Is it possible to take fluconazole during menstruation for thrush?

How does fluconazole work during menstruation? 1

Among diseases of the female genital area, thrush or candidiasis occupies one of the first places.
Fluconazole is widely used for drug treatment of this pathology. The female body, due to various hormonal factors, reacts quite sharply to antifungal drugs. In order to avoid complications, consultation with a specialist is necessary before taking any medication. Considering the specific effect of this drug, fluconazole can be used during menstruation and on any day of the cycle, but under certain conditions. Read in this article

What is fluconazole

There are a number of diseases that are caused by pathological fungi or candida. These microorganisms affect the mucous membranes of the eyes, oral cavity, and various areas of the skin in the human body. The medical literature describes cases where fungi were found in the abdominal cavity, intestines and lungs.

In the fair sex, fungal diseases most often manifest themselves in the form of thrush and affect the external genitalia. It is for the treatment of such pathology that most experts recommend the use of fluconazole. This drug is available in a variety of dosage forms.

The pharmacy chain offers a large number of capsules, ointments and vaginal suppositories against thrush. A variety of dosage forms allows you to take fluconazole during menstruation. In addition to genital candidiasis, this medicine has a good effect in the treatment of fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, internal organs, and systemic diseases.

It should be noted that this drug usually acts in two directions:

  • fluconazole destroys the cells of pathological fungi and cleanses the affected mucous membranes of their presence;
  • the drug protects against relapses of the disease by reducing the growth of altered flora in problem areas of the female body.

Experts are often asked the question: “Can I take fluconazole during menstruation?” To get a complete answer, it is necessary to consider the connection between thrush and menstruation in a woman’s body and the types of dosage forms used to treat this problem.

Antifungal agent fluconazole - review

Let me start by saying that I am familiar with the problem of thrush firsthand. Against the background of reduced immunity and numerous chronic “illnesses,” thrush appears with enviable consistency a couple of times a year. How tired I am of this, how many doctors I’ve seen, how many medications I’ve tried, everything doesn’t help for long.

Now I will describe the most effective, albeit lengthy, treatment regimen. The most important principle is that you need to be treated at the same time and together with your partner, even if nothing bothers him.

Local medications are combined (suppositories for women and cream for men, which ones the doctor decides) and fluconazole is used orally with them at the following frequency: one capsule every three, five times a day.

That is, for 15 days, you drink one capsule every three days with your partner and at the same time use a condom during intimacy, or refuse sex altogether, it’s up to you what you like best.

Then, for three months, the woman needs to take one capsule of fluconazole on the first day of her period. Your partner does not need to take any more pills. And, of course, don’t get too cold, don’t change partners, and when taking antibiotics, be sure to cover up with fluconazole. Following these rules, I have been living without thrush for a year now, which is what I wish for everyone else. I will be glad if this helps someone.

Do not believe those who offer you expensive fluconazole drugs such as Diflucan, etc., saying that only one capsule will be enough. Nothing like that, they need to be taken according to the same scheme, only it will cost many times more.


  • Very effective
  • Comes out cheap


  • Not allowed during pregnancy and lactation

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    The issue price is 33 rubles. Hello! Our family has been familiar with Clotrimazole ointment for a very long time, more than 8 years, that’s for sure! The first time I purchased it was with a prescription from a dermatologist, when my husband’s entire back was covered with light spots, which then gradually spread over his neck and arms.
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    PS I will never buy Flucostat, Diflucan for 200-300 rubles, because there is Fluconazole for only 20-30 rubles. ᅠᅠI get thrush periodically. No supernatural actions are required for its appearance. The last time it appeared after I finished drinking an antibiotic in the form of a suspension for the children, well, it’s delicious, I couldn’t resist, although I perfectly understood what it could threaten me with: stomatitis yes...
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Thrush and menstruation

Genital candidiasis or thrush can occur in 60 - 70% of the female population of the globe at different periods of life. For most of them, this problem quickly disappears after appropriate treatment.

However, there are enough cases where the occurrence of fungal pathology in a young woman is facilitated by menstruation. Most often this occurs during heavy and prolonged menstruation, which causes the death of lactobacilli. It is these microorganisms that prevent the rapid growth of candida. This pathology leads to an imbalance in the vaginal microflora and causes rapid growth of fungi on the mucous membrane of the female genital organs.

We should not forget about hormonal imbalances in the female body during ovulation and menstruation. These natural processes reduce the immune defense in women and provoke the growth of harmful microorganisms, which include candida.

The main reasons leading to the development of thrush during menstruation are the following:

  • immune and hormonal disorders in the physiology of the female body;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, including chronic venereal diseases;
  • severe chronic diseases (tuberculosis, diabetes, HIV infection, oncology);
  • long-term use of medications, especially antibiotics and sulfonamides for the treatment of various concomitant pathologies;
  • various blood diseases, anemia, vitamin deficiency, protein metabolism disorders;
  • sexual contact with a carrier of a fungal infection immediately before the onset of menstruation.

Fluconazole: pros and cons

Today, fluconazole is considered by most experts to be the drug of choice for the treatment of thrush. But since this pathology quite often accompanies monthly discharge, is it possible to take fluconazole during menstruation?

