Discharge with air bubbles and no odor

Physiological discharge from the vagina is designed to perform a protective function: they prevent harmful bacteria from entering it and moisturize its walls. In a woman's normal state of health, leucorrhoea consists of mucus, which is secreted from the glands of the cervical canal, epithelial cells and various microorganisms that form the vaginal microflora. The amount of discharge may vary depending on the menstrual cycle, the state of the woman’s hormonal system and her sexual activity. They may be clear or slightly yellowish in color, have a uniform consistency, and are usually odorless.

But it happens that the female body, like any other well-oiled mechanism, sometimes fails. Its appearance can be triggered by many factors: from stress and fatigue to unprotected sexual intercourse. Changes in vaginal discharge can vary: color, smell, consistency and abundance change. One of the common complaints from women to gynecologists is the appearance of foamy discharge.

Foamy vaginal discharge can be white, yellow or even greenish. They are usually accompanied by an unpleasant odor and discomfort (itching, burning) and are often the result of sexually transmitted diseases, namely trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis) and bacterial vaginosis.

Possible pathologies

Foamy white exudate usually indicates candidiasis. The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. itching in the vaginal area;
  2. burning sensation in the labia;
  3. painful spasms during sex and passing urine;
  4. swelling of the vagina after sex.

Intense foamy discharge with a yellow odor or with bloody impurities indicates vaginitis of bacterial origin. This is an inflammatory process provoked by a violation of the microflora. Local protective functions are not able to restrain the growth of pathogenic microorganisms; they attack vaginal cells, and inflammation begins. Distinctive features include:

  • itching, redness, swelling of intimate organs;
  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain during sex;
  • rash on the labia;
  • weakness, increased fatigue;
  • frequent urination;
  • slight hyperthermia.

Copious discharge with a rotten fish smell and a foamy consistency may be a signal of trichomoniasis. It is caused by Trichomonas. The clinical picture is determined by the following manifestations:

  • irritation of the labia, vagina, inner thighs;
  • erosion of the genital mucosa;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • painful urination;
  • discomfort during sex.

A yellow-green discharge that produces an unpleasant odor indicates gonorrhea. The pathology of the acute course of infectious etiology is caused by gonococci and is sexually transmitted. Symptoms include:

  • itching, pain during urination;
  • separation of purulent masses from the vagina;
  • hyperthermia;
  • general weakness;
  • enlarged lymph nodes, pain on palpation;
  • nausea;
  • lack of appetite.

The appearance of vaginal secretion of a foamy consistency, with blood and a foul odor, indicates the presence of a cystic formation in the uterus or its appendages. Among the manifestations, the following conditions are distinguished:

  1. discomfort in the vaginal cavity;
  2. pain in the lower peritoneum;
  3. pain during adjustments;
  4. discomfort during intimacy;
  5. increase in the amount of menstrual bleeding.

Deep yellow and green discharge with a strong, foul odor is a sign of endometritis. An inflammatory focus in the uterus is caused by trauma or bacteria. The symptoms are as follows:

  • acute pain in the lower part of the peritoneum;
  • tachycardia;
  • hyperthermia with chills;
  • discomfort during urination;
  • weakness in the body;
  • abundant, painful regula;
  • enlargement of the uterine cavity, provoked by the inflammatory process.

Endometritis is fraught with infertility in the absence of timely treatment.

Foamy, odorless discharge often occurs during ovulation. Vaginal secretion becomes thicker, like egg white. At the end of the ovulation period, everything returns to normal. It is still possible for the temperature to rise to +37 degrees. The discharge is thick, viscous, and white in color.

Stressful situations, strong emotions, and psychological overload lead to changes in vaginal lubrication. The discharge is foamy, transparent, thick, and is not accompanied by any symptoms. The condition goes away on its own after the emotional background is restored.

Brown discharge with a delay in menstruation can inform about the pathological course of pregnancy, or ectopic gestation. The pathology is complemented by characteristic signs:

  1. lack of regulation;
  2. toxicosis;
  3. sharp pain on the side, at the bottom of the peritoneum.

