Does Utrozhestan help with uterine tone?

The time of wonderful expectation of a baby proceeds differently for each woman. For some, these long-awaited nine months become the most enjoyable, because they do not have to limit their usual life, and new exciting experiences give them strength and improve their mood. Others have to be under constant medical supervision most of the time: take pills, lie under IVs, watch life from a hospital window, pray and believe in miracles. And, unfortunately, there can be a lot of reasons for this. One of them is increased uterine tone.

Hypertonicity, or excessive tension in the muscles of the uterus, is one of the most common diagnoses that doctors give to pregnant women. It causes unpleasant pain and can cause premature termination of pregnancy at any stage. Therefore, the expectant mother should pay attention to all the “signals” from her body so as not to miss the problem.

How does utrogestan affect pregnancy?

Utrozhestan during pregnancy helps the fertilized egg to implant normally into the wall of the uterus and further supports its normal development into an embryo. Utrozhestan is a synthetic analogue of progesterone. It does not affect the child. Prescribed with caution for varicose veins, diabetes and central nervous system diseases. The drug is gradually discontinued over the course of a month, reducing the dosage. Lack of progesterone often results in infertility, but we have good news for you - now this problem can be completely solved! Just please do not self-medicate, dear women, because pregnancy is a very delicate process, the slightest hormonal shift can cause a miscarriage. Before you start taking it, donate blood for progesterone.

Utrozhestan in early pregnancy

Utrozhestan during early pregnancy, in the first trimester, is prescribed mainly in the form of suppositories, which are administered at the same time in the evening every day. This form of the drug is preferable to tablets, as it causes fewer side effects that are undesirable for the pregnant woman and baby, especially from the liver.

Medicine can solve many of the problems with pregnancy by prescribing women an adequate dose of progesterone. The drug reduces the tone of the uterus and tidies up the nervous system. Side effects of Utrozhestan during early pregnancy: dizziness and absent-mindedness, so be extremely careful when driving a car and at work. Thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and liver problems can also cause your doctor to refuse Utrozhestan therapy. In most cases, Utrozhestan is well tolerated. Additional care is needed when taking the drug for pregnant women, those suffering from diabetes mellitus and those with problems with the cardiovascular system. There are no uniform recommendations for all pregnant women - a possible daily dosage is 300-600 mg. Since the drug is herbal based, you will not be able to gain weight while taking it. It does not take part in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Utrozhestan does not cause swelling and does not harm the baby, and does not lead to hormonal disorders in the child after birth. This is evidenced by the fact that hundreds of thousands of children around the world were born due to the fact that the doctor recommended Utrozhestan when there was a threat of miscarriage. The drug has no analogues.

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Utrozhestan at 5 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special state of the body, it is a reason for joy and new hopes. But often during a short period of pregnancy it is necessary to prescribe medications that help preserve it. Utrozhestan during pregnancy at 5 weeks may be prescribed to you if there is slight bleeding or the uterus is in good shape. Utrozhestan is designed for long-term use. It is made from plant materials. So a decrease in hormonal levels should not cause you to panic; it can be completely eliminated without consequences for your health during pregnancy. But you should not self-medicate in any case - everything is under the control of a gynecologist!

The drug has a minimum of side effects; when taking it, you will not suffer from swelling or gain weight. It normalizes the structure of the endometrium in early pregnancy so that the baby feels good in your belly.

The drug should not be abruptly discontinued. Your doctor will tell you at your appointment how best to reduce your dosage. Usually it is reduced by 50 mg weekly.

Utrozhestan at 13 weeks of pregnancy

Utrozhestan is prescribed at the 13th week of pregnancy if there is a threat of miscarriage due to a lack of progesterone. This problem is very common today. Antispasmodics are also often prescribed. They are fully compatible with Utrozhestan. Utrozhestan during pregnancy is in most cases prescribed in a dosage of 200 mg. Utrozhestan does not suppress the production of pregnancy hormones by your body, but complements them and therefore cannot cause harm. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that utrozhestan should not be prescribed to women with liver problems, thrombosis and varicose veins.

Duphaston or Utrozhestan during pregnancy: which is better?

Progesterone is a pregnancy hormone that is produced by the placenta and adrenal glands. Both drugs are designed to compensate for the lack of progesterone in a woman’s body. Placental insufficiency is one of the most common causes of miscarriage.

The difference is that Utrozhestan is a natural analogue of progesterone, and Duphaston is a synthetic progesterone. But the experience of using Duphaston is longer, which can be considered a plus.

Both Duphaston and Utrozhestan relieve increased uterine tone during pregnancy.

Utrozhestan has a mild sedative effect.

Duphaston is a much stronger drug. As a rule, it is prescribed in a dosage of 1-4 tablets up to 18 weeks. Contraindications: asthma, diabetes.

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The principle of action of the drug

Utrozhestan is a drug that belongs to the group of gestagens and contains synthetic progesterone.

During the period of gestation, the female reproductive system experiences a double load, which explains the development of such a complication as uterine tone: in order to stabilize the contractile function of the reproductive organ, the woman is prescribed plant hormones.

The drug not only relieves the tone of the uterus: the action of the drug is also aimed at stopping the process of endometrial growth, which stimulates the production of secretory fluid, which ensures proper embryonic development. In addition, Utrozhestan reduces the severity of toxicosis, which worries pregnant women mainly during the first trimester.

Instructions for use of utrozhestan during pregnancy

During pregnancy, Utrozhestan is taken orally or intravaginally. Typically the dosage of tablets is 200 mg. The drug is taken in two doses.

200 mg of the drug is administered into the vagina in two doses, preferably at night, as it tends to leak.

