Yarina reviews from doctors for uterine fibroids

Yarina for endometriosis and polycystic disease

One of the common gynecological diseases of women of childbearing age is endometriosis.
Without treatment, the pathology can cause infertility. This disease occurs due to an excess of sex hormones in the body. Therefore, it can be treated with oral contraceptives, such as Yarina. The inner wall of the uterus is lined with endometrium, which swells and is shed during menstruation. As the disease develops, it grows, and its particles travel through the bloodstream into the ovaries, oviducts, abdominal organs, and eyes.

Here the endometrium is also rejected and causes bleeding. Inflammation occurs at the site where connective tissue is formed. If the fallopian tubes are involved in the pathological process, but they become obstructed, which provokes infertility.

Most often, the disease occurs if a woman has:

  • genetic predisposition to endometriosis;
  • excess estrogen;
  • age from 35 to 45 years;
  • high consumption of alcoholic and caffeinated drinks;
  • living in areas with unfavorable ecology;
  • prolonged stress.

In the development of endometriosis, an important role is played by excess estrogen, which is responsible for the growth of the endometrium. To eliminate the imbalance, doctors prescribe combined contraceptives. Taking oral contraceptives will relieve the main symptom of the disease - dysmenorrhea and will have a positive effect on a woman’s reproductive health.

Polycystic disease is also hormone-dependent, in which the ovulation process is disrupted and many cystic formations form in the ovaries. This disease is no less dangerous than endometriosis and greatly reduces a woman’s fertility.

The activity of estrogen can suppress progesterone, but its content in the body must be higher than normal. When estrogen levels are elevated and progesterone is not, the endometrium will grow.

Yarina contains both estrogens and progesterones. These hormones, entering the body, from the outside give a command to the brain that it needs to stop producing its own active substances. This leads to the fact that the endometrium stops growing and the disease does not progress. While taking Yarina for endometriosis, according to doctors:

  • hormonal levels are normalized;
  • pathological neoplasms resolve;
  • monthly bleeding becomes less heavy and painful.

Yarina is also prescribed for polycystic ovary syndrome, since the drug leads to the absence of ovulation and reduces the likelihood of cyst formation. After discontinuation of Yarina for polycystic disease, the chances of conception increase.

What birth control pills should you take for uterine fibroids: reviews from doctors and patients

Article last updated 12/07/2019

Every 4 women of childbearing age are diagnosed with uterine fibroids. This is a neoplasm that can cause bleeding, anemia, poor health, and infertility. In the initial stages, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, so diagnosis is often random.

It is not advisable to become pregnant and give birth to a child with fibroids, because there is a high risk of complications, miscarriages, and tumor degeneration. Birth control pills for fibroids will help prevent unwanted pregnancy.

You can also use condoms or an intrauterine device for contraception. The use of medications is the most effective option, because it not only prevents pregnancy, but also has a therapeutic effect on the tumor, allowing it to be reduced to an operable size.

An experienced doctor should select the drug. If you take birth control for fibroids without a gynecologist's prescription, this can aggravate the situation and cause problems, uterine bleeding and other complications.

The doctor will be able to select the optimal contraception regimen based on the clinical picture of the disease and examination results.

The effect of hormonal contraceptives

Birth control pills for uterine fibroids provide effective protection and prevention of various diseases of the reproductive system. The drugs are based on special substances – analogues of female hormones. Myoma develops due to an excess of estrogen and hormonal imbalance. Correctly selected medication and taking the medication according to the prescribed regimen will stop the growth of the node.

Pharmacies offer a wide range of hormonal drugs that are effective for fibroids. They differ in name, composition, dosage and the result obtained.

The choice of the appropriate one should be made only after consulting a gynecologist who knows the nature of the disease, the degree of its neglect, the type of node, etc.

Artificial hormones entering the body block their natural production, which allows stabilizing hormonal levels. Doctors divide drugs that can affect the tumor into two large groups:

  • Combined oral contraceptives for fibroids or COCs. They contain estrogen substitutes and progestogen.
  • Monophasic drugs. Their main distinguishing feature is that each tablet contains an equal amount of active substances and active ingredients.

In practice, COCs such as Microlut, Novinet, Marvelon, etc. are more often used; they have proven themselves to be excellent. An effective drug is “Silhouette”.

Treatment of uterine fibroids with drugs

This is a combined contraceptive with an antiandrogenic effect. It is completely absorbed and easily excreted in the urine within 24 hours. The main effect of the tablets is inhibition of ovulation and changes in the structure of the endometrium.

Retail prices for “Silhouette” tablets vary from 650 to 1,600 rubles, depending on the geolocation and packaging of the tablets. Usually packaged from 21 to 63 pieces.

A course of hormone therapy can reduce the manifestations and symptoms of the disease, such as uterine bleeding and pain. In combination with hormonal medications, you can use folk recipes based on herbs, bee products, and herbal ingredients. An integrated approach, diet, limitation of physical activity and exposure to the sun are encouraged.

Rules for taking contraceptive drugs

When treating fibroids, it is extremely important to follow all doctor’s recommendations. The course and dosage of the medication should be prescribed by a gynecologist, based on the indications of the disease. There are several simple rules that must be followed when taking COCs, namely:

  • taking hormonal medications should be started on the first day of menstruation;
  • do not exceed the prescribed doses;
  • It is not recommended to alternate the course with breaks; after finishing the prescribed regimen, treatment must be continued;
  • take the pills systematically, preferably at the same time;
  • in case of vomiting, you need to repeat the medication;
  • as soon as a woman starts taking COCs, she should be protected with a condom for the first two weeks;
  • If the time for taking the drug was missed or you do not remember the last time you took the pill, you need to take the medicine as quickly as possible.

It is worth noting that bleeding and vaginal discharge between periods when taking COCs is not an alarming sign; you must continue the prescribed course . Remember that contraceptives are not a method of treatment, they are intended to prevent conception, and have more of a preventive and anti-symptomatic effect.

