How to take black cumin oil for various diseases

Treatment of gynecological diseases with the help of herbal medicines is practiced in both folk and official medicine. Black cumin oil for endometriosis is one of the most effective herbal remedies that helps fight the main symptoms of the disease - pelvic pain, painful and heavy menstruation, discomfort during bowel movements and urination.

Treatment of endometriosis

A source of information. On Dr. Lara Bryden's website you can purchase her book on restoring the female cycle. This is the best information about women's health that I have come across.

Endometriosis is not like other women's health problems. It is not a hormonal condition like PMS and PCOS. It is hormone dependent, yes, but basically endometriosis is an inflammatory disease and likely an autoimmune disease (study)

Hormonal suppression still remains the main official treatment, which is not successful, because... has many side effects and doesn't work very well.

There is a better way.


Endometriosis is best defined as an inflammatory disease in which parts of the uterine lining grow throughout the pelvic area. This causes pain (sometimes severe), scarring and infertility.

Risk factors include genetics and exposure to toxins such as pesticides and dioxins. The microbiome (good bacteria) also plays a role.

For example, endometriosis sufferers have high levels of gram-negative bacteria and the bacterial toxin LPS (lipopolysaccharide) in the pelvic area, which has been shown to actively contribute to endometriosis (English article, English study). This is mainly the bacteria e.coli.

Endometriosis is common and often begins at a young age (although it may take 10 years to be diagnosed). One study found that two-thirds of adolescents who report chronic pelvic pain are eventually diagnosed with endometriosis.


Surgical removal of the lesions is effective for both pain relief and fertility (study) and is the gold standard of treatment. Unfortunately, the lesions grow back within five years in about 50% of cases (study). This is why surgery is usually accompanied by hormonal suppression.

Hormonal suppression with COCs (or stronger medications such as Lupron) works by stopping ovulation and causing estrogen deficiency. Estrogen deficiency slows the growth of lesions, but it does not cure the disease. This method has many side effects, including depression and osteoporosis.

The Mirena intrauterine device (IUD) works locally to suppress uterine and endometriotic lesions. This is preferable to COCs because it does not stop ovulation or cause estrogen deficiency.


The following natural supplements work because they affect autoimmunity and reduce inflammation. They can be used as independent treatment. But naturopathic treatments don't always work on their own. It is often best treated after surgery (to avoid recurrence).

Avoid dairy products and possibly gluten.

Both A1 casein (a milk protein) and gluten impair immune function and stimulate the release of inflammatory cytokines.

This is why avoiding these foods is an effective treatment for inflammatory diseases in general and endometriosis in particular (article about what dairy does to the female cycle).

In one study, 75% of endometriosis patients improved their health after 12 months on a gluten-free diet.



  1. Berberine has several anti-inflammatory actions. It restores intestinal permeability (thereby reducing the autoimmune response, study) and neutralizes the bacterial toxin LPS (research).

Caution: Do not take berberine if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, and do not take it for more than three months unless under the supervision of a doctor. Be careful when combining with other drugs (you can check compatibility using special services, links in the article on the distribution of dietary supplements).

  1. Probiotics

In one clinical study, the probiotic strain Lactobacillus gasseri OLL2809 stimulated natural killer cells and significantly reduced endometriosis pain after just 12 weeks. I often prescribe a two-month course of berberine followed by two months of a probiotic.

Women's probiotics including Lactobacillus gasseri strain:

Nature's Way

  1. Curcumin Reduces Lesion Size and Activity (Study)

It works by reducing the inflammatory protein NF-kappa B and blocking the stimulatory effects of estrogen (study). Safe for long term use.

Article about curcumins with all links here. I recommend taking from the two lower jars.

  1. Zinc is a key anti-inflammatory nutrient and has been shown to be a deficient micronutrient in endometriosis sufferers.

Zinc also restores intestinal permeability (thereby reducing autoimmunity) and reduces prostaglandin levels and pain (study).

You can choose 50 mg from the list and take it every two months. Keep in mind that zinc in the body must be in balance with iron, and periodic tests are needed to monitor your hemoglobin and ferritin.

  1. Other useful supplements:

DIM (diindolylmethane) - about it with links in this article

Selenium (pay attention to the complex from Life Extention) – you can take it for 2 months, then switch to food sources (Brazil nuts)

NAC (N-acetylcysteine) – look at the dosage there according to your condition

Omega-3 (article with links to it) constantly

Natural progesterone (article with links to it) constantly

My note: DIM can be alternated with berberine - for example, 2 months of berberine, 3 months of DIM, a month off.


