Almost everyone knows what the menstrual period is in the female body, but whether men have periods remains a question—a mystery. Of course, the definition of menstruation is determined by the cyclical interval of days during which a woman menstruates, that is, physiological loss of blood from the genital tract occurs. This process is explained by the ability of the female body to reproduce children. Every month, the reproductive organs prepare for fertilization, and if this does not happen, the uterus begins to clear itself of the inner layer, which at this time grows to accept the fertilized egg.
During the monthly cycle, a woman goes through several stages of its course. There is a classic picture of menstruation that is observed in most women. Before the onset of critical days, there is often a change in mood in the form of irritability, tearfulness, inattention, suspiciousness, indifference, apathy or depression. There is also a loss of strength and the presence of pain, which has a pulling or cramping nature in different parts of the body:
- in the mammary glands;
- in back;
- lower abdomen;
- in the perineum;
- in the legs.
On the eve of menstruation, rashes and pigmentation on the skin are often observed, as well as discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, diarrhea and stomach pain. Yes, such a time for a woman brings few pleasant moments, and men, as a rule, find it difficult to understand and sympathize. But there are cases when the male part of the population experiences similar symptoms every month. The question arises, how do men's periods proceed? Yes, with an almost similar picture, only there are no menstruation due to the difference in the structure of the reproductive system and hormonal base.
During the conception of a child, its gender is determined, that is, the organ system for a boy and a girl is laid. The fundamental difference is determined by the genitals, physique and the release of hormones. The development of a boy, like a girl, begins from the time of his intrauterine maturation and birth. Boys have a penis and a scrotum, which contains testicles that produce sperm, while girls have ovaries with eggs inside them inside the pelvis. The activity of these organs occurs at the time of puberty. Boys, as a rule, reach puberty later than girls.
Physiology of the male body
To understand whether a man has periods, you need to know the differences in the physiology of female and male bodies. With age, anatomical differences become pronounced. Since men do not have ovaries, vagina and uterus, young people do not bleed during menstruation like girls do. What then does a man have instead of menstruation?
Representatives of the stronger sex have a prostate gland. The prostate is called the second heart of a man, or the male uterus. Indeed, the gland has a small formation called the utricle. The embryo is endowed with this formation during the period of conception. And only during the period of sex formation, the uterus either develops further or remains in the same rudimentary state. Also, women still have the rudiments of a male penis in the womb. So, the analogue of an undeveloped penis in girls is the clitoris. Thus, from the period of conception, boys are endowed with the sexual characteristics of a girl. They just don't develop.
The prostate gland produces the hormone prostaglandin, which has an effect on the body of a young man. Moreover, sperm are formed and stored in the male testicles, and testosterone is synthesized. At their maximum concentration (once a month), signs of menstruation appear. Therefore, we can safely say that the internal systems of young people also work in a cycle. Consequently, men have peculiar periods.
How to tell a guy about red days
It is unlikely that anyone would want to deliberately bring up the topic of menstruation in a conversation with their partner, but there are situations when it is better to tell your boyfriend that you are on your period:
- if a young man sees your secrecy and isolation and suspects that you are deceiving him;
- if you are planning to spend time together on the beach, in the pool or some kind of sporting event related to weight lifting;
- the guy hints at intimacy;
- if you have emotional swings, you are overly irritated, and this is very noticeable to your boyfriend.
If you are not in a close, trusting relationship with a young man, you can not initiate him into the intricacies of your situation, but refer to illness and reschedule plans for another day. But if you trust each other, then it is better to inform the guy about the arrival of menstruation, perhaps his sympathy and care will help cope with the emotional discomfort of this period. In this regard, very often a girl wonders, how exactly to inform a young man about the arrival of her critical days?
In adolescence, guys hardly need to explain all the intricacies of how the female body works, especially since such a topic can greatly confuse and scare them away. Just mention the arrival of your period casually, without focusing attention on it. Do not use allegorical or complex medical terms during the conversation and ask him not to tell his friends about this conversation.
Guy 15-20 years old
At this age, it is easier to explain to a guy the essence of the processes occurring in a woman’s body during menstruation, because he has already received basic knowledge in biology lessons or from parents and friends. You can think about the conversation in advance, choose simple terms, avoiding rudeness and harshness.