Combination drugs are effective if a mini-nodule occurs.

If the tumor size is more than 1.5 cm in diameter, COCs are not used.

In this situation, the correct solution would be to remove the tumor surgically. Today, minimally invasive techniques are actively practiced to reduce pain, the risk of complications and the rehabilitation period.

Effectiveness of birth control pills after 40 years

Women often wonder whether it is possible to take birth control pills after 40 years of age? Doctors are unanimous in the opinion that the use of oral contraceptives is not only necessary, but also useful, because it has an excellent therapeutic effect. They not only prevent the conception of a child, but also have a beneficial effect on overall well-being, the body as a whole becomes more vigorous and healthier.

If you systematically use contraceptives after forty years, this will allow you to appreciate numerous benefits, namely:

  • reducing the risk of developing cancer;
  • antisymptomatic effect;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • reducing the manifestations of pain and PMS.

It is believed that a woman enters menopause at the age of 45-50 years. This age indicator is of a purely individual nature. Often, under the influence of bad habits, ecology or genetic predisposition, menopause occurs earlier. During this period, menstruation may be absent, but the ability to conceive is still preserved.

The use of contraceptives after 40 years eliminates the possibility of pregnancy, and also helps reduce the negative manifestations of menopause - hot flashes, spotting, pain in the lower abdomen, etc.

Before a doctor prescribes oral contraceptives to a patient aged 40+, he needs to conduct an examination to find out whether the woman smokes, whether she has diseases of the cardiovascular system, whether she has a regular sexual life, and whether there are tumor formations. The state of immunity plays an important role. If it is weakened, the absorption of drugs is impaired, which reduces the effectiveness of the drugs.

Women's opinions about contraception for fibroids

The effectiveness of contraceptive drugs for women diagnosed with uterine fibroids can be better than any advertisement in the reviews of those who have taken them.

Irina, 39 years old

“A year ago, a fibroid measuring 2.7 cm was discovered. It was diagnosed by chance during a routine examination. The doctor decided to observe rather than operate immediately, for which I am very grateful. Hormonal medications were prescribed and a diet was developed. Contraceptives were also prescribed. The gynecologist said that Regulon is extremely effective for fibroids, which I was convinced of.

When I started taking the drug, I felt better. During menstruation I stopped experiencing pain and became calmer. After a year and a half, the size of the fibroids decreased to 1.5 cm. Based on this, I can conclude that the effectiveness of treatment depends 50% on how competent and experienced your doctor is, and the remaining 50% on the drugs used.”

Ekaterina, 45 years old

“When fibroids were discovered, the gynecologist prescribed Regulon as a contraceptive. The drug is effective, and what I liked most is that it does not irritate the stomach, does not cause nausea, vomiting or other side effects. I've been taking the drug for a year now. I am 100% satisfied with it. I recommend it to everyone."

Zhenya, 33 years old

“Treatment of fibroids is a long and complex process. Everything is very individual, and what suits everyone does not always help you specifically.

Before I felt an improvement in my health, I had to try more than one medicine. Basically, the gynecologist prescribed COCs, but they did not help. Then I asked the doctor, underwent a re-examination, and was prescribed Regulon. This is a monophasic drug, the effect of which I felt after two weeks of taking it. I drink it regularly, but I’m thinking about surgery.”


“I took Silhouette as a contraceptive. It is very convenient that you need to take the tablets at the same time. The body gets used to it and it is almost impossible to forget about the medicine. I like the drug because it really helps. For a year and a half of admission there were no problems in the gynecological area.”

Tatyana, 47 years old

“When I started menopause (43 years old), the doctor immediately prescribed Silhouette. The medicine helps prevent the risk of developing tumors and reduces the symptoms of menopause. I almost didn’t feel hot flashes or other unpleasant symptoms. “I still drink Silhouette, but I advise all my friends to use this particular drug during the onset of menopause.”

Kirill, 38 years old

“I am a doctor with many years of experience. I can speak about the effectiveness of Regulon first-hand. The drug really works well as a contraceptive, and also allows you to influence the growth rate of the myomatous node.”

Marina, 41 years old

“I prescribe Regulon to women diagnosed with fibroids, because I am confident in the effectiveness of the drug. I myself take the pills as a contraceptive, as well as a preventative measure. If you follow all medical recommendations and take the drug according to the schedule, the reduction in fibroids will be noticeable after 3-4 months.”

Source: https://pomiome.ru/mioma/protivozachatonye-tabletki-pri-miome-matki-otzyvy

Treatment regimen

Yarina for endometriosis or polycystic disease is drunk in the same way as for the purpose of contraception: every day at the same time until all the tablets in the package are gone.

After the 21st day of use, you should take a week break and start a new package. If a woman takes the drug Yarina Plus, then she needs to take bright tablets for 21 days, and pale ones for 7 days; they are a placebo.

During a break or taking a placebo, a woman begins to have menstrual-like bleeding. It happens that doctors recommend drinking Yarina for endometriosis without a 7-day break. The course of therapy can last up to six months.

Composition and effect of the drug

Ioannina is available in film-coated tablets. As an active ingredient it contains:

  • ethinyl estradiol - 30 mg;
  • drospirenone – 3 mg.

One Yarina blister contains 21 tablets, which allows it to be used for one month. The drug is a low-dose product, as it contains minimal doses of hormones and their equal amounts in all tablets. A characteristic feature of this drug is the content of two sex hormones at once - estrogen and gestagen.

Yarina’s ability to prevent pregnancy is achieved by suppressing the ability of the egg to mature and creating an obstacle to the advancement of sperm by changing the state of the secretion of the cervical canal, which is used by sperm to complete fertilization.

