Mastodinon and delayed menstruation: instructions for use of the drug

Mastodinon is a drug made from plant materials. It is intended for women and is used as a means of getting rid of the symptoms of certain pathological conditions. When used correctly, the drug will demonstrate a high degree of effectiveness, and the results of therapy can be observed for a long time after completion of treatment.

Indications for use

The reasons for prescribing Mastodinon may be:

  1. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), accompanied by:
      instability of emotional and mental state;
  2. painful tension and engorgement of the mammary glands;
  3. migraines or headache attacks;
  4. constipation
  5. Failure of the menstrual cycle or infertility (if the occurrence of these pathological conditions was caused by insufficiency of the corpus luteum).
  6. Mastopathy of fibrocystic type.

It should be noted that this drug is used in combination with other medications. In this case, the therapeutic effect will be more pronounced.

Mid-cycle menstruation

In medicine, menstruation in the middle of the cycle has 2 types of classification: intermenstrual and uterine. Uterine bleeding can be caused by the following serious diseases: cervical erosion, endometriosis, fibroids, cervical cancer. If such manifestations occur, you need to go to the hospital. If bleeding is caused by taking contraceptives, this is normal. But there are small disruptions that occur at the hormonal level. Factors that cause bleeding between periods:

  1. Taking medications containing estrogen;
  2. Stress;
  3. Any termination of pregnancy;
  4. Drugs;
  5. Intrauterine device;
  6. Restructuring of the body associated with hormonal levels;
  7. All kinds of infections;
  8. Hormonal disorders of the thyroid gland;
  9. Injuries to the genital organs.

Can Mastodinon cause menstruation ahead of schedule, the question is clear. The drug eliminates the causes that prevent the formation of progesterone, which is necessary for the natural onset of menstruation. If there is not enough progesterone, then Mastodinon causes menstruation and thus performs its intended function. It serves as a stimulant. If menstruation is delayed not due to progesterone deficiency, then other hormonal drugs are prescribed. From the above we can conclude that the drug does not cause unwanted bleeding.

Release form

Mastodinon is presented in the form of tablets and drops . They are intended for oral administration and are characterized by the presence of the same active ingredients, which are extracts and other preparations obtained from the following plants:

  • Abraham tree;
  • cohosh;
  • European cyclamen;
  • chilibukha ignatia;
  • iris variegated;
  • tiger lily.

In addition, the tablets contain as auxiliary components:

  • lactose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • potato starch.

They have a beige color with brownish splashes and a round shape. The product is packaged in packages of 60 tablets.

In addition to herbal preparations, the drops contain only ethyl alcohol in a concentration of 47-53%. In general, the solution can be characterized as follows:

  • homogeneous;
  • transparent;
  • having a yellowish color and a specific odor.

In case of prolonged storage, the drops may become cloudy or a slight sediment may appear in them. The product goes on sale in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 100, 50 or 30 ml.

The drug Mastodinon and menstruation

Mastodinon is a dietary supplement based on herbal components. Available in the form of drops and tablets. Prescribed for menstrual irregularities, mastopathy, and for the correction of premenstrual syndrome. While taking Mastodinon, periods become regular, less painful and not as long. There are practically no complications from taking it, and no cases of overdose have been recorded.

Some information about the drug

Mastodinon belongs to homeopathic medicines, the main purpose is the treatment of mastopathy, menstrual irregularities and PMS. Produced in two dosage forms:

  • Drops . Available in dark bottles of 50 and 100 ml. The liquid inside the jar is clear or slightly yellow and has a bitter taste.
  • Pills . They are odorless and may be somewhat beige in color. Each blister contains 20 tablets.

Both forms have identical composition, so preference should be given to the one that is more convenient and comfortable to use.

The table shows the main active ingredients of the drug.

CompoundEffect on the body
Vitex sacred, or Abraham's treeHas a hormone-like effect
Common prutnyakReduces elevated prolactin levels
cohoshNormalizes the menstrual cycle
Chilibukha ignationRelieves inflammation, soothes
Tiger lilyHas an analgesic effect
Iris variegatedNormalizes the volume of discharge, regularity, relieves pain


  • in drops – ethyl alcohol – 47-53%;
  • in tablets – potato starch, magnesium stearate, lactose.

