Cervical erosion was discovered: what is it, what does it look like in the photo, its symptoms and complications + reviews from women

Erosion of the cervix is ​​manifested by dysfunction and destruction of the upper layer of the epithelium, which can only be seen during a gynecological examination

A defect in the cervical epithelium is detected during a routine examination or after a woman contacts a gynecological consultation with complaints of other disorders. The doctor sees changes by examining the patient using mirrors.

Causes of cervical erosion after childbirth

Regarding the occurrence of this disease, it is necessary to highlight:

  1. Tears during childbirth. They occur more often after the age of 30, when tissues already lose their elasticity.
  2. Carelessness of doctors. If ruptures do occur, doctors apply sutures, and often the cause of erosion can be mechanical damage to the mucosa.
  3. Hormone imbalance. Poor nutrition, illnesses suffered in the first periods after childbirth, lack of breast milk, stress, alcohol consumption - all this entails hormonal imbalance and, as a result, increases the risk of pathology.
  4. Infection. It can enter the body both during and after childbirth.

What is the difference between erosion and ectopia?

Ectopia is the next stage that develops after untreated true erosion.

In the broadest sense of the word, a mucosal defect that occurs under the influence of various provoking factors is true erosion. And ectopia (pseudo-erosion) is a condition in which the cylindrical epithelium from the cervical canal extends into the vaginal area.

If this is a congenital feature of the body, by the age of 20 the epithelium will independently move back into the canal, and with acquired erosion, the penetration of columnar epithelium from the canal to the vaginal part of the cervix can be triggered by a hormonal disorder or infection.

The role of papilloma virus, genital herpes, chlamydia and other infectious agents in this process has already been proven.

What are the signs?

Everyone knows that during the postpartum period, a woman must regularly visit a gynecologist to make sure there are no disorders or diseases of the genital organs. Here it is extremely important not to neglect scheduled visits, since it is the doctor who, having examined and taken the necessary tests, will be able to diagnose cervical erosion.

The disease itself rarely makes itself felt and is practically asymptomatic. If it somehow manifests itself, the patient does not always pay attention, attributing the symptoms that arise to the consequences of childbirth.

However, you should definitely contact a gynecologist if you notice the following signs:

  1. Bloody, scarlet or brown discharge that is in no way related to the menstrual cycle. Often, spotting appears after sexual intercourse, sometimes even at rest.
  2. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen . Many may confuse it with the approach of menstruation, especially if they have already experienced painful sensations before giving birth. It should be remembered that pain is already a deviation, and therefore a visit to the doctor should not be postponed for long.
  3. Pain during sexual intercourse.
  4. Itching of the genitals . It usually appears unexpectedly and goes away the same way.
  5. Purulent discharge that has an unpleasant odor.

Any of these symptoms is a reason to visit a gynecologist for timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Find out whether the treatment of cervical erosion with folk remedies is effective? When

Can cervicitis develop? Read more.

What suppositories to use in the treatment of cervical erosion: https://venerolog-ginekolog.ru/gynecology/medicament/svechi-lechenie-erozii-sheyki-matki.html

Types and sizes

As mentioned above, erosion can be congenital and acquired.

Congenital is not always characterized by doctors as a pathology. This is a visible defect of the mucous membrane, in which the transformation zone shifts to the vaginal area. There are no signs in this case.


The difference between born and acquired erosion is that the first almost never leads to malignant processes, and is also very rarely the cause of inflammation. Moreover, it usually heals on its own, which most often occurs between the ages of 20 and 25.

Acquired erosion is divided into true and pseudo-erosion.

The true one is the same wound that occurs under the influence of various factors. Such erosion cannot go away on its own, except that in some cases self-healing is possible.

Pseudo-erosion is the complete or partial replacement of flat epithelial cells with cylindrical ones. It never goes away on its own and must be treated with medication or cauterization.

Pseudo-erosion is a form of pathology that is diagnosed in every second woman.

Pseudo-erosion can be as follows:

  • follicular – the presence of cysts;
  • papillary – there are papillary growths;
  • mixed.

Acute and chronic forms of erosion can also occur. As for the size of the lesion, it can be different - the affected area can be either small or extensive.

The size of the erosion has nothing to do with oncology, that is, a large lesion does not mean that the risk of developing a malignant tumor increases. The development of oncology is influenced by the presence of atypical cells, and not by the volume of pathology.