Utrozhestan is used cautiously for diabetes, epilepsy, depression, varicose veins, thrombosis, for liver problems not in the stage of compensation, for malignant neoplasms of the female genital area and mammary glands at the time of administration, or in history.

Drowsiness and confusion may occur when taking the drug. Be careful when driving.

Utrozhestan during pregnancy is prescribed by gynecologists quite often today. However, caution must be exercised when using progesterone during pregnancy; self-medication is unacceptable. In some European countries, Utrozhestan is not used. This is due to the fact that its effect on the fetus has not yet been studied enough. The drug is new. In what cases is taking the drug justified:

  1. If a laboratory blood test during pregnancy reveals a lack of progesterone.
  2. If you have recurrent miscarriage associated with a lack of progesterone.
  3. If you cannot get pregnant due to lack of progesterone.

Be sure to keep in mind that the dosage and duration of treatment with Utrozhestan can only be determined by a doctor! Typically, a dose of 200-300 mg is administered twice. The drug is withdrawn gradually. The withdrawal regimen is prescribed by the doctor. Typically, each week is administered 100 mg less than the previous one until complete withdrawal. Abrupt withdrawal can cause a miscarriage!

How much to take utrozhestan during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, Utrozhestan provides the expectant mother with effective hormonal support. It is prescribed if there is a threat of miscarriage before the 24th week of pregnancy. For women with liver problems, it is preferable to use Utrozhestan suppositories.

Side effects

Adverse reactions during tone may occur due to an incorrectly calculated dosage regimen. Despite its good tolerance, Utrozhestan, like all hormonal drugs, has a number of side effects. You should definitely inform your doctor about them in order to correct the regimen or completely cancel it. What kind of troubles can await you?

  • allergic reactions;
  • sleepy state;
  • reduced ability to work;
  • dizziness;
  • change in skin color to yellow;
  • spotting (this is very dangerous during pregnancy).

Utrozhestan dose during pregnancy

Utrozhestan during pregnancy, if there is progesterone deficiency, is prescribed 200-300 mg in the morning and evening orally or intravaginally. The method of application is chosen by the doctor, taking into account your individual characteristics.

For IVF and recurrent miscarriage, the gynecologist can increase the dosage to 800 mg (also in two doses). In this case, therapy is continued until 24-26 weeks of pregnancy.

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Utrozhestan 100 during pregnancy

Utrozhestan during pregnancy is used in the form of capsules of 100 and 200 mg. Different dosages allow an individual approach to prescribing the drug for each patient. It has been proven that intravaginal administration of a capsule in case of threat of miscarriage is more effective and safe than taking tablets orally. This minimizes side effects and does not harm the liver.

Utrozhestan is used cautiously for problems with the functioning of the kidneys and liver, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus and epilepsy.

Utrozhestan 200 during pregnancy

Progesterone, even during the menstrual cycle, when there is no pregnancy, prepares the body for the possible attachment of a fertilized egg. It is produced by the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum appears at the site of a burst follicle with an egg and is a temporary endocrine gland.

Basically, the drug Utrozhestan 200, containing a plant analogue of progesterone, is prescribed in the first 24 weeks of pregnancy, and then the use is stopped, as it begins to accumulate in the liver and negatively affect its function.

Contraindications to taking Utrozhestan during pregnancy: diabetes, epilepsy, depression, varicose veins, severe liver dysfunction, tumors of the female genital organs and mammary glands.

You may experience some unwanted side effects while taking the drug, such as drowsiness and confusion. Individual sensitivity and allergies are possible.

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Utrozhestan suppositories during pregnancy

Progesterone helps the fertilized egg develop fully. But sometimes it happens that a woman does not have enough of it in her body. And then the pregnancy either cannot occur at all, or it occurs but is interrupted, ending in a miscarriage. In this case, during the next pregnancy, the doctor insists on taking progesterone. Considering that pregnancy and taking medications are not compatible, that you need to minimize all side effects and maximally spare the liver, which works for two, the gynecologist may prescribe you not pills, but vaginal suppositories, for example, Utrozhestan.

The industry produces suppositories of 100 mg and 200 mg. The drug in the form of vaginal suppositories is very quickly absorbed into the blood, bypassing the liver. Utrozhestan goes well with vitamin complexes for pregnant women and sedatives. The drug is discontinued in the second trimester, gradually reducing the dose. Abrupt discontinuation of the drug Utrozhestan during pregnancy is unacceptable.

Utrozhestan tablets during pregnancy

Nowadays, the problem of miscarriages is very relevant. Only 80% of pregnancies end in childbirth. Women's health is most affected by stress and STDs. A gynecologist can prescribe Utrozhestan tablets to a pregnant woman if these negative factors have affected her hormonal levels and her progesterone levels have decreased. During pregnancy, Utrozhestan is also used in the form of suppositories, but the doctor may decide in some cases that the tablet form is more suitable for a particular pregnant woman. This drug reduces the contraction of the uterus and fallopian tubes. The drug supplements the hormones that the female body produces. An excess of progesterone is impossible when using it. And yet, there are a number of contraindications: thrombosis, malignant tumors of the female genital organs, severe liver diseases leading to severe impairment of its function.


Despite the positive effect of Utrozhestan and its ability to effectively relieve uterine tone, the medication has its contraindications. When prescribing the drug, the doctor determines the risk for the woman and the benefits of the planned treatment. It is not recommended to take Utrozhestan capsules in the following cases:

  • intolerance to the constituent components;
  • history of allergic reactions when using Utrozhestan;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • intracranial hemorrhages, including in the past;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown nature;
  • porphyria;
  • oncological diseases of the mammary glands or genital organs;
  • lactation period.
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