Over 20
You can talk to older men about menstruation directly and without allegory. An understanding partner will support and help alleviate the condition, and in some cases will simply give you the opportunity to relax and be alone. At a more mature age, you don’t need to think long about how to tell a guy about your period; usually he already knows and understands everything himself; a subtle hint is enough.
Manifestations of menstruation in men
Few people know how menstruation manifests itself. After all, this cycle is not characterized by bleeding. Then what happens to men instead of menstruation? Rather, changes occur in the guy’s behavior and well-being. They are very similar to PMS in women. Scientists have assigned a name to the male menstrual cycle - day “X”. During this period of time, the level of emotional excitability reaches its peak, due to the concentration of sex hormones.
On day “X” young people show unmotivated aggression towards everyone around them. Young men in adolescence become distracted and cannot cope with their emotions. In general, the peak of the male cycle, menstruation is characterized by the following symptoms:
- Absent-mindedness;
- Increased aggression;
- Apathy;
- Lack of concentration;
- Increased fatigue;
- Drowsiness;
- Decreased libido.
This symptomatology completely depends on hormonal changes that occur cyclically in the body of every guy.
Symptoms of men's periods
The female menstrual cycle has a clearly defined periodicity, which is aimed at creating favorable reproductive conditions in the woman’s body. The same cyclicity of processes is observed in men, only it is needed for the maturation of sperm. During this period, a man may experience the following symptoms:
- aggression without any compelling reason;
- distrust of others, even to the point of obsessive thoughts that everyone around them wants to deceive;
- lack of attention and concentration;
- constant fatigue;
- drowsiness;
- lack of libido and sexual desire.
This is not the entire list of possible symptoms. These days, a man can fully feel all the symptoms of PMS. Some even feel pain in the lower abdomen and general weakness of the body.
During menstruation, the male body is most susceptible to viral and infectious diseases.
When the cycle comes to its end, men (as well as women) experience an incredible riot of new strength and happily take up old things. This is due to the fact that during menstruation there is a good nervous discharge, but unlike women, who undergo a major process of healing the body during this period, menstruation does not affect the male body in any way.
The easiest way to notice menstruation is in boys who have just entered puberty. This can be explained by the fact that it is still difficult for them to control their emotional states, especially those that do not have a specific reason. During menstruation, a teenager may show excessive aggression towards friends, relatives and even animals. Apathy, refusal of usual activities and absent-mindedness may also be observed. If these symptoms are regular, then this is nothing more than menstruation.
All these symptoms in men of reproductive age are caused by changes in the hormonal levels in the body, inherent by nature in the reproductive system of all living beings. And representatives of the stronger sex are no exception.
What do men need to know about periods?
Signs of menstruation in men may appear during puberty. This is when active hormonal changes begin. The guy turns into a man, a man. He is already capable of fully conceiving a child. Thus, male “menstruation” begins. The onset of menstruation can be recognized by the formation of pronounced secondary sexual characteristics.
PMS symptoms can last up to 4 days. At a more mature age, menstruation lasts 1 day. Therefore, this period is called the “X” day. During critical days, it is not advisable for guys to get injured, leading to hemorrhage. The fact is that on this day the blood has extremely weak coagulability, and you can lose a large amount of it.
How to help a man
Women, like no one else, should understand the complexity of menstruation, so they can help strong representatives of humanity cope with this trouble. Here are some tips to help overcome men's periods:
- The main rule is to leave the guy alone.
- During this period, you should not start new businesses, look for work, etc.
- Try to avoid conflict situations. If the spouse himself provokes a scandal (which happens very often), it is better to try to smooth out the situation by any means.
- Don't overload yourself with household chores. When the period passes, he will do everything much faster and several times more productive.
These tips will help not only cope with incomprehensible symptoms, but also maintain a healthy atmosphere in the family. But since men’s menstruation does not appear outwardly in any way, a woman must know her man well in order to notice the regularity in his mood swings and understand that these are menstruation, and not just problems at work and other troubles that have nothing to do with physiology.
Nature intended that a woman have a regular menstrual cycle. This process allows new offspring to be born. And the maturation of the egg is simply impossible without menstruation. This requires 3-4 weeks. Therefore, critical days are usually attributed only to the female half of humanity. But, for conception, a male cell, a sperm, is also required. Do men also experience menstrual periods during sperm maturation? Do men have periods?
