No discharge before menstruation: why, is this normal, should I worry?

What does discharge look like before menstruation?

Physiological (normal) leucorrhoea allows you to maintain a feeling of comfort, preventing dryness in the vagina, cleanses the internal genital organs, and promotes proper conception. Vaginal secretion is formed from three different components:

  • secretion from the cervix;
  • fluid leaking from blood vessels (transudate);
  • waste products of representatives of the vaginal microflora.

After ovulation, their quantity is small, the discharge is usually transparent, white or with a yellowish cream tint. 2-4 days before the start of menstruation, the nature of the discharge changes - it becomes much more abundant, more viscous, the color may become richer, but there is no unpleasant odor, itching, or burning in the genital area.

Changes in the character of leucorrhoea can be explained from a physiological point of view. Before the start of the next menstruation, the volume of the uterus increases due to increased blood supply, the organ is abundantly supplied with blood, so vaginal secretion is more pronounced. It is not surprising that leucorrhoea can even turn brownish in color or contain streaks of blood, because blood elements literally seep into the composition of the discharge.

Young girls, on the eve of their first menstruation, almost always notice profuse leucorrhoea; this is completely safe if its smell and color are not alarming.

But in some cases, immediately before menstruation, the amount of vaginal secretion decreases sharply. This phenomenon can be caused by a number of reasons, both natural and pathological.

The appearance of yellow secretion before menstruation

White discharge under the influence of oxygen acquires a yellow tint. Such discharge is normal, unless it is excessive and is not accompanied by itching or an unpleasant odor. Their appearance indicates that the body is preparing for the next menstruation. The following gynecological diseases may be accompanied by yellow discharge:

  1. 1. Sexually transmitted diseases: chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, etc. Discharge from trichomoniasis is characterized by an unpleasant smell of rotten fish. Leucorrhoea is foamy, with a yellow-green tint. The mucous membranes of the genital organs are hyperemic, there is itching and burning of the genital organs. With gonorrhea, the discharge is purulent and menstruation may be delayed. The unpleasant odor characteristic of discharge from STDs does not disappear after the water procedure. Pain appears in the lumbar region, lower abdomen, during sexual intercourse, and the temperature often rises.
  2. 2. Vulvovaginitis. When the disease occurs, the vaginal microflora is disrupted and lactic acid bacteria are destroyed. Itching may appear in the genital area. It often develops in parallel with intestinal dysbiosis and other gastrointestinal pathologies.
  3. 3. Colpitis. The vaginal secretion is yellow, swelling and itching appear in the area of ​​the external genitalia.
  4. 4. Cervical erosion. The discharge is not abundant, with a characteristic yellowish tint. After sexual intercourse, blood may appear in the discharge.
  5. 5. Salpingitis. In the acute form of the disease, the discharge is yellow and profuse. In the chronic form they are scanty. Sexual intercourse is accompanied by pain and bleeding.
  6. 6. Adnexitis. During the acute course of the disease, the discharge is purulent and yellow. If the disease takes a chronic form, the nature of the discharge changes. They become scarce. The woman's external genitalia are painfully irritated.
  7. 7. Allergies. The discharge has a yellowish tint, and mild irritation is present on the external genitalia.

Signs of pathological disorders

If all of the above features are not inherent to you, and there is no discharge before menstruation, then this is most likely a sign of a deviation from the norm - a disease. After all, a quantitative change in secretion before menstruation is a sign of fertility, that is, the ability to procreate.

If for some reason progesterone is increased in a woman’s body before menstruation, transudate is scanty, then the amount of leucorrhoea is small. This phenomenon is observed in the following conditions and diseases:

  • stress of any nature (emotional, serious illness, hypothermia);
  • diseases of the glands that produce vaginal secretions;
  • diseases of the endocrine glands that directly or indirectly affect a woman’s hormonal levels.

It should be noted that the following changes in the character of leucorrhoea should be considered a deviation:

  1. Foamy consistency.
  2. Yellow-green tint.
  3. Strong unpleasant odor.
  4. Itching, discomfort in the vagina.
  5. Bloody issues.

Why is there no discharge?

The absence of discharge before menstruation is considered abnormal if it is accompanied by itching, burning, and an unpleasant odor. If a lubricant moisturizing the vagina and cervix does not appear at all, dryness, tightness, burning, irritation, discomfort are observed before and during menstruation, you should definitely consult a gynecologist.

The reason for this condition may be:

  • dysfunction of the glands responsible for the production of lubrication;
  • suffered stress;
  • progesterone-based contraceptives;
  • breastfeeding;
  • menopause;
  • antihistamines;
  • excessive intimate hygiene, such as douching;
  • allergies to intimate hygiene products, such as pads.

Before the onset of menstruation, the body produces gestagens that inhibit the functions of estrogen, so the vagina may experience dryness and cessation of secretions.

Hormonal fluctuations slow down ovulation and reduce the amount of lubrication. During breastfeeding, a decrease in secretion is also observed. With the advent of menopause, the glands reduce the production of estrogen and hyaluronic acid, so a woman’s discharge may significantly decrease or disappear altogether.

Incorrectly selected intimate hygiene products and local contraceptives can dry out the mucous membranes, disrupting the functioning of the glands necessary for the reproductive system. In this case, the cessation of secretion is accompanied by swelling, redness, itching, burning, and dryness of the external genitalia.

The lack of secretion negatively affects the sex life of a woman and her partner - sex causes severe pain. This condition can be caused by gynecological and endocrine diseases, which affect the duration of menstruation, but are treatable.

If discomfort occurs in the area of ​​the genitourinary and reproductive systems, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist to identify the cause of this condition.

Probability of conception

Let us separately consider another reason for the decrease in vaginal secretion. The fact that there is no discharge before menstruation is a likely sign of pregnancy. It is not reliable because the changes may be subtle, and in the absence of other signs of an interesting situation, it has no informational value at all.

If sometimes before the onset of menstruation the leucorrhoea is profuse and runny, then after conception the secretion is very thick, of a more saturated color; such mucus helps protect against the penetration of harmful microorganisms into the uterine cavity.