The main indications for prescribing the medication are as follows:

  • mastopathy;
  • infertility;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • pronounced PMS.

At the discretion of the gynecologist, the drug may be prescribed in other clinical situations. For example, with polycystic disease, to reduce the symptoms of menopause.

How to drink Mastodinon

Take the medicine orally with a small amount of water. The instructions indicate that Mastodinon should be taken half an hour before a meal or an hour and a half after a meal.

One tablet corresponds to 15 ml of solution.

The drop regimens are as follows:

  • morning and evening 30 drops;
  • duration of therapy – at least 90 days;
  • the medicine can be taken during menstruation;
  • drops can be diluted with water, juices and other liquid ingredients to give a more pleasant taste.

When taking tablets, you need to take one twice a day. The course of treatment is the same; interrupting therapy is not recommended.

We recommend reading about how your periods go after Duphaston. From the article you will learn about the indications for prescribing the drug, changes in the menstrual cycle while taking Duphaston.

And here is more information about the effect of Cyclodinone on the menstrual cycle.

What day should you start taking it?

Mastodinon can be taken on any day of the cycle, including during menstruation. The instructions do not stipulate any special requirements or instructions in this regard. Since the drug is homeopathic, its effect is cumulative. The first results and relief of well-being should be expected no earlier than after three to four weeks of use.

Mastodinon and menstruation

Mastodinon is designed to normalize a woman’s menstruation and the level of sex hormones. Therefore, the effect from it should only be for the better. However, this largely depends on how correctly the remedy is prescribed - Mastodinon can only cope with minor disorders that are not associated with organic diseases.

How do menstruation go when taking it?

The composition of the drug is selected in such a way that the components have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the genital organs and the hypothalamic-pituitary region . Therefore, the menstrual cycle should normalize when taken. Namely:

  • becomes regular;
  • periods are less painful;
  • the number of days with discharge decreases.

Does the drug cause menstruation?

Mastodinone is not used to induce menstruation. You have to wait a long time for the result. However, by normalizing the level of prolactin in the blood and establishing a balance of sex hormones, such an effect is possible. Especially if the delay is caused by minor functional deviations, for example, due to stress, moving, etc.

Why is there a delay after

Mastodinon should not lead to cycle disruptions. If you do not have periods while taking it, the reasons may be the following:

  • Pregnancy has occurred , especially if the woman does not use reliable contraception. The drug normalizes the functioning of the ovaries, thereby increasing the likelihood of successful conception.
  • There is individual intolerance to the components . This can be established if a delay occurs each time the medication is started, and when discontinued, the cycle normalizes.

Discharge in the middle of the cycle

They should not constantly disturb a woman. Discharge in the middle of the cycle may be normal, but not monthly. They are called ovulatory and occur when the level of sex hormones fluctuates.

Can menstruation come earlier?

If before the start of treatment a woman’s cycle was long, it is likely that while taking Mastodinon it will be shortened to 28-30 days. There should be no other deviations.

Watch this video about what the drug Mastodinon is:

How does PMS change when taking Mastodinon?

The beneficial effect of Mastodinon on premenstrual syndrome is expressed in the following:

  • the soreness of the mammary glands on the eve of menstruation decreases;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back goes away;
  • emotional state stabilizes;
  • Vaginal discharge becomes normal - mucous closer to the middle of the cycle and whitish on the eve of critical days.

Possible complications from the drug

Most often, the drug does not cause any complications after taking it, even with regular long-term treatment. The following is sometimes noted:

  • allergies in the form of a rash;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • dyspepsia;
  • confusion or hallucinations
  • allergy;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • tendency to depression;
  • temporary weight gain

Cases of overdose on Mastodinon have not been established. If the drug is taken if you are intolerant to galactose, there is a risk of diarrhea. In this case, use should be discontinued.

