Black cumin oil: application in medicine and cosmetology

What effect does cumin oil have on a woman’s body?

The benefits of black cumin oil for women allow it to be used in alternative medicine, cosmetology, and cooking. More information about the beneficial properties of the product in different areas of application can be found in the table below.

Scope of applicationBeneficial features
MedicineStrengthens the immune system, protects against seasonal infections Quickly and gently cleanses the body Improves the condition of blood vessels and the heart muscle Eliminates manifestations of allergies Soothes cramps, fights menstrual pain, migraines, headaches Normalizes the cycle, equalizes the level of sex hormones, fights infertility in women Promotes the resorption of tumors Treats dermatological lesions Regenerates external and mucous membranes, eliminates inflammation
CosmetologyMakes hair manageable, strong, shiny, accelerates growth (when used internally) Heals minor damage to the skin, soothes the inflammatory process Soothes the skin, eliminates flaking and redness Softens hands, heels, cares for the cuticle Tones the body skin, eliminates stretch marks and sagging
CookingGives dishes a bright, rich taste and aroma

It is important to use black cumin oil for blood pressure, to reduce the risk of heart attack, atherosclerosis, and stroke in women.

Tampons with black cumin oil in gynecology - maintenance therapy for vaginitis, thrush and other inflammatory processes.

It is also believed that women should drink black cumin oil for weight loss, but the product does not reduce weight, but helps remove waste, toxins, and excess fluid from the body. This facilitates and speeds up the process of losing weight.

A massage based on black cumin ether makes the skin more elastic and toned, eliminates cellulite, relaxes the body and relieves aching pain in the back and joints, for example, before childbirth.

Taking the product orally will not get rid of cancer tumors. In the early stages, a delicate massage of the problem area can speed up the resorption of the tumor in a woman.


Black cumin oil is rich in active compounds that have both benefits and harm to a woman’s body. Therefore, before use, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • low pressure;
  • hematopoietic disorder;
  • individual intolerance.

There is no specific data on the dangers of black cumin oil during pregnancy, but doctors recommend refraining from taking the product orally - it is possible to provoke allergies or developmental disorders in the child.

Where can I buy

The product is sold in some Russian pharmacies. It is difficult to find it in local retail outlets, but it is easy on the Internet. You need to buy oil from trusted sellers.

We recommend ordering Black Seed Oil on This well-known online store offers a wide selection of quality products, prices 30-50% lower than pharmacy prices, many customer reviews and fast delivery worldwide.

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Features of application

The product is characterized by a minimum of contraindications, but it is worth adhering to clear dosages so as not to harm the woman’s body.

Oil standards and application methods in different cases are given in the table.

Indications for useDosageHow to use it correctly
To strengthen the immune system, for heart and stomach diseases, for weight loss1 tsp.Drink in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals, with purified water or add to tea, salad or other dish
For stretch marks, for dermatological diseasesOf necessityApply a thin layer to the affected area, “massage” it into the skin with gentle movements of your fingers, rinse after 20-30 minutes
For gynecological problems1-2 tsp.Soak a cotton swab in the product, insert it into the vagina for 30 minutes - 1 hour, consult your doctor about the frequency of the procedure

In cosmetology, the use of black cumin oil is simple - it is included in face and hair masks, creams and body lotions.

Recipes for the most popular remedies are described below.

Application areaPurposeCompound
FaceFor dryness1 tbsp. l. black cumin extract + 1 tbsp. l. sour cream
FaceFor acne1 tsp. products + 5 drops of tea tree ether
FaceFor peace of mind1 tsp. caraway product + 1 yolk + 1 tsp. wheat germ oils
HairTo strengthen and restore1 tbsp. l. caraway extract + 2 tbsp. l. arugula juice + 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar + 240 ml olive oil
BodyFor toning, tightening2 tbsp. l. spice extract + 2 tbsp. l. wheat germ extracts

The method of using the product is as follows:

  • for the face - apply for 15-20 minutes, rinse with foam;
  • for hair - cover hair (not recommended to apply to roots), leave for 30-50 minutes, rinse with shampoo;
  • for the body - massage the skin with the composition for 5-10 minutes, rinse with shower gel.

Black cumin oil is a storehouse of elements important for a woman, but it, like other active substances, requires caution when taken. Therefore, if you have illnesses (even minor ones) or are taking medications, you should consult your doctor.

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Fibroids - how to treat without surgery

To get rid of fibroids at home, improvised means are often used. For example, treating fibroids with soda . This product is considered an important component of farming. It is involved in the preparation of various dishes, and is also used to cleanse the surrounding household environment. In addition, soda is actively used for medicinal purposes. The following recipe has a lot of positive reviews:

  • For 2000 ml of water you need to take 1 dessert spoon of the product;
  • the water temperature must be at least 38 degrees;
  • Dissolve baking soda well in liquid.