It should be noted that changes in leucorrhoea during pregnancy will be accompanied by other signs:

  • dizziness, nausea, vomiting in the morning;
  • weakness, drowsiness, decreased performance, changes in taste preferences;
  • lack of menstruation on time;
  • positive home hCG test result.

When to see a doctor

A woman who treats her health with due attention, and her body as a whole with respect, will always notice even minimal changes in the functioning of the intimate sphere. Some of them may be completely natural, others require immediate consultation with a specialist in the field of women's health - a gynecologist. Here are some reasons to be wary:

  1. The smell, it appears only when changes in the microflora are observed in the vagina, which is why women feel it during menstruation (microbes are activated on the pad when interacting with oxygen). The leucorrhoea of ​​a healthy woman has a neutral odor.
  2. The unnatural color of leucorrhoea is yellow, green, brown, especially scarlet. This sign almost always indicates the presence of a disease (cervicitis, endometritis and endometriosis, purulent inflammatory processes).
  3. Foamy or curdled consistency. This is a sign of venereal pathology.
  4. Absence of leucorrhoea and/or menstruation, as this may indicate pregnancy.


Every woman should monitor her condition, because intimate health largely depends on how careful the fair sex is with her health.

Remember that leucorrhoea is a natural phenomenon; it provides protection to the internal genital organs from infections. During life and each phase of the menstrual cycle, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the secretion change. These changes may be a sign of illness, so hurry to seek medical help in time.

What color should the discharge be before menstruation?

If a woman has regular periods, then before their onset yellowish or transparent leucorrhoea with a cloudy consistency may appear. Also normal will be a viscous secretion and a slight increase in moisture in the labia.

It is important to understand that the character, color and consistency of leucorrhoea may differ each time. This is significantly influenced by:

  • general health;
  • hormonal background;
  • use of contraceptives in the form of pills;
  • personal hygiene.

Why is there no discharge?

In the absence of discharge, the vagina dries out. This condition is abnormal. The patient needs to see a doctor in a timely manner to eliminate the root cause of the deviation and select effective treatment.

Often dryness and lack of discharge occurs when taking contraceptives

Symptoms and causes of dryness are presented in the table.

The amount of discharge naturally decreases after delivery for 8 weeks. This is due to hormonal imbalances and stress that the female body experienced after childbirth.

A common root cause of dryness is the incorrect selection of personal hygiene products. It is for this reason that you first need to think about what new gels or pads were used that could cause drying of the mucous membranes.

It is important to choose the right personal hygiene products

Contraceptive medications have a big impact. Such drugs disrupt the functioning of the glands that are part of the reproductive system. For this reason, the following unpleasant clinical manifestations may occur: redness of the labia; swelling of the mucous membranes; itching and burning; excessive dryness.

Rarely does underwear have an effect. Sometimes dryness is the result of wearing synthetic panties.

Lack of discharge has a negative impact on sex life. In this case, sex is accompanied by significant discomfort and sometimes significant pain. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to delay contacting a gynecologist.

Another likely root cause is endocrine disorders. Hormonal levels regulate the amount and nature of discharge.

If the endocrine system works intermittently, then irregularities in menstruation are also possible.

The first signs of pregnancy are discharge

The first signs of pregnancy: discharge, lack of menstruation, swollen breasts, nausea, drowsiness. Every woman knows about such signs and often looks forward to them. Discharge is a completely natural phenomenon that manifests itself at any period of life, including during pregnancy. Discharge in the first days of pregnancy can be transparent, slightly yellow or dark brown. But in any case, their number is minimal, and the presence of such discharge indicates that the placental body is attached to the wall of the uterus.

Is it possible to determine pregnancy by discharge? Naturally, it is possible. During the period of “non-pregnancy”, a woman may observe transparent discharge; in various pathologies, such discharge has a yellowish or greenish tint, has an unpleasant odor and a fairly strong viscous consistency. You need to be able to figure out whether discharge is a sign of pregnancy, because failure to timely determine the pathological condition can lead to an unfavorable outcome.

Discharge rate

Discharge during pregnancy is different. Their properties do not differ from those present in the second phase of menstruation (cycle). They are light, transparent and completely odorless. As a type of normal, it is mucus, similar in consistency to chicken protein. The fact is that mucous secretions make it possible to protect the genitals from infections. They also become an excellent lubricant for sperm, which would not be able to penetrate deep into the vagina without such help.

Is white discharge before menstruation a sign of pregnancy? Not a fact, similar discharge can be dark brown or light pink. Often the pregnant woman herself is worried that the discharge before pregnancy has changed its consistency, become thicker or changed color. At the same time, the doctor will not always pay attention to this, since the absence of abundant mucus and odor is not considered a pathology. If a woman believes that yellow discharge is a sign of pregnancy, but there is an unpleasant odor, burning or itching, then most likely we are talking about an infection or some kind of disease. You cannot do this without consultation and examination by an experienced gynecologist.

Causes of discharge at the beginning of pregnancy

In the first trimester, the hormone progesterone has the main influence in the female body. It is first formed by the corpus luteum of the ovary when the follicle ruptures during the process of ovulation when the egg is released. After fertilization of the egg, luteinizing hormone allows the corpus luteum to grow. It, in turn, produces a large amount of progesterone, which allows it to firmly attach to the uterine cavity and create a thick mucus plug in the cervical canal. It is because of this important hormone that clear discharge is produced before menstruation or pregnancy. Such discharge is thick,


Changes in the nature of discharge due to pathologies

If gynecological diseases are suspected, discharge helps establish a diagnosis. To do this, the doctor first asks about how the discharge has changed recently, and then, if necessary, sends it for analysis.

Thick, white, curd-like discharge usually indicates the development of candidiasis.

The cause of such changes may be candidiasis - a fungal infection. These fungi are always present in the body, but are restrained by the body's defenses. If at some point the immunity decreases, fungi begin to actively multiply. This is accompanied by symptoms:

  • Itching and burning. This is due to the fact that candidiasis damages the mucous membrane, and the effect of fungal waste products on these damages causes discomfort.
  • At the first stage, the discharge is thin and watery. This is also due to the destructive effect of the fungus on the mucous membrane.
  • As the fungus multiplies, a characteristic symptom appears - a cheesy white discharge.

