Which discharges during excitement are considered normal, and which ones should be cause for concern?

Can pre-ejaculation lead to pregnancy?

The most exciting question in this article is: “What is the composition of the lubricant and can its secretion contribute to the conception of a child?”

First, of course, you will need to know the composition of male lubricant. Scientists were able to prove that there are no sperm in pre-ejaculate. This is justified by the fact that different glands are involved in the secretion of lubricant. However, there is a risk of pregnancy, but only if ejaculation occurs and the partners continue sexual intercourse. But even with this, scientific research shows that the lubricant still contains a very small amount of sperm and there is almost no risk of conception.

Also, I ask you to pay attention to another question: “Can a girl get pregnant if part of a man’s seminal fluid gets on her underwear?” The main answer to this question is no, but there is a small chance of conception.

What to do if you have an unplanned pregnancy

In the vast majority of cases, pregnancy is always happiness and incredible joy from future motherhood.

At the same time, there are situations when pregnancy turns out to be undesirable for one or both partners. It is important to immediately pay attention to even a short delay in menstruation, the appearance in the early stages of pain in the abdomen, lower back and other painful sensations. It is pain during pregnancy that often tells a woman what happened fertilization. In the early stages, you can painlessly solve the problem of unwanted conception.

If a woman reaches 12 weeks, then there is only one way out - to give birth to a baby.

Risks associated with the release of pre-semen [edit | edit code]

Studies have shown the presence of HIV in the majority of presemen samples from HIV-infected men. Infection with the immunodeficiency virus leads to HIV infection, the final stage of which is known as AIDS [8]. Many also express concern that the presence of sperm in the pre-semen is impossible and therefore cannot cause pregnancy, using this fact against the use of interrupted coitus (withdrawal of the penis) as a method of preventing pregnancy. There have been no large-scale studies to determine the sperm content of the presemen, but a number of small studies have suggested that sperm is present in the presemen. It is also likely that the pre-semen released after a recent ejaculation will contain sperm, since there is always some ejaculate left in the ducts after orgasm [9] .

The question of normality of manifestations

For the stronger half of humanity, the release of fluid from the genital organ is considered not as common as in women. Nevertheless, during periods of strong excitement, this happens, and sometimes in quite noticeable quantities. Some men note discharge weighing up to 5 g. This in no way can be considered a pathology, but only in the situation if the liquid is colorless and does not have an unpleasant odor.

The release of clear fluid can be observed only with significant excitement. This can be facilitated by thoughts of sexual intercourse, masturbation, or a woman’s touch. In general, a man can observe such a phenomenon as transparent discharge from the penis during an erection.

Some men experience pre-seminal fluid with every arousal, while others report this only on rare occasions. There is no need to be afraid of discharge if it does not contain pus or blood. In fact, this mucus is very important for certain processes in a man’s life.


During sexual intercourse, you should think not only about unwanted conception, but also about infection and sexually transmitted diseases.

You should only have sex with a partner if this person either lives with you, is in a civil marriage with you, or you are simply confident in this person.

The act of conception can occur in the following cases:

  1. At moments when not even a day has passed between sexual acts
  2. Then, when there are still sperm in the male urethra (you should just go and urinate)

Pregnancy can only occur in these two cases. But despite all the above positive factors, this particular method is an unreliable method of contraception.

If you do not want to conceive, and also care about your health and do not want to become infected with sexually transmitted diseases through intimate contact, you should choose another, more reliable method of contraception. To choose this method, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist who will help you choose a safe birth control option.

Causes of clear discharge

In most cases, clear discharge from the urethra indicates a disease of the genitourinary system and requires mandatory medical intervention. Such diseases may be of one of the following types:

Sexually transmitted infections: chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, microplasmosis.

Inflammation of the urethra and infectious diseases that appear due to a decrease in the protective functions of the immune system: urethritis, balanoposthitis, prostatitis.

Discharge in the absence of infections and inflammatory processes in the body. This may be caused by a weakening of muscle tone, as a result of which the necessary fluid and mucus are not retained in the body. Such pathologies include: spermatorrhea and prostatorrhea.

To identify the cause of the appearance of clear discharge, you need to contact a urologist to prescribe the appropriate tests. First of all, to make a diagnosis, the doctor must examine the penis. During the examination, special attention is paid to the condition of the skin, analysis of the thickness and color of the discharge, examination of underwear for traces of discharge, palpation of the lymph nodes to determine the primary symptoms of the inflammatory process of the genitourinary system. In addition, you need to take into account additional symptoms: itching, burning, pain when urinating, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, increased body temperature, etc.

Then a urological massage is prescribed to stimulate discharge. Before the massage, you must refrain from urinating for at least 2 hours; then the indicator will be most correct. Along with this, urine and blood tests are prescribed, as well as a smear of the urethra. Often after tests, ultrasound of the genitourinary system and urography are prescribed. Before taking tests, you must refrain from using potent antibiotic drugs, including antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. This is due to the fact that taking such medications will significantly reduce the level of leukocytes in the plasma and the analysis will not show a reliable result.

Until a doctor makes a diagnosis, it is necessary to refrain from active sexual activity and monitor the frequency of urination. With inflammation, the process of urination is frequent and painful.

