White plaque in the groin of women - is it always a fungus?

Quite often, women find a white coating on the labia. The norm is the absence of an unpleasant odor, swelling, or burning sensation. In this case, no treatment is required. If at least one symptom is present, then you need to visit a specialist. Since white plaque on the labia can be a sign of sexually transmitted and gynecological diseases.

After examination and tests, the doctor prescribes therapy. If the discharge is harmless, then in this case it is enough to follow the rules of hygiene. It is recommended not to use ordinary soap (it dries out the mucous membranes), but to use special products for intimate hygiene.

White plaque on the labia

At different periods of life, a woman encounters such a phenomenon as a white coating on the labia. In the first weeks of life, newborn babies develop plaque; during puberty, teenage girls 11-14 years old experience light discharge; pregnant women experience this stage during hormonal changes in the body.

Sexual life also leaves its mark on changes in a woman’s body: such a reaction occurs as a response to the foreign flora of the sexual partner.

The ability to distinguish between normal physiological processes and pathological ones will help to avoid many problems.

Types of white plaque

White plaque on the labia can be either normal or pathological.

  1. Normal physiological secretions do not have a pronounced odor. A slight sour odor is allowed, caused by the vaginal microflora. The appearance of mucus is associated with the physiology of the female body. The cycle in the female body implies constant changes in the structure, characteristic odor, and consistency of discharge. The physiological plaque between the labia majora and minora of a light color is called smegma. Smegma is a composition of dead epithelium, secretion of the sebaceous glands, and water. The female labia minora and labia majora contain many sebaceous glands. They produce a secretion that produces light discharge. The secretion accumulates in the folds of the intimate organs and appears in the form of whitish discharge.
  2. Plaque of an infectious nature - discharge that is accompanied by symptoms such as high fever; unpleasant odor; swelling of the genitals; burning sensation accompanied by itching; pain when urinating.

Such symptoms require the help of a specialist.

Classification of the disease

Urogenital candidiasis can manifest itself in three forms:

  • The first form appears in carriers of candidiasis. It can be asymptomatic, but under certain conditions it provokes the transition of the disease to another form - acute.
  • The second form is acute candidiasis, it manifests itself more clearly and painfully. The process lasts about two months.
  • The third form is chronic. In other words, this is recurrent candidiasis. The course is long-lasting, its cause is poor-quality treatment that was previously given.

How to solve the problem of white lumps and flakes coming out of the vagina?

Treatment for thrush is short-term.
The doctor may prescribe tablets for one or two doses, or suppositories for insertion into the vagina. In most cases, thrush goes away quickly, and only 5% of women experienced a recurrent or chronic form of the disease. Therapy in this case becomes more difficult, but over time the disease still recedes.

The sour smell of discharge is not always a sign of any disease. For some women, it is a harbinger of menstruation.

In order not to provoke the development of the disease or its repeated episodes, women must adhere to certain rules: • maintain personal hygiene, especially during menstruation; • combine antibiotics with drugs that prevent the development of dysbacteriosis; • wear comfortable underwear made of breathable fabrics.

Women who like to eat a lot of sweets should give up this habit, otherwise thrush will become, although unwanted, a permanent guest for them. Cases of frequent recurrence of the disease require a visit to an endocrinologist to rule out diabetes mellitus.

As for the nature of thrush, it is not an infectious or venereal disease. Its development is caused only by a violation of the vaginal microflora. It is better to refuse sexual activity during treatment, but if you cannot follow this recommendation, you must use a condom.

Why does plaque appear between the labia?

The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. Natural vaginal discharge. Even newborn girls collect smegma - a mixture of sebaceous gland secretions, dead epithelial scales and lubricant designed to moisturize the mucous membranes. A large accumulation of this mass in the folds of the labia minora and in the clitoral area occurs due to insufficient hygiene of the intimate area. Sometimes smegma has an unpleasant sour odor, indicating the growth of pathogenic microflora. To stop the growth of bacteria, it is enough to wash yourself twice a day using a special intimate hygiene product or baby soap. It is not recommended to use cotton swabs or napkins to remove plaque.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. Girls undergo serious changes in their bodies during puberty (from 11 to 18 years of age). Excess hormones lead to disruption of the vaginal microflora, resulting in the accumulation of white plaque on the labia. This usually signals the imminent onset of menarche (first menstruation). There is no need to worry about discharge, but careful hygiene should be observed.
  3. Beginning of sexual activity. After contact with a partner's microflora, girls may develop a white coating. After some time, the problem disappears on its own.
  4. Pregnancy. At the beginning of the first trimester, the amount of plaque and discharge in a woman can increase significantly. This is due to the fact that the body purposefully lowers immunity so that the fertilized egg is not rejected by the uterus. After all, new life is a foreign object that the immune system seeks to get rid of. As a result, frequent relapses of herpes, thrush and other chronic infections occur.
  5. Vitamin deficiency. Women on a diet tend to have a weakened immune system. This increases not only the risk of colds and viral diseases, but also promotes the proliferation of its own opportunistic flora. To restore the body's defenses, it is important to balance the diet. You can ask your doctor to prescribe a course of multivitamins.
  6. Climax. White plaque on the lips of women during menopause is caused by increased dryness of the mucous membranes. Due to the cessation of estrogen production by the ovaries, the discharge is scanty and dries quickly, leaving a film on the surface.
  7. Diseases that are sexually transmitted or develop against the background of external and internal negative factors (herpes, thrush).

