Discharge like odorless water during pregnancy: clear, liquid

By the end of the third trimester, most women calm down - after all, the child has almost completed its formation, has matured and is ready to be born. And in these last 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, changes occur in the body: hormonal, physiological, and emotional. Many women notice the appearance of new discharge and begin to worry about it, sometimes completely unnecessarily. From this article you will learn which discharge in the third trimester is normal and which require intervention and treatment.

Throughout pregnancy, the body secretes mucus fluid. Normally, in small quantities, this may be a whitish, transparent discharge.

Brown discharge

After examination by a gynecologist, many women noticed brown discharge for several hours. At 39 and 40 weeks, when the pregnancy is considered full-term, the doctor examines the cervix to determine its readiness for childbirth. Since at such late stages the structure of the cervix changes, it becomes thinner and looser, and it may be injured during examination. There are no negative consequences in such secretions. On the contrary, it can be assumed that the body is already ready for childbirth.

Discharges that signal problems in the body cannot go unnoticed. If a woman treats her body with care, she will immediately pay attention to changes in the discharge, which will differ in color, have a specific smell and a special consistency.

Feelings at 17 weeks of pregnancy

  • The 17th week of pregnancy has arrived. Reviews from many women indicate that at this stage external changes in the face of the expectant mother become noticeable. Perhaps the enlarged lips protrude slightly and the nose swells a little. Pigment spots may also appear on the face. Don't be alarmed, all these visual changes will go away on their own after the baby is born.
  • By this week, the expectant mother's body weight had increased, and her belly had grown even more. By the way, don’t forget to take a photo of your belly as a souvenir when you’re 17 weeks pregnant! This photo will take its rightful place in the family album.
  • Your skin is now less elastic and dry. Be sure to use special cosmetics that prevent the appearance of stretch marks.
  • A bluish network of veins appears on the surface of heavy and engorged breasts.
  • When you are 17 weeks pregnant, have a big belly and swollen breasts, it is very difficult and not advisable to sleep on your stomach. Try to find a safer and more comfortable sleeping position for yourself.
  • The cause of possible calf cramps at night may be calcium deficiency in a woman’s body, characterized by a decrease in the functioning of the parathyroid glands.
  • But increased fatigue and increased sweating indicate active work of the thyroid gland during this period.
  • An enlarged uterus puts pressure on the intestines, which can cause constipation, heartburn and increased gas production. An active lifestyle and proper nutrition will help neutralize such phenomena.

It is important to listen to yourself so as not to miss any warning signs.

White foamy or curdled discharge

If thrush (Candida fungus) cannot be cured before pregnancy, it can cause inconvenience throughout the entire period: constant itching both outside and inside the genitals, redness, white discharge, mostly profuse. In addition to severe discomfort, there is a more serious reason why you need to get rid of the disease as soon as possible. The mucous membranes inside, exposed to this fungus, lose the necessary elasticity during childbirth. This leads to ruptures in the perineum, which take a very long time to recover. In addition, a child may become infected with thrush during childbirth. White plaque in the mouth, tongue, and groin will cause suffering to the baby. Thrush in some cases is very difficult to treat. Especially during pregnancy, when immunity is reduced. If it is not possible to get rid of it before birth, sanitation of the birth canal will be carried out before birth.

Foul-smelling discharge in pregnant women

Of particular importance is the smell of vaginal discharge. After all, it directly relates to what is happening in the reproductive system; moreover, the organ is the first road for the baby.

Normally, in the early stages of pregnancy, the volume of vaginal discharge increases due to the increased concentration of progesterone. But their aroma cannot be called unpleasant, even when it becomes a little more pungent.

An unpleasant odor during early pregnancy, coming from discharge, means:

  • An inflammatory process developing in the genitals or a sexually transmitted infection. In the latter case, the mucus changes color, becoming green, yellow, or consistency (foam appears). The smell can be putrid, fishy, ​​which happens when the vagina (for example, bacterial vaginosis) and the uterus are affected.
  • The appearance of candidiasis. The changed balance of hormones changes the vaginal microflora and can weaken it. As a result, a sour-smelling cheesy discharge appears in large quantities, causing itching.
  • Diabetes. When there is excess glucose in the body, the secretions contain ketone bodies, which give the smell of acetone. However, sometimes this is caused by a lack of fluid in the tissues or a predominance of protein foods in the diet.

