Inara multiload intrauterine system Falkenstein

Design and principle of operation of the Multiload VMS

The Multiload Cu-375 spiral includes a polyethylene rod, which has inert properties and does not cause immune reactions or rejection by the body. It contains barium sulfate. This substance is necessary for polyethylene to acquire radiopaque properties and be visible on photographs of the pelvis.

The shape of the intrauterine device resembles the letter T, but there are protrusions on the hangers for more secure fixation. A thin copper wire with a total area of ​​375 mm2 is wound around the rod. This is enough for the contraceptive effect to last for 5 years.

The IUD is located in a special conductor tube with folded hangers. After insertion into the woman’s uterine cavity, the guide is removed and the spiral is straightened. The principle of action of the contraceptive is not fully understood, but the following mechanisms are assumed:

  • acceleration of peristalsis of the fallopian tubes, which leads to a change in the speed of movement of the egg, for which normally conditions for fertilization exist only in the ampullary section;
  • change in the structure of the endometrium due to the appearance of a zone of aseptic inflammation, high concentration of copper ions, these conditions are not suitable for embryo implantation;
  • the abortive effect, which appears due to a foreign body in the uterine cavity, enhances its peristaltic contractions;
  • the spermatotoxic effect of copper ions leads to the death of sperm.

Attention! It is believed that due to changes in the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes, the use of an intrauterine device increases the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy.

What is the Navy?

Intrauterine devices are small T-shaped devices made of medical plastic that have a contraceptive effect.

Depending on the type, they may have silver or copper elements. These components protect the uterus from inflammation and infection. Hormonal IUDs contain the hormone levonorgestrel. The size of modern devices does not exceed 25-25 mm.

The contraceptive effect is based on the fact that a foreign object prevents sperm from entering the uterus (by shortening the ovulation period) and does not allow the egg to attach to the walls of the female organ.

Only an obstetrician-gynecologist can help you select a system, install and remove it. It is very difficult to make a choice on your own among the variety of intrauterine devices. Feedback from patients suggests that doctors most often recommend devices called Mirena, Nova-T and Juno.

The reliability of this protection against unwanted pregnancy is about 75%. This indicator is due to the fact that the device may not be suitable for some women due to certain anatomical features.

Despite the proven safety of this method of contraception, intrauterine devices (reviews of which we will consider below) are an intervention in the female body, so, of course, they have a number of disadvantages and contraindications.

Pros and cons of the Multiload intrauterine device

IUD Multiload has advantages over other contraceptives. The advantages of the contraceptive method are the following:

  • high efficiency;
  • does not need to be used before every sexual intercourse;
  • no effect on metabolism and hormonal levels;
  • can be used during breastfeeding;
  • fertility is quickly restored after removal of the device;
  • does not need to be used daily like tablets;
  • ridges on the shoulders prevent expulsion.

Using an intrauterine device is cost-effective. To install it, you need to visit the doctor once and forget about contraception until menstruation. The spiral can be reinstalled after 5 years . The price of a spiral, which is purchased once for many years, is significantly lower than that of hormonal pills, which must be purchased monthly.

The intrauterine device also has many disadvantages. Its introduction is accompanied by a violation of the protective barrier that forms the cervix. Therefore, when using an IUD, there is a high probability of contracting sexually transmitted infections and their rapid spread to the uterine cavity along the antennae hanging from the cervix. The risk of infection is higher in the first months after installation of a contraceptive.

Other disadvantages of the spiral are:

  • influence on the menstrual cycle – increase in the duration and abundance of menstruation;
  • pain in the lower abdomen during or before menstruation;
  • limited use in young nulliparous women.

Removal of the IUD

Reviews of the intrauterine device and advice from doctors unanimously indicate that the removal procedure must be approached no less responsibly than installation.

Since sperm retain the ability to fertilize for 7 days, intimate relations should be avoided a week before removing the IUD. Removing the system can provoke premature ovulation, and this will certainly lead to pregnancy.

Removal of the IUD, as well as its installation, is carried out on the 3-4th day of menstruation. In this case, the pain of the procedure will be minimized.

To begin with, the doctor examines the uterus, finds the antennae of the spiral and injects an antiseptic into the organ cavity. The patient is then advised to inhale and exhale slowly and deeply. The gynecologist then pulls the device out of the uterus.

Within 1-2 days after removal of the system, women may experience pain. Soon they will disappear completely.

Many people are concerned about the question: “How painful is it to remove the spiral?” Judging by the reviews, placing the device causes much more discomfort than removing it. The procedure is carried out without the use of analgesics.

Where to buy a Multiload spiral?

IUD manufacturer Nanjing Organon Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (China), but at present it is almost impossible to purchase it in Russia. The registration certificate of the drug has not expired, but it is not supplied to pharmacies.

If you manage to purchase an intrauterine device in another country, it should be stored in a place protected from the sun, at an ambient temperature no higher than 30°C. You cannot open the package yourself at home; this must be done by a doctor before installation.

Attention! Medical products that are intended for abdominal administration are sterile and enclosed in a special impermeable shell. If it is damaged, sterility is compromised, such a spiral cannot be used.

