Subcutaneous contraceptive implant (capsule): is it better to use pills or pills?

A contraceptive implant is a new form of contraception that is shaped like a small tube (or elongated capsule) 40 mm long and 2 mm in diameter. It is installed under the skin and can remain there for three years, maintaining its contraceptive properties and without interfering with everyday life. Because of this unusual placement, the implant is sometimes called a contraceptive capsule, subcutaneous implant, or contraceptive implant. If you come across such names, know that we are talking about one type of contraceptive.

After three years, after installing the subcutaneous capsule, you can replace it on the same day and install the next pregnancy implant. In this case, the protective effect will not be interrupted. If the implant causes any discomfort or you decide to get rid of it, you can remove it at any time, even one day after the initial installation.

Installation of a contraceptive capsule - quickly and painlessly

Despite the fact that the contraceptive capsule is very easy to install and remove, not every gynecologist can perform this procedure, but only a specially trained specialist.

The location of the subcutaneous implant is the inner side of the forearm. The entire procedure is painless, takes a few minutes and is more reminiscent of a subcutaneous injection rather than an operation (no need to cut anything). The implantation site is anesthetized, and then, through a puncture, the implant itself is inserted under the skin - the procedure is completed. The implant is removed under local anesthesia through a small incision, 2-3 mm long.

Indications and contraindications

Subcutaneous implants are recommended for contraceptive purposes for women who have primarily achieved reproductive function. One of the indications is protection in case of intolerance to hormonal pills. The implant is an alternative to the IUD if contraindications to its installation are identified.

Important! Subdermal implants can be used as contraceptives in women before menopause. The product is suitable for fibroids and a history of bleeding.

The contraceptive is not implanted in cases of individual intolerance to the constituent substances, pregnancy, intense acyclic bleeding, malignant tumors, or liver failure. Inflammatory processes and endocrine diseases are also contraindications to implant installation.

While using the product, treatment with the following drugs is prohibited:

  • Finlepsin;
  • Phenobarbital and Barbital;
  • Rifampicin;
  • Butizol;
  • Cyclobarbital;
  • Barbamil;
  • Etaminal sodium;
  • Metarbital;
  • Lotusate;
  • Fiorenal;
  • Brevital;
  • Surtal.

Important! The use of these medications after implantation of the device can cause severe allergies and disruption of the functioning of internal organs, for example, liver failure.

Who is this method of contraception indicated for?

Any woman, at any age, can have an implant installed (preferably after puberty).

The contraceptive implant is an excellent alternative for those for whom other methods of contraception, such as oral contraceptives or an intrauterine device, are contraindicated.

In addition, a contraceptive subcutaneous implant also has healing properties. It is used to normalize irregular menstrual cycles, in the treatment of endometriosis and uterine fibroids.

Attention! Before deciding to use any contraception, you should consult a gynecologist. This will take a minimum of time, but can save you from thousands of problems in the future.

If you don’t know who to contact or want to hear the opinion of a competent specialist, call and our operators will schedule you for a consultation at a time convenient for you in your city.

Composition and principle of action of contraceptive capsules under the skin

An implant is a contraceptive consisting of a capsule and hormones. The product is sewn into the subcutaneous tissue area. Contraceptive implants have the following sizes:

  • 4 cm (length);
  • 3 cm (width).

The product is made from thin and elastic material. The special shell of the contraceptive allows the release of molecules of the active substance. Thus, the implant is a hormonal contraceptive. Gynecologists classify contraceptive implants as highly effective contraceptives.

The implant does not require monitoring when compared to an intrauterine device. The product is administered for up to 5 years and releases a constant dose of hormones. The contraceptive does not have a significant effect on the digestive system and the general condition of the body.

The principle of operation of the contraceptive implant is based on the following mechanisms:

  • suppression of egg maturation and its release from the follicle;
  • thickening of the mucus of the cervical canal;
  • thinning of the endometrium, which leads to the impossibility of implantation of a fertilized egg.

Contraception is provided by the release of a certain small dose of artificial hormones from the capsule. The implant includes etonogestrel, which is an analogue of progesterone synthesized in the body. Among the active substances, progesterone and estrogen are also directly isolated.

Pros and cons over other contraceptives

Advantages of this type of contraception:

  1. It is impossible to break the implant, like a condom, or forget to take it, like a birth control pill. It cannot fall out or move like a vaginal ring or intrauterine device.
  2. A very reliable method, the most reliable of all existing ones (1 pregnancy out of 1000).
  3. The implant is quickly and easily removed, and fertility is restored within a few days (for some women, even in the first day).
  4. Whether a woman smokes or not does not matter.
  5. Reduces the risk of uterine cancer.


  1. Does not protect against STDs;
  2. Can only be installed by a specialist;
  3. Scar in the area of ​​implantation;
  4. Relatively high cost.

Pros and cons of contraceptive implants for women

Contraceptive implants contain the required dose of hormones, which ensures reliable protection of the contraceptive method. A special feature of the product is the duration of use, which determines its popularity among women of childbearing age.