The danger of cervical erosion

Any patient who hears such a diagnosis after childbirth has a question: how dangerous is it? In one case, this disease does not pose any danger, but in another it can lead to dire consequences. In the second case, this most often occurs in those who do not undergo a routine examination by a gynecologist, and also do not want to treat damage to the epithelium of the cervix.

There are 3 types of erosion:

  • Pseudo-erosion (congenital). In this case, there is no threat to health, and there is also no risk of consequences and complications.
  • True , caused by infections. There is a risk of infection of the uterus and all appendages, which leads to infertility.
  • Dysplasia . Its main reason is the presence of the human papillomavirus in the body. Without proper treatment, there is a high probability of developing cervical cancer.

A few simple tests, such as a scraping and smear from the vagina, a blood test, can give the gynecologist complete information about the condition of the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.


Currently, gynecologists identify a large number of reasons that can trigger the development of erosion, for example:

  • failure to maintain intimate hygiene;
  • low immunity;
  • early pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes in the genital organs;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • endometritis;
  • papilloma virus;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • traumatic birth;
  • improper use of sanitary tampons;
  • abortions;
  • inept douching;
  • intrauterine manipulation;
  • ruptures after childbirth;
  • rough and traumatic sexual intercourse;
  • inaccurate use of intravaginal contraceptives.

Congenital erosion occurs due to a slowdown in the process of removal of columnar epithelium into the cervical canal.

How is pathology treated?

Modern medicine identifies 5 methods for treating cervical erosion . Namely:

  1. Electrocoagulation . After exposure to electric current, a kind of scab remains at the site of the lesion, which covers the area of ​​​​the disease. Despite the fact that this method of treatment is considered very painful and leaves scars, often in the cervix after this procedure there may continue to be areas of dysplasia.
  2. Cryotherapy or freezing . Unlike the first method, here the pain is practically not felt, but there is still a danger of scarring, both at the site of freezing and on nearby organs.
  3. Laser therapy . It is considered the fastest and most effective way in the fight against dysplasia.
  4. Chemical coagulation. The most ineffective method, which is applied to areas of shallow erosion. Treatment results may be noticeable after several treatments.
  5. Radio wave surgery. With the help of radio waves, all affected cells are destroyed. This method is non-contact.

More information about erosion treatment methods can be found in this article.

Undoubtedly, any technique has positive and negative sides. Only an experienced gynecologist can tell what procedures a patient needs in each individual case, and only after a full examination.


This condition is easy to diagnose. With a simple examination, the gynecologist will see whether there are such changes.

When diagnosing, it is necessary to take into account not so much the presence of ESM, but the state of the transition zone (the place where the stratified squamous epithelium and columnar epithelium, which we discussed above, meet). It is in this place that dangerous disorders (impaired cell division) most often begin.

As we have already said, once a year it is necessary to conduct a cytological smear examination. According to European protocols, this can be done once every 3 years. But it is better to go through this procedure every year if possible and be sure that everything is in order.

In order to properly diagnose, you need to perform a colposcopy - an examination of the cervix under a microscope. A cervical biopsy for erosion is performed if dysplasia and other conditions requiring cellular diagnostics are suspected. In this case, a piece of tissue is taken and sent to a special laboratory.

What tests need to be taken before cauterization of erosion?

A woman who receives conservative treatment periodically goes through the procedure of tests and in-depth examination. After she has given her consent to undergo cauterization, the doctor issues a referral for tests. The patient should donate blood to:

  • biochemical and clinical analysis;
  • definition of HIV and STDs;
  • hepatitis;
  • HPV detection through polymerase reaction analysis.

Necessary research:

  • smear on vaginal flora;
  • collection of material for tumor markers.

Preparation for a cauterization operation necessarily includes a colposcopy procedure - an examination of a woman using a specially designed apparatus with the ability to examine the affected area under magnification in additional or special lighting. During this procedure:

  • the cervix is ​​treated with acetic acid and Lugol;
  • Inspection of painted areas of erosion is carried out;
  • if necessary, a biopsy is taken.

If the tests and examination do not reveal any abnormalities, a day for medical intervention is assigned - as a rule, this is the first third of the physiological cycle (with the exception of current cauterization, when the procedure is scheduled for the end of the cycle).

Is it possible to get pregnant with pathology?