The effect of the drug Yarina for macular fibroids involves several directions, each of which depends on the degree of severe symptoms of the disorder:

  1. Suspension of menstruation, as a result of which the growth of fibroids stops. A similar effect occurs due to the suppression of egg maturation and preventing its release from the ovary.
  2. There is a change in the composition of the secreted mucous secretion in the uterus, due to which sperm lose their motility.
  3. Due to the presence of drospirenone, which is part of the drug, hormones that contribute to the gain of extra pounds are neutralized;
  4. It has the ability to eliminate excess hair growth that occurs in women according to the male type, and also as a result of slowing down the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates acne.
  5. Due to the monophasic nature of Yarina, containing both estrogens and progesterones, the nutrition of the fibroid first stops, after which it stops its development and freezes.

Hormonal treatment involves a long period, lasting at least six months. Instructions for use for fibroids

The drug Yarina is intended for oral administration, the order of use of the tablets is indicated on the packaging, and this must be done every day, one piece, at one specific time for 21 days. After a week-long break, during which minor bleeding occurs, similar to menstruation, a new package of the drug is started. If for any reason the next dose of the tablet is missed for less than 12 hours, then the effect of the drug is not reduced and you just need to take the next dose of the drug. If Yarina is taken to protect against unwanted pregnancy, then a break of more than 12 hours can reduce this protection. For uterine fibroids, the drug is used according to the general scheme until one package is finished, after which a week-long break is observed.


Before you start taking Yarina for endometriosis, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to therapy. Hormonal medication is prohibited for the following pathologies:

  • individual intolerance to the composition of the contraceptive;
  • bleeding from the genital tract of unknown origin;
  • severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • inflammation of the pancreas, accompanied by a high content of triglycerides in the body;
  • hormone-dependent malignant neoplasms;
  • thrombosis or predisposition to it;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • migraine pain accompanied by neurological signs;
  • diabetes mellitus, which provoked vascular complications;
  • liver neoplasms of benign and malignant nature.

If any of the above diseases developed first while taking Yarina, it should be discontinued.

Side effects

During treatment for endometriosis, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • mood swings, depression;
  • weakening of sexual desire;
  • nausea;
  • embolism of veins and arteries;
  • erythema multiforme;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • irregular uterine bleeding;
  • mastalgia;
  • allergic reactions.

If these side effects occur, you should report them to your doctor immediately, as they may be life-threatening.

Another drug that is used for endometriosis is Janine. This is a hormonal contraceptive containing estrogen and progesterone. Janine or Yarina for endometriosis - which is better? According to Yarin’s reviews, they are preferable for endometriosis for the following reasons:

  • Yarina is absorbed faster. If after taking it the maximum concentration of hormones in the blood is observed after 1-2 hours, after taking Zhanine this time increases to 2.5 hours.
  • Janine is not recommended for overweight patients, while Yarina normalizes metabolism and can be used in overweight women.
  • Compared to Yarina, Zhanine has more contraindications and more often causes unwanted reactions, and the range of side effects from the medication is much wider.
  • The effect of taking Yarina persists after discontinuation of therapy.

The doctor must decide which drug to use for endometriosis and polycystic disease. Despite the positive reviews about Yarina, you should not drink it on your own. This is a prescription medication and only a doctor can decide on the advisability of prescribing it.

Reviews from doctors and women about hormonal treatment of uterine fibroids Yarina

Yarina for uterine fibroids, essentially a drug with a low-dose contraceptive effect, helps normalize the menstrual cycle, eliminates painful symptoms of menstruation, reduces the amount of blood loss and blocks the ovulation process.
Due to its composition, this drug is successfully used as a prophylaxis against anemia, malignant neoplasms in the endometrium of the uterus and ovaries.

When taking Yarina, a positive effect on the condition of the skin and relief from swelling was noticed.


The contraceptive properties of the drug Yarina are due to its ability to suppress ovulation processes and increase the degree of viscosity of mucus in the cervical canal.

Due to the content of the main active ingredient of this combined contraceptive taken orally, menstruation becomes more cyclical, intermenstrual bleeding occurs less frequently and eventually ceases to occur at all.

Menstruation itself becomes shorter, its intensity decreases, resulting in a decrease in the possibility of developing anemia. When taking the drug, there is a significant decrease in body weight due to the burning of fat deposits and the absence of edema caused by estrogen retention.

The drug is able to be quickly and completely absorbed, and its maximum amount in the blood serum is detected after an hour or two. Yarina’s main purpose is to provide contraception and prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Composition and effect of the drug

Ioannina is available in film-coated tablets. As an active ingredient it contains:

  • ethinyl estradiol - 30 mg;
  • drospirenone – 3 mg.

One Yarina blister contains 21 tablets, which allows it to be used for one month. The drug is a low-dose product, as it contains minimal doses of hormones and their equal amounts in all tablets. A characteristic feature of this drug is the content of two sex hormones at once - estrogen and gestagen.

Yarina’s ability to prevent pregnancy is achieved by suppressing the ability of the egg to mature and creating an obstacle to the advancement of sperm by changing the state of the secretion of the cervical canal, which is used by sperm to complete fertilization.

The effect of the drug Yarina for macular fibroids involves several directions, each of which depends on the degree of severe symptoms of the disorder:

  1. Suspension of menstruation, as a result of which the growth of fibroids stops. A similar effect occurs due to the suppression of egg maturation and preventing its release from the ovary.
  2. There is a change in the composition of the secreted mucous secretion in the uterus, due to which sperm lose their motility.
  3. Due to the presence of drospirenone, which is part of the drug, hormones that contribute to the gain of extra pounds are neutralized;
  4. It has the ability to eliminate excess hair growth that occurs in women according to the male type, and also as a result of slowing down the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates acne.
  5. Due to the monophasic nature of Yarina, containing both estrogens and progesterones, the nutrition of the fibroid first stops, after which it stops its development and freezes.

