The best folk methods for treating erosion at home

Effective Ingredients

The human body accepts products created by nature itself more easily, because it is in the genes. There are a great variety of them, and each has its own healing properties. All of them are quite accessible and inexpensive, unlike medications.

The most effective means:

  1. Honey is a beekeeping product, used in the form of applications, for internal use, and vaginal tampons are impregnated with solutions based on it. Increases the body's immune strength, resistance to pathogens, also has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing properties, and promotes rapid tissue regeneration. When using it, individual intolerance and tendency to allergic manifestations should be taken into account.
  2. Propolis is a dark green or brown resinous, sticky substance produced by bees, popularly called bee glue. Valued for its high antibacterial and healing properties. Tinctures based on it are used in the treatment of erosions, burns, and as a prophylactic against the threat of malignant tumors.
  3. Mumiyo is a mineral product of organic origin, found in nature in the form of mountain resin. The substance is light brown in color, has a solid consistency, but easily melts at high temperatures and dissolves in water. It has antibacterial, antiviral properties and an analgesic effect. Widely used in alternative medicine in the treatment of erosions and inflammations. It is used in the form of tinctures, ointments, and also in its natural form for oral administration.
  4. Sea buckthorn oil is a solution with an oily consistency, a storehouse of vitamins and beneficial microelements. It has medicinal properties by enhancing the action of all substances. Improves blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, restores hormonal balance, accelerates the healing of damaged surfaces. Prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes. It is sold as a ready-to-use product, or you can prepare it yourself.
  5. Calendula is a medicinal plant characterized by excellent antiseptic effects. It grows throughout Russia, therefore it is publicly available.

Solutions and ointments for tampons

Tampons for cervical erosion are treated with medicinal compounds that are available in pharmacies or made independently. The most commonly used option is thuja oil. To prepare it, you need to take finely chopped shoots and leave in olive oil for 3 weeks.

Shilajit is also popular. 1 tablet dissolves in a teaspoon of warm water, add vodka, honey and flaxseed oil to this mixture, a teaspoon of each ingredient. Such honey tampons for cervical erosion give good results.

You can use propolis. Medical Vaseline in the amount of five tablespoons is boiled, cooled slightly, and a tablespoon of finely granulated propolis is added to it. The composition is heated for 10 minutes in a water bath, then filtered while hot.

Traditional methods

Cervical erosion is a lesion located on the mucous layer that does not affect soft tissue. The lesion is visible as inflamed areas that are painful and begin to bleed during sexual intercourse. The disease can be treated with both medicines and folk remedies, and rapid healing of erosive lesions can be achieved with their combined use.

Many women mistakenly believe that the first symptoms of pathological changes that have arisen can be ignored, and everything will “resolve” on its own. But small damage tends to grow, which will require serious medical intervention and the use of cryodestruction, laser coagulation and correction with radio waves.

After surgery, scar tissue forms, which can become a serious problem when the baby passes through the birth canal. When treating with herbs, negative consequences can be avoided. The impact is gentle, without damaging the integrity of the mucous membrane, its elastic properties are preserved, and the risk of allergic reactions (with rare exceptions) and irritation is reduced.

Traditional treatment for cervical erosion includes douching using infusions and decoctions prepared from medicinal herbs, the use of vaginal suppositories and tampons soaked in herbal solutions. The use of herbal medicine in the form of a drinking regimen is also provided.

Burdock therapy

Burdock is effectively used to cure erosions combined with fibroids or endometriosis.

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Use of burdock juice

To prepare a medicinal drink, squeeze the juice from washed burdock roots. Add 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil to 1 teaspoon of juice. Soak a tampon in this mixture. The treatment procedure is carried out at night.

Burdock root decoction

For erosion accompanied by fibroids, it is recommended to drink a decoction of burdock roots. It is necessary to boil 5 g of raw material in 400 ml of water.

Drink half a glass of healing decoction. The number of receptions per day is 4 times. Duration of therapy is a month.

Juice from burdock leaves

Juice can also be squeezed from the leaves of the plant. The drink is filtered. The resulting juice is used for douching twice a day. The average duration of treatment is 2.5 weeks.