If you have these symptoms, you need to see a doctor to get quality treatment.

When the uterine mucosa is inflamed, white, not thick, sometimes foamy mucus is also released, which smells unpleasant. If an admixture of pus in the mucus is added to these symptoms, it means that the disease has progressed to the stage of purulent cervicitis and requires antibacterial treatment.

White secretion mixed with pus is also characteristic of gonorrhea. The chronic form of this disease occurs with virtually no symptoms. The acute form is characterized by swelling and pain of the genital organs, and less commonly, the formation of eczema on the skin. The disease cannot be ignored, as it affects vital organs and is sexually transmitted.

There are several other pathologies that have mild symptoms, but are manifested by leucorrhoea:

  • Cervical erosion. Thick discharge, transparent, with white streaks, can be viscous or cheesy.
  • Polyps. Leucorrhoea becomes sticky, and when the form is advanced, pain appears.
  • Endometritis. The mucus takes on a pinkish tint and has an unpleasant odor. Appears before menstruation.
  • Vaginal dysbiosis. The mucus takes on an unpleasant fishy odor.

This is not a complete list. Inflammatory processes in the female genital organs and many sexually transmitted infections have similar symptoms. Since there are many possible causes, the help of a doctor is needed: he will help determine why certain changes occurred and determine the need for treatment.

A woman needs to carefully monitor her health, and the nature of the discharge may be the first sign of a pathological process.

The following symptoms should cause concern:

  • unpleasant odor;
  • pain in the vagina, lower abdomen or back;
  • foamy discharge;
  • pain when trying to empty the bladder;
  • temperature increase.

These symptoms are characteristic of pathologies and an appointment with a doctor should not be postponed until later.

Leucorrhoea is a discharge necessary for the normal functioning of the female genital organs. They may indicate hormonal changes, the onset of ovulation or conception. In case of infection or other pathologies, discharge is an indicator by which the development of the disease can be suspected.

Read further: how discharge changes before menstruation

Liquid discharge before the onset of menstruation

Menstruation is a discharge that comes every month, and it is also the main component for the good health of every woman.

Transparent discharge in women is absolutely necessary to moisturize the walls of the uterus, and they also act as a kind of barrier to prevent various microbes from entering the genitals. Liquid mucus is a discharge that is produced before menstruation from the tissue of the cervix and its separated particles. Liquid discharge is also considered normal, provided it does not cause an unpleasant odor or discomfort.


Quite often, girls of reproductive age turn to a doctor for help with dryness in the genitals. To find the cause of the problem, you need to undergo a gynecological examination, take a smear and blood test, and do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and thyroid gland. When the doctor discovers the cause of the disorders, he prescribes medication.

Usually girls are prescribed:

  • hormonal drugs;
  • antibiotics;
  • herbal medicine;
  • antihistamines.

The choice of medications depends on the individual characteristics of the female body, symptoms and test results.

The absence of a moisturizing secretion before menstruation is considered normal. If there is no discharge before menstruation on other days and is accompanied by various negative symptoms, you need to contact a gynecologist to find out the cause of the disturbances.

Discharge in early pregnancy before menstruation

The phenomenon of discharge in the early stages of pregnancy, immediately before the period when you previously had your period, is a fairly common occurrence. There can be many reasons for their appearance. But before determining the cause of this phenomenon, doctors need to correctly differentiate the discharge: did it appear during pregnancy or before the next menstruation, because they have differences, and only after that take appropriate measures.

What kind of discharge before menstruation usually indicates pregnancy?

As a rule, in the event of pregnancy, a woman experiences white, thick discharge from the genital tract. Only in the 3rd trimester do their consistency and character change, and they become more liquid, reminiscent of water.

The appearance of such discharge directly during the delay is due to the effect of the hormone progesterone on the vaginal glands. They have no odor at all. In order to accurately determine the cause of white discharge (before menstruation, or pregnancy), it is enough to conduct an ordinary pregnancy test.

In some cases, in the first days after the onset of a delay, spotting may be observed, which is often perceived by a woman as a delayed period. The reason for their appearance lies in the increased tone of the uterine myometrium. As a rule, their volume is small and they last only 1-2 days, which allows a woman to suspect something is wrong. In addition, this kind of discharge can also be observed during implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. This is observed approximately on the 6-7th day of pregnancy. In such cases, they are often accompanied by cramps in the lower abdomen.

What is the difference between discharge before menstruation and that observed during pregnancy?

In order to correctly determine what the abundant, clear discharge indicates: it just appears before menstruation or is it pregnancy, you must clearly be able to distinguish between these 2 phenomena, knowing the main differences.

Thus, premenstrual discharge, as a rule, is larger in volume compared to those observed at the beginning of pregnancy. Their duration is also longer.

In addition, special attention must be paid to the nature of such discharges. Just before your period, you may experience a thin, slightly mucus-laced discharge, while as pregnancy begins, it is usually thick and white.

Reasons for lack of discharge before menstruation

An abnormal condition is considered to be a situation where there is no secretion that moisturizes the vagina and cervix. You should consult a doctor if the discharge has acquired pathological signs (smell, itching) or does not appear at all. When they are absent, the vagina experiences dryness, tightness, burning, tissue irritation, and discomfort before or during menstruation.

The reasons for the decrease or absence of discharge before menstruation are as follows:

  • dysfunction of the glands that produce lubrication of the mucous membranes;
  • stress;
  • contraceptives containing only progesterone;
  • lactation;
  • age-related changes (menopause);
  • taking antihistamines;
  • excessive intimate hygiene (frequent douching);
  • allergy to panty liners.

Before menstruation appears, the body produces more gestagens, which inhibit estrogen: dryness occurs in the vagina, and discharge disappears.

Hormonal drugs that “slow down” ovulation simultaneously contribute to the scarcity of moisturizing secretions. The volume of secretion also decreases during breastfeeding after the 8th week of birth. Before menopause, when the menstrual cycle begins to end, the glands reduce the production of estrogen and hyaluronic acid. Due to hormonal fluctuations, discharge becomes scarce or disappears completely.

