What is nymphomania in men called?

Many people use the term, but not everyone knows what nymphomania is. Some believe that this is an innate characteristic, others argue that it is one of the signs of promiscuity. Nymphomania is the result of a mental disorder.

Nymphomania is a mental disorder

This disease is inherent in women due to their physiological characteristics. They are more susceptible to stress, nervous breakdowns, and depression, which is an ideal environment for development. Now this deviation is treatable.

General information

The term “nymphomania” is translated from ancient Greek as “passion, madness of the bride.” Nymphs are mythological deities in the guise of girls, patroness of nature, seductress of gods, heroes and ordinary men. Synonymous names for the disorder are hypersexuality, andromania, erotomania, uterine rabies (obsolete). At the everyday level, nymphomania often refers to any sexual behavior that is not approved by the public. The prevalence of the true disorder is low; in various countries, 1 case is detected in 2.5-5 thousand women. Epidemiological indicators are higher in countries with a hot climate and a relatively tolerant attitude of religion and government towards manifestations of sexuality.


Those around them and the women themselves may consider themselves nymphomaniacs if they lead a wild life and have many lovers.

It is simply active sexuality, which has the following expressions:

  • Increased excitability and unbridled passion, the ability to vividly express orgasm.
  • Obsessive search for a new relationship after an unsuccessful completed hobby.
  • Increased sexuality at the beginning of a couple's relationship.

But this does not prevent a woman from having a career, being a caring mother and controlling her behavior. This lifestyle has nothing in common with nymphomania, even if sometimes you have to catch disapproving glances at yourself.

Another manifestation of pseudonymphomania is irrepressible erotic fantasies and a craving for constant viewing of pornographic films.


At the level of functioning of the nervous system, preparation for sexual intercourse and its completion is represented by a complex conditioned reflex reaction, in which first the influence is carried out from the perceptive organs (vision, hearing, tactile stimuli) and endocrine glands, then information is processed and the brain centers are activated, and Finally, physiological sexual arousal is formed. In patients with nymphomania, the first two stages of the complex reaction are hyperactive - sensitivity to external stimuli is increased, nerve centers are quickly activated. Women are constantly looking for new sensations, but have difficulty with physiological arousal and orgasm.

Traditional methods of treatment

If you choose the right herbal infusions, you can get rid of acquired or menopausal nymphomania. They calm the nervous system.

Recipe 1:

  1. Take 20 g of willow collection.
  2. Brew in 500 ml of water.
  3. Let it brew for about 1-2 hours.
  4. Be sure to strain.
  5. Drink 1 glass three times a day before meals.

To prepare another infusion you will need lemon balm, hop cones, and meadowsweet flowers. Melissa can be replaced with mint. You need 1 tsp. each ingredient.

Pour the mixture into 0.5 liters of heated beer. Infusion time is 12-15 hours. Be sure to stir the infusion every 3 hours. Strain before use. Take 100 ml three times a day for 7 days.

Recipe 3:

  1. Prepare a mixture of dried hop cones, mint, lemon balm, strawberry leaves, fireweed, St. John's wort and motherwort.
  2. Mix herbs in equal parts.
  3. For infusion, take 2 tbsp. collection spoons.
  4. Pour boiling water over it.
  5. Leave for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Strain.
  7. 3 times a day before meals, 200 ml.

If nymphomania is congenital, this method of treatment will not give the desired effect. Then you need to seek help from specialists.

Willow, a folk remedy for treating nymphomania

Symptoms of nymphomania

Increased sexual desire leads to promiscuity in choosing partners. Patients have sexual contact with representatives of different social classes, do not feel disgust, and often neglect the rules of hygiene and contraceptive methods. In the presence of men, they experience excitement, which is manifested by flirting, advances, and invitations to spend time together. Age, presence of a wife, hobbies of a potential partner are not important. In sexual relationships, nymphomaniacs behave selfishly. They strive to satisfy only their own desires, without trying to satisfy a man.


A woman suffering from nymphomania can be identified by characteristic signs of sexual desire. The disease often begins at 12-15 years of age and 45-55 years of age. A woman's sexual desire is characterized by:

There are also physical and psychosomatic signs of the disease that appear during the period of activity. An attack of sexual desire may be accompanied by:

By holding back, a woman becomes aggressive or becomes depressed. She cannot think about everyday worries, work, family, etc. She is only interested in one thing - finding a way to satisfy. And victims of forced sexual intercourse can be both men and women, old people and even children. It is important to understand how dangerous this disease is for society. Often, those suffering from a disease such as nymphomania are carriers of sexually transmitted diseases that are dangerous to health.


With a prolonged course of nymphomania, women lose interest in all areas of life except sexual life. Social maladjustment gradually increases - patients become unable to perform professional duties, divorce their spouses, unmarried women cannot establish and maintain romantic relationships leading to marriage. A state of dissatisfaction provokes depression and suicidal behavior. Frequent changes of partners significantly increase the risk of unwanted pregnancy and infection with infectious diseases: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, viral hepatitis and HIV infection.