Most often, white plaque is formed due to thrush and smegma.

Genital herpes

The second type of virus affects the nerve cells of the body and manifests itself in the form of blistering rashes on the genitals. The infection has a high recurrence rate (up to 98%).

Expert opinion

Sakania Luiza Ruslanovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist

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You can catch it through vaginal, anal or even oral sex. The risk of infection increases if the partner and the woman herself have microdamages on the skin.

For some time, the pathogen does not manifest itself in any way, being in a dormant state. Then redness, tingling and itching occurs in the perineal area, and small watery blisters appear. Excessive dryness may cause cracks and white coating to appear on the skin. After opening the rash, painful ulcers form, which become covered with a crust and heal completely.

Usually the disease is mild. But in severe cases there is a risk of damage to the urethra, vagina, cervix, cervical canal, anus and rectum. Therefore, when the first symptoms of herpes appear, you should consult a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe medications that stop the pathogen from multiplying.


A white, cheesy coating on the labia with an unpleasant sour odor is a sign of candidiasis. Fungal infection is localized mainly in the vestibule and on the vaginal mucosa. It can appear in both a little girl and an adult woman.

Expert opinion

Sakania Luiza Ruslanovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist

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Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida live on the skin and mucous membranes of a healthy person, being part of the normal microflora.

Their growth is provoked by the following factors:

  • weakened immunity;
  • long-term use of antibiotics and hormonal drugs;
  • unprotected and promiscuous sex;
  • insufficient or excessive hygiene of intimate organs;
  • microtrauma of the vagina and labia;
  • diabetes;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

The first symptoms of thrush are itching and burning associated with the reaction of the mucous membrane to a fungal infection. There is redness, rashes and swelling of the labia majora. Thick, white or gray cheesy discharge with inclusions of flakes and lumps also occurs. When they dry, they leave yellowish marks on the laundry.

The acute form of the disease is characterized by the spread of the inflammatory process to the urethra and vulva.

This is accompanied by pain during urination and sexual intercourse. If the acute process is not eliminated in a timely manner, thrush becomes chronic, difficult to treat.

White plaque in the groin of women - is it always a fungus?

White plaque in the groin of women often appears due to diseases of the genital organs and external factors. The phenomenon is usually not life-threatening, but requires treatment. To safely get rid of the problem, you should familiarize yourself with all its features.

Causes in the form of diseases of the reproductive system

White plaque in the groin area, which occurs against the background of pathologies of the reproductive system, is an indirect symptom of a specific disease. In addition to this, there are a number of other signs. These include:

Common pathologies that lead to the appearance of white plaque in the groin area include genital herpes, vulvovaginitis and thrush.

Candida fungus

Typically, white plaque in the groin of women appears due to the proliferation of Candida fungus. Microorganisms exist safely in the moist, warm environment that the inguinal folds have.

The pathology occurs in people from 35 to 50 years old, accompanied by round spots in the area of ​​the intimate organs, which later become wet and itchy.

Candidiasis appears against the background of a weakened immune system and a number of circumstances:

  1. regular stress;
  2. general fatigue, lack of proper sleep;
  3. long-term acclimatization;
  4. long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  5. use of hormonal contraceptives;
  6. diabetes;
  7. hormonal imbalances, pregnancy;
  8. HIV infection.

At the stage of development of the disease, the inguinal folds swell and soon become covered with rashes, ulcers, redness, and a white coating. Pimples can burst and release exudate. Small erosions remain, which merge into a common spot. A woman complains of blue discoloration of the inflamed area, peeling, itching, the presence of a white coating in the groin area, and cracking of the skin.

Genital herpes

After herpes enters the body, the virus constantly circulates in the blood plasma. Treatment only improves the condition, but relapses occur in 98% of cases. Viral agents are transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse.

Bubbles with clear or yellowish exudate appear on the labia. The woman feels tingling and itching. The ulcers burst, and in their place erosive areas with a whitish coating appear. The wounds are healed, the skin is regenerated.

Typically, genital herpes occurs in a mild form, but sometimes it affects the cervical canal, urethra, and anus.