Among the reasons why there is no discharge before menstruation or on other days of the menstrual cycle may be incorrectly selected personal intimate hygiene products, vaginal contraceptives (suppositories, gels), lubricants used during sexual intercourse. They often dry out the mucous membranes and disrupt the functioning of the glands belonging to the reproductive system. In women, against this background, redness of the outer labia, swelling of the mucous membranes, itching or burning, and dryness occur.

The absence of vaginal discharge negatively affects the intimate life of partners, since every sexual intercourse in women causes pain. This pathological condition can be caused by a variety of gynecological or endocrine diseases, affects the duration of menstruation, but is treatable.

Discharges are divided into the following types:

  • tubal - occurs with inflammation of the fallopian tubes;
  • uterine;
  • cervical;
  • vaginal;
  • vestibular - recorded when pathology develops in the area of ​​the vaginal opening.

Brown vaginal discharge

Blood colors vaginal discharge in all shades of red - from scarlet to dark brown. The presence of a small amount of blood in vaginal discharge can always be suspected by its characteristic color. Typically, dark brown vaginal discharge indicates the presence of a source of minor bleeding in the genital tract, when a small amount of blood has time to oxidize and break down before it comes out.

The most common cause of brown discharge is menstrual irregularities. Typically, the patient experiences spotting, dark, brown vaginal discharge of varying duration during any period between menstruation. Sometimes such discharge replaces normal menstruation.

The appearance of slight brown spotting vaginal discharge is not always a sign of disease. In some women, they are observed while taking hormonal contraceptives (especially low-dose ones) or an intrauterine device. As a rule, the appearance of such discharge is short-term and is not accompanied by any subjective unpleasant sensations. If spotting brown discharge bothers a woman constantly, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Some women decide on the method of contraception on their own and choose a hormonal drug on the advice of friends or a pharmacist at the pharmacy. Continuous spotting between menstruation in such cases may indicate that the drug has been chosen incorrectly. Each hormonal contraceptive contains a certain ratio of sex hormones (estrogens and gestagens). It is not the same for different drugs and is selected individually, based on the age and hormonal status of the patient, so you should not rely on independent choice.

Intrauterine contraception (“spiral”) in some cases provokes spotting:

- in the first time after the insertion of the IUD, the uterus perceives it as a foreign body and tries to free itself;

— the uterine mucosa at the site of “attachment” of the spiral may be slightly injured.

Such discharge should not last long or be accompanied by discomfort or pain. Otherwise, it is necessary to decide on its removal.

Minor brown discharge may appear briefly after douching or overly aggressive sexual intercourse due to microtrauma of the mucous membrane. Spotting brown or pink discharge from the vagina after an abortion or cauterization of cervical erosion also indicates the presence of injuries to the mucous membranes of the vagina and uterus. As a rule, such discharges are temporary and disappear on their own.

Sometimes spotting is accompanied by pain or fever, which indicates an infectious-inflammatory process in the genitals.

Pathological discharge from sexually transmitted infections may contain a small amount of dark blood. The intense inflammatory process caused by sexually transmitted infections destroys the surface epithelium of the vagina with the formation of microtraumas.

Some gynecological diseases are accompanied by intermenstrual spotting vaginal discharge: uterine fibroids, and endometrial fibroids.

The appearance of brown discharge against the background of a delay in the next menstruation may indicate a very dangerous condition -. Sometimes, in addition to spotting, there are signs of normal (uterine) pregnancy and abdominal pain of varying intensity. Often this condition is mistaken for a threatening miscarriage. An interrupted ectopic pregnancy threatens the patient’s life and requires immediate surgical intervention.

Sometimes, in late pregnancy, the source of slight dark vaginal discharge can be dilated vessels of the cervix, in other cases they signal a threat of miscarriage.

When and why does vaginal discharge disappear before menstruation?

Discharge from the genital tract is intended to clean the vagina, including from pathogenic microflora, lubricate and moisturize the internal mucous membranes. Before menstruation, their volume increases. This is necessary to prepare the female body for critical days. Discharge is considered normal provided that there is no foul odor, unnatural color, burning, itching, and there is no pronounced abundance or scarcity of discharge. Often there is no discharge before menstruation. Why does this happen and in what cases is it considered a pathology?

Is there discharge before menstruation?

The phases of the menstrual cycle, fertilization, and intimate life depend on the hormonal background. In girls, vaginal discharge appears 12–16 months before menarche. When the next menstruation approaches, the mammary glands of girls and women swell (sometimes secretion comes from the nipples), and the quantitative level of hormones changes. Due to their fluctuations (progesterone increases, estrogen decreases), discharge before menstruation changes color, consistency, and composition.

Normal before menstruation: heavy discharge, which may contain mucus, clots, blood, epithelial cells of the uterine body, and so on.

Special attention should be paid to secretion from the nipples before menstruation. Normal: 2-7 days before the critical days, several clear or white drops of liquid flow from the chest. The causes of excessive discharge from the mammary glands are considered to be the use of hormonal drugs, conception when colostrum is released, diseases (mastitis, human papillomavirus infection, etc.). It is necessary to consult a mammologist and gynecologist.

What is the norm

Discharge before menstruation may be creamy, opaque, white or slightly colored (leucorrhoea). Then, on the eve of menstruation, smear is possible - a dark bloody secretion, sometimes including endometrial particles, a mucus plug from the cervical canal of the uterine cervix. This is the norm, as is the fact that most women do not notice an increase in the volume of discharge.

The non-pathological microflora of the vagina after the onset of sexual activity includes up to 12 types of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Their quantity and rate are regulated by immunity and secretions. When, for example, a hormonal imbalance occurs in the body, self-cleaning (sanitation) of the genital tract stops, and the risk of an inflammatory process inside the vagina or reproductive organs increases.

During the consultation, the doctor will explain whether discharge should occur before menstruation, what its norm is, and what is considered a pathology. It is necessary to undergo a routine examination with a gynecologist twice a year, take general urine and blood tests, cytology tests, and microflora tests (smears).

