We drank Kist Hindi 5 times a day for 10 days, after which the intestines began to hurt. Why is that?

Kist al Hindi: what kind of plant is this?

There is still a dispute among botanists - is the kist-al-hindi a tree, or is it a bush? Most experts are inclined to think that it is still a shrub plant, but unusually tall - up to 2 meters. The homeland of costus is considered to be Southeast Asia and India. In Arab countries, the prefix “al-bahri” is added to the name of the plant, which means “brought from overseas.”

In ancient times, the excellent disinfecting properties of kyst were discovered - the plant was used as a natural antiseptic. In 2021, German scientists conducted a molecular analysis that revealed the presence of helinin and benzoic acid, the strongest antiseptic components, in the bark and rhizomes of the plant.

Treatment with the help of qist al-Hindi is described in hadiths and is the sunnah for Muslims. To use the product in accordance with the sunnah, you should take Kostus orally as a drink.

Currently, the effectiveness of cyst in the fight against the following diseases has been confirmed:

  • runny nose, sinusitis, colds;
  • liver problems;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pleurisy;
  • food, pharmacological poisoning;
  • getting rid of worms, pinworms and roundworms;
  • improvement in fever, lower body temperature;
  • fight against female and male infertility.

Of course, you need to use kyst correctly - only in this case the benefits for the body will be obvious. We thoroughly dry the roots of the plant and grind them like grains. Pour some clean water into the resulting powder. According to hadiths, costus treatment must be combined with other procedures, for example, hijama.

How to drink kist al hindi: 1 teaspoon 5 times a day

Application area

Strengthening the immune system, anti-inflammatory/antiviral agent, normalization of hormonal levels, gastrointestinal diseases, constipation, worms, ulcers, fever, nerve diseases, shias, kidney and liver diseases, cholera, cancer, increased potency, normalization of blood pressure, women's diseases (menstruation, infertility, infections), cleansing of blood vessels, general tonic, treatment of diseases during pregnancy, protection from poison, sihr, jinn, etc.

How to drink kist al hindi?

In the Middle East, you will hardly find at least one family that does not have costus powder in their medicine cabinet. For Muslims, the use of this plant is sunnah. The hadiths say that kyst has a general strengthening effect, eliminates many pathologies, and strengthens the immune system.

Doctors noted the highest effectiveness of kyst and put it on a par with hijama (bloodletting). Traditional doctors of the East have developed seven methods of taking kist-al-Hindi.

The most effective treatment method is drinking. Costus is an antiseptic that suppresses the proliferation of viruses in the body and removes parasites.

It is advisable to drink Kist al Hindi 1 teaspoon 5 times a day after prayer.

Another popular method is inhalation. The bark or rhizomes of the costus are set on fire and inhaled through the nose for 7-10 minutes. fragrant smoke. The vapors enter the nasopharynx and lungs, cleansing the body.

You can also use cysts in the form of mixtures, ointments, poultices, rinses, capsules and compresses.

Islamic healers use two varieties of kyst: white bahri and hindi. The first is considered softer, both in taste and in its effect on the body. The second variety of the plant is stronger and more vigorous. If you combine these two types of costus, you can achieve great effectiveness of treatment and, at the same time, comply with the Sunnah.

Eastern medicine has fully proven that kist-al-Hindi is a safe and reliable natural remedy that really helps against many diseases. Thanks to costus, the mechanism of cellular genesis is launched in the human body, the muscular parts of the bronchi relax, and phlegm is removed. Powder is one of the best mucolytic agents.

Another undoubted advantage of the plant is hypoallergenicity. Moreover, the cyst helps get rid of allergy symptoms, including those on the skin. Taking the medicine alleviates the condition in the spring, when allergy sufferers suffer from the presence of pollen in the air. It is better to start treatment with 3-5 teaspoons of powder or a couple of capsules per day, preferably after prayer. The amount of the drug should be increased gradually, without forcing this process.


— I started drinking yesterday after the ultrasound. so tired of hormonal hormones already

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