What to do if the vagina makes unpleasant sounds in the doggy style position?

When, at the most intimate moment, a woman leaves her vagina with a characteristic sound, a very awkward situation arises that destroys the romantic mood. If the relationship with your partner is not very close, this may cause his laughter or even disgust, and the partner will develop a psychological complex.

Gynecological specialists do not consider vaginal flatulence (there is even an English term for it “queefing”) a problem. If a couple cannot ignore vaginal farts, then there are many effective techniques to avoid uncomfortable situations associated with them.

Why is this happening?

Although the sounds from the vagina are very similar to those made by the anus when emitting gas, the physiological mechanism for these phenomena is different. Gases coming out “from the rear” are formed inside the body - in the intestines as a result of chemical processes of digestion of food and decomposition of undigested residues, which is why they have such an unpleasant odor.

Air enters the vagina only from the external environment, therefore, having accumulated inside the hollow uterus and coming out, it does not smell at all, only vaginal sounds are made.

How does air enter the female genital organ?

There are three main ways:

  • in the process of intimate relationships;
  • during simple physical activity;
  • for certain diseases and after vaginal birth.

During sex, air is pumped into the vagina by the male penis in much the same way as into a hollow cylinder using a piston. When the internal volume is full, gases from the uterus come out, producing a kind of vaginal fart.

Some sexual positions are particularly conducive to the flow of air into the vagina - those in which the piston, i.e. The male penis enters and exits completely from the vagina. If there is a strong discrepancy in the size of the partners' genital organs (the vagina is much wider than the penis), the flow of air into the vagina during sex increases even more.

With age, and also after childbirth, air begins to escape from the vagina more often, which is associated with weakening of the intimate muscles (naturally, we are talking about vaginal childbirth, when the muscles of this group work especially intensively). This is a normal physiological process characteristic of muscle tissue.

In older women, not only during sexual intercourse, but even during normal activities with a slight load (for example, when walking), air is collected, accumulated, and then released from the vagina, accompanied by a characteristic “farting” sound, but without any odor. No matter how much she wants, a woman will not be able to hold him, because according to the anatomical structure of the vagina, unlike the anus, there is no sphincter.

In addition to psychological discomfort, a “farting” vagina can serve as a harbinger of serious problems with the uterus (even prolapse) due to increasing atrophy of the muscles of the pelvic organs, which, however, can be successfully prevented.

Other possible causes of vaginal flatulence

In addition to the above factors that contribute to the penetration and then exit of gases from the uterus, other circumstances may also influence this process:

  • problems with bowel movements;
  • inactivity (sedentary lifestyle);
  • abnormal location of the reproductive organ;
  • a woman's sudden weight loss;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • lifting heavy objects;
  • medical termination of pregnancy;
  • miscarriages.

If air escaping from the vagina is associated with loss of muscle tone, then such a deviation from the norm can be suspected based on the following accompanying symptoms:

Urinary incontinence, which occurs when sneezing, coughing or laughing. Pain during intercourse. Frequent constipation. Frequent urge to urinate. Water enters the vagina. If this happens while swimming, then this is not only a sign that the muscles are weakened

This symptom should alert a woman and force her to pay attention to her health. The fact is that the penetration of water during swimming, for example, in an open reservoir, can lead to the entry of various pathogenic bacteria into the body, which can cause an inflammatory process.

It’s not just the birth of a child that weakens a woman’s pelvic muscles. The reason may be due to age-related changes, in which a decrease in muscle tone occurs due to insufficient estrogen production.

But not only sexually mature women who are sexually active face such a problem as the release of gases from the vagina. According to statistics, about 5% of virgins experience vaginal flatulence. This process is associated with congenital anomalies: disorders of intimate muscles, pelvic floor muscles, increased muscle functions.

In many women, gases from the uterus begin to actively leave the body before the onset of menstruation. Uterine flatulence is explained by the fact that before the onset of menstrual bleeding, the cervix opens slightly, but even such a slight increase in the opening is enough for air to enter the organ and then escape.

Read further:

How to narrow the vagina after childbirth - special exercises, physiotherapy and other methods

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Dryness in the vagina after childbirth - why is there no lubrication in the intimate area?