Signs of absence of discharge within normal limits

In some cases, the absence of vaginal secretion may be a relative norm - there is practically no discharge during breastfeeding, because hormonal levels change during lactation, the production of estradiol is inhibited, but the level of progesterone increases significantly.

During the premenopausal period, there is also a physiological activation of progesterone, which causes vaginal dryness due to a decrease in the amount of vaginal secretion.

When taking hormonal contraceptives (especially the mini-pill), progesterone levels are intentionally increased to delay ovulation, hence there is no discharge before your period. It should be noted that penicillin antibiotics have an unpleasant side effect - they reduce vaginal secretion, so treatment of sore throat, surprisingly, can sometimes be accompanied by vaginal dryness.

Women who have bad habits (smoking, drinking various alcoholic beverages) may also notice decreased secretion of leucorrhoea, due to the fact that toxins interfere with the normal formation of vaginal discharge.

Douching, allergies to panty liners, and the use of inappropriate intimate hygiene products can cause vaginal dryness. It should be noted that many girls and even adult women do not know the rules of personal intimate hygiene and often suffer because of this. Douching causes disturbances in the flora in the vagina, and purely mechanically washes away the secretions from its walls; this method is a relic of time; modern gynecologists justify the use of douches only in isolated cases. The acid-base balance in the intimate female area differs sharply from that on the skin, so it is strictly forbidden to use shower gels or soaps to clean the genitals; it is better to give preference to a special product, high-quality baby soap or chamomile decoction.

What is the difference between vaginal leucorrhoea before menstruation and during pregnancy?

Vaginal secretion is caused by several factors that arise in response to internal and external changes in the female body. Successful conception can manifest itself through an increase in the quantity and quality of leucorrhoea, but this does not always happen.

Vaginal discharge before menstruation is often completely similar to leucorrhoea during pregnancy. However, some women know what symptoms and differences occur after conception, so they understand what happened without taking a pregnancy test.

How is vaginal discharge formed?

Vaginal leucorrhoea is formed due to the following factors:

  • secretion of mucus from the cervical canal of the cervix;
  • leakage of fluid from the vessels located in the vaginal wall;
  • inflammatory fluid resulting from the activity of microbes.

Both before menstruation and during pregnancy, certain hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body. Vaginal discharge depends on blood supply in the vascular system and on the reaction of the mucous membrane to microorganisms. Each of these factors can manifest itself through symptoms characteristic of the premenstrual situation or during pregnancy.

Cervical mucus

Cervical canal cells secrete mucus in response to hormonal influences. The higher the concentration of estradiol, the more mucous leucorrhoea. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, at the time of ovulation, vaginal discharge increases due to mucus, the amount of which can reach 600 mg.

This sign is used to determine ovulatory days. In the luteal phase, under the influence of progesterone, mucous secretions decrease, not exceeding 50 mg before menstruation.

The main role of cervical mucus is:

  • in ensuring the movement of sperm into the uterus;
  • in filtering weak and healthy germ cells (sedentary and defective sperm are not able to overcome the cervical barrier).

If a woman has a lot of mucous leucorrhoea during the period of ovulation, then this indirectly indicates good reproductive ability. Before menstruation and during pregnancy, mucous discharge should be minimal, because during these periods the main hormone is progesterone.

Transudate from vessels

Blood flow to the vessels located in the vaginal wall and in the uterine area increases in phase 2. This is typical before menstruation and during pregnancy. The more blood flows, the more fluid enters the vagina. Abundant milky leucorrhoea is a sign that blood circulation in the pelvic area has changed. This happens:

  • 1-3 days before menstruation;
  • during pregnancy;
  • against the background of menstrual irregularities;
  • with persistence of the corpus luteum;
  • against the background of gynecological diseases.

An increase in the amount of milky leucorrhoea is just a sign of blood vessels filling. This is not always a classic sign of conception, because premenstrual discharge may be no different from vaginal leucorrhoea after conception.

Sometimes in phase 2 a woman may notice yellow discharge. This sign may indicate the presence of blood cells in the leucorrhoea. Blood enters the vagina due to implantation, when the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus a week after ovulation and fertilization. Therefore, yellow leucorrhoea is a possible sign of pregnancy.

The nature of discharge before menstruation: normal or pathological options

One of the signs of a malfunction in the reproductive system is uncharacteristic discharge before menstruation. Therefore, women need to know whether these changes are normal and what indicates the onset of a pathological process. This is the only way to identify the problem in a timely manner and avoid serious consequences.

Discharge before menstruation in healthy women

Not all representatives of the fair sex know what discharge should be like before menstruation. Normally, they are almost invisible, since part of the liquid evaporates and only a small amount flows out.

Leucorrhoea before menstruation is characterized by such indicators as:

  • volume - depending on what phase of the cycle, the amount varies between 0.06–4 ml;
  • consistency - taking into account the day of the cycle, the leucorrhoea is normally creamy, viscous and liquid;
  • color – mucus is light, translucent or white;
  • the structure is homogeneous, but there may be small lumps;
  • there is no smell.

2 weeks before your period

Discharge before menstruation is normal. They are observed at all phases of the cycle, but have a different character. If immediately after menstruation the secretion is liquid, then closer to ovulation the mucus secretion becomes like snot.

The volume of leucorrhoea increases. They are light, sometimes grayish-gray, but more often translucent with a white tint. Normally, they are stretchy, slimy and have no odor.

Closer to menstruation

The secretion, which begins to be released 10 days before the critical days, changes. Normal discharge before menstruation has a creamy consistency. Their number is decreasing. This is a thick, sparse, scanty discharge.

The color of the mucus varies from white to light beige. 4 days before your period, there is very little leucorrhoea. Even during this period, premenstrual discharge has no odor.

1–2 days before your period

Discharge 3 days before menstruation becomes less abundant. They still have a creamy consistency. Their color is white with a beige tint.

On the eve of menstruation (2 days before or just a day before), there may be a small amount of blood in the leucorrhoea. Such changes are considered normal. The discharge becomes scanty a few days before menstruation.

Why does discharge appear before menstruation, and what does it mean?

Discharge a week before your period and at all other stages of the cycle is considered normal. Biological processes occur in the body associated with the production of mucus by the vestibule of the vagina and the glands of the uterus.

