What causes yellow discharge after menstruation?

The female genital organs are designed in such a way that the presence of mucus in the intimate area is mandatory - it protects against infection, eliminates dryness and discomfort during sexual intercourse, and softens the process of childbirth. However, a change in its color, consistency, or volume may indicate the development of the disease. If a deviation is suspected, you need to seek medical help in order to begin therapy in the early stages of the development of the pathology. The appearance of yellow discharge before menstruation should be especially alarming.

Why might yellow discharge appear before menstruation?

Having discovered yellowish discharge before menstruation, women wonder if this is a sign of pathology. However, there is no need to worry, at least until the test results are received, since marks on underwear of this color often indicate the imminent onset of “critical days” or the remains of urine after visiting the toilet.


Such secretion is a completely acceptable phenomenon, caused by changes in the composition of hormones in the body. But the balance of estrogen and progesterone can also be disrupted due to external factors: physical and emotional stress, incorrect lifestyle and incorrectly selected medications for treatment or contraception. In this case, an “unplanned” failure leads to the appearance of unusual discharge, including light yellow mucus, which is abundant. This kind of cervical fluid should not smell, but pain in the lower abdomen is possible.

Cervical erosion

Yellow discharge before menstruation is a sign of cervical ectopia. In this case, the mucus is of moderate volume, homogeneous, and mixed with blood.

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids, if they are located in the fallopian tubes, can affect the discharge, the color of which can be described as purulent or white-yellow. The symptom manifests itself more intensely before menstruation and is a very alarming signal.

Cysts and tumors

Another reason when premenstrual mucus takes on this color is the presence of neoplasms. A nagging, growing pain in the lower abdomen may be felt.


This symptom also causes an allergic reaction provoked by medications, intimate hygiene products, and even synthetic, low-quality underwear.

Inflammatory processes

A common cause of various discharges is inflammatory processes in the genitals. The occurrence of these is associated with hypothermia, the ingress of viruses, microbes and advanced infectious diseases.

  • Colpitis is inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. In addition to the characteristic discharge, a few days before menstruation, itching and swelling of the external genital organs and painful urination begin to bother you. It may pull and ache in the lower abdomen with discomfort moving to the sacrum or lower back. This disease can develop both against the background of infectious diseases and due to pathological microorganisms. Often causes delay.
  • Adnexitis is an inflammatory process affecting the ovary and fallopian tubes, caused by infectious agents. The chronic form of this disease of the appendages is expressed only by irritation of the external genital organs, and the acute form is expressed by the appearance of purulent mucus before menstruation.
  • Salpingitis is the spread of pathogenic microorganisms from the uterine cavity into the fallopian tubes, as a result of which they become inflamed and provoke a thick yellowish secretion before menstruation, accompanied by severe pain and general poor health.

Infectious and fungal diseases

The main symptoms of infectious sexual diseases are specific discharge. They noticeably intensify or appear only before critical days.

Chlamydia is a common reason why the fluid released from the vagina looks like rot, accompanied by itching, burning, pain during urination and sexual intercourse. A clear sign of the disease is a putrid smell.

Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease that can also worsen before menstruation. The discharge is yellowish to green in color, has a foamy consistency and an unpleasant smell of rotten fish. There is noticeable cutting, burning and pain when urinating, swelling and redness of the genitals are observed.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease, the discharge of which can have not only the described shade, but also green. Symptoms are supplemented by the release of pus, pain, and itching. With this disease there is a possibility of delay.

Candidiasis or thrush. Secretion during the disease can change shade from pale yellow to intense white. It has a cheesy composition and a sour, milky smell.

This is not the entire list of pathologies and diseases that can provoke such a symptom; only the main ones are given.

Yellow discharge in women - causes

To begin with, it should be noted that similar-colored discharge from the vaginal cavity is not always a sign of a disorder or pathology. Yellow discharge, odorless, is not accompanied by the appearance of additional symptoms (burning, itching, fever), doctors consider it as normal. Often this coloring is observed after sexual intercourse without using a condom.

But in most cases, yellow discharge in women is a sign of disorders in the reproductive system. To establish and eliminate the exact cause, a woman has to undergo many examinations and tests. Gynecologists most often name the following causes of yellow discharge in women:

  1. Inflammatory processes affecting the mucous membranes of the genital tract. In such cases, the causative agent is protozoan microorganisms and bacteria. The yellow color of the discharge is given by a large accumulation of leukocytes, which penetrate into the fluid secreted at the site of inflammation.
  2. Bacterial vaginosis. A disease accompanied by an imbalance of normal and conditionally pathogenic microflora. With a strong proliferation of microorganisms belonging to the second type, a change in the vaginal environment occurs, which creates favorable conditions for inflammation. The secretion of epithelial glands increases, causing an increase in the volume of secretions.
  3. Allergic reactions. Such phenomena can occur in girls, women and even girls. The most common allergens for the female reproductive system are synthetic underwear, hygiene products, and condoms. In most cases, the discharge is thick and only partially yellow.
  4. Taking hormonal contraceptives. When using drugs of this group, a change in hormonal levels occurs in the body, which provokes discharge.
  5. Violation of the rules of genital hygiene.
  6. Use of intrauterine contraceptives.
  7. Malignant tumors of the reproductive system.

