What does Father George's monastery tea help with?

At the moment, there are many sites on the Internet that sell various versions of such a widely advertised product as monastery tea. He is credited with getting rid of various serious diseases and several other health problems. But, unfortunately, most of these products are just a scam, which can not only bring no benefit, but also cause harm if such tea is used instead of treatment methods prescribed by a doctor. Why monastery tea is a scam in most cases is described here. This was confirmed by real people and ministers of monasteries, who advertised on scammers’ websites as manufacturers of this product. But as it turned out, the courtyard of the Holy Spiritual Monastery, located in the village. Solenom, Mostovsky District, Krasnodar Territory, actually produces a special herbal mixture and tea. The compound has its own autonomous economic activity, and in its process the procurement of raw materials and production of products takes place, including the monastery collection of Father George (Sava) of 16 herbs and monastery tea. It is then sold in the monastery itself, as well as in the Church of the Holy Nativity of the Virgin Mary (Mostovskaya village).

Monastic tea and a collection of 16 herbs
are two different drinks in this case. To describe the difference briefly, they can be described as follows:

  • Monastic tea from the Krasnodar region is a restorative drink containing 5 ingredients. It can be drunk in any quantity, like a regular hot drink.
  • Father George's (Savva) collection of 16 herbs is a special and well-known medicinal product far beyond the CIS, which is drunk in strictly dosed doses.

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Attention! This product is not distributed through any website where they offer to order it for a lot of money (900-1100 rubles) and even supposedly at a discount. There are also no branded stores in Moscow and other cities. The approximate small price and real contacts are given in this article.

What is the monastery collection of Father George

Father George's monastic tea is a natural herbal composition of 16 healing ingredients that has a positive effect on all systems of the human body. The use of monastery tea activates restoration processes, prevents diseases, and provides positive dynamics in the treatment of many acute and chronic diseases. It is known that Father George was the abbot of the Timashevsky monastery, he collected herbs at a strictly defined time and with prayer. He treated seriously ill parishioners of a nearby church with herbal drinks.


The basic composition of the monastery collection of Father George is a number of medicinal herbs that have a healing effect on all organs of the human body. Among the medicinal herbs:

  • Birch buds;
  • nettle;
  • Linden;
  • sagebrush;
  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • rose hip;
  • immortelle;
  • cottonweed;
  • buckthorn;
  • dried flower;
  • yarrow;
  • series;
  • thyme;
  • bearberry;
  • motherwort.

A total of 16 natural ingredients. All components of the herbal drink perform their inherent functions, and strict adherence to the proportions provided for in the recipe explains the effectiveness of drinking monastery tea.

Indications for use

Drinking Father George's herbal tea is recommended to improve well-being and treat serious illnesses, including cancer. Monastic composition is effective when:

  • treatment of oncology;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammation.

A collection of 16 herbs from Father George:

  • cleanses the body of malignant cells;
  • increases immunity;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • cleanses blood vessels;
  • relieves coughing attacks;
  • treats colds;
  • relieves pain;
  • regulates digestion;
  • cleanses the blood;
  • acts as a choleretic drug;
  • normalizes the functioning of the stomach.

Composition of Monastic tea

The collection of herbs for the drink depends on what needs to be healed.
Now no one can say for sure what herbs the classic Monastery tea is made from. According to ancient legends, the monks collected herbs growing near the monasteries where they served. The number and variety of herbs varied from area to area. Most often, Monastic tea consisted of 7 - 9 types of plants, but there were also teas that included 16 herbs. Among the main components are the following: chamomile; thyme; veil; dandelion; horsetail; Linden; immortelle; rose hip; St. John's wort; sage elecampane; nettle.