In addition, dying tissues are rejected, which as a result end up in leucorrhoea.

This is due to the need to moisturize the vagina, which protects the surface from various damage and infections.

Discharge before menstruation periodically changes its consistency and acidity level due to the characteristics of the physiological processes that occur in the body in a certain phase of the cycle. As a result, the proper conditions are created for the full maturation of the egg and successful fertilization.

The absence of changes in the consistency and volume of mucus is an alarming sign. The nature of the discharge should correspond to the phase of the cycle.

The condition of the mucous membranes and the activity of the glands directly depend on the level of progesterone and estrogen. Based on this, it becomes clear that such a disorder is a sign of hormonal imbalance.

Normal leucorrhoea during the period of ovulation, when the maturation of the egg is noted, becomes more abundant. Due to this, it is easier for sperm to move into the fallopian tubes to meet the gamete. In the absence of fertilization, the amount of mucus decreases. Leucorrhoea looks the same every month. Changes in their character indicate problems.

The color of leucorrhoea directly depends on hormonal levels, blood composition and its ability to clot, as well as metabolism. Bloody, brown and white mucus is considered normal, but sometimes indicates the development of pathology.

One of the main conditions for a normal course is the absence of discomfort, itching and other unpleasant sensations.

How many days before menstruation does discharge appear?

Discharge in women before menstruation may appear a week before. As a rule, the imminent onset of menstruation is felt by swelling of the mammary glands, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, as well as changes in vaginal secretion.

It is important to note that early periods can change the nature of the discharge. This is considered the norm.

Discharge the day before your period

Discharge before menstruation increases in quantity within 1 day and leads to wetness of the labia. They become more cloudy, acquiring a brownish tint.

You need to worry if, before your period begins, a woman experiences discharge with a foamy structure or an unusual shade (greenish, bright yellow, earthy). This may indicate a bacterial infection.

Discharge 2 days before period

A couple of days before the start of menstruation, women may experience discharge with dark blood. People call them “spotting”, since their number is negligible.

This is a completely normal condition that occurs in most women. If this type of vaginal discharge appears, it is better to refuse sexual intercourse so as not to introduce extra germs to yourself.

Discharge 3 days before period

If your period is due within the next three days, the mucous secretion may take on a thick, creamy consistency. If it has a beige tint, there is no need to worry.

It should be noted that profuse and thick leucorrhoea with a cheesy consistency may indicate candidiasis. This is a disease that can be easily contracted both through domestic and sexual contact. If you suspect such a disease, you should consult a doctor.

Discharge 4 days before period

4 days before the upcoming menstruation, the leucorrhoea becomes viscous and thick. Instead of a transparent color, they may appear white or yellow, which will be noticeable on the panty liner.

Advice! Even when your periods are light, you need to change pads every 2 hours.

When using tampons, they need to be updated even more often. Otherwise, pathogenic microflora begins to develop in the vagina.

What kind of discharge should you have the week before your period?

If your period is due in the next week, the discharge does not always have obvious signs of imminent menstruation. They can be stretchy or mucous (sometimes watery).

Normally, this secretion is transparent and looks like jelly.

What colorless and spotting discharge is considered normal?

Blood from the vagina is the first symptom of the onset of menstruation. If colorless discharge of moderate intensity appears a little before their onset, this is a sign that natural hormonal changes are occurring in the female body. There is no need to panic about this symptom; you need to stock up on daily sanitary pads. Over time, a woman gets used to this feature of her own body.

When the leucorrhoea from the vagina becomes dark, acquires a brown tint, and is accompanied by severe attacks of pain and general discomfort throughout the body, such a woman’s condition cannot be called normal

It is important to immediately consult a specialist and promptly determine the etiology of the pathological process. Afterwards, you need to immediately begin intensive therapy, and the use of hormonal drugs is possible.

Why is there no secretion before menstruation?

The genitals are considered to be in poor condition when there is no discharge at all, and the genitals are dry, tight, and scalding. In this case, it is worth visiting a gynecologist. You will also need to go to him if the discharge has an unpleasant odor and itching. Absence or decrease in secretion may be due to the following reasons:

  • stress;
  • disorder of the glands that are responsible for the production of mucus;
  • contraceptives, they contain only progesterone;
  • changes with age;
  • lactation;
  • allergy to pads;
  • frequent douching;
  • taking medications.

When menstruation occurs for the first time, the amount of gestagens increases, and estrogen decreases, so dryness appears and discharge disappears.

Hormone-based medications can slow down the onset of ovulation and thereby affect the lack of hydration in the vagina. The amount of secretion also decreases after eight weeks from birth. Before the onset of menopause, the amount of estrogen and hyaluronic acid decreases, which leads to a decrease in discharge or even its complete absence.

Very often, the reason why there is no secretion may be incorrectly chosen intimate hygiene methods. They dry out the mucous membrane and disrupt the functioning of the glands. Some women experience a rash, redness of the genitals, itching and burning.

When there is no discharge, the partners' sex life is not so active. Because pain occurs during sexual intercourse due to severe dryness. This situation can be created due to various gynecological diseases. Discharges are divided into the following groups:

  • tubal, when the fallopian tubes are inflamed;
  • cervical;
  • vaginal secretion;
  • vestibular discharge when the infection is located just in front of the vagina.

When the fairer sex of all ages feels some discomfort in the genital area, you should definitely undergo an examination by a special doctor.

No discharge before menstruation: why, is this normal, should I worry?

Odorless discharge from a woman’s genital tract is considered normal and is intended to cleanse the vagina and lubricate its internal mucous membranes. Before menstruation, the volume of discharge increases, which is also considered normal. However, sometimes discharge does not appear before menstruation. Why does this happen and in what cases does it indicate pathology?

What should be normal?

A woman’s intimate discharge a few days before menstruation is one of the important indicators of the health of her reproductive system.

An increase in their volume is not observed in all women of childbearing age, but this does not indicate pathology. After the onset of sexual activity, about 12 types of fungi, viruses and bacteria are present in the vaginal microflora.

The immune system and the mucus produced in the vagina regulate their quantity.

