complete absence of discharge sometimes occurs if a woman’s body is approaching menopause. During this time, the woman regularly feels severe dryness, and her periods become weak until they disappear completely. Menopause usually occurs after age 45. If such signs begin to appear earlier, the woman should consult a specialist to find out the cause.

Sometimes you need to be afraid not of the absence of discharge, but of its too strong character. If there is too much discharge before menstruation, and it does not disappear throughout the whole day, the problem may lie in cervical erosion. This disease is dangerous because it can lead to the formation of malignant tumors. That is why, with any change in the nature of the discharge, a woman should consult a doctor. Sometimes, by consulting a specialist, a woman can prevent the development of serious diseases. Since the female genital organs are very sensitive and vulnerable, it is necessary to constantly undergo checks with a doctor, because this will help prevent the development of pathologies.

The absence of discharge before menstruation is temporary in 90% of cases. Green and brown discharge are considered much more dangerous, which directly indicate the development of serious diseases of the reproductive system. Having discovered them, the girl should immediately consult a doctor.

Sometimes the female body begins to change and rebuild, and therefore decent discharge and other signs of imminent menstruation disappear. By consulting a doctor, a woman can always find out in time why her discharge disappeared before her period, and how to deal with it.

Hello! Let's start with the fact that I have never had a “normal” cycle. My period started when I was 13 years old, the cycle lasted from 17 to 42 days. The doctors said “nothing, it will settle down by the age of 18.” Nothing like this. It should be added that menstruation sometimes began with monstrous pain (to the point of loss of consciousness) and a “ringing” effect in the legs - I cannot explain it, but I directly felt and even heard this ringing (maybe against the background of a semi-fainting state) and if applied to hand to my feet, vibration was felt. Sometimes there were just severe sharp pains and nausea, this was treated with a Naise tablet and lying in the fetal position on the right side for 20 minutes. Sometimes the pain came on the 2nd or 3rd day of menstruation. And sometimes my periods started without me even noticing - no pain, no nausea, not even acne. Also, throughout my adult life I have lived with a wide variety of discharge - from absolutely transparent to yellow-green, of varying consistency and volume. At the age of 20, she began to be sexually active and began to undergo normal examinations, since problems with her cycle had not gone away. Severe pain has become less frequent - approximately 3-4 times a year. Moreover, I was unable to track any kind of relationship between the painful and non-painful beginning of the cycle. They did all possible tests for infections - nothing interesting was found. Only ureplasma with a titer of less than 10 was treated, but the discharge did not change. Ovarian multifoliculosis, adhesions on the left. The doctor prescribed Jess and released her “with God.” I was 22 years old. Jess was SO helpful! The cycle strictly obeyed the pills, became 28-29 days, the pain gradually went away and was replaced by rare unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen on the left. My skin became much better and for more than 2 years I completely forgot that women get acne before their periods. The discharge also changed - the yellow-green ones left me, only transparent and sometimes white remained. We are planning a pregnancy, we stopped Jess 2 cycles ago (today is the 16th day of the 3rd cycle after stopping OK). Total, as of today: No infections (the sexual partner has never changed) Cervical erosion (“not terrible,” as the doctor put it) Saddle-shaped uterus uterus arcuatus, bent towards the back Almost resolved adhesions between the left ovary and the uterus No multifoliculosis, no ovaries more than 10 follicles. Prescribed: duphaston from 14 to 24 days, vitamins A and E, folic acid all month. The first cycle after stopping the OC with duphaston lasted 32 days, the second cycle with duphaston also lasted 24 days (I thought I was pregnant and was happy about the “implantation bleeding,” yeah.). Skin problems, pain and nausea returned on the first day of the cycle. According to the sensations, pink discharge and test, yesterday was ovulation. Although my stomach hurt as if my period was trying to start, I had to drink No-Shpu. And I felt sick. Also yesterday there was another attempt at “planning”. And today the discharge disappeared. Generally dry. This never happened - at least some drop was always present, even during the happy time of Jess's appointment. I really want to become a mother. I read a lot (probably in vain). Everyone says that after stopping the OC it is normal not to get pregnant for a long time. But what is “normal” for a woman whose own hormonal levels have never fit into any norm? I’m very afraid that this “swing” of mine with cycles cannot be overcome by duphaston.