MY NOTES - purple

Code for 10% discount on selected items ZHL245

Composition and characteristics of black cumin

Cumin is a biennial umbelliferous plant. It reaches a height of one meter, and the inflorescences grow up to 8 cm in diameter. Grows in temperate and subtropical climates. In Russia - mainly in the southeastern regions, in the Caucasus. It is also cultivated in Turkey, Pakistan, and India.

Black cumin is different from ordinary cumin. The latter is used mainly as a culinary seasoning. The black variety has more pronounced medicinal properties.

Plants can be distinguished by their flowers. In the common one they are white and larger, while in the black one they are small and bluish. Nigella seeds have a more pronounced odor.

Composition of plant seeds:

  • B vitamins;
  • retinol;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • fatty acid;
  • amino acids.

The calorie content of the seasoning is 330 kcal per 100 grams.

Types and varieties of seasoning

The Latin name of the plant is Nigella sativa. It is also called nigella sativa, or kalindzhi. There are several varieties:

  • Damascus dill, or Turkish black cumin, grows in the Middle East, in the Mediterranean, has a delicate fruity aroma;
  • Indian - a classic type of plant, grows mainly in India;
  • wild, or equine, grows in the fields, they fight it like a weed.

Ethiopian, or Egyptian, is called black cumin oil.

Beneficial properties of black cumin

Black cumin is a preventive and therapeutic agent. It has beneficial effects on the human body:

  • ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system;
  • B vitamins improve the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • Vitamin A has an antioxidant effect, protects cells from damage, reduces the risk of developing cancer;
  • fatty acids prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in blood vessels;
  • biologically active substances stimulate metabolism and reduce blood sugar.

Prevention of candidiasis

First, to carry out prevention, it is necessary to stop interacting with infected people, extremely strengthen your own immune forces, and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

What are the principles of prevention?

  1. You should only wear clothes made from natural materials, since synthetics impede ventilation and create wet areas on the body. These areas are considered an ideal environment for the spread of fungi and microbes.
  2. Do not use various intimate perfumes, deodorants, perfume soaps, or scented sanitary pads.
  3. Do not use douching unless necessary, as this leads to the destruction of normal microflora and prevents its resumption.

In order to prevent thrush in your diet, you should completely eliminate from your menu an excessive number of simple carbohydrates, all harmful products containing large amounts of preservatives, dyes, and GMOs. It is worth giving up bad habits (smoking, alcohol).

Spice contraindications

There are several diseases and conditions in which the use of spices is contraindicated:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • age under three years;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Side effects include dizziness, allergic rash, suffocation, and abdominal pain. In acute gastritis, consuming black cumin can cause severe pain, nausea and vomiting. In young children, the spice causes allergic reactions, indigestion, and colic.

Uses of black cumin

Black cumin is used in several forms - seeds, powder, oil. The powder is also produced in gelatin capsules as a dietary supplement. A type of oil is black cumin extract, obtained in a special way. The spice is used in cooking, cosmetology, and medicine.

In cooking

There are many culinary recipes using black cumin. It is added:

  • in soups;
  • meat and fish dishes;
  • baking;
  • desserts, drinks.

Adults can consume up to 3 grams of seasoning per day, children 3–15 years old - 2 grams. Before adding to food, the seeds are slightly warmed in a dry frying pan. The seeds of the plant give dishes a bitter taste with a spicy note. The oil is used as a salad dressing. It is not suitable for frying and stewing.

Seasoning is added to soups 5–10 minutes before the end of cooking. Meat or fish with caraway seeds are cooked at the same time, that is, they are added at the very beginning of cooking.

Tea with cumin turns out delicious. The seeds are added to the usual black or green tea leaves, a piece of ginger and a spoonful of honey are added.

Black cumin flour is used for baking. 1-2 tablespoons of the product are mixed with regular rye or wheat flour. Make dough for baking bread or muffins.

In folk medicine

To treat diseases, recipes with black cumin seeds, powder and oil are used. The product is taken orally, and for skin diseases - externally.