This is how you douche with soda for fibroids . It is aimed at reducing the level of pain. The treatment procedure begins on the first day of the menstrual cycle and ends on the last. Sessions are held in the morning and evening for a quarter of an hour. The duration of such treatment is at least six months. The liquid should be inserted into the vagina very carefully so as not to damage the walls with the bulb. Treatment with soda should not be a panacea, so it should be under the supervision of a gynecologist.

In addition to baking soda, you always have garlic on hand at home. Fibroids and garlic are incompatible, so this product is often used to reduce the growth of fibroids. Prepare the tincture as follows:

  • half a glass of the main ingredient is crushed;
  • pour in all 2/3 glasses of vodka;
  • leave in a dark place for 21 days;
  • filtered.

A tincture of a product such as garlic for uterine fibroids is taken half a teaspoon diluted in a small amount of water. Drink liquid before meals half an hour three times a day. Garlic has cytostatic properties, that is, it has the ability to adversely affect the growth of malignant or benign tumor cells. In addition, this product has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, so it is recommended to eat it fresh daily to reduce the number of unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Various fats have proven themselves well in the treatment of fibroid-shaped nodules: fish, goose and goat. Fish oil against fibroids is used for tampons and compresses. The cotton wool needs to be moistened in the product and applied to the body, then wrapped with a gauze bandage and made several more of the same layers. Such compresses should be applied daily for 180 minutes. To prepare a solution for tampons, mix fish oil and honey in equal parts. Moisten the prepared tampon generously into the mixture and insert it into the vagina for the whole night. The duration of such treatment is 2-3 months, but positive results can be noticeable after 14 days. Honey and fish oil for fibroids help the nodules quickly resolve. To get rid of fibroids as quickly as possible, you need to drink a glass of goat's milk daily, after diluting 1 tablespoon of goat fat in it with the addition of a few chopped cloves of garlic. This treatment takes a couple of months.

Myoma. Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to goat and fish fat, goose fat is also used to treat fibroid nodules. For this:

  • melt 50 grams of fat;
  • add 10 grams of calendula inflorescences to the resulting mixture;
  • simmer everything over low heat for 30 minutes;
  • let cool;
  • strain off the liquid.

Use this decoction by soaking tampons in it and placing them in the vagina for 10 days. The course of treatment consists of three approaches, between which there is a break of one and a half weeks.

A good remedy for treating fibroids at home is the use of various juices, including:

  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • potato;
  • cabbage.

You should drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice daily, alternating between the above types. You can prepare a mixture of juices. For this:

  • grate the beets on a fine grater;
  • squeeze the juice out of the pulp;
  • place in the refrigerator for 120 minutes without covering with a lid;
  • Three times more carrot juice is added to beet juice for fibroids

For uterine fibroids, drink this three times a day before eating, 250 ml.

Potato juice is very beneficial for the whole body. It reduces inflammation, pain, heals wounds and removes inflammation. You need to take this juice very carefully, because an overdose can be harmful. Those who have gastritis, diabetes mellitus and gastrointestinal dysfunction should not consume the juice of this vegetable. You need to drink the prepared drink every day on an empty stomach, ½ glass for six months. When repeated treatment should be interrupted for several months.

Don't be confused by the three cumin seeds

In order to begin treatment, you need to choose the right plant. Black cumin is especially effective for infertility. However, it is often confused with other species with similar names:

  • ordinary (cumin);
  • Indian (azhgon).

In addition to those listed, there are others, united by ordinary people under one name. All of them have features that are important for use in medicine. Plants often even belong to different families, for example:

  • ordinary and Indian - to umbelliferous;
  • sandy - to aster;
  • black - to buttercups.

The latter was originally found in the Mediterranean basin, in Asia. Now it is also common in the Balkans, the Caucasus and other parts of the world. You can distinguish by appearance:

  • height - 10–40 cm;
  • leaves - 2–3 cm long, pinnate, lobule-like;
  • flowers are large, single: 5 sepals 1–1.5 cm each, petals are slightly shorter;
  • the color of the petals is white, sometimes with a greenish or blue tint;
  • The fruits are large, consisting of a large number of dark seeds.

Black cumin is not a separate plant, but a whole genus, which includes over 20 species. They also have differences, externally and in composition. However, they are insignificant; in case of infertility, this can be neglected. The main beneficial qualities: normalizing human hormones, immunity and a number of others, which in some cases causes infertility.

Medicinal oil is obtained by cold pressing (pressing). The method allows you to reduce processing to a minimum, which means preserving almost the entire volume of necessary substances.

How to select and store cumin

Black cumin seeds and oil based on it can be found in almost any store, regardless of the time of year, which is easily explained by its considerable shelf life. When choosing a product, first of all you need to pay special attention to the aroma of the seasoning. If the product is natural and not expired, you will immediately feel a sharp, tart smell.

