When does ovulation occur after stopping oral contraceptives?

If a woman of reproductive age does not plan to become a mother in the near future, then, in the absence of contraindications, she is recommended to use hormonal tablet contraceptives that can protect the body from unplanned conception with an effectiveness of 98%. Under the influence of certain factors, a woman may ovulate when taking birth control pills, the reason for which is non-compliance with medical recommendations or the presence of concomitant diseases of the reproductive system. The main reasons for the onset of ovulation while taking tablet contraceptives will be discussed in detail below.

Operating principle OK

If we talk about whether another ovulation occurs when taking tablet contraceptives, then the activation of this process cannot be ruled out. The mechanism of action of hormonal contraceptives on the female body directly depends on the type of tablet contraceptives. These drugs are conventionally divided into combined oral contraceptives (COCs) and progestin drugs that do not contain estrogens.

Combined contraceptives

Combination medications such as Yarina, Janine, Klayra and Jess contain estrogen elements of natural or synthetic origin. The main function of estrogens is to maintain the menstrual cycle, as well as prevent intermenstrual bleeding. The mechanism of action of combined oral contraceptives is based on suppressing the growth of follicles and inhibiting the process of maturation and release of the egg into the abdominal cavity.

Progestin drugs

Progestin drugs do not have an estrogen component, and their effect on the female body is multidirectional. First of all, this group of contraceptives changes the degree of viscosity of cervical mucus, making it thicker, thereby making it difficult for sperm to enter the cervical canal.

In addition, progestin contraceptives act on the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, preventing implantation of a fertilized egg. As a rule, the active ingredient of drugs from the group of gestagens is desogestrel. This powerful substance of hormonal nature, with minimal dosage, has a pronounced contraceptive effect.

How oral contraceptives affect hormonal levels

Birth control pills are called hormonal because their main components are the synthetic hormones progesterone and estrogen. Their specific ratio, concentrated in each pill, does not allow the egg to mature to the required state to be released from the ovary. That is, ovulation is impossible when taking ok.

Another important component of the action of hormonal pills is their ability to reduce the contractility of the uterine tubes. Moreover, contraceptives increase the viscosity of the secretion secreted by the cervix. Therefore, sperm cannot enter the uterine cavity and have no chance of starting fertilization. The endometrium, which becomes thinner with each month of taking medications, will not allow the embryo to attach to the uterine wall.

This “triple” attack reduces the likelihood of conception to a minimum. Rare exceptions to the occurrence of pregnancy while taking oral contraceptives are recorded if the woman has violated the rules for taking the drug.

Despite the fact that ovulation stops when taking oc, they are used to treat some gynecological diseases, including infertility. The use of contraceptives is indicated in the following cases:

  • Severe discomfort before menstruation;
  • Complete absence of menstruation;
  • Endometriosis (a disease in which the endometrium grows to gigantic sizes, extending beyond the organ);
  • Pain during menstruation;
  • Uterine bleeding caused by hormonal imbalance;
  • Tumor processes of a malignant and benign nature;
  • Infertility caused by hormonal dysfunction.

Many will be surprised by the fact that infertility is treated with hormones that stop ovulation. However, this technique is very effective. Its essence lies in the fact that the “weakened” ovaries, unable to perform their functions, are given a short-term rest (2-3 months). Then, the “rested” glands resume their work at double speed, which leads to the production of full-fledged eggs, which contribute to the long-awaited conception. This is called the rebound effect.

Reasons for ovulation

There are several main reasons under the influence of which ovulation can occur with hormonal contraceptives. Among these reasons are:

  1. Failure to comply with the individually prescribed regimen for using a hormonal drug. Very often, women, due to lack of experience, do not adhere to the medical regimen for taking a hormonal drug, which was drawn up by the attending gynecologist. Against the background of changes in the balance of sex hormones, a woman may ovulate.
  2. Structural and functional pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. If a woman has certain diseases of the digestive tract, then the process of absorption of the components of the product may be disrupted.
  3. Combined use of hormonal drugs with other groups of medications, resulting in a decrease in the effectiveness of birth control pills.
  4. Individual immunity to the prescribed drug. In some patients, ovulation occurs after discontinuation of OCs and while taking them if a particular drug is not suitable for the female body.

In addition, the contraceptive effect of hormonal tablet contraceptives can be reduced or eliminated when the tablets are used in combination with alcohol.

Important! If a woman has just started using a hormonal drug, then during the first ovarian-menstrual cycle, her body is not under reliable protection from the onset of an unplanned pregnancy. The reason for this is the insufficient accumulation of the active substance of the drug in the body, as well as the lack of necessary hormonal changes.