Yellow discharge before menstruation

Clear, copious, liquid discharge before menstruation is normal. They appear approximately 10–14 days before menstruation. Thus, favorable conditions are created in the woman’s reproductive system for the advancement of the sperm and its meeting with the egg (fertilization). If conception does not occur, another menstruation occurs.

However, some women may notice yellow discharge before their period. The cause of this is bacterial vaginitis. A woman can also find out about the presence of this disease by painful sensations during sex. Burning and itching appear. Yellow discharge in the middle of the cycle can also cause other infections, mainly sexually transmitted:

Yellow discharge after menstruation

Yellow discharge after menstruation is in most cases caused by inflammatory processes in the woman’s reproductive system. They are accompanied by damage to the mucous layer of the vagina and uterus, the cells of which, together with leukocytes, come out, giving an unusual color to the vaginal discharge. Among the common inflammatory processes:

  1. Vaginitis
    is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa caused by bacteria and fungi. Moreover, the nature of the observed discharge directly depends on the type of pathogen.
  2. Cervicitis
    is an inflammatory process in the cervix. This disease is characterized by gray or yellow discharge with an unpleasant purulent odor. The disorder is provoked by chlamydia, the papilloma virus.
  3. Salpingitis
    is inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The discharge is copious, mucous, and often yellow in color. As the disease progresses to the chronic stage, the volume decreases and pain appears in the lower abdomen.
  4. Adnexitis
    - the ovaries and fallopian tubes are involved in the inflammatory process.

Yellow discharge instead of menstruation

Yellow discharge instead of menstruation when the next menstruation is delayed may indicate an increase in the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Common pathogens include:

  • staphylococcus;
  • streptococcus;
  • coli;
  • Proteus.

The strong proliferation of these microorganisms in the vaginal cavity leads to colpitis, which is accompanied by an odorless yellow discharge. The woman is bothered by itching, accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen. With this disease, the process of detachment of the endometrial layer is often disrupted, which leads to the absence of menstrual flow. Instead, abundant yellow discharge is observed.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy

When conception occurs, the process of hormonal changes begins in a woman’s body. Directly because of it, pregnant women often experience yellow discharge in the first trimester. The process of forming a mucus plug begins, so the secretion produced by the glands thickens and its color changes. This phenomenon is considered by doctors as a variant of the norm.

However, yellow discharge in pregnant women may also indicate problems. Weakening of local immunity increases the risk of developing inflammatory and infectious processes. When they occur, additional symptoms appear:

  • itching;
  • burning;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the abdomen.

Yellow discharge after childbirth

After the birth of a baby, a woman normally experiences lochia - bloody vaginal discharge. This lasts approximately 4–6 weeks. During this period, their character constantly changes. After 10 days, they turn from red to light brown, spotting discharge mixed with mucus. After only 3 weeks, lochia turns into a yellow discharge, which is normal after childbirth. With weak contractions of the uterus, they can be observed for 1–2 months. It must be remembered that yellow discharge in women after childbirth is normal if:

  • appear at the final stage of lochia;
  • have a dull color;
  • are not accompanied by additional symptoms.

Yellow discharge during menopause

Talking about this problem, gynecologists note frequent urogenital disorders in menopausal women. Yellow discharge during menopause is associated with bladder hyperactivity and frequent urge to empty it. They get their color when they ingest a small volume of urine, which can be released spontaneously due to weakness of the pelvic floor muscles.

Yellow discharge after menstruation without odor

All of the above ailments and pathologies can cause the appearance of yellowish secretion even after menstruation, since this is a period when the body is weakened, and all kinds of illnesses make themselves felt with particular force.

An additional reason for this symptom, which can be classified as “normal,” is that particles of vaginal microflora come out with the blood released. They give yellowness to the secretion, the abundance of which increases after regulation. Remains of excreted particles of epithelium and other cells may change their color when interacting with oxygen, and then light brown, odorless discharge will be observed after menstruation.

If such manifestations are not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, burning, stinging and itching during sexual intercourse, then, most likely, we are talking about a normal process of self-cleansing of the body rather than a pathology.