2014-01-19 14:02:35

Masha asks:

Hello. 10 months Back after taking a smear, I was diagnosed, in the words of the doctor: “terrible thrush,” it happened that fluid flowed out of the vagina. During this entire period, I passed 4 smears, the 1st and 4th thrush were determined, although during the entire 10-month period there was too much discharge and symptoms of thrush. I was treated with nystatin for the first time, but there was no result. I went to the doctor again, a smear showed that there was no thrush, but treatment for it was still prescribed (fluconazole 100 + Zalain suppository, and also taking fluconazole 150 for three months before menstruation), the treatment did not help much this time either. In principle, there was never any itching or redness, maybe just a little and they quickly disappeared, but the copious discharge bothered me terribly. I constantly felt wet. After 5 months of treatment that was not helping, I changed doctors. I went to see him, took a smear and did an ultrasound. According to the results of the smear, according to the doctor, there was no thrush, although again the heavy discharge continued to bother me. He did not prescribe any treatment for me, saying that, judging by the smear, everything was more than fine with me. Indeed, a couple of days after taking it, it was as if magic had happened , the discharge decreased. It became abundant only in the first half of the cycle, and then less and less, it sometimes happened that there was almost none at all. The ultrasound also showed that everything was fine. 2 months passed, nothing bothered me, there was a lot of discharge in the first half of the cycle and little in the second. but I wasn’t happy for long. On the 12th day after my period, brown discharge began and severe pain began in the lower abdomen. On the fourth day after that I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with ovulatory syndrome. prescribed Dition for 3 days and Dol Mestr for a month. I took the pills and the brown discharge went away. And then the next period began, I have NEVER had such PAIN before. I had a terrible feeling in the lower abdomen and my bladder hurt, I ran to the toilet 100 times, this happened to my bladder all the days of my period, in the evening the situation worsened to the point of tears. It hurt so much that I couldn’t understand whether I really wanted to go to the toilet or not . although in most cases, having gone 5 minutes ago, I ran to the toilet again and it turned out that it was not in vain, but sometimes it happened in vain, I just felt a strong heaviness in my bladder. the amount of discharge during menstruation was slightly less than usual, but this was compensated for by pain. after them, the urinary tract still bothered me, but less, it happened only a little, but the sensitivity in that place has practically not left me for 3 weeks, it is sometimes less, sometimes more, especially in the evening it increases. The discharge after menstruation was also less than usual, the day came when there was practically no discharge at all, but the next day the discharge began to look like milk jelly. I went to the doctor. A smear was taken, which showed thrush and a lot of leukocytes. complex treatment was prescribed: fluconazole 100 mg + ornidazole for 5 days and, in addition to them, Polizhenax suppositories for 10 days. the day before treatment for thrush, again, in the middle of the cycle, brown discharge began to appear, sometimes pouring straight out of the vagina. I told the doctor about this, he replied that we would first treat the thrush, and then we’d talk about the brown discharge and its consistency. Immediately after taking it, I started treatment with the above-mentioned drugs. After the introduction of the first suppository, in the morning there was a lot of mucous discharge, which decreased in the evening. This alarmed me, but I still decided to continue treatment as directed by the doctor. Moreover, the brown discharge disappeared. After the second day of using the suppositories (I put it on in the evening before going to bed), the first thing in the morning a blood clot mixed with mucus leaked out, then the candle itself leaked out, then a white discharge mixed with blood clots began to appear. After a few hours, I saw yellow discharge on the pad with a slight greenish tint, then it seemed as if the yellow color of the discharge was mixed with blood. that is, if before that it was in a clot, then it later became part of the yellow one. It is important that when inserting the second candle, I felt that I had slightly injured myself inside. the day before treating thrush with drugs, there was brown discharge, even in the form of liquid flowing from the vagina; on the first day of treatment there was none, but on the second day blood clots appeared. How can this be explained and is this normal? Is this a reaction to Polyzhenaks suppositories or is it that I felt injured when inserting the suppositories? If as a result of a wound, then why is there such a variety of color discharge, first white with blood clots, then yellow with a greenish tint, then yellow with a slight admixture of red and all this for one half day? and also, I beg, no, I BEG, your consultation based on what I described above. I cannot understand why, with symptoms of thrush, a smear of 4 times only two showed its presence, it was cured for a while or it simply has the property of “masking” in body? the problem of thrush lasts almost a year and gives rise to more and more new problems: ovulatory syndrome, which fell on me for no apparent reason, painful periods, which always passed on time and, fortunately, little sensitivity, severe pain in the bladder, as if it were a stone the place was put in place, the period of menstruation was generally brought to tears, after menstruation there is sensitivity almost all the time, it’s just sometimes very minimal, I understand that the problem is getting worse. maybe it's not thrush? Its symptoms, although minimal, were still present all this time, but the smear, as I wrote above, did not always determine it. maybe it’s something else, but what? I’m cautiously afraid of the next month, because I don’t know what my body is preparing for me. please help me. I don’t know who to contact anymore. Please advise how to solve my problem, which is getting worse and worse. My doctor doesn’t really delve into it, although the facts are clear. I’ve already exhausted everything. Because of this, I’m in a pre-depressive state, and my sister started making fun of me, saying where our clean people got such nasty things from I don’t have bad habits and I don’t wander around anywhere, so what happens to me, to put it mildly, worries me very much, what exactly is the cause of my torment.

