Birth control pills for uterine fibroids Novinet

Any benign tumor of the reproductive organs negatively affects the possibility of conception. In this regard, treatment often comes down not only to inhibiting the growth of the node, but also to normalizing hormone levels in order to preserve reproductive function. With uterine fibroids, some women develop infertility. It can be caused by large nodes and the inability of egg implantation. But small nodes can also be an obstacle to conception. The fact is that with fibroids, the hormonal level is greatly changed and often ovulation does not occur. It is to normalize this condition that oral contraceptives can be used, but only a doctor should select them.


Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) or monophasic for fibroids are prescribed quite often. This method is effective in treating young women, as well as small tumors. Novinet is one of these drugs. It effectively protects the patient from unwanted pregnancy (which can occur despite fibroids). In addition, it has a positive effect on the tumor, slowing down its growth.

The cost of this product is from 450 rubles. Sold in online pharmacies, as well as in regular ones. Produced by several companies. Release form: tablets. They are placed in a blister, which, together with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard box. One package contains 21 tablets. That is, one package is designed for one monthly reproductive cycle.

Description and composition

Novinet is an oral hormonal contraceptive drug containing a combination of estrogen and progestogen. It acts by inhibiting the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland. Suppresses follicle development and prevents ovulation. The contraceptive effect is enhanced by increasing the viscosity of cervical mucus and inhibiting the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Novinet is available in tablet form. There are 21 pieces in one package, one package is designed for a monthly reproductive cycle.

The composition of the drug includes:

The drug also includes auxiliary components: dye, tocopherol, starch, lactose monohydrate.


The drug is prescribed to women of reproductive age to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It is highly effective and can protect against conception by 90%. Also, in some cases, Novinet is prescribed for uterine fibroids. It can help stop its growth as a result of normalizing hormonal balance. After all, fibroids grow precisely under the influence of hormones.

Thanks to the drug, the menstrual cycle is normalized. In addition, normalization of the menstrual cycle is achieved. Pain during menstruation is reduced. Sometimes there is also a decrease in blood loss. And as a result - a general improvement in well-being.


You can leave your reviews and results of using Novinet tablets for uterine fibroids and not only in the comments below, they will be useful to other users!


I had a pretty difficult time going through menopause. Irregular periods and constant pain. The doctor recommended the use of Novinet for prophylactic purposes, to prevent the development of tumors in the mammary glands and uterus. The drug had an excellent effect on my health; there were no negative reactions.


After several abortions, health problems arose. We discovered uterine fibroids, although not large in size, but with a growth trend. Prescribed by gynecologist Novinet. The drug simultaneously treats inflammatory processes, stabilizes hormonal levels, regulates the monthly cycle and protects against unwanted pregnancy. An excellent product, it helped me, my fibroids disappeared after regular use, and other problems stopped bothering me.


In some cases, their use is prohibited. Novinet should not be used if you have uterine fibroids, or for contraception if you have the following ailments:

  1. Thrombosis or tendency to it;
  2. Severe or moderate arterial hypertension;
  3. Migraine;
  4. Venous thrombosis;
  5. Ischemia;
  6. Angiopathy;
  7. Diabetes;
  8. Dyslipidemia;
  9. Pancreatitis;
  10. Liver diseases and disorders of its functioning;
  11. Gallstone disease, both current and in history;
  12. Tumors (benign and malignant) of the liver;
  13. Allergic reactions;
  14. Malignant neoplasms of the reproductive system or breast;
  15. Uterine or vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
  16. Carrying a child, including suspicion of one, breastfeeding;
  17. Active smoking in patients over 35 years of age.

Instructions for use recommend that patients over 35 years of age, smokers, and obese patients take this drug with caution. If you have recently had a major operation, it is also better not to use it. Another contraindication is a hereditary tendency to diseases of blood vessels, liver, kidneys, and heart. And also to thrombosis, migraines and endocrine disorders.

Side effects

A number of side effects may occur.