Hormonal treatment involves a long period, lasting at least six months. Instructions for use for fibroids

The drug Yarina is intended for oral administration, the order of use of the tablets is indicated on the packaging, and this must be done every day, one piece, at one specific time for 21 days. After a week-long break, during which minor bleeding occurs, similar to menstruation, a new package of the drug is started.

If for any reason the next dose of the tablet is missed for less than 12 hours, then the effect of the drug is not reduced and you just need to take the next dose of the drug. If Yarina is taken to protect against unwanted pregnancy, then a break of more than 12 hours can reduce this protection.

For uterine fibroids, the drug is used according to the general scheme until one package is finished, after which a week-long break is observed.

Yarina for fibroids and endometriosis

The use of Yarina for uterine fibroids accompanied by endometriosis does not differ from the usual course of treatment carried out as a contraceptive. The drug is taken once a day, orally, and it is advisable to do this at the same time.

After using a full package for 21 days, a break occurs called withdrawal syndrome, which is accompanied by minor bleeding that is not related to menstruation.

The effect of the drug does not allow the endometrium to grow and the fibroid tumor also loses its activity.

For uterine fibroids and adenomyosis

With adenomyosis, intensive growth of the inner lining of the uterine cavity occurs, directed into the depths of the organ. In this case, various symptoms may occur, such as:

  • pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;
  • increased bleeding;
  • disorders in reproductive functions;
  • deterioration in general health.

Often the disease is asymptomatic, which is fraught with serious changes in the structure of the uterus. The manifestation of adenomyosis is often confused with fibroids, since they have common symptoms and similar effects on the condition of the uterus. Since both of these diseases are of the same nature and quite often both of these pathologies are diagnosed simultaneously, the treatment carried out in this case will be similar.

Combined drugs in the form of Yarina for fibroids accompanied by adenomyosis provide normal hormonal levels of sex hormones, as a result of which the areas of affected tissue become smaller, the growth of the mucous membrane stops, and the fibroids stop in their development.


The drug in the form of Yarina is not used in the case of certain conditions noted in the body, namely:

  • thrombosis and conditions that precede them;
  • migraine in the acute stage;
  • diabetes with existing complications in the vascular system;
  • chronic or acute pancreatitis;
  • liver tumors and liver failure;
  • malignant diseases depending on the state of the hormonal system;
  • vaginal bleeding of unclear character;
  • periods of breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • individual cases of intolerance.

For many conditions of the body, the drug is taken with caution, so its prescription should only be done by a specialist after conducting the necessary examination. If categorical contraindications are identified, it is not recommended to use Yarina.

Doctor's opinion

According to obstetricians and gynecologists, low-dose drugs in the form of Yarina help suppress male sex hormones in a woman’s body, which serves to prevent the development of uterine fibroids, and long-term use of which prevents the development of oncological tumors in the reproductive organs. However, in the case of some diseases, especially in the presence of cardiovascular pathologies, the use of this drug can lead to thrombosis. Therefore, before making an appointment, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination and make sure there are no contraindications.


Source: https://miomaz.ru/lechenie/konservativnoe/yarina-pri-miome-matki.html

Myoma: symptoms, causes, features

A uterine tumor, fibroid, is a benign neoplasm growing from muscle or connective tissue. Appears most often in women between 30 and 40 years of age. There is rarely one formation, usually a nodular myoma, consisting of several small nodules, which, when growing, can connect with each other.

This disease is considered hormone-dependent, that is, tumor growth is directly affected by the level of female hormones, in particular, high levels of estrogen combined with low progesterone. Because of this, uterine fibroids do not occur in girls who have not reached puberty and women who have entered the menopause phase.

Endometriosis: symptoms, causes, features

Endometriosis in general is the growth of the endometrium of the ovaries, intestines, and cervix. If we talk about internal endometriosis of the uterine body, then it is usually called adenomyosis. In a normal state, the endometrium, which lines the inner surface of the uterus, grows into the cavity during a woman’s menstrual cycle. There is an explanation for this: the loose layer is designed to absorb the fertilized egg and help it attach. If conception does not occur, this layer is torn off and comes out along with menstrual flow.

The causes of internal endometriosis have not yet been fully identified. It is generally accepted that it is caused by injuries to the uterus:

  • childbirth, especially through caesarean section;
  • multiple abortions;
  • surgical intervention in the uterine cavity;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • removal of fibroids.

However, uterine adenomyosis occurs even in girls who have barely reached puberty and are not sexually active. In this case, the pathology is explained by the peculiarities of the individual structure, as well as disorders of the girl’s intrauterine development.

The main symptoms of the disease are pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies during menstruation and sexual intercourse. The menstrual cycle gets confused, in the middle of it there is a brownish discharge from the vagina. Endometriosis of the uterus can be localized, in which case it is called focal. Diffuse adenomyosis is localized randomly, affecting the entire uterus. There is also a nodular one, whose characteristics are similar to fibroids. The difference from the latter is that the myomatous node is formed from muscle and connective tissue, and the adenomyosis node is formed from connective and glandular tissue. There are also mixed forms of the disease.

This process itself does not lead to infertility, however, when endometriosis and uterine fibroids are combined, the consequences can be serious.