Is Day X dangerous for men?
The concept of men's periods should not be taken literally. All organisms have their own biorhythms. Therefore, day “X” is just a cyclical change in hormonal levels. This process does not pose any danger. And it is impossible to get rid of it. This is how nature intended it. In men at a hormonal peak, only the emotional state changes. Sometimes, physical activity may decrease, against the background of general blues and apathy.
It is worth noting that young people may have periods more often than once a month. A hormonal surge, an increase in female estrogens, a decrease in testosterone occurs with poor nutrition, overwork, high loads, and stress. Thus, young people complain of general weakness, headaches, and problems with the vascular system.
Sex and men's periods
It is known that during menstruation a woman experiences a decrease in libido and sexual activity. A man's need for sex is always stable. The hormonal background adapts to the needs of the body, and not vice versa (as in women). Therefore, sex life does not change on days “X”. But, with age, the functions of the endocrine system decrease, testosterone synthesis becomes more moderate. So, a man feels changes in his usual biorhythm. After 40 years, sexual activity becomes less. But emotional outbursts are increasing. Because of such fluctuations, the question “why don’t men have periods?” inappropriate.
They have always been the “privilege” of women. Some considered them a weakness of the fair sex, while others considered them, on the contrary, a strength. One way or another, menstruation symbolizes a woman’s ability to produce offspring, and their special frequency symbolizes the ability to have a constant sex life. On the other hand, men are also involved in childbirth and can have intimate contact throughout the year. Previously, it was believed that they owe this exclusively - or rather, to menstruation - but in fact, this is not entirely true. There are special “periods” for men.
Is there a difference?
The solution to this riddle lies in the structure of the human body. With the exception of sexual characteristics, men and women are absolutely identical. That is, there is no organ in a lady’s body that cannot be found - at least in some form - in her gentleman. Of course, if you set yourself the task of finding the uterus, vagina or ovaries in men, this idea will not be crowned with success - otherwise the notorious reward for the man who gave birth to a child would have already been awarded more than once - but there are “analogues” of female genital organs representatives of the strong half of humanity. And therefore, it would be quite logical to assume that menstruation is just as possible for guys as it is for their girlfriends.
Is it really true?
To deal with this sensitive issue, it is necessary to explain the very essence of menstruation. It is a “miscarriage” of a dead egg, accompanied by bleeding.
But this is not the main thing. Much more important is the reason for this process, which explains its cyclical nature, namely, a hormonal surge. If the stronger sex is female, then there is the production of hormones that are similar in action. This means that menstruation is possible for men!
Why doesn't anyone notice this?
Of course, you shouldn’t expect young people to bleed every month and run to the nearest store for hygiene products. Since the reproduction of an egg is truly a female privilege, the male body has nothing to throw away, and therefore there is no discharge. That is why this article separates the concepts of “menstruation in men” and “menstruation in women.”
So what is the truth?
Yes, it’s easy to get confused here. Let's try to figure it out. The so-called “periods” in men are purely emotional. That is, they, like women, have a hormonal cycle. And hormones are known to affect overall well-being and mood.
That's why men have periods, but it's not so easy to notice them - the stronger sex simply gets worse about once every 28-30 days, everything starts to fall out of hand, and productivity drops. That's all!
Do all men suffer from “this”?
Such processes in the body of representatives of the stronger sex are not speculation at all, but a medical fact. And they happen to everyone, they just may not be noticeable in some people. Exactly the same thing can be seen in women: someone becomes depressed, suffers from pain and does not get out of bed, while someone retains the same cheerfulness and ability to work. Each organism is individual, and therefore the same processes are perceived by different people in completely different ways!
Opposite sex - this is what men say about women and vice versa. These creations of nature bear a lot of differences:
- body anatomy;
- physiology of the body;
- psychology.
But from the first days of conception, the unborn child receives two variants of sexual characteristics, which will ultimately develop more strongly, and that gender will dominate in the baby.
The main sexual organ in men and the rudimentary one in women is the penis and clitoris. The testes in men and the ovaries in women are the maturation sites for the main creators of the zygote. The uterus of women and the uterus of men (hidden near the prostate gland) are analogues of the components of the sexual “constructor”. Do boys have periods and can they have them?
