Treatment of cervical erosion with medications: a review of drugs and reviews from women

Inflammatory diseases of the genital tract are common companions of women. The provocateur is a nonspecific opportunistic flora. Normally, it is present in small quantities in the vagina, but a decrease in the body's defenses allows it to multiply and cause inflammation. The problem cannot be left without treatment. Inflammation can progress and spread to the overlying parts of the reproductive system. In this situation, gynecologists often prescribe multi-component suppositories. The instructions for using Polygynax suppositories emphasize that the drug belongs specifically to this category.

Treatment methods for adnexitis

Therapy for adnexitis includes a complex of various measures - taking medications, using physiotherapeutic procedures, and sanatorium-resort treatment. Prevention of complications of this disease plays a significant role.

The main place in this list is occupied by drug treatment with drugs from various pharmaceutical groups (antibiotics, antifungals and antivirals). Modern pharmaceuticals have in their arsenal various dosage forms for the treatment of adnexitis - tablets, solutions for injections and for the preparation of medicinal baths, rectal and vaginal suppositories, sprays for irrigation of the external genitalia.

During treatment, you should not limit yourself to only drugs administered orally or exclusively topical agents. The best results can be achieved with the combined use of medications.

All treatment regimens necessarily include the introduction of suppositories, as a necessary component for successful treatment of adnexitis.

Is it possible to be cured without cauterization?

There is no clear answer to this question.

Factors determining the possibility or impossibility of therapeutic (without surgical) treatment:

  • Area of ​​the irritated area.
  • Patient's age;
  • Stage of the disease;
  • Health status;

The use of milder conservative therapy makes sense when the area of ​​damaged tissue is small - up to 2 centimeters.


If after two weeks of therapy the erosion does not go away, surgical intervention is required!

Pros and cons of candle therapy

pros Minuses
1 No special qualifications required for use (such as injections) A prerequisite for treatment with candles is complete abstinence from sexual intercourse.
2 When inserted, the suppositories end up directly at the site of inflammation. It is impossible to manage only with topical agents; an addition to therapy in the form of tablets or injection solution is required
3 Candles quickly relieve pain and stop inflammation May cause itching, burning, allergic reaction
4 Do not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, as tablets do Requires the use of sanitary pads, since discharge after the introduction of suppositories can stain underwear and bed linen
5 They do not have side hepatogenic effects, unlike antibiotic tablets
6 The wide range of suppositories of various pharmaceutical effects offered by the pharmacy chain and affordable prices will satisfy all categories of consumers
7 Certain names of suppositories can be used during pregnancy and lactation

After comparing the positive and negative aspects of using suppositories, we can conclude that their disadvantages are insignificant and appear for a short time.

How to treat inflammation of the appendages in women

Like any disease, inflammation of the appendages in women: symptoms and proper treatment should be determined by a qualified doctor. A timely diagnosis of adnexitis and correctly prescribed medications and procedures will quickly relieve the painful symptoms of inflammation of the appendages. Fully followed instructions from a gynecologist will eliminate negative consequences such as infertility and surgery.


The main treatment for inflammation of the appendages, prescribed by a gynecologist, is based on the complex use of medications. Based on their effects and method of application, they are divided into several categories. Treatment of inflammation of the appendages can be with the help of intramuscular, intravenous injections, tablets, suppositories and a course of physiotherapeutic procedures.


The choice of medicine depends on which microorganism is the causative agent. The prescribed dose of an antimicrobial drug should create such a concentration at the site of inflammation that it is enough to destroy cocci and bacteria. Apply:

  1. "Doxycycline." Has proven itself well as an antibiotic. It has a minimum of side effects and is eliminated from the body in a short time.
  2. "Klacid", "Sumamed". They are not destroyed in gastric juice, they have a long half-life, due to which the concentration in the body quickly accumulates and leads to a speedy recovery.
  3. "Ofloxacin", "Norfloxacin", "Lomefloxacin". These antibiotics are not addictive. On the recommendation of a doctor, Ceftributen capsules, Erythromycin injections, and Tsiprolet tablets can be prescribed.


To increase the body's resistance during treatment and recovery, immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed. By having an antioxidant effect on the body, they thereby increase a woman’s immunity. Dosages and duration of use are prescribed by the doctor individually to each patient. Apply:

  • "Imunofan";
  • "Gropsinosin";
  • "Polyoxidonium".

To prevent the body from reacting in the form of an allergy to any medicine used against inflammation of the appendages, antihistamines are prescribed in parallel. Most tablets in this series are taken once a day. These include:

  • "Cetrin";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Pipolfen."

In combination with tablets and injections, vaginal and rectal suppositories, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, are necessarily prescribed. Using suppositories for inflammation of the female organs, there is rapid local anesthesia, relief of pain symptoms, and the microflora is restored. Every night, douching with decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and a weak solution of manganese before inserting the suppository has a calming effect on inflamed tissues. Use candles with:

  • "Metronidazole";
  • "Nystatin";
  • "Hexicon";
  • "Betadine";
  • "Movalis";
  • "Polygynax".


Using an integrated approach to treatment, the doctor prescribes electrophoresis with absorbable medications such as aloe. The use of ultrasound and laser devices to treat inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes helps the body recover faster. Treatment with mud and mineral baths at a certain temperature, according to reviews, gives a very good positive effect.

Surgical intervention

In complex advanced cases, when the disease of inflammation of the appendages progresses quickly, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. The operation is prescribed when examination reveals purulent formations in the fallopian tubes. Laparoscopy is less traumatic and has a short recovery period after surgery. If there is a large amount of pus, multiple adhesions in the abdominal cavity, or peritonitis, which can lead to death, a classic operation is prescribed by cutting the abdominal wall (laparotomy).

Treatment with folk remedies at home

Some methods have come down from our ancestors on how to treat inflammation of the appendages at home using herbal decoctions and other improvised means. These methods cannot be the main treatment; the doctor offers them as accompanying ones when the cause of the disease is identified and a diagnosis of adnexitis is made. Here are some ways:

  • Yarrow. Tea will help with an acute attack of pain. Dried yarrow (1 tablespoon) pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes.
  • Oat infusion. 1.5 tablespoons of oats, 2 tablespoons of peppermint, 3 tablespoons of dried birch leaves, pour half a liter of boiling water. Leave for an hour. Add honey, lemon juice. Drink 80-90 ml every 3 hours.
  • Honey tampon. Soak a gauze swab with honey and place it in the vagina overnight.

Rules for using candles

The treatment regimen for adnexitis may include not only vaginal, but also rectal suppositories, which must be inserted into the rectum. Rectal suppositories are most often prescribed to relieve inflammation.