Yellow leucorrhoea due to neoplasms

Any benign neoplasm in the body of the uterus or on the cervix can cause an imaginary pregnancy and mislead the woman’s body. The most common benign lesions are:

  1. Fibroids are benign tumors that grow from the smooth muscles of the uterine body. They occur with increased levels of estrogen in the blood and genetic predisposition. Depending on the size of the fibroids, the patient experiences: delay, periodic pain in the lower abdomen, copious cloudy, yellow discharge, an enlarged abdomen, although the pregnancy test is negative.
  2. Endometrial hyperplasia is an unusual proliferation of endometrial cells in the abdomen, colon, and other places. This is a hormone-dependent disease that occurs in girls of reproductive age. With endometriosis, the following are observed: brown, dark discharge shortly before menstruation, in the middle of the cycle - yellowish, pink.
  3. Cervical condyloma is a pointed neoplasm - warts on the cervix. Their growth is provoked by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which enters the cervical canal through sexual intercourse. With such tumors, the following are observed: pain after sex, brown, pink mucous secretion.
  4. A cyst is a dense white formation on the cervix or body of the uterus. It is provoked by a chronic infection that affects the mucous membrane, forming erosions. Later, at the sites of open wounds, the glands become blocked and cysts form.

With such neoplasms, there are: atypical discharge, cycle failure (if there is a cyst on the ovary), pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding before and before menstruation.

Delayed menstruation and yellow discharge

Yellow discharge instead of menstruation

Often women are interested in whether there is a connection between a delay in menstruation and yellow discharge. If yellow discharge appears on the second day of the delay, then such secretion may be an acceptable norm and indicate the imminent onset of menstruation, or may indicate the following disorders:

  1. Hormonal imbalance, due to which the menstrual cycle is disrupted and the composition of the secretory mucus of the genital organs changes.
  2. Neoplasms and tumors.
  3. Inflammation and infectious diseases.

If the secretion that appears is not accompanied by other symptoms and the delay is only a couple of days, there is no cause for concern. If the regulations are absent for a week or two, you should contact an antenatal clinic.

Can delay and yellow leucorrhoea be a sign of pregnancy?

Implantation of the fertilized egg occurs approximately on the day of the expected menstruation. During the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine mucosa, damage to the blood capillaries occurs, which causes a slight discharge of pink color, less often yellow. This process often occurs on the second day of the delay.

After the follicle ruptures, a temporary gland is formed in its place - the corpus luteum; it produces the hormone progesterone, which also affects the consistency and color of the secretion. After 5–10 days, the pregnancy test is positive.

Thus, a dim yellow tint of secretion is the first harbinger of pregnancy.

If the pregnancy test is negative, then such leucorrhoea often indicates female diseases of an infectious nature.

However, what is observed can also be caused by prolonged stress, so a visit to a gynecologist is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis.

Briefly about the main thing

As it turned out, yellow discharge before and after menstruation, without odor, pain and other unpleasant symptoms, is a completely acceptable norm, due to changes in the composition and quality of the mucous secretion, which changes under the influence of sex hormones in a certain phase of the menstrual cycle. But often this phenomenon can be one of the main symptoms of many gynecological diseases. That is why it is very important to consult a specialist at the slightest changes in secretion.

The menstrual cycle and vaginal secretions are the first to react to various changes, so they can be used to determine emerging problems in a woman’s body. In this article, you will learn what happens when a combination of retention and yellow discharge occurs.

A sign of a stable healthy condition is scant, clear mucus without odor or other symptoms, such as itching or pain. The presence of a light white, beige or light yellow shade is acceptable.

Early pregnancy symptoms

Conception brings many changes to a woman’s body; developing pregnancy stimulates the restructuring of many systems and this affects the appearance of the first signs of pregnancy:

  • 1-4 weeks – slight pain in the lower abdomen and spotting;
  • Week 4 – no menstruation;
  • 4-5 weeks – fatigue;
  • 4-6 weeks – nausea and vomiting;
  • 4-6 weeks – breast swelling;
  • 4-6 weeks – frequent urination;
  • 4-6 weeks – constipation and bloating;
  • 5-6 weeks – dizziness when moving;
  • Week 6 – mood swings;
  • Week 6 – temperature changes;
  • Week 8 – high blood pressure.

Frequent urination

This symptom appears in the middle of the first trimester. A woman may feel a constant need to urinate even if her bladder is not full. This leads to constant running to the toilet, involuntary release of small amounts of liquid during laughter, coughing, sneezing, etc.

Although frequent urination is normal and at the first stage is again associated with hormonal changes, the symptom can be alleviated. Try to drink less coffee, tea and other diuretic drinks to avoid the constant urge to empty your bladder.

But you shouldn’t reduce the amount of water you drink, thinking that this will help get out of the situation. In any case, liquid is necessary for the health and normal development of the child, and this approach can lead to dehydration.

You should also pay attention to how you feel when urinating. Perhaps the reason is completely different. You should immediately consult a doctor if urination is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • burning;
  • pain and discomfort;
  • blood in urine.

Such signs may indicate diseases of the excretory system. And untimely seeking help from a specialist sometimes ends in miscarriage.