Experts advise purchasing seeds whole, not ground.

It is in this form that it is almost impossible to come across fakes; in addition, the product retains all its beneficial properties as much as possible.

Spice storage

To preserve the spice for a long time, you must follow all storage rules.
Only in this case will the product be most effective during use. Seeds should be stored in a cool, dark place, out of direct sunlight, in a glass container with a tightly closed lid. Places with high humidity levels should be excluded. Powder from black cumin seeds is stored for six months, seeds - 12 months.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the honey mixture in combination with black cumin is not only a tasty sweet, but also a source of essential nutrients and vitamins for the full functioning of all systems of the human body. In addition, these two useful components have been successfully used in folk medicine and cosmetology .

Beneficial features

Black cumin has a rare composition, thanks to which the plant is used to treat many diseases. Its use for infertility is explained by the fact that it contains the useful microelement manganese, as well as a whole complex of other important components.

Composition of black cumin oil

The plant contains over a hundred types of substances necessary to restore health. The use of black seed oil is primarily due to the use of some of them. There is:

  • oils: fatty (40%), essential;
  • microelements: potassium, zinc, magnesium, etc.;
  • amino acids, 8 of which are essential, that is, they cannot be produced by the human body on its own;
  • phytosterols - help the process of hormone formation, which is important for infertility;
  • numerous vitamins and other beneficial elements.

The acids include the following:

  1. Oleic (omega 9) - fights atherosclerosis, improves the general condition of blood vessels. Therefore, use prolongs youth and maintains attractiveness.
  2. Muristine - inhibits the spread of bacteria. Some of them cause the development of pathologies, including infertility. The substances that make up the plant oil are excellent natural immunostimulants.
  3. Arachidonic acid (omega 6) - restores the condition of the heart and blood vessels, prevents the body from aging early. Copes well with inflammation.

Medicinal properties of black cumin oil

The properties and uses of the plant for infertility are varied. Oil can do a lot:

  • restores the body's defenses;
  • helps women and men cope with inflammation and tumors;
  • normalizes sex hormones, etc.;
  • restores potency.

The use of cumin for infertility

Many studies confirm that in cases of reproductive dysfunction, the remedy is indicated for both women and men. In cases of infertility, the oil is successfully used as one of the means of complex treatment.

For women

For any disease, boosting your immune system is crucial. Judging by the reviews, black cumin oil for infertility in women is quite effective. It restores a person’s own strength. Only this may be enough for pregnancy to occur. However, it must be used correctly, preferably as an addition to the main treatment. The product is used by women for other purposes described below.

  1. By improving hormonal levels, one of the causes of infertility is eliminated, and egg maturation returns to normal.
  2. Treating the female body with oil helps conception.
  3. The embryo is better attached, which is necessary for a normal pregnancy.
  4. To remove uterine pathologies (adhesions) - a possible cause of infertility.
  5. To eliminate infectious diseases that affect the inability to conceive and undermine the general condition.
  6. To combat emotional depression - a common companion to the disease.

Black cumin oil against impotence and prostatitis

Cumin oil is also used by the stronger sex for infertility.

  1. Thanks to manganese and selenium, male libido increases.
  2. The production of the male sex hormone (testosterone) is normalized.
  3. The process of spermatogenesis improves: men have more sperm, which means the quality of sperm, its density and other characteristics improve.
  4. For prostatitis, a male disease of the prostate gland, according to reviews, it also works well, thereby eliminating male infertility.

Ways to take black cumin oil

The product is considered safe, but this should not lull one's vigilance. Even the most harmless medicine can have undesirable consequences. It is better to consult a doctor who will tell you how to take black cumin oil.

Typically, experts recommend drinking it in the morning after meals, then two more times during the day. The dose is 1 teaspoon, but it may vary depending on the nature of the problem and how you feel. You should not violate the dosage schedule, much less the amount of the drug, as this is crucial for recovery. If used incorrectly, it can be harmful.

Some people do not like the taste, which sometimes prevents them from using cumin oil. In this case, the tool can be added, for example:

The course for infertility lasts for 3–4 months, then a break. After two months, you can repeat it. If there is a delay, the woman should finish the appointment immediately.

An external method is also used, when the lower back and groin area, scrotum are rubbed with this oil. According to reviews, the procedure helps:

  • improve erection;
  • for prostatitis and so on.

There are many recipes for infusions in which the effect of the plant is enhanced by other components. You need to choose carefully, since many of them were invented by amateurs. In any mixture, it is important to know not only the influence of each component separately, but also the interaction of the components. To help resolve doubts:

  • doctors;
  • own knowledge;
  • proven experience of others.

