How to take kist al hindi in capsules for infertility?

Kist al Hindi is the crushed root of a tree native to the steppes of the Himalayas and India. This herbal remedy has been used in folk medicine for a long time. Using kyst al hindi powder, Tibetan, Indian and Arab healers treat colds, liver pathologies, digestive tract disorders, and pleurisy. This remedy also helps well with poisoning, parasitic damage to the body, and can even solve infertility problems. We will tell you how kyst al hindi affects the functioning of the reproductive system in our article today.

Kyst is a cure for female diseases and more.

Many Muslim women keep modern medicines in their home medicine cabinet, many of which are synthetic, and almost know all their names by heart, but unfortunately, few people talk about the means of treatment according to the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (alaihi salatu wa sallam). I heard it today. This situation needs to be corrected. After all, using what the Messenger of Allah (alaihi salatu wa salaam) advised us, we get much more benefits

. Firstly, our chances of recovering from the disease increase many times over. Secondly, if we make the intention to follow the sunnah, we will also receive a reward for this. Today we will talk about such a wonderful remedy as “Kist al-Hindi”.

“Kist al - Hindi”: what is it and what is it eaten with?

The Prophet (alaihis salatu wa sallam) mentioned this plant along with hijama (bloodletting) in one of the hadiths: “Truly, the best treatment you have is Hijama and al-Qist al-Hindi.” Bukhari.

Imam ibn al-qayim said: “Kust comes in two types: white, which is called Bahri, and black, also known as Hindi, which is hotter, and white is softer, and it contains a lot of benefits. Both of these types are warming, dry the throat, stop a runny nose if you drink them, help with weakness of the liver and stomach and their colds, with fever and intermittent fever, stop pleurisy, help with poisoning, and if you smear it on your face along with a cream of water and honey, it will remove freckles and spots”? “at - Tybb an - Nabavi”, 354.

Al-qusta was mentioned in the prophetic hadiths, and Imam al-Bukhari placed hadiths about it in the “Book of Medicine”, in the chapter of inhaling al-qusta in Hindi and Bahri. Then he cited a hadith from Umm Qais bint Mihsan, who said that the Messenger of Allah? Said:

“You Should Use This Hindi Oud (Indian Wood) For It Heals The Seven Afflictions, And Its Smoking Should Be Inhaled By Those Who Have A Sore Throat, And Put In The Mouth By Those Suffering From Pleurisy.” Al-Bukhari, 5692. He is also mentioned in the chapter on hijama. Is it transmitted from anas? , What did he say: Messenger of Allah? Said:

“Truly, the best treatment with which you are treated is Hijama and al-Kust al-Hindi.” Messenger of Allah? Also said:

“Do not torture your children, whose tonsils are inflamed, by pressing on them (with your fingers), but use al-Kust,”? Al-Bukhari, 5696, “Kitab at-Tybb.” "Kist al-Hindi" is a tree that grows in India and nearby countries. It is not tall, about the height of a person - 150 cm. In Arab countries it is also called “Kist al-Bahri” - “sea”, since it came to the Arabs through sea routes. “Kist al-Hindi” is a kind of antiseptic because it contains helinin and benzoic acid. The bark and roots of this plant are used directly for treatment.

Kist al-Hindi is not eaten; most often, doctors involved in treatment according to the Sunnah advise drinking it. The hadith transmitted by al-Bukhari says that “Kist al-Hindi” is seven healings, that is, Kist al-Hindi can be applied in seven different ways, as scientists say. And one of them is just drinking. In this case, the roots of kyst al-Hindi are ground and mixed with water. Also, kyst al-hindi is often combined with other medicines according to the sunnah. For example, with honey.

“Kist al-Hindi” in the fight against female diseases.

According to medical specialists who practice treatment according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (alaihis salatu wa salam), kist al-Hindi is effective in treating many female diseases, including those that cause infertility. These are diseases such as inflammation of the genital organs, fibroids, erosion, hormonal imbalance, problems with menstruation, irregular cycles, delays, lack of ovulation and others.

The most common recipe in this case is one teaspoon of ground kyst al-hindi root per glass of water, and you need to drink the resulting liquid after each obligatory prayer until the condition improves, that is, five times a day. It will be better if you read a surah from the Koran over this liquid (this is also a means of treatment according to the sunnah - ruqya. There are cases when women who were diagnosed with "Infertility" underwent a course of treatment "kyst al - Hindi" and after some time they found out that they were pregnant. It’s not surprising, because “Kist al-Hindi” increases fertility (the ability to fertilize.