January 24, 2014

The consultant of the medical laboratory "Sinevo Ukraine" answers:

Hello Maria! Judging by the description, you have three problems: cystitis, vaginal dysbiosis (possibly due to an inflammatory process) and disturbance of mental balance in the form of depression. To resolve the issue of cystitis, you need a consultation with a urologist, a general urinalysis, urine culture and ultrasound of the bladder. The gynecological issue will also help to resolve bacterial culture of vaginal discharge, which will show what exactly is the violation of the composition of the vaginal microflora and will help to choose an informed treatment. You should also repeat the smear to check the cleanliness of the vagina and, possibly (if you are sexually active), conduct an examination for sexually transmitted diseases. Regarding psychological disorders, you should consult a neuropsychiatrist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist. By the way, disturbed mental balance often becomes a trigger factor for the development of various somatic health problems. Take care of your health!

» Ovulation

Is there discharge before menstruation?

The phases of the menstrual cycle, fertilization, and intimate life depend on the hormonal background. In girls, vaginal discharge appears 12–16 months before menarche. When the next menstruation approaches, the mammary glands of girls and women swell (sometimes secretion comes from the nipples), and the quantitative level of hormones changes. Due to their fluctuations (progesterone increases, estrogen decreases), discharge before menstruation changes color, consistency, and composition.

Normal before menstruation: heavy discharge, which may contain mucus, clots, blood, epithelial cells of the uterine body, and so on.

Special attention should be paid to secretion from the nipples before menstruation. Normal: 2-7 days before the critical days, several clear or white drops of liquid flow from the chest. The causes of excessive discharge from the mammary glands are considered to be the use of hormonal drugs, conception when colostrum is released, diseases (mastitis, human papillomavirus infection, etc.). It is necessary to consult a mammologist and gynecologist.

What kind of discharge should there be?

The content of the article:

Every girl should know what normal discharge looks like and what abnormal discharge looks like, in order to be able to recognize the pathological process in time. A common misconception that many women “suffer” from is that discharge comes in only one color and consistency, or that there shouldn’t be any at all. Particular attention is paid to the secretions of the gonads during pregnancy planning, since during ovulation they have certain features that help to learn about the onset of this phase of the cycle, the most favorable for conception. The amount of discharge after ovulation, but before the onset of menstruation, may decrease, but not disappear.

Doctors note that due to the characteristics of the body, the appearance of the discharge may vary. However, in general they are like this:

  • colorless mucous discharge appears before ovulation begins. As a rule, they are distinguished by increased viscosity;
  • brownish-red ones are quite rare. They are follicular fluid with blood;
  • white and transparent appear immediately at the peak of ovulation. They signal that the body is completely ready for conception;
  • yellowish mucous discharge is observed at the end of ovulation;
  • red liquid (with droplets of blood) appears after ovulation if pregnancy occurs in the first few weeks, when the zygote implants into the wall of the uterus;
  • regular red discharge signals a decrease in the level of the hormone that is responsible for the onset of ovulation and the maturation of follicles;
  • brown mucus, the discharge of which is accompanied by severe pain, may indicate endometriosis or a cyst.

See also: How to stimulate ovulation

What is the norm

Discharge before menstruation may be creamy, opaque, white or slightly colored (leucorrhoea). Then, on the eve of menstruation, smear is possible - a dark bloody secretion, sometimes including endometrial particles, a mucus plug from the cervical canal of the uterine cervix. This is the norm, as is the fact that most women do not notice an increase in the volume of discharge.

The non-pathological microflora of the vagina after the onset of sexual activity includes up to 12 types of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Their quantity and rate are regulated by immunity and secretions. When, for example, a hormonal imbalance occurs in the body, self-cleaning (sanitation) of the genital tract stops, and the risk of an inflammatory process inside the vagina or reproductive organs increases.

During the consultation, the doctor will explain whether discharge should occur before menstruation, what its norm is, and what is considered a pathology. It is necessary to undergo a routine examination with a gynecologist twice a year, take general urine and blood tests, cytology tests, and microflora tests (smears).

Normal ovulation discharge

Most likely, most readers know what the secretion is at the moment the egg is released. But we want to explain in great detail not only what it is, but also why.