  1. Increased blood pressure;
  2. Hearing loss;
  3. Vaginal bleeding not associated with the cycle;
  4. Lack of menstruation after discontinuation of the drug;
  5. Thrush;
  6. Inflammatory processes in the vagina;
  7. Enlargement of the mammary glands;
  8. Nausea, vomiting;
  9. Colitis;
  10. Skin rash;
  11. Headache;
  12. Dizziness;
  13. Mood swings;
  14. Depression;
  15. Fluid retention in the body;
  16. Allergic reactions.

If they occur, you should consult a doctor. but they are not always a reason to stop taking the drug.

Exceeding the dose

If the dose is exceeded, nausea and vomiting occur. Sometimes – bloody vaginal discharge. Overdose is treated symptomatically. Rarely leads to serious consequences. 2-3 hours after swallowing the increased dose, it is necessary to rinse the stomach.

Doctors' opinion

Novinet, one of the modern hormonal drugs that perfectly protect against unplanned pregnancy, protecting the female body from the negative consequences of abortion, which often leads to infertility. The medication is also used for dysmenorrhea and to eliminate PMS. What makes Novinet different is that it can also be used for preventive purposes. Another big advantage of the drug is its ability to prevent ectopic pregnancy. After stopping taking the drug, a woman can conceive a child within six months, without fear of any pathologies or problems. Novinet is also used to treat the pelvic organs. The drug is recommended for middle-aged women to reduce the likelihood of tumor diseases of the mammary glands and ovaries. Despite a large number of contraindications, the drug is well tolerated by the body if the use is agreed with the doctor and the instructions in the instructions are followed exactly.

Effect on fibroids

Sometimes uterine fibroids are treated with this remedy. Reviews of this contraceptive indicate that this remedy is effective only in the initial stages of the disease. Doctors share the same opinion. The medicine is prescribed for small fibroids.

By normalizing hormonal levels, this drug affects fibroids. First, its growth stops. And then tumor degradation may occur. It is most effective for nodes up to 2 cm in size. In this case, they can disappear completely.

With long-term use, the drug normalizes hormonal composition. As a result, the likelihood of becoming pregnant after stopping the contraceptive increases. However, the impact of pregnancy on fibroids is unpredictable. It can either disappear or grow.

Hormonal treatment of uterine fibroids - an opportunity to avoid surgery

Any benign tumor of the reproductive organs negatively affects the possibility of conception. In this regard, treatment often comes down not only to inhibiting the growth of the node, but also to normalizing hormone levels in order to preserve reproductive function. With uterine fibroids, some women develop infertility. It can be caused by large nodes and the inability of egg implantation. But small nodes can also be an obstacle to conception. The fact is that with fibroids, the hormonal level is greatly changed and often ovulation does not occur. It is to normalize this condition that oral contraceptives can be used, but only a doctor should select them.

How to carry out hormonal treatment?

Often young women undergoing treatment for fibroids wonder about the need to use OCs. In order to deal with this, it is enough to consider a drug such as Novinet. It is used in the treatment of small fibroids if it is planned to preserve the woman’s reproductive function.

Novinet is a monophasic hormonal drug used to prevent ovulation, which can also stop the growth of fibroids. The active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. One package of the drug is designed for a monthly course, after which menstrual-like bleeding begins.

The main effect of the drug is to inhibit the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland, reducing the production of FSH and LH. As a result, the follicle does not mature and ovulation does not occur. In addition, while taking the drug, the viscosity of the cervical mucus changes, which makes it difficult for sperm to pass into the uterine cavity. Novinet and fibroids are similarly associated. Thanks to the level of hormones, the growth of the node stops.

Given that the drug passes freely into breast milk, Novinet cannot be used during breastfeeding. The drug is completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and excreted through the kidneys and intestines.

Features of the drug use

In most cases, Novinet is prescribed as a contraceptive. In addition, indications include menstrual irregularities, as well as severe premenstrual syndrome. Typically, the tablets are taken at the same time every day.

The drug is also prescribed after abortion, after childbirth when breastfeeding is stopped, and also as a continuation of hormonal therapy in the treatment of fibroids. However, some women worry that Novinet may cause fibroids to grow. This misconception has no evidence. On the contrary, under the influence of hormones contained in the drug, the condition is normalized and tumor growth stops.