To make treatment even more effective, you need to take an integrated approach. That is, along with kist al-Hindi, use some other remedy from the sunnah. For example, make a hijama on the so-called “Women's Points”. But you must definitely consult with a hijama specialist.

"Kist al - Hindi" - help during pregnancy.

The remedy from the medicine of the prophet (alaihis salatu wa salam) serves not only as a medicine for diseases, but also as a preventive measure.

For example, during pregnancy, when a woman needs to especially monitor her health and maintain her immunity, especially since in this situation many medications, including those of natural origin, are contraindicated for her. Doctors advise pregnant women to take kyst also in the ratio of 1 teaspoon to 1 glass of water, but only twice a day.

Al-kist plant:

1. contains the element helinin and benzoic acid, and both of these elements are antiseptic, hence the benefits of al - kust in the treatment of tonsils, inflammation of the uvula, pharyngitis, and these diseases are meant by the word al - uzra? In the hadith.

2. Since al-kust contains elements that kill bacteria, the benefits of al-kust in the treatment of bacterial pleurisy and pneumonia become clear.

3. There is a medical meaning in the association between hijama and kust, because kust contains antiseptic substances that kill germs, and therefore it plays an important role in sterilizing the hijama blade when lubricating instruments, and wiping wounds after this blade. 4. Also, the combination between hijama and bush has a little secret - it contains the prevention of scars remaining after hijama.

5. The prohibition on pressing fingers on inflamed tonsils and throat contains a clear indication of prophetic guidance in correcting common errors in folk medicine, since pressing fingers on inflamed tonsils and throat not only does not help in treatment, but also harms and causes severe pain to the patient, bleeding, promotes the spread of inflammation to neighboring areas of the body. 6. words of the prophet? “It is placed in the mouth of the One who suffers from Pleurisy.” We have already mentioned that al-lyadud is what is poured into one side of the mouth. This hadith contains an indication of the way to give medicine to a patient when he can no longer take it with his hand or refuses to take it, as is mainly the case with children. Only if the child refused to take the medicine should you give it to him anyway, opening his mouth and pouring the medicine into one of the corners of his mouth. If you put the medicine in the middle of his mouth, this may lead to him choking on it.

Regarding the description of the treatment with al-quust, al-hafiz said: “It is possible that the 7 Healings are the Description of Treatments with it, i.e. these are Creams, Drinking, Applying Compresses, Smoking, Instillation in the nose, Applying Poultices or Pouring into the mouth.” .

1. Drinking occurs by grinding it, mixing it with water or honey. Then you need to drink the received liquid as much as you can, and this is for all patients, and the benefits achieved by using al-qusta have already been cited above:

- Dissolving blood clots, - increasing fertility, - it helps with problems with menstruation and urine, - with diseases of the kidneys, - liver and other organs of the digestive system, - with cancer of the mouth, - with cholera, - with fever, - to calm the nerves, - against sciatica, - for the brain, - as a means of increasing potency, - as a strengthening agent for the body as a whole, - to get rid of worms in the intestines, - from protection against poison and against sihr.

It is also useful for fever, it warms the stomach, improves immunity, is useful during nifas (postpartum bleeding), for treating constipation and diarrhea, and improves appetite.

2- Al - yadud? Occurs by pouring the ground part of the bush or its infusion into one of the corners of the mouth, and is this used for pleurisy, as indicated by the prophet? And for other lung diseases.

3. as - suut? - This is inhalation of ground bush through the nose, and it is used for diseases of the respiratory tract: for asthma, tuberculosis, colds, inflammation of the tonsils (al-uzra), which were mentioned in the hadith, for sore throat, for pharyngitis, for cough and fever.

4. cream. Al-kust in the form of a cream is applied against spots and freckles and against skin diseases. Al - qusta al - Bakhri can be turned into cream in the following way: two roots of al - qusta al - Bakhri are finely chopped, then placed in good olive oil for 15 days, then taken out, squeezed out so that the oil is removed from them, and an extract of its components remains and benefits, and the oil itself will also have benefits al - kusta al - Bahri.