The sequence and rules for using suppositories in the treatment of inflammation of the appendages:

  • The suppositories are administered with clean hands. Before this, hygiene procedures should be carried out and the intestines should be emptied if we are talking about rectal suppositories.
  • Vaginal suppositories are administered while lying on your back, rectal suppositories are administered while lying on your side. After administration, you need to be in a horizontal position for 30-40 minutes to evenly distribute the components of the drug throughout the vagina or rectal mucosa.
  • Most often, this procedure is carried out in the evening before bed.
  • Refusal of sexual contacts and use of daily sanitary pads is mandatory.

What is uterine erosion?

Cervical erosion is damage to the lining of the cervix, causing irritation and redness..

It can manifest itself and occur without symptoms - therefore, only a systematic examination by a gynecologist can promptly identify and stop the development of this disease.


Until the age of 21, the diagnosis of true erosion in girls requires the supervision of a doctor and may disappear without treatment, since this is a natural stage in the formation of the body.

After 21 years of age, erosion becomes a pathology that needs to be treated . There is a treatment option with surgitron, a precision device that provides the required depth of dissection without affecting healthy tissue.

Usually, when an irritated area on the cervix is ​​detected, the gynecologist diagnoses “erosion,” since this is the most common disease of the cervix.

But the symptoms of erosion can hide a number of other diseases, including cancer, so it is very important to undergo diagnostics .

The causes of this disease are many, and the consequences are different, so you need to trust doctors and not self-medicate.

Antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal suppositories

Drugs from this group are introduced into the vagina, eliminate pathogenic flora, and stop the infectious process.

  • Pros – effectively stop the spread of inflammation, reduce the intensity of discomfort;
  • Minus - they negatively affect the beneficial bacteria of the vaginal microflora.

After treatment with suppositories from this group, it is recommended to take probiotics to replenish the natural flora. At the end of therapy, it is necessary to prevent thrush with Fluconazole and Flucostat.

The most effective suppositories for the treatment of adnexitis with an antibacterial effect are Terzhinan, Betadine, Clindacin, Klion D, Polygynax.

Most often, manufacturers offer complex-action candles that are effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi simultaneously. Of particular note are ichthyol suppositories, which not only eliminate inflammation, destroy pathogens of the inflammatory process, but also restore damaged vaginal mucosa.

Each case of adnexitis requires the doctor to prescribe suppositories according to individual indications, taking into account side effects and contraindications, duration and severity of the disease.


The main reason is banal hormonal changes that affect all girls . The body prepares to become a mother and rebuilds organs, thereby causing inflammatory processes.

Another reason may be hormonal imbalance and endocrine diseases. The cause may also be complications after infectious diseases, injuries, or poisoning .

Some STDs and sexually transmitted infections will complicate the course of inflammation.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories for adnexitis

Drugs in this category are most often used rectally.

The most effective anti-inflammatory suppositories:

  • Movalis is a drug from the NSAID group, incompatible with some antibacterial agents;
  • Indomethacin is the most effective suppository, the effect is felt after the first administration, they require an individual approach, as they have side effects;
  • Diclofenac is an analogue of Indomethacin with slightly less effectiveness and is contraindicated in women suffering from hypertension.

How to choose the right candles?

When choosing suppositories for the treatment of adnexitis, one should focus on the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Name Reasons for appointment Dosage
Terzhinan Treatment of adnexitis caused by microbial association, the drug contains nystatin, prednisolone and neomycin In the evening, 1 suppository for ten days
Polygynax Treatment of adnexitis caused by anaerobic microbes, contains nystatin and polymyxin B Morning and evening for 14 days
Klion-D Therapy for Trichomonas adnexitis In the evening, 1 suppository for ten days
Hexicon Treatment of trichomonas adnexitis, contain chlorhexidine Three times a day, 1 suppository for 14-21 days
McMirror Therapy of adnexitis caused by chlamydia, trichomonas and other pathogens 1 suppository in the evening for 7 days
Fluomizin Therapy of nongonorrheal adnexitis and other inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs Morning and evening for ten days
Longidaza Prevention of adhesions in the recovery period after treatment Administered rectally before bedtime for 21 days

The use of suppositories for the treatment of adnexitis should be carried out under the guidance of the attending physician, who will help you navigate a wide range of drugs and take into account the individual characteristics of the course of the disease and contraindications.

Author of the article:

Lapikova Valentina Vladimirovna | Gynecologist, reproductive specialist


Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology received from the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at NIMU named after. N.I. Pirogova. Our authors


Inflammatory diseases of the genital tract are common companions of women. The provocateur is a nonspecific opportunistic flora. Normally, it is present in small quantities in the vagina, but a decrease in the body's defenses allows it to multiply and cause inflammation. The problem cannot be left without treatment. Inflammation can progress and spread to the overlying parts of the reproductive system. In this situation, gynecologists often prescribe multi-component suppositories. The instructions for using Polygynax suppositories emphasize that the drug belongs specifically to this category.

What is not recommended

When treating adnexitis with folk remedies, it is worth remembering that infection and inflammation of the tubes and ovaries cannot be completely eliminated with herbs or healthy foods. Home remedies are effective only in addition to medications. Before using any home treatment methods for salpingoophoritis, you should consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

During the period of active inflammation, it is strictly forbidden to insert tampons soaked in honey and herbal decoctions into the vagina, as well as douche with herbal infusions and milk.

These home methods for eliminating the symptoms of adnexitis are quite common among home treatment adherents, but their effectiveness is absolutely unproven. However, such treatment can cause disruption of the vaginal microflora and irritation of the mucous membrane.

Treatment of adnexitis requires an integrated approach. However, treatment at home can only be done after a doctor’s permission. Any deterioration in health requires mandatory drug therapy. You also need to understand that not all home methods for treating salpingoophritis are effective. Many of them are useless and even dangerous to health.

When is it time to get treatment?

The vagina is an environment with a certain balance of many microorganisms. Any changes in the flora are accompanied by the appearance of a certain type of discharge. Normally, the amount of vaginal discharge is insignificant. A healthy woman practically does not notice them. Discharge may increase:

  • during the period of ovulation;
  • before menstruation;
  • in pregnant women;
  • during sexual arousal.

During reproductive age, in 70% of cases, the appearance of noticeable discharge - leucorrhoea - is associated with inflammation. At the same time, the composition of the vaginal microflora changes.

Most people have opportunistic microorganisms. But it is not their quantity that matters, but the ratio with beneficial microorganisms. In healthy women, single cells of opportunistic flora can be detected in smears. The table shows normal and abnormal results of a vaginal smear.

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, the disease occurs without any visible signs, but in extreme stages it is observed:

  • Bleeding and discharge of pus (especially during non-menstrual periods)
  • Pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Dizziness and loss of balance when suddenly rising from a sitting or lying position;
  • Impaired metabolism of iron and potassium;
  • Insomnia and panic attacks;
  • Nightmarish dreams;
  • Nervous state.

