Removing a foreign body from the vagina

Can the penetration be too deep to penetrate the cervix?


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Many women can achieve orgasm through clitoral or vaginal stimulation. However, did you know that the cervix is ​​also a sensitive area for women? Yes, it is possible that you will experience an orgasm all