In general, erosion of pregnancy does not interfere with pregnancy if it is treated, cauterized, or other methods are used.
Otherwise, since it is a source of inflammatory processes, complications are possible. After all, the child is in the uterus, and erosion is located on its cervix. Such a neighborhood is undesirable. Therefore, having decided to have a child, before becoming pregnant, it is necessary to cure the disease, “calm down” it in order to be sure of safety. All this will need to be done together with a doctor, and he will definitely tell you whether to get pregnant or not. A huge number of women with this diagnosis successfully carry and give birth to children, both naturally and through cesarean section. Therefore, especially for girls who have not given birth, if they have erosion, they should not give up on their dreams of motherhood. The main thing is to cure everything in time.

Tips for recovery after treatment

Regardless of the method of therapy, it is important to adhere to certain rules for complete recovery, namely:

  1. Complete renunciation of intimate life for 1-2 months. Resumption of intimate relationships only after agreement with a doctor.
  2. Refuse to visit the pool, swim in rivers, or the sea. Baths and saunas are locked.
  3. Heavy physical activity is contraindicated, as this provokes bleeding. Lifting weights.
  4. Controlling the quantity and consistency of discharge. Minor ones are not a cause for concern. If they are abundant with blood, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
  5. Do not use tampons during menstruation. Make do with sanitary pads.
  6. Fever and severe abdominal pain are dangerous symptoms. This may be a reason to call an ambulance.

It is important to monitor your health and undergo annual examinations with a doctor. After all, cancer, according to statistics, is occurring more and more often.

Patient reviews

Larisa, 33 years old, Moscow: “Before giving birth, I had annual examinations with a gynecologist and everything was fine. 2 years later I was diagnosed with erosion. The doctor suggested different techniques. I chose radio wave therapy. It seemed to me the most gentle. The procedure goes quickly. The healing period is one month. The recovery period was accompanied by bleeding for 2 weeks. After examination, it was revealed that the disease had been cured. This is a great joy for me. I’m seriously thinking about having a second child.”

Tatyana, 40 years old, Yekaterinburg: “I have had damage to the mucous membrane for a long time. I know about her. This year I decided to treat it. I chose the electric cauterization method and was attracted by the price. The method is painful. The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes. After two months everything passed, I was cured. Therefore, I advise everyone not to delay and fight the disease. It is easier to prevent the disease at an early stage. Each person has their own pain threshold, but for me everything was tolerable.”

Olga, 18 years old, Ryazan: “The disease was discovered during a routine examination. The doctor prescribed cauterization with chemicals. After consulting with several doctors, I decided to have the procedure. It didn't hurt, just a little discomfort. The procedure lasted 20 minutes. The next stage is recovery. There was a slight bloody discharge for three weeks. The result is positive. I got rid of erosion. I hope this will not affect labor in the future.”

How does cauterization occur?

Regardless of the chosen method, cauterization is done in a similar order:

  • the patient is examined for the possibility of undergoing the procedure;
  • it is prescribed for 1/3 of the physiological cycle;
  • the treatment area is determined;
  • the selected area is disinfected and dried;
  • anesthesia is administered (usually lidocaine);
  • using equipment, the erosion zone is exposed to current or laser;
  • a crust or film forms at the cauterization site;
  • the mucosal area begins to be overgrown with flat epithelium or is covered with scars;
  • a woman must observe a number of restrictions for the correct formation of the desired epithelium;
  • After the control examination procedure, the doctor confirms recovery.

The duration of the process of formation and strengthening of the mucous membrane depends on the method of exposure and the characteristics of the woman’s body. The longest recovery period after cauterization of erosion by electric current.

Can a virgin have erosion?

As in adult women, virgins may also have erosion, but not the true form, since it occurs when the epithelium is injured during exposure to a mechanical factor, for example, during childbirth.

In virgins, erosion occurs:

  • Congenital - present at a very young age, but often not detected due to too rare gynecological examinations. Most often, it can be detected after the start of active sexual life.
  • Pseudoerosion (ectopia) is a condition that does not require treatment until the age of 25-27 years, and is considered completely normal. Occurs due to hormonal changes in the body due to an increase in the hormone progesterone. It is this type of pathology that accounts for the largest percentage of young girls.

Treatment of virgins is carried out using exactly the same surgical methods, but always in the absence of inflammatory and infectious lesions. If the latter are present, their drug therapy with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs is required.

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