The discharge in the first half of the cycle after menstruation is very scanty, often white, but sometimes light yellow or beige. The consistency is similar to a moisturizer. The smell is normally present in every woman, but it is barely noticeable, merging with the aroma of the body. There is little mucus, because these days it consists only of vaginal secretions. The cervical canal is clogged with jelly-like secretions to protect the uterus and appendages from infection. The pH leans slightly toward the acidic side, because such an environment is favorable for lactobacilli and unacceptable for pathogenic microbes. At this stage, secretions perform a purely protective function.

As ovulation approaches, namely within 1-2 days, the mucus plug in the cervix liquefies and comes out. The secretion contains a large amount of water, but it is not entirely liquid due to a special protein - mucin. This substance gives viscosity to secretions. Their peculiarity is the viscousness of the drop by 9-12 cm at the time of ovulation. The color of the discharge is transparent, because there are no particles of epithelium or other obstacles to the movement of sperm. By the way, viscosity is necessary for the same thing. The environment changes to slightly alkaline, because in an acidic environment male cells lose activity and die.

It turns out that new qualities of discharge are necessary during ovulation in order for fertilization to occur. This effect lasts 3-5 days. Then, when the egg dies, and it lives for about a day, the secretion returns to its previous state. Therefore, after ovulation, thick white discharge in moderate quantities is normal, regardless of whether pregnancy has occurred or not.

Attention! Let's summarize the above. When the egg matures, the mucus becomes similar to egg white. Qualities - transparency, viscosity, abundance, alkaline reaction are necessary for successful fertilization.

Where does the blood come from during ovulation?

About a third of women experience brown, red or pink discharge mid-cycle. The mucus color is pale but noticeable. These are the consequences of rupture of the ovarian follicle from which the egg was released. With good muscle tone of the fallopian tubes, red blood cells do not disperse, but are quickly drawn into the uterine cavity and then flow out. Different blood clotting over time leads to either pinkish or brownish leucorrhoea.

If the spotting is dark in color and occurs within 2-3 days, then most likely the woman has some kind of pathology. Thus, many diseases manifest themselves precisely during ovulation.

Carefully! Bleeding outside of menstruation is a sign of many dangerous conditions, for example, endometriosis, uterine or cervical cancer, and fibroids.

Reasons for lack of discharge before menstruation

An abnormal condition is considered to be a situation where there is no secretion that moisturizes the vagina and cervix. You should consult a doctor if the discharge has acquired pathological signs (smell, itching) or does not appear at all. When they are absent, the vagina experiences dryness, tightness, burning, tissue irritation, and discomfort before or during menstruation.

The reasons for the decrease or absence of discharge before menstruation are as follows:

  • dysfunction of the glands that produce lubrication of the mucous membranes;
  • stress;
  • contraceptives containing only progesterone;
  • lactation;
  • age-related changes (menopause);
  • taking antihistamines;
  • excessive intimate hygiene (frequent douching);
  • allergy to panty liners.

Before menstruation appears, the body produces more gestagens, which inhibit estrogen: dryness occurs in the vagina, and discharge disappears.

Hormonal drugs that “slow down” ovulation simultaneously contribute to the scarcity of moisturizing secretions. The volume of secretion also decreases during breastfeeding after the 8th week of birth. Before menopause, when the menstrual cycle begins to end, the glands reduce the production of estrogen and hyaluronic acid. Due to hormonal fluctuations, discharge becomes scarce or disappears completely.

Among the reasons why there is no discharge before menstruation or on other days of the menstrual cycle may be incorrectly selected personal intimate hygiene products, vaginal contraceptives (suppositories, gels), lubricants used during sexual intercourse. They often dry out the mucous membranes and disrupt the functioning of the glands belonging to the reproductive system. In women, against this background, redness of the outer labia, swelling of the mucous membranes, itching or burning, and dryness occur.

The absence of vaginal discharge negatively affects the intimate life of partners, since every sexual intercourse in women causes pain. This pathological condition can be caused by a variety of gynecological or endocrine diseases, affects the duration of menstruation, but is treatable.

Discharges are divided into the following types:

  • tubal - occurs with inflammation of the fallopian tubes;
  • uterine;
  • cervical;
  • vaginal;
  • vestibular - recorded when pathology develops in the area of ​​the vaginal opening.

When women or teenage girls experience discomfort in the genital tract and reproductive organs, they need to undergo a gynecological examination.

Signs of ovulation

The main signs of ovulation

Signs of ovulation are trying to figure out 2 categories of women: those who want to conceive a child quickly and, on the contrary, do not want children yet and thus protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. Let's take a brief look at the ovulation process itself and why you need to be able to calculate a given day.