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When you need a doctor

In rare cases, the cause of vaginal flatulence is hidden in serious diseases of the genital area. When gases emitted by the vagina begin to smell unpleasant, this means that they have been pumped into it from the rectum. They contain many intestinal bacteria. Such gases enter the female genital organ through small openings between the vagina and anus.

Such a fistula can exist in a woman from birth, or may also appear as a result of surgical interventions (for example, removal of hemorrhoids) or untreated intestinal diseases. This situation is quite serious, therefore, if a woman has a history of intestinal diseases, and unpleasant-smelling gases periodically come out of the vagina, you should definitely visit a doctor to prevent sad consequences for health.

Exercises for muscle tone

Experts in this field have developed exercises to maintain vaginal tone. Regular and proper training will be the key to success in muscle elasticity. This will reduce the likelihood that gas will come out of the vagina with a sound. Try a few simple exercises and you won’t regret it:

  • We do squats. A very useful exercise that will help eliminate air in the uterus. Squat down slowly, spread your knees to the sides, and stay in this position for a while. Increase the time gradually to two minutes.
  • We work the muscles, starting and stopping urination. During the exercise, breathe, do not stop. You can repeat it throughout the day without restrictions.
  • Alternately retract and relax the muscles of the uterus and anus. Do the exercises regularly, for at least 2-3 weeks.

These activities will not only help with the problem of air getting into the uterus, but will also enhance the pleasant sensations during sex with your partner.

How to avoid vaginal farts

If a woman experiences psychological discomfort from vaginal flatulence, or her man feels awkward in such situations, it is necessary to pump up the intimate muscles. There are several very effective exercises to give them proper tone:

  • During normal urination, you can try to stop peeing two or three times by holding the flow of urine with your vaginal muscles. This trick should be done regularly, preferably every time you go to the toilet.
  • Hold something heavy between your thighs and walk like this for 5-10 minutes. When performing this simple exercise several times a day, the muscles of the pelvic organs will noticeably tighten, which will make it difficult for air to enter the vagina and subsequent embarrassing “farts” from it.

You can solve the question of why air comes out of the vagina using organizational methods. To eliminate sounds from the uterus during sexual play, you need to choose a comfortable position and angle of entry of the penis into the vagina so that air leaves the vagina without noise. For example, positions where a woman lies upside down or bends over are not recommended (including the favorite styles of “doggy style” and “inverted wheelbarrow”), it is advisable to give preference to the good old missionary position, “cowgirl” or “spoon”, since In this position, practically no air enters the vagina.

An experienced partner, who does not want to embarrass a man by “farting” from her intimate place, before the act of love will lie on her back, spreading her legs to the sides, and thoroughly knead her stomach to release the accumulated air.

Don’t discount the famous Kegel exercise – periodically tensing the muscles of the intimate area. However, it is necessary to ensure that it is the vaginal muscles that are tensed, and not the stomach or thighs, otherwise, instead of a pleasant tone, we will get fatigue and aching muscles.

What to do if air comes out of the uterus after childbirth?

If air leaves the uterus after childbirth, then this is only a signal about the need to work on the condition of the intimate muscles. But doing some exercises on a regular basis will help get rid of strange sounds from the vagina.

You can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles using the following techniques:

1.​ Performing Kegel exercises.

It was Professor Kegel who developed gymnastics to restore the pelvic floor muscles. His exercise provides a workout for the perineal muscles anywhere and anytime. The main thing is to get these muscles working by squeezing, quick contractions, or pushing out. Compression involves briefly squeezing the muscles of the perineum and holding them in this state for several seconds. It is most convenient to do this while lying on your back. Rapid relaxations and contractions will also be effective.

2.​ Simple squats.

Not everyone knows that through squats you can not only pump up the muscles of your buttocks, but also strengthen your pelvic floor. In this case, the main thing is to place your feet wider than your shoulders and at the same time turn the toes of your feet outward. Squats should be done at a slow pace, making short pauses during the squat.

3.​ Exercises for intimate muscles or wumbling

is a popular muscle workout. This practice involves a wide range of different techniques.

In any case, if you systematically perform the exercises described above aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, this will not only solve the problem of air leaving the uterus after childbirth, but also improve sex life for both partners. If even long-term performance of such exercises does not help solve the problem, then you will need to consult a specialist.