What is good about this drug?

Among the positive qualities of this medicinal substance, one can note the ease of use and its effectiveness. For many women, one capsule or tablet of the drug is enough, although the generally accepted treatment regimen recommends large doses.

For the first dose, 150 mg of fluconazole is sufficient; in 70% of cases, this dosage will relieve the patient from the unpleasant symptoms of vaginal candidiasis. In severe chronic processes, it is recommended to start with 400 mg per day, gradually, over the course of a week, reducing the dosage of the drug to 150 mg.

It should be noted that the duration of therapy with this drug depends on the severity of the patient’s condition, the degree of neglect of the process and concomitant pathology. Many women are interested in the question of whether fluconazole can affect their periods. It should be noted that the antifungal medicine is not a hormonal drug, so it cannot strengthen or weaken a woman’s hormonal levels.

Negative aspects of thrush medication

However, fluconazole also has its negative qualities, which do not allow it to be prescribed to everyone. First of all, these are side effects.

When treating thrush with this drug, much depends on the method of its introduction into the patient’s body. But there are also general symptoms of fluconazole intolerance:

  • When taking capsules or tablets with this substance, various disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract are possible. Women may experience vomiting, stool disorders, and dry mouth. Quite often, experts note the negative effect of this medicine on the liver and pancreas.
  • From the central nervous system, dizziness and convulsions in the lower and upper extremities are possible.
  • Fluconazole is characterized by skin reactions in case of overdose or intolerance to the drug.

Some women have reported scanty periods after taking fluconazole. This happens because the drug changes the balance of the vaginal microflora and the reaction of the uterine blood vessels to the fungal process in the patient’s genital wounds. However, a decrease in the volume of bleeding in women when taking this drug is quite rare. This pathology is associated with the individual hormonal factors of a particular patient.


Fluconazole, acting systemically, has some limitations in administration. So, you should take the medicine with caution in the following cases:

  • in case of individual intolerance to the drug and its analogues;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding - only if absolutely necessary and as prescribed by a doctor;
  • with long-term use, use with caution in persons with impaired renal excretory function;

One of the advantages of Fluconazole is that it is little metabolized in the body and is mainly excreted unchanged. In most cases it is well tolerated, but the following side effects are possible:

  • dizziness and headaches;
  • minor dyspeptic symptoms (nausea and vomiting);
  • changes in the functioning of the kidneys and liver in the presence of their chronic diseases;
  • allergy to components.

Basic advice for women when treating thrush

This medicine has its positive and negative sides, however, if you strictly follow all the recommendations of specialists, the effect of treatment will be guaranteed. It all depends on the woman herself.

The disease cannot be defeated with pills or suppositories alone. The course of therapy must be comprehensive. In addition to treatment, the patient should try to exclude concomitant factors that could lead to relapse of the disease. These include sexual intercourse during the treatment period.

Menstruation often becomes an aggravating factor in the treatment of thrush. It should be remembered that during menstrual bleeding, the use of fluconazole in the form of vaginal suppositories or local solutions is strictly contraindicated. This can lead to disruption of menstruation or even inflammatory processes. This method of treating thrush is contraindicated in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

A few words about the price and availability of the drug

The pharmacy chain offers consumers a large selection of medications used to treat candidiasis or thrush. It should be noted that domestic drugs in terms of price and quality are the most affordable for most patients.

The cost of “Fluconazole” produced in the Russian Federation ranges from 18 to 40 rubles. It all depends on the release form. Capsules of 150 mg will cost the buyer less, and suppositories and various solutions are sold at a higher price.

Ukrainian manufacturers, in particular Pharmex or Darnitsa, offer Fluconazole from 10 to 15 hryvnia per package. The quality of the medicines is the same, the side effects of these drugs are also similar.

Of the imported drugs, the Indian Mycofluxan is the most accessible. This medicine is also available in capsules and is 5-6 times higher in price than domestic analogues. You can also purchase “Fluconazole soluble” produced in France at a price of 500 rubles per 200 mg.

It should be noted that the high cost of imported medicine is not always a guarantee of its safety. Even if the patient has chosen the most expensive drug to treat thrush, it is dangerous to take it without consulting a doctor, especially if there is a question about taking fluconazole during menstruation.

Previously asked:

It seems to me that there is no point. Still, it doesn’t help on its own; I always combine it with Metrogil Plus.

special instructions

If liver dysfunction is observed during treatment, constant monitoring by a physician is important. If signs of liver damage are observed, the medication should be discontinued.

When using the medicine topically for men and women, it should be taken into account that people with AIDS are more likely to develop a variety of skin reactions.

It is necessary to take into account not only how long it takes for Fluconazole to act, but also the fact that if treatment is stopped prematurely, relapses may develop. Therefore, it is important to completely complete the prescribed treatment regimen. It is important to take this into account when using Fluconazole for nail fungus, since reviews for nail fungus indicate that if treatment is stopped prematurely, a relapse of the disease may occur.

Many patients have a question about whether Fluconazole is an antibiotic or not? Please note that this is an antifungal agent, not an antibiotic.

