Types and causes of breast discharge before menstruation

Reasons why a woman may detect colostrum before and during menstruation

The mammary glands are a hormonally dependent organ.
It reflects the general health of a woman. Breast cancer is one of the leading pathologies that can occur at absolutely different ages in the fair sex. Sometimes this ailment can begin with minor discharge from the mammary glands; for women, it resembles colostrum; before menstruation, most often the amount increases or the character changes to a bloody, yellow or brown secretion.

What kind of liquid is this, what are the reasons for its appearance? When should you seek medical help?

Reasons for appearance

Discharge from the nipples can appear in women for completely different reasons and indicate both a normal course of the process and a pathological one.

Ideally, the appearance of any fluid is allowed only during pregnancy, and its production can begin already at a very early stage and during breastfeeding.

In all other cases, any discharge is a deviation from the norm.

Failure and pathological process can occur both at the level of the mammary glands and in the structures of the brain.

A secret is also allowed to appear in two cases:

  • on the eve of menstruation, 1 - 2 drops of light liquid while pressing on the nipple;
  • at the moment of strong sexual arousal, orgasm, during stimulation of the areola area.

If any discharge from the mammary glands occurs, you should undergo an examination and exclude its organic nature. Treatment is prescribed based on the cause.


Most often, discharge appears in connection with conception. They may be transparent or have a slight whitish tint.

This fluid is rarely detected on its own, most often already in the third trimester, but when pressing on the nipple it can appear even before the delay.

This is exactly the case when “colostrum” is released before menstruation, the test is negative in most cases, since it shows a reliable result closer to 20 - 25 days after the expected fertilization.

Also, such a secretion often occurs in women after termination of pregnancy at any stage, or in situations where the fetus stops developing.

In the latter case, if freezing occurred in the third trimester, then after delivery the woman may begin to produce milk within a couple of days.

In such situations, you should always prevent this by prescribing medications in advance to suppress the production of prolactin, which is responsible for milk production.


Nipple discharge can also appear when prolactin levels in the blood increase in the absence of pregnancy. Similar conditions can be found in microadenoma of the pituitary gland of the brain. Therefore, in most cases, it is recommended to perform a CT or MRI to rule out this situation.

Pituitary microadenoma measures several millimeters in size and, as a rule, does not require any treatment. The exception is when this kind of hyperprolactinemia is the cause of infertility. Then it is necessary to adjust the level with the help of medications, for example, bromocriptine or cabergoline.

Hyperprolactinemia can also be functional. This can be observed with inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, with frequent use of emergency contraception methods, with multiple abortions and miscarriages, etc. As a rule, after rehabilitation of the body, all parameters return to normal; during menstruation, colostrum stops being released.

Thyroid dysfunction also affects the function of the mammary glands and pituitary gland. Therefore, often with hypothyroidism you can detect a secretion when pressing on the nipple.

Taking certain medications, such as the antidepressant amitriptyline, can disrupt the pituitary gland, leading to functional hyperprolactinemia and nipple discharge. In most cases, the condition returns to normal some time after stopping the drug.


Mastopathy is a benign pathology of the mammary glands that never leads to cancer on its own. Almost every modern woman has indirect signs of such conditions, which are confirmed by a more in-depth examination, for example, ultrasound.

Mastopathy is a kind of “payback” for women for an unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol abuse and smoking, regular use of oral contraceptives, a small number of births and ignoring breastfeeding.

In most cases, this pathology requires only regular examination, since this is the background for the development of other, malignant pathologies. Vitamin complexes and herbal medicines are also prescribed, for example, Mastodinon, etc.

The most common type is fibrocystic mastopathy. In this case, the woman notices pain in the chest on the eve of menstruation, a significant increase in its size before the critical days, and lumps of different sizes and shapes can be detected. Sometimes there is a secretion of a yellow, even greenish hue, like colostrum during or before menstruation.

