Norkolut: instructions for use of tablets

Infertility remains a real problem in the modern world. Up to 20% of couples remain childless despite full diagnosis and treatment. Many of them are able to become parents only with the help of IVF.

IVF or in vitro fertilization requires careful preparation for conception, maintenance and prolongation of pregnancy.

IVF protocols contain a number of recommendations on diagnosis, management tactics and prescription of necessary tests and treatment methods. Each protocol is developed individually for a couple who wants to become pregnant through artificial insemination.

The preparatory stage before embryo transfer takes from two weeks to three or more months, which depends on the cause of infertility, the methods of examination and treatment used for both women and men.

Medicinal properties

The therapeutic effect of Norkolut is achieved thanks to its active component – ​​norethisterone. The substance belongs to the group of gestagens, but despite this, it has the qualities of androgens and extragens, although to a lesser extent. After penetration into the body, it promotes the restructuring of the lining of the uterus, activating secretory changes in the endometrium, prevents the production of gonadotropin in the brain, stops the maturation of follicles and the process of ovulation.

After oral administration, the medicine is easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The highest content levels are achieved after 1-2 hours. It is converted in the liver, after the first stage of transformation its bioavailability is approximately 50-76%. Excretion from the body is carried out in two stages, the half-life at first is about 2.5 hours, in the final stage - ~8. A significant part of the derivative substances is excreted in the urine - almost 70%, the rest - in feces.

Mode of application

The specifics of hormonal therapy should only be determined by an experienced specialist. The instructions for use allow Norkolut to be used regardless of food intake.

Norkolut for endometriosis

Therapy begins between the first and fifth days of the cycle. It is recommended to drink 1 tablet twice a day. In case of bleeding, the dosage is increased to 2 pills per dose (4 pcs. in total). After the discharge stops, they return to the initial amount. The duration of therapy is at least 4-6 months. When taken daily without a break, menstruation and ovulation do not occur. After completion of therapy with Norkolut, withdrawal bleeding occurs.

The drug as a contraceptive

Norkolut can be used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. To do this, you need to start taking it on the 5th day of the cycle. Tablets are taken at night (1/4-1/2 pcs.) for a 3-week course, after which they take a week-long break and then resume taking them. During the first weeks of treatment, your doctor may prescribe additional estrogen.

Norkolut for delaying menstruation

To delay the onset of the menstrual cycle, you should start taking the pills 8 days before the expected day of your period. The drug is taken daily for 12 days, drinking 2 pills at a time. It is believed that with this procedure the onset of menstruation will shift by a week. However, it must be taken into account that forced regulation of the natural process may affect the nature of bleeding: heavy periods after Norkolut are not excluded.

How to induce your period

Before taking, you should make sure that the cycle disruption is not associated with pregnancy. To induce menstruation if it is delayed, take 2 tablets a day for 5 days. Abrupt cessation of the course causes bleeding. This method cannot be used without the doctor’s consent, since each patient has her own characteristics that can cause unexpected reactions.

How to stop lactation

To stop milk production during the postpartum period, take Norkolut tablets:

  • in the first 3 days: daily dose is 4 pieces
  • from day 4 to day 7: SD – 3 pcs.
  • from 8 days to 10: SD - 2 pcs.

Norkolut for menopause

During this period, it is recommended to take the medicine for a long time, which one is determined individually for each woman. The recommended daily dose is one tablet.

During pregnancy and pregnancy

The drug is not intended for the treatment of pregnant women. Although there are cases where women, unaware of their situation, took Norkolut tablets, and then gave birth to healthy babies. However, this cannot be considered a pattern, since no one has conducted special studies of the effects of Norkolut on fetal development. Therefore, admission can be allowed only in extreme cases - if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Breastfeeding women are prescribed drugs if there are difficulties with weaning the child from the breast. It is known that Norkolut in the postpartum period reduces milk production and changes its characteristics. It is also prescribed to suppress milk production for women who have had a miscarriage for various reasons.


Diagnostics in the IVF protocol can be laboratory or instrumental. The necessary examination methods are prescribed by the attending physician according to indications.

The woman and her sexual partner undergo general and specific tests. To confirm pregnancy, the level of hCG in the blood is determined, and blood clotting indicators and antibodies are also monitored. If necessary, immunoglobulins are infused drip-wise.