Cervical erosion is considered a fairly common gynecological pathology, which is diagnosed both before and after pregnancy. If the disease is not given due attention, dangerous complications can develop. Modern medicine has developed many methods for treating this disease. The main and most common method is cauterization. However, this procedure can be avoided by using traditional methods of treating pathology at home.

Decoctions for douching

The method of irrigating the internal female organs with plant solutions is considered highly effective. After a course of douching, the swelling of the inflamed tissue and the level of discharge decreases. The healing of small cracks accelerates, while the natural background of the alkaline balance in the vagina does not suffer.

Recipes for preparing solutions:

  1. Take a stem of fillet (the popular name is fever herb), wash it thoroughly with warm running water, peel off the leaves and buds, place it in a clean bowl and pour in a liter of boiling water, after which it is infused until cool. The course of application is two weeks, you need to douche in the morning and evening.
  2. Sage leaves are crushed, brewed with boiling water and steamed over water vapor for 20 minutes. Infuse in a tightly closed container until it cools, then strain. The product is prepared at the rate of 3 tablespoons of herb per 1 glass of water, diluted to the required volume before use. It is used before bedtime and after waking up every day until the mucous surface damaged by erosion heals.
  3. Dried and crushed horsetail leaves (50 g) are poured with 200 ml of water and boiled for half an hour over low heat. After cooling and filtering, the solution is applied twice a day for two weeks.
  4. The walnut shells are washed, poured into a container with water, and then boiled until a dark-colored decoction with a thick consistency is obtained (aluminum utensils should not be used). Before the procedure, the concentrated solution is diluted in the same amount with water boiled in advance. Usage pattern: every day for two weeks in a row.
  5. Grind dried calendula seeds, dissolve 20 grams of powder in 100 ml of hot boiled water, keep under a blanket for 10 minutes, strain. Douche with liquid every day.

The most effective folk remedies for erosion

There are proven recipes that have helped a large number of patients of different ages get rid of such pathologies as cervical erosion, without cauterization. Treatment is carried out with medicinal herbs, as well as other natural remedies that have a healing effect.

During therapy, it is necessary to strictly follow the prescribed course. Its interruption is unacceptable, otherwise there will be no positive effect.


Dried herb leaves are ground until a fine consistency is achieved and sifted using a sieve. The resulting composition is mixed with medical Vaseline. The resulting composition is used to treat medicinal tampons that are installed during night sleep.

Therapy lasts 7 days.

Using propolis

Erosion is often treated with propolis. An ointment is made from it, which is used to soak tampons.

Making the composition is simple. Medical Vaseline, in the amount of 5 tablespoons, is heated, boiled, and then cooled slightly. A tablespoon of finely granulated propolis is added to it. Next, the composition is kept in a water bath for about 10 minutes, then filtered and cooled. Tampons are treated with the medicine and left in place for 12 hours. Treatment time is 16 days.

Application of sea buckthorn oil

Cervical erosion is perfectly eliminated by sea buckthorn oil. The medicinal composition available in pharmacies is used to treat tampons used for installation before a night's rest. You should abstain from sexual intercourse for the entire period of treatment. You must first perform the douching procedure using a warm soda solution.

Treatment at home with sea buckthorn oil is considered quite effective. It has no negative effects and can be used in any trimester of pregnancy, as well as when breastfeeding.

In fact, sea buckthorn oil is the best remedy, either alone or with supplements. You can prepare an ointment with ingredients that enhance the effect. Two mummy tablets are dissolved in a teaspoon of water, and oil is added to the composition. Therapy is carried out for 2 weeks.

Honey for erosion

Treatment of cervical erosion with honey also gives positive dynamics. It is used as a base in the preparation of medicinal compositions. Additional ingredients may vary:

  1. One part of honey is mixed with Kalanchoe juice in an amount of three parts. The composition is used to treat tampons that are placed during night sleep. The procedures need to be carried out for 7 days.
  2. Fish oil, 1 part, mixed with the same volume of honey. Tampons with medicine are used for 10 days during the night rest period.
  3. A glass of aloe juice is mixed with honey in the amount of 0.5 cups. Also used for processing tampons.

The help of bee products in eliminating erosive lesions is quite effective. The effectiveness of folk methods has been recognized even by famous specialists such as S. Mladenov and K. Borov.