Effect on ovulation

Combined oral contraceptives have a significant impact on the process of maturation and release of the egg. Unlike COCs, progestin contraceptives (mini-pills) do not affect the ovulation process in the female body, since their main effect is a change in the viscosity of cervical mucus. During the entire period of taking combined oral contraceptives, the female body receives hormone replacement therapy, as a result of which the natural hormone-producing function of the ovaries is inhibited.

After discontinuation of COC use, the ovaries begin to produce hormones in significant quantities, which leads to the development of the so-called rebound effect . The essence of the rebound effect is a significant increase in female fertility and an increase in the likelihood of pregnancy during unprotected intercourse to the maximum.

The approximate time of ovulation after stopping birth control pills is individual for each woman. Some patients completely restore fertility within 3 months from the moment the drug is discontinued. Not every woman can boast of a quick restoration of ovulation after taking birth control pills. At least 60% of women of reproductive age can count on complete restoration of reproductive function within 6-12 months from the date of discontinuation of the contraceptive.

Features of recovery after canceling OK

After stopping oral contraceptives, a period of hyperovulation begins. It is due to the following factors:

  • high rate of restoration of ovarian function;
  • the chance of producing several eggs at once that are capable of fertilization increases.

To avoid hyperovulation, experts recommend limiting the use of contraceptives not sharply. First of all, replacement therapy is chosen, then the woman is prescribed synthetic hormones that affect the thyroid gland. This treatment allows you to establish the menstrual cycle and resume the functioning of the reproductive system in a short time.

It is best to stop using the pills before your expected period. This will allow the ovaries to function again in the next cycle. An important point is ultrasound diagnostics; about 2-3 examinations may be required. At the same time, it is necessary to be examined by a gynecologist; a specialist will help restore the cycle even without the use of hormonal drugs.

Possibility of ovulation and conception while taking OK

At least 2% of women taking hormonal contraceptive tablets experienced an unplanned pregnancy. Despite the high effectiveness of tablet contraceptives, there is a minimal percentage of the likelihood of ovulation occurring. Women are at greatest risk during the first month of taking OCs. That is why, during the first cycle from the moment of starting hormonal contraception, a woman is recommended to protect herself during ovulation, since the risk of an unplanned pregnancy is at least 50%.

What to do if there is no ovulation after taking OK?

The total duration of the stage of restoration of female fertility directly depends on the duration of taking oral contraceptives. It takes us an average of 3 to 12 months to fully restore the hormone-producing function of the ovaries. There is a separate theory according to which for every year of continuous use of contraceptive tablets, there are at least 3 months of rehabilitation.

The rate of restoration of fertility is influenced by factors such as the woman’s age, previous infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, the presence of chronic diseases of organs and systems, as well as the state of the immune system. Often, women notice that after stopping the OC there is no ovulation.

If a woman does not become pregnant within 1 year after stopping the pill contraceptive, subject to regular attempts, then we are talking about probable infertility caused by ovarian hypofunction. This condition occurs in rare cases when a woman has been taking hormonal pills continuously for a long period of time. If there are no signs of ovulation within 12 months from the date of discontinuation of the drug, the woman will need additional therapy aimed at stimulating the hormone-producing function of the ovaries. You can recognize the restoration of fertility after taking OCs by the following characteristic symptoms:

  1. Painful sensations in the lower abdomen on the right or left.
  2. Increase in basal temperature.
  3. Increased sexual desire.
  4. The appearance of characteristic viscous transparent discharge from the genital tract.

The onset of ovulation can be recognized using ultrasound technology.
During the diagnostic process, the growth of the dominant follicle will be determined. In addition, during a general gynecological examination, a characteristic expansion of the lumen of the cervix will be visualized. There are also separate rapid tests that can detect egg maturation. You can do some of these tests yourself at home. A few days before ovulation, the concentration of chlorides in the salivary fluid increases, which is due to the influence of estrogens. Tests such as Your Cycle, EVA-TEST D, Maybe-MOM and OVU-test help determine this parameter.

When can you plan to conceive?

When using contraceptives for the treatment of hormonal infertility, conception should be planned immediately after their discontinuation. It should be taken into account that during this period several eggs can mature at once. Therefore, the chances of multiple pregnancy increase.

When taking OCs for a long time, you must initially restore your hormonal levels. In addition, you should saturate your body with vitamins and undergo an examination. As a rule, vitamin and mineral complexes containing the following substances are prescribed:

  • folic acid;
  • selenium;
  • iodine;
  • vitamins B, C, E;
  • magnesium.

Three months after discontinuation of the drug, the body compensates for the lack of useful elements, and the ovaries begin to function normally. At the same time, a favorable period begins for planning a pregnancy. However, it must be taken into account that the speed of recovery is affected by the woman’s age and the duration of taking contraceptives. Sometimes the doctor recommends waiting a longer period.

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