Why are nymphomaniacs dangerous?

No matter how desirable nymphomaniacs may seem to men, they pose a certain threat. First of all, nymphomania is a serious pathology, and not a dream come true. Both very young and older women are susceptible to it. They are obsessed with sex and are not interested in personal development, career or family.

The emergence of mental female pathologies

Nymphomania is dangerous for the carrier of the disease. The girl is susceptible to developing terrible infectious diseases. Too much activity in bed leads to rapid weight loss and the appearance of other mental pathologies.

For a man, a woman’s hypersexuality also poses a danger. Sexually transmitted diseases, destruction of the psyche and family life will certainly be an addition to a night of love with a nymphomaniac.


The main research method for suspected nymphomania is a clinical conversation. It is carried out by a psychiatrist, psychotherapist or sex therapist. For the purpose of differential diagnosis of erotomania and promiscuity within the framework of organic brain damage (with dominance of physiological libido), a consultation with a neurologist and instrumental procedures - EEG, skull radiography, MRI of the brain - may be prescribed. Hormone tests are performed to identify hormonal imbalances. It is also necessary to distinguish nymphomania from emancipation as a personality trait, increased sexual activity when falling in love. There are a number of criteria by which a specialist identifies the presence of pathological hypersexuality:

Types of disease

Doctors distinguish several types of nymphomania. They differ in the characteristics of their occurrence, as well as their characteristic symptoms. There are 4 types of disease in total.

It is also important that only a doctor can recognize a certain type of disease after conducting a set of diagnostic tests. This disease can easily be confused with a manifestation of promiscuity - a disease that manifests itself with the same symptoms, but occurs due to damage to certain areas of the brain.

Prognosis and prevention

Forms of acquired nymphomania respond well to therapeutic effects; a combination of drug correction, psychotherapy, and rehabilitation makes it possible to return libido to a normal level, restore relationships with a regular partner, and get rid of negative emotional experiences. The main preventive measures include proper sex education for girls, trusting relationships in a married couple and parental family, timely detection and adequate treatment of endocrine and other diseases that can cause the disorder.



Doctors have concluded that this disorder can occur for three main reasons:

  1. Traumatic brain injuries. In the human brain there is a section of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for innate needs:
    • Dream;
    • Thirst;

  2. Cold;
  3. Instinct of reproduction;
  4. Aggression and others.
  5. Hypothalamic hypersexuality increases female libido. Attacks of severe excitement occur, which are accompanied by an increase in the sensitivity of the genital organs, hot flashes, and painful sensations in the lower back and lower abdomen.

  6. Hormonal disbalance. The cause may be ovarian dysfunction, in which there is no balance between male and female hormones in the body.
  7. Mental and women's diseases. Nymphomaniacs will be women who have previously been diagnosed with the following:
  8. Manic-depressive state;
  9. Psychopathy;
  10. Ovarian tumor;
  11. The appearance of neoplasms.

About nymphomania and satyriasis.

Since the concentration of sex hormones in the blood of such nymphomaniacs is restored quite quickly (reaching that critical point when sexual intercourse becomes extremely desirable), they constantly feel the need for more and more caresses, acts, and practically, even with a strong sexual partner, do not achieve complete sexual saturation life. It’s great when a woman comes across as passionate in moderation. It is difficult, as you already understood, to be the husband of a real nymphomaniac; if she does not allow infidelity, she can lead a man to a state of sexual exhaustion. Such a man, as they say, “falls in the wind.”

Signs of pathological sexual desire in women

Often the concept of “nymphomania” is associated with the promiscuity of a woman who leads a promiscuous lifestyle and has sex with many men.
When the disease occurs, the partner’s gender, age, marital status, and nationality become indifferent. Nymphomaniacs do not think about sexually transmitted diseases or the risk of becoming a victim of a maniac. They achieve orgasm quickly and even several times, although after copulation there is no release or feeling of pleasure, so they repeat the process again. To recognize real nymphomania, you need to understand that this disease does not simply include a strong sexual desire. Has nothing to do with the disease:

  • increased libido;
  • easy excitability;
  • self-affirmation after a breakup;
  • obsession with intimate relationships among lovers;
  • ability of multiple orgasms.

Promiscuous women enjoy promiscuity, while nymphomaniacs suffer from a disease that does not allow them to work, communicate, relax and enjoy life normally.

Signs of nymphomania in women:

  • uncontrollable desire;
  • unbearable character, manipulation, hysterics, lies on the part of a woman;
  • one partner cannot satisfy, so there are several of them;
  • constant thoughts about sexual intercourse;
  • lack of any interest in a man as a person;
  • there is a desire for casual relationships, sex with strangers.

A woman needs immediate treatment if her condition impairs her social life, reduces behavioral control, and is not caused by the use of alcohol or drugs. A man who has a relationship with a nymphomaniac has to suffer from his companion’s nervous disorders, her regular absence and infidelity. Also, his health is deteriorating, because he is constantly trying to satisfy a woman sexually.

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