Only for humans, Mother Nature has created conditions for reproduction with the shortest cycle for the maturation of the egg in women. Within 4 weeks, the biological clock releases portions of the necessary hormones and changes the temperature regime for complete fertilization.
If this does not happen, the body relieves itself of the stress of the preparatory period. Emotional and physiological release occurs at the time of menstruation in the fair sex.
The question has long ceased to carry a certain mystery, they talk about it calmly, they don’t make a secret of it. During menstruation, everything is forgiven for women; they are irritated and easily aroused.
Scientists say that there is an analogy with menstruation among representatives of the stronger sex. The transformations in the body of men during the cycle can be called by analogy with the opposite sex - the menstrual cycle.
But menstruation means bleeding. Men do not have them. Many guys are confused by this circumstance if they hear the phrase “menstruation in boys.” Of course, you won’t be able to see this phenomenon visually. And psychological ups and downs can be noticed. It's more like PMS.
How to explain that the physiological and hormonal cycle makes the male population emotionally dependent on premenstrual syndrome. For men, day “X” comes, when their emotional background is at the peak of excitability, they are unrestrained, they want to send everything to ... “the sky is beyond the asterisk.” This proves that men have periods, only figuratively and not literally.
If you observe the behavior of young men during the period of “critical days,” you can even notice aggression towards comrades, loved ones, and animals. When this happens, they cannot even explain their behavior to themselves. If they saw a photo of themselves taken at such a moment, they would not recognize their face.
For older boys during the “X” period, it can be difficult to control their emotions; they don’t like themselves these days. The desire to play sports disappears, nothing comes of their plans, and they tend to blame everyone. When this behavior is repeated once a month, these are “monthly” emotional days.
Older men on such days of the cycle can be seen:
- not collected;
- scattered;
- gloomy;
- fatigue sets in;
- sleepy;
- they refuse sex.
Not everyone’s sexual desires disappear, but their physical condition may fail during this period. All this is connected with hormonal changes that occur in cycles in the body of men.
Days when everything falls out of hand, the usual and usual work does not work out, chills and runny nose appear out of nowhere, these are “menstruation”. The desire to lie down becomes an obsession. Which is what they usually do. Look at the photo of your husband or son sleeping during the day, pay attention to the dates, they will clearly fall into the cycle of your men’s biorhythms.
The meaning of critical days
Like women, men feel nervous release, a surge of strength, increased performance and increased sexual desire after full-fledged critical days. But women's critical days also contribute to significant improvement of the renewed body.
- It is believed that it is thanks to this feature of the female body that the fair sex has a longer life expectancy. This effect after critical days is not observed in men. But men endure this time much easier.
- Like women, men have a biological clock that measures the time until the critical period that brings renewal of the body.
- But if in women menstrual biological rhythms are of a physiological nature, then in men, critical days also have a psychological basis. The causes of men's periods are cyclical fluctuations in testosterone levels. These are mental, psychological periods associated not only with physiology, but with the consciousness and psychology of the stronger sex.
There is no danger or risk in such men's critical days. They happen for two to three days every month. This is considered the norm. But if mental periods last longer, this may be due to hormonal changes, an increase in estrogen levels. Such phenomena in a man’s life should be a reason to consult a doctor.
Menstruation in men: such a phrase seems to be an invention of a sick fantasy. However, there is still some grain of truth in it. And although this expression should not be taken literally, everyone needs to know something about it.
Maybe male menstruation actually exists? Or is this just a myth that was invented by women to establish equality and balance between the sexes? Some explanations and arguments will help you understand this.
This has been noticed for a long time - there is confirmation!
Biographers of famous people have described “menstruation” in males, not just women. For example, Napoleon regularly, once a month, fell into hysterics, complained of abdominal pain, and felt unwell.
There is evidence that Adolf Hitler’s office kept a “female” calendar for its boss. They knew it was better to avoid him on days like these. The behavior was depressive, hysterics were repeated monthly, PMS was obvious.
On men's "X" days, you need to beware of cuts; bleeding at this time cannot be stopped for a long time. A small wound can lead to large blood loss.
Wise women have a rule: on such days it is better not to touch men. Then, a little later, they will do the work faster, in a better mood, and of better quality. However, so do women. When critical days pass, the body is filled with energy and is ready to move mountains:
- the mood changes for the better;
- depression goes away;
- pain disappears.