It is believed that effective treatment is achieved by combining two types of oils: caraway and pumpkin. Some believe that the mixture helps men with prostate diseases: adenoma, prostatitis.

Recipes with black cumin oil

Caraway oil is used as one of the ingredients in many recipes. Some mixtures help with infertility. Each of them is especially good for a specific problem that causes or contributes to the disease. However, there are no clear boundaries, and, for example, a mixture to strengthen the immune system will also help improve memory. The oil, together with other components, acts on a wide range of problems at the same time. You can often find, for example, the following recipes.

  1. Approximately the same amount is added to a teaspoon of honey oil. The mixture is supplemented with crushed chamomile and placed in a glass of boiling water. In 15–20 minutes the infusion will be ready. It is enough for two doses. Helps well with prostatitis.
  2. The product is mixed with pumpkin oil in equal proportions. You need to drink a couple of teaspoons twice a day. Eliminates some causes of infertility associated with inflammation.
  3. Take grated lemon and 4 drops of oil with a tablespoon of honey. It is believed that such a dessert strengthens the immune system.


Every medal, as you know, has a reverse side. The rich composition of the oil can bring not only benefits. A large number of input substances increases the risk that any of them will cause harm or undesirable consequences. That is why you need to be careful and follow the regimen and dosage. It is better for a doctor to decide on the use of oil.

The list of cases when taking the drug is contraindicated is very short, and confirms its relative safety. People prone to allergies should be careful. The body may be too sensitive to some of the many elements included in the composition, which can lead to an exacerbation. Other cases when it is necessary to refrain from taking it include the following.

  1. Young age: up to 6 years.
  2. Pregnancy - labor may be accelerated, the effect on the fetus has not been fully studied.
  3. Operations related to organ transplantation. Problems can come, paradoxically, from strengthened immunity. Defense often perceives transplanted cells as foreign and potentially dangerous. Possible rejection, rejection of new organs and serious consequences.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, gallstones, etc. There may be discomfort or complications.
  5. Tendency to blood clots - the blood becomes thicker.
  6. Heart attack and other similar disorders. When taken, the load on the heart increases slightly.

Even if experts have not identified any contraindications, one should remember the words of Paracelsus. The legendary doctor said that any medicine, if used incorrectly, turns into poison.


Nigella oil for baby's health

Since cumin oil can cause allergies, ingesting it in its pure form is contraindicated for children under 6 years of age. In addition, this product is famous for containing a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, an overdose of which can negatively affect the baby’s health, so the possibility of using oil by a child under 6 years old should be consulted with a pediatrician. It is permissible to use it for external use without age restrictions:

  • for skin rashes, irritations or sweating, mix cumin oil with olive oil in equal parts and leave on problem areas for 1 hour, then wash off with water;
  • For asthma or pneumonia, it is useful to massage nigella oil diluted with olive oil into the chest area in a ratio of 1:5.

Before use, you must make sure that the child is not allergic to the ingredients: apply a small amount of the product to the wrist, leave for 5 minutes, remove the residue with a cotton swab, and observe the skin for 24 hours. If the reaction does not appear, then the oil can be safely used.

How to use black seed oil for infertility

Black cumin is recommended for both women and men for infertility. This remedy is extremely useful due to the content of unique substances that provide a wide spectrum of action.

It is important to know that the name “cumin” combines three completely different plants. There is ordinary cumin, which is also called cumin, Indian cumin or azhgon, and also black cumin - nigella sativum.

Ways to select quality cumin and honey

In order for the medicinal mixture of honey and cumin to be most effective, it is necessary to select high-quality specified components.

How to choose cumin:

  1. Do not buy ready-made powder, but give preference to grains, since fresh grains retain all the beneficial properties better.
  2. The seeds should be crumbly and dry, without additional impurities.
  3. You need to check the freshness of cumin seeds - grind a few grains between your palms. The extracted aroma of fresh seeds should be spicy and pleasant, while stale seeds will taste bitter.
  4. When buying ready-made cumin powder, you need to pay attention to the aroma of the spice - in a fresh product it should have pronounced peppery and tart notes.

When choosing high-quality honey, pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. A pure product must be transparent regardless of color.
  2. This beekeeping product has a specific fragrant smell. The artificial product, obtained not from pollen, but as a result of feeding sugar syrup to bees, has no aroma.
  3. Honey with additives (with added sugar, starch and other impurities) will be cloudy and with sediment.
  4. Natural honey will taste sweet, with a slight burning sensation and astringency in the mouth and when swallowing. When such a product gets on the tongue, it will not immediately spread, but will retain its shape.
  5. The consistency of the fresh product will be liquid, and after a short time it should crystallize. When pouring a liquid natural bee product, a funnel is not formed, but a slide is created on the surface, which disappears over time. At the same time, the stream flows continuously and evenly, and when you turn the honey stick, it is continuously wound around it.