In severe cases, loss of consciousness is observed. The condition is fraught with dangerous consequences and requires treatment. Even in the case of uterine gestation, when bloody exudate is present, consult a doctor immediately, as this can lead to miscarriage.

Why is it important to see a doctor on time?

Any qualitative or quantitative changes (color, consistency and smell) of discharge should be a reason to contact a specialist, in this case a gynecologist or venereologist. This is especially true for foamy discharge with an unpleasant odor, which is a likely manifestation of such a dangerous disease as trichomoniasis.

This diagnosis can be confirmed or refuted, as well as the exact cause of pathological foamy discharge can be determined using a comprehensive examination:

  • Collection of complaints and medical history. The doctor's special attention should be directed to the connection between the appearance of symptoms of the disease and possible causative factors (unprotected sexual contact with a new partner, antibiotic therapy, the presence of immunodeficiency).
  • Gynecological examination of the external genitalia. Allows you to notice hyperemic and edematous elements on the mucous membrane, an unpleasant odor.
  • Examination of the walls of the vagina and cervix in the speculum. Copious white foamy discharge is clearly visualized near the posterior vaginal fornix.
  • Laboratory research methods should include: Microscopy of an unstained specimen (can be performed almost immediately after taking a smear) - this research method is indicative only for severe acute forms of infection;
  • Microscopy of a Gram-stained smear, designed to differentiate between sensitive and acid-resistant bacteria, allows reliably identifying the pathogen in 40-60% of cases;
  • Bacteriological (cultural) study. It is based on sowing the resulting biomaterial onto a nutrient medium for the purpose of further growing colonies of pathogenic organisms, determining their type and identifying sensitivity to popular antibiotics. Used when the picture of an infectious disease is erased.
  • PCR is a modern molecular genetic study based on identifying chains of genetic material (DNA) of the pathogen in collected foamy secretions or systemic blood flow. It is highly effective, absolutely safe and does not require damaging tests.


Since foamy discharge can be a consequence of various pathologies, a number of diagnostic measures are prescribed. Next, an individual therapeutic plan is drawn up, depending on the causative agent of the disease, the degree of damage to the intimate organs, and concomitant diseases. Comprehensive measures involve taking the following groups of medications: antibacterial drugs, vitamins, solutions for vaginal sanitation, the use of ointments, suppositories and creams. If a sexually transmitted disease has been detected, both partners undergo therapy. A course of treatment is also prescribed for carriers of Trichomonas.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 10% of the world's population suffers from this disease of the genitourinary system caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. This disease is a venereal disease and is transmitted sexually. Vaginal Trichomonas quickly die from the influence of various environmental factors, but if sanitary and hygienic standards are violated, then there is a possibility of household infection.

Symptoms of Trichomoniasis

The disease can affect both men and women. But men, as a rule, suffer it asymptomatically: inflammation of the urethra is accompanied by weak mucous secretions that are unable to cause discomfort. Feeling healthy and unaware of the disease, a man does not see a doctor and, thus, is a constant source of infection for his sexual partners.

In women, trichomoniasis manifests itself as a gray-yellow or light green foamy vaginal discharge, often accompanied by an unpleasant odor and a sensation of itching and burning. If the body's resistance is reduced, the disease can spread to the uterus and appendages. The same happens during menstruation. Therefore, if any symptoms of the disease appear, you should definitely consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Treatment of Trichomoniasis

Trichomonas vaginalis is destroyed by drugs from the 5-nitromidazoles group, and its treatment, as a rule, takes a fairly long period of time. But therapy is not always successful, because... the bacteria may be resistant to the prescribed drug. In this regard, the patient is prescribed a second course of treatment using drugs from a different group.

Often, the ineffectiveness of treatment can be explained by re-infection from a sexual partner in whom the disease is asymptomatic. Therefore, both partners always need to be treated at the same time. While taking tablets for trichomoniasis, you should stop drinking alcohol and avoid sexual intercourse. Pregnant women undergo medication only under the supervision of a doctor, because the drugs can adversely affect the fetus.

When foamy discharge is caused by digestive disorders

Sudden secretion with the smell of sour milk is a sign of fungal infection of the reproductive system. The cause of the disease is primarily associated with the ingress of fungal microflora. But if the discharge is observed without itching and swelling of the genitals, it is possible that they are caused by dysbacteriosis.