Does the drug Yarina help in the treatment of endometriosis? Endometriosis and Yarina Plus

  • 1 Composition of the contraceptive
  • 2 Indications for use
  • 3 How does Yarina help with endometriosis?
  • 4 Contraindications and side effects
  • 5 Missed appointment
  • 6 How to lose weight with endometriosis?
  • 7 The tissue lining of the uterus is also called the endometrium. When it grows outside the uterus, there are a number of symptoms that may occur, including:
  • 8 Characteristics of the drug Yarina 8.1 Effect of the drug
  • 8.2 Contraindications
  • 9 Reviews from doctors about Yarin
  • 10 Mode of use
  • 11 Treatment regimen
  • 12 Interaction of Yarina with other drugs
  • 13 Experts recommend getting between 150 minutes of moderate activity and 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week to maintain and lose weight.
    Moderate activities include exercises such as walking, dancing and gardening. Vigorous activities include exercises such as running, cycling and swimming.
  • 14 Positive Impact
  • 15 Dosage and method of administration
  • 16 Again, studies are mixed regarding whether endometriosis does or does not directly or indirectly influence weight gain. However, if you think you're gaining weight as a result of your clutter, there are some lifestyle changes you can make that may help.
  • 17 Endometriosis is associated with high levels of the hormonal estrogen. This hormone is responsible for the thickening of the endometrium during monthly menstrual cycles. Some women may even have a condition called estrogen dominance, which is also a possible cause of endometriosis.
  • 18 Your doctor may prescribe hormonal medications such as birth control pills, a vaginal ring, or an intrauterine device (IUD) to treat your symptoms.
  • 19 A total hysterectomy is a surgical treatment for endometriosis in which the uterus, cervix and both ovaries are removed from the body.
    Removing the uterus alone may not be effective because the ovaries are what produces estrogen and can create tissue pain throughout the body. This intervention is usually reserved for the most common cases of the disorder.
  • 20 The Food You Choose Affects Your Weight You may have heard to shop around the perimeter of your grocery store—this is actually solid advice because that's where all the food is. All food is unprocessed and unrefined, like whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
  • 21 Main indications for taking Yarina
  • The composition of 21 Yarina tablets includes 2 main substances:

    • ethinyl estradiol (typical estrogen at a dose of 30 mcg);
    • drospirenone (a gestagen in a dose of 3 mg, which has several positive effects beneficial to the female body).

    Birth control pills, as doctors' reviews show, are well tolerated by women and help prevent unplanned conception and medical abortion. Contraception is the main purpose of prescribing this tablet drug. Yarina does not always cope with therapeutic tasks, so doctors rarely use this contraceptive to treat endometriosis.

    Indications for use

    In addition to the contraceptive effect, the hormonal drug can be a good factor for normalizing the menstrual cycle and preventing sudden weight gain. These effects are provided by the gestagenic component - Drospirenone has the following effects on the female body:

    • correction of water and mineral metabolism, which reduces the risk of edema and weight gain;
    • regulation of the production of androgen hormones, which helps fight acne and seborrhea;
    • suppression of endometrial growth, which reduces the severity of menstrual blood loss.

    The doctor will advise you to take the drug Yarina:

    • to prevent unwanted conception;
    • with a high risk of rapid weight gain;
    • with a tendency to edema;
    • against the background of problem skin, acne and high oily hair;
    • with an irregular menstrual cycle.

    The therapeutic effect for endometriosis is minimal, so you should not expect a decrease in pain when taking Yarina. However, at stage 1 of endometrioid disease, when there are no severe symptoms, the drug can be used.

    The tissue lining of the uterus is also called the endometrium. When it grows outside the uterus, there are a number of symptoms that may occur, including:

    painful menstrual cycles

    • excessive bleeding
    • bloat
    • infertility
    • Weight gain may not be a direct symptom of endometriosis, but certain aspects of the disorder and its treatment can cause the pounds to drop.

    This includes:

    hormonal imbalances

    • some medications
    • hysterectomy
    • Hormones Your hormones are not balanced

    Characteristics of the drug Yarina

    Treatment involving a hormonal course can be of many types, depending on the level of biologically active substances found in the patient’s blood tests. It is better if your personal gynecologist prescribes contraceptives, since such drugs affect not only the menstrual cycle.

    Effect of the drug

    "Yarina" is prescribed by gynecologists, dermatologists, and endocrinologists.

    The tool functions in several directions:

    1. Stopping menstruation, therefore, benign growths stop developing. The effect is achieved by preventing the release of the egg from the ovaries. Ovulation does not occur.
    2. The secretion of a special secretion in the uterus, which resembles mucus, is reduced. It becomes difficult for sperm to penetrate to the neck of the reproductive organ.
    3. This OC contains drospirenone. The substance neutralizes hormones that promote excess weight gain (causing increased appetite) and removes excess fluid from cells.
    4. Combating male pattern hair growth (on the face, arms, chest and abdomen), reduces the amount of acne (due to slowing down the activity of the sebaceous glands).
    5. This monophasic drug contains a combination of estrogen and gestagens (progesterone). First, the “feeding” of tumors stops, and then they stop developing, and processes of degeneration are possible.

    The optimal course of treatment is prescribed for six months.

    Reviews from doctors about Yarin

    According to experts, Yarina is a drug with pronounced contraceptive activity. However, in the treatment of endometriosis the drug is prescribed very rarely, due to the low therapeutic effect on this particular disease. A doctor may prescribe Yarina for endometriosis in cases where the disease does not manifest itself in any way and is almost asymptomatic.

    The cost of the drug is 1090 rubles

    Source: https://tuberkulezkin.ru/venerologiya/yarina-pri-endometrioze-otzyvy-vrachej.html

    Combination of two pathologies

    The peculiarity of most common gynecological pathologies is that they rarely occur alone. More often there is a combination of two or more, and sometimes a whole bunch of ailments. The presence of adenomyosis in combination with uterine fibroids is a common multiple pathology, up to 85 percent of all cases of these diseases. This combination is explained by the fact that the causes of the two pathologies are the same or similar. Thus, uterine fibroids in combination with adenomyosis are caused by the following reasons:

    • hormonal disorders;
    • chronic infectious diseases of female organs;
    • weakened immunity;
    • multiple abortions;
    • advanced gynecological ailments;
    • taking oral contraceptives;
    • installation of an intrauterine device;
    • genetic predisposition;
    • unsatisfactory, rare or, conversely, promiscuous sex life;
    • lack of orgasms;
    • stress, unhealthy lifestyle;
    • bad ecology.

    Signs of uterine fibroids in combination with endometriosis are symptoms of both separately, greatly intensified. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, painful periods and menstrual irregularities, discomfort during sexual intercourse, deterioration in the woman’s general well-being, weakness, malaise.