4. fumigation. This is beneficial for a woman when she performs ghusl after her menstruation or nifas. Al-Bukhari (5341) and Muslim conveyed in their Sahih a hadith about the prohibition for a woman to mourn for more than three days, except for her husband, 4 months and 10 days, and the Messenger of Allah? , Speaking of a woman waiting for her Iddah, said? “She Should Not Use Incense, nor Wear Bright Clothing Except Dyed Yarn.” Umm atiyah? She said: “And he Allowed us, After Purification, When One of Us Takes Ghusl After Menstruation, to Use a Small Piece of Bush and Azfar.” An-nawawi said: “al-kust and al-azfar are two well-known types of bukhur, and they are not meant by incense, and the prophet? I permitted them for a woman taking ghusl after menstruation, so that the unpleasant smell and traces of blood would go away, and not for perfume.” Bukhur al-kusta has a faint pleasant odor, which adds odor to the body and also cleanses it. Therefore, the Messenger of Allah? He called it incense in his words, “she should not Use Incense,” and there is no prohibition against men and children using it, because it has a pleasant smell and benefits, and other hadiths are given about this.

5. at - takmid? (Poultices. Al-kust is ground, the ground part is mixed with a small amount of water or honey, a paste is made and applied to the sites of burns, wounds, pimples, boils, etc., and they go away with the permission of Allah.

6. at - tantyl. The word at - tantyl came from an - natl? - And this is washing the body with water. Only if this water is diluted with al-quust al-Bahri, will it be useful for destroying germs, bacteria and fungi on the human body, especially in the armpits, between the thighs, for the vegetation of the head and the rest of the body, and this is used as a sterilizer in general. There are other things that can be learned through experiment and trial, and this is one of the miracles of the prophet's medicine.

How to drink and how using the cyst internally helps

Drinking from Kist Al-Hindi is an excellent healing remedy. Many people want to know how to drink Kist Hindi and what to drink with the powder. The powder can be mixed with water, juice, honey solution. For those who cannot tolerate the bitterness of the plant, you can put 1 spoon in your mouth and immediately wash it down with honey water. The proportion is always the same 1/10. You should not overdo it with the amount of cyst. The best option is honey drink with “Indian powder”. For one glass of water - 1 teaspoon of kyst and a tablespoon of honey. After stirring the ingredients, drink the product. Kist Al-Hindi has a thrombus-dissolving, anthelmintic effect.

For women, Kist Al-Hindi helps get rid of menstrual irregularities, for men - from diseases of the digestive system and reproductive system. Drinking increases potency, calms, improves appetite, and has a good effect on digestion. The product can be used up to five times a day. After completing a month's course, you should take a week's break.

Is it possible to use cyst during childbirth?

Many people wonder: is it permissible to use kysta hindi powder during childbirth? After all, most non-herbal medicines are prohibited while expecting a child.

Kist-al-Hindi, as you know, is a natural drug, so it can and even should be used during pregnancy. The components of the plant will strengthen the immune system and protect mother and baby from viral diseases. The powder should be washed down with plenty of water, milk or juice: 5 grams. There should be about 200 ml of powder. water. A pregnant woman can drink kyst no more than 2 times a day.

The herbal supplement is used for the prevention and treatment of influenza, sore throat, and laryngitis. The unborn child does not suffer in any way from costus. Inhalations have an excellent effect, diluting and removing phlegm.

At the onset of labor, you should set the bark of the cyst on fire and fumigate the room. The smell enhances labor, opens the female organ, helping the child. After the birth of a baby, any woman feels overwhelmed. The same costus will help restore immunity and support the body.

Treatment of birth breaks in the skin and stretch marks can be done using a mixture of kyst powder and honey.

Kist al hindi for infertility

Kist al Hindi is the crushed root of a tree native to the steppes of the Himalayas and India. This herbal remedy has been used in folk medicine for a long time. Using kyst al Hindi powder, Tibetan, Indian and Arab healers treat colds, liver pathologies, digestive tract disorders, and pleurisy. This remedy also helps well with poisoning, parasitic damage to the body, and can even solve infertility problems. We will tell you how kyst al hindi affects the functioning of the reproductive system in our article today. Beneficial properties of the plant Kyst al Hindi powder contains benzoic acid, chilinin and many other substances that have excellent antiseptic, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. In the case of infertility, most of the reasons why problems appear in the reproductive system are associated precisely with the presence of viruses and bacteria in the body that cannot be attacked by traditional medications. Therefore, modern doctors can describe many physiological causes of problems with conception, but are not able to explain why, after undergoing a course of treatment and eliminating physiological problems, a woman still cannot get pregnant.

The causes of infertility may lie in factors such as constant use of hormonal medications, poor diet, and unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, traditional methods of treating this disease often do not provide the desired result. Unlike drug treatment, the use of al Hindi cysts helps not only fight inflammatory processes, polycystic disease, erosion and uterine fibroids, but also solves problems with ovulation, hormonal imbalance and miscarriage. Note that herbal treatment of infertility has been practiced for many centuries.