Pregnancy is often accompanied by problems with bowel movements. This is primarily affected by the level of progesterone in the body; the intestines push food through more slowly due to relaxed muscles of its walls, which leads to frequent constipation. Also, this symptom may appear in connection with the use of vitamin complexes and iron.

Yellow discharge instead of menstruation - when is it considered normal?

Mucus of this shade, which occurs in a woman instead of menstruation, is not always a cause for any concern. In some cases, yellow discharge may appear instead of menstruation:

  1. During pregnancy. In this case, yellow discharge instead of menstruation will have no odor. In this case, a representative of the fair sex may feel a slight tugging sensation in the lower abdomen or lower back.
  2. During lactation. If yellow discharge occurs instead of menstruation, then this is the absolute norm during breastfeeding. This is not a sign of any disease and will not cause discomfort. In addition, such secretions are odorless. However, just in case, you can consult a gynecologist.

In some cases, yellow discharge before menstruation is observed during ovulation. But under these circumstances, they do not appear instead of menstruation, but long before it.

Orange blood

The color of blood during menstruation may also have an orange or brown tint. Such orange blood discharge can appear in girls between the ages of twelve and fourteen. But if women experience orange blood during their periods, why should you be on guard?

In general, 90% of blood or its components are observed in menstrual fluid, which is why it has a scarlet color, but if it contains more mucus or endometrial particles, then this indicates some kind of pathology. It is customary to talk in some cases about the presence of an ectopic pregnancy.

Also, blood after sexual intercourse may indicate the presence of a sexually transmitted disease: gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis and others. These diseases need to be diagnosed promptly and medications should be started immediately.

If you have just started taking contraceptives, then pay special attention to the orange color of your blood, because this may indicate a malfunction of the ovaries and the death of endometrial cells. This means that these contraceptives are not suitable for you and you need to urgently contact a gynecologist.

There is an orange color in the blood even after a medical abortion, but if orange-colored periods last for more than three months, then this is already a signal to see a doctor. By the way, women after childbirth may also experience such phenomena, but this is within the normal range.

Malfunction of the ovaries

If a woman goes on a diet and at the same time reduces the amount of essential vitamins and minerals in her diet, then the body may react with irregular, orange-colored periods.

It happens that at work you are constantly in a state of stress, moral and physical overload arises, you feel overworked - the hormonal background of your body changes.

The orange color of the regulus during menstruation is one of the signals that a woman should go to a medical facility to normalize the condition of her body.

Discharge during colpitis

Yellow discharge before or instead of menstruation may indicate the development of colpitis. This disease requires special attention from both the patient and the attending physician. The main symptoms of this pathology are as follows:

  1. The appearance of itching on the genitals.
  2. Burning sensation.
  3. Discomfortable sensations during sexual intercourse.
  4. Formation of swelling on the vaginal mucosa.
  5. Redness of the mucous membrane.

Vaginitis, or colpitis, is a disease characterized by an infectious lesion of the vagina in a woman. Symptoms may appear as early as the second day after infection. In this case, the infection can be fungal or bacterial. The first sign is the appearance of itching and discomfort in the genital area. And if a woman does not respond to this inflammatory process, the infection will begin to spread further. Over time, this negatively affects the entire menstrual cycle. Therefore, if you have yellow discharge instead of your period due to a delay, you need to go to the clinic.

Yellow discharge - what to do?

Having noticed yellow discharge, a woman should begin treatment by contacting a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe tests and hardware studies that will help determine the exact cause of the pathology. In most cases, yellow discharge is only a symptom of a pathological process, the identification of which is the main task of doctors. Based on the results obtained, a treatment plan is developed, which is compiled strictly individually.

To reduce the symptoms of the disorder and eliminate pathological discharge, a woman must follow all medical prescriptions. By adhering to certain rules, the patient will be able to completely eliminate yellow discharge and prevent its recurrence. Among them:

  1. Use underwear exclusively from natural fabrics.
  2. The use of hypoallergenic intimate hygiene products.
  3. Timely and correct implementation of hygiene procedures.

Yellow discharge in women without odor

Odorless yellow discharge in women often indicates infectious diseases. In order to get rid of them, you need to undergo a full examination. The basis of therapy for pathologies of this kind are antibacterial drugs. For treatment, suppositories and tablets are used, which are selected depending on the type of pathogen, stage of the disease, and severity of symptoms:

  • for colpitis - Tinidazole, Clotrimazole;
  • for fungal infections - Tsiskan, Flucanozol, Orunit;
  • during menopause - Ovestin;
  • for genital tract infections - Batadin, Hexicon.

Yellow discharge with an odor in women

Yellow discharge with a sour odor indicates a violation of the vaginal microflora. Dysbiosis can be triggered by non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene and improper care of the genitals. Its appearance is facilitated by:

  • frequent douching;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • use of hormonal agents;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse.