To assess blood flow in the IVF protocol, Doppler ultrasound is performed.

Endometrial biopsy

Endometrial biopsy is a mandatory diagnostic procedure before IVF in women with a negative obstetric history.

An endometrial biopsy is performed to:

  • determining the readiness of the endometrium for implantation (immunohistochemistry);
  • detection of infectious changes in the mucous membrane (chronic endometritis);
  • determining the state of the endometrium after hormonal stimulation;
  • identifying malignant or benign processes in the uterine cavity;
  • determining possible causes of female infertility.

The material obtained after the diagnostic examination is sent to a histological laboratory, where it is examined under a microscope.

A biopsy before IVF can be performed using basic methods.

  1. Curettage of the uterine cavity. It is considered the most traumatic procedure.
  2. Pipelle biopsy. It is performed on an outpatient basis with a special thin probe.
  3. Aspiration biopsy. It is performed on an outpatient basis using a uterine syringe or electric suction.

Doppler of uterine vessels

Dopplerography is the study of blood flow in the large vessels of the uterus. The main purpose of the study is to study the nature of the blood supply to the organ and the degree of circulatory disturbance, if any.

Before IVF, Doppler is performed to determine possible disturbances in the supply of nutrients to the fetus. If deviations from the norm are detected, medications are prescribed to improve blood circulation.


Norkolut is prohibited for use if the patient has at least one of the following factors:

  • Individual reaction of the body to drug components
  • Puberty
  • Breast cancer (diagnosed and suspected)
  • Malignant neoplasms of female organs
  • Pregnancy (use is possible as an exception in case of threat of miscarriage)
  • Jaundice (present or in history)
  • Acute liver pathologies
  • Liver neoplasms of any type
  • Liver/kidney dysfunction
  • Hyperbilirubinemia
  • Predisposition to thrombosis
  • Acute thrombophlebitis/embolism
  • Genitourinary system: bleeding of unknown origin
  • Cholestatic hepatosis of pregnant women
  • Itchy skin (history)
  • Obesity
  • Herpetic infection.

The drug can be prescribed with precautions if the patient has: diabetes mellitus, asthma, chronic heart disease, epilepsy, hypertension, frequent migraines. If drugs are prescribed, therapy should be under medical supervision.

If, while taking Norkolut, atypical conditions appear or your health worsens, you should immediately inform your doctor about this.

IVF and preparatory stage

Preparation before IVF is a mandatory medical examination of both sexual partners, which is carried out according to research protocols.

The necessary tests and instrumental diagnostic methods are prescribed in the clinic where the couple plans to carry out artificial insemination. Testing can be done at a fertility clinic or at a local clinic.

Mandatory examination of a woman includes laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

Gonadotropic hormones: blood tests are taken on days 3–5 of the menstrual cycle:

  • FSH;
  • LH;
  • prolactin;
  • estadiol;
  • progesterone;
  • 17-OH-progesterone;
  • DEA sulfate;
  • free testosterone;
  • cortisol;
  • anti-Mullerian hormone.

Progesterone is taken again 7 days after ovulation to determine the level of functioning of the corpus luteum and the presence of ovulation.

Thyroid hormones:

  • free thyroxine;
  • thyroglobulin;
  • antibodies to thyroid peroxidase and other types of antibodies if necessary;
  • thyroid-stimulating hormone.

In terms of examination of the gynecological tract, the following types of studies are used:

  • smear from the vagina and urethra for flora;
  • cervical smear for oncocytology;
  • PCR for all types of sexually transmitted infections;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • hysteroscopy and hysterosalpingography;
  • laparoscopy;
  • biopsy of the cervix, endometrium;
  • endometrial immunohistochemistry;
  • photograph of the sella turcica.

In addition, antibodies to rubella and toxoplasma are determined. It is mandatory to perform an ultrasound of the mammary glands, since the intense hormonal load during IVF can become a contraindication if there is pathology of the mammary glands.

If there is a history of frozen pregnancy or miscarriage, as part of the preparation, the blood is examined for the presence of hemostasis mutations, thrombophilia, antiphospholipid syndrome, and antibodies to hCG. In this case, the level of homocysteine ​​is considered important, which should not exceed 7 µmol/l. The amount of vitamin B12 and folic acid is also determined.