Yellow discharge

The third trimester is no exception for the appearance of various infections in the body. Yellow discharge indicates a high concentration of leukocytes. And accordingly, about infection. Inflammation of the genitourinary system can harm the child. As the mother's body's defenses weaken, there is a threat of infection to the fetus. Especially after the plug comes out and during childbirth. Green discharge combined with an unpleasant odor (rot, rotten fish) indicates the appearance of sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas). Only a gynecologist who knows all the nuances of your pregnancy can prescribe the correct treatment.

If you suspect leakage of amniotic fluid, or the water has broken at home, pay attention to its color. The yellow color of the water is an indicator of increased fetal bilirubin, and green indicates hypoxia. When entering the maternity hospital, you must inform the doctor about the color of the water so that he can choose the right tactics for labor.

Causes of watery discharge during pregnancy

Gynecologist-obstetricians say that mostly clear and white liquid discharge during pregnancy is normal, provided that it is not bloody and is not accompanied by painful sensations. They can be odorless or with its presence, viscous or like water. The latter are the most common.

Having discovered these in yourself, you should immediately exclude the leakage of amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid has a specific sweetish odor and a distinct yellow tint. If these characteristics are present, you should immediately consult a doctor, since this is a threat to the fetus and mother. Not all women are able to detect leakage of amniotic fluid, so if you have detected intense discharge, read the article “how to distinguish amniotic fluid from normal heavy discharge”

The mucous membrane covering the female genital organs produces mucus throughout life. This mucus, which is produced by the secretions of the cervix, is called cervical. At different periods, these secretions have different consistencies.

For example, the first day of the menstrual cycle is characterized by liquid discharge such as water. It is this that facilitates easy penetration of sperm to fertilize the egg. With the onset of ovulation, this is a thicker, transparent secretion that performs a barrier function, protecting the internal environment from germs, various infections and bacteria, which helps protect the future embryo.

Mucus can be of a certain nature and accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Acquiring a certain shade. It can be dark yellow, brown, green, reddish. Clear discharge during pregnancy is the norm; anything else is a reason to consult a specialist.
  2. Change in consistency and structure. If sticky discharge is noticeable, foamy, cheesy, or with lumps, these are signs of pathology.
  3. An unpleasant odor (rotten, sweetish, fishy, ​​milky) may indicate an infection.
  4. Painful sensations, swelling, itching, burning, irritation, neoplasms in the mucous membranes also indicate abnormalities.
  5. Pain when urinating, a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, an increase in body temperature can also be a reason to consult a doctor.

If discharge uncharacteristic of normal pregnancy appears, it means that there is some kind of pathology in the body. The reasons for the appearance of deviations during gestation are:

  1. Decreased immunity. If during pregnancy there is a discharge that resembles cottage cheese, or a secretion with a green/yellow tint and a repulsive odor, this may be a manifestation of candidiasis, STDs, pyelonephritis and other fungal or infectious diseases.
  2. Allergy. Unusual discharge appears as a reaction to underwear, pads, and intimate hygiene products. It is enough to remove the irritant and the specific secretion will stop bothering you.
  3. Diseases that occurred in a latent form became more active during pregnancy under the influence of hormones. For example, fibroids, polyps, erosion.
  4. Threat of miscarriage. This is evidenced by bloody discharge with clots.

In most cases, problems during pregnancy can be avoided if you approach giving life to a future person with all seriousness.

A couple of weeks before delivery, the uterus is rebuilt, the cervix begins to lengthen and prepare for dilation. On the eve of childbirth, the plug begins to come off, and sometimes amniotic fluid leaks.

In liquid, dirty yellow mucus, the presence of blood is acceptable. The color of the exiting plug should be red or red-brown, but not scarlet.

If the expectant mother notices that the plug or water has broken, she should immediately go to the maternity hospital. This means that meeting the baby is very close.

Pregnancy is an unforgettable period in the life of every woman. A huge number of changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. Many pregnant women are worried about discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy, what is its norm. After all, their character also changes a little. This can be explained by the fact that a radical hormonal change occurs.

Mucus discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester is considered normal and a woman does not need to worry, because in this way the body prepares for an early birth. If they have any color other than cream or transparent, or an unpleasant, pungent odor, then you should immediately contact a specialist.

  • Infections.
  • Bacterial vaginosis.
  • Placental complications.
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid.

Each of these situations must be promptly diagnosed and eliminated, because there is a very real risk to the fetus. Therefore, a woman should pay attention to any symptoms that seem suspicious to her.


Inflammatory diseases of the genital tract initiated by microbial agents are a very common situation in gynecology. During pregnancy, women are also not immune from this pathology. And the first thing they pay attention to is the change in the nature of the discharge:

  1. Colors: cloudy, greenish-yellow, brown, gray.
  2. Appearance: foamy, curd-like, creamy.
  3. Consistency: liquid or thick.
  4. Smell: sour, putrid, “fishy”.