Yellow discharge with an odor requires specific therapy. Treatment is aimed at restoring the vaginal microflora. This process is long and complex. Many women have to take the medicine for several months. Among the drugs used:

White-yellow discharge

Yellow discharge mixed with white, cottage cheese-like inclusions indicates candidiasis. This disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. As the disease develops, the woman feels a strong backside and a burning sensation in the genital area. The mucous membrane of the labia becomes hyperemic and swollen. Over time, the discharge thickens and turns white. The following drugs are used to treat the disease:

Yellow-green discharge in women

Yellow discharge mixed with green in women indicates the development of an infection. Often these symptoms occur with vaginosis and trichomoniasis. Severe itching and burning appear in the vulva area. Often women notice an unpleasant smell of discharge, comparable to the smell of spoiled fish. The discharge becomes foamy and only intensifies over time.

Treatment for such diseases is carried out in 2 stages:

  • antibiotic therapy – Metronidazole, Hexicon;
  • normalization of vaginal flora – Ecofemin.

Yellow-brown discharge

In some cases, yellow discharge may change to brown. This is often observed in the initial stages of using oral contraceptives. In the first 2-3 menstrual cycles, these phenomena are considered as a variant of the norm. If after the specified period they do not disappear on their own, the woman should consult a doctor to review the dosage or select another drug. In this case, the woman must strictly adhere to the dosage regimen and dosage.

Yellow discharge with blood

Yellow discharge with blood is more often noticed by women after the installation of an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD). Doctors regard this phenomenon as the norm - the female reproductive system gets used to the foreign body, trying to get rid of it and increasing the volume of discharge. Almost all women who use IUDs note an increase in the volume of menstrual blood and the duration of their periods. Bloody discharge not associated with menstruation is observed for 1–2 months. If the duration is longer, a revision of the contraceptive method is required.

Yellow discharge and itching

A common disease that accompanies cheesy yellow discharge is thrush (candidiasis). The disease is accompanied by severe itching, which occurs in the early stages. The walls of the vagina become inflamed and swollen. The following drugs are used for treatment:

Complications of colpitis

You should not turn a blind eye to the signs of this disease, as the consequences will be very dangerous for a woman’s body. A number of diseases are called colpitis. That is why symptoms can manifest themselves differently in each individual case. The above signs are considered basic and should not be ignored. As for complications, colpitis can provoke:

  1. Thrush, vaginal candidiasis.
  2. Bacterial vaginitis.
  3. Atrophic colpitis.
  4. Specific colpitis, which is a consequence of an STD.

As a rule, with this pathology, yellow, odorless discharge occurs instead of menstruation. But in between this, an unpleasant odor from the vagina may appear. Of course, everything will depend on the specific type of pathological process and on exactly when the woman was diagnosed with the disease.

Allergic reaction

Unfortunately, an allergic reaction can affect not only the skin or respiratory system, but also the genital organs of a woman. In cases of severe allergies, the menstrual cycle is often disrupted, and instead of normal periods, the fair sex experiences yellow mucus from the vagina. In addition to a change in the shade of this secretion, the patient may experience other symptoms, for example, burning, itching, redness of the mucous membrane of the genitals.

The development of a severe allergic reaction can be triggered by the use of low-quality condoms, uncontrolled or long-term use of antibiotics, as well as therapy with antifungals.

Treatment of yellow vaginal mucous secretion is inappropriate, since this will only be a sign of a pathological abnormality in the body. Therapy should be prescribed only by the attending physician, since it will be important to eliminate not only the main cause of the allergic reaction and stop all clinical manifestations, but also to treat complications, if any.

Cervical erosion

If a woman observes yellow discharge the day before her period, then most often this is the norm. However, if such mucus completely replaces menstrual flow, then this is already some kind of deviation. One possible cause may be cervical erosion. This disease is accompanied by the production of large amounts of yellowish mucus. In this case, the intensity of secretion production will increase after sexual intercourse.

This disease is very dangerous, so the symptoms should never be ignored. A representative of the fair sex can see not only yellow vaginal discharge, but also feel pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort after sex, and also observe menstrual irregularities. Therefore, if you experience a delay in menstruation and yellow discharge, this may indicate the development of cervical erosion.

The mucous vaginal secretion has a viscous consistency. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that there will be no unpleasant odor.