Why do difficulties arise?
For adult women, the situation with menstruation does not cause any inconvenience. They simply tell their partner about it openly. It is more difficult for girls to tell boys about menstruation, since teenagers' reactions may not be entirely adequate. This is what the female gender is afraid of. However, it is much easier to start a conversation about menstruation if there is mutual understanding and trust between the partners. It's okay if the guy doesn't get what he wants, he'll wait a few days. On the contrary, she herself will certainly appreciate his caring attitude towards his beloved’s body. At the end of the critical days during sex, the girl will reward her beloved in full for the days of waiting.
The first love, which is often accompanied by the first sexual experience, is not always reciprocated. Some guys simply take advantage of women's trust and meet a girl just for sex. In such situations, menstruation always causes irritation, dissatisfaction and other negative reactions in the partner. If menstruation threw a guy out of balance, he began to be offended, angry, you need to reconsider your attitude towards him, open your eyes to what is happening. Accept the truth, no matter how bitter it may be.
Are psychological periods dangerous for men?
There is nothing dangerous about “mental periods” for men. A biological individual is characterized by biorhythms or a certain cyclicity, manifested in psychological behavior, which occur in men and women.
Scientists say that the norm is 2-3 days in 30-45 days. If a hormonal imbalance occurs in a man’s body, then emotional outbursts appear much more often. This is how increased levels of female hormones can work. Estrogen predominates over testosterone, suppresses its effect, men feel weakened, gain weight sharply, and vascular problems appear.
The expression “menstruation” for the male part of the population should not be taken literally. It is rather a periodic change in hormonal composition, which affects the emotional background and physical health.
Intellectual work contributes to a greater manifestation of PMS in men and women. Professions associated with physical work are less likely to allow you to notice minor ailments.
It should be noted that no matter what hormonal changes take place in our bodies, a responsible and intelligent person will not allow during any period of the cycle:
- let your nerves unwind;
- show changing mood;
- allow hysterical behavior in public places.
This distinguishes a reasonable and well-mannered person who knows how to keep emotions under control in any situation. In the photos of diplomats we notice constant control over facial expressions; it does not betray internal unrest. Not a single muscle will flinch, no matter what stress you have to endure.
Painful periods and why they might be so
The first period is often accompanied by malaise, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, nausea and even fever. Over time, everything usually returns to normal. However, many girls and women still experience menstruation quite painfully. Especially her first day.
In general, well-being during menstruation depends on your general health and compliance with personal hygiene rules. Girls who are healthy, eat well, and exercise usually have an easy period. So, as they say: “Temper yourself if you want to be healthy!”
If you still experience pain during menstruation, then, firstly, during these few days it is better to minimize physical activity. Light gymnastics or exercises, of course, will not hurt, but it is better to avoid lifting weights, cycling and doing strength exercises. To relieve pain, you can try placing a heating pad on your stomach. Sometimes it helps. Try to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, limit your intake of spicy and fatty foods, as well as coffee and sugar. Vitamin B6 and various tablets that relieve spasms also help relieve pain. However, you should not abuse pills. Try to resort to their help only in extreme cases and only when necessary.
Are “periods” and a man’s sexual activity related?
There is a myth that PMS affects the sexual needs of the male population, is this true? Sexual activity among young people is stable. Hormones work in a 24-hour cycle, and sexual function does not depend on mood.
With age, the connection between sexual biorhythms and the functioning of the endocrine system, nervous and emotional overload becomes more and more noticeable. The endocrine glands influence seasonal and cyclical changes in the level of hormones responsible for sexual desires and capabilities.
A partner’s sexual activity is influenced by physical condition, as well as emotional components. The effect of PMS on attraction to the opposite sex is already being monitored here. For no more than 2–3 days, such a connection works to weaken a man’s sexual function. Then everything returns to normal.
Menstruation is the “privilege” of the weaker sex; today we will not discuss whether this is their strength or weakness. With their onset, the girl is considered capable of conception and childbearing. But without the help of men this process is impossible. How can the bodies of boys, and then men, prepare for this important process? It turns out that conception is possible not only because the female body is characterized by menstruation after a certain time. Some changes also occur in the boys’ bodies, and they happen in the same way, at a certain time, how do they feel?
