Ozone therapy for infertility: application, effectiveness

The percentage of infertile couples is 8-10% of the total, which amounts to 50-80 million couples. Ozone therapy for infertility in men and women has found widespread use due to its mild effect on the body, the absence of side effects and high efficiency.

The technique is used by doctors of various specialties, including gynecology, for the treatment of a number of diseases. Ozone helps improve immunity, reduces inflammation, fights viruses and bacteria, and increases resistance to stress.


Ozone therapy is a unique method for treating various diseases, but most often it is used to eliminate gynecological problems. This method is completely harmless to the body. In addition, it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, analgesic and sedative effects.

Ozone activates the body's metabolism, improves the immune system and blood circulation, and also helps eliminate toxins.

Circulatory system and ozone. Ozone therapy improves blood microcirculation in tissues. Improving blood circulation in tissues helps supply the right amount of nutrients to cells, and also helps to quickly eliminate metabolic products. In addition, ozone reduces the risk of developing blood clots and reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Antiseptic properties. Ozone is a powerful antiseptic, so it is useful to use for the treatment of infectious pathologies. It destroys various bacteria, viruses and fungi, which show the highest resistance to antiviral drugs.

Anti-inflammatory effect. Ozone therapy helps to completely eliminate inflammatory processes in the body. Moreover, ozone significantly reduces tissue hypoxia and restores metabolic processes in tissues damaged by inflammatory processes; it corrects the pH level and electrolyte balance.

Analgesic effect. Ozone reduces pain in a short time. This is due to the fact that ozone therapy has a beneficial effect on the nerve endings responsible for recognizing pain.


You should know that this effective therapy has a list of contraindications:

  • allergies and individual intolerance to the substance;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • decreased number of platelets in the blood;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • hemophilia;
  • bleeding of various etiologies;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • diabetes;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • uterine fibroids, intensive tumor growth.

To determine the patient’s condition, you first need to conduct a diagnosis, take tests, find out how the patient feels, whether he has the pathologies mentioned above.


In gynecology, ozone therapy is used to treat the following ailments:

  • inflammatory processes occurring in the area of ​​the external and internal genital organs;
  • vaginal candidiasis, which is in chronic form;
  • genital candylomatosis;
  • in the complex treatment of chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and ureoplasmosis;
  • in the presence of menopausal symptoms accompanied by gynecological
  • infectious processes;
  • cervical erosion;
  • for preventive purposes, after surgical interventions;
  • for rehabilitation after surgery.

Methods and contraindications

Several treatment methods are used in ozone therapy:

  • Ozonated saline solution is administered intravenously. This procedure is safe for patients and is used for obstetric diseases - premature birth, toxicosis, anemia in pregnant women. Intravenous administration involves exposure to ozone with the body's environment, and therefore is the most effective method of therapy. The procedure restores oxygen, promotes metabolism, normalizes hormonal balance, dilates blood vessels, which improves microcirculation, strengthens the immune system. Already the first session increases sexual activity and relieves fatigue. This technique is very easy to use, is well tolerated by patients, and is allowed even for pregnant women;
  • Rectal application of ozone mixture. Used for inflammation of the genital organs and rectum. A physiological ozonated solution from 200 to 500 ml is injected into the anus. The procedure takes two minutes and is considered no less effective than intravenous administration. Helps cope with hemorrhoids, fistulas, colitis, inflammation in the anus. To get rid of infectious diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact, you will need ten sessions every other day;
  • Vaginal irrigation helps restore microflora, boost the immune system, and promote rapid recovery;
  • Intravaginal irrigation helps in the treatment of fungal infections that affect the uterine mucosa. Flowing ozone can be used to wash the urethra and genitals.

It is important to understand that this effective technique has a number of contraindications:

  • Allergic reaction to ozone;
  • Epilepsy seizures;
  • Thrombocytopenia;
  • Stroke, heart attack, pancreatitis;
  • Incoagulability of blood;
  • Severe bleeding or illness that can cause it;
  • Problems with the thyroid gland;
  • Kidney or liver failure;
  • Convulsions;
  • Diabetes;
  • Mental disorders under the influence of alcohol.

To find out the patient’s condition, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary examination, take tests, ask about his well-being and the presence of the above problems.


Ozone in gynecology is used in several ways:

  • vaginal procedures:
  • intravenous administration of saline solution, pre-enriched
  • ozone;
  • rectal insufflations with a mixture of oxygen and ozone;
  • applying a mixture of olive oil and ozone to the genitals;
  • intrauterine procedures with compositions enriched with ozone;
  • major and minor autohemotherapy.