  1. For mild diabetes mellitus, use a decoction of seeds - 10 grams per 500 ml of water. Drink half a glass of it in the morning, while you need to control your blood sugar levels.
  2. A strong infusion of black cumin is recommended for intestinal parasites. Brew a tablespoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water, cool and drink. The course of treatment is 7–10 days.
  3. For chronic pancreatitis, drink a weak decoction - a tablespoon of seeds per liter of water. Take half a glass before bed, the course of treatment is a month. In acute pancreatitis, the spice is contraindicated.
  4. For various types of oncology, cumin is used not as a remedy, but as a general tonic. Seeds or oil are added to food.
  5. The seasoning helps against chronic prostatitis. Prepare a weak decoction, take half a glass in the morning. The course of treatment is a month.
  6. For female infertility, it is useful to drink black cumin oil. Method of administration: a tablespoon in the morning for a month.
  7. Oil is also used for psoriasis. It is heated and applied to areas of psoriatic rashes in the evenings after a shower.
  8. A decoction of seeds soothes the skin with dermatitis and eczema. Prepare a weak decoction and apply lotions to the inflamed areas.
  9. The product is beneficial for the liver, has anti-inflammatory and choleretic effects. Prepare a decoction of 20 grams of seeds and a liter of water. Take half a glass before bed, the course of treatment is a month.
  10. Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, the drug can be used for acute or chronic hemorrhoids. Sitz baths are made with a weak infusion of seeds. Oil is used to lubricate inflamed hemorrhoids. The powder is mixed with Vaseline and candles are made.
  11. The seasoning is useful for boosting immunity. This effect is realized due to the content of ascorbic acid, biologically active substances. Prepare a mixture of black cumin seeds and honey - for 100 grams of honey, 50 grams of ground seeds. Mix thoroughly and store in the refrigerator. Eat a teaspoon of the mixture in the morning, the minimum course of administration is 3 months.
  12. Black cumin cake is useful as a general tonic. Stir a teaspoon of husk in a glass of cold water and add a spoonful of honey. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
  13. Cumin infusion treats alcohol addiction. A strong infusion is added to alcoholic drinks. Gradually, an aversion to them arises, the person drinks alcohol less and less.

The seasoning is useful for children from three years of age; it strengthens the immune system. However, because of the bitter taste, children refuse to drink decoctions or infusions. They make syrup for them. The powder is diluted in sugar syrup and boiled for 10 minutes. Pour the syrup into a glass bottle and store in the refrigerator. Give the child a teaspoon in the morning.

User comments

Girls. Where is the truth? exactly the same article (word for word) here is the link Published a year earlier on BabyBlog 04/21/2012. by Anyuta, the title of the article is “black cumin for infertility.” At least this story is real. Or simply someone is promoting this OIL by hook or by crook. Or maybe I don't understand something.

Hello I also don’t know what to drink or is this just advertising?? The diagnosis is the same. Have you taken cumin, are there any results? Thanks for the answer

Hello Zhanna! I still ordered this oil (Baraka 500 ml) for 2000 rubles in an online store. I haven’t felt the effect yet, but I can’t say anything bad either... I drink 1 tsp in the morning on an empty stomach. I eat honey and water, drink it every other time in the evening, I always forget

This is true. Our prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: cumin is a cure for all diseases except death.

It also says that she found this story on the Internet.

Hello! It's been a year since your comment was posted. I would like to know if there are any results?

I got pregnant on this oil after 2 unsuccessful icos. It's 3 weeks now. But I have a threat. After the last iko, I said goodbye to the thought of having a child. I drank oil for the gastrointestinal tract. It helped just magically! But I didn’t even think about pregnancy! And here's a gift! Girls, it's true! I bought this oil in Auchan. Organic company.

Girls. After this article I decided to drink black cumin oil. And we are already 38 weeks. And now, in order. At the age of 30, I went to see a gynecologist to get checked. They discovered that my amg is less than 0.14 and the diagnosis is that there is practically no chance, even if we try, there is little time left, maybe a year or two. I went to a bunch of doctors, even the most eminent ones, there was only one treatment - IVF until the eggs remained, and if it doesn’t work out, then with him. We are categorically against eco; there are plenty of examples of Zhanna Friske and Khabensky’s wife, how surprisingly the sad consequences of eco are masked. Then they offered stimulation. But that eco stimulation is a hormonal load on the body that will gut my last cells and bring me closer to menopause if it doesn’t send me there right away, don’t forget that eco stimulation was invented for women with strong reproduction but with some deviations, I read that for people like me this is not provided, but the doctors suggest because they consider us already 100% hopeless and that we are already a couple of months away from menopause. The only good thing is that I clearly knew my problems after numerous examinations and knew what I was missing. First I decided to try all the useful methods before giving up. Knowing my problems, I went to the sanatorium for treatment, the treatment was very effective, I felt great. The only thing is that I was treated with radon and read that for those who have a weak reproductive system, radon can reduce it. After treatment, I started going for foliculometry and indeed the radon level decreased a bit, fewer cells matured and there was no ovulation, which is typical for me. And to provoke ovulation, I decided to use black cumin oil. I started drinking it a teaspoon a day for 14 days from the beginning of the cycle, then I drank boron uterus because there was not enough progesterone in my body, for another week I only drank duphaston because I wasn’t sure about the dose of the uterus. And I did a test - 1 strip. I stopped using Duphaston and on the 3rd day I didn’t get my period. I read somewhere that if I don’t get my period on the 3rd day, I need to look for the cause, either pregnancy or something with hormones. And then I became afraid of how it’s possible to miss a pregnancy and not even notice, or maybe this is my only chance. I did another test and 2 stripes were barely pale. Run to take hCG - 39 - that's the very beginning. Naturally, I started taking duphaston again because if I stopped taking it, something irreparable could happen and I would immediately go to the doctor. This is how I caught my pregnancy by the tail. I didn’t think that the result would be so fast. But this is not the only thing that helped, in 1.5 years I have been to Moscow so many times and visited so many holy places, I have also been to St. Petersburg, so you have to believe and look for ways to solve the problem. It's a shame that doctors treat things so standardly. And none of them even suggested a sanatorium. And the sanatorium helped me easily carry my little one, which is also very important for the baby’s health. While still searching, I met girls with the same problem, some of whom were helped, others of Femoston. The main thing is that we are not hopeless, we are just a little more difficult than everyone else. Good luck to you!