Delayed breast pain yellow discharge

18 October 2011, 13:41

The first signs of pregnancy before the delay and in the first days after it Very often, after two lines appear on the test, a woman says to herself: “Wait! But I felt for a long time that I was pregnant!” and for many, a positive test is not a surprise, but rather a confirmation of what intuition already suggested. What are the first changes in the body that give our subconscious a reason to suspect pregnancy when we ourselves are still driving away all sorts of assumptions, saying to ourselves: “Well, there’s no point in fantasizing. You need to at least wait for the delay!” The article collected and analyzed not only the classic signs of pregnancy, but also the signs of pregnancy described by participants in one of the pregnancy planning sites BEFORE THEY KNEW ABOUT PREGNANCY and during the week after. Light spotting Discharge can range from light bleeding to just a few brown droplets or even just a “yellowish mark” on the toilet paper. Usually the thought that accompanies them is: “Somehow my period is early this time,” or “well, my period is here.” This implantation bleeding is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Approximately 6 to 12 days after conception, the embryo is planted on the uterine wall. For some women, this process is accompanied by bleeding, but for many, no discharge appears at all, which is also normal. Small discharge may periodically appear again on days when the fertilized egg is more actively “implanted” into the wall of the uterus. Most often they have a “creamy” yellow or pink consistency. They may appear after a delay, but in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor to eliminate the threat of miscarriage. Also, pink and yellow discharge can be caused by cervical erosion, which intensifies with the onset of pregnancy. Cervical erosion is a violation of the integrity of the vaginal part of the cervix. During pregnancy, it acquires an even brighter red color due to increased blood circulation to the cervix, and can bleed easily on contact. Increase in basal temperature, implantation depression When measuring basal temperature, a sign of pregnancy is the so-called “implantation depression” - a sharp decrease in temperature for one day in the second phase. This is one of the signs most often observed in charts with confirmed pregnancy. This retraction can occur for two reasons: firstly, the production of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for raising the temperature, begins to decrease from the middle of the second phase; with pregnancy, its production resumes again, which leads to temperature fluctuations. Secondly, during pregnancy, the hormone estrogen is released, which in turn lowers the temperature. The combination of these two hormonal shifts leads to the appearance of implantation retraction on the graph. A basal temperature above 37 degrees is also considered a sign of developing pregnancy. True, it remains elevated only for the first few weeks, until the placenta begins to function. Feeling unwell Many women who do not know about their pregnancy believe that they have caught a cold and are sick. This is due to the fact that in the first trimester of pregnancy a woman’s body temperature is increased, as well as fatigue. Therefore, there is a feeling that the woman is getting sick. But many people do get a little “sick,” probably due to a slight decrease in immunity. Complaints of a sore throat and runny nose are common. In this case, the main thing is not to treat yourself with strong medications that are contraindicated during pregnancy and to use more traditional medicine. Increased breast sensitivity Swelling or increased sensitivity of the breast is a common sign of pregnancy that appears 1 to 2 weeks after conception. A woman may notice how her breasts have changed; they react to every, even minor touch, hurt or swell, sometimes it is almost impossible to touch them. In turn, there are pregnant women who “do not feel” their breasts in the first weeks of pregnancy, and some are even surprised, on the contrary, that their breasts “surprisingly do not hurt before menstruation” and then find out about the onset of pregnancy. Pregnancy is also indicated by darkening of the skin around the nipples. Feeling of “fullness”, heaviness in the pelvic area During pregnancy, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases, and the uterus slowly enlarges. Therefore, many pregnant women “feel” their uterus from the first days of implantation and attribute it to the first signs of pregnancy. The other, less pleasant side of the coin is the appearance of hemorrhoids. For many, it appears in the second half of pregnancy due to the pressure of the growing fetus, but some expectant mothers (especially those who have given birth before) encounter this problem already in the first weeks of pregnancy, all due to the same increased blood flow. Tingling in the uterus during pregnancy Many pregnant women notice periodic tingling in the uterus in the first or second week of pregnancy. Fatigue/drowsiness, lack of concentration Feeling tired or apathetic is a common sign of pregnancy, which can appear as early as the first week after conception. One of its reasons is the increased production of the hormone “progesterone” plus a general restructuring of the body for pregnancy. Progesterone depresses the psyche, which is manifested by depression, irritability and drowsiness. Starting from 10 weeks of pregnancy, the active hormone-producing function of the placenta begins. In accordance with the increase in pregnancy and fetal growth, in addition to progesterone, the level of estrogen increases, which has a stimulating effect on the psyche, and drowsiness disappears. Either hot or cold Another early sign of pregnancy can be considered that you feel either hot or cold and, accordingly, you can’t keep warm in three pairs of woolen socks, or you feel hot when outside +10 and you're wearing just a T-shirt. This is due to increased body temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy and decreased blood pressure. Interestingly, many also note redness of the face in the evening. Restless sleep Many women who do not yet know about their pregnancy note that their sleep has become more restless. In the evening, they begin to go to bed earlier, and often simply “pass out”, but they wake up on their own at 6-7 in the morning and cannot fall asleep again. There is also a feeling of “brokenness” even after a full night’s sleep. Nausea, increased salivation, aversion to smells This classic sign of pregnancy often occurs between 2 and 8 weeks after conception. Some lucky women do not experience the problem of nausea throughout pregnancy, but 50% of women experience aversion to smells, nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Vomiting during pregnancy can occur several times a day and is often accompanied by nausea and drooling. Vomiting is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, a change in taste and olfactory sensations. It is considered as a disorder of the neuro-endocrine regulation of body functions, and the leading role in this belongs to a violation of the functional state of the central nervous system. However, such vomiting can also be caused by factors of an intragastric nature, often being an important symptom of dysfunction of the digestive system. Along with vomiting during toxicosis in early pregnancy, due to severe irritation of the salivary center, drooling is often observed, which can lead to a significant and undesirable decrease in the pregnant woman’s body weight (up to 2-3 kg within one week). If copiously secreted saliva is swallowed, then, when it enters the stomach, it changes the acidity of gastric juice and causes disruption of digestive function. It is important to consider that vomiting is a protective reaction, since in this case the body is freed from toxic and rejected substances. This is an evolutionary adaptation in response to harmful influences. At the same time, along with vomit, the body loses saliva, digestive juices containing proteins necessary for the body (including enzymes), electrolytes, and in some cases, partially or completely, the food taken. In this regard, with frequently repeated vomiting, water-salt, protein and fat metabolism, the balance of vitamins and minerals, and the activity of the endocrine glands are gradually disrupted. back pain Mild pain, “lumbago” in the lower back, in the sacral area can also indicate early pregnancy; however, mild pain occurs periodically throughout the entire period of pregnancy. In the early stages, “lumbago” often appears from the pelvic area to the legs. Headaches and migraines A sudden increase in hormone levels in the body can cause headaches in early pregnancy, and therefore also serve as an indirect sign of pregnancy. Usually, by the end of the first trimester, the headaches subside and leave the pregnant woman to enjoy her position. Slight swelling of the hands Progesterone also contributes to the retention of salts and fluid in the body, which can lead to slight swelling when, when you clench your hand into a fist, you feel that your fingers have become thicker. Bloating, gas, intestinal disorders A common sign of pregnancy is a noticeable increase in abdominal circumference in the very early stages of pregnancy, when the uterus is still slightly enlarged, associated with intestinal bloating. During the digestion process, gas formation always occurs in the intestines. During pregnancy, the intestines become more “lazy,” its peristalsis slows down, and, consequently, the rate of movement of intestinal contents decreases, its bloating increases, and constipation may appear. This is facilitated by hormonal changes characteristic of pregnancy, which leads to an increase in blood supply to the vessels of the abdominal cavity and, as a result, to a slight swelling of the intestinal walls. Frequent urge to urinate Frequent urination during the day and at night is a common early sign of pregnancy. It should be noted that there are no other painful sensations (pain, stinging, burning). These phenomena disappear by the 4th month of pregnancy. This is caused by significant hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy. The increased level of female sex hormones at first contributes to a significant rush of blood to the pelvic organs. Overflow of blood vessels causes temporary changes in the functioning of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. These phenomena decrease in the second trimester of pregnancy, however, they can safely be attributed to frequent signs of pregnancy. Low blood pressure A common phenomenon during pregnancy is a slight drop in blood pressure. If a woman had low blood pressure before pregnancy, then during pregnancy periodic states of a significant decrease in blood pressure (less than 90/60 mmHg) are possible and, as a consequence of this, weakness, dizziness, headache, and fainting. Deterioration of health usually occurs during prolonged standing, when taking hot baths, during prolonged stay in a stuffy hot room, on an empty stomach. For pregnant women with a tendency to hypotension, the daily routine is especially important: night sleep 9-10 hours and daytime sleep 1-2 hours. An increase in appetite/craving for certain “Zhor” foods often accompanies incipient pregnancy and is considered one of its signs. You may not necessarily feel the urge to indulge in pickles or vanilla ice cream, but many pregnant women still have cravings for certain foods. An increase in vaginal discharge, the appearance of thrush. The secretion of secretions from the vagina increases - this is due to the increasing blood supply to the pelvic organs. During pregnancy, the concentration of hydrogen ions in vaginal secretions increases, which protect the expectant mother’s body from harmful microorganisms entering it. But, unfortunately, yeast fungi reproduce well in this environment, and because of this, pregnant women often develop thrush (candidiasis), which must be cured, otherwise the fetus may become infected, and during childbirth the tissues of the birth canal will tear more easily. And finally, delayed menstruation. Delayed menstruation/menstrual irregularity is the most well-known and common sign of pregnancy that forces a woman to take a pregnancy test. During pregnancy, a woman experiences a one-month delay in menstruation. Many pregnant women experience bleeding, but usually the period ends quickly and is less intense than usual. Delayed menstruation can be attributed to many reasons other than pregnancy. However, if you are sexually active and have a delay, it is better to take a pregnancy test.