Ectasia of the milk ducts

This pathology in most cases occurs in women during the premenopausal period and during menopause. Involutive changes in the mammary glands lead to expansion of the interlobular ducts, in which secretions accumulate.

Most often, women notice greenish, yellowish or brown discharge when pressing on the nipple. They are thick and sticky. Often the areola area is painful, may swell a little, and sometimes itches.

After examination and exclusion of other pathologies, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed, if necessary antibacterial therapy, as well as locally warm compresses. Sometimes it is necessary to resort to surgical treatment.

Intraductal papilloma

This is a benign tumor of the mammary glands, its second name is papillary cystadenoma, cystadenopapilloma. It can occur at absolutely any age: both during puberty and premenopause.

It comes in different sizes - from a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters, and is localized in the ducts, more often in the terminal sinuses. As a rule, it manifests itself as regular discharge from light to dark brown. Sometimes it looks like colostrum after or on the eve of menstruation.

Intraductal papilloma is very easy to injure, and then a secretion mixed with blood appears.


Inflammation of the ducts and breast tissue can occur not only during breastfeeding, but also outside of it. In this case, the discharge may initially be light, later acquiring a purulent character, sometimes with an unpleasant odor.

The secretion appears from only one breast; local soreness is also noted in it, and redness of the skin over the source of inflammation is possible.

Such conditions require surgical treatment, primarily conservative, and, if necessary, surgical.


Often women do not pay due attention to injuries to the mammary glands. Often they can become a background for the development of malignant diseases.

Depending on the nature of the injury, a hematoma may form in the chest, and after some time it may even become inflamed.

In this case, secretions of a different nature may appear from the nipple - from light transparent and yellow discharge during infection to profuse bloody discharge. In any case, you must seek medical help.

Malignant tumors

The first thing that worries all women when any discharge from the mammary glands appears is whether it is cancer. Such wariness is understandable to everyone, but it is possible to definitively say about the cause of such conditions only after a complete examination.

Any malignant neoplasm of the breast, including Paget's cancer, can cause secretion from the nipples. And wondering whether colostrum can be released during menstruation, and this indicates oncology, this really can be the case.

If breast tumors cannot always be detected on time, Paget's disease is a visual localization of cancer in the areola area. In this case, the skin in this area has eczema-like changes, ulcerations, and various discharges from the nipples appear.

We recommend reading the article about breast ultrasound. From it you will learn about the possibility of carrying out the procedure on critical days, when it is best to go for diagnostics, as well as about the method of examining the breast.

Should I see a doctor?

Some women are interested in whether it is normal to release colostrum before menstruation, and whether it is always necessary to contact a specialist for examination.

Only one in ten develops discharge from the mammary glands due to a malignant process. But sometimes frightening bloody ones can indicate a benign pathology, and a serous secretion can indicate cancer.

That is why in all cases you should immediately contact a mammologist, oncologist or even a therapist, and also undergo an examination:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands for women before menopause;
  • during menopause, it is most informative to perform a mammogram;
  • if papilloma is suspected, mammography with contrasting ducts.

A cytological examination of nipple discharge and a blood test for sex hormones (prolactin) are also mandatory.

The number of malignant tumors of the mammary glands is steadily increasing among the female population. One of the signs of cancer is the detection of any secretion when pressing on the nipple. Of course, in the case when a woman has light periods and colostrum appears, then first of all it is necessary to exclude pregnancy. In any doubtful situations, you should consult a mammologist.

Source: https://ProMesyachnye.ru/molozivo-pered-mesyachnymi/

What treatment

Treatment is selected individually. Self-medication is ineffective. Therapy may be:

  • conservative;
  • surgical.

Women are often recommended antibiotics. Hormonal medications are also often recommended.

If drugs are ineffective, elective surgery is recommended. Sometimes this is the only way to eliminate the disease.