The list for preparation can be increased or decreased individually if indicated.

Preparing for IVF in a man involves diagnosing:

  • flora smear;
  • PCR for infections;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis;
  • spermograms (Kruger test, MAP test, sperm biochemistry, electron microscopy, sperm DNA fragmentation).

The list of preparations can be expanded according to indications.

Among the diagnostic tests in preparation for IVF, which both sexual partners undergo, are:

  • STI testing;
  • blood for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C;
  • general blood and urine tests;
  • blood chemistry;
  • blood glucose;
  • ECG;
  • consultations with related specialists in the presence of concomitant pathologies;
  • karyotyping to exclude genetic abnormalities.

If donor sperm is used during IVF, the man will not be examined.

In order for embryo transfer to be successful, simple rules must be followed.

  1. Stop smoking. In non-smoking couples, the conception rate is 3 times higher compared to those with a bad habit.
  2. Stop drinking alcoholic beverages.
  3. Reduce your coffee intake.
  4. Visiting baths, saunas, and taking hot baths is not recommended.
  5. Active lifestyle with sufficient physical activity.
  6. Rational eating and balanced nutrition.
  7. Psychological attitude towards pregnancy.

Additionally, sexual partners receive medication correction with medications or vitamins as indicated.

Preparation for the classic IVF protocol takes from 15 to 30 days. If the IVF protocol is long or super long, preparation takes from 1 to 3 months.

Preparation for the cryo protocol

The cryoprotocol involves the transfer of cryopreserved embryos into the uterine cavity. Viable embryos not used in the IVF protocol are subjected to cryopreservation. If the transfer attempt fails, cryopreserved embryos can be used.

To achieve pregnancy in the IVF cryoprotocol, the female body must be prepared.

  1. Laboratory and instrumental examination. Can be extended from a previous IVF attempt.
  2. Prescribing and taking medications to prepare the uterine cavity for implantation.
  3. Functional diagnostic methods. Using ultrasound to determine favorable conditions for embryo transfer.

Improving egg quality

To successfully complete the IVF protocol, it is necessary to use high-quality viable eggs and sperm.

Normally, sperm renewal in men occurs constantly. Women's eggs are laid in the womb, and the ovarian reserve is not renewed.

Often, before egg retrieval, a woman undergoes a course of drug therapy to improve the quality of eggs under the supervision of a fertility specialist according to an individually developed scheme.

The most commonly used are Inofert (Inofolik), Ovariamin and Ovarium-compositum, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins D and E. Hirudotherapy is useful in preparation for IVF.

However, drug therapy alone is not enough. It is recommended for women in the preparation package.

  1. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with no smoking and alcohol.
  2. A balanced and rational diet with sufficient vitamins and minerals. This improves metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Taking vitamins. The main importance is given to folic acid and Inositol. Folic acid is necessary for the proper formation of the fetal neural tube and normalization of egg maturation. Inositol is used to improve the quality of maturing eggs.

It is possible to use vitamins or vitamin-mineral complexes with sufficient content of necessary substances.

Improved blood flow

Improving blood flow in the pelvis before preparing for IVF is necessary for sufficient blood supply to the uterus and normal implantation and development of the implanted embryo.

Medications and physical exercises are used to improve blood flow to ensure blood flow to the pelvic organs.

Medicines that can be prescribed:

If there is a pathology of blood clotting, in preparation for IVF, injections of low molecular weight heparins - Fraxiparine, Clexane - are performed. These medications continue to be used during pregnancy.

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy before the IVF protocol can be carried out:

The main goal of ozone therapy is to improve blood circulation to prevent thrombosis during ovarian stimulation. An additional effect is the prevention of viral infections.

Psychological aspect

One of the main methods of preparing for the IVF protocol is the psychological factor.

For a successful pregnancy and its prolongation, partners need support from family, loved ones, and friends. Many couples keep IVF secret to avoid gossip and ignorant judgments. A calm, relaxed environment without unnecessary stressful situations helps to tune in to a positive course of gestation.

Cross-drug interactions

It has been established that some medications can reduce the effectiveness of Norkolut. Such drugs are drugs that increase its metabolism - antiepileptics (Phenytoin, Oxcarbazepine, barbiturates, etc.), antituberculosis drugs (Rifampicin), as well as some antibiotics and herbal remedies with St. John's wort.