Contraindications for use

Main contraindications:

  • Established pregnancy. The drug has not been tested on pregnant women, the potential risk is unknown.
  • Lactation period. There have been no studies on the penetration of Mastodinon components into breast milk, so it is better to refrain from taking the medicine during this period.
  • Allergy to components. If an allergic reaction of any kind has ever been reported to any ingredient, it is not recommended to use Mastodinon for treatment due to the risk of recurrence of episodes.
  • Childhood. Dietary supplements are allowed only from 12 years of age and only according to indications.
  • Tumors of the mammary glands. The use of Mastodinon in this case will not lead to progression of the disease, but has no effectiveness.
  • If you are intolerant to galactose, which is included in the drug.

Drinking alcohol and smoking during treatment may reduce the effectiveness of the medicine, so it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle.

When taking the drug by women with diabetes, it is necessary to take into account that a single dose contains 0.02 bread units.

Mastodinon is a dietary supplement with proven effectiveness against many gynecological diseases. Despite the relative safety of the drug, it is necessary to follow the rules of administration and use it only as indicated.

Watch this video about the mechanism of action of the drug Mastodinon:


Reception features

Regardless of the form of release of the drug, it should be taken orally 20 minutes before meals or 1.5 hours after eating . Both drops and tablets must be taken with water (1/2 cup will be enough). The procedure is repeated twice a day, and the total duration of the therapeutic course is 42 days (breaks should not be taken during menstruation).

Together with Mastodinon, it is allowed to use other medications that have a similar therapeutic effect. This will make the treatment more effective and its results lasting.

Categorical cessation of smoking or drinking alcohol during therapy with Mastodinon is not mandatory. This drug does not affect the reaction rate, so there are no restrictions on activities that require increased concentration.

delayed menstruation when taking mastodinone

2015-12-11 16:24:27

Angelica asks:

The gynecologist’s answer: “Mastodinone (a herbal preparation) cannot provoke a delay in menstruation.” However, this happens every time after taking mastodinone for the first month (a delay of more than 10-12 days or more). Before taking this drug and after stopping it, everything was normal.

When examined by a gynecologist, everything is normal. A direct dependence on mastodinone is revealed.

Maybe herbal preparations can also affect a woman’s hormonal levels, which leads to a change in her cycle while taking them? Should the course of treatment in this case be continued for 3 months or should the drug be discontinued?

December 21, 2015

Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna answers:

If you have delayed menstruation while taking mastodinone, then you need to be further examined. Possible: *individual intolerance to the components of the drug Mastodinon.

*the dosage form of the tablets contains lactose, therefore it is not recommended for the treatment of patients with galactose intolerance or those with genetic lactose deficiency and impaired glucose absorption.

*negative impact of smoking and alcohol consumption on the results of any treatment, including treatment with homeopathic medicines. *use very carefully for liver diseases. * simultaneous use with dopamine antagonists weakens the effect of Mastodinone.

Being a herbal non-hormonal drug, Mastodinon helps lower the level of prolactin in a woman’s body. If prolactin levels are not very high, mastodinone reduces them; if the numbers are high, the treatment is different. The therapeutic effect occurs after 6 weeks.

Perhaps something has not been taken into account, or you have been under-examined, or there really is an intolerance to the drug Mastodinon itself, because this drug is mainly used for impaired MC, the presence of mastopathy, for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. In addition to mastodinone, there are a number of other drugs that can be recommended. Therefore, contact your doctor for further examination and treatment adjustment.

2011-07-09 20:51:16

Victoria asks:

Good afternoon I am 27 years old. She did not give birth, there was no pregnancy or abortion. The diagnosis was made: fibroadenoma of the left mammary gland, size 1.3*0.5. The diagnosis was made based on the results of ultrasound and biopsy. I took a blood test for hormones - progesterone: 23.3 nmol/l, (at normal: f.f. up to 3.6 median 1.5; l.f. 3.0-76.0), estradiol - 55.8 ng/ml (at normal f.f.f. 0-160 median. 42 l.f. 27-246 med. 91 ovu 34-400 med.), both analyzes were taken with a 3-day delay of menstruation. I would like to add that my cycle is not standardized, there are delays, my periods do not last 3 days but from 5 to 7 days. The mammologist said that my level of one of the hormones was too low for my age and prescribed 6 months to improve ovarian function. drink “Lindinet 30”, in addition to this for the chest: progestogel, smear both breasts for 3 months, mastodinone - drink for 3 months. When I started taking Lindinet 30 (on the first day of the cycle), my periods, instead of the usual 7 days, lasted 2 weeks, and then there was a spot for another week. I decided to seek advice from a gynecologist, opinions were divided - one told me that everything was fine and continue drinking, another doctor said that Lindinet 30, on the contrary, is contraindicated for breast problems and advised me to stop taking this drug or at least replace it with another. Question: 1) can I get by with treatment with only progestogel and mastodinone. 2) do my blood test results really show that I have a low level of one of the hormones and should I take contraceptives?

Please help me figure it out, thanks in advance!

03 August 2011

Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna answers:

If you have pain or tension in the mammary glands in the premenstrual period, you can indeed get by with taking mastodinone and progestogel, although in the treatment of mastalgia and mastodynia (pain and tension) the use of two drugs is recommended, and also, for example, dysmenorm, vitamin therapy, and always herbal sedating drugs. I must tell you that treatment is not aimed at resolving fibroadenomas, since they do not resolve (with the exception of juvenile fibroadenomas), they are simply monitored. As for hormones, the interpretation is not entirely correct, since you took the test against the background of a delay, but your progesterone is normal, and estradiol is reduced, but against the background of a delay this is not indicative.

Lindinet is not contraindicated for mastopathy.

2009-04-12 15:44:46

ELENA asks:




April 16, 2009

Babik Andrey Ivanovich answers:


All consultant answers

A delay in menstruation does not appear “at the same time,” but as a result of certain hormonal problems. It can be cured, but a lot depends on who is doing the treatment.

2013-04-16 13:43:32

Ekaterina asks:


Side effects

Regardless of the dosage form chosen, the likelihood of negative consequences when taking Mastodinon is extremely low. If they do arise, they appear as:

  • allergies;
  • stomach pain;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • itchy exanthema;
  • acne spreading over the skin of the face and body;
  • weight gain by 1-3 kg;
  • psychomotor agitation of a transient type;
  • headache;
  • hallucinations;
  • episodic confusion.

If the side effects indicated in the last three points are detected, the medication should be stopped immediately, after which it is necessary to visit a doctor.

Let's sum it up

In conclusion, we can say that, of course, reviews on the Internet are quite different.

However, the drug Mastodinon is considered an effective homeopathic remedy against pathological changes in the breast, premenstrual syndrome, and cycle disorders. Of course, like any drug, Mastodinon has its advantages and disadvantages.

However, practice shows that in general the drug is quite well tolerated and practically does not cause the development of side effects of the drug.

Mastodinon is intended for a long course of treatment of pathologies of the reproductive system of the body. It contains biologically active substances in minimal dosages. This drug should be prescribed by a specialist.

Contraindications for use

Mastodinon is not used if a woman:

  1. Pregnant.
  2. Breastfeeds the baby.
  3. Has hypersensitivity to one or more components of the drug.
  4. Suffers from the following diseases:
      malignant neoplasms affecting the mammary glands;
  5. lactose intolerance (applies only to the tablet form of the drug, since it contains this substance as an auxiliary component);
  6. liver and brain diseases, epilepsy or alcoholism (if you have disorders from this group, the use of Mastodinon in the form of drops is prohibited, since it contains alcohol).

In addition, this medicine is not prescribed to girls under 12 years of age.

Mastodinon and the menstrual cycle

Not many lucky women experience menstruation without any problems. Often they and accompanying manifestations need to be corrected with medications, one of which is mastodinone.

This is a herbal preparation that has become popular due to its effectiveness. More often it is prescribed for breast diseases, but mastodinon can lead to normal periods. To understand how and when this is possible, it is worth knowing the features of how a homeopathic remedy works.

