Douching with urine for thrush reviews

Among the recipes for the fight against various ailments, many are based on the healing properties of the fluid that is secreted by the kidneys. Treatment of hemorrhoids with urine causes both positive and negative responses. Those who speak negatively about this method are most often not based on personal experience, but draw conclusions only from a feeling of hostility and modesty. Urine has many positive properties and is an effective remedy in the fight against hemorrhoids.

Urine has already been effectively tested by many people in non-standard treatment of hemorrhoids.

Rules of feminine hygiene for thrush

Have you been fighting thrush for many years without success?
Head of the Institute: “You will be amazed at how easy it is to cure thrush by taking it every day.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! The only remedy for thrush and diseases caused by Candida fungi, recommended by our subscribers! Read more…

Having discovered the main signs of thrush, every woman asks herself the question: how to cure thrush at home? How to wash yourself when you are sick so you can forget about it forever? The article will help you understand everything.

Natural Treatment

How to get rid of thrush at home without using antibiotics is a pressing question for women of any age.

Without a doubt, an antibiotic is an effective drug in the treatment of candidiasis. But taking this type of medication causes a number of negative factors affecting the body.

An imbalance leads to a weakened immune system. And, as a result, thrush relapses.

You should start treating candidiasis at home only after visiting a gynecologist. He will be able to determine the stage of development of the disease in women and prescribe the ideal alternative to fight against thrush. Often therapy is not limited to pills alone. Doctors prescribe treatments and prescriptions that include herbs and other natural ingredients.

In addition, you can get rid of thrush by washing. For such a procedure it is necessary to use folk remedies. They will help to quickly cure the disease.

Folk remedies for thrush help relieve inflammation and carefully heal the female body.

The most effective remedies are considered to be soda, honey, laundry soap, tar soap, and medicinal herbs (oak bark, chamomile, tea tree oil).

Hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate are also used in the treatment of candidiasis (it helps fight against thrush, used in the form of a solution).

Proven Grandma's Remedies

You can also cure thrush with baking soda. The ancient “grandmother’s” methods are recognized not only by patients, but also by doctors.

Treatment of thrush with soda, according to experts, has a positive therapeutic result. This effect is observed in more than half of patients.

This becomes possible due to the fungus’ intolerance to an alkaline environment, which destroys its very structure.

Treatment of thrush with soda is allowed in the form of washing and douching.

These two options are different from each other. Washing is considered an exclusively folk option in the fight against thrush. Douching can only be done if indicated. Self-use of soda can cause complications in women and lead to the development of pathologies.

Washing with a soda solution can relieve itching and remove unpleasant discharge. But the effect of such a procedure quickly disappears.

A soda solution for washing is prepared as follows: take one spoonful of soda and iodine tincture, mix, dilute with a liter of boiled water and pour into a basin. It is recommended to sit in the resulting solution for 15 minutes. It is advisable to wash yourself in this way six times a day.

Treatment of thrush with soda in the form of douching guarantees the disappearance of signs of thrush. An important aspect in the fight against the disease is systematicity. Treatment should not be stopped even after the first signs of the disease disappear.

Soap can only be used as a treatment if it is natural. Today, only two types of it meet these requirements: economic and tar.

  1. Laundry soap for thrush is used as an antibacterial agent. It is based on vegetable oil and animal fat. It is necessary to make a whitish solution from soap and water and wash it with it. After an hour, the same procedure should be carried out with clean water.
  2. Using tar soap for thrush, you can relieve inflammation, since this product has antiseptic properties. It contains birch tar. This soap is used for the prevention and treatment of candidiasis.

Ancient honey recipes in alternative medicine indicate the positive effects of honey on all systems and organs. Honey for thrush has a wide range of effects: it reduces inflammation, destroys bacteria, microorganisms and heals wounds.

Therefore, treating thrush with honey is completely justified in cases where antifungal drugs are prohibited. The benefits of using this universal product are beyond doubt. The only contraindication is its intolerance. Honey stimulates and strengthens the immune system. Taking honey orally, lotions, washing and douching speed up the healing process.

Treating thrush with honey involves using lotions and compresses. They are placed on the lower abdomen. The product has an analgesic effect and relieves inflammation in women. Tampons and suppositories are soaked in a honey solution and placed in the vagina for two hours. The solution is prepared very simply: one part of honey is diluted with three parts of water. Honey-based douching also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, and also eliminates itching. It is allowed to use not only pure honey solution, but you can also add medicinal herbs to it. The crystallized product is placed in the vagina and left there until it is completely dissolved. Honey baths in combination with herbal decoctions enhance the anti-inflammatory effect in women.

The benefits and harms of urine

Treatment of hemorrhoids with urine is very popular among fans of traditional methods. Most of them claim that this method of treatment is suitable for any stage of the disease, promoting blood thinning and oxidizing places where bacteria accumulate. This leads to the cessation of thrombosis and reduces the size and swelling of hemorrhoids. Urine cleanses intestinal sludge. The proteins found in urine help increase the regeneration ability of affected areas of the skin, which is why ulcers and cracks heal much faster.

Most doctors do not recommend urine therapy, especially taking urine internally. Consuming this liquid can cause negative consequences, as it contains urea. It produces a poisonous effect on the body.