Norkolut may distort the effect of drugs with cyclosporine when used together.

To avoid unpredictable reactions, you should inform your doctor about all medications that were taken at the time of Norkolut's prescription or in the previous period.

Conditions for transferring information

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I confirm my consent to the transfer of information in the electronic form of the questionnaire (including personal data) via the Internet.

I confirm my consent to the transfer of information in the electronic form of the questionnaire (including personal data) via open communication channels on the Internet. I confirm my consent to the transfer of information in the electronic form of the questionnaire (including personal data) via open communication channels on the Internet.

Side effects

Taking Norkolut may be accompanied by numerous adverse events. Deterioration in well-being is provoked by disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems:

  • Manifestation of individual allergic reactions
  • Headaches, migraines
  • Deterioration of vision
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Rashes, urticaria
  • Bloody discharge from the uterus or vagina
  • Irregular menstruation (scanty bleeding, amenorrhea)
  • Severe irritability, aggressiveness, fatigue
  • Tissue swelling
  • The occurrence of thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis
  • Liver tumors leading to internal bleeding
  • Chloasma
  • Heaviness in the chest
  • The occurrence of hepatitis
  • Severe increase in blood pressure.

Long-term use of Norkolut in large doses often provokes cholestasis.

who took norcolut

33 replies

Latest - December 8, 2021, 2:02 pm Go


You are not afraid of weight gain, but of the terrible side effects of this drug, for which you will then have to undergo additional treatment


There are a lot of them and they somehow come out one by one. The most common ones are: palpitations, loss of appetite (but this is normal), irritability in the first month went off scale, then some kind of discharge, the temperature was 37 at one time, I read on the Internet that this happens to some people.

After the first month of taking it, my periods were terrible: my stomach hurt and they were so heavy that I didn’t leave the house for three days. But I have endometrial hyperplasia, bleeding may be due to this. Tomorrow I finish the second month of drinking, then again CD, it’s even scary. But for now I endure, I drink.

The main thing is that there is a result of the treatment.


I have been drinking narcolut for the third month without a break after mystera (polyp) + multiple uterine fibroids. Weight - I eat as usual, I eat everything, but I don’t eat after 8 o’clock, I drink green tea, mint in the evening.

In 2 months I gained 0.5 kg, but this is a necessary correction (with a height of 164, I weighed 53 kg, my kidney dropped significantly). Exercise three times a week for half an hour. My mood is normal, I even became sentimental, the irritability that I had when taking other contraceptives has gone away.

Libido has GROWED. In two months I had a headache 2-3 times, but it was as usual. The pressure that constantly tormented me stopped jumping. The blood vessels in my legs have increased somewhat, but not critically - I use SOFIA ointment on leeches, and it’s fine. Before the appointment I had a mandatory mammogram, everything was normal.

There were no bleedings for 2 months. I was prescribed to drink for 4 months. I’m going to the doctor in a week, we’ll see what’s going on with the polyps.


Guest I've been taking narcolut for the third month without a break after mystera (polyp) + multiple uterine fibroids. Weight - I eat as usual, I eat everything, but I don’t eat after 8 o’clock, I drink green tea, mint in the evening.

In 2 months I gained 0.5 kg, but this is a necessary correction (with a height of 164, I weighed 53 kg, my kidney dropped significantly). Exercise three times a week for half an hour. My mood is normal, I even became sentimental, the irritability that I had when taking other contraceptives has gone away.

Libido has GROWED. In two months I had a headache 2-3 times, but it was as usual. The pressure that constantly tormented me stopped jumping. The blood vessels in my legs have increased somewhat, but not critically - I use SOFIA ointment on leeches, and it’s fine. Before the appointment I had a mandatory mammogram, everything was normal.

There were no bleedings for 2 months. I was prescribed to drink for 4 months. I’m going to the doctor in a week, we’ll see what’s going on with the polyps.

Didn't they suggest removing the floors?


After the hysteroscopy, I prescribed Norkolut to be taken daily for 3 months before the operation to remove the uterus. I am 50 years old. Critical days without failures, only plentiful 2 days. I read the side effects and I doubt whether to drink it since I have veins in my legs. And before the operation, would it be worse to increase the blood clotting?