Selection of therapeutic therapy

There are no universal ways to eliminate galactorrhea. Treatment directly depends on the factors that provoked this condition:

  1. Prolactinoma can be treated with medications, surgery, or radiotherapy. Often the tumor is benign and does not cause serious problems in the patient’s health.
  2. If colostrum appears as a result of taking certain medications, their use should be discontinued. If necessary, the doctor will select more suitable medications.
  3. When the cause of the condition cannot be determined, therapy is prescribed, the effect of which is aimed at reducing the production of prolactin.

If the methods used are ineffective, surgical removal of the milk ducts is not excluded. However, in most cases, colostrum secretion stops on its own once the underlying cause has been eliminated.

Reasons for releasing colostrum before menstruation

Colostrum before menstruation is not the most common phenomenon. But it is still possible, so it is worth considering the characteristic symptoms and possible causes.

Is this normal

Can women produce colostrum? It occurs only at certain stages of life.

Such discharge indicates the readiness of the mammary glands for breastfeeding and is usually observed during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester and shortly before the birth of the child.

Colostrum is produced in the first few days after birth: it contains special substances that contribute to the formation of the newborn’s immune system.

Nipple discharge is considered normal after lactation has ended and may continue for a year or longer. But if colostrum is released from the breast several years after the end of breastfeeding, or it appears in a woman who has never given birth, then this symptom should be a reason to consult a doctor.

If colostrum appeared once

Almost every woman can experience colostrum at least once in her life. And its appearance can provoke the influence of several very unusual and unexpected factors.

  • The first is sexual arousal. If it is strong, it stimulates blood flow to the mammary glands (they are the main female erogenous zone), which can trigger the work of the alveoli, which are responsible for the synthesis of milk.
  • The second reason is nipple stimulation. Firstly, it can also increase sexual desire and cause the breast tissue to fill with blood. Secondly, if lactation was completed recently or even several years ago, then the brain can perceive the effect on the nipples as the baby’s sucking movements and send a signal about the need to produce milk in the mammary glands. But since the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation, is produced in small quantities outside the gestation period, it will not be enough for full milk synthesis, and only a few drops of colostrum will be released.
  • The third reason also promotes blood flow to the mammary gland area. And increased blood supply can be observed during thermal exposure to the chest area, for example, when visiting a sauna or steam bath, while tanning or during intense physical activity.

The release of colostrum for the reasons described above can be observed in any phase of the menstrual cycle. But the chances of its appearance before menstruation are higher, since at this time the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for breastfeeding, increases.

Reasons for regular colostrum secretion

Colostrum can be released before menstruation for various reasons:

  • Chest injuries. Mechanical damage can contribute to irritation of nerve endings and fibers and thereby stimulate lactation, provoking milk production.
  • Taking hormonal medications, including oral contraceptives. If they are taken for a long time or are chosen incorrectly, this can cause hormonal imbalances. And with changes in the ratio of hormone levels, prolactin activity may increase.
  • Hormonal imbalances often lead to disruptions in the menstrual cycle and other symptoms, including nipple discharge.
  • Neoplasms: fibroadenomas, cysts, carcinomas, adenomas, intraductal papillomas. Both benign and malignant tumors can cause nipple discharge. Sometimes they affect nerve endings and affect the alveoli and milk ducts, which can promote fluid synthesis.
  • Pregnancy. Although in most cases the discharge begins in the third trimester, it can appear in the early stages. But if menstruation is expected, then conception probably occurred quite recently. And yet, sometimes menstruation occurs within several months after fertilization, although this is the exception to the rule.
  • Periodic secretion appearing and released from the nipples can signal diseases of the thyroid gland. Malfunctions of this organ directly affect the overall hormonal balance and can cause serious disruptions.
  • Pituitary tumors. This part of the brain is directly involved in the synthesis of hormones, so disturbances in its functioning lead to problems.
  • Liver diseases. This organ may seem unrelated to the breasts, but it is responsible for the disposal of hormones. And if the liver stops performing its functions, this will inevitably lead to failures.
  • Recent spontaneous miscarriage or termination of pregnancy. These events can trigger a severe disruption that can cause abnormal nipple discharge.
  • Mastopathy. This common disease is characterized by pathological growth of mammary gland tissue and is often accompanied by the appearance of discharge, especially before each regular menstruation.