If, after reading the opinions of experts and traditional healers, the decision to engage in urine therapy remains valid, you should think about combining it with drug treatment. The early stages of hemorrhoids are not particularly dangerous and painful compared to the latter. In order not to aggravate the disease, therapy should be approached carefully. Treatment with urine must be agreed with your doctor.

Washing with soda

To wash, prepare a solution of 200 ml of warm boiled water and 1 tsp of soda. Then wash your genitals thoroughly. This can also be done using cotton pads, wetting them alternately with the solution. It is advisable to carry out the procedure wearing disposable gloves. If they are missing, be sure to wash your hands with soap after washing.

Instead of water, you can use herbal decoctions:

Decoctions have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Baking soda instantly eliminates itching and burning in the genital area.

What is treated with urine therapy? Applications and forms of urine treatment

Proponents of urine therapy are poking it in all its holes. Wherever they pour urine on themselves - in the butt, in the mouth, in the eyes and even ears. Her hair is washed, her throat is gargled and her teeth are also cleaned with urine.

So, if you run out of toothpaste, it’s no problem, you can pop it in your mouth and rinse. Experts in urine therapy claim that after urinating, your teeth will become much cleaner, and it also has a whitening effect. And why give money to dentists for a Hollywood smile? You can piss in your mouth and you will be guaranteed snow-white teeth.

Conventionally, urine therapy can be divided into two groups:

  • Internal. In this case, the urine is drunk, various types of washing, rinsing, enemas, etc. are done. in order to cleanse the body from the inside.
  • Outdoor. This variety includes various kinds of baths, compresses, washings, and cosmetology also has a place in this matter.

In general, almost everything is treated with urine, from colds to gangrene. Although official sources and medical practice say the opposite. But we'll talk about this a little later.

Urine treatment methods

Now let's talk about the basic urine treatment methods. How to properly use this miracle drug that can get rid of all diseases.

Urine therapy in the treatment of internal organs

For urine therapy, it is recommended to use a medium stream of urine. What does it mean? First you need to flush a little down the toilet, and only then collect the urine for preventive action. It should also be used immediately after collection. Also, you should not start treatment with urine if you are using a medicinal form of therapy. At a minimum, you need to completely stop taking any medications and only after 3-4 days can you begin treatment with urine.

Next, we consider two main methods of treating internal organs with urine:

  • Oral.
  • Anal.

With the oral method, gargle and drink urine.

There is nothing special about rinsing. Place fresh urine in your mouth and begin rinsing for 2-3 minutes. If you want to treat your teeth with homemade medicine, then rinse your mouth for 30 minutes. The main thing is not to vomit, otherwise you will upset the acid balance and you will have to start all over again, but only the next day.

When drinking, you must follow a diet. And prepare the body before the course. You need to take urine on an empty stomach in small sips, savoring it a little. You don’t need to swallow it right away and you shouldn’t drink it in one gulp either. You need to fully experience all the delights and tastes of urine.

In the case of the anal method of introducing urine into the body, just as in the oral method, fresh urine must be used. To flush the intestines with urine we will need an enema. Before administration, the urine must be boiled and cooled so that it is barely warm, but not cold. As a rule, half a liter to a liter of urine is administered per procedure. A urine enema should be done only after you have had a bowel movement. The course lasts a month, 15 repetitions every other day. This is followed by a second washing step. Evaporated urine is already used here. The course begins with 100 ml of evaporated urine, then each time we increase the dose by 50-100 ml. Having reached 500 ml, we begin to reduce the dose in the same increments as when increasing it. Connoisseurs of urine enemas in the second course add herbal tea to the urine, and at the same time they add seaweed.


Urine therapy experts believe that urine can cleanse the brain. To do this, you need to instill 10-20 drops of urine into your nose. You can even make various kinds of additives to your urine to cleanse your brain, depending on your taste. This recipe, in addition to cleansing the brain, is suitable for restoring vision, smell and memory. However, if you decide to resort to urine therapy, cure of the first is not guaranteed.

External treatment with urine

The external form of using urine consists of various types of baths and compresses. You can piss in the bath and lie there to soak, thereby having a complex effect on the body. You will need approximately 500 ml of sak per bath if you want to strictly follow the recipe. You can steam in such a bath from 15 minutes to 2 hours. Just don’t be surprised later if people around you start sniffing at you and turning up their noses when you approach.

Urine massages - rubbing with urine - are also actively practiced. However, if irritation appears on your skin in the form of a rash, this is considered a good sign. If the rash is too severe, you should stop the procedure - overdose.

Hands and feet are steamed in urine baths; for this purpose, the urine is first evaporated.

If you have pimples on your face, then don’t be disappointed, this doesn’t mean you need to run to the store or to a cosmetologist. Urine therapy has succeeded here too. Lubricate your face with urine and everything will go away. But don't be surprised if the rash gets worse, this is just the other side of the coin. If you just have irritation, then be glad that it is not an infectious infection.


During the phases of the first and third lunar cycle, it is better to drink urine. And in the second and fourth phases of the moon, the area of ​​​​use of urine migrates outside - we rub ourselves and bathe.

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