How to use black seed oil for infertility

Black cumin is recommended for both women and men for infertility. This remedy is extremely useful due to the content of unique substances that provide a wide spectrum of action.

It is important to know that the name “cumin” combines three completely different plants. There is ordinary cumin, which is also called cumin, Indian cumin or azhgon, and also black cumin - nigella sativum.

Features of black cumin oil

Black cumin (seidan, kalindzhi) is an annual plant of the ranunculaceae family. Nigella sativa is native to the southwestern part of Asia. Black cumin oil is considered the most beneficial. It is pressed from seeds, which are collected in early autumn before the fruits open. The oil is obtained by cold pressing.

This product has a rich composition. Black cumin oil contains over a hundred different healing substances, in particular, fatty and essential oils, fatty acids (palmitic, oleic, linoleic, stearic and others). The product is a source of alkaloids and flavonoids.

The medicinal properties of black cumin are provided by the following components:

  • amino acids (including eight beneficial substances that are not produced by the human body);
  • vitamins (groups B, C, E, D);
  • microelements (cumin contains a lot of zinc, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and copper);
  • phytosterols (catalysts of hormone synthesis).

Indications and contraindications

Black cumin has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The product stimulates the liver and pancreas, participates in lipid metabolism, which promotes weight loss. The components of cumin help strengthen the cardiovascular system and even improve brain functionality.

Due to its bronchodilator properties, the drug is often prescribed for diseases of the respiratory system. It eases the course of colds and acute respiratory viral infections. Sometimes black cumin helps cope with eczema, allergic rashes and other dermatological disorders.

Preparations based on black cumin are recommended for the treatment of urethritis, cystitis, urolithiasis and even pyelonephritis. The beneficial effect on the genitourinary system is especially pronounced, since the product effectively fights infections and inflammation.

Each natural remedy has a number of contraindications, since plants are often powerful allergens. Despite all the healing properties, black cumin can be dangerous. This is due to its rich composition, so it is recommended to always strictly adhere to the dosage and discuss the course of treatment with your doctor.

Contraindications to treatment with black cumin:

  • pregnancy;
  • predisposition to allergies;
  • age up to 6 years;
  • history of organ transplantation (oil greatly strengthens the immune system, which can cause rejection).

For weight loss

Quite often this product becomes the basis of weight loss diets. This remedy is not only safe, but even has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.

According to this system, it is important to completely remove simple carbohydrates from the diet, such as potatoes, bread, pasta, sweets, and confectionery.

You need to drink oil according to this scheme:

  • 1 week – 1 tsp. substances with a cup of water on an empty stomach;
  • Week 2 – the same dose, but twice a day;
  • Week 3 – 2 tsp. cumin and 2 tbsp. l. liquids in the morning;
  • Week 4 – 1 tbsp. oils are already without water;
  • 5 week – 2 tbsp;
  • Week 6 – 2 tsp. twice a day;
  • Week 7 – 1 tsp. cumin and 1 tbsp. water on an empty stomach and before the last meal.

Take 30-35 minutes before. before eating. Also, if desired, it can be mixed into salads or into food instead of olive oil.

By the way, for those who do not like the taste of liquid, special capsules in a jelly shell have been created; they are pleasant to drink, but the benefits remain the same!

How black cumin affects the human reproductive system

Both certified physicians and traditional medicine doctors highlight the positive properties of black cumin in the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system. The product provides a comprehensive effect, so it can be used to eliminate a variety of pathologies. Most often, black cumin is recommended for infertility.

Causes of reproductive disorders in men and women:

  1. Hormonal disbalance. Endocrine diseases directly affect the maturation of germ cells and other components of fertility.
  2. Anatomical defects. Sometimes people fail to conceive a child only because of a problem at one of the stages of conception.
  3. Infectious and inflammatory pathologies. Often the cause of infertility is adhesions that occur after suffering a severe infection or inflammation.
  4. The influence of bad habits.
  5. Poor environment and working conditions.