Side effects and contraindications

While taking the drug, changes in the digestive tract are possible in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and the development of gallbladder diseases. Sometimes, under the influence of hormones, tension in the mammary glands appears, decreased libido and changes in vaginal secretion. Some women experience weight gain, increased blood pressure, thrombosis, decreased mood and increased fatigue. The appearance of a skin rash and age spots is possible.

When prescribing treatment after removal of fibroids, it should be taken into account that the drug has its own contraindications. Among the most important are the following:

  • Pregnancy
  • Pathologies of the liver and kidneys
  • Tumor-like formations with signs of malignancy
  • Disorders of metabolic processes, especially those related to the production of lipids
  • Heart diseases in the stage of decompensation and accompanied by a pronounced increase in blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Bleeding of unknown etiology
  • Acute infectious processes.

Special conditions of admission

Before using Novinet for fibroids, you should undergo a full examination and confirm the diagnosis. At the same time, attention is paid to the condition of the mammary glands, the exclusion of pregnancy, as well as the presence of other contraindications. It is not recommended to use this type of therapy for women with a history of problems with blood clotting and thromboembolism. If there is a tendency to surges in blood pressure, treatment should be carried out under the close supervision of a doctor. The same applies to patients with bronchial asthma, epilepsy, tetany and porphyria.

The occurrence of severe headache while taking the drug requires its discontinuation. This is also done if there is a sharp decrease in visual acuity, an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of jaundice not associated with cholelithiasis, as well as if epileptic seizures become more frequent or appear. Some women may experience intermenstrual bleeding while taking Novinet during the treatment of fibroids. If such symptoms occur, you should not refuse the drug and continue taking it for 2-3 months, since such symptoms disappear after some time. Additional information about methods of treating uterine fibroids is described in the video:

It is imperative to take the drug daily, since missing a pill affects hormonal levels and reduces contraceptive ability. If Novinet is used to inhibit the growth of a myomatous node before surgery, then 5-6 weeks before the operation it is necessary to stop taking the drug. During treatment, additional means should be selected to maintain liver function, that is, hepatoprotectors. If blood pressure increases, you can take an antihypertensive drug.

Treatment of uterine fibroids with Novinet

In order to understand the essence of therapy for this pathology, it is necessary to have at least a superficial understanding of what it is.

Uterine fibroids are a pathological condition characterized by non-physiological growth of myometrial tissue (the muscular layer of the uterus) in the form of nodular formations or diffusely.

Such myomatous formations can be either barely noticeable or the size of a full-term pregnancy.

Under the influence of various etiological factors, muscle tissue simply succumbs to growth, which is hormonally dependent.

The overwhelming number of fibroids grow under the proliferative influence of estrogens. That is why most treatment regimens aimed at inhibiting the growth of myomatous formations are aimed at suppressing the influence of female sex hormones on the tumor. For example, progesterone drugs, combined contraceptives, and even more so gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist drugs act as a suppressive factor specifically on the estrogen component of the female reproductive system.

It is through this mechanism that the drug Novinet works, which belongs to combined oral contraceptives and includes both estrogens and progesterone. The essence of the drug is to balance hormonal levels and block the increased effect of estrogens on benign tumors of the uterus.

Quite good results are observed regarding the effectiveness of inhibiting the growth of such neoplasms, as well as their reduction.

Novinet: instructions for use for fibroids, action - GYNECOLOGICAL HOSPITAL OF OMSK REGION

Hormones have a huge impact on a woman's health. Their deficiency or excess leads to various diseases and disorders in the body.

Among all diseases of the reproductive system, the most common is uterine fibroids; according to statistics, it accounts for 25% of the total number of female ailments.

The cause of this benign tumor is considered to be an increased amount of estrogen. Fibroids and hormones are firmly connected; by adjusting the functioning of the glands, you can prevent the development of the disease and achieve a lasting therapeutic effect.

Tumors or fibroid nodes are growths of the muscle tissue of the uterus. They can be single or multiple, with or without a base, several millimeters in size or in diameter, like a chicken egg.

The disease leads to disruption of the functioning of organs located in the pelvis.

Also, with uterine fibroids and endometriosis, other consequences are observed: pain, bleeding and menstrual irregularities, inability to conceive a child.

The risk group for the disease includes women aged 35-50 years.

How to take Novinet for uterine fibroids?