When a woman experiences air coming out of her vagina during sex or during tension, she gets a complex. The release of air is accompanied by a characteristic noise, which - even if there is no smell - brings a smile to the one who happens to be nearby. For an inexperienced sexual partner, such an incident may even cause disgust.

Why does air come out of the vagina and how does it get there in the first place?

Comment from a sexologist on a women's forum

I hasten to reassure those sufferers who complain about sounds from the vagina during sex. This is a normal phenomenon; for a harmonious couple it is generally a trivial situation. Is your partner embarrassed or, worse, laughing? This only speaks of his inexperience as a man, because he does not understand that this is just air, which he himself forced into the vagina. However, if he is dear to you and is like that, do intimate physical exercise: by increasing the tone of the vaginal muscles, you will also receive a bonus in the form of new sexual sensations for yourself and for him.



  • Why should women quit smoking?
  • Kegel exercises for women
  • Ways to narrow the vagina
  • Vaginal depth measurement
  • How to achieve the effect of a stretched vagina and what is it for?
  • Changes in the vagina after childbirth


The vagina is a hollow organ that contains a certain amount of air. If its exit is accompanied by vaginal farting after childbirth, this happens during sexual intercourse, when the size of the penis is less than the volume of the woman’s organs. Frequent changes of posture, especially in the elbow version, lead to this phenomenon.

Why does air leave the uterus after childbirth:

  1. active sexual contact;
  2. decreased tone;
  3. before the onset of menstruation;
  4. increased physical activity.

During the process of carrying a baby, the muscles of the uterus stretch and fill with air. After childbirth, a woman notices involuntary urination, feels air leaving the uterus after childbirth during sexual intercourse, while doing yoga, or sports. The sensation intensifies with sneezing and coughing.

It is intimacy that is considered one of the reasons for the appearance of deviation. When aroused, the walls stretch and air comes out of the vagina. If the problem occurs when you suddenly get up from the couch or cough, it means that the muscles of the perineum are stretched. After childbirth, a woman loses the tone of her pelvic floor.

Vaginal flatulence is affected by the structure of the organ. If the cervix is ​​short and wide, more air gets in, which is subsequently expelled. When the penis is not voluminous enough, the phenomenon occurs when the tone of the woman’s genital organ decreases.

A physiological condition is considered a pathology when the presence of a rectovaginal fistula is confirmed. Before deciding to take measures to get rid of the problem, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a gynecological examination.


But sometimes problems arise. “Farting” is becoming too frequent, too toxic, people “fart” constantly, and “fart” is very unpleasant. This happens with various digestive disorders, problems with internal organs, poor nutrition, and so on. If your girlfriend/wife takes care of herself, then, as a rule, such problems will bypass her. But if internal processes are disrupted by an unhealthy lifestyle, excessive gas formation will not spare any gender, then everyone “farts” quite strongly. And then, no matter how graceful and elegant your girlfriend/wife is, flatulence (the official name of this problem) will still manifest itself in her, and, perhaps, on a fairly strong scale. But until this happens, most likely, you will never notice manifestations of this phenomenon, you will not notice that girls and women “fart.”

A cautionary tale about farts from my childhood.

When I was a teenager, and this was in the late 80s of the last century - during a shortage of quality food - almost all schoolchildren had 100% gastritis. And I, as one of those same schoolgirls, also had quite a few problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Their consequence was regular bloating and increased gas formation.

I was constantly tormented by pain in the navel area, which is a sure sign of gas, and an unbearable desire to get rid of it. That is, fart. In my school adolescence, this process of getting rid of bursting gases in the intestines was considered extremely, terribly, simply terribly indecent.

Mothers and grandmothers warned us: we must restrain ourselves with all our might, God forbid, this will happen in public, you will be embarrassed, you will be disgraced, these are animal manifestations, be human, and if you are a girl, then you should generally be a Princess who doesn’t fart!

And so, in the 11th grade, during a lesson in basic military training, I, as usual, was bursting. I pulled myself together, gathered my will into a fist, even asked to go to the toilet - everything was useless! During recess, we gathered in a girls’ circle and chatted about something. I continued to endure.

At some point, our teacher, a senior reserve lieutenant, also a physical education teacher, came up and tried to joke with us somehow. And then I couldn’t restrain myself. It happened silently, but it was very, very smelly. The smell crawled over us, all the girls involuntarily began to wince, I pretended that I didn’t feel anything at all, and tried to behave as if nothing had happened.