Instructions for using the monastery collection of Father George

The effect of taking monastery tea will be noticeable only after a course of treatment. The first course should last at least three weeks, but improvement in well-being may be felt after the first week. If the desired result is not achieved, the course of treatment must be repeated. The tea is prepared strictly in accordance with the recipe, taken only hot, without sugar, at the same time, 3-4 cups per day, 30 minutes before meals. To ensure that the microelements contained in herbs are well absorbed, it is better to stick to a light diet during herbal treatment.

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How to brew

There are two ways to properly brew this healing drink: in a cup or in a Turk. According to the recipe, you need to use a tablespoon of herb per 200 ml of water. The rest is the same as when preparing any tea and coffee drinks. To keep the herbal infusion for several hours, you can pour it into a thermos and close the lid tightly. The properties of the infusion are preserved.

  • pour the required amount of herb into a cup, add boiled water, leave for no more than 15 minutes;
  • Pour the required amount of herbs into the Turk, add cold water and bring to a boil over low heat.

How to store

In order to preserve the healing properties, Father George’s herbal collection is recommended to be stored under certain conditions. The package in which the monastery tea was purchased is suitable for storage only until it is opened. After opening the package, its contents should be poured into a dry glass jar, tightly closed with a lid, and placed in a dark place. The optimal storage temperature is 15-20 degrees. It is not recommended to store the composition in a plastic bag.


To avoid negative consequences, it is not recommended to use monastery teas during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the components. Each individual type of tea has its own characteristics and contraindications, so you should consult a doctor before taking it. The instructions describe how to drink monastery tea; if the rules of administration and dosage are not followed, side effects may occur in the form of headache, swelling, itching, and rashes.

To get the most positive result, you need to brew and take monastery tea correctly:

  • strictly follow the recipe;
  • do not abuse drinks, take no more than 1-2 cups per day;
  • follow the course of treatment - no more than 3 weeks 2 times a year;
  • During treatment, follow a certain diet and give up alcohol.

Monastery tea contains herbs that help in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases

Reviews from doctors

General practitioner Elena Ivanovna, 48 years old I have been prescribing it to my patients for several years as part of complex therapy for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. There are many positive reviews for grades 2 and 3 of the disease, sugar levels are stabilizing. Patients with grade 1 note a significant improvement in their well-being. I recommend taking it for stress and nervous overload.

Cardiologist Viktor Vladimirovich, 37 years old. I recommend it to my patients for preventive purposes, but I prescribe it in combination with medications during rehabilitation after surgical treatment. The collection has a calming effect on the nervous system, reduces the tendency to form venous blood clots, increases vascular tone, and enhances the effect of medications.

For what diseases should it be used?

Positive therapeutic results from the use of the collection have been reliably proven in the case of the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts;
  • metabolic disorders (especially diabetes mellitus);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hormonal disorders in female representatives;
  • exposure to frequent colds;
  • diseases of the reproductive system and urinary organs;
  • gastritis and ulcers;
  • disorders in the hematopoietic system;
  • decreased immunity;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • sleep disorders;
  • pathological loss of appetite;
  • infertility.

With regular use of Monastic tea in correctly selected proportions, as well as the use of drug therapy prescribed by the attending physician (if necessary), the patient’s recovery occurs in the shortest possible time.

Principle of operation

The effect of monastery tea depends on its composition. The universal collection provides comprehensive treatment for the body, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves sleep, strengthens the immune system, and kills harmful bacteria and viruses. Below are tea compositions for specific diseases and how they work.

For osteochondrosis

  • Rose hip,
  • Oregano,
  • Black tea,
  • St. John's wort.

Monastic tea for osteochondrosis improves metabolic function in the spinal column and nearby tissues, activates blood circulation in the spine, reduces pain, gives elasticity to joints, relieves swelling, relieves inflammation, saturates the body with useful vitamins and amino acids, without which healthy functioning of the body is impossible.

From alcoholism

  • Yarrow,
  • St. John's wort,
  • Sage,
  • Thyme,
  • Oregano,
  • Calendula,
  • Wormwood,
  • Nettle,
  • Chamomile.