And this tradition can be confidently called proven. Kist al Hindi has been used in our country not so long ago, but Eastern women use the powder of the plant as the most effective way to quickly conceive a baby. Today this natural remedy is used all over the world. Moreover, reviews of this treatment are mostly positive. How to take Kist al Hindi for infertility? The use of this medicine has its own centuries-old traditions. Today, such treatment according to the Sunnah is also practiced by certified physicians. This means that kyst al hindi is indeed highly effective in treating problems of the reproductive system. The medicinal powder maintains the balance of iron and hormones, activates all processes in the body necessary for conceiving a child, eliminates inflammation in the pelvic organs, and improves immunity. However, the medicine has no side effects. Recipes for using kyst al hindi for infertility:

  • To treat women's problems, take one teaspoon of ground kist al hindi, dilute it in one glass of warm water and take it five times a day for a month. Then take a short break (10 days) and repeat the course of treatment. You can also lubricate the abdominal cavity in the area of ​​the uterus with Kyst al Hindi oil. You must take the medicine regularly.
  • In the treatment of male infertility, which is often accompanied by low sperm motility, the procedure for taking al Hindi cysts does not differ from female treatment. But to lubricate the pubis and testicles, oriental healers recommend using linseed oil. You also need to add pumpkin and raw nuts to your diet.


Kist al Hindi can be found in the medicine cabinet of every Eastern family. This folk remedy boosts immunity, which promotes recovery, no matter what the person’s illness is. The immune system works, the body fights, which means a positive result is guaranteed. According to Tibetan and Indian healers, the powder can be used in various ways:

  • inhalation;
  • warm drink;
  • fumigation;
  • rub in like an ointment;
  • apply compresses;
  • use in the steam room.

In the process of treating Kist al Hindi for infertility, all methods are good, but, according to reviews, warm drinking has the best result. Inhalation also has a good effect on the body: the patient inhales vapors from the burnt roots of a tree and its dried leaves.

Properties of Kist al Hindi root powder

One of the main features of the plant is the treatment of serious diseases that are difficult for specialized medicine to cope with.

Use of Kist al Hindi for arthritis Indications for use are as follows: Action of the root: antiseptic, healing, antifungal, expectorant and antispasmodic effect. If you use the drug regularly, you can improve immunity, increase the overall tone of the body, and improve the functioning of many vital systems.

Chemical formulas of benzoic acid and choline thanks to which Kist al Hindi has its healing properties. It also helps not only with infertility, but also with potency, as it “revives” sperm and increases their viability. The root derives its medicinal properties from benzoic acid and choline contained in its particles. Experts in the field of gynecology and reproduction warn: the main cause of infertility in men and women is poor hygiene and the presence of inflammatory and infectious processes in the body. An annual examination and ultrasound will help prevent problems with the birth and bearing of children. Important! If during the examination no negative bacteria are found in the body, then the problem is in physiology: uterine erosion, polycystic disease, fibroids, inflammation - these abnormalities disappear after using the al Hindi cyst.

Treatment of uterine fibroids with Kist al Hindi Often, an unhealthy lifestyle, excessive alcohol consumption or smoking are a stumbling block in the fight against infertility, especially when it is treated with medication, in which case only the plant will help improve the health of the body. In the East, the powder is used to conceive a child as quickly as possible, and mom and dad drink the tincture so that sperm become more active and ovulation occurs as soon as possible.

How to take the root for infertility? Many foreign doctors practice the use of this perennial plant to combat abnormalities in the female reproductive system. It is necessary to influence her gently, not to hit her with strong drugs, but to try to improve the mother’s condition with the help of herbal preparations. For such cases, the drug kist al hindi is sold in capsules.

Kyst al Hindi oil for external use For infertility, the following recipes for preparing the powder are used: One teaspoon of Kyst powder is diluted in a glass of warm water and stirred thoroughly; take the liquid 4-5 times a day for 30 days, then take a break for a week and resume the course. Many women add external use to internal use: the uterus is lubricated with cysta oil. Sperm immobility in the male body can also be treated with the help of the plant. The recipe is the same, only linseed oil is used instead of kyst oil. It should be applied to the testicles daily.


— I started drinking yesterday after the ultrasound. so tired of hormonal hormones already

— @sapi1995, what do you have?