So, the female menstrual cycle (the period of time from one menstruation to the next) is divided into 2 phases, which are approximately equal in duration. In the first phase, a dominant follicle is formed in the woman’s ovaries, from which an egg ready for fertilization can be released. And in the second phase, in the event of conception, the endometrium receives the fertilized egg and various hormonal changes occur to preserve the child. If conception does not occur, then after about 2 weeks the endometrium will begin to shed and the next menstruation will begin. So, conception can only occur in a certain period of time, lasting no more than 1, less often 2 days, when the egg leaves the ovary and waits for the sperm. This day, the only one in the cycle, is called ovulation. However, sperm have the ability to maintain their viability for several days, and therefore sometimes even 3 days before, sexual intercourse gives birth to a child. And yet, what are the signs of ovulation in women?

Subjective signs

Attentive ladies who understand their own physiology and the functioning of the internal genital organs can almost accurately determine their ovulation without the use of special techniques. For what symptoms do they do this?

1. Increased vaginal discharge.

Mucous discharge from the vagina is quite noticeable and different from what happens on other days. This is cervical mucus. Proven signs of ovulation are discharge without a hint of its infectious nature. Within 1-2 days they disappear. By the way, a gynecologist can also determine the period favorable for conception using the same vaginal discharge. The maximum stretch of mucus reaches 12 cm. This sign of ovulation in gynecology is called the “pupil” symptom.

2. Quite pronounced, but not regular pain in the lower abdomen or in the area of ​​one of the ovaries (where the egg has matured).

This symptom does not appear in everyone, only in the most sensitive women.

3. Increased sex drive.

Not the average woman's libido is at the same level throughout her entire cycle. In the middle of the love cycle, as a rule, you want more. Especially on the day of ovulation.

Other methods for determining ovulation at home

1. Method of measuring basal temperature.

Although more and more doctors are abandoning it as uninformative, this technique does not lose popularity among women. And this is no wonder. The main advantage is accessibility. The only item needed is a thermometer. It is advisable to measure the temperature from the first day of the cycle, recording the values ​​​​in a special chart. As a rule, throughout the first half of the cycle the temperature fluctuates between 36.6-36.9. Signs of ovulation are shown in the form of a slight decrease in temperature values, which means that ovulation will occur within a few hours after this. After the release of a mature egg from the ovary and almost until the very end of the menstrual cycle, the temperature will remain elevated - 37-37.3 degrees. Further, if pregnancy does not occur, it will drop. If there are no temperature fluctuations in your cycle, most likely the month was anovulatory, that is, ovulation did not occur this time. This happens to every woman in 2-3 menstrual cycles per year. And with age, anovulatory cycles occur more and more often. This is why gynecologists call every pregnancy a small miracle, especially if it was not planned. After all, getting into a non-fertile month on the right day with sexual intercourse is not so easy. If you have signs of lack of ovulation, there is no need to worry right away. We need to watch. If anovulatory men. The cycles will constantly repeat, you need to go to the doctor.

2. Ovulation tests.

Everyone is familiar with pregnancy tests, but these ones cause some confusion. Yes, for now they are used only by women suffering from infertility, and young girls who are advanced in terms of contraception and methods of quickly conceiving. So, these tests look for signs before ovulation, such as a sharp rise in luteinizing hormone. It is observed 1-1.5 days before the release of a mature egg. If you decide to speed up your motherhood with the help of test strips, then keep in mind that you will have to do them more than once, and over the course of several days is quite possible. On what days of the cycle should you start experimenting? Experts recommend that women with a regular menstrual cycle subtract 17 from the day of the expected start of the next months. And start from this date. However, the numbers may vary up or down depending on the length of the interval between menstruation. The number 17 is relevant for the “classic” 28-day cycle. After receiving a positive result, and it is also reflected by the usual two stripes, you don’t have to do any more tests, you have already calculated ovulation, all that’s left is a small matter. In order to get reliable results, follow these rules:

  • do not urinate for 4 hours before the test;
  • do not drink a lot of liquid during this period of time (this may reduce the concentration of the hormone and there will be no reaction);

Treatment of diseases

Often, women of childbearing age go to the doctor with complaints of vaginal dryness before or at the end of their period. After a gynecological examination, taking smears, ultrasound of the thyroid gland and pelvic organs, the patient donates blood for testing to identify estrogen deficiency. Having established the true reasons for the lack of discharge before menstruation, the doctor prescribes drug therapy.

The following tools can be used in combination:

  • drugs to restore hormonal balance;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • phytotherapy;
  • antihistamines.

When the discharge before menstruation is scanty, there is itching, a nonspecific aroma, color or other symptom of the pathological process, the gynecologist prescribes antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, if required by the clinical course of the disease.

Infusions and decoctions of red brush, hops, hogweed, and sage gently balance out hormonal levels. At the same time, a woman should give up bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol disrupt the blood supply to the pelvic organs and reduce hormone levels, which determines whether discharge will appear regularly before menstruation.