Video: how to choose quality honey

Features of black cumin oil

Black cumin (seidan, kalindzhi) is an annual plant of the ranunculaceae family. Nigella sativa is native to the southwestern part of Asia. Black cumin oil is considered the most beneficial. It is pressed from seeds, which are collected in early autumn before the fruits open. The oil is obtained by cold pressing.

This product has a rich composition. Black cumin oil contains over a hundred different healing substances, in particular, fatty and essential oils, fatty acids (palmitic, oleic, linoleic, stearic and others). The product is a source of alkaloids and flavonoids.

The medicinal properties of black cumin are provided by the following components:

  • amino acids (including eight beneficial substances that are not produced by the human body);
  • vitamins (groups B, C, E, D);
  • microelements (cumin contains a lot of zinc, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and copper);
  • phytosterols (catalysts of hormone synthesis).

Black cumin oil: history of use, types and properties

It is unknown when black cumin oil, or nigella, began to be used. According to information obtained from some archaeological finds, the history of its use goes back several thousand years. The healing properties of black cumin were widely known in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Europe. Hippocrates and Dioscorides (one of the fathers of botany and pharmacognosy) noted it in their works. And in Ancient Egypt, nigella oil was used to treat the liver, kidneys, digestive system, and even as an antitoxin against the poison of various animals. In Muslim countries, black cumin became widely used thanks to its mention in the Koran, where the oil of this plant was called by the Prophet Muhammad “a remedy for all ailments except death.”

Black cumin oil has traditionally been widely used in Ayurveda and folk medicine in the countries of the Middle East, Asia, Africa and the Caucasus for many centuries.

Types of oil

There are several varieties of this oil. The main difference is the geography of the plant’s growth. There is an assumption that the place where the seeds are collected, as well as the method of processing them, affects the amount of nutrients in the oil.

These types of oils are named after their countries of origin:

  • Ethiopian. Usually used for cosmetic purposes, it has a delicate, spicy taste;
  • Egyptian. The technology of its collection and processing has been preserved since ancient times. The taste is more tart than Ethiopian;
  • Syrian. It has a mild taste;
  • Royal - a mixture of Syrian and Ethiopian oils. It is produced by direct pressing, which preserves more vitamins and nutrients.

Black cumin oil has a unique composition that has no analogues

Properties of nigella oil

The oil contains more than a hundred components, among which are especially valuable for the human body:

  • unsaturated and saturated fatty acids;
  • phospholipids (46% of which are phosphatidylcholines);
  • 15 amino acids (including arginine), of which 8 are essential;
  • carotenoids (precursors of vitamin A);
  • vitamins E, D, C;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9);
  • various macro- and microelements (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, nickel, etc.);
  • phytosterols (beta-sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, etc.;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • polysaccharides and monosaccharides (glucose, xylose, etc.);
  • alkaloids;
  • enzymes;
  • saponins;
  • triterpene saponins;
  • essential oils (up to 1.3%).

Thanks to an extensive range of useful substances, black cumin oil has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, antifungal, antispasmodic, diuretic, and choleretic effects.

How to choose and store the product correctly

Real oil is produced only in dark glass packaging, so all the vitamins and nutrients of cumin oil are perfectly preserved. Glass prevents its oxidation. The oil is afraid of ultraviolet rays. It should be stored in a cool, dark place, preferably a refrigerator. To preserve the beneficial properties, the tightness of the packaging is very important. It is necessary to ensure that the lid fits tightly to the container.

Oil prepared by cold pressing is considered the best, as it preserves a greater amount of healing substances. If the spin temperature exceeds 30 degrees, essential oils and some other components cannot be preserved.

Contraindications for use

The use of nigella oil is excluded:

  • during pregnancy, because it can cause increased uterine tone and stimulate labor;
  • in case of allergies;
  • after organ transplantation and blood transfusion, since the oil can provoke rejection of foreign tissue.

The healing powers of black cumin

This amazing plant is used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, even oncology. In addition to its main purpose, women can use the product for skin care.

Black cumin is recommended for women due to its content of phytosterols (avenasterol, beta-sitosterol, cholesterol), vitamins, fatty acids and carotenoids. The widespread use of nigella in gynecology is due to the presence of acids in the composition that are important for the female body.

Properties of black cumin:

  1. Bactericidal.
  2. Antifungal.
  3. Antivirus.
  4. Antiparasitic.
  5. Antitumor.
  6. Antipyretic.
  7. Painkillers.
  8. Immunostimulating.
  9. General strengthening.
  10. Choleretic.
  11. Laxatives.
  12. Vasodilators.
  13. Anti-sclerosis.
  14. Expectorants.
  15. Regenerating.
  16. Healing.
  17. Diuretics.
  18. Anti-inflammatory.
  19. Antiseptic.