Active ingredients of the drug

Polygynax suppositories contain three active ingredients that can cope with several types of infection at the same time:

  • neomycin sulfate;
  • polymyxin B sulfate;
  • nystatin.

Each of the substances has its own spectrum of activity, but acting simultaneously they are able to prevent the proliferation of all groups of microorganisms that cause colpitis or vaginitis.

Neomycin sulfate

This is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides and has a wide spectrum of action. In small concentrations it has a bacteriostatic effect. At the same time, it penetrates the microbial cell, binds to specific receptors and stops protein synthesis. Bacteria lose the ability to reproduce.

In high concentrations it has a bactericidal effect. Neomycin causes direct damage to the cell membrane of the microbe, which leads to its death. Activity is manifested against the following microorganisms:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • coli;
  • salmonella;
  • shigella;
  • corynebacter;
  • Proteus.

Neomycin in Polygynax has only a local effect. At the same time, its suction is minimal. But in general, the drug is able to penetrate the placenta. Neomycin is dangerous for the fetus because, like other aminoglycosides, it has oto- and nephrotoxic effects. Therefore, the use of drugs containing neomycin during pregnancy is unacceptable.

Polymyxin B sulfate

Polypeptide antibiotic with bactericidal action. It attaches to the bacterial membrane, increases its permeability, which leads to cell disintegration. Resistance to the drug develops very slowly. Effective against the following microorganisms:

  • coli;
  • salmonella;
  • shigella;
  • Klebsiella;
  • bordetella;
  • enterobacter;
  • pseudomonas;
  • Haemophilus influenzae.

It penetrates tissue barriers poorly, but it is prescribed to pregnant women only for health reasons.


An antifungal agent from the group of polyene antibiotics. The peculiarity of the mechanism of action is based on the ability to integrate into the membrane of the fungus. In this case, a channel is formed through which water and electrolyte ions freely penetrate into the cell. Gradually this leads to the decay of the fungal cell.

Fungi of the genus Candida are sensitive to nystatin. Has no effect on the following microorganisms:

  • bacteria, including gardnerella;
  • viruses;
  • protozoa (Trichomonas).

Nystatin is practically not absorbed and has only a local effect.

Polygynax for chronic adnexitis

With inflammation of the uterine appendages (salpigo-oophoritis), a woman needs complex treatment, which often includes suppositories for adnexitis. The main therapeutic task is to destroy the infection that provoked the development of the inflammatory process. Since adnexitis can be acute or chronic, treatment regimens can vary greatly.

For effective therapy, a complete diagnosis is necessary. It will show how much the reproductive organs are involved in the inflammatory process, and what caused its development. Typically, treatment includes the following:

  • taking antibacterial drugs for adnexitis (broad-spectrum antibiotics in tablets and injections);
  • rectal and vaginal suppositories (antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic);
  • oral NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and immunity-correcting drugs.

After the acute process has passed, the therapeutic effect is consolidated with physiotherapeutic procedures.

Acute adnexitis in women occurs with the following symptoms:

  • There is severe pain with spasms in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lumbar region;
  • pain when urinating;
  • abundant vaginal discharge (mucous, purulent), itching and irritation in the genital area appear;
  • the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and when menorrhea occurs, the patient loses a lot of blood and experiences severe pain;
  • during sexual intercourse, a woman experiences discomfort and pain, which persists after sex;
  • nervousness, irritability, depression;
  • febrile conditions.

“Acute adnexitis can cause serious complications such as diffuse peritonitis, adhesions in the fallopian tubes, pregnancy outside the uterus or infertility.”

Chronic adnexitis, as a rule, appears against the background of neglected or poorly treated acute adnexitis. When it worsens, women experience the following symptoms:

  • general health worsens, body temperature rises;
  • sexual dysfunction occurs, sexual desire decreases;
  • the function of the digestive organs is impaired, inflammation of the large intestine may occur;
  • problems arise in the urinary system (infectious and inflammatory disease of the kidneys and bladder);
  • constantly bothered by aching pain in the lower abdomen, and after physical exertion, sexual intercourse or with the onset of menstruation, it intensifies and manifests itself in severe cramps;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle, manifested by heavy or, on the contrary, scanty bleeding.

If adnexitis has severe symptoms, then treatment, as a rule, cannot be done without the use of antibiotics.

Treatment of adnexitis with antibiotics begins with injections (intravenous/intramuscular) - Tsifran, Ceftriaxone, Augmentin, Amoxil-K. And then they switch to maintenance therapy with drugs that are taken orally (tablets Azithromycin, Doxycycline, Nolicin, Abiclave).

Local use of antibacterial agents involves the use of vaginal suppositories, which speed up the healing process, relieve inflammatory symptoms and other unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

The most popular names of candles for adnexitis:

  • Metronidazole;
  • Polygynax;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Meratin-combi;
  • Fluomizin;
  • Mikozhinax;
  • Hexicon.

It is appropriate to treat adnexitis with antibiotic suppositories after first identifying the pathogen that provoked the development of the inflammatory process.

For inflammation of the appendages (ovaries and fallopian tubes), Polygynax is widely used. Women often classify this drug as a suppository for the treatment of adnexitis, although, in fact, it is a vaginal capsule. But in fact, this dosage form only has a different name, and the method of administration remains the same as for all vaginal suppositories for salpingoophoritis.

Polygynax is appropriate for adnexitis due to its complex composition:

  • neomycin sulfate (an antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group);
  • polymyxin B (polypeptide antibiotic);
  • nystatin (an antifungal substance effective in the fight against candidiasis).

The drug has a pronounced antibacterial and antifungal effect. In addition, it improves cellular nutrition processes in the vaginal mucosa. As a rule, gynecologists prescribe them at the end of the treatment course after parenteral and oral antibiotics.

Polygynax not only consolidates the effect of the completed therapy, but also helps fight thrush, which inevitably appears during a shock course of antibacterial drugs.

In the complex therapy of salpingoophoritis, in some cases Fluomizin suppositories are prescribed. The main active ingredient of this drug is dequalinium chloride. It has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity.

The vaginal tablet is inserted deep into the vagina in the evening before bed. It is more convenient to do this while lying on your back with your legs slightly bent. If the patient experiences excessive vaginal dryness, the tablet should be lightly moistened with water before administration. To do this, just hold the tablet under running water for 1 second. While using Fluomizin, it is recommended to change daily sanitary pads and underwear more often.

“If, after a treatment course, signs of the infectious process persist, then tests should be repeated to identify the pathogen and confirm the diagnosis.”

Hexicon suppositories are also used as an adjuvant for adnexitis. The main active ingredient in this drug is chlorhexedine bigluconate. It is active against some bacteria, protozoa and viruses, but does not interfere with the functional activity of lactobacilli.