A little about the drug

Mastodinon is used, as a rule, in combination with other drugs for the treatment of ailments associated with the functioning of the reproductive organs, as well as disorders in the field of sex hormones. This:

Questions about whether mastodinone can affect menstruation would be unnecessary. This is one of the tasks he solves. What the impact will be is another matter.

But the effect of mastodinon on menstruation is determined by the properties of the medicinal herbs included in its composition. They stimulate the body's production of dopamine, which normalizes the volume of prolactin.

The production of FSH and LH depends on the latter. A sufficient, but not excessive amount of them restores the functioning of the ovaries and affects the uterus and its appendages. That is, the effect of mastodinone on menstruation is to normalize it and eliminate the problems of the second phase of the cycle. Usually these are oligomenorrhea and metrorrhagia.

Features of application

To achieve the effect, the drug requires twice daily use for several weeks, possibly longer. But since it has an effect on the production of hormones, and if used in the form of drops, it also contains alcohol, doubts arise as to whether it is possible to drink Mastodinon during menstruation.

The woman will feel the first signs of improvement after 6 weeks of using the drug. The minimum period of use is 63 days, the dosage is determined by the doctor.

Impact on the cycle

One of the possible difficulties when taking the drug is the absence of menstruation on time. And naturally, a woman has a question: can a medicine cause a delay in menstruation?

The susceptibility of the cycle duration to external influences, including medications, is not a discovery. However, a delay in menstruation when taking mastodinone may be the result of not only its effect on the body, but also:

  • Stress. The drug will not be prescribed to a healthy woman, which means that there is at least one reason for negative emotions - illness. Many other reasons can also trigger stress. But in this case, mastodinone and a delay in menstruation simply coincided in time, and are not cause and effect;
  • Hormonal imbalance. It can occur due to an overdose of the drug, as a result of an excessive decrease in the amount of FSH and LH, that is, a slowdown in the release of the follicle and the readiness of the egg to exit the membrane;
  • Pregnancy. A delay in menstruation after the drug is often caused by this reason, since it restores the ability to conceive and is often prescribed for this. So, when your periods disappear after Mastodinone, you should find out immediately, because the drug cannot be used during pregnancy.

We recommend reading the article about the effect of the drug Jess on menstruation. You will learn the specifics of taking the medicine and its effect on the body, how it affects the menstrual cycle, and possible side effects.

Can menstruation come earlier?

Since the drug is known to eliminate factors that interfere with the production of progestins, many people wonder: can mastodinone cause menstruation early? After all, these substances are one of the most important for the onset of menstruation.

Don't expect it to work the same way as hormonal medications.


From Mastodinon analogues, you can find products that have a similar therapeutic effect, but include other active ingredients. Among them are:

  • capsules: Indole forte Evalar, Mammolen 200, Mammoleptin ;
  • tablets: Mamoclam, Mastofit Evalar ;
  • solution: Lakzenova ;
  • drops: Tazalok .

Drugs with similar contents are not currently available in pharmacies.


Positive reviews about Mastodinon include approximately 70% of all statements regarding this drug. According to the observations of the vast majority of women, the product can really:

  • relieve tension and pain in the chest;
  • stimulate a reduction in the size of tumors in benign fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • eliminate swelling appearing in the chest area;
  • normalize the menstrual cycle.

At the same time, the resulting effect persists for a long time, although the therapeutic course itself is quite long. It is this problem that is described in a significant part of the negative reviews. But comments are also made regarding the high cost of the medicine and the unpleasant taste of the drops.

The effect of Mastodinon on a woman’s menstrual cycle

Mastodinon and menstruation. It would be good if this relationship became clear to many women. The mentioned drug restores hormonal balance and prevents pathological diseases. Representatives of the fairer sex can often experience negative symptoms during their menstrual periods. Therefore, it is important to decide which medicine can bring relief.

Reviews from those taking Mastodinon

You can leave your reviews about the drug Mastodinon, other users will be interested in:


While taking Mastodinon, I began to gain weight. The doctor explained that hormonal levels are restored and metabolism improves, which means weight gain in this case is considered normal. Such changes occur when a person quits

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