Girls have critical days, but for boys to have them, you probably haven’t heard of this yet. Let's try to understand this difficult issue.
Is the topic of menstruation taboo?
In different eras and in different cultures, the attitude towards menstruation was twofold: on the one hand, women during this period were credited with supernatural abilities, and on the other hand, they were considered “dirty” and were not allowed to visit public places. In some nationalities, a woman became an outcast during her period; she ate from a separate bowl, did not talk to anyone and did not touch anyone. This attitude towards critical days still exists in some backward tribes, although even a quarter of a century ago in developed countries, the majority of people during a survey said that under no circumstances should the topic of menstruation be mentioned in the presence of a man.
Is there any difference?
At first glance, the body structure of girls and boys, and therefore women and men, is absolutely the same, all organs are identical. But, in reality, everything is much more complicated. The anatomy of the body, the physiology of the whole organism, psychology, and, of course, gender characteristics are different. But the penis is the same clitoris, the testicles in women are represented by the ovaries, the uterus, secretly hiding behind the prostate gland, in women is the main reproductive organ - the uterus. If boys had a uterus, vagina and ovaries in the same form, then menstruation in men, as well as the possibility of conception, would be normal. Although these organs are absent, there are their analogues, so it can be assumed that once a month, at a certain time, boys experience the same sensations as girls.
With age, serious changes occur in the body of boys: vegetation appears on the body, the timbre of the voice changes, sweating increases, and interest in girls appears. It is from this period that young men begin to feel something similar to PMS.
In fact, this is not so, or rather, not entirely so. The fact is that menstruation is the release of a dead or unfertilized egg, this process is accompanied by bleeding. As a rule, this happens after a certain time, after 28, 30 or even 35 days. It all depends on the girl’s age, her state of health, lifestyle, etc. At this time, a surge of hormones occurs, and this, as it turns out, happens not only in men, but also in women. This is why, theoretically, menstruation is a normal process. But this is only theoretical, what actually happens?
Do men have periods? We have already given an affirmative answer to this question. As you can see, this is not a figment of a fevered imagination. A fact proven by science. Now let's talk about what's really going on? No, we will not describe the shocking details that happen to men once every hundred years. This is not and cannot be. Gallant gentlemen, fortunately, do not become covered in blood, but, believe me, at certain times they experience the same malaise, weakness and unpleasant sensations throughout the body. The release of the egg does not occur, which means that the appearance of discharge is excluded. Therefore, we use the term not “menstruation”, but “menstruation”.
Boys and teenagers develop aggressiveness towards everyone around them; a calm child can become aggressive, whiny, and nervous. They are ready to blame the whole world for their failures; they are often rude and commit rash acts.
At a certain time, men also experience hormonal changes, they become insecure, inattentive, irritated and touchy. There is a loss of strength and a worsening mood. They become indifferent to the fairer sex, commit rash acts, get tired quickly, memory and attention deteriorate. This happens at the same time as in women, once every 28, 30, less often - once every 35 days.
This is a fact proven by medicine, and not an attempt to justify male sluggishness, laziness or desire for privacy. But let's not forget that each organism has its own unique characteristics. Just as women behave differently at this time, so do men - some do not pay attention to it, while for others, “these days” become a test of endurance.
Changes in hormonal levels affect the functioning of all organs and systems. If you cut your finger, it won't be easy to stop the bleeding, and this is just one of many examples. When a man returns to his previous state, memory and attention improve, a guarantee of vigor appears, you will again become energetic and attractive.
Try to cope with your emotions without anyone’s support; hysterical antics are not the best adornment for a man.
If PMS affects sexual desire, which is especially common in young men, this is not a cause for concern. Sexual function will be restored after the end of the critical days.
Psychological components
The main reason for the onset of menstruation in the fairer sex is changes in hormones. Therefore, if we take into account the fact that guys have the same organs as girls (even at a rudimentary level), and they also produce hormones, then the process itself called “menstruation” in guys is possible.
But this does not mean that blood is released from the penis during this period. It's more like female premenstrual syndrome. Menstruation in men occurs entirely at the level of psychosomatics and emotions.
Moreover, this process is inherent in absolutely all strong representatives of humanity, but it manifests itself differently in everyone. For some, the menstrual period goes unnoticed, while others experience all the delights of PMS.