How exactly ozone therapy will be carried out depends on the pathology. The treatment method is chosen by the attending physician based on the data obtained during the examination.


Genital herpes is considered the most common disease that causes physical pain and also causes psychological problems associated with disruption of the normal rhythm of life. Ozone treatment quickly reduces the impact of viral infection on the body, eliminates pain in the genital area, and also improves immunity, which helps fight the disease.

In addition, ozone therapy improves a woman’s mood and reduces depression. Treatment options for herpes depend on the progression of the disease. If the infection is in an advanced state, then specialists prescribe a combination treatment: intravenous saline, vaginal irrigation and ozone applications.


Menopause is a rather difficult time for a woman, as its symptoms reduce the quality of life. Ozone therapy can reduce the number and duration of hot flashes, eliminate headaches, depression and severe sweating, stabilize the sleep process, and also improve the general condition of the female body.

However, ozone brings great benefits in the treatment of atrophic vaginitis and colpitis, as well as kraurosis of the vulva during menopause. These problems can be eliminated by vaginal irrigation with a combined solution: olive oil and ozone. After a week of using this treatment method, you can see a decrease in vaginal dryness, itching and inflammation.


Treatment of sexually transmitted infections through ozone therapy proves that this technique is practically a panacea for many diseases. If the disease is in the initial stage, then specialists limit themselves to ozone therapy; in other cases, complex treatment may be prescribed: conservative medicine and the use of ozone.

Treatments include vaginal irrigation, intravenous drips, rectal insufflations, intrauterine procedures, as well as applications to the genitals.

How to replace ozone therapy

Some women are terrified of having a needle inserted into a vein; For this and other reasons, doctors sometimes recommend treatment with pure oxygen in a pressure chamber - so-called hyperbaric oxygenation.

The patient is placed in a sealed capsule equipped with windows and a telephone for constant communication with medical staff. The chamber is filled with pure oxygen, which the pregnant woman must inhale for 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the doctor’s orders. Due to the high pressure inside the capsule, the woman has noise in her ears; As a rule, no other problems arise during the session.

Breathing oxygen in a pressure chamber is both useful and pleasant; except for congestion in the ears - no negative sensations

Advantages of the procedure in comparison with ozone therapy:

  • no need to endure the pain of an injection into a vein;
  • easier to tolerate;
  • adverse reactions are weaker;
  • used from the 12th week of pregnancy, and not from the 20th.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is prescribed for the same symptoms and threats that require the use of ozone therapy. Both procedures have approximately the same contraindications. The cost also does not vary much - a therapy session in a pressure chamber will cost patients in Moscow clinics 720–4000 rubles.

The downside of the pressure chamber is its low effect compared to the intravenous administration of an ozone mixture. And claustrophobia is not uncommon among expectant mothers; For such women, a long stay in a pressure chamber threatens to turn into a nightmare.

Another option for enriching the body with oxygen is the so-called oxygen cocktails. Take juice or fruit drink and add a foaming mixture to the liquid; a composition saturated with valuable gas molecules is obtained. They say: half a liter of an oxygen cocktail replaces a two-hour walk in the forest. However, some doctors are skeptical about oxygen therapy, explaining that it is possible to fill cells with oxygen only through the respiratory system, but it will not work through the digestive system.

Oxygen cocktails have controversial medicinal properties, but in moderate doses the composition will definitely not harm a healthy body

One way or another, oxygen cocktails are not prohibited for pregnant women - however, do not count on an impressive effect. If you decide to use oxygen therapy, get your doctor’s approval; oxygen foam often causes flatulence and makes breathing difficult. If you have bronchial asthma or hypertension, cocktails will only cause harm.

How ozone helps fight infertility: 2 comments

Ozone for infertility can be used simply as a general activator for the body. I used these procedures and much more when I couldn’t get pregnant for 3 years. Whatever was there. In the end, when I just gave up on it all, I went to the seaside and relaxed. There we conceived a child) Without constant monitoring of hormones, without ovulation tests, without anything, everything like that. The second one they themselves didn’t even understand how they conceived. So girls, sometimes you just need to relax. But not always, of course. ,

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How ozone helps fight infertility

Ozone therapy for problems with conception is a modern and effective type of treatment with ozone gas (O3), which is used to combat infertility. The main advantage of therapy is that almost all patients tolerate it easily; there is a short list of contraindications with a clear therapeutic effect. Nowadays, ozone therapy is used not only to treat gynecological diseases. It also finds application in the surgical, urological, dermatological and neurological branches of medicine. Ozone is characterized by an increased immunomodulatory effect, which helps to weaken inflammatory processes. It also has antiviral, antibacterial, antitumor and anti-stress effects.

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