    Most often, uterine fibroids in combination with endometriosis occur in women aged 25 to 45 years.


    An ultrasound examination that can detect fibroids will not show a combination of fibroids and endometriosis, since the uterus is already enlarged and deformed, especially if there are multiple nodes and neoplasms. However, an ultrasound is necessary in any case, as is a standard gynecological examination. Myoma in combination with adenomyosis is determined using hysteroscopic examination, as well as transvaginal ultrasound scanning. This method is considered the most reliable for diagnosing multiple pathologies. It is also called echography.

    If there is a suspicion of uterine fibroids and adenomyosis, echography is prescribed on days 24–25 of the menstrual cycle. During this period, the structure of the uterus makes it possible to determine the presence of pathologies with the highest degree of probability.

    Scanning reveals specific signs characteristic of the combination of uterine fibroids with endometriosis:

    1. an increase in the size of the uterus, as in pregnant women at six weeks;
    2. acquisition of a spherical shape by the uterus;
    3. uneven thickness of the walls of the uterus;
    4. multiple deforming formations.

    This diagnostic method allows you to differentiate endometriosis and fibroids from other gynecological pathologies, as well as determine the degree of damage, the stage of development of the disease, and select the correct treatment.

    If fibroids with endometriosis are detected in a timely manner, it is possible to carry out treatment that preserves the main reproductive organ of a woman - the uterus. Its removal is indicated only in severe, advanced circumstances.

    However, in any case, the pathology will have to be treated using surgical methods - they are necessary to remove the nodes. The rest of the treatment is aimed at normalizing hormonal levels. Such tablets can stop the growth and development of pathology. At the initial stage, treatment may be sufficient. After the exacerbation stops, the nodes are monitored. If adenomyosis and uterine fibroids continue to develop, another method is chosen.

    Prognosis and prevention

    The chance that uterine fibroids and endometriosis will degenerate into a malignant process is very small. Therefore, the prognosis is generally favorable. In general, fibroids with adenomyosis can be present in a woman’s body for many years, but not cause her any inconvenience and do not progress. However, while fibroids are localized only in the uterus, endometriosis, with its active development, can spread to neighboring organs.

    Changes in the uterus with adenomyosis do not interfere with conception and bearing a child. That is, in the presence of this pathology alone, women give birth successfully. But whether it is possible to get pregnant with uterine fibroids is a difficult question. It all depends on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the woman’s body. In each case, the probability is determined by the doctor. However, fibroids and adenomyosis together almost certainly put an end to the possibility of becoming a mother.

    Timely consultation with a doctor and proper treatment can minimize all the unpleasant consequences of these pathologies. However, any, even the most harmless remedy should be taken with the consent and under the supervision of the attending physician. Even if Duphaston has excellent reviews (and someone you know was cured with it and subsequently successfully gave birth to a child), you should not self-medicate. Uncontrolled use of drugs can cause much more damage to the body than fibroids, endometriosis and other diseases could cause.

    As for prevention, it, like all diseases, consists of leading a healthy lifestyle. Physical activity, lack of stress, a balanced diet, a joyful sex life with one trusted partner - and you won’t have to worry about most gynecological problems. And, of course, the main thing is to undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist, and at the slightest alarming symptoms, immediately consult a doctor, and not rely on self-medication and the miraculous properties of some newfangled Chinese pill.

    Yarina is a monophasic hormonal drug that can be prescribed for the treatment of endometriosis, which is characterized as the growth of endometrial tissue beyond its normal growth.

    If you stop taking the drug, the further development of endometriosis may be unpredictable . The initial stage of the disease can develop into a full-fledged pathological process.

    Comparative analysis of drugs used in the treatment of uterine fibroids

    Section: Medicine and Pharmacy

    IX Student International Scientific and Practical Conference “Natural and Medical Sciences. Student Scientific Forum"

    Comparative analysis of drugs used in the treatment of uterine fibroids

    The relevance of this topic is that today a specialist can diagnose “uterine fibroids” at absolutely any age, therefore, it is very important to promptly and quickly detect this disease and select effective drugs for its treatment.

    Uterine fibroids are a hormone-dependent tumor-like benign formation that is capable of independent regression. It is the most common benign tumor in women of reproductive age.

    Myoma originates inside the myometrium, the middle layer of the uterine wall, in the form of a node, but several nodular formations of quite different sizes are often found. One of the common and proven causes of uterine fibroids is hormonal changes in a woman’s body. Other reasons include: genetic predisposition, stress, immunodeficiency, and there is also the possibility that this disease may occur after abortion, removal of intrauterine devices or other similar interventions in uterine wall.

    In the clinic, uterine fibroids are characterized by heavy menstrual bleeding. And the clinical picture itself may be unclear. The main symptoms of manifestation are: severe pain during menstruation, dyshormonal diseases of the mammary glands, endometrial hyperplasia, small cysts in the ovaries.

    It is recommended to prescribe medications or surgical treatment in the presence of excessive uterine bleeding, pain in the pelvic area and concomitant hyperplastic processes of the endometrium.

    Therefore, it is necessary to prescribe medication for the disease correctly and on time. The main goal should be to stop the growth of existing nodes and the formation of new ones, reduce the size of the tumor, and also prevent any complications.

    The most commonly used are hormonal drugs. And then a comparative description of several of them will be given. These include: “Janine”, “Yarina”, “Jess Plus”, and “Esmiya”.

    The drug "Zhanin" is used as a contraceptive drug that has antiandrogenic activity. With its use, normalization of the menstrual cycle and a decrease in painful syndrome during menstruation are observed. But along with this beneficial effect, the drug has a large list of side effects.

    The drug "Yarina" is a contraceptive that has an estrogen-gestagenic effect. The drug blocks the process of ovulation and increases the viscosity of cervical mucus. In addition, there is evidence that it reduces the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer.