Whether men can take this drug depends on the diagnosis. Fluconazole for men is prescribed for fungal infections; it must be taken exactly as prescribed.

How does Fluconazole work?

Doctors allow the use of Fluconazole tablets during menstruation. However, you should not exceed the dosage prescribed by your doctor during treatment.

In the female body, the drug has the following effects:

  • eliminates fungal activity;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • blocks the penetration of infection into healthy cells.

If the doctor has prescribed Fluconazole capsules along with suppositories of another antifungal drug, then it is important to adhere to the prescribed treatment regimen. It is better to postpone placing the suppository until your period ends, and Fluconosal capsules can also be taken on menstrual periods. Fluconazole during menstruation does not have a negative effect in a woman’s body. However, when taking other medications, you should take into account your cycle and the presence of menstruation.

Possible side effects

Taking many medications orally is almost always more dangerous than taking them externally. And Fluconazole is no exception. This is a fairly strong medicine, so even girls with strong immunity and no tendency to allergic reactions may experience side effects in response to taking the medication in question.

From the digestive tract, negative reactions may occur:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • stomach pain;
  • bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • dry mouth.

Experts also note the negative impact of this medication on the liver and lifespan.

This will manifest itself as convulsions, headaches, dizziness, emotional lability (mood swings). It is these symptoms that will be most difficult for girls to endure during their periods, because many of them suffer from such ailments due to hormonal fluctuations.

With an overdose of the drug, these symptoms become more intense. In parallel, they are accompanied by skin manifestations of allergies: itching, swelling, burning of the skin. Possible allergic rhinitis, dermatitis, swelling of the nasal mucosa.

If such side effects occur, you should not take the pills. This will only make your period worse and can also seriously harm a woman’s overall health.


Fluconosal is taken once a day in the dosage prescribed by your doctor. It is better to take the drug Fluconazole for menstruation when menstruation begins to subside, and not on the first day.

Do not open or chew the capsule. It is swallowed whole and washed down with a glass of water. The medication should be taken on an empty stomach.

In the treatment of coccidiosis, 200-400 mg of Fluconazole per day is prescribed. For candidal infections, 400 mg daily. Candidiasis should be treated with the drug until complete recovery. It is not forbidden to treat candidiasis with oral medications during menstruation.

When treating stomatitis, Fluconazole is taken at a dose of 200-400 mg. Next, the dose of Fluconazole is reduced to 200 mg per day.

For cryptococcal meningitis, take 200 mg per day (you can take the medicine during menstruation).

During menstruation, Fluconazole can also be taken to prevent candidiasis . 150 mg of the drug is taken once.

Of course, menstruation has some impact on the functions of the female body. This natural factor cannot be ignored when prescribing any treatment. Menstruation affects many biological processes, the production of sex hormones and eggs. Very often, during menstruation, doctors prohibit taking certain medications. It is especially contraindicated to use any vaginal suppositories during menstruation. You need to wait until the end of the critical days. This rule should be followed in the treatment of thrush and other sexually transmitted infections.


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Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Wikipedia shows that after oral administration, the drug is actively absorbed into the human gastrointestinal tract. In plasma, the concentration of the active substance is more than 90% of the level that is observed if intravenous administration is practiced. The absorption of the substance is not affected by food intake, so it does not matter how you take it, before or after meals.

After taking the medicine orally, the highest concentration in the blood occurs after 0.5–1.5 hours. The half-life from the blood is 30 hours. That is, you can take the product once a day. For vaginal candidiasis, a single dose of the drug is sufficient, for which one tablet or another form of the drug is used.

11–12% of the active substance binds to blood plasma proteins. When the drug begins to work depends on the treatment regimen. If you take the medicine once daily, then a stable concentration of the active component in the human blood is observed on the fourth or fifth day (in 90% of people). If on the first day of treatment the patient is given a double daily dose, then this effect is observed already on the second day of treatment.

Penetrates into all fluids in the body. It is excreted from the body through the kidneys, approximately 80% is excreted unchanged.

How the drug works

Fluconazole is a drug used to treat diseases caused in the female reproductive system by pathological fungi - candida. Most often, these fungi cause a disease such as thrush.

This drug is a synthetic antifungal agent. It is used not only to get rid of fungal diseases of the genital organs, but also to eliminate, in principle, any candidiasis of the body.

The method of action of this medicinal substance is as follows:

  • Destruction of fungal cells and cleansing the mucous membrane of candida residues.
  • Restoring the affected flora in order to avoid relapses.

Indications for use

Since genital candidiasis is a very common problem, Fluconazole is used accordingly often. Many factors can contribute to the occurrence of this disease, but most often these are changes in hormonal levels, prolonged menstruation, inflammation and infectious lesions of the mucous membranes, sexual contact with a carrier of fungal inflammation.

Candidal colpitis does not always require long-term treatment, but the use of antifungal drugs is mandatory. In this case, both oral and vaginal agents are used. There are cases when just one dose of the capsule relieves a woman of any negative manifestations of the disease, but in more severe forms of damage this may not be enough.

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