In addition, there are also subjective signs of pathology. Women note the appearance of unpleasant sensations, indicating an infectious process in the urogenital tract. These include:

  • Burning, dryness and itching in the vagina.
  • Discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Temperature increase.

The nature of the discharge strongly depends on the composition of the microflora in the vagina. And if the natural biocenosis is disrupted, and beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria are replaced by others (gardnerella, E. coli, fungi), then pathological signs appear. The discharge becomes more abundant, liquid, grayish in color and has an unpleasant odor.

If spotting appears during pregnancy in the third trimester, then it is necessary to exclude placental pathology. We may be talking about premature detachment or presentation. In the first case, the following symptoms appear:

  • Local pain at the site of detachment.
  • Scanty bleeding from the vagina.
  • Protrusion of the uterine wall (not always).
  • Deterioration of the fetus' condition.

The situation when more than half of the placenta is detached is extremely unfavorable, since it is characterized by intrauterine death of the child. In other cases, signs of fetal hypoxia will be observed. If the process follows a central type, that is, detachment occurs in the middle of the placenta, then the blood is not released out, but can permeate the wall of the uterus. This is fraught with other complications - consumption coagulopathy or DIC syndrome.

Placenta previa is immediately manifested by massive bleeding that begins when the cervix is ​​opened or during some diagnostic procedures. In this case, the cervical canal is completely or partially blocked. The baby cannot be born on its own, and the bleeding cannot be stopped by anything other than surgery.

If watery discharge, similar to those that are normally observed when labor begins, occurs much earlier, then it is necessary to exclude leakage of amniotic fluid. This occurs due to damage to the membranes and can create conditions for infection or premature labor. Symptoms are noticeable when moving or changing body position. A woman may feel fluid flowing down her legs, wetness in the perineum, or simply notice it by a wet spot on the pad.

In the last months of gestation, the female body is actively preparing for childbirth, so the nature of leucorrhoea can change significantly. This is due to the occurrence of new physiological processes. It is at this time that the female body begins to actively produce the hormone estrogen, which affects the condition of the vaginal walls. The leucorrhoea may become too thin and transparent. This is the norm.

Also considered normal are leucorrhoea, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the discharge is completely transparent or acquires a uniform whitish tint;
  • discharged leucorrhoea does not cause discomfort, in particular burning, itching or pain;
  • leucorrhoea has a uniform consistency without clots and other impurities, including blood.

In medical practice, there are cases when, in the last trimester of gestation, the expectant mother experiences watery leucorrhoea from the vaginal canal. In this case, the treating specialists pay close attention to the expectant mother, since, most likely, amniotic fluid is leaking. This condition is considered non-critical, but is classified as a pathology.

A woman may even be hospitalized for observation and elimination of the causes that caused the appearance of such a symptom. It is impossible to make any independent decisions in such a situation, otherwise this may be fraught with the development of complicated consequences for the health of the future baby and his mother.

Brown discharge

Brown discharge is always an indicator of traces of blood. If they appeared after the examination, then there is nothing to worry about. But in some cases they may indicate a problem. Untreated cervical erosion may regularly manifest itself as spotting. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, brown discharge may indicate detachment of a normally located placenta. During abruption, the vessels and capillaries of the placenta rupture, causing bleeding. With minor damage, spotting brown discharge will be observed. With more extensive detachment, bleeding may begin. And this is a complication during childbirth for both the woman and the child. Therefore, in the last weeks of pregnancy, you should immediately report your observations to your doctor.

Pink discharge

At 39 or 40 weeks the plug usually comes off, sometimes mixed with blood. Therefore, the cork may have a pinkish tint. In all other cases, the pink color indicates some kind of problem with the reproductive system. Cervical erosion can appear after examination of the vaginal organs, as well as after sexual intercourse. Microcracks begin to bleed, turning the clear or whitish vaginal secretion pink. This occurs throughout pregnancy after any mechanical impact. Problems with the placenta can also manifest themselves with pink discharge, especially at the initial stage. A pale pink tint may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid as a result of a crack or rupture of the membranes.


Unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge during pregnancy can be prevented if you follow a certain set of preventive measures:

  • wearing loose underwear with a natural composition - it should be cotton, silk or linen, satin and synthetics should be avoided;
  • careful and proper hygiene, without fanaticism - with the help of special products aimed at caring for the female genital organs;
  • exclusion from the menu of hot seasonings, garlic and onions, smoked meats and excessive doses of black coffee;
  • timely treatment of inflammatory processes before pregnancy - the oral cavity, genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, nasopharynx, skin of the body and head, mucous membranes.