When administered intravaginally, it is practically not absorbed, therefore it does not have a systemic effect. Hexicon is approved for use by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Performing hygienic manipulations with the genitals does not affect the effectiveness and tolerability of Hexicon vaginal suppositories by the patient.

Rectal suppositories for the treatment of adnexitis usually contain anti-inflammatory and analgesic substances. In the list of the most popular you can find the following:

  • Movalis;
  • Voltaren;
  • anti-inflammatory suppositories with indomethacin;
  • candles with belladonna.

Treatment of adnexitis cannot be done without the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They perfectly relieve pain and reduce signs of inflammation.

The drug Movalis has proven itself to be an effective anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of adnexitis. Its active ingredient is meloxicam. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect in all known models of the development of the inflammatory process.

Gynecologists often prescribe this drug to women who complain of severe pain in the lower abdomen. This selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, in combination with standard complex therapy, can reduce the intensity of pain in the first 2-3 days of treatment. And if it is well tolerated and there is no adverse reaction from the body, it can even lead to complete relief of pain.

Movalis has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, however, these suppositories are not without side effects and contraindications characteristic of all NSAIDs. Particular caution should be exercised in patients with a history of gastrointestinal diseases and those taking anticoagulants, as the risk of bleeding increases.

The use of Voltaren suppositories in the treatment of adnexitis is indicated due to its ability to relieve painful symptoms and eliminate inflammatory processes. The active ingredient in these suppositories is diclofenac sodium. Suppositories containing 25, 50 or 100 mg of diclofenac are available.

Suppositories are effective because the active component directly affects the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are responsible for the formation of an inflammatory focus. Diclofenac sodium is quickly absorbed into the blood through the intestinal mucosa, reaching maximum concentration 60 minutes after rectal administration. During the day it is not recommended to exceed the dosage of 150 mg.

Voltaren suppositories can effectively relieve pain, but they should be taken with extreme caution by patients with diseases of the digestive tract, liver or kidney failure, as well as serious heart disease. Although, if we compare suppositories with tablets or injections containing diclofenac, then in the case of the former, side effects occur less frequently.

Indomethacin suppositories are used not only for adnexitis, but also for other gynecological diseases:

  • pain during menstruation;
  • endometriosis and adenomyosis;
  • benign tumor of the uterus;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • cystitis;
  • after gynecological surgery.

“The mechanism of action of indomethacin is to inhibit cyclooxygenase, thereby inhibiting the action of mediators of pain and inflammation.”

You can use from 1 to 3 suppositories per day, depending on the dosage. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 150 mg of indomethacin. It is also important to remember that the drug has a number of strict contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to indomethacin and other NSAIDs;
  • ulcerative processes in the digestive tract;
  • bleeding (intracranial, gastrointestinal);
  • heart failure and congenital heart defects;
  • persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • various diseases of the retina and optic nerve;
  • serious diseases of the hepatobiliary zone;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • blood diseases (impaired processes or slow clotting);
  • chronic renal failure;
  • hemorrhoids, proctitis;
  • age under 18 years;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

At the same time, women who do not have the contraindications listed above note the high effectiveness of this drug.

In gynecological practice, rectal suppositories with belladonna are often used to relieve uterine tone and spasms in its appendages. This is very appropriate in the treatment of acute inflammatory processes, which are accompanied by severe pain and spasms. The main active component of suppositories is atropine alkaloids. It is quickly absorbed through the intestinal walls and reaches the reproductive organs through the microvasculature.

The therapeutic effect of belladonna extract is to reduce inflammation and swelling in tissues, as well as relieve spasms of smooth muscles. This way the pain syndrome is relieved. Gradual recovery is also facilitated by improved blood circulation, which occurs after the elimination of spasms and compression of small vessels.

Such suppositories are used exclusively rectally. They are inserted into the anus 2-3 times a day. In pharmacies, such suppositories are sold by prescription, so you cannot do without consulting a gynecologist. After visiting a doctor, you can not only get the right to purchase the drug at the pharmacy, but also the correct recommendations for dosing and combining belladonna extract with other medications that are included in the treatment course.

Adnexitis is one of the most common problems in gynecological practice. Against the background of this pathology, the inability of a mature female body to become pregnant often develops. Very often, salpigo-oophoritis is asymptomatic or with minimal symptoms. It is quite difficult to cure chronic adnexitis, but properly selected medications, including suppositories, can give excellent results after some time.

Based on materials from

What is adnexitis?
Adnexitis refers to female gynecological diseases and causes inflammatory processes in the appendages of the fallopian tubes and ovary. As a rule, the source of an infectious disease in the appendages is various pathogenic bacteria that provoke the development of acute or chronic adnexitis in a woman.
From this material you will learn in detail what symptoms are characteristic of acute and chronic adnexitis, what is treatment for inflammation of the appendages and methods of modern and traditional treatment, and you will also find here instructions for the use of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial suppositories (Voltaren, Movalis, Hexicon, Fluomizin, Indomethacin , Polygynax, belladonna candles).


Often the symptoms of acute adnexitis resemble signs of a cold.

- Prostration. Against the background of “cold” symptoms, specific ones may appear:

- Discharge in the form of serous, mucous or purulent leucorrhoea; — Constant irritation and itching in the perineum and intimate area;

If acute adnexitis in a woman is not detected in time, then inflammation of the appendages can spread to the peritoneal area and cause peritonitis.


Chronic adnexitis is characterized by a sharp deterioration in a woman’s well-being and, as a rule, develops against the background of untreated acute inflammation of the ovarian appendages.

— Lack of desire and noticeable disorder in the intimate sphere;

— I’m worried about constant “dull” pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies with stress, intimate contact, menstrual flow, hypothermia;

Chronic inflammation of the appendages causes digestive system disorders (colitis);

— Lethargy and weakness appear, the temperature rises to 38°;

- Chronic adnexitis of the ovarian appendages can cause menstrual irregularities - delayed menstruation, strong exhausting discharge (or vice versa - too scanty);

— If chronic inflammation of the appendages is not detected in time and complex treatment of the disease is not started, then adnexitis can provoke obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which can lead to ectopic pregnancy and even infertility in women.


It is important to identify the development of adnexitis in a woman as early as possible and begin treatment in order to prevent complications of the disease and the formation of scars in the appendages, which can lead to persistent infertility.

Physiotherapeutic procedures (ultrasonic exposure, mud therapy) and strengthening the immune system are indicated in the subacute stage of the development of adnexitis.

Severe forms of acute adnexitis and chronic inflammation of the appendages must be treated with antibiotics (a course of antibiotic injections with a broad spectrum of action against pathogenic bacteria). Treatment is prescribed by a doctor and occurs under the supervision of medical staff in the hospital.