Regular use of the natural mixture helps fight addiction to alcohol. In advanced stages of alcoholism, tea reduces the desire to drink alcohol. The herbal drink normalizes blood pressure and has a preventive effect against hypertensive crisis. Reduces headaches of various types, removes toxins. Useful components stabilize the amount of cholesterol in the blood, strengthen blood vessels and prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

For prostatitis

Universal monastery tea is suitable for the treatment of prostatitis and diseases of the genitourinary system. A drink with natural ingredients stops the proliferation of bacteria at the site of the inflammatory process. This reduces the feeling of discomfort during urination and eases the course of the disease, gradually eliminating it completely.

The anti-inflammatory effect exerted by the plants from the collection reduces the size of the inflammation, restores the external and internal tissues of the prostate. The size of the gland becomes smaller, the signs of the disease decrease.

Ascorbic acid, contained in many plants from the collection, improves the body's protective functions, which prevents the re-development of the disease. Harmful bacteria die, the body is saturated with vitamin C, retains reserves for a long time and protects organs and systems from the penetration of viruses.

For herpes

  • Nettle,
  • Sage,
  • succession,
  • Yarrow,
  • Thyme,
  • Sagebrush,
  • Birch buds,
  • Linden color,
  • Chamomile,
  • Motherwort,
  • Cottonweed.

Monastic tea, the composition of which is aimed at treating herpes, has an immunomodulating effect, destroys viruses and bacteria. A two-month course of taking the collection eliminates the infection. After several days of use, pain, itching decreases, irritation subsides, and sleep stabilizes.

For heart

  • Valerian,
  • Mint,
  • Hawthorn,
  • Motherwort,
  • Melissa.

Stimulates normal blood circulation, stabilizes blood pressure, has a sedative effect, fights pain, pinching in the heart.

During menopause

The basic composition of tea made from herbs and fruits affects the functioning of the female genital organs. With the onset of menopause, irreversible changes occur in a woman’s body, which bring discomfort. Natural ingredients calm the nervous system, increase vitality, and promote weight loss. A large number of vitamins and microelements improve the condition of the skin.

For weight loss

  • Fennel,
  • Chamomile,
  • Linden blossom,
  • Mint, dandelion,
  • Senna

Monastic tea for weight loss helps cleanse the body, removes toxins and has a mild laxative effect. The drink normalizes appetite, which allows you to consume fewer calories. A month's course will help reduce weight up to 5 kg. The course lasts one month, after a break of 3 months the dose can be repeated.

For diabetes

  • Horsetail,
  • St. John's wort,
  • Blueberry,
  • Chamomile,
  • Rose hip,
  • Green tea.

The monastic collection strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood sugar levels, and improves the absorption of insulin. Tea suppresses the desire to eat sweets, reduces weight, and stops the development of the disease. Regular repetition of the course will reduce the manifestation of the disease to a minimum.


  • St. John's wort,
  • Oregano,
  • Elecampane,
  • Rose hip,
  • Sagebrush,
  • Chamomile,
  • Calendula,
  • Oak bark,
  • Sage.

Natural components affect the vital activity of parasites, destroying them. Regular consumption helps eliminate all types of parasites and their deposits. The positive effect will be manifested by an improvement in your condition, vigor will appear, a surge of strength will come, and digestive problems will stop. Parasites destroy human health from the inside. Monastic tea destroys harmful organisms. Within a month after taking it, the condition of the skin will improve, skin rashes will disappear, and normal appetite and sleep will appear.

From smoking

  • St. John's wort,
  • Lungwort,
  • Black elderberry
  • Rose hip,
  • Oregano,

The drink removes nicotine accumulations in the body, which reduces the desire to smoke. After getting rid of a bad habit, blood pressure normalizes, breathing becomes easier, fatigue decreases, and the overall tone of the body increases.