Such nuances will help prevent such a problem, while excluding developed diseases and infections during pregnancy itself.

Only a doctor can determine the pathology or normality in the color and aroma of discharge. It is important to consult a doctor on time and undergo routine examinations during pregnancy. You should not self-medicate. If you have identified any changes in the individual norm of vaginal secretion, you should immediately visit a gynecologist.


Bloody issues

During pregnancy, any spotting indicates a serious problem. In the third trimester, this may indicate the onset of premature labor, placental abruption, or placenta previa. In these cases, you need to immediately call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself. Such bleeding can lead to serious complications during childbirth and even the death of the child.

Pregnancy is a period when treatment of the mother can significantly affect the development of the fetus. In some cases, treatment is possible only after childbirth. Therefore, a woman needs to take care of herself all these months. Better yet, plan your pregnancy and undergo all the necessary examinations the day before. If you suspect any problems in the body, always consult a doctor, do not be afraid to play it safe.

Discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester: what does the norm look like?

After conception, a restructuring of the hormonal system occurs in the body of the expectant mother.
This is reflected in the quantity and consistency of sexual discharge. In the early stages of pregnancy, women secrete from the genitals a colorless, viscous, thick substance that looks like raw egg white. Small white clots may be observed in it. The increase in the amount of mucus secreted is explained by the fact that it closes the cervical canal, into which pathogenic microflora can enter from the genital tract.

At the beginning of the third month, sticky discharge, reminiscent of snot, becomes more abundant, and is often accompanied by nagging pain in the abdominal area. This should not cause concern to the expectant mother, since at 9-10 weeks the position of the uterus changes.

First, let's find out which picture should not alarm a pregnant woman. The physiological norm of discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester is considered to be transparent, whitish or beige mucus - it is this secretion that guarantees that everything is fine with the expectant mother. Such discharge in scientific terminology is known as leucorrhoea.

They consist of vaginal cells and natural bacterial microflora, which is usually present within the internal genital organs of a healthy woman. Pregnancy cannot proceed without the secretion of leucorrhoea.

If a pregnant woman has no discharge at all or it is very scanty, it is worth consulting a gynecologist about this.

The discharge of leucorrhoea is accompanied by every stage of pregnancy development - the mucous substance is a product of the activity of the hormonal system of the female body. As the expected date of birth approaches, the nature of the discharge changes: the leucorrhoea becomes thinner and there is a lot of it.

This metamorphosis occurs under the influence of the female sex hormone estrogen. Liquid discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester does not pose a danger to mother and baby. Ideally, leucorrhoea does not bother or embarrass a woman. They have a neutral odor and are not accompanied by itching or burning.

Daily pads (they need to be changed every 3 hours) will help the expectant mother feel as comfortable as possible.

If traces of brown or brownish mucus with a noticeable smell of raw meat appear on your underwear, you need to make an appointment with a doctor. Such a picture at a late stage of the “interesting” position means that a certain amount of blood has penetrated into the natural mucus.

Only a doctor can determine the nature of the mucus and decide whether a pregnant woman needs emergency hospitalization. In most cases, brown discharge is a serious reason for the expectant mother to go to the hospital.

Sometimes there is a need for medical supervision of a pregnant woman until birth.

In the last trimester of pregnancy, such discharge, or brown leukorrhea (as this phenomenon is scientifically called) is a sign of blood loss in the vessels that nourish the uterus.

Such blood loss is not dangerous to the life of the fetus, but small but regular bleeding deprives the baby of a full volume of oxygen.

Hospitalization of the mother in this case allows doctors to protect her from any stress and closely monitor the well-being of the baby in her womb.

Alternatively, the appearance of brown mucus in a pregnant woman in the third trimester of pregnancy may signal placenta previa. The incorrect location of the baby's place in the uterus determines the method of delivery. Doctors will examine the pregnant woman and decide how the baby will be born - naturally or through a cesarean section.

Pathological mucus that occurs during late pregnancy does not always have a brown tint. Also, expectant mothers are faced with leukorrhea that has a greenish or yellow tint. Such vaginal secretion is a serious reason for an urgent visit to the antenatal clinic.

Quite often, yellow discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester indicates the presence of a sexually transmitted disease in the mother. For example, gonorrhea is expressed by the obvious yellowness of the sexual secretion. If the yellow color of the mucus is quickly replaced by a green tint, things are bad - this is a signal of an acute inflammatory reaction or the obvious presence of a dangerous infection in the female body.