— Did they say something bad on the ultrasound? (

— @sapi1995, palm pollen girl

— @sapi1995, @ismina helps with infertility and in women’s ways, and let’s give it to your husband too

— @hadidjaaa, we drink kist and pollen, and my husband also does hijama. Insha Allah will help

- no ovulation. I’ll go again on Monday and if there are no changes, they said stimulation needs to be done”””” and you??

- I drank. Well, I got it all done quickly))) in a month

— @hadidjaaa where can I buy it? Is it sold in Islamic stores? and how to drink it?

— @sapi1995, don’t do stimulation, they’ll fill you with hormones.

- @sapi1995, but everything is fine with me, just miscarriage

— @sapi1995 I haven’t tried drinking hilba, it’s also a very good thing

— @ismina, you’ll definitely fly in. I had 3-4 miscarriages in the first days, then an ectopic one, they operated roughly, the wrong treatment was prescribed, and the egg disappeared. Even IVF is not possible without her. The right tube is unusable after the operation. The left one is all in adhesions. And then. After hijama and kist al hindi I got pregnant. Everything is the will of the Almighty.

— @pretty.badrutdinova, how come you didn’t break down after this? this is how much patience you need (((

— @pretty.badrutdinova what not to do when it’s been a couple of months already, so I’ve been drinking Progynova and Duphaston and drinking them, they are also hormonal. I don't know anymore. I didn’t want stimulation, so I waited a long time. and now we need to make a decision

— @sapi1995, I have had this stimulation done several times. Uselessly. 12 kg and facial hair. Sometimes they feed you with some hormones, sometimes with others. On the contrary, the glitch worked

— @ismina, to be honest, I was already thinking about taking a child from an orphanage and that’s it. Neither my husband nor I could believe it when we saw the test with two stripes. We also bought different tests. They also showed positive results. Then for an ultrasound. Then toxicosis. That's how I started hugging the toilet, only then did I believe that I was pregnant. For a little over three years, every month we treated something, went somewhere. Even outside of Dagestan they were treated. It was all to no avail.

— @sapi1995, we did Hijama, on the same day I started taking 1 teaspoon of kyst after each prayer! I drank plenty of water. It tastes very bitter and untidy

— I heard that it takes longer to take capsules. The effect is not the same. The powder is stronger. But it must be fresh. It has a yellowish tint and should smell bitter.

- And if it is odorless and has a gray tint, then there will be no effect

- Yes. Even though it’s bitter, I can still drink it normally. Yesterday I started drinking it after every prayer. @pretty.badrutdinova. thank you very much. Maybe I won’t do stimulation. May Allah grant you an easy birth and more children ❤

— @sapi1995, make dua after prayer too. There are two who read to get pregnant

- @sapi1995, yes, there are Islamic ones, read on the Internet how to drink, I don’t remember, I drank before ber, now I want to start drinking again

— 40 days drank 5 teaspoons with water

— @pretty.badrutdinova, like my mother bought it for me and gave it to me, it’s already been 6 months, I haven’t started drinking it yet, so it turns out it’s no longer fresh? I thought I’d start drinking already, but they drink it with me?

— I drank for a month too @marryme

— @fariza.m, not 40 days, until you get pregnant

— @fariza.m, after each prayer, take a teaspoon and wash it down with water

Origin of Kist Al-Hindi

The homeland of the Kist Al-Hindi bush is the Himalayas. The word "Hindi" in the name indicates its Indian origin. The Arab world learned about this plant thanks to the delivery of its powder and crushed roots on ships from India. Muslims began to call Kist Al-Hindi “bahri”, or “al bahri”, which translates as “sea”. The Greeks gave it another name - “kostus”, meaning “brought from the East”. In India, Kist Al-Hindi is called “prakasini” - “shining”: for cosmetic purposes, Kist powder is used to give radiance to the skin. Hindus also call the Al-Hindi bush “surabhi” - “fragrant”. During flowering, Kist Al-Hindi is literally strewn with beautiful inflorescences exuding a pleasant aroma. Its roots also smell good. This is not surprising - the plant contains many essential oils. The scientific name of the plant is Saussurea Lappa. In addition to India, costus grows in South America and Africa, and is also common in China. Usually the color of Kist Al-Hindi powder is burgundy-brown. Sometimes you can find white powder - it is made from white bark. Many ancient healers and scientists wrote about costus - for example, Muhammad Al-Bukhari. In his works, according to the quoted words of the Messenger of Allah, “al bahri” and “al qust” (the second name of Kyst) are the best medicines given to man.

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