In addition to the use of antibiotics, medications are indicated that inhibit the reproduction and development of anaerobic bacteria.

Vitamins and special solutions are introduced into the body through intravenous drips to prevent intoxication during the treatment of adnexitis.


Suppositories (medicinal suppositories) with an anti-inflammatory effect and antibacterial effect for the treatment of adnexitis in women are very effective (especially at the initial stage of the disease) The suppositories melt evenly at body temperature and the anti-inflammatory substance is immediately absorbed by the mucous membrane of the inflamed areas. Let's look at the list of the most popular and well-proven suppositories against inflammation of the appendages.

Voltaren suppositories for adnexitis not only perfectly destroy the infection, but also have an analgesic effect for adnexitis. Self-medication is not permissible and only a doctor can prescribe a course of treatment for adnekitis with Voltaren suppositories, having determined the required dosage (the dose of the medicine must not be exceeded daily - 140 mg). For intestinal erosion, urticaria, some colds, hemorrhoids, as well as during lactation and in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the doctor does not prescribe these suppositories. Detailed information about Voltaren suppositories and instructions for use: Click on the link and expand the instructions.

Movalis anti-inflammatory suppositories are used rectally and are often used to treat acute adnexitis. The good thing is that during the treatment of inflammation of the appendages they can be used in conjunction with other anti-inflammatory drugs. Adnexitis can be treated with Movalis only after consultation with your doctor. As a rule, the course of treatment with Movalis is designed for a week, 15 mg daily. These suppositories are contraindicated for women suffering from kidney disease and a weak cardiovascular system, as well as for hemorrhoids and during lactation. Below you will find information about Movalis candles and detailed instructions for use: Click on the link and expand the instructions.

antibacterial and anti-inflammatory suppositories Hexicon are also often used to treat inflammation of the appendages and have fewer contraindications than many other suppositories - since the components of the drug are absorbed locally and are not absorbed into the blood, Hexicon can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Usually the doctor prescribes a course of treatment for adnexitis with hexicon for up to 10 days. Contraindications for use are severe itching and allergic reactions. Look at the detailed instructions for using Hexicon candles: Click on the link and expand the instructions.

antiseptic vaginal suppositories Fluomizin have excellent tolerability, do not have side effects dangerous to the body and have proven themselves in the fight against inflammation of the appendages. How to use fluomizin suppositories, detailed instructions for use: Click on the link and expand the instructions.

indomethacin rectal suppositories can also be used for adnexitis, but treatment must be coordinated with a doctor. Anti-inflammatory suppositories Indomethacin have an analgesic and antipyretic effect, but are strictly contraindicated for stomach ulcers, liver problems, kidney pathology, hematopoietic disorders, and they should not be used in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Below are detailed instructions for using Indomethacin: Click on the link and expand the instructions for use.

popular antibacterial suppositories Polygynax can be administered vaginally, 1 capsule daily. The course is prescribed by a doctor and lasts no more than two weeks if inflammation of the appendages is detected in a woman. The advantage of Polygynax is that it does not enter the bloodstream and has a minimum of contraindications for use: Click on the link and expand the instructions for use.

anti-inflammatory suppositories with belladonna are often used for left- and right-sided inflammation of the appendages. Suppositories with belladonna extract have a pronounced analgesic effect. During pregnancy, the use of these suppositories for the treatment of adnexitis is not contraindicated. Inflammation of the appendages can be treated with this drug only as prescribed by the attending physician: Click on the link and expand the instructions for use.


If you detect symptoms of inflammation of the ovarian appendages and fallopian tubes, you should immediately consult a specialist and do not self-medicate at home, as this can provoke complications that are dangerous to health or not completely cure adnexitis, which can lead to a chronic form of the disease. Use traditional methods of treatment in parallel with the main one and only after agreement with your doctor!

Folk Treatment of chronic adnexitis with aloe and plantain:

Preparation of the product: pour a spoonful of finely chopped plantain leaves into boiling water (100 ml) and simmer over low heat for three minutes, stirring the leaves with a spoon. After this, let the broth cool and filter it through cheesecloth, and then add 13-14 drops of aloe leaf juice to it.

Application of the product: Using the douching method, introduce this folk remedy into the source of inflammation and hold it there for fifteen minutes. The procedure must be repeated every day for several weeks. How to treat adnexitis using the folk method using milk:

A very simple but effective way to treat inflammation of the appendages - pour milk heated to 95 ° C into a wide basin and sit over it for 5-10 minutes. The healing vapors of milk will rise, penetrate the fallopian tubes and fight inflammatory processes.

Treatment of adnexitis with folk remedies using herbs:

Preparing the infusion at home: pour 5 teaspoons of Chernobyl, chamomile and Veronica officinalis into a jar, adding 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sweet clover. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the herbal mixture and cover with a lid. After 20 minutes you need to drink the infusion. Repeat the procedure before bedtime for 2-3 days in a row.

How to treat left- and right-sided inflammation of the appendages using raw potatoes:

Preparation: Finely grate the washed tuber, then squeeze the potato juice from the resulting mass. Use of a folk remedy: For 2 months, drink freshly squeezed potato juice in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast.

Folk method of treating acute adnexitis with celandine and garlic

Preparation of a folk remedy: Grind one clove of garlic to a pulp, and then squeeze the juice out of it. Add 2-3 drops of celandine juice and dilute the mixture with 50 g. clean water.

Application: soak a cotton swab in the resulting product and insert it into the vagina for three hours. This procedure should be performed several times a week.

Traditional treatment for bilateral adnexitis at home

Preparation of a decoction of St. John's wort: brew 1 tbsp with a glass of boiling water. spoon of St. John's wort herb, and then cover with a lid. After an hour, put the tea leaves on the stove, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for fifteen minutes.

Then the broth should be cooled and thoroughly filtered. The decoction should be taken 3 times daily, 5 tablespoons each, on an empty stomach.

Based on materials from

Adnexitis is an inflammation of the appendages (ovaries and fallopian tubes) caused by various viruses, chlamydia, and bacteria. The disease is more common in young sexually mature women. The disease is dangerous because without proper treatment it can lead to infertility or the inability to bear a child. If you experience pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

Vaginal suppositories for adnexitis are the most commonly used remedy for treating the disease. Suppositories have local antibacterial properties, which are absorbed into the mucous membranes as quickly as possible. This leads to a rapid therapeutic effect, as well as pain relief. Thus, treatment is most effective if you use suppositories for adnexitis. Including suppositories for adnexitis, they are used rectally to relieve symptoms of inflammation.

When a diagnosis of adnexitis is made, a woman is prescribed several types of suppositories for treatment:

  • Suppositories with antibacterial effect (vaginal).
  • Anti-inflammatory suppositories and painkillers (rectal).
  • Suppositories that restore local microflora (vaginal).