Instructions for using the Multiload spiral

For the Multiload intrauterine device to be effective, it must be installed during menstruation, recommended on days 3-5 of the cycle.
This will avoid pain and guarantee the absence of pregnancy. The instructions allow for the introduction of the IUD on another day of the cycle, if there is confidence that the woman is not pregnant. IUDs are also used as a method of emergency contraception if no more than 120 hours have passed since sexual intercourse. The Multiload spiral is not available with silver, so it can be used if you are allergic to this metal . Considering the length of the body, an IUD can be installed in women who have given birth and whose uterus is 6-9 cm long along the probe. The service life is no more than 5 years.

The installation procedure can only be performed by a doctor under sterile conditions to reduce the risk of infection entering the uterus. Before the manipulation, you need to undergo an examination and make sure that there is no colpitis, cervicitis or other inflammatory diseases.

What is the best intrauterine system?

Since several types of intrauterine systems can be found in pharmacies today, the difficulties in choosing them are quite understandable. An obstetrician-gynecologist can answer the question of which intrauterine device is better (reviews of which product are mostly positive). You can also use the information from our article when choosing.

Let's look at the most popular options. These include:

  • hormonal system "Mirena";
  • all types of Juno spirals;
  • "Goldlily" spiral.

As mentioned earlier, the most popular hormonal-type contraceptive is the Mirena intrauterine device. Reviews about this system characterize it exclusively on the positive side. In addition to its main task, Mirena has a good therapeutic effect.

The hormone levonorgestrel, which is part of the spiral, has a local suppressive effect, as a result of which ovulation is inhibited and sperm activity decreases. Under such conditions, pregnancy is almost impossible.

If you want to eliminate the risk of ectopic pregnancy, give preference to this variety. It will cost you about 7,000-10,000 rubles. By the way, this is the most expensive type of spirals.

What is different about the Juno intrauterine device? Consumer reviews characterize it as a cheaper type of contraceptives. It is represented by several types of devices. Each of them differs in composition and possibility of use.

It should be noted that the Juno systems can be used by nulliparous women. They are made of plastic and copper. More expensive options use gold. Such spirals are indicated for women with frequent allergic reactions. The principle of their action is based on the creation of an acidic environment, which has a detrimental effect on sperm.

The cost of Juno spirals depends on the type of metal used. The minimum price tag is 250 rubles, and the maximum is 1000 rubles.

Goldlily spirals are made using gold. This component has a good anti-inflammatory effect. The instructions for its use indicate that the system can be used as emergency contraception. However, the effectiveness of such measures is difficult to assess.

Goldlily systems are reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy and do not cause allergies.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Multiload

The Multiload intrauterine device is used to protect against unwanted pregnancy in a planned and emergency manner. It can be installed immediately after an abortion, if it is not infected, and also after childbirth. But in this case the risk of expansion is higher.

The use of an IUD is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • acute or subacute inflammatory processes in the pelvis;
  • cancer of the uterus or cervix;
  • frequent relapses of chronic inflammation;
  • severe deformation of the uterine cavity, its hypoplasia;
  • pregnancy;
  • bleeding from the genital tract of unknown origin.

The therapeutic effect of Mirena spirals: what is its essence?

Reviews of the Mirena intrauterine device praise it as a powerful medicine. What is the essence of such an action?

The contraceptive effect is carried out at the level of the endometrium (the inner layer of the walls of the uterus). The reservoir with the hormone gradually doses the active substance into the organ cavity, due to which its inner layer becomes much thinner.

This mechanism of action has a positive effect on the reduction of menstruation, its abundance and pain. Inflammatory diseases do not progress (as with copper-containing systems), but subside.

Mirena can be used even for uterine fibroids and endometriosis. Practice shows that when exposed to levonorgestrel, foci of the disease gradually disappear and myomatous nodes are significantly reduced. From this it follows that Mirena is a good intrauterine device. Reviews about her confirm this.

Side effects and complications of intrauterine contraception

Side effects may occur immediately after installation of the IUD.
Sometimes women are concerned about spotting bleeding, an increase in blood loss during menstruation, which leads to anemia. In this case, it is necessary to take iron supplements. Pain in the lower abdomen and changes in menstruation usually persist during the first year, and later go away on their own. Also during the first month there is a high risk of expulsion. Therefore, it is recommended not to lift weights, not to use sanitary tampons and not to douche.

Spiral Multiload is not recommended to be used simultaneously with glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants. They change the reaction of the endometrium to a foreign body and increase the risk of pregnancy.

Reviews from women and recommendations from doctors regarding the installation of an IUD

The opinion of gynecologists regarding intrauterine devices is clear. They believe that this is a fairly effective means of contraception for women who have given birth. The device is easy to install and does not cause discomfort to sexual partners.

However, without exception, doctors recommend undergoing a full examination before installing it. Otherwise there may be irreversible consequences!

Women who use IUDs find that purchasing and installing the device can significantly reduce costs. After all, purchasing hormonal and barrier contraceptives is much more expensive.

Many people note the appearance of a feeling of freedom and liberation in bed. The spiral does not need to be monitored daily, and many people are very pleased with this.

The positive effects of intrauterine devices are noted by those women who, according to indications, cannot take hormonal contraceptives. While taking the pills, sudden weight gain is often observed. This does not happen with a spiral.

Netizens also talk about cases where pregnancy occurred with the IUD. However, these are isolated cases. Most often, pregnancy is ectopic.

We should not forget that every woman is individual. The same device can be absolutely comfortable for one person and cause discomfort for another.

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