Indications and contraindications

Black cumin has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The product stimulates the liver and pancreas, participates in lipid metabolism, which promotes weight loss. The components of cumin help strengthen the cardiovascular system and even improve brain functionality.

Due to its bronchodilator properties, the drug is often prescribed for diseases of the respiratory system. It eases the course of colds and acute respiratory viral infections. Sometimes black cumin helps cope with eczema, allergic rashes and other dermatological disorders.

Preparations based on black cumin are recommended for the treatment of urethritis, cystitis, urolithiasis and even pyelonephritis. The beneficial effect on the genitourinary system is especially pronounced, since the product effectively fights infections and inflammation.

Each natural remedy has a number of contraindications, since plants are often powerful allergens. Despite all the healing properties, black cumin can be dangerous. This is due to its rich composition, so it is recommended to always strictly adhere to the dosage and discuss the course of treatment with your doctor.

Contraindications to treatment with black cumin:

  • pregnancy;
  • predisposition to allergies;
  • age up to 6 years;
  • history of organ transplantation (oil greatly strengthens the immune system, which can cause rejection).

The magical properties of black cumin

Black cumin has always been personified with love magic. He was credited with the ability to kindle passion and protect family happiness. Caraway seeds were worn in bags to expel dark forces, attract love and scare away nightmares. And for peace and harmony in the house, they lubricated the doorposts at dawn. Women of the Ancient East used a combination of cumin oil with honey and pepper as a love drink. Due to its unique composition, the oil is considered an aphrodisiac and helps restore reproductive function.

The use of black cumin essential oil helps fight fatigue, psycho-emotional stress, has a beneficial effect on overall well-being, promotes a surge of energy, improves quick thinking and memory. It is most convenient to use this oil in aroma lamps; for this, it is added to water at the rate of 2 drops per 5 square meters. meters of room area. Nigella essential oil is also used in aromatherapy baths. One drop of oil is added to ten liters of water. The water temperature should not be high, optimally 36–37 degrees. The time of such bathing should be no more than 15 minutes. Beneficial components nourish the skin, and inhaling the vapors has a healing effect. It is better to first dilute the oil in milk or sea salt solution.

How black cumin affects the human reproductive system

Both certified physicians and traditional medicine doctors highlight the positive properties of black cumin in the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system. The product provides a comprehensive effect, so it can be used to eliminate a variety of pathologies. Most often, black cumin is recommended for infertility.

Causes of reproductive disorders in men and women:

  1. Hormonal disbalance. Endocrine diseases directly affect the maturation of germ cells and other components of fertility.
  2. Anatomical defects. Sometimes people fail to conceive a child only because of a problem at one of the stages of conception.
  3. Infectious and inflammatory pathologies. Often the cause of infertility is adhesions that occur after suffering a severe infection or inflammation.
  4. The influence of bad habits.
  5. Poor environment and working conditions.

Black cumin is an indispensable product for women. With its help, they treat various causes of infertility, enhance lactation, and stabilize hormonal levels. This effectiveness of the product is due to the presence of phytoestrogens in the composition, which the female body needs for normal functioning.

Black cumin oil can be used in cases where infertility is the result of abortion and injury to the inner layer of the uterus. For men, the drug is prescribed for inflammation of the prostate gland and varicocele (dilation of the veins of the testicles, which disrupts the process of sperm maturation).

Simple recipes with black cumin help cure hormonal infertility. This is due to the presence of substances in the product that can regulate the functioning of the endocrine system. Black cumin vitamins help the germ cells mature and ensure their vital functions.

Direct indication for treatment with nigella: infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity, the product quickly copes with these causes of infertility.

Cumin oil can be used in many different ways. Most often, in case of infertility in women, it is recommended to make vaginal tampons with this remedy. To enhance the effect, you can add decoctions of other beneficial herbs.

It is also allowed to take the oil internally. It is allowed to mix it with other plants and products. To soften the taste, you can add oil to honey, juices and kefir. When treating infertility, you should rub the oil into the groin area and chest.

Tips for use

Before using black oil, you should familiarize yourself with some recommendations:

  • Black cumin oil can be used to enrich store-bought cosmetics; just add a few drops of this product. It is better to do this right before use, so that changes in the composition of cosmetics may affect its service life. It is added to creams, hair balms, scrubs, masks and other cosmetics;
  • The oil goes well with other oils and products. For cosmetic purposes, it can be diluted with olive or burdock oils; they complement each other perfectly;
  • You should not overuse the oil, as side effects may occur in the form of rash, burning, and pain. Caraway oil can cause allergies; in addition, it has a composition rich in various elements, an overdose of which can cause malfunctions in the body. Allergies manifest as swelling of the throat, face, difficulty breathing, headache or diarrhea.