In what cases is medical assistance required?

Hormonal changes can occur in women and are not always pathological or dangerous. Therefore, if the release of colostrum was sporadic and not significant, and was not accompanied by alarming symptoms, then most likely everything is fine with you and urgent medical attention will not be required. But it would be a good idea to see a doctor.

If the discharge from the nipples had an unpleasant odor, an abnormal color (gray, brown or greenish), and also contained blood, then you should immediately contact a mammologist.

Other alarming symptoms should also alert you: redness of the nipples or the skin of the mammary glands, changes in the size and shape of the breasts, a feeling of fullness or heaviness, discomfort or pain.

These signs can signal inflammatory processes localized in breast tissue, neoplasms and other pathologies.

If you notice colostrum coming out of your nipples before menstruation, you should contact a mammologist and find out the causes of this symptom.

Source: https://bolivgrudi.ru/fiziologicheskaya-mastodiniya/molozivo-pered-mesyachnymi.html

Prevention of breast diseases

A regular cycle is the main indicator of normal reproductive functioning. If for some reason a cyclical failure occurs, the woman will face a number of unpleasant consequences, including the appearance of colostrum from the breast before desquamation. To prevent this from happening, you should remember to follow preventive measures:

  • Palpation of the breast should be carried out regularly. It is recommended to visit a mammologist at least once every 2 years;
  • Only a gynecologist should select birth control pills;
  • Stress and depression should become a woman’s main enemies. Any mental stress is fraught with health problems, including cycle failure;
  • it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. Bad habits should be minimized, especially smoking;
  • you need to watch your figure. Excess weight is the main provocateur of ectasia.

One of the indicators of women's health is a regular monthly cycle. If, before the onset of menstruation, colostrum begins to be released from the breasts without pain or changes in the skin, this may be due to physiological factors. In this case, lifestyle correction will help relieve the symptom. However, do not forget about the risk of developing a serious disease. You need to undergo regular examination by a specialist.

Is breast discharge before menstruation a disorder?

Some women, as their period approaches and are not pregnant, notice discharge from the mammary glands. Is this symptom normal? Experts believe that discharge from the breast before menstruation can be both a physiological feature and a pathological sign. When you shouldn’t worry and when you should contact a mammologist is indicated in this article.

Characteristics of breast discharge

Before menstruation, discharge from the mammary glands can appear for various reasons, related to both the physiological state of the body and pathology.

Normally, lactation is a process associated with pregnancy and breastfeeding. Women are often concerned about the question: can colostrum be released before menstruation, and is this a pathology? Such cases are common, and in only 15% of situations they mean illness. Often the basis for these is a physiological condition or disorder in the body.

Nipple discharge can occur before and after menstruation, during menstruation and during ovulation.

The appearance of discharge from the breasts during menstruation is caused by the work of hormones responsible for lactation, which stimulate the mammary glands to produce secretions.

Depending on the factors causing this symptom, the discharge can be white, yellowish, mixed with blood, in the form of colostrum, in different quantities and concentrations, with or without odor.

Patients are interested in whether colostrum can be released before menstruation when pressing on the breasts, or whether it happens spontaneously. It all depends on the functioning of the mammary glands, the concentration of prolactin in the body and the factors that provoked this symptom.

Conventionally, the reasons for the release of colostrum and milk secretions can be divided into pathological and non-pathological. A similar phenomenon occurs during gestation, with galactorrhea and some pathologies.

During pregnancy

In the case of lactation, the process of milk production is due to the natural female function of feeding the child. It starts with the onset of pregnancy and continues for some time after breastfeeding stops.