I have been drinking narcolut for the third month without a break after mystera (polyp) + multiple uterine fibroids. Weight - I eat as usual, I eat everything, but I don’t eat after 8 o’clock, I drink green tea, mint in the evening.

In 2 months I gained 0.5 kg, but this is a necessary correction (with a height of 164, I weighed 53 kg, my kidney dropped significantly). Exercise three times a week for half an hour. My mood is normal, I even became sentimental, the irritability that I had when taking other contraceptives has gone away.

Libido has GROWED. In two months I had a headache 2-3 times, but it was as usual. The pressure that constantly tormented me stopped jumping. The blood vessels in my legs have increased somewhat, but not critically - I use SOFIA ointment on leeches, and it’s fine. Before the appointment I had a mandatory mammogram, everything was normal.

There were no bleedings for 2 months. I was prescribed to drink for 4 months. I’m going to the doctor in a week, we’ll see what’s going on with the polyps.


You are not afraid of weight gain, but of the terrible side effects of this drug, for which you will then have to undergo additional treatment


I have been drinking narcolut for the third month without a break after mystera (polyp) + multiple uterine fibroids. Weight - I eat as usual, I eat everything, but I don’t eat after 8 o’clock, I drink green tea, mint in the evening.

In 2 months I gained 0.5 kg, but this is a necessary correction (with a height of 164, I weighed 53 kg, my kidney dropped significantly). Exercise three times a week for half an hour. My mood is normal, I even became sentimental, the irritability that I had when taking other contraceptives has gone away.

Libido has GROWED. In two months I had a headache 2-3 times, but it was as usual. The pressure that constantly tormented me stopped jumping. The blood vessels in my legs have increased somewhat, but not critically - I use SOFIA ointment on leeches, and it’s fine. Before the appointment I had a mandatory mammogram, everything was normal.

There were no bleedings for 2 months. I was prescribed to drink for 4 months. I’m going to the doctor in a week, we’ll see what’s going on with the polyps.


Good evening everyone, I have a cyst on my left ovary, a delay in menstruation, I was told to drink Norkolut 1*2 a day for 7 days... it’s now the 3rd day since I finished drinking them, my stomach hurts. Tell me what to do next if my periods come heavy, should I continue drinking them or shouldn’t I? ??(due to my worries I don’t remember what the doctor said)((((


Hello. I took Norkolut when I entered menopause. There was heavy bleeding. Saw according to the diagram. A fibroid was later discovered. (large) They wanted to remove the uterus. And urgently. I risked disagreeing.

I bought “Tank-Vai” from Herbolife, they call it Tank-Yu, I took these tablets for half a year, along with Herbolife series cocktails and fiber. I've recovered. Now there is only a spot left on the wall of the uterus. The tumor has resolved. Norkalut side effects include thrombosis and breast cancer. This is what I have today.

So everything is individual. I told my story, and it's up to you to decide. You can save yourself if you study the cause. Be careful and healthy!


On the contrary, my weight has decreased a little. I've been drinking it for two months. But the side effects are terrible.


Hello everyone! my story with Norkolut: in July of this year I scraped out a polyp the size of a pigeon egg, this is already my second scraping. Hormones fail and this nasty thing grows inside me! with a polyp, periods were terribly heavy and painful. As soon as I scraped it out, everything returned to normal! There is no feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, I feel normal.

I read it for being overweight and wasn’t upset at all! A sporty lifestyle will not allow you to gain weight! Yes, I haven’t gained weight, on the contrary, I’ve lost a little weight. I've been taking Norkolut for 10 days now. I was prescribed to drink it on the 5th day of my period, 20 days before the start of a new one, and so on for 3 months, then for an ultrasound. The gynecologist will look to see if the ovaries have enough hormones for normal functioning.

So far I have no complaints about anything from this drug. A gynecologist-oncologist prescribed it to me, I don’t think she’ll prescribe anything bad. She warned me that it might bleed, but everything was just gorgeous. I would like to repeat that everyone has their own body and how it reacts to this or that drug is an individual matter.

Good health and good luck to everyone

New themes


I have been drinking narcolut for the third month without a break after mystera (polyp) + multiple uterine fibroids. Weight - I eat as usual, I eat everything, but I don’t eat after 8 o’clock, I drink green tea, mint in the evening.