    Women who took the drug "Jess Plus" noted that the menstrual cycle became regular and less painful, and the intensity of menstrual flow decreased. The drug "Jess Plus" is a kind of added version of the drug "Jess". It differs from its predecessor in that folate is added to its composition, this is a form of folic acid that is necessary for the human body. It performs a number of useful functions in the body. These include: prevents the appearance of tumors, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system (therefore, our mood and overall performance depend on it), on the heart and blood vessels, hematopoietic processes, as well as on the immune system.

    But today there is the most effective drug called Esmiya, which gives the greatest effectiveness, with a relatively small number of side effects.

    The main active ingredient in the drug is ulipristal, which inhibits progesterone receptors, and the components of the drug themselves generally help suppress the division of myomatous cell structures. The most common side effects include headache, emotional disturbances, vertigo, abdominal pain, nausea, and aminorrhea.

    Along with the listed drugs, it is possible to use the Mirena intrauterine device, which daily releases hormones into the uterus and controls their ratio. Thus, providing a therapeutic and contraceptive effect.

    Research results. The official instructions for the drugs “Zhanin”, “Yarina”, “Jess Plus”, “Esmiya” were analyzed. The results are presented in Table 1.

    Table 1.

    Comparative characteristics of the drugs “Zhanin”, “Yarina”, “Jess Plus”, “Esmiya”

    Instructions for use of the drug Yarina

    Yarina is a monophasic oral contraceptive with pronounced antiandrogenic properties. In its chemical composition, the drug combines two active substances: ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. Being a low-dose contraceptive, the drug, first of all, inhibits the ovulation process by changing the viscosity of mucus on the cervix. Due to these processes, fertilization becomes impossible.

    Being a complex drug, Yarina combines the properties of two active ingredients.

    In turn, drospirenone has anti-MKS activity, which prevents fluid retention in the body . In combination with ethinyl estradiol, the substance improves the lipid profile , thereby regulating the concentration of HDL. In addition, the combination of two components gives a pronounced anti-acne effect, reducing the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Drospirenone, having an affinity for natural progesterone, has neither androgenic nor estrogenic activity , which significantly reduces the number and frequency of side effects. Like all monophasic hormonal contraceptives, Yarina has a positive effect on the woman’s body . The menstrual cycle improves , and bleeding is more easily tolerated and its duration is shortened, which significantly reduces the risk of developing anemia. The pain of menstruation decreases or disappears altogether.

    Oral contraceptives for uterine fibroids

    Women who have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids for the first time are very confused at first and have no idea what the treatment for this condition is, or why drug regimens, especially hormonal ones, are prescribed. After all, a stereotype that has long been formed in society is the fact that hormonal drugs do nothing but harm the body. However, this opinion exists only among people who have never encountered serious problems regarding hormonal disorders of the body, without the prescription of steroid drugs.

    In fact, there is a logical explanation for why it is impossible to treat a disease such as uterine fibroids without hormonal treatment.

    Indeed, until recently, the provoking factor for the incorrect proliferation of myocytes in the middle layer of the uterus was considered to be only estrogens, or rather, their increased amount, the so-called hyperestrogenism. That is, a hormonal factor. How is it possible to influence the root cause of this particular disease? The answer is logical and simple: it can only be influenced through the same hormones. Contraceptives for uterine fibroids are precisely such means. Drugs such as Jess, Jess Plus, Yarina, Diane 35 are prescribed for uterine fibroids.

    Hormonal contraceptives for uterine fibroids

    Do these drugs act by the same mechanism for uterine fibroids? The thing is that these products contain both an estrogenic and a progestogen drug in certain concentrations. When taking these tablets, the active substances enter the female body, which is a rather complex complex with interconnected processes regulating the synthesis of sex steroids. The body understands that there is a sufficient concentration of sex hormones in the blood, which means it is no longer worth synthesizing these hormones. A cascade reaction occurs in which their production stops. Daily incoming hormones support the functioning of this circuit. In this case, an artificially fairly even and favorable background is created for fibroids, in which there are no surges in steroids or their excessive amounts. In recent years, studies have been conducted that have proven the existence of fibroids, the growth of which does not depend on high levels of estrogen, but on progesterone, this is quite surprising, since previously it was progesterone that was used to treat all types of fibroids. However, despite this, the fact remains. It is combined oral contraceptives that create a neutral hormonal background without any sharp fluctuations or changes. Therefore, neither estrogens nor progesterones can have a stimulating effect on fibroids in terms of their growth.

    How to protect yourself against uterine fibroids?

    Contraception for uterine fibroids is precisely carried out by using the same drugs - combined oral contraceptives. Their contraceptive effect is explained by the following: due to the drug-induced hormonal background, in which the body does not produce hormones on its own, cyclic processes characteristic of the ovarian-menstrual cycle do not occur in the ovary, including the growth and maturation of the follicle, and therefore ovulation. No ovulation, no egg, no pregnancy.

    Main indications for taking Yarina

    As can be understood from the description of the drug, in most cases Yarina is used as a hormonal contraceptive . In addition, the following indications can be noted:

    • Cosmetic regulation of sex hormones. As a result of the correction of the production of androgenic hormones, the activity of sebum production decreases, which leads to a decrease in the manifestation of skin diseases such as seborrhea and acne.
    • Endometriosis. By suppressing the growth of endometrial epithelial cells, it leads to a decrease in the severity of menstrual bleeding
    • Correction of water-salt balance. By taking the drug, the risk of peripheral edema is significantly reduced, and body weight is normalized.

    Yarina for endometriosis and reviews of women after 40 years about the drug

    Yarina for endometriosis helps prevent the formation of new lesions and normalize a woman’s hormonal levels. The drug is prescribed to patients of different ages after assessing the benefits and risks.

    The medicine is a monophasic low-dose drug, so most women tolerate the treatment well.

    The duration of use of the medication is determined by the degree of endometriosis, as well as the desire to have a child.