Black cumin is an indispensable product for women. With its help, they treat various causes of infertility, enhance lactation, and stabilize hormonal levels. This effectiveness of the product is due to the presence of phytoestrogens in the composition, which the female body needs for normal functioning.

Black cumin oil can be used in cases where infertility is the result of abortion and injury to the inner layer of the uterus. For men, the drug is prescribed for inflammation of the prostate gland and varicocele (dilation of the veins of the testicles, which disrupts the process of sperm maturation).

Simple recipes with black cumin help cure hormonal infertility. This is due to the presence of substances in the product that can regulate the functioning of the endocrine system. Black cumin vitamins help the germ cells mature and ensure their vital functions.

Direct indication for treatment with nigella: infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity, the product quickly copes with these causes of infertility.

Cumin oil can be used in many different ways. Most often, in case of infertility in women, it is recommended to make vaginal tampons with this remedy. To enhance the effect, you can add decoctions of other beneficial herbs.

It is also allowed to take the oil internally. It is allowed to mix it with other plants and products. To soften the taste, you can add oil to honey, juices and kefir. When treating infertility, you should rub the oil into the groin area and chest.

Treatment of thrush with essential oils

Thrush is one of the most unpleasant diseases. There are a lot of methods of its therapy, but they are not considered universal and may not be suitable for absolutely all people.

One of the optimal, effective and non-hazardous means are essential oils, which are made from natural raw materials. Immediately after use, they significantly simplify overall well-being, eliminate irritation and the inflammatory process. Due to the presence of natural antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects in the structure, they help to inhibit the spread of pathogenic fungus, having a beneficial effect on the vaginal microflora.

Oils are used only in combination with base (main) oil. Approximately 15 ml of base oil use 10 drops of essential oil. The ratio depends on the type of essential oil. This principle of using oil should not be ignored, since the use of pure ether will lead to burns of the mucous membranes.

What base oils are best used for diluting essential oils:

  • olive oil (only natural, high-quality cold-pressed oil);
  • grape seed oil;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • apricot kernel oil;
  • almond oil.

Any essential oil must be diluted in vodka (2 drops of oil per 1 tsp of vodka), then pour the resulting mixture into 0.5 liters of boiled water. You should wash your genitals with this solution every day in the evening, preferably before bed. The solution can be prepared several days in advance.

During the initial procedures, allergy tests should be carried out. Your body may be sensitive to some type of oil. To do this, apply 1 drop to your wrist and wait 2 hours. If no redness, irritation or itching appears, the oil can be used. If any side effects occur, you should not use the oil and choose something else for yourself.

It is more correct to approach the treatment of thrush in a comprehensive manner, since this disease is considered an expression of a decrease in general immune forces or the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary area. Thrush therapy is carried out for 3-6 months, not 7 days. The symptoms will disappear in a week, but treatment cannot be stopped. Otherwise, thrush will return again and with even greater force.

Treatment in children

Treatment of thrush in childhood with essential oils must be under the supervision of a pediatrician. The therapeutic dosage of oils for treatment in children should be one third less than the dosage for an adult. In addition, it is imperative to carry out allergy tests for sensitivity to a certain type of oil. In childhood, susceptibility to oils is much higher than in adulthood. A prerequisite is the fact that the oils must be of high quality and natural. Look only for proven oils in which you can be 100% sure.

Children, especially in the infant period, should not be treated with essential oils daily. Maximum 2-3 times a week.

How to take and what oils are best to use?

If a child has a fungal infection, the following types of essential oils will help fight it:

  • cypress;
  • lemon oil;
  • lavender oil;
  • eucalyptus and tea tree oil.

Oils can be used in the form of:

  • baths;
  • washing;
  • local application in very small dosages.

You can mix the following types of oils in the form of baths: add 1 drop of lavender, lemon, eucalyptus or 2 drops of tea tree oil to the bath. Stays in the water for no more than 5-10 minutes.

For washing, you can use lavender and peach oils. They must be diluted with base oils (olive, grape seed oil, 1 drop per tablespoon of base oil). Dilute in water and wash the child.

Local application of essential oils should be carried out very carefully and only if indicated. Essential oils need to be diluted in a base oil. The proportion is the same as above. Care must be taken so as not to cause a burn to the mucous membrane.

During pregnancy

Every woman has at least once encountered such unpleasant symptoms as thrush. Thrush can be especially unpleasant during pregnancy. Therapy for thrush is quite difficult, since the fungus adapts perfectly to any medications and eventually stops responding to them. However, treatment of candidiasis with natural substances has no side effects and is allowed for use even during pregnancy.