To correct the situation, hormonal drugs are most often prescribed, the main purpose of which is to restore hormonal levels. Antibacterial agents are necessary to destroy pathogens that have developed during the absence of normal secretions.

Sometimes the best way to combat vaginal dryness is to use homeopathic remedies. If the disorders are caused by allergic reactions, the patient is prescribed antihistamines.

The type of antibiotics for scanty discharge caused by the inflammatory process is determined on the basis of smears and tests for the sensitivity of bacteria to these drugs.

Among herbal remedies, it is recommended to use decoctions of red brush, hops, boron uterus, and sage. It is recommended to give up all bad habits that disrupt the normal synthesis of hormones.

In order to eliminate dryness of the vaginal mucosa, doctors prescribe special gels. Women with these health problems are advised to visit their doctor every six months. If any discomfort appears before the next examination, it is necessary to reschedule the visit to the doctor to an earlier date in order to receive the necessary treatment in a timely manner.

“If there is no discharge, then there is no ovulation” - many modern girls adhere to this opinion, without even trying to understand the essence of the problem. In fact, the absence of viscous discharge, which helps determine the optimal time for fertilization, does not always signal changes in the body and the appearance of an illness. In this case, there is no cause for concern, but this phenomenon should not be ignored either.


The first discharge appears in teenage girls about a year before the appearance of menstruation. The volume of discharge is affected by an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood and a significant drop in the level of estrogen. Not only the volume of discharge changes, but also its consistency and color.

Before menstruation, discharge that contains a small amount of mucus, clots, blood and epithelial cells is considered normal. Discharge before menstruation has a creamy consistency. The color of the discharge is usually white, although a slightly colored discharge, the so-called leucorrhoea, may appear.

A few days before menstruation, a smear may appear with a slight content of blood and mucous clots that block the entrance to the cervical canal. Most often, women do not pay attention to the appearance of such discharge.

The number of microorganisms in the vagina is regulated by the body with the help of immunity and secretions. When there is a hormonal imbalance, both of these mechanisms stop working and the risk of developing inflammatory processes increases significantly. In essence, self-cleaning of the vagina stops completely.

No discharge – no ovulation? Causes and is pregnancy possible?

“If there is no discharge, then there is no ovulation” - many modern girls adhere to this opinion, without even trying to understand the essence of the problem.

In fact, the absence of viscous discharge, which helps determine the optimal time for fertilization, does not always signal changes in the body and the appearance of an illness.

In this case, there is no cause for concern, but this phenomenon should not be ignored either.

Is ovulation necessarily accompanied by discharge?

Representatives of the fair sex, as a rule, are confident that if there is no discharge after ovulation, then there is no need to think about pregnancy. In reality, everything is different, so this issue is worth understanding in more detail.

Whitish thick mucus is considered the first sign of the onset of the ovulation stage. Its viscous consistency is similar to egg white, so it is easy to distinguish. The presence of such secretions is especially troubling for women who want to give birth to a baby, because they help create suitable conditions for the passage of male sperm to its goal and conception in the future.

If there is no discharge during ovulation, there is no need to worry too much, since their presence is not at all a prerequisite for the onset of the period for fertilization. This phenomenon is explained by the individual characteristics of the female body, which simply do not allow mucus to be produced. But there are other factors that signal the onset of ovulation:

  • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • increase in breast volume, accompanied by pain;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • excessive emotionality and irritability;
  • an increase in basal temperature to 37.3 in the absence of signs of a cold.

Reasons for the lack of discharge

Ladies often jump to conclusions that if there is no discharge, then there is no ovulation, without even thinking about the reasons for this phenomenon. In fact, the lack of mucus is often associated with the following factors:

  1. Age characteristics of the body. Representatives of the fairer sex, even at a young age, cannot always get pregnant the first time, since ovulation does not occur at the right time. And with age, changes occur in the female body, which is why anovulatory cycles occur more often. This is very important to consider when wanting to conceive a baby.
  2. Frequent stress and neuroses. When a girl is in a state of aggression or breakdown, the pituitary gland does not produce the required number of hormones. As a result, the functioning of the reproductive system is blocked and the chances of fertilizing the egg are reduced to zero.
  3. Problems with the vaginal microflora. If they are present, the production of mucous contents does not occur due to the active activity of opportunistic bacteria. When there are problems with the microflora, patients experience severe itching in the genital area.

As you can see, ovulation without egg white discharge is quite possible. The most important thing is to pay attention to the listed reasons and promptly consult a doctor for help so as not to aggravate the situation.

What measures should be taken in this case

When it becomes clear that there is no discharge during ovulation, there is no need to immediately start panicking. First of all, it is recommended to clearly determine the cause of the violations, which can only be done after undergoing certain tests in the hospital.