It is also necessary to follow a diet: limit the consumption of spicy foods and alcoholic beverages, including low-alcohol drinks, since after taking such products, some diseases that lead to discharge may worsen. Also, to prevent the spread of the disease, you need to follow hygiene standards: taking a shower and changing your underwear.

You should consult a doctor as early as possible in order to begin treating the disease in a timely manner and prevent it from developing into a chronic form.

If clear mucous discharge appears, self-medication is not recommended. Discharge, like itching, burning and the appearance of an unpleasant odor, is one of the symptoms of some disease. The fact is that there are a number of drugs that can remove discharge as a symptom. After taking such drugs, the discharge returns with renewed vigor. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to undergo tests and undergo diagnostic procedures in order to determine the true disease. After making a diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe treatment for the disease that led to the appearance of mucous discharge.

The female body constantly takes care of itself, preventing the risks of damage, discomfort and other troubles. That is why a moist environment is consistently maintained in the intimate area, which intensifies at the time of arousal and sexual intercourse. This occurs due to the appearance of a special lubricant, but where does it come from, what does it consist of and what role does it perform? Read more below.

Methods of contraception

Since interrupting intimate contact is considered an unreliable and dangerous method of contraception, you should choose an even more reliable method to prevent irreparable or committing an abortion, thereby causing harm to yourself. More reliable and safe methods have been identified to protect yourself and your partner from unwanted pregnancy:

  1. Using condoms
  2. Intrauterine device
  3. Application of candles
  4. Taking contraceptives and similar medications

Again, for a more detailed answer, it is better to ask a gynecologist about this

Contraception methods

Coitus interruptus is considered an unreliable method of contraception, and doctors generally do not consider it such. So maybe if you are not planning a pregnancy at this time, you should choose more reliable methods, so that later you do not regret what happened and do not traumatize your body with an abortion. There are currently ways to prevent pregnancy:

  • using condoms;
  • installation of an intrauterine device;
  • use of candles;
  • use of contraceptive medications and much more.

In order to get acquainted with all methods of contraception, you can address this question to a gynecologist, who will not only tell you about the features of each method and select a convenient one. This mainly happens only after certain tests have been taken.

Of all the methods of protection, choose only the most reliable ones and pregnancy will not occur until you want it yourself. Table of the most popular methods of protection.

Method of contraceptionReliability percentage, %
Coitus interruptusmaximum 70-85
Calendar method80-90 taking into account a regular cycle
Measurement of BT (basal temperature)80-90 taking into account a regular cycle
Vaginal douching10-15
Diaphragm (vaginal cap)90-95
Intrauterine device90-92
Hormonal intrauterine devices90-97
Chemical method (suppositories, tampons, creams)79-90
Oral contraceptives (birth control pills)97-98
Hormonal injections97-98
Hormonal implants99-99,8
Hormonal ring NuvaRing99,5

Act according to preference

How to reduce the chances of conceiving from your partner's pre-seminal fluid to zero

You can even protect yourself from unwanted conception 100%. However, success can only be achieved if all rules are strictly followed.

In this case, it is necessary to pay attention even to the little things, since they are usually the cause of problems.

Try the following:

  • before repeated intercourse, it is recommended that both partners take a shower, and the man washes his genitals with special care;
  • a man needs to empty his bladder to clear the urethra of residual sperm (in case there are some survivors left);
  • to avoid unforeseen situations, repeat PAP with a condom;
  • use reliable means of protection not only on fertile (dangerous) days, but also on any other day;
  • a woman needs to take special care of herself, keep a MC calendar, note her periods, as well as any changes in her cycle.

Try to follow these basic rules, then you will not have to solve more serious problems.

Types of vaginal lubricants

The secretions secreted by the female body are divided into groups depending on the situations that provoke them. There are these types of lubricants:

  • everyday (serves to moisturize mucous membranes at rest);
  • genital (profusely released during and after arousal and intercourse);
  • during pregnancy (serves to maintain a healthy state during hormonal changes).

All of them have their own varieties and signs of deviation, which are determined by the woman’s well-being, the smell and color of the discharge.

Composition of lubricant for men

Cooper's fluid contains an important substance called acid phosphatase. Lubrication is produced by two bulbourethral glands.

The amount of ejaculate depends on the man’s health and lifestyle. The minimum amount is 3 ml, and the maximum is 6 ml.

Purpose – protection and strengthening. Without male lubricant, a woman would not be able to get pregnant. Pre-ejaculatory male fluid destroys the acidic environment in the urinary canal of the penis, formed during urination.

It also changes the microflora and the composition of the lubricant in the vaginal opening. Female sexual lubricant is also acidic, and if it is not diluted with ejaculate, the sperm will immediately die.

In addition, lubricant eliminates unpleasant and painful sensations when inserting the penis into the vagina.

Are there sperm in male lubricant?

Scientists who have conducted numerous studies on the chemical composition of ejaculate claim that there are no sperm in the lubricant, since the secretions are produced in different glands. But how to explain pregnancy that occurs after interrupted sexual intercourse?

You can get pregnant if sexual contact occurs twice with minimal interruption. During repeated sexual intercourse, a fresh portion of Cooper's fluid is released, but it contains a certain number of sperm remaining in the urinary canal after the last ejaculation. Such sperm are able to reach the egg and fertilize it.

To reduce the risk of conception, a man can go to the toilet “little by little” after the first sexual intercourse. Urine neutralizes the semen due to its acidic composition, which is unfavorable for the life of sperm.

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