However, the green color of mucus does not always indicate danger - if the expectant mother is undergoing treatment and takes antibacterial agents, then this type of discharge can be caused by these medications. Then the appearance of greenish leukorrhea indicates a correctable disorder of the vaginal microflora, nothing more.

Sometimes it turns out that yellow spots on underwear are not mucus, but just traces of urine. Then the pregnant woman has no reason to worry.

Leakage, when urine is released literally drop by drop, occurs at those moments when the expectant mother briefly tenses - for example, laughs or sneezes.

It will not be possible to do anything to eliminate such a delicate problem - you can’t argue with physiology. The discomfort will disappear immediately after the baby is born.

When there is very little time left before giving birth, the level of estrogen in the blood of the expectant mother rises, and the blood itself begins to intensively flow to the woman’s genitals. As a result, the nature of the discharge may change from liquid to thicker mucus.

As a rule, shortly before the baby is born, the discharge takes on the consistency of raw egg white. This is considered the norm provided that the thick leucorrhoea does not smell of anything.

A thick, unpleasant-smelling, yellowish secretion indicates the development of a bacterial infection in the body. Let's run to the doctor!

Thickening of the vaginal leucorrhoea and the acquisition of a sour odor indicate candidiasis. This condition is popularly called thrush. A yeast infection appears as the body's response to a surge in hormones during late pregnancy.

White curdled discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester requires urgent treatment, otherwise the same infection attacks the child during childbirth.

The modern pharmacological market offers a wide range of drugs to combat thrush, but you should not start self-medication, since in this case the expectant mother risks not only her health, but also her child.

Thick secretions from the genital tract can also be a sign of chlamydia or bacterial vaginosis. The first infectious disease is sexually transmitted, the second is the result of an imbalance in the body and in the cervical canal.

The attending physician is informed about the alarming symptom as early as possible - pathologies that are not treated in time result in premature birth, as well as infection of the newborn baby.

Children whose mothers encountered bacterial vaginosis during the third trimester of pregnancy and struggled with it for a long time are often born miniature and premature.

Doctors say that the easiest way to prevent the appearance of pathological yellow leucorrhoea during pregnancy is by maintaining careful hygiene of the genitals. In addition, natural yoghurt must be present in the expectant mother’s diet - this is a reliable prevention of the development of fungal infection.

Practice shows that during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, many women experience the discharge of watery leucorrhoea. The condition requires immediate diagnosis - the pregnant woman may be leaking amniotic fluid.

The situation is not critical, however, it is regarded as a pathological condition. The expectant mother may be admitted to the hospital to observe her for a while, find out what factor caused the leakage and, of course, eliminate it.

Let’s also consider a situation where a woman develops pink leucorrhoea shortly before giving birth. Obviously, this color of mucus is provided by the admixture of blood present in it. You should always pay attention to this condition, even if the discharge is pale and the pink tint is barely noticeable. So, how dangerous is this state of affairs during late pregnancy?

Pink mucus may bother the expectant mother after she has been examined by a gynecologist. In this case, there is slight damage to the delicate walls of the vagina by a gynecological speculum or vaginal sensor of an ultrasound machine.

But such discharge is short-term in nature: from several minutes to a couple of hours. Very soon, all damaged mucous membranes return to normal and the leucorrhoea loses its pinkish tint. However, as you understand, we are talking about an examination during the 1st or 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

The reasons for the appearance of pink leucorrhoea during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester are completely different.

Pale pink mucus is a known symptom of cervical ectopia. The pathology concerns the condition of the epithelium of the internal genital organs and does not pose a danger to the mother and her baby. A woman should seriously address this problem after giving birth.

However, the origin of the disease is of no small importance for the mother and child.

If during the examination it turns out that ectopia of the cervix has appeared due to the development of a viral infection in the body, the problem will most likely be solved by surgical medication.

Another reason for the appearance of pinkish and clearly pink discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy may be placental abruption. But unlike cervical ectopia, this is a very dangerous condition for the tandem of mother and baby.

A pregnant woman requires urgent hospitalization if the doctor confirms the diagnosis. Most often, the placenta exfoliates prematurely if it experiences a heavy load due to polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancies.

To save the child from progressive hypoxia, doctors stimulate natural labor or initiate emergency delivery by cesarean section.

If you are nearing your due date, pink, gelatinous discharge mixed with brownish streaks or lumps on your underwear is most likely a mucus plug that has been protecting your pregnant uterus throughout your pregnancy. Most often, the cork comes out in parts and this process can last from several hours to several weeks. Naturally, you need to immediately inform your obstetrician-gynecologist about what you see.

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