As a rule, this phenomenon does not act as a pathology, although even in this case the doctor will have to find out the cause and prescribe therapeutic measures.

The main thing to remember is that only after treatment will it be possible to calmly plan a pregnancy.

In addition to the above, it is important to understand that the body must be carefully monitored, recording all changes. And it is possible to recognize the approach of ovulation by other secretions that appear some time before this period and several days after it.

Before ovulation, the discharge is characterized by transparency or a whitish tint, and after it the mucus becomes thicker and acquires a rich color. If the tone of the discharge fluctuates between yellow and white, this signals the normal maturation of a new egg.

Is pregnancy possible when there is no discharge during ovulation?

It happens that there is no discharge during or after ovulation, but later pregnancy occurs. This should not be surprising, since this process is explained by doctors as follows: the entry of the partner’s sperm into the uterus becomes more difficult, but is not completely blocked, so fertilization is quite possible.

The absence of discharge does not mean that ovulation does not occur, and certainly does not signal that the woman is infertile.

As for pregnancy, it usually occurs during the open “fertile window” (five days before the release of the egg and after this process).

What do doctors say on this topic?

Doctors assure that if there is no discharge during ovulation, there is no need to be upset and depressed. Practice shows that signs of ovulation are absent in a considerable number of women. And there is also the opposite situation, when discharge appears, but conception does not occur, so you should not worry at the first negative change.

Although vaginal dryness during the coveted period is not considered uncommon, it should not be ignored. Doctors say that if such problems occur in the body, there is no need to hesitate to go to the hospital, as otherwise the situation may change for the worse.

If a woman is completely healthy, she may, of course, have no discharge during and after ovulation, but not for too long. You will need to seek help from a medical facility if you notice the following signs:

  • sharp specific odor in the vaginal area;
  • the discharge has a greenish or grayish color;
  • mucus appears for a long time;
  • discharge occurs along with pain;
  • burning and itching appears in the genital area;
  • the mucous membranes of the reproductive organs began to crack.

What conclusions can be drawn?

The absence of discharge during and after ovulation signals both the development of serious illnesses and simple hormonal imbalances that occur due to stress or poor lifestyle choices.

If a woman is planning a pregnancy, then if there are any changes in the body, she needs to consult a doctor to identify the cause and begin therapy. Other ladies would also benefit from timely diagnosis, because vaginal dryness sometimes indicates the appearance of chronic diseases associated with the reproductive system, which is not very good for health in general.

Thanks to the right approach and a caring attitude towards one’s own health, it is possible to determine the most optimal period for fertilizing an egg or to identify the development of serious illnesses that entail irreversible consequences. And by promptly detecting changes in the body and eliminating them, you can safely continue to live at your usual pace and not worry about your own health.

Source: https://InfoDeti.com/vydeleniya/net-vydelenij-net-ovulyatsii


The reasons why the glands located in the vagina stop producing their secretions vary. First of all, doctors talk about a malfunction of these glands. The cause of such a failure can be frequent stress and prolonged use of drugs containing progesterone.

Washing with certain hygiene products can lead to dryness. Allergic reactions, for example, to tampons, can also disrupt the functioning of the glands.

The same picture is observed when taking hormonal drugs, since the main mechanism of action of such drugs is based on stopping the ovulation process. Against the background of these changes, dryness of the vaginal mucous membranes develops.

Breastfeeding can also cause dry vaginal mucous membranes. During menopause, the functioning of the glands is also disrupted. If we talk about breastfeeding, the volume of secretion decreases not immediately after childbirth, but approximately starting from the eighth week after the birth of the child.

During menopause, there is a decrease in the production of female sex hormones, including estrogens, so vaginal discharge is not very abundant or is absent altogether. In the absence of discharge, the vaginal mucosa is the first to suffer. It becomes inflamed and swollen. Women begin to complain of itching and burning in this area, and atrophic colpitis develops.

Sexual intercourse with a dry vagina is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. This condition is treatable, and in the case of menopause, it is corrected with the help of special drugs that replace discharge. In addition to vaginal discharge, the reproductive system may contain tubal discharge in case of inflammation, as well as uterine and cervical discharge.

Lack of discharge in women at different stages of life

Vaginal secretion is a kind of lubricant that moisturizes the vaginal mucous membranes and protects them from dryness. Also, its “responsibilities” include protection from infections and injuries that a woman can easily receive, for example, during sexual intercourse or douching.

The absence of vaginal secretions is a serious reason to visit a doctor, because if there is no discharge, the mucous membranes of the vagina and reproductive organs remain unprotected and become vulnerable to various infections.