Causes not related to diseases

Sometimes a whitish coating appears in the groin due to external factors. These include:

  • wearing underwear made of synthetic materials that is too tight, the genitals become irritated and inflamed;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules during the period of regulation, wearing one pad for a long time;
  • incorrectly selected gels for intimate hygiene, they disrupt the acid-base balance of the vaginal microflora;
  • changes in the microflora of the genital organs that occur due to hormonal imbalances, long-term use of antibacterial agents, or severe stress;
  • poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency.

In most cases, white plaque appears due to non-compliance with hygiene rules.

How to treat?

Normally, white plaque in the groin performs a protective function in the female body. Thanks to it, the vaginal microflora is maintained, creating a barrier to the penetration of pathogenic agents. To prevent the development of inflammation, you need to wash your intimate organs 2 times a day.

Plaque can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in water. It is recommended to use good quality intimate hygiene gels based on natural ingredients such as chamomile. It is not advisable to wash the genitals with soap; it dries out the mucous membranes.

When the appearance of plaque was preceded by an infection, the doctor selects treatment. If you do not contact a gynecologist in time, the disease will become more severe. The standard course of therapy involves taking medications in the form of oral tablets, vaginal medications, suppositories, ointments or creams.

You can also use traditional methods - douching with herbal anti-inflammatory solutions, applying lotions.

Source: https://uginekologa.com/belyiy-nalet-v-pahu-u-zhenshhin.html

Diagnostic measures

Since white plaque on the genitals provokes more than one infectious and inflammatory disease, before starting therapy it is important to undergo the required diagnostics and pass all tests.
If a white coating appears inside the vagina, it is important to immediately visit a doctor who will prescribe the following examinations:

  1. ultrasound examination of the genital organs;
  2. vaginal smear;
  3. examination of the cervix under a special microscope;
  4. General analysis of urine and blood.

Types of pathological white discharge

Leucorrhoea has several types, depending on which part of the reproductive system the pathology is formed:

  • Pipe. They are caused by swelling, inflammation or the appearance of tumors in the fallopian tubes.
  • Cervical. Normal secretion production is disrupted due to endocrine diseases. Another reason is stagnant processes and foci of inflammation, which appear due to cervical ruptures and subsequent scarring. Infection and polyps also cause white discharge.
  • Uterine. Problems with secretion arise due to the formation of fibroids in the uterus. As a result, this often becomes the cause of cancer.
  • Vestibular. White discharge can be caused by the active work of the sebaceous glands, which is typical for diabetes, inflammation, mechanical damage, or neglect of hygiene standards.
  • Vaginal. Characteristic of irritation or damage to the structure of the mucous membrane. They arise due to improper douching, mechanical influences, and disruption of the normal microflora.

Pathology therapy

If plaque is found on the labia, you should not immediately panic; sometimes it indicates that the female body is working correctly and completely protects the genitals from the penetration of pathogenic microbes.
However, in order to protect yourself from inflammation and other pathologies, you still need to get rid of plaque. If it appears accidentally and there is no itching, you can remove the plaque with a stream of water under the shower. If this method does not help, you can resort to using a regular cotton swab moistened with water. With its help, it will be possible to remove plaque from both the labia minora and labia majora.

Expert opinion

Sakania Luiza Ruslanovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist

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The doctor does not recommend using ordinary soap, which contains alkali, for these purposes. This intimate hygiene product often causes allergic reactions, which will only worsen the formation of plaque in the perineum.

If the patient experiences itching and a white coating in the vagina, and is also bothered by other symptoms, self-therapy may not only be ineffective, but also cause harm to her health.

Considering that pellets on the labia may indicate the development of inflammatory processes, they should be treated quickly and efficiently so as not to aggravate the situation. Therefore, you should not delay visiting the gynecologist.

Drug treatment

The treatment method for white plaque on the labia depends on what exactly caused its appearance. Often, health care providers prescribe combination therapy, which includes the use of medications for internal and local use.

Medications that fight fungal infections are suitable for internal use. For local use, ointments, suppositories, and creams are used.


If the vagina is covered with plaque, resort to the following recipes:

  • Kefir. Dip a cotton swab in kefir and insert it into the vagina. Leave it overnight, and in the morning take it out and rinse the external genitalia with warm water. Douche with chamomile decoction. Carry out the procedure throughout the week.
  • Oak bark. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of plant bark, mixed with half a liter of water. Pour the ingredients into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cook for about half an hour. Strain the broth and cool. Carry out douching using a rubber bulb.

Doctors note that the use of recipes from traditional healers can only be used after a visit to a medical facility and consultation with a specialist.

Expert opinion

Sakania Luiza Ruslanovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist

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Some types of self-help at home are contraindicated during pregnancy; you should also not resort to using decoctions and infusions on your own to treat suspicious discharge in a child.

It is impossible to make a diagnosis and choose the right treatment regimen on your own and at home, since plaque on the labia can be a sign of more than one pathology.

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