Use of black cumin oil in gynecology

Tincture with black cumin can be used for douching for various pathologies of the reproductive system. You can eliminate inflammation and relieve pain during menstruation by taking the drug orally. To prepare the tincture, you need to mix half a teaspoon of seeds and 1/3 cup of hot water.

The most popular remedy in gynecology is medicinal tampons with black cumin oil. They are recommended for erosion, colpitis, inflammation, menstrual disorders, fungal infections of the pelvic organs. Making a tampon is simple: mix cumin oil with olive oil. To achieve maximum effect, the tampon should be placed overnight. The course of treatment is 14-17 days, usually during this period the first improvements are already noticeable.

Black cumin for infertility

When a couple has problems conceiving, black cumin is prescribed as a dietary supplement, aromatherapy and hygiene treatment. If you combine all these variations correctly, you can achieve results in a short time.

Aromatherapy with cumin oil for infertility is a simple but very pleasant treatment measure. To ensure that the product constantly has a healing effect, you can buy an aroma lamp or wooden sticks. By heating the oil in an aroma lamp, it is possible not only to fill the house with a pleasant aroma and strengthen the body, but also to influence the psycho-emotional state of a person. And peace of mind is the basis of infertility treatment.

Wooden sticks make it possible to saturate the air with useful compounds. Just soak the sticks in oil and place them around the house. In addition, diluted oil can be applied to clothing and skin. A few drops added to a bath or shower gel will enhance the effectiveness of hygiene procedures.

Black cumin during pregnancy

When a long-awaited pregnancy occurs, therapy with black cumin should be stopped, since the drug can cause a miscarriage. However, many doctors note that black cumin oil can make childbirth easier. In Arab countries, women often lubricate the vulva and perineum area before giving birth, but such measures can only be resorted to with the permission of a doctor. For mastitis and benign tumors, the product can be rubbed into the chest.

Black cumin helps women during lactation. To activate the glands, you can take cumin oil with water. It is also allowed to combine cumin with kefir (a tablespoon of oil per glass of drink). Tea with cumin will help enhance lactation. Just pour 300 ml of hot water over a tablespoon of seeds, let it brew for 7-10 minutes and add honey to improve the taste.

Nigella oil in cosmetology

Back in Ancient Egypt, the famous Cleopatra used nigella oil to maintain the beauty of her body and hair.

Caraway oil for hair

Nigella oil has long been used as a component of various masks, which are applied to the entire length of the hair, rubbing into the scalp:

  • to reduce hair loss, mix cumin, olive oil and sour cream in equal proportions, session duration is 20 minutes;
  • To restore damaged hair, Nigella oil is mixed with olive oil, adding a few onion seeds. Keep the mixture on your hair for more than an hour, wrapping your head in a towel;
  • Kefir masks with the addition of 10 ml of cumin oil and 2.5 ml of rosemary oil help against dandruff and excessive oily hair. Keep the mask for half an hour, then wash off with warm water (not hot, as it enhances the activity of the sebaceous glands). Such masks should be worn regularly. For the same purpose, you can prepare a mask from a mixture of caraway and burdock oils with the addition of 3 drops of tea tree essential oil. Leave for 40 minutes.

Black cumin oil prevents hair loss by strengthening the hair follicle, eliminates dandruff, helps prevent brittleness and dryness

Facial use options

Caraway oil actively fights sagging skin, wrinkles, evens out complexion, and moisturizes the skin. This product has no contraindications, except for a tendency to allergies. It is suitable even for the most demanding skin. Various masks are made based on nigella oil:

  • anti-wrinkle mask. Grind 20 grams of cottage cheese, add oil and aloe juice (5 ml each), add the beaten white of one egg. The mask is applied for 20 minutes, it can be done 1-2 times a week;
  • mask for blackheads. Add 2 ml of oil to the powder from two tablets of crushed white coal, you can add 5-10 drops of myrrh essential oil. The mask is applied to pre-steamed skin and washed off with water after 15–20 minutes.
  • mask for dry skin. Pour a large spoonful of oatmeal with hot water and let it brew for half an hour, add the pulp of one banana and 5 ml of cumin oil. The mask is applied in a solid layer, washed off with warm water after 20 minutes;
  • mask with lifting effect. Pour a tablespoon of kelp with warm water, let it brew for 30 minutes, add 15 ml of nigella oil, rinse with water (alternating cold with hot);
  • mask for skin moisturizing. Apply a mixture of one chopped cucumber, semolina and black cumin oil (a tablespoon each) to your face for 15–20 minutes.

Video: masks using black cumin oil

Variations for legs

Rubbing black cumin oil into the skin of the feet will help moisturize the skin, get rid of cracks, dryness, and tightness. And the antimicrobial and antifungal effect of the oil will help you get rid of toenail fungus and unpleasant odor.