The hormonal contraceptive implant does not have a pronounced systemic effect on the body. The use of a contraceptive does not affect reproductive function after its removal.

Experts call the following advantages of contraceptive implants:

  • use for 2-5 years;
  • safety and effectiveness;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • reducing the risk of adverse reactions;
  • no need for daily care.

Attention! Contraception through an implant is most effective (99.9%) only if all rules of administration are followed.

The negative aspects of contraceptive implants include:

  • negative impact on ovarian function;
  • threat of infertility;
  • cycle disruption and the likelihood of cessation of menstruation;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • high price;
  • the appearance of headaches and weakness;
  • decreased libido.

Undesirable reactions occur due to the constant influence of hormones. Therefore, before using a contraceptive implant, an examination should be carried out. If your cycle changes after implantation of the product, you should consult a gynecologist.

Significant disadvantages of the contraceptive include the need to recalculate the active substance by weight. Overweight women may not receive an adequate dose of hormones for reliable protection. Over time, the amount of the drug in the implant decreases, which also reduces contraceptive effectiveness.

Attention! The use of contraceptive subdermal implants is not recommended for women before childbirth.


Reviews about subdermal contraceptive implants are mostly positive. For example, here is what a gynecologist who directly practices their installation says:

As a doctor, I can say that today this is the most advanced method of reversible contraception. Its only disadvantage is that it cannot protect against sexually transmitted diseases, therefore, even after installing an implant, you need to remember safety measures.

Women who have tried this method of contraception also do not say anything particularly bad in their reviews. Here are the reviews found on the pages of women's websites:

  1. After installing the implant, there were no unpleasant consequences, except for the disruption of the cycle. I asked the gynecologist if this is normal? It turned out that this happens to many people, but then the cycle is restored. And indeed, after 3 months everything returned to normal.
  2. The only thing I had was that the installation site hurt and itched, but everything has been fine for half a year now. No headaches, no weight gain. But my friend’s situation is worse - she says that her periods have become much heavier, more abundant and she feels simply disgusting during them. The doctor says that if it doesn’t get better, the implant will have to be removed.

Types of subcutaneous contraceptives

The product can be implanted into the subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen, thigh, shoulder, and also in the forearm. The area where the implant is inserted depends on the choice and preference of the patient.

Subcutaneous contraceptive Implanon

A popular contraceptive includes etonogestrel as the active ingredient. The period of use is 3 years.

Implanon is a tube that is inserted into the subcutaneous tissue. Implantation is performed during the first 5 days of the cycle.

Norplant contraceptive implant

The product contains levonorgestrel. The contraceptive is available in the form of capsules for injection under the skin. Contraception involves implantation in the shoulder on days 1-7 of the cycle.

How is a contraceptive implant inserted into the arm?

Before implantation, you should undergo an examination by a gynecologist, which usually includes:

  • inspection;
  • blood test (general and biochemical), urine;
  • determination of hCG level;
  • coagulogram;
  • consultation with a mammologist;
  • skin tests to exclude allergies to the active substances of the implant;
  • lipid profile.

The examination is carried out to exclude contraindications to the introduction of a contraceptive. This avoids possible complications.

The product is implanted in the area specified by the patient. The absence of threat of injury is essential. The selected area should not be subject to active loads. Implantation is carried out under completely sterile conditions. It is preferable to carry out manipulation during the first 7 days of the cycle.

The introduction is performed under local anesthesia. A capsule is placed into the micro-incision area with a special instrument. The procedure takes up to 5 minutes. The correct implantation and positioning of the product is checked by palpation.

Important! If the implant was not installed in the first week of the cycle, the woman should remember about an additional method of contraception throughout the month. After childbirth, the contraceptive is introduced after 1.5 months.

Implantation ends with the issuance of a special form, which contains information about the name and dosage of the drug, expiration date, batch and manufacturer, date and place of administration, and medical institution. This information is necessary for subsequent examinations and treatment with various drugs.

The first examination is performed 3 months after implantation. The patient undergoes routine diagnostics every six months.

Side effects

In rare cases, adverse reactions and complications develop during the introduction of a contraceptive implant:

  • thrombosis;
  • inflammatory process of the liver;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • decreased hearing and visual acuity;
  • excessive growth or intense hair loss;
  • formation of cysts in the ovaries;
  • migraine;
  • mood lability;
  • acne;
  • nausea;
  • hypertension;
  • increased bleeding;
  • dermatitis.

After the procedure for removing the contraceptive implant, a scar may remain. Sometimes inflammation develops and the peripheral nerve is affected.

Removal of a subdermal contraceptive implant

Removal of the contraceptive product is carried out after the end of the prescribed period, as well as by the woman’s decision. Contraception must be removed before surgery if undesirable effects develop that are severe.

The extraction procedure lasts several minutes. If necessary, a new contraceptive can be installed.

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