If painful symptoms appear, you must undergo an examination by your doctor and take tests to identify the pathogen. The use of any suppositories should be carried out in certain courses and only under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory suppositories for adnexitis alleviate the general condition of a woman, without affecting the causative agent of the disease.

Antibacterial agents work well directly against the cause of the disease. In order for tissue regeneration to occur and to provide immunization processes, methyluracil suppositories are used in gynecological practice for adnexitis, reviews of this drug from patients are very positive, women note the disappearance of symptoms of colpitis, an improvement in the condition of the vaginal mucosa.

List of the most popular suppositories for adnexitis:

  • Terzhinan is a complex drug containing antibiotic and antifungal components. Terzhinan suppositories also have an anti-inflammatory effect for adnexitis.
  • Polygynax is an antibacterial agent.
  • Hexicon is an antibacterial and antiseptic agent.
  • Voltaren is an anti-inflammatory drug.
  • Fluomizin - suppositories with an antiseptic effect.
  • Indomethacin is an anti-inflammatory rectal drug.
  • Movalis is a strong pain reliever.
  • Diclofenac - has only an analgesic effect.
  • Gynoflor, Lactocide, Lactobacterin are suppositories that restore flora.

Lack of treatment or uncontrolled use of medications can lead to the development of chronic adnexitis. Treatment of the disease is quite long, complicated by a sluggish course. Suppositories for chronic adnexitis (the names of which are listed above) are used at the time of exacerbation. For patients with chronic adnexitis, suppositories are prescribed: the use of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs, physiotherapy, vitamins. With frequent relapses, it is not recommended to allow hypothermia or excessive physical exertion. Also, to avoid the occurrence of such complications as adhesions, an enzyme preparation in suppositories is prescribed - longidase suppositories for adnexitis.

Diclofenac is an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic drug, which is often included in complex therapy for adnexitis. The drug perfectly eliminates pain and relieves swelling caused by inflammation.

Diclofenac for the treatment of adnexitis quickly relieves swelling and relieves pain.

The components of the drug easily pass into breast milk, so it cannot be used to treat adnexitis during pregnancy or breastfeeding. It is also not recommended to use Diclofenac for the treatment of adnexitis in patients with ulcers, gastritis, or allergies.

Diclofenac is available in two forms:

  • pills;
  • vaginal suppositories (suppositories).

Diclofenac suppositories are a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antipyretic drug that directly affects the inflammatory focus, but does not affect healthy tissue. The active ingredient of the drug is Diclofenac sodium. 1 suppository contains 25-100 mg of diclofenac. The daily dosage of Diclofenac is determined by the attending physician individually. Sometimes Diclofenac suppositories cannot be used, so the doctor replaces them with a safe analogue. Voltaren can serve as this analogue for adnexitis. This drug is available both in the form of suppositories and in the form of a transdermal patch and gel. This drug in the form of suppositories has the best effect for this disease.

Polygynax is a broad-spectrum anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drug that effectively affects many pathological organisms. The medicine consists of antifungal and antibacterial substances, and copes well with inflammation that develops against the background of infection by several types of microbes. These vaginal suppositories for adnexitis are used in conjunction with general antibacterial therapy. The minimum duration of treatment for adnexitis with Polygynax is 6 days. Depending on the woman’s general condition, the gynecologist may prescribe a 12-day therapeutic course.

Polygynax is available in the form of suppositories. The active substances contained in its composition do not penetrate into the blood, but contribute to the effective destruction of foreign fungi and bacteria. Polygynax suppositories for adnexitis have an important advantage - their use does not cause any side effects.

Reviews of the drug Polygynax are mostly positive. More than half of the women who treated adnexitis with this drug note that it has a comprehensive and rapid effect, but is expensive. Its disadvantages, according to patients, include high cost and lack of guarantees that the disease will recede after completing the course. Some women complain that suppositories “leak” from the vagina. According to reviews of Polygynax suppositories online, one package of the product is enough for the entire course of therapy. The round soft capsule is easily inserted into the vagina, but during use it stains underwear. An alternative to vaginal suppositories Polygynax is the rectal drug Indomethacin.

Indomethacin for adnexitis is used as a non-steroidal medicine with anti-inflammatory properties. Release form: suppositories (suppositories). To cure adnexitis, Indomethacin is recommended to be used in combination with other antibacterial medicinal compounds. Rectal suppositories for adnexitis are used in the rectum for 7 days. It is necessary to use these suppositories with caution under the “cover” of drugs that protect the stomach.

Vaginal suppositories against inflammation in the uterine appendages promote a speedy recovery. In addition to adnexitis, this drug can also cure other gynecological diseases:

  • benign tumors of the uterus;
  • inflammatory processes in the bladder;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • endometriosis;
  • severe pain syndrome.

Indomethacin is a suppository for adnexitis that has a special mechanism of action. Once the drug enters the female body, it slows down the rate of chemical reactions of cyclooxygenase, which helps relieve pain and relieve inflammation. The daily dosage of Indomethacin is 1-3 suppositories. The maximum permissible daily dose of the drug should not exceed 150 mg. A doctor who includes Indomethacin in the treatment of adnexitis must take into account some contraindications to the use of the drug.

  1. Ulcers in the digestive tract.
  2. Hypersensitivity of the body to Indomethacin and other anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs.
  3. Gastrointestinal and intracranial bleeding.
  4. Congenital heart defect, heart failure.
  5. Sustained increase in blood pressure.
  6. Diseases of the optic nerve and retina.
  7. Bronchial asthma.
  8. Chronic renal failure.
  9. Slow blood clotting or other bleeding disorders.
  10. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  11. The patient is under 18 years of age.

Most women who treated adnexitis with Indomethacin note the high effectiveness of the drug. Ichthyol suppositories have a similar effect.

Ichthyol suppositories are a mineral medicine widely used for the treatment of various gynecological diseases.

Ichthyol suppositories against adnexitis help achieve the following effects:

  • local anesthesia;
  • significant reduction in inflammatory reactions;
  • acceleration and strengthening of the processes of formation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

The release form of ichthyol suppositories is suppositories for rectal administration (into the anus). The recommended dosage is 1-2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

Hexicon is an antibacterial agent that is available in different forms. In pharmacies you can find Hexicon in the form of tablets (they, like suppositories, are inserted into the vagina, solutions, gels and, in fact, suppositories). The antiseptic effect of the drug ensures the complete destruction of pathogenic microflora and the preservation of beneficial bacteria.

Hexicon suppositories are an anti-inflammatory drug widely used by gynecologists to eliminate pathological conditions that develop against the background of adnexitis.