This mechanism is regulated by hormones such as estrogen, insulin, triiodothyronine, cortisol, somatotropin, oxytocin, and the most important in this chain - prolactin. Many of these substances are produced and regulated by the pituitary gland.

From the moment of conception, it triggers increased production of prolactin, which is responsible for the formation of milk and colostrum, so often the expectant mother observes the appearance of discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy. The sign is especially noticeable before childbirth.

But even in very early stages, it is possible to detect a few drops of milk from the breast, since from the moment of conception a sharp hormonal change occurs in the female body and the lactation mechanism begins.

If the expectant mother does not yet know about her interesting situation, then she may detect the release of light fluid from the mammary glands even before the expected menstruation. At this stage, pregnancy tests do not always give accurate results.

Therefore, a woman observes milk secretion before her expected period, unaware that conception has taken place.

In the first trimester, independent milk production is not observed; it can only be seen after pressing on the nipple. In the third trimester, this phenomenon often occurs spontaneously in the form of a few drops of thick colostrum.

Such discharge may occur after an abortion or miscarriage, since the mammary glands may secrete secretions for some time due to the long-term restoration of hormonal levels.

Physiological reasons

  1. Hormonal imbalance. It occurs due to improper lifestyle, stress, emotional and physical stress, during menopause and with frequent use of hormonal contraceptives and emergency contraception.
  2. Medicines that negatively affect the condition of the milk ducts and glands.
    This includes drugs for the cardiovascular system, antidepressants, and tranquilizers.
  3. Injuries. Any damage to the tissues, nerves, or blood vessels of the breast can provoke the release of milk secretion from the nipples.
  4. Disorders in the pituitary gland.
    It is this part of the brain that is responsible for the synthesis of many hormones, so the slightest deviation in its work affects the condition of the entire body, including the production of prolactin, which produces breast milk.
  5. An imbalance in the endocrine system and disruption of the thyroid gland often lead to galactorrhea.
    Considering the maximum concentration of estrogen in combination with this reason, discharge from the breast before menstruation is more likely to appear.
  6. Excessive consumption of herbs that stimulate lactation, such as anise, fennel, dill, cumin, in the presence of disorders in the pituitary gland, can cause lactation to start without pregnancy.
  7. Increased stimulation of the nipples during sexual intercourse with strong arousal, echoing one of the above reasons, can be indicated by discharge from the breast.
  8. Kidney failure leads to the accumulation and excess amount of prolactin in the body, since it is the kidneys that are responsible for the disposal of this hormone.

In these situations, there is a discharge of white or yellow color, liquid or, most often, thick consistency in the form of colostrum, without impurities and unpleasant odor.

When blood is found in the discharge, it looks like pus, it is accompanied by chest pain, there is a noticeable deterioration in the general condition, indicating the pathological nature of the symptoms.

Pathological discharge from the chest

There are often cases when a pathological liquid of transparent, white, yellow, green color, sometimes with bloody impurities, may come out of the nipples. Along with this, there is pain in the breasts, menstrual irregularities, and tightness in the tissues.

These are clear signs of illness, and in such cases you should immediately consult a doctor.

Such symptoms indicate an inflammatory or infectious process in the chest area, the development of malignant and benign neoplasms and tumors.

Some of the most common problems include the following:

  1. Mastitis is inflammation of the mammary glands. According to statistics, it is the most common disease affecting the female breast. It is divided into several categories: lactation, postpartum (associated with breastfeeding) and fibrocystic (not associated with feeding and pregnancy). Pathology outside of lactation occurs due to injuries, previous operations, excessive use of hormonal drugs, frequent radiation, and the presence of chronic foci of infections. Symptoms include lumps in the breasts, engorgement of the mammary glands, discharge of purulent secretions from the nipples, general malaise, and fever. With a strong immune system, the body is able to cope with mastitis without much difficulty; you just need to receive proper treatment on time. If the disease is ignored, there is a possibility of serious consequences in the form of an abscess of nearby tissues.
  2. Fibroadenoma is a common benign breast tumor. The most common factors causing the disease include hormonal disorders. Often the disease is asymptomatic for a long time, but in the acute stage, when pressing on the nipple, a small amount of colorless liquid is released.
  3. Ectasia (enlargement) of the milk ducts is also indicated by white and yellow discharge from the breast. The shape of the nipple can change along with the areola area, and there is itching, burning and other discomfort in this area.
  4. Intraductal papilloma is another type of tumor in the mammary glands. Accompanied by copious discharge of white, yellow, green and brown, the duration and quantity of which ranges from a few drops to lingering strong streams of pathological fluid. The breasts may hurt locally when pressed.
  5. Breast cancer is the most dangerous pathology. There are many possible causes of cancer: exposure to hormonal drugs; wrong lifestyle; radioactive exposure; heredity; degeneration of tumors; absence of childbirth; frequent abortions. At the initial stages, the disease is asymptomatic, but over time it takes on the appearance of subcutaneous compactions. In the later stages, bloody discharge, weakness, and malaise are observed. Such tumors are removed surgically.

Briefly about the main thing

Discharge from the breast is a fairly common symptom, occurring both before menstruation and at any other time. This symptom is associated not only with pregnancy and the period of feeding the baby, but also occurs for a number of reasons, mainly related to hormonal levels and increased levels of prolactin in the body, the hormone responsible for the synthesis of milk.

There are also diseases, a symptom of which is discharge from the chest. Therefore, when asked whether colostrum can be released without pregnancy, experts give a positive answer, but advise that this phenomenon be diagnosed.

Any change that occurs in the breast should be brought to the attention of the doctor.

As a mandatory preventive measure, you should independently examine your breasts every month for changes. And also a necessary condition in a woman’s life should be regular visits to a mammologist, since many breast diseases are asymptomatic.

Source: https://MesyachnyeDni.ru/vydeleniya/iz-grudi-pered-mesyachnymi.html

What does the appearance of colostrum before menstruation mean?

Colostrum is a secretion of the female mammary glands, which is normally produced in women several days before and after childbirth.

Cases when colostrum is formed before menstruation are rare, but this is still observed in some girls.

To understand in which cases this symptom is normal, and when it is pathological, you need to understand in more detail the causes and characteristics of breast discharge.

Sometimes there is discharge from the breasts during menstruation

What is the characteristic of breast discharge

In women, the production of colostrum indicates the readiness of the mammary glands for lactation. The secretion is formed under the influence of hormones, the level of which increases when the uterus prepares for childbirth. After the baby is born, colostrum stops being released 2–4 days later and is replaced by breast milk.

According to statistics, 15% of women secrete colostrum before menstruation. Also, fluid from the nipples may appear during menstruation and during ovulation.

In most cases, deviation from the norm is observed due to hormonal imbalance.

Note! The presence of pathology may be indicated by the color of colostrum, which can be transparent, white, or yellow. Discharge mixed with blood is dangerous.

Experts recommend that women who are faced with a problem such as the appearance of colostrum after, before or during menstruation, contact a gynecologist to determine the causes.

If you experience such symptoms, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Can colostrum before menstruation indicate pregnancy?

The onset of lactation, which is indicated by the formation of colostrum, is itself an indicator of pregnancy. In most cases, the physiological preparation of the mammary glands for breastfeeding begins immediately before childbirth. However, the occurrence of colostrum in the early stages of pregnancy cannot be ruled out.

Symptoms of the premenstrual period do not exclude the possibility of fertilization. After conception, a woman begins to have a hormonal imbalance, and, as a rule, the level of hormones responsible for the normal course of pregnancy and the process of childbirth increases sharply, which leads to breast enlargement, increased sensitivity of the nipples and the release of fluid from them.