There are basic rules for using essential oils during pregnancy:

  1. Do not use them internally, only external use is allowed.
  2. Application must only be diluted with base oil.
  3. You need to buy only high quality products.
  4. If you use recipes for all women, then during pregnancy the ingredients in the recipe should be reduced by a third.
  5. You cannot carry out several procedures at once in one day. Use should be one thing per day.
  6. You should definitely monitor your reaction to essential oils. If redness, irritation, or rash occurs, you should immediately stop using this oil.
  7. Use only safe types of oils during pregnancy.

Which oils are safe during pregnancy:

  • eucalyptus and lavender;
  • orange oil;
  • tea tree oil (use with caution);
  • lemon oil;
  • chamomile;
  • rosemary.

Which oils are prohibited:

  • camphor;
  • thyme;
  • sage;
  • patchouli;
  • carnation;
  • Melissa;
  • juniper;
  • cypress;
  • cedar wood;
  • nutmeg;
  • parsley seeds;
  • basil;
  • marjoram.

To start using essential oils for thrush, you must first cleanse the vagina of cheesy discharge. To do this, you can do douching using medicinal plants. And then carry out procedures with essential oil.

Oil for thrush in the mouth inside

Very often, thrush can appear in the oral cavity, in the esophagus. Tea tree oil works very well in the fight against this disease. The most optimal method of using such oil in case of excessive growth of fungal infection in the digestive tract. Use 1 drop at a time, drip onto the bread crumb, eat it and drink 100 ml of water. With a body weight of up to 70 kg, use is allowed once a day, with a body weight of more than 70 kg - it can be used 2 times a day. It is permissible to carry out such treatment for 10 days, then take a break for the 3rd day and continue treatment for another 10 days. This way you can achieve the best effect.

You can also rinse the mouth. This should be done as follows: mix 8-10 drops of tea tree with 100 ml of boiled or distilled water. Rinse for 20 minutes. This treatment should be continued until candidiasis disappears.

Use of black cumin oil in gynecology

Tincture with black cumin can be used for douching for various pathologies of the reproductive system. You can eliminate inflammation and relieve pain during menstruation by taking the drug orally. To prepare the tincture, you need to mix half a teaspoon of seeds and 1/3 cup of hot water.

The most popular remedy in gynecology is medicinal tampons with black cumin oil. They are recommended for erosion, colpitis, inflammation, menstrual disorders, fungal infections of the pelvic organs. Making a tampon is simple: mix cumin oil with olive oil. To achieve maximum effect, the tampon should be placed overnight. The course of treatment is 14-17 days, usually during this period the first improvements are already noticeable.

Black cumin for infertility

When a couple has problems conceiving, black cumin is prescribed as a dietary supplement, aromatherapy and hygiene treatment. If you combine all these variations correctly, you can achieve results in a short time.

Aromatherapy with cumin oil for infertility is a simple but very pleasant treatment measure. To ensure that the product constantly has a healing effect, you can buy an aroma lamp or wooden sticks. By heating the oil in an aroma lamp, it is possible not only to fill the house with a pleasant aroma and strengthen the body, but also to influence the psycho-emotional state of a person. And peace of mind is the basis of infertility treatment.

Wooden sticks make it possible to saturate the air with useful compounds. Just soak the sticks in oil and place them around the house. In addition, diluted oil can be applied to clothing and skin. A few drops added to a bath or shower gel will enhance the effectiveness of hygiene procedures.

Black cumin during pregnancy

When a long-awaited pregnancy occurs, therapy with black cumin should be stopped, since the drug can cause a miscarriage. However, many doctors note that black cumin oil can make childbirth easier. In Arab countries, women often lubricate the vulva and perineum area before giving birth, but such measures can only be resorted to with the permission of a doctor. For mastitis and benign tumors, the product can be rubbed into the chest.

Black cumin helps women during lactation. To activate the glands, you can take cumin oil with water. It is also allowed to combine cumin with kefir (a tablespoon of oil per glass of drink). Tea with cumin will help enhance lactation. Just pour 300 ml of hot water over a tablespoon of seeds, let it brew for 7-10 minutes and add honey to improve the taste.

How to make medicinal tampons yourself: instructions

Tampons are one of the oldest hygiene products. Pharmaceutical stores sell a large variety of tampons. Often, for diseases in the field of gynecology, medicinal tampons are prescribed. You should make such tampons yourself. Use only as directed by a specialist.

The basic product uses medicine, a tampon is also made independently, materials can be purchased at pharmacies. What materials are required to make tampons?

Materials must be sterile.

What is used:

  • cotton wool;
  • bandage;
  • gauze.

Scissors and other materials used to create a tampon must be sterilized in boiling water or wiped with alcohol-containing tinctures. Wash your hands with soap or wear gloves (sterile). Everything must be sterile.

Creating cylindrical tampons

Preparing a tampon of this shape will take no more than 10 minutes.