A violation of the intestinal microflora is indicated by bloating and pain in the abdomen, tension in the anterior abdominal wall. Additional signs are diarrhea, general weakness, loss of appetite.

Also, a violation of the intestinal microflora develops as a result of long-term antibiotic therapy. Foamy secretion from the vagina varies in abundance; when it enters the bladder, it provokes the development of cystitis.

Determining the disease by the color of the discharge

The color and consistency of a woman's discharge can vary depending on more than 100 factors. Therefore, even an experienced gynecologist without laboratory tests based on examination alone will not be able to give you an accurate diagnosis.

Presumably, only significant white discharge with a curd-like consistency indicates that a woman (of any age) is developing candidiasis. But thrush rarely comes on its own. It mainly occurs with STDs, that is, sexually transmitted diseases, some of which were listed above. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a smear test for bacterial culture, as well as certain tests for sexually transmitted diseases (which will be prescribed by the gynecologist).

If you decide to give yourself suppositories for thrush or do douching without first taking tests, you can only transfer the disease to a chronic or latent form. And then in the future symptoms will appear again, and treatment will take more effort, time and money. And the consequences for the body will be more serious. This should be taken into account especially for those who plan to have children in the future: in a year, 5 or 10 years, it doesn’t matter.

The color of the discharge can only tell the doctor which studies are recommended. That is, a gynecologist can say that there is a suspicion of certain diseases. Foaming transparent discharge may indicate that the pathological process is provoked by chlamydia.

If the discharge is white and has a fishy smell, then it is mainly assumed to be bacterial vaginosis or gardnerellosis. Greenish leucorrhoea indicates that a purulent process is occurring, because a large number of leukocytes color the woman’s discharge green to one degree or another. The stronger the inflammation, the more saturated green the color of the discharge will be.

In many cases, yellowish discharge indicates trichomoniasis, because the inflammatory process in this pathology is often based in the vagina, and there the number of leukocytes is smaller. White discharge in women and girls, as already noted, is sometimes a normal variant, and sometimes a sign of thrush. If thrush occurs in a mild form, then disturbing symptoms such as burning and itching may not be observed. Or the itching appears from time to time and is not severe. Urgently go to the gynecologist if your white discharge becomes thick or its quantity increases. You need to get tested to find out whether it is thrush or not.

But you shouldn’t independently diagnose anything based on the color of the discharge without taking tests. Doctors warn that self-diagnosis and self-treatment, if you are not qualified as a doctor, can only do harm!

When foamy discharge is caused by vaginal candidiasis

Thrush is one of the most common diseases caused by fungi of the genus Candida. The penetration of pathogenic microflora occurs due to insufficient hygiene and sexual intercourse (when the partner is infected). A predisposing condition for the development of the inflammatory process is a decrease in immunity (for example, against the background of hypothermia, fasting, hormonal disorders).

Vaginal candidiasis (the second definition of pathology) is characterized by fairly clear symptoms, including:

  • White curdled secretion.
  • Itching in the vagina, which leads to scratching and damage to the genital tissue.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Dysuria is a phenomenon of discomfort during urination.
  • Increased urge, but decreased urine output (sometimes it is released literally drop by drop).
  • Increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels.
  • General weakness and decreased performance, irritability due to lack of sleep caused by pain and irritation.

Not only vaginal secretion, but also urine is released with a fishy smell. The consistency does not always have a cheesy appearance - sometimes a woman notices that a foamy light liquid is leaking.

Classification of discharge

By origin, the discharge can be:

  • tubal (appear when the fallopian tubes become inflamed. Fluid accumulates in the organ, which goes to the uterus, then to the cervix, and then to the vagina)
  • uterine (appears with endometritis caused by any pathogenic bacteria. Discharge, which is a consequence of inflammation, first flows into the cervix, and from there into the vagina, mixing there with natural vaginal leucorrhoea)
  • vaginal (appear, respectively, during the inflammatory process in the vagina, they generally have an unpleasant odor. Vaginal leucorrhoea occurs with gardnerellosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and a number of other diseases.
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