Novinet as a drug to combat myomatous growths is prescribed in the same way as for the purpose of contraception.

  • Start taking the drug on the first day of menstrual bleeding;
  • Each new blister tablet is opened and taken once daily;
  • After taking 21 tablets for three weeks, stop using them for a period of 7 days;
  • After a seven-day break, the drug is started again, only from a new pack.

If there are any deviations in taking the drug (taking after an abortion, skipping a dose), then it is better to contact a qualified obstetrician-gynecologist for consultation and choosing the optimal tactics.

Novinet for fibroids after 40 years

If we talk about the use of hormonal contraceptives by representatives of the fair sex, then just recently the issue was very controversial. Indeed, before the advent of low-dose drugs, high dosages of estrogens in them could give rise to tumor tumors of a malignant nature. However, with the advent of drugs with a minimal estrogen component, such risks have decreased. You should also be wary of prescribing COCs in women who smoke or have cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis of various locations, simply put, strokes, heart attacks, thromboembolism.

What is better for fibroids: Novinet or Lactinet?

Quite a large number of women ask the question of what is better to use for myomatous neoplasms: Novinet or Lactinet? Women uninitiated in medical topics, of course, have every right to confuse and compare these drugs due, perhaps, to their consonance. However, their essence is quite different. Novinet is a combination of estrogen and progesterone, and Lactinet is a purely progestogen, which is often used for contraception during the postpartum period. The latter is not used for the treatment of uterine fibroids.

Novinet for uterine fibroids: reviews from doctors and women

Doctors' opinions about Novinet for fibroids vary. But in most cases, specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynecology note the high effectiveness of drugs in the fight against this disease.

Previously, it was believed that uterine fibroids are exclusively estrogen-dependent processes, that is, fibroids grow only under the influence of estrogens. In most cases this is true. However, some of them are fibroids that grow not under the influence of estrogens, but under progesterone dependence, and when prescribing drugs with anti-estrogenic activity, doctors do not get the desired effect. In the treatment of this class of fibroids, drugs that block receptors for this type of hormones should be used. If Novinet is prescribed for fibroids with progesterone dependence, Novinet will not give a positive result. It is not the drug that is bad, but the incorrect rationale for its use. With uterine fibroids, etiopathogenetic treatment is needed, which will act on the basis of the growth of such neoplasms.

The use of combined oral contraceptives for uterine fibroids has very high success rates. But you should always remember that this is not the only method of treating fibroids and its use should only be carried out by a gynecologist according to strict indications. Self-prescribing a drug on the recommendations of relatives, friends, and acquaintances is an impermissible action that can provoke the occurrence of rather complex processes that have a very negative impact on a woman’s body.

Irina Drozdova, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for

Contraception for fibroids: after 40.45 years, reviews from doctors, and endometriosis

We don't notice our health while we have it. If something goes wrong, then most often we fall into panic, rush around, look for a way out, and run to the doctors.

We don't notice our health while we have it. If something goes wrong, then most often we fall into panic, rush around, look for a way out, and run to the doctors.

And we never think about our own internal resources that can heal our illnesses. Just as we don’t think that we created this health problem for ourselves.

Treatment of uterine fibroids without surgery and hormonal therapy is a woman’s dream. No one wants to go under the surgeon’s knife or poison themselves with hormones.

Medicine, unfortunately, does not offer an alternative. But it exists, you just need to start treatment from a completely different direction.

Our body is a wonderful self-adjusting system.

If our behavior, thinking and lifestyle destroy it more than it is able to heal itself, then diseases appear.

But even in this case diseases are not our enemies , they are simply an opportunity for our body to restore lost balance, “let off steam,” and prevent even greater destruction.

This fully applies to all women's diseases. Colpitis, cervicitis, inflammation of the uterus and appendages, polyps, fibroids, endometriosis and all the other “joys of life” are just a compensatory reaction of our body. And this reaction is aimed, oddly enough, at restoring the lost balance.

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Every illness brings us a message.

The task is to hear this news, draw conclusions, and change.

But such an attitude towards diseases does not exist in official medicine.

I have already said many times that the thinking of doctors is symptomatic. It is the symptom that is considered a disease; it is the symptom that pills and scalpels are directed against.