And if other symptoms are added to this, then this clearly indicates already developing pathologies that require immediate treatment.

Characteristics of vaginal secretion and its functions

Normally, all women of reproductive age experience constant secretion of vaginal secretion, which has a multicomponent composition. It contains:

  • Epithelial cells that have already “outlived” their usefulness, ceased to perform their functions and began to be rejected by the body.
  • Mucus, the synthesis of which is carried out by glands located on the cervical canal.
  • Pathogenic microorganisms that penetrate the vagina.
  • Acids and alkalis that ensure the maintenance of vaginal microflora.
  • Blood cells, etc.

Thanks to this complex composition, the secretions provide:

  • Moisturizing and eliminating the feeling of dryness in the vagina.
  • Rapid regeneration of damaged mucous membranes.
  • Cleansing the vaginal walls of dead cells.
  • Normalization of vaginal microflora.
  • Removing pathogenic microorganisms from the vagina.
  • Preparing the body for menstrual cramps.
  • Protection of the fetus from infection in the event of pregnancy.

But, despite its composition and versatility, in healthy women such discharge is observed in very small quantities. An increase in their volume can only occur during sexual arousal, ovulation, a few days before menstruation, and in early pregnancy.

In this case, the discharge should not deplete any aroma. If it appears and is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, then this most likely indicates insufficient hygiene. The color of vaginal secretion can be white or transparent, and the consistency is mucous or creamy.

If the discharge corresponds to all these characteristics, then this indicates the correct functioning of the reproductive organs.

If any deviations from the norm are observed or the woman has no discharge at all either before or after menstruation, then this already signals the presence of serious health problems and requires an immediate examination to find out the cause of such deviations and eliminate them before they appear. complications.

Does vaginal dryness always indicate pathology?

If the absence is short-term and is not accompanied by itching, hyperemia of the labia or abdominal pain, then this is not a pathology. As a rule, such conditions occur after a woman has suffered severe stress or a serious illness for which she had to take many medications.

In addition, the absence of vaginal secretion can be observed with:

  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Frequent douching.
  • Using personal care products with a high alkaline content.
  • Abrupt change in climatic conditions.

Important! In all these cases, vaginal dryness does not last long. If a woman really does not have any health problems, then the production of vaginal secretions resumes after 2 to 3 days.

It should be noted that sometimes women experience vaginal dryness after sex during which lubricants or condoms were used.

In this case, this phenomenon occurs due to an allergy to the lubricant or the material from which the contraceptive is made.

As a rule, in such a situation, the feeling of dryness disappears the very next day, but in some women it can be observed until an antihistamine is taken.

Pathologies that can be accompanied by vaginal dryness

The absence of vaginal secretions for three or more days is not the norm and indicates the development of certain pathologies in the female reproductive system. This sign is typical for both inflammation and infections affecting the reproductive organs.

With the development of inflammatory processes, in addition to a feeling of dryness in the intimate area, a woman may notice nagging abdominal pain, fever and weakness. These symptoms may include:

  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • vaginitis;
  • adenometriosis.

All these diseases are dangerous to women's health and can cause dysfunction of the reproductive organs and infertility. Therefore, under no circumstances should you hesitate to treat them!

Separately, it should be said about such pathologies as ovarian cysts and adenometriosis.

With these diseases, women often experience dark yellow or brown thick discharge during menstruation, which can emit an unpleasant odor and irritate the vaginal mucosa.

However, they can appear in the middle of the cycle, when ovulation occurs. Discharge is always accompanied by abdominal pain, which intensifies after sex or heavy physical activity.

Important! If an ovarian cyst grows to a large size, it may rupture, causing its contents to leak into the abdominal cavity. As a result, serious complications can develop, including sepsis and abscess. Therefore, if a woman suddenly starts bleeding and has severe abdominal pain, she must be hospitalized immediately.

To diagnose these diseases and give a competent assessment of the state of the organs of the reproductive system, hysteroscopy is performed, the implementation of which makes it possible to detect even cancer in the initial stages of its development. In addition, it is prescribed:

  • Ultrasound;
  • OAM;
  • UAC;
  • blood chemistry;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • biopsy (if necessary);
  • CT scan (in severe cases).

Source: https://ovydeleniyah.ru/u-zhenshhin/otsutstvie.html


In order to find out the reason for the lack of discharge before menstruation, you need to consult a doctor. First of all, the doctor will take a smear from such a patient, since it is necessary to determine the composition of the microflora in the vagina.

After the examination, the doctor may require additional ultrasound data of the pelvic organs and thyroid gland. The level of estrogen in the blood is determined in case of this deviation without fail. And only after this conclusions are drawn about the woman’s health condition and the necessary treatment is prescribed.

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