    Operating principle

    Yarina is a monophasic oral contraceptive with a pronounced androgenic effect. The contraceptive effect is provided by two main components included in its composition:

    • drospirenone (gestagen) – 3 mg;
    • ethinyl estradiol (estrogen) – 30 mcg.

    This ratio is maintained in all tablets, which are taken in a course of 21 days. Auxiliary components: modified starch, lactose, hypromellose, iron oxide, magnesium stearate, talc, titanium dioxide, macrogol, polyvidone.

    Pharmachologic effect:

    • Inhibition of ovulation processes.
    • Thickening of cervical secretions. The increased thickness of mucus that accumulates in the cervix prevents the penetration of sperm.
    • Creating conditions that are impossible for implantation of a fertilized egg into the endometrium, even if fertilization does occur.

    Taking Yarina seems to deceive the body, forcing it to work as if ovulation has already passed. An egg that has matured in the body does not leave the follicle, which makes fertilization almost impossible.

    Many women are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant while using the drug? Taking Yarina in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations and the rules of use provides 99% protection against unwanted pregnancy.

    In addition to the contraceptive effect, Yarina has some additional medicinal properties:

    • reduces pain during menstruation;
    • restores the regularity of menstruation;
    • reduces the volume of menstrual flow;
    • pain in the lower abdomen goes away;
    • prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia;
    • reduces the risk of developing endometrial and ovarian cancer.

    Mode of use

    The contraceptive regimen is standard - a woman will need to take a pill orally every day. The treatment regimen for endometriosis can be permanent when a woman takes the drug without interruption. Or typical, when you need to take a break for your period.

    However, one must understand that with standard use there is practically no therapeutic effect: the woman is effectively protected from conception, but there will be no positive effect on endometriosis.

    How does Yarina help with endometriosis?

    Yarina is prescribed due to the hormonal nature of the development of endometriosis, as it develops against the background of an increase in the amount of estrogen and a decrease in progesterone. The first hormone is responsible for the proliferation of endometrial tissue and its restoration to normal size after menstruation. With an excess of estrogen, pathological processes are possible.

    Progesterone can suppress the activity of estrogen, but only if its amount also increases. If its concentration is within normal limits, and estrogen is increased, tissue proliferation is inevitable. The drug "Yarina" contains both of these hormones and, with regular use, promotes:

    • Restoring hormonal balance;
    • Stopping tissue proliferation;
    • Resorption of neoplasms;
    • Reduced severity of menstrual bleeding.

    Yarina is prescribed to young and middle-aged women for the treatment of endometriosis. The drug is not indicated for the elderly (when menopause has already occurred).

    Side effects

    During treatment for endometriosis, the following adverse reactions may occur:

    • mood swings, depression;
    • weakening of sexual desire;
    • nausea;
    • embolism of veins and arteries;
    • erythema multiforme;
    • vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology;
    • irregular uterine bleeding;
    • mastalgia;
    • allergic reactions.

    If these side effects occur, you should report them to your doctor immediately, as they may be life-threatening.

    How to lose weight with endometriosis?

    Many online resources that provide information about natural and alternative treatments recommend that women suffering from endometriosis fight excess weight with the help of special diets. However, there is no scientific evidence that any specific diet can cause weight loss or relieve symptoms of endometriosis.

    Surgeries to remove particles of ectopic endometrial tissue often help control pain and bloating. By achieving these effects, women can lose weight.

    In any situation, the formula for losing weight is simple - you need to burn more calories than you consume. Patients with endometriosis can implement this strategy using the following recommendations.

    • Increase your level of physical activity. Walk as often as possible and take breaks between periods of low activity. It is recommended that each person engage in 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio exercise per week or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity cardio exercise per week. In addition, doctors recommend doing strength training at least twice a week.
    • Consume nutritious and low-calorie foods. Avoid sweets and carbonated drinks.
    • Consume proteins. Proteins improve metabolism and help a person feel full longer. This reduces the desire to snack on high-calorie foods.


    A hormonal contraceptive improves skin condition and reduces the risk of rapid weight gain, but the drug can cause the following problems:

    Source: https://AptekaTamara.ru/bolezni/yarina-pri-endometrioze.html

    How to take Yarina for endometriosis.

    Taking Yarina for endometriosis does not differ significantly from its standard use as a contraceptive drug. The tablet is taken orally once a day at the same time for 21 days. After this time, a 7-day break occurs, the so-called withdrawal syndrome , which many people confuse with menstrual bleeding.

    If hormonal contraceptives were not used before Yarina’s prescription , then the pills begin to be used on the first day of the menstrual cycle. When changing one hormonal drug to another, take Yarina the next day after taking the last tablet of the previous drug.

    Yarina for uterine fibroids reviews

    > Medicine


    I’m 37. girls, does anyone take Yarina like me - as prescribed by a doctor to reduce fibroids? I was prescribed 1.5 years ago after an ultrasound; a control ultrasound showed that myomas were increasing in size and number. I don’t know because of Yarina or other factors.

    The doctor, like a partisan, is silent whether to accept it further or not - he waits another six months to see the dynamics.

    (last times I saw a different doctor - as it turned out, he examined me too quickly and did not notice all the problems, and the new doctor will only look at his examination results)

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    Contraindications for taking Yarina

    There are many contraindications to the use of the drug. Let's look at the main ones:

    • Individual allergic reactions to the components of the hormonal drug
    • pregnancy, lactation and breastfeeding;
    • thrombosis of deep veins, angina pectoris, cerebrovascular disorders, transient ischemic attacks;
    • benign and malignant neoplasms of the liver and kidneys;
    • hormone-dependent tumors of the breast and reproductive organs;
    • diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2

    You should take the drug with caution in case of obesity, porphyria and otosclerosis . In addition, it is worth noting heart and vascular diseases, gastric ulcers and hemolyticouremic syndrome.

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