Gynecologists do not deny that colostrum before menstruation is a sign of pregnancy. Even if menstruation has occurred, fertilization is not excluded, since conception could have occurred immediately before the onset of regulation, or the body has not yet had time to rebuild.

What other reasons for the appearance of colostrum

A number of factors can provoke the formation of colostrum before menstruation, which can be attributed to external causes that have a negative impact and cause a pathological condition of the mammary glands.

The release of colostrum is possible after taking hormones

Possible reasons for the appearance of colostrum:

  • injury to the mammary glands, leading to disruption of the supply of nerve impulses that stimulate preparation for lactation;
  • the use of hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives, that affect the level of female hormones;
  • an increase in the level of prolactin, the hormone responsible for the production of breast milk;
  • spontaneous or medical abortion, leading to a serious hormonal imbalance.

It should be noted that women who have given birth to a child and are feeding them with their own milk may continue to experience fluid from the nipples during the premenstrual period and during menstruation for a year after cessation of lactation.

What diseases may this disorder indicate?

The production of colostrum in the absence of pregnancy can be a symptom signaling the development of diseases that pose a risk to a woman’s life.

False lactation can occur with the progression of the following pathologies:

  • benign tumor formations (adenomas, fibroadenomas, breast papillomas, cysts or carcinomas);
  • a malignant type of tumor in the female breast;
  • mastopathy (proliferation of internal tissues of the gland);
  • thyroid diseases;
  • brain tumors;
  • liver diseases.

In some cases, the cause may be a diseased liver

Dysfunction of organs such as the liver, thyroid gland and brain would seem to be unrelated to female breasts, but they are all responsible for the level of hormones, so if their work malfunctions, pathological discharge from the nipples may be observed during menstruation and at other times.

Important! One of the symptoms of breast cancer is the discharge from the female nipples of a fluid resembling colostrum mixed with blood or pus.

How is diagnostics carried out?

An examination when colostrum appears during menstruation begins with a visit to a female gynecologist. The specialist conducts a detailed interview with the patient, and then examines her. When examining a woman’s breasts, attention must be paid to the density of the mammary glands, the presence of lumps, the presence of pain and the characteristics of the discharge itself.

The gynecologist may prescribe laboratory tests of a smear, as well as blood. A blood test involves determining several indicators:

  • Total information;
  • hormone levels;
  • glucose level;
  • condition of blood cells.

A blood test is required to find the cause of the pathology.

After determining a preliminary diagnosis, it is recommended to perform hardware diagnostics, including:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands (if necessary, other organs);
  • mammography with contrast agent.

Among laboratory blood tests, there is always an analysis for the level of hCG, which determines whether a woman is pregnant.

When to see a doctor

Women rarely examine their breasts. Although this should be done at least 1-2 times a year independently, by palpation. And if any changes or unclear discharge are observed, you should consult a doctor and not delay it.

Colored discharge (yellow, green, bloody, brown) does not always indicate something negative. But clear or milky secretions at the wrong time and in the absence of pregnancy can mean some kind of pathology. Therefore, only the attending physician, after examination, can answer the question: why does colostrum come from the breast?

Of course, the statistics of such phenomena are encouraging: only in 12% of cases, colostrum during menstruation is one of the symptoms of a cancerous tumor. But even the benign tumors that were listed above can degenerate and become malignant. That is why, after detecting such discharge, you need to contact at least a general practitioner, who will then refer you to a mammologist and oncologist. A number of examinations are prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of the breast;
  • mammography.

It is also possible to perform a cystological examination of the secretion, which is taken from the nipples, and a hormonal analysis to determine the level of prolactin in the blood.

Discharge from the chest is a sign of any changes in the body. You need to listen to your body, it always tells you if everything is okay. You should not resort to self-medication or wait for the manifestations to end. With such a symptom you need to consult a doctor. After all, even if the tumor or pathology is benign, they require constant monitoring.

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