Treatment of cervical erosion with aloe is a common practice. For the procedures, you need to take a leaf of the plant from which the spines are cut. Next, it is turned inside out so that the flesh is on the outside, and wrapped in a bandage. Using such improvised tampons, treatment must be carried out for 10 days.

Used to eliminate gynecological pathologies and plant juice. To make the medicinal composition you will need honey in the amount of a teaspoon and two teaspoons of juice. The product is used to treat vaginal tampons. Treatment lasts 10 days.


Treatment of cervical erosion with mumiyo is quite common. During the process, a 4% solution is used to wet the wipes, which are inserted into the vagina with additional fixation with a tampon. The procedures need to be carried out for 3 weeks. If the desired effect is not achieved, the event is repeated after a break of 10 days.

At the same time, mumiyo is taken internally. One part of the product is diluted in 20 parts of water or milk. Reception – 1 time per day.

Hog queen

The boron uterus has a complex effect on cervical erosion. It acts as an additional agent in the main therapy.

Traditionally, a decoction is used. To prepare it, you need to take two tablespoons of the herb and bring it to a boil in 0.5 liters of water. The broth is cooled, filtered and used for processing tampons and douching procedures. Treatment in this way lasts 5-7 days.


In the question of how to get rid of cervical erosion at home, calendula helps well. For the solution used to treat tampons and douches, take one teaspoon of flowers and brew them in a glass of water.

But this remedy gives a much greater effect in combination with other herbs, yarrow or medicinal chamomile. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. For the composition you need to brew 2 tablespoons of herbs in one and a half glasses of water. In this case, treatment with calendula will be more effective.

Calamus root

The prepared composition is used for douching procedures. The crushed herb, in the amount of two tablespoons, is poured with 0.5 liters of water and boiled for 5 minutes. Next, the composition is cooled and filtered.


Chamomile helps cure cervical erosion at home. It has anti-inflammatory effects.

To prepare the medicinal composition, you need to add two tablespoons of crushed herb to a liter of water and steam for 20 minutes in a water bath. Next, the decoction is infused for 40 minutes, and after cooling it is suitable for douching.

Contact methods

In the treatment of erosive pathological lesions, the use of tampons treated with drugs, which are made from plant materials or natural ingredients, is successfully practiced.

Important! It is not practical to use ordinary tampons for hygienic purposes for medicinal purposes, since they will quickly absorb the healing solution and swell; after softening, they are almost impossible to insert into the vagina.

It would be more advisable to make a tampon yourself, using a piece of cotton wool wrapped in a sterile bandage. It is not difficult to insert it, and you can quickly remove it by simply pulling the tip, which must be left at the bottom.

How to prepare products used to impregnate tampons:

  • Melt medical Vaseline (five parts) over steam, add powdered propolis (one part), mix well. Heat the mixture until the components are completely dissolved. After the ointment has become homogeneous, cool and soak the tampons as needed. It is better to insert them at night, since the exposure time is eight hours. A positive result is noticeable on the fourteenth day.
  • A piece of napkin is moistened with an aqueous extract of mumiyo (three to one), inserted and fixed on the erosive area overnight. Manipulations are carried out every day for three weeks, then a week break is taken, after which the course is repeated. An important point is that it is advisable to avoid sexual intercourse during treatment .
  • Prepare a mixture of 100 grams of honey and 3 drops of golden mustache tincture, infuse for 20 minutes. A tampon with ointment is inserted once a day for half an hour, treatment should be carried out for fifteen days.

Sea buckthorn oil concentrate also has good healing properties, which, due to its mild effect, is even recommended for pregnant women. Juice squeezed from nettles, a mixture of propolis with aloe juice and pumpkin pulp, wrapped in several layers of disinfected cloth in the form of an applique, help well.

Suppositories have a long-lasting and lasting healing effect. The recipe is simple:

Mix 5 grams of propolis tincture, 5 tablespoons of honey and 100 grams of fat. Melt all ingredients until smooth, stirring the mixture constantly. After it has cooled completely, form candles using standard sizes, then place them in the freezer until they become hard.

Attention! A course of local treatment of cervical erosion with folk remedies can be used only after the end of the menstrual cycle.


Symptoms of cervical erosion are minimal. In most cases, it does not manifest itself in any way and is determined only during a routine gynecological examination.