Stomach tea

  • Flax seed,
  • Calendula,
  • Peppermint,
  • Rose hip,
  • St. John's wort,
  • Horsetail,
  • Sagebrush,
  • Marsh dry grass.

These plants not only have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also strengthen the body as a whole, normalizing the functioning of all organs and systems. Stomach tea helps fight a number of diseases: stomach ulcers, colitis of various types, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, insufficient amounts of enzymes in the body, constipation, diarrhea, poisoning.

Monastery tea can contain a large number of different plants, the action of which has a positive effect on certain parts of the body. There is a collection for the liver, against gynecological diseases. The universal composition helps to combat most of the problems presented, since it contains components that are suitable for the treatment of various diseases. It is possible to achieve high results in herbal treatment thanks to the natural and unique composition, careful processing of components that does not violate their structure and composition.

How to buy?

It is difficult to find monastery tea made according to a real ancient recipe. Pharmacies often sell infusions from various manufacturers. Many companies produce similar products, but none of them have any real effect. You can buy the drink online by selecting the product on the manufacturer’s official website.

To order monastery tea, just fill out a special form and click on the “Order” button. The product presented on the site is manufactured using the correct technology, which retains all the beneficial properties of herbs and fruits.

Composition and beneficial properties

ComponentBeneficial features
Black or green teaDestroys pathogenic organisms, helps normalize digestion, cleanses the kidneys, removes toxins, strengthens blood vessels, tones.
Dog-rose fruitBerries contain a large amount of vitamins that enhance the body's protective functions. Folic acid and vitamin E contained in the fruits are responsible for the healthy functioning of the genital organs. Beta caratine is good for vision.
ElecampaneThe plant fights bacteria, destroys harmful organisms, strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system.
St. John's wortThis herbaceous plant is a common sedative. Has an effective calming effect and normalizes sleep. It is used in the treatment of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - calitis, gastritis, flatulence. Useful for hepatitis, hemorrhoids, enuresis, erosion of the female genital organs.
OreganoNormalizes heart rate and blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, calms, eliminates infections of various kinds, restores metabolic processes, improves sleep.
PropolisThanks to the high content of vitamin C, it strengthens the immune system and fights viruses, removes cholesterol plaques, normalizes circulatory processes and has regenerative properties.
ChamomileIt has an antiseptic effect, improves the functioning of the nervous system, and improves sleep.

Some varieties of tea contain other types of plants and fruits. Above is the basic composition of the collection. Additional ingredients are added when choosing a drink to solve a specific problem.

Scam or truth?

Monastic tea is a unique herbal mixture that does not contain a single unnecessary ingredient. All herbs are combined with each other and create a miraculous ensemble of natural ingredients. Previously, monastery tea was sold only in churches, but now the recipe has become available. Negative reviews of monastery tea appear from people who bought a low-quality product that was made using the wrong technology.

Monastic tea is not a scam, it is the experience of people who live close to nature and know the purpose of each plant. In times when there were no synthetic drugs, humanity was treated only with natural gifts. There are many products on the Internet that are fake; the herbs in them do not have any medicinal effect. To get tangible results from taking the tea, you need to find a reliable seller of this product and know how to brew monastery tea correctly so that the drink retains all its beneficial properties.

What does the original drug look like?

Real monastery tea with natural composition is in transparent packaging. On the front side is a label with the name, composition and information about the product. Through the transparent packaging, the appearance of the tea, its texture, and the presence of various herbs and dried fruits are clearly visible. The tea inside is crumbly, dry, with a pronounced aroma of natural herbs.


The first monastery tea was invented by monks from the Slovetsky Monastery in the 15th century. With its help, most diseases were treated and the immune system was strengthened. The collection recipe was passed down from generation to generation, and new ingredients were added to it. The main secret of monastery tea is that all the herbs for it are collected by hand and processed in the most careful way. The drink has no complete analogues; there are preparations that are similar in composition and action.

  • Herbal drink “Teabreeze”;
  • Herbal tea “Aroma”;
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