Our lieutenant blushed. No, he didn’t just blush, he slowly blushed from his neck to the hairline on his forehead, muttered something inaudibly and retreated. I was ashamed: I thought it was my unrecognized stench that made him suffer so much.

But everything turned out in my favor! When he walked away, the girls quietly but persistently began to giggle and reproach the only man in our company, condemning him for indecent incontinence: “Well, Vatrukha gives! (This was the nickname of our physical education teacher). He walked up to the girls and farted! Phew! As if on purpose!”

Poor physical teacher. I'm cunning and evil. No, and not evil, and not cunning, just unhealthy, like almost all 100% of Soviet schoolchildren. In general, as you can see, this story has stuck with me for the rest of my life, and I am no longer a teenager. My eldest daughter is already a teenager, the same age as I was then, only a head taller.

Well, I propose to jointly study the causes and facts of this farting phenomenon, and find out why people fart.

Are secrecy and mystery the same thing?

Indeed, the mystery of a woman often implies reticence, but secrecy and mystery are different things.
From the Jack London quote above, it is clear that when you are a woman of mystery, you create the illusion that there are no more secrets, and yet, secrets still remain! That is, the mysterious woman is frank, but... she doesn’t say something. The simpleton gives out complete information about herself, and there is nothing more to surprise her with...

The mystery in a woman and the zest are the same thing?

Indeed, feminine mystery and zest can be one and the same. “There’s something SUCH about her,” many men say. Yes, these qualities go very close. However, the highlight is still more tangible, and many men know WHAT is the highlight of their loved ones.

  • “She looks at me with such an unusual look that no one else can.”
  • “She can laugh so loudly that I melt.”
  • “In bed, she performs such tricks that others have never even dreamed of. No other woman is capable of this.”

And so on... But what a mystery there is in their lovers, not a single man can really answer.

What does a girl's fart smell like?

If anyone thinks that when a girl farts, it should smell like flowers, then he is deeply mistaken. Their farts are just as smelly as men's. Girls are only seemingly delicious-smelling creatures; they can kick in such a way that it hurts your eyes.

Those who previously thought that girls don’t fart or do it in some special way can consider the information that all girls fart and their farts can smell very strong to be 100% reliable. This fact has been proven by science and confirmed by practical research.

This concludes our broadcast. We will be glad to see you on other pages of ours. Relief!


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There are questions that are quite sensitive, so people are embarrassed to ask them directly. But still they are of real interest to many. Often these are various questions related to human physiology. You can't just approach it like that. For example, who do you ask about such a thing - do girls fart? Therefore, let’s try to approach this issue in a little more detail and understand how things stand with the physiological aspect in people of the other sex. Do girls really not emit farts or, let’s allow ourselves a slightly more vulgar definition, don’t “fart”? Are you really going to do this, but your wife (or not your wife, but a friend) is not?

In general, many girls present themselves so elegantly that one gets the feeling that such “imperfections” are not inherent in them. But the truth is a little more prosaic. Let's look into it in detail.

In this video there is a selection of situations where girls fart, enjoy. The video turned out to be quite funny:

Secrets of the “farting vagina”

Often, a woman whose vagina “farts” experiences some embarrassment. Especially if this happens in a public place, with friends or during sexual intercourse. If this has not happened before, thoughts may arise that something is wrong with the body. However, this is not quite true.

Air comes out of the uterus constantly. It’s just that this process is often silent. Therefore, when the uterus releases gases, this is a common occurrence, and not at all a pathology that should be treated. The only exception is when this happens all the time.

Interesting! The uterus does not make farting sounds in only 8% of women on Earth. Even virgins can pass gas. But only 4% of them have air coming out regularly and forcefully, creating real flatulence. This occurs with congenital pathologies.

Is it harmful to breathe farts?

This may sound incredibly strange, and even disgusting, but you shouldn’t rush to conclusions. Now we will explain everything to you. There are studies showing that a single exposure to hydrogen sulfide can prevent mitochondrial damage to cells. This makes it possible to prevent the development of diseases such as arthritis, heart disease and even stroke.

Interestingly, hydrogen sulfide is one of the components that is produced in the intestines during digestion. So farting and then breathing the fart is an excellent method for diagnosing diseases. But just don't overdo it!

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