Symptoms of STDs

Despite the fact that these pathologies arise from different pathogenic bacteria, the symptoms will be largely similar. Signs of sexually transmitted diseases include:

  1. The appearance of yellow discharge that has a very unpleasant odor. For example, with gonorrhea, the smell of mucous secretion from the vagina is pungent and putrid. Such discharge can occur in the interval between menstruation, and also replace it completely.
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen. It intensifies significantly after sexual intercourse. It is noteworthy that the intensity of secretion from the vagina also begins to increase, and it acquires a very unpleasant odor.
  3. Burning, itching, discomfort, redness of the vagina. These signs are among the very first sexually transmitted diseases. In parallel with this, yellow vaginal secretion appears, which smells quite unpleasant. If a woman does not respond to such symptoms in time and does not begin timely treatment, then serious complications may arise in the future.

STD treatment

As a rule, all sexually transmitted diseases are treated with antibiotics, and the entire therapy process is monitored by a gynecologist, as well as a venereologist. It is necessary to note that representatives of the fair sex with such pathologies take large doses of various antibacterial agents prescribed by specialists for therapy. That is why it is best not to self-medicate if you have a sexually transmitted disease.

You cannot stop taking antimicrobial medications even if the vaginal secretion has acquired a normal smell and color, and other unpleasant symptoms have disappeared completely. The main condition for the treatment of STDs is that the therapy must be completed to the end. Otherwise, the pathology may return, manifesting itself with greater force, and the symptoms will become more intense.

Diagnosis of discharge

If yellow mucus appears from the vagina, it is better to visit your gynecologist, and if this situation is accompanied by a disgusting odor or pain, you should visit the doctor immediately!

Currently, in gynecology there are many diagnostic methods, thanks to which the most accurate diagnosis can be made:

  1. General blood and urine analysis. Thanks to this, it is possible to establish the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.
  2. Flora smear. Using this diagnostic method, it is possible to determine which microorganisms live in the patient’s vagina.
  3. Smear for cytology. Using this analysis, a specialist can clarify which specific cells are present on the mucous membrane of the cervix and vagina.
  4. Ultrasonography. Using this diagnostic method, it is possible to detect the inflammatory process and cancer formation in the organs of the entire reproductive system.

Diagnosis of diseases, as a rule, is not particularly difficult, as a result of which it is possible to give the patient an accurate diagnosis.

Scarlet blood

So, there are some basic signs of menstruation that indicate that the menstrual cycle is proceeding within normal limits:

  • The first two days, the color of blood during menstruation is scarlet.
  • When exposed to oxygen, the blood turns orange (but not dark).
  • Scarlet blood has its own special smell.
  • It doesn't fold.
  • The duration of normal regulation is 3-7 days.
  • A woman loses no more than 80 ml of menstrual blood.

In the normal course of the menstrual cycle, scarlet blood during menstruation is observed throughout all periods only in young girls 12-14 years old, when the cycle is just beginning to establish itself, or in women 40-45 years old during menopause.

But the question arises when scarlet menstrual blood appears in a woman - in what cases should we sound the alarm?

If scarlet blood is released on the third day of your period, you should go to the gynecologist, who, during the examination, will, of course, not tell you anything, but will prescribe a transvaginal ultrasound (ultrasound examination), which helps to see and detect the causes of this pathological phenomenon.

Transvaginal ultrasound

It could be:

  • Pregnancy (possibly ectopic).
  • Uterine bleeding occurs when pregnancy is terminated in the early stages (if you have all its symptoms).
  • Perhaps this is the body’s reaction to birth control pills or the installation of an IUD (intrauterine device), which has begun to grow into the cervix.
  • Such scarlet blood during menstruation is usually released after an abortion, if the fetal membranes remain in the woman’s body.
  • In some cases, they say there are polyps in the uterus, but in this case, periods should be heavy.
  • Infectious diseases of the reproductive system are possible, but before this, the woman must experience vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor.
  • This is how uterine cancer can manifest itself, which is characterized by irregular menstruation, watery discharge with an unpleasant odor. In the future, women feel pain in the lower back and lose a lot of weight.
  • Also, scarlet blood during menstruation can be a symptom of endometriosis (the growth of the endometrium not in the uterus, but in other organs).
  • Uterine fibroids - scarlet blood is released from the uterus not only during regulation, but also during the non-menstrual period.

Features of treatment

Treatment for yellowish mucous vaginal discharge will directly depend on the underlying cause of this problem. Typically, treatment includes the following:

  1. Antibacterial therapy. It is aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes in a woman’s reproductive system.
  2. Antifungal therapy. This treatment method is used if the cause of the yellowish mucus is a fungal infection.
  3. Surgical therapy. Surgery is used if the cause of the pathological discharge is an oncological tumor in a woman.
  4. Physiotherapy. Allows you to speed up overall recovery and treatment after stopping inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs, if any.
  5. Herbal medicine. This treatment is often used for inflammation.

Therapy should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication in such cases is not allowed. Uncontrolled use of potent drugs can only aggravate the problem.

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