Materials needed to create a tampon:

  • scissors;
  • cotton wool;
  • a thread;
  • gauze.

The tampon will be similar to a regular hygienic one, which is sold in pharmacies.

Manufacturing process:

  1. You should tear off a little cotton wool, taking into account the fact that when twisted tightly, you get a cylinder, which is similar in size to a tampon from a pharmacy.
  2. The cotton wool needs to be twisted and rewound with thread on top. You can use simple threads.
  3. To prevent the cotton wool from coming out, it should be covered on top with gauze or a simple bandage. The ends should be cut into 2 parts and tied at the base. This part of the tampon will be on the outside.

Recipes with black cumin

The simplest, but very risky, method of treatment is pure black cumin oil. If the doctor approves such a course, you need to take half a teaspoon of the product after breakfast. If the specific taste of cumin is unpleasant, you can add the oil to yogurt, juice or mix with honey. This course of treatment must be continued for at least three months. After 30 days it can be repeated.

Recipes with black cumin:

  1. Strengthening the immune system. To prepare the product, take a tablespoon of honey, finely chopped lemon and four drops of black cumin oil. This mixture can be eaten as a dessert.
  2. For prostatitis. Take a teaspoon each of oil and honey, as well as chopped chamomile. Mix everything and add to a glass of hot water, let it brew for 20 minutes. Divide the glass into two portions.
  3. For infertility. Mix cumin oil and pumpkin oil. Take two teaspoons twice a day.
  4. For a cold. Drink a teaspoon of black cumin daily, combining this treatment with a chest and back massage (also using oil). Inhalations with cumin oil (a tablespoon per liter of water) can be effective for colds.
  5. For diarrhea. Add a tablespoon of cumin oil to natural yogurt. Divide the glass into two portions. Continue treatment for three days.
  6. To improve memory. Drop 7-8 drops of oil into a glass of mint infusion and add a spoonful of liquid honey. Drink hot before breakfast.
  7. To increase blood pressure. Drink hot tea with cumin oil (5 drops). Instead of tea, you can make chamomile infusion.
  8. Rubbing cumin oil on the lower back and groin is believed to help treat infertility. This method especially helps guys who suffer from impotence and prostatitis.


According to reviews of patients undergoing treatment for infertility, the highest effectiveness of the drug was noted for ovarian pathology, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive tract, in the initial stages of endometriosis, after surgical interventions for endometrial hyperplasia.

When taking cumin oil internally to treat infertility, some patients reported stomach upset.

How to make black seed oil at home

People who require black cumin treatment usually make the oil themselves. There is nothing difficult about this, and you can always have a natural and fresh product on hand.

The oil can be prepared by squeezing or infusing. Since the plant loses beneficial elements when heated, the tincture will be based on alcohol. To prepare black cumin oil, you need to collect the leaves of the plant in a small container, fill everything with water and close with a tight lid. The product should be infused in a cool place without access to sunlight for a month.

To prepare oil by pressing, you need to have a press and a lot of raw materials. The leaves and flowers are placed in a holey container and pressed with a press to obtain an oil concentrate.

The effectiveness of black cumin oil is due to a large number of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components. The product will help not only overcome infertility, but also strengthen the body and calm the nervous system before pregnancy.

How to use

For both women and men with infertility, dark cumin oil is used internally and topically. Oral administration is carried out in courses several times a year. Local application involves vaginal applications in women, rectal microenemas in men.

The oil is taken orally, 2 teaspoons in the morning on an empty stomach for a month with a break of 2 months, then the monthly course is resumed.

Vaginal use in women is relevant for:

  • dysbiosis;
  • colpitis;
  • thrush;
  • diseases of the cervix.

In case of infertility, the oil is taken internally for the treatment of:

  • endometriosis;
  • fibroids;
  • hyperplastic processes of the endometrium;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome.

Rectal enemas in men for the treatment of infertility with chronic prostatitis can provide a quick effect on the affected area due to the anatomical proximity of the organs.

Such dishes not only help restore reproductive health, but also have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, heart, metabolism, and endocrine system.

Is it worth using black cumin oil: reviews

For over a thousand years, people around the world have used black seed oil for its medicinal properties. Hippocrates, who is known for his fundamental treatises on medicine, also spoke about them. In ancient Egypt, people used oil as a cosmetic product. It can be added to food, for example, as a salad dressing. Let's find out whether black cumin oil, which has many positive reviews, can really cure all diseases.

Black cumin oil: benefits of use

Of practical interest to people are the seeds of black cumin, which is also called chernukha or cumin. To create the oil, they use cold-pressing technology, since only this technique allows you to preserve all the vitamins and minerals to the maximum.