Here's a simple example. The woman eats a lot of sweets. Well, people love pastries and pies. And suddenly - thrush. Panic and horror, what to do? Rather, you need to take pills, insert candles - the fight has begun.

But the pills are of no use, the torment continues. At the same time, the woman does not know and does not think that Candida fungi, which are considered the cause of thrush, eat excess carbohydrates, this is their food. Too many carbohydrates - thrush blooms.

They simply have to reproduce in order to remove excess sweets from the body!

Agree, you won’t be able to cure thrush with drugs, even if you treat it for years. You need to stop eating sweets and the thrush will go away on its own.

The same applies to any other health problem. Of course, this also applies to uterine fibroids.

Therefore, if you have fibroids, the first thing you need to do is change your approach to treatment. We need to stop considering it a disease. This is only a symptom, with its help the body is trying to tell us something.

Action of COCs: regulon, silhouette, janine for uterine fibroids, reviews

In order to understand how hormonal contraceptives work, you need to understand what they are and their mechanism of action.

Hormones are biologically active substances that are produced by our endocrine glands: the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc. Their spectrum of action is varied.

They participate in basic metabolism, growth of the body, are responsible for behavior and support the function of other organs. But we are only interested in the hormones of the sex glands: estrogens and gestagens (progesterone).

It is these two groups of hormones that take an active part in regulating the monthly cycle.

The principle of action of all hormonal contraceptives is basically the same:

  • Suppress ovulation;
  • Prevents the egg from implanting in the endometrium of the uterus.

Daily use of COCs (Janine, Regulon, Silhouette) puts a woman's ovaries into a so-called “artificially induced” drug-induced sleep, as a result of which the gonads do not ovulate each new cycle.

The use of drugs such as Janine for uterine fibroids, or Regulon for uterine fibroids, helps reduce the intensity of bleeding during the cycle and shortens the duration of menstruation to one or two days.

The pain you feel during menstruation will become less pronounced, the cycle will normalize and become regular. In addition, taking combined oral contraceptives reduces the risk of developing ovarian and endometrial cancer.

They can prevent some causes of infertility, thereby promoting pregnancy.

Remember that you cannot take hormonal medications on your own, since any uncontrolled use of hormonal medications can lead to progression of tumor growth or disrupt the function of other endocrine glands.

Our expert council guarantees first-class and timely advice on any issue.

To do this, you just need to make an appointment, and all your questions about hormonal contraceptives and alternative methods of surgical treatment will be answered.


This group of drugs blocks the action of progesterone at the receptor level. , which leads to increased contractility of the myometrium.

The group includes the drugs Mifepristone and Esmya.

Mifepristone has an antigestagenic effect and is a synthetic steroid. The active component of the drug activates the myometrium, increasing its tone and contractility.

Once in the blood, the medicine does not allow progesterone to be released. The drug does not have gestogenic activity. Used for the treatment of uterine leiomyomas up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Drug treatment with Esmya is an effective hormonal therapy. The active ingredient of the product is ulipristal.

Esmiya tablets act on myomatous cells, destroying them and stopping the progression of node growth. Using the drug Esmya, you can eliminate bleeding caused by the presence of uterine fibroids.

Contraceptives for fibroids: contraindications

Combined oral contraceptives for uterine fibroids are not always effective, and their uncontrolled use can lead to undesirable consequences for all body systems. Despite the large number of beneficial properties of hormonal drugs, there are a number of absolute contraindications to their use:

  • Woman's age >35 years;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (thrombosis, hypertension, stroke, heart attack);
  • Pregnancy or planning pregnancy;
  • Smoking;
  • Breastfeeding, period 6 months after birth;
  • Diabetes;
  • Liver diseases (tumor, hepatitis).

Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives can cause the so-called “menopausal syndrome”, which leads to obesity, osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.

If you have any questions, you can always contact us directly and get advice by e-mail.

Remember that COCs are not the only method of treatment; an alternative to hormones is less traumatic, effective and rapid embolization of the uterine arteries.

Combined oral contraceptives for fibroids

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) are drugs containing two components: gestagens and estrogen. According to the mechanism of action, they are close to the sex hormones of the female reproductive system.


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