Belladonna suppositories for adnexitis are prescribed rectally. This drug is prescribed rectally, has an antispasmodic effect, and is a herbal remedy.

Hexicon vaginal suppositories for adnexitis have a good antiseptic effect. They are recommended for use in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Hexicon suppositories are a good remedy against vaginosis and colpitis. They demonstrate high activity in the fight against many pathological microbes (mycoplasma, chlamydia, gardnerella, treponema).

The main advantage of Hexicon is that the medicine does not provoke the development of serious disorders and changes in the vaginal microflora. Thanks to this, Hexicon suppositories for adnexitis are prescribed even to women carrying a child.

Recommended dosage of the drug: 2 times a day, 1 suppository. The duration of therapy is 10 days. In individual cases, the gynecologist may increase the treatment period. The basis of the drug Hexicon contains the component chlorhexidine. It provides a disinfecting effect in the fight against pathogenic microflora.

In reviews, doctors and patients call Hexicon suppositories for adnexitis an effective remedy against inflammation of the appendages. However, the drug also has some side effects. For example, with prolonged use of Hexicon, itching and burning occurs in the external genitalia, and a severe allergic reaction may occur.

Based on materials from

In what cases is it necessary and when is it contraindicated?

Indications for the use of Polygynax suppositories include treatment and prevention. For therapeutic purposes it is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • nonspecific vaginitis – inflammation caused by opportunistic flora;
  • fungal vaginitis - when thrush is complemented by microbial flora;
  • mixed vaginitis - a variety of flora was found in the smear;
  • vulvovagiitis - inflammation spread to the vestibule and vaginal cavity;
  • cervicovaginitis is an inflammatory reaction in the cervical canal and vagina.

For chlamydia, the use of Polygynax suppositories can only be part of a complex treatment.

Treatment with Polygynax is not prescribed for cystitis. This is an inflammation of the bladder, so vaginal capsules will not bring a therapeutic effect. Indications for use do not include anaerobic flora, such as gardnerella. This microbe is not sensitive to the action of the drug. In the treatment of adnexitis it can be used as an adjuvant: inflammation of the appendages is often accompanied by a similar reaction in the vagina.

Prevention of infections

For the purpose of prevention, Polygynax is prescribed in cases where it is necessary to prevent the proliferation of opportunistic flora. Most often, these conditions are associated with various manipulations of the genitals.

  • Preparing for surgery. If a woman is preparing for planned genital surgery, then she can start using suppositories a week in advance. This is especially true for a smear with a second or third degree of purity, when there is minor inflammation, but after surgery it can become a source of infection.
  • Preparing for childbirth. A newborn comes from almost sterile conditions through the vagina, rich in various microorganisms, into the outside world. Weakened local immunity during pregnancy leads to the activation of opportunistic flora. Often pregnant women are forced to use suppositories for most of their pregnancy. A week before the planned date of birth, both natural and induced, you can use Polygynax with caution. But thrush alone is not an indication for prescription; it must be combined with elevated leukocytes and bacterial flora in the smear.
  • Diagnostic manipulations . Some invasive diagnostic methods can lead to ascending infection from the vagina. Diagnostic curettage and hysteroscopy should be performed with a sanitized vagina.
  • Treatment of the cervix . If a decision is made to treat cervical erosion using diathermocoagulation, then it is necessary to create a clean environment to avoid infection of the resulting wound. Therefore, prevention is carried out before and after manipulation.

"Polygynax" can be used when planning pregnancy. To prevent infection of the fetus in the early stages, as well as complications of the infection, it is necessary to sanitize the genital tract before conception. If the smear shows signs of inflammation, then full treatment is necessary. Sexual partners must undergo it at the same time. In men, the infection manifests itself in the form of urethritis. Sex during treatment is contraindicated.

When is another medicine needed?

The use of Polygynax is not permitted in all cases. Contraindications include the following conditions:

  • individual intolerance;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period.

In the second and third trimesters, treatment with suppositories is allowed if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. If it is necessary to use this medicine during lactation, stop breastfeeding.


Diclofenac is an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic drug, which is often included in complex therapy for adnexitis. The drug perfectly eliminates pain and relieves swelling caused by inflammation. It can be used in this form, as painkillers for adnexitis, and also in ampoule form, as anti-inflammatory injections for adnexitis.

Diclofenac for adnexitis: characteristics of the drug and recommendations for use

Diclofenac for the treatment of adnexitis quickly relieves swelling and relieves pain. The components of the drug easily pass into breast milk, so it cannot be used to treat adnexitis during pregnancy or breastfeeding. It is also not recommended to use Diclofenac for the treatment of adnexitis in patients with ulcers, gastritis, or allergies.

Diclofenac is available in two forms:

  • pills;
  • vaginal suppositories (suppositories).

To treat inflammatory processes in the uterine appendages, Diclofenac suppositories are mainly used for adnexitis.

Diclofenac suppositories are a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antipyretic drug that directly affects the inflammatory focus, but does not affect healthy tissue. The active ingredient of the drug is Diclofenac sodium. 1 suppository contains 25-100 mg of diclofenac. The daily dosage of Diclofenac is determined by the attending physician individually. Sometimes Diclofenac suppositories cannot be used, so the doctor replaces them with a safe analogue. Voltaren can serve as this analogue for adnexitis. This drug is available both in the form of suppositories and in the form of a transdermal patch and gel. This drug in the form of suppositories has the best effect for this disease.

Instructions for use of Polygynax suppositories

Before undergoing a course of treatment, it is necessary to take a smear to check the vaginal microflora. Vaginal tablets "Poliginax" are not used only for thrush. There must be a co-infection in order for there to be a point of application for antibiotics.

Mode of application

  1. In the evening, carry out hygiene procedures.
  2. With clean hands, remove the capsule.
  3. Polygynax suppositories should be inserted while lying on your back, deep into the vagina.
  4. Wash the hands.

The course of treatment is 12 days; for prevention, six days of one suppository are enough. During menstruation, treatment is not stopped.

Side effects

When carrying out local treatment using Polygynax capsules, the following were occasionally observed: allergic manifestations , irritation in the vagina, as well as itching and burning of the vaginal mucous membranes. In some cases, the formation of allergic contact eczema . With prolonged therapy, the possibility of systemic manifestation of negative side effects characteristic of aminoglycosides .

If any of the above negative side effects are detected or their aggravation, as well as if other negative phenomena not described in the instructions are detected, the patient must inform her gynecologist about this.

Undesirable effects

Side effects of Polygynax manifest themselves in the form of local reactions:

  • burning;
  • itching;
  • redness;
  • allergy;
  • allergic eczema.

In this case, you should stop using the drug and report the reaction to your doctor. But reviews from doctors show that such reactions rarely develop if the instructions are followed correctly.