For hands and nails

Rub a few drops of oil into the nail plate, cuticle and skin around the nail using massage movements. After half an hour, the excess can be washed off or, combined with olive oil, left as a mask overnight, wearing cotton gloves. Nigella oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin and cuticle, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and stimulates cell renewal in the nail bed. Systematic use of oil prevents the appearance of hangnails, fungal infections, splitting of nails, and heals cracks.

Anti acne

Thanks to its high zinc content, nigella oil effectively destroys infections and clears up acne. Caraway oil has a powerful antibacterial effect; it has a stronger effect on some types of microorganisms than antibiotics. To get rid of blackheads and pimples, use a mask based on Ghassoul clay; you need 5 teaspoons of it. The clay is diluted with warm clean or rose water, adding honey (1/2 teaspoon) and 5 ml of caraway oil. Stir thoroughly. The mask is applied to the face, gently massaging the skin; it is best to avoid the area around the eyes and lips. After 10 minutes, you need to wash your face with non-hot water. Lotions can help in the fight against acne. Oil is applied to a cotton pad and applied to the rash.

Benefits and rules of use during weight loss

Nigella oil has irreplaceable properties for weight loss:

  • helps reduce appetite;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • removes waste and toxins from the body.

To lose weight, the oil is consumed according to a certain scheme for 2 months, combining therapy with a rational diet based on the consumption of lean meats and an increase in the proportion of vegetables and fruits in the diet. Caraway oil can also be added to anti-cellulite products.

First month:

  • during the first week, the oil is consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, 5 ml, washed down with water;
  • in the second week, an evening dose is added to the morning dose. Half an hour before dinner;
  • in the third week, evening doses are canceled, and morning doses are doubled: now you need to take 10 ml with 200 ml of water;
  • The last week of the month goes the same way as the first.

Second month:

  • for the first 7 days you need to take 10 ml in the morning half an hour before breakfast, without washing it down with anything;
  • during the second week the norm increases to 20 ml, also do not drink;
  • in the third week, take 10 ml in the morning and evening half an hour before meals;
  • in the fourth week, the oil is taken 5 ml only in the morning, washed down with water.

Then the oil can be consumed only for preventive purposes, for example, as a salad dressing.

Black cumin oil can be an excellent assistant in the process of losing weight, and will also enhance the effects of specialized products aimed at combating cellulite and postpartum stretch marks, just add a few drops of oil to them

Massage of problem areas of the body with cumin oil helps fight excess subcutaneous fat, has an anti-edema effect, improves blood circulation in the dermis, enhancing metabolic processes.

Nigella oil for papillomas and warts

To combat papillomas and warts, oil lotions are used. Before such a procedure, it is effective to slightly dry the unwanted formations with plant juice. Purslane or endive are suitable for these purposes.

For pigment spots

Caraway oil can also fight back freckles and other age spots; to do this, simply apply the oil to problem areas with a cotton swab or brush. The product is also added to specialized creams to enhance their effect. It is better to use at night.

Recipes with black cumin

The simplest, but very risky, method of treatment is pure black cumin oil. If the doctor approves such a course, you need to take half a teaspoon of the product after breakfast. If the specific taste of cumin is unpleasant, you can add the oil to yogurt, juice or mix with honey. This course of treatment must be continued for at least three months. After 30 days it can be repeated.

Recipes with black cumin:

  1. Strengthening the immune system. To prepare the product, take a tablespoon of honey, finely chopped lemon and four drops of black cumin oil. This mixture can be eaten as a dessert.
  2. For prostatitis. Take a teaspoon each of oil and honey, as well as chopped chamomile. Mix everything and add to a glass of hot water, let it brew for 20 minutes. Divide the glass into two portions.
  3. For infertility. Mix cumin oil and pumpkin oil. Take two teaspoons twice a day.
  4. For a cold. Drink a teaspoon of black cumin daily, combining this treatment with a chest and back massage (also using oil). Inhalations with cumin oil (a tablespoon per liter of water) can be effective for colds.
  5. For diarrhea. Add a tablespoon of cumin oil to natural yogurt. Divide the glass into two portions. Continue treatment for three days.
  6. To improve memory. Drop 7-8 drops of oil into a glass of mint infusion and add a spoonful of liquid honey. Drink hot before breakfast.
  7. To increase blood pressure. Drink hot tea with cumin oil (5 drops). Instead of tea, you can make chamomile infusion.
  8. Rubbing cumin oil on the lower back and groin is believed to help treat infertility. This method especially helps guys who suffer from impotence and prostatitis.

Since black cumin has a wide spectrum of action, this division should be considered conditional. Even when treated with a tincture designed to strengthen memory, a person will still affect the immune system, fight inflammation and regulate the functioning of the endocrine system.

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