If a woman is healthy and not pregnant, then before her period she secretes mucus from her genital tract. Normally, the selection should look like this:

  1. Color. Transparent, white, milky shade. A beige or yellow stain remains on the gasket after drying.
  2. Volume. The average amount of discharge is no more than 5 ml. The size of the stain on the gasket is no more than 5 cm.
  3. Consistency. Mostly homogeneous, minor inclusions in the form of lumps and transparent veins are acceptable.
  4. Smell. There is no or slight sourness characteristic of the pH of the vaginal microflora.
  5. The absence of itching, burning, and redness of the genitals indicates that the discharge is normal.
  6. Duration. Normally 2-3 days, extension up to 5 days is possible, it all depends on the woman’s hormonal background.

Violation of the natural process occurs for various reasons, which must be immediately identified in order to prevent more serious problems.

Reasons for lack of discharge before menstruation

The absence of discharge before menstruation, accompanied by dryness and irritation in the intimate area, is considered an abnormal phenomenon. The reasons for this condition may be:

  • Severe stress. Nervous stress affects a woman’s hormonal background, to changes in which the reproductive system is very sensitive.
  • Hormonal contraceptives containing progesterone.
  • Approaching menopause. A decrease in the production of estrogen and hyaluronic acid leads to a decrease in the volume of mucus, up to its absence.
  • Taking antihistamines.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the glands that produce mucus. Occurs in diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Frequent douching of the genitals. Solutions used for douching kill the vaginal microflora and dry out the vaginal mucosa.
  • Allergic reaction to pads. Cheap products made from low-quality materials and with artificial fragrances can cause a negative reaction in the body.
  • Breastfeeding a baby.

When there is no discharge, certain difficulties arise during sexual intercourse. Intercourse with a dry vagina causes discomfort in both women and men. Both partners feel severe pain and irritation in the intimate area.

Doctors believe that a condition in which there is no vaginal secretion can be caused by gynecological diseases or problems with the woman’s endocrine system.

To determine the exact cause, you should visit a gynecologist.

No discharge is formed during the first menstruation. During this period, the level of gestagens increases sharply, and the amount of estrogen decreases. The resulting hormonal imbalance causes dryness and lack of discharge. A similar reaction occurs with long-term use of hormonal drugs.

When should you see a doctor?

If there is no discharge before menstruation, or it acquires an abnormal color, an unpleasant odor, or its structure changes, you should consult a doctor. The gynecologist will interview the patient, conduct an external examination of the genital organs, and take a smear from the vagina. After systematizing all the information received, the doctor will determine the cause of the disorder and develop treatment tactics.

To identify suspected pathologies and specify the diagnosis, an ultrasound examination of the reproductive system is prescribed. During the procedure, the doctor finds out the size of the organs, their location, the presence of cysts and tumors. If neoplasms are detected, consultation with an oncologist is necessary. If the lack of secretion has become permanent, the woman should check the functioning of her immune system.

If the absence of secretion is observed after childbirth, before menopause, or as a result of hormonal imbalance, the doctor may prescribe medicinal gels to the patient. If the problem arose due to violations of intimate hygiene or poor nutrition, the woman is recommended to use high-quality pads, wash herself no more than 2 times a day, normalize her diet and lose excess weight.

Thus, to normalize the production of vaginal secretions, you need to find out the cause of the problem and eliminate it. This requires a complete examination, which is carried out only in a medical institution. If you ignore the failure or delay a visit to the gynecologist, complications may arise that will require long-term treatment.


Symptoms and causes of pathological discharge

The following are the most common types of pathological discharge in women, which can be observed before menstruation occurs:

  1. Mucus and sticky discharge. In small quantities they are regarded as normal, however, if such a secretion is very voluminous and is accompanied by a foul odor from the vagina, this may indicate an inflammatory process and infection through unprotected sexual intercourse.
  2. Cinnamon or black discharge. If they are observed 2-3 days before menstruation, then this is not scary, because this is how the endometrium is renewed. You need to be wary if abundant clots of black mass appear 7-10 days before menstruation. This may indicate polyposis or uterine fibroids.
  3. Bloody secretion. It is considered especially dangerous when there is a profuse discharge of scarlet blood, which is similar to hot flashes. In this condition there is a high risk of ovarian dysfunction.
  4. Bright yellow or green mucus. It should immediately alert you, since often such a sign indicates vaginitis, cervical erosion or a sexually transmitted disease. Before menstruation, such a secretion may disappear along with pus.
  5. White secretion, which is accompanied by severe itching in the perineum, sour odor and burning sensation. This symptom indicates bacterial vaginosis caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. Menstruation may be longer.
  6. Copious pink discharge. This is a clear symptom of endometriosis, which may be accompanied by fever, unpleasant vaginal odor and weakness.

Most often, pathological discharge is associated with the following gynecological diseases:

  1. Vaginitis, leading to irritation of the vagina.
  2. Inflammation of the cervix.
  3. Endometritis.
  4. Cystic formation in the uterus or its appendages.
  5. Candidiasis.

If your period lasts more than seven days, and immediately after that a woman has unusual discharge, you need to take a pregnancy test. There is a risk that fertilization will be ectopic. In this condition, there is no point in delaying the examination.

Additional pathologies that can affect the nature of vaginal secretions are:

  • developing cancer tumors in the body;
  • diabetes mellitus, leading to serious metabolic disorders;
  • failure in the endocrine system (menstruation may be absent);
  • severe infectious processes in the kidneys or bladder.

White vaginal discharge

The appearance of vaginal discharge may not always reliably indicate the true cause of its appearance.

Physiological vaginal discharge sometimes has a whitish tint, but due to its small amount, a woman may not know what it looks like and begins to pay attention to it only when its amount increases due to natural causes: in the middle of the menstrual cycle, after stress or intimacy and so on. As a rule, in such cases, in addition to the discharge, the patient is not bothered by any other subjective sensations, and after examination it is not possible to establish the presence of a pathological process

In pregnant women, physiological discharge before childbirth becomes whitish, abundant and thicker. Unlike leucorrhoea, they are not accompanied by discomfort and do not require treatment.