Sometimes a significant area of ​​organ damage can cause uterine bleeding and pain during sexual intercourse. With advanced disease, discomfort may occur in the lower abdomen and disruption of the menstrual schedule.

Tinctures for internal use

Along with local agents that promote the healing of erosive lesions from the inside, complex treatment includes herbal infusions and teas. Their action is aimed at strengthening the immune system and activating the regenerative properties of the body, which greatly facilitates overall well-being and speeds up the healing process.

Infusion recipes:

  1. Mix equal amounts of currant leaves, calendula and lemongrass flowers, pour 100g of the resulting mixture with a liter of clean, unboiled water and let it brew. After a day, boil the liquid, strain after cooling and drink half a glass after meals.
  2. Pour boiling water over dried peony and lemon balm flowers (in equal parts) and leave to steep for two hours. Take three times a day.
  3. Wash the millet cereal, dry it and crush it. Dilute 1.5 tablespoons of powder with two glasses of boiled water and drink half a glass, no more than 250 ml per day.

You should not delay treatment, as delay leads to irreparable consequences and the development of severe complications. And with cancer, as you know, folk remedies are no longer useful.

Infusions and decoctions for internal use

The use of herbal formulations is also practiced internally. The most commonly used remedy is an infusion of thuja shoots. To make it you need to take 2 tsp. pre-chopped green shoots, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave until cool. Take a glass 3 times a day.

Folk remedies for treating uterine erosion are often prepared using yarrow. For the decoction you need to take large flowers in the amount of 7 pieces, or small ones in the amount of 9 pieces. They are filled with a liter of water, boiled for 20 minutes and infused for 1 hour. You can drink the infusion in any quantity.

Millet water is also used for treatment. To prepare the product, you need to take millet and grind it in a coffee grinder. 1.5 tablespoons of the resulting mixture is diluted with 1 glass of warm boiled water. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals.

Treatment of esophageal erosion

Esophageal erosion is difficult to diagnose in the initial stages of development. Its appearance is provoked by gastric juice, which, entering the esophagus, corrodes the mucous membrane, which causes erosive damage. Symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, belching and pain while eating indicate an advanced form of the disease.

When choosing treatment methods, you should not ignore traditional medicine, which are very effective.

The following remedies will help get rid of heartburn:

  • raw potato juice - take 2 tablespoons during a burning sensation in the esophagus;
  • mint infusion - 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, leave for ten minutes and drink if there is severe irritation in the throat;
  • decoction of calamus root - 50 grams of grated rhizome, boil for 20 minutes in a liter of water, use one third of a glass as needed.

The inflammatory process is effectively relieved by decoctions of yarrow, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort and calendula. Wounds heal faster if you drink fresh carrot juice and a solution of sea buckthorn oil. When honey is used in treatment, it is better not to swallow it immediately, but to keep a small amount in the mouth until it is completely dissolved.

Etiopathogenesis and diagnosis of cervical erosion

More often, erosion does not produce pronounced clinical symptoms.
Inflammatory processes are considered to be the main cause of the formation of foci of erosion in the cervix. Cervicitis, which is accompanied by the secretion of exudate, provokes irritation of the epithelium of the cervical canal and its subsequent rejection. This is how a focus of erosion is formed.

Inflammation, in turn, can be caused by various pathogenic microorganisms, the elimination of which during treatment helps prevent the progression of erosive changes in the epithelium.

In addition to inflammation, the cause of pathology can be dishormonal conditions. Improvements in the condition of the cervix in patients with disrupted hormonal levels are recorded after its stabilization. Also, erosive lesions can form as a result of damage to the cervix during childbirth.

The pathological process is often asymptomatic and is diagnosed during a gynecological examination. To confirm the diagnosis, a colposcopy (simple and extended) and a biopsy for subsequent histological analysis are required. The scope of necessary diagnostic procedures is determined by the attending physician.

Propolisotherapy in gynecology

Treatment with propolis brings results due to its unique composition. It contains plant resins, flavonoids, beeswax, aromatic oils, pollen, vitamins, and steroids.

These substances have a number of beneficial properties:

  • remove inflammation;
  • prevent the action of pathogenic bacteria;
  • counteract fungi and microbes;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • have a pronounced analgesic effect;
  • strengthen local immunity;
  • normalize vaginal microflora.
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