In 2 months I gained 0.5 kg, but this is a necessary correction (with a height of 164, I weighed 53 kg, my kidney dropped significantly). Exercise three times a week for half an hour. My mood is normal, I even became sentimental, the irritability that I had when taking other contraceptives has gone away.

Libido has GROWED. In two months I had a headache 2-3 times, but it was as usual. The pressure that constantly tormented me stopped jumping. The blood vessels in my legs have increased somewhat, but not critically - I use SOFIA ointment on leeches, and it’s fine. Before the appointment I had a mandatory mammogram, everything was normal.

There were no bleedings for 2 months. I was prescribed to drink for 4 months. I’m going to the doctor in a week, we’ll see what’s going on with the polyps.


ugh damn..

I read “who took DRUGS.” I think: yeah..the woman is not the same)))


I’ve been taking it for 3 months now. There are no side effects. The endometrium has become better. Everyone’s body is different. Everyone tolerates it differently.


Hello everyone! my story with Norkolut: in July of this year I scraped out a polyp the size of a pigeon egg, this is already my second scraping. Hormones fail and this nasty thing grows inside me! with a polyp, periods were terribly heavy and painful. As soon as I scraped it out, everything returned to normal! There is no feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, I feel normal.

I read it for being overweight and wasn’t upset at all! A sporty lifestyle will not allow you to gain weight! Yes, I haven’t gained weight, on the contrary, I’ve lost a little weight. I've been taking Norkolut for 10 days now. I was prescribed to drink it on the 5th day of my period, 20 days before the start of a new one, and so on for 3 months, then for an ultrasound. The gynecologist will look to see if the ovaries have enough hormones for normal functioning.

So far I have no complaints about anything from this drug. A gynecologist-oncologist prescribed it to me, I don’t think she’ll prescribe anything bad. She warned me that it might bleed, but everything was just gorgeous. I would like to repeat that everyone has their own body and how it reacts to this or that drug is an individual matter.

Good health and good luck to everyone


Norkalut was prescribed 2 tons per day for 6 months. I'm afraid I've read too much about the side effects. I've only been drinking it for a week now. Ash herself has no peace in her soul. How do you feel after Norkalut?


Hello. Please write how you took Norkalut. I was also prescribed from 5 to 21 days, two a day. Isn't that a lot? I also had endometrial and cervical canal polyps


Today is the first day of my period after Norkolut. This is tough! They are plentiful! I have to go to work tomorrow. I'm in quiet shock. Before this, a polyp was removed and Norcalut was prescribed, 2 tablets. per day for 10 days.


There are a lot of them and they somehow come out one by one. The most common ones are: palpitations, loss of appetite (but this is normal), irritability in the first month went off scale, then some kind of discharge, the temperature was 37 at one time, I read on the Internet that this happens to some people.

After the first month of taking it, my periods were terrible: my stomach hurt and they were so heavy that I didn’t leave the house for three days. But I have endometrial hyperplasia, bleeding may be due to this. Tomorrow I finish the second month of drinking, then again CD, it’s even scary. But for now I endure, I drink.

The main thing is that there is a result of the treatment.


Hello, I also have endometrial hyperplasia, I’ve been drinking narcolut recently, then I’ll just put in a spiral, and if it doesn’t help, then I’ll remove the uterus, I’m 38, what about you? Write how it is for you?



Only the attending physician can replace Norkolut with an identical drug.


"Deco", "Pharm-Sintez" (RF)

Cost: spray (17.5 ml) – 636 rubles.

Hormonal agent for use in gynecology. Used for the treatment of endometriosis, uterine fibroids, endometrial pathologies, and the elimination of infertility (used in IVF). Buserelin stimulates a short-term increase in the content of sex hormones in plasma.

The medication contains buserelin, a substance created artificially. Has properties similar to natural GnRH.

It is produced in the form of a nasal spray. A single dose (1 injection) contains 150 mcg of buserelin. The daily amount is divided into several doses and injected into the nose at equal time intervals.

Buserelin should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, or persons with individual hypersensitivity. Particular caution should be exercised during therapy if the patient is diagnosed with hypertension, diabetes, or depression.


  • Effectiveness
  • Affordable price.


  • Side effects.
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