The duration of use also needs to be adjusted. It is not recommended to use more than the period specified in the instructions. Aminoglycosides can enter the systemic circulation in small quantities, which will lead to their side effects.

Exceeding the recommended dosage and course of treatment is theoretically fraught with the development of resistance in microorganisms to the drug. But no cases of overdose have been identified.

During treatment you should not drink alcohol. It can reduce the therapeutic effect, the course of therapy will be ineffective. Spermicidal contraceptives also lose their effect during treatment, and latex condoms can be damaged by the components of the drug.

Analogues of "Poliginax" are "Amintax" and "Poliginax Virgo". The first of them has a similar composition, but is produced in Russia, unlike the original drug, which is produced in France. "Polygynax Virgo" is a dosage form intended for use in virgins. The capsule has a pointed end, which is cut off. Through it, the contents of the capsule are gently squeezed into the vagina. Reviews of Polygynax suppositories indicate the effectiveness of treatment with this drug.

Release form and composition

Polygynax is available in the form of gelatin oval vaginal capsules in boxes of 6 or 12 pcs. Dosages of active ingredients in each capsule are given in international units of action. Compound:

  • neomycin - 35,000 IU;
  • polymyxin B - 35,000 IU;
  • nystatin - 100,000 IU.

Manufacturer: INNOTHERA CHOUZY (France).

Reviews: “Didn’t suit me”

It turned out that, having caught a cold in my appendages, I didn’t find time for myself to immediately see a doctor, and I probably would have lived with pain in my lower abdomen if at one moment I wasn’t so twisted that I couldn’t straighten up. I had to go. The diagnosis was not reassuring; my inflammation developed into a chronic form. An ultrasound showed that the ovary was stuck to the uterus with adhesions, which is why there was such pain when walking and exercising. There was an offer to go to the hospital, which I refused, then a day hospital and warming up, the same refusal, since I have small children and there is no one to leave them with.

They prescribed treatment at home. There were many injections of antibiotics, then all sorts of douching and pills. All this lasted a month and a half. After all this, at a doctor’s appointment, I was prescribed Polygynax vaginal suppositories to complete the treatment. The candles turned out to be universal. They treat inflammation and thrush immediately. The composition includes a group of antibiotics and nystatin. This made me very happy, since thrush cannot be avoided from such a dose of antibiotics. The drug is prescribed for fungal, mixed vaginitis, inflammation of the appendages, and before surgery. They can also be taken for prevention. If I had known about them earlier, I would not have started my inflammation. Now they are always at home.


I used this drug 2 times in total: the 1st course was prescribed during pregnancy; 2nd - for a routine medical examination. Antibacterial suppositories "Poliginax" were first prescribed to me by a gynecologist for the treatment of thrush during pregnancy (by the way, thrush can occur as a reaction of the body to taking OCs), but the course of treatment gave only a temporary (short-lived) positive effect, then the thrush returned. The second time I was prescribed these suppositories was after a routine examination by a gynecologist (after undergoing tests, the results of which the doctor did not particularly like). I had no complaints about my health, but the doctor decided to prescribe a course of Polygynax for prevention. I, like an obedient patient, bought these suppositories and took the course. And after a couple of days I began to develop wild thrush, which I comprehensively treated (tablets + suppositories) with Pimafucin. The drug "Polygynax" absolutely did not suit me. Still, antibiotics greatly disturb (and destroy) the microflora of the mucous membranes, so they can be treated only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision (who will be able to adjust the therapy if there is a negative effect).

Nancy K ,

I took the full course - 12 suppositories. It was prescribed because of inflammation (there are a lot of leukocytes), and vaginal dryness, no unpleasant sensations, everything is as always with suppositories. I put it in at night and have a hygienic shower in the morning. The candles, naturally, partially leak out, and they also melt due to body temperature. I wore pads throughout the course and at night too. At night, so that there is no leakage of the candles, and during the day, the drug also partially comes out. I agree that first of all you need to read the instructions. I lived without sex and alcohol for 12 days. Treatment is treatment. Today I visited the gynecologist, she was shocked - the mucous membrane is fine, there is no redness. She took a smear and said it should be normal. So I have no complaints about polygynax! I had experience of treatment with Ovestin suppositories, so they almost burned everything out there exactly 10 minutes after insertion inside and everything itched and itched. This is not the case with polygenax. After Polygynax I put Ovestin on - it went without any problems at all, I think Ovestin burned because of inflammation, which Polygynax defeated! Hello, girls, and don’t delay pregnancy, because it may be too late. Infertility is a terrible diagnosis for both the body and especially the soul!


Tampons for inflammation at home. Tampons for inflammation of the appendages

To treat adnexitis, intravaginal tampons are often used, which provide local antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy. Let's look at a few medicinal tampons.

Aloe and honey tampons

Grind aloe leaves and pour liquid honey (proportion 1:1). Infuse for three weeks, periodically shaking the container where the medicinal mixture is located. Then strain the resulting medicine and store it in the refrigerator.

Before insertion into the vagina, the mixture is warmed to room temperature and the tampon is well dipped in it. It is better to use this treatment at night.

In addition to tampons, it is useful to use the following medicine internally: aloe juice + honey + Cahors in the ratio 1: 2: 3.

Tampons made from Vishnevsky ointment

Ready-made ointment can be purchased at the pharmacy chain. Carefully dip the tampon in the ointment and insert deeply into the vagina. Place 1-2 tampons per day, it is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime. The course consists of 14–20 tampons. After treatment, an ultrasound is performed.

If unpleasant sensations appear in the vagina: a burning sensation, pain, bloating, and others, then an allergic reaction may occur. In such cases, the tampon is removed and thoroughly washed under running water using baby soap.

Cabbage tampons for adnexitis

Choose juicy white cabbage. Rinse the leaves under running water. Make small cuts on the leaves to let the cabbage release its juice. Then prepare tampons for intravaginal use and put cabbage inside.

Before inserting, dip the tampon in sterile oil (sunflower, olive or corn). Perform the procedure before bed until complete recovery.

Garlic tampons

Before inserting a tampon, do a cleansing enema. Now let's prepare the tampon. Take a large clove of garlic, pass it through a garlic press, and pour in 150 ml of boiled water. Let stand for 30 minutes. Then place the pulp inside the tampon and place it deep into the vagina. Do the procedure every other day until complete recovery.

Tampons with sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil is used more often in chronic cases of adnexitis and for its prevention. Tampons are placed overnight. The course of treatment is 15 days. Oil stains clothes greatly, so during the procedures, use old underwear, or place a piece of gauze or bandage.

During treatment, it will be useful to take a sea buckthorn drink, which will give the body strength, increase immunity and remove toxic substances through the kidneys. Grind sea buckthorn berries with sugar and pour boiling water over them. Drink as normal tea.

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