The main advantages of the remedy include:

  1. Strengthening the immune system - volatile elements of the oil can destroy unfavorable bacteria and viruses.
  2. Improving the condition of the vascular and nervous system - the components of the product have a positive effect on the elastic properties of blood vessels, which reduces blood pressure and the load on the heart.

  3. Liver cleansing - phytosterols from black cumin oil enhance the functioning of the organ, which helps remove toxins faster.
  4. Fight against diabetes - the beneficial acids included in the medicinal oil provide glucose regulation.
  5. Reducing cholesterol - the substance helps dissolve cholesterol, which settles on the inside of blood vessels.
  6. Fighting excess weight - the product speeds up metabolism, and phytosterols reduce appetite.
  7. Elimination of inflammatory reactions - the components of the substance effectively fight staphylococcus, which provokes the formation of suppuration.

People who use this product leave a lot of positive comments. Black cumin, reviews of which confirm its real effect on human health, can even help with conception.

Therefore, it is worth highlighting the separate benefits of black cumin for women. Oil helps:

  • restore the menstrual cycle;
  • remove itching and burning;
  • prevent the risk of postpartum hemorrhage;
  • fight the formation of stones in the uterus;
  • restore libido.
  • Proper storage of oil will help preserve its beneficial properties much longer. It is recommended to keep the bottle at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C in a place where direct sunlight does not penetrate. As a preventive measure, black coriander shows itself in the most favorable light, as evidenced by reviews on various portals. This is the comment left by a girl under the nickname Zorlie:

    Personally, my digestive system has improved; I have not experienced heartburn or gastrointestinal disorders for a long time. Everything works like clockwork, pah-pah.

    For 4 months the child never got sick. Maybe it was a coincidence, I thought, but the child did not catch the virus for the first time when I got sick. This could not but surprise me, because last summer the child had a runny nose several times. Coincidence or not, the fact remains. I was pleasantly surprised, although I didn’t have high hopes.

    For cosmetic purposes, black cumin, the oil of which has many beneficial substances, is an indispensable assistant. It contains a large amount of protein, unsaturated fatty acids, zinc and various vitamins. The main advantages include:

    • protection against premature wrinkles;
    • fight acne, itching and inflammation;
    • moisturizing and nutritional properties;
    • acceleration of hair and nail growth;
    • strengthening eyelashes and eyebrows.

    Black cumin oil for the face is a product that should be in every girl’s cosmetic kit. Its use helps heal scars, removes pigmentation and swelling. Here's what jackeline writes:

    There is no limit to my delight; so far I have tried it only for cosmetic purposes, on my hair and body. It is perfectly absorbed, after three applications on the body after a shower, the skin became like a baby’s.

    This review about the use of black cumin oil was left by Ikrinka31:

    I use a lot of things for stretch marks, black cumin oil is no exception. I apply it to the places where there are stretch marks, wrap it in film and, if possible, leave it overnight. Stretch marks became less noticeable after just 2 months.

    A user under the nickname adigayxti spoke about her impressions of using the product:

    Black Seed - A real miracle - my skin became smoother, more elastic and clearer. In addition, I began to rub oil all over my body before going to bed. Very soon I noticed that the spots on my skin began to disappear.

    Application in cosmetology

    The instructions included with caraway oil state that it is often used in cosmetology. Indeed, thanks to its antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antifungal action, the substance can cope with literally all skin defects.


    He can remove acne and allergic rashes, psoriasis, dermatitis, fungal rashes, lichen and even warts! In addition, it improves skin tone, makes it firm and elastic, relieves puffiness and deeply cleanses pores.

    True, in its pure form it can only be used locally for the treatment of minor defects. In other cases, it is better to mix it with base (olive, linseed, cedar) oils or other components to make masks. In the fight for clear skin, the substance is taken orally, 1 tsp. twice a day.

    • For hair

    It is also useful for hair, and it is used both externally and internally according to the standard scheme.

    I repeat that the pure product is too concentrated, so it is mixed with other substances. Eg:

    • dilute in equal proportions with burdock oil and castor oil, apply to hair, combing it with a wooden comb;
    • if you heat this mixture in a water bath and combine it with two yolks, lubricate the hairs, and leave for 30 minutes, you can achieve significant strengthening of the hairs and their rapid growth;
    • for women who have noticed rapid hair loss, a mask of cumin and base oil (linseed, olive) with sour cream (all in the same amount), applied to the hair and scalp for 25 minutes and massaged into the roots, is suitable;
    • against dandruff it is worth making a composition of 1 tbsp. our cumin, 0.5 tbsp. kefir and 10 drops of rosemary oil, rub into the roots, wait another 30-35 minutes;
    • A mask made from the same amount of chamomile and cumin oil, a few drops of rosemary and cedar ether will help get rid of gray hair; the composition is rubbed into the roots, distributed through the curls and washed off after half an hour.

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