A pathological process can be suspected if the patient complains of atypically thick and unpleasant white vaginal discharge accompanied by itching, burning or a feeling of discomfort. Such discharge most often indicates excessive proliferation of fungal microflora, that is, the appearance of vaginal candidiasis. The source of the disease is Candida fungi. They may be present in small quantities in the vagina, and their growth is inhibited by lactobacilli. If the normal composition of the vaginal microflora is disrupted, the fungi begin to actively vegetate, displacing beneficial microorganisms.

Vaginal candidiasis is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. Patients complain of abundant and thick white vaginal discharge. Characteristic white inclusions in the form of crumbs or flakes give the whites of candidiasis a resemblance to cottage cheese or sour milk (hence the second name of the disease - “thrush”). The discharge is always accompanied by severe itching, which intensifies in the evening and often does not subside throughout the night, not allowing the woman to rest.

Upon examination, the vaginal mucosa always shows signs of severe inflammation (swelling and redness) with characteristic white “films”. Attempts to remove such plaque are accompanied by severe trauma to the mucous membrane and the appearance of blood. Heavy discharge irritates the inflamed mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva, causing a burning sensation. If the inflammatory process spreads to the urethra, the patient may experience complaints associated with urinary disorders.

Often, patients with vaginal candidiasis can clearly indicate the cause of leucorrhoea. The most common of these is the incorrect use of antibiotics.

Vaginal candidiasis can also have a chronic form, then all the symptoms are mild, and the first place is taken by complaints of cheesy white leucorrhoea (sometimes even without itching).

The diagnosis of vaginal candidiasis is usually not difficult. The presence of cheesy discharge, characteristic signs of fungal inflammation in the vagina and the detection of Candida fungi in smears allow you to quickly make the correct diagnosis.

Therapy for vaginal candidiasis involves the use of antifungal drugs and restoration of normal vaginal pH. Successful treatment of candidiasis does not guarantee relapse of the disease.

What is the norm

Discharge before menstruation may be creamy, opaque, white or slightly colored (leucorrhoea). Then, on the eve of menstruation, smear is possible - a dark bloody secretion, sometimes including endometrial particles, a mucus plug from the cervical canal of the uterine cervix. This is the norm, as is the fact that most women do not notice an increase in the volume of discharge.

The non-pathological microflora of the vagina after the onset of sexual activity includes up to 12 types of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Their quantity and rate are regulated by immunity and secretions. When, for example, a hormonal imbalance occurs in the body, self-cleaning (sanitation) of the genital tract stops, and the risk of an inflammatory process inside the vagina or reproductive organs increases.

During the consultation, the doctor will explain whether discharge should occur before menstruation, what its norm is, and what is considered a pathology. It is necessary to undergo a routine examination with a gynecologist twice a year, take general urine and blood tests, cytology tests, and microflora tests (smears).



Negative changes

The structure, volume, and shade of discharge shortly before menstruation can be changed by:

  • increased number of pathogenic organisms (infections, bacteria, fungi);
  • hormonal imbalance (influence of the external environment or drugs);
  • problem with vaginal microflora;
  • improper functioning of the reproductive system.

There should not be a constant whitish secretion. Over the course of a month, cervical mucus changes, sometimes increasing or decreasing in quantity.

Violation of vaginal biocenosis

Abundant white discharge before menstruation is the first sign of an imbalance of microflora in the vagina. The following reasons can cause such a negative state:

  • hypothermia of the genital organs (inflammatory process);
  • hormonal imbalances of various etiologies;
  • sudden climate change;
  • systematic stress;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • improper use of personal hygiene products (pads, tampons, gels);
  • abuse of douching;
  • incorrect treatment (use of traditional medicine without a doctor’s prescription);
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • entry of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • infectious and inflammatory pathologies;
  • venereal infections.

Copious secretion

Strong discharge before menstruation with an unpleasant odor and painful sensations occurs in most cases with the following diseases:

  • candidiasis (thrush);
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • cervicitis;
  • various types of vaginitis (colpitis);
  • inflammation of the labia (vulvitis).

Many of these diseases can coexist. Their symptoms in such a situation are very difficult to identify, so we can talk about an accurate diagnosis only after taking a smear.

Signs of thrush

A direct indication of the predominance of Candida fungus in the vaginal microflora is curdled discharge before menstruation. Heterogeneous secretion with obvious lumps can appear at any time of the cycle. Most often, this occurs with a sharp decrease in immunity, as well as against the background of a low content of beneficial lactobacilli in the vagina.

Basic symptoms of candidiasis:

  • the appearance of copious white discharge of a cheesy consistency before menstruation;
  • pain during and after sex;
  • discomfort during urination;
  • redness, itching, burning, swelling of the external genitalia;
  • very sour smell.

Signs of candidiasis have much in common with the course of bacterial vaginitis and trichomoniasis. The last two pathologies are often accompanied by a pungent odor of rotten fish and foamy discharge with pus, which can intensify before menstruation.

Only a gynecologist can accurately determine the possible provoking factor. To do this, a woman needs to undergo tests.


When unusual white discharge appears, but thrush is excluded, the development of bacterial vaginosis is suspected. During this disease, a decrease in the total number of beneficial microorganisms in the vagina may occur against the background of the growth of pathogenic bacteria. The pathology is not accompanied by an increase in the number of leukocytes, and therefore inflammation does not occur.

With this disease, whitish discharge is also observed after menstruation. They are viscous, thick, milky or grayish-yellow in color, and also smell unpleasant. May intensify after sexual intercourse, especially unprotected.

Pathologies and STDs

The reasons for the appearance of white discharge immediately before menstruation are often associated with gynecological pathologies.

Cervical erosion

May secrete copious liquid secretions that are colorless or streaked with milk. Sometimes blood or curd consistency is added. Endometriosis (growth of the endometrium outside the uterus). Before and during menstruation, a mucous viscous fluid may be released. The development of pathology causes a brown tint to the vaginal secretion.


You may experience an unstable menstrual cycle with sticky white discharge. At the same time, pain increases if the tumor is large.


The whitish vaginal secretion contains pus, itching and burning are felt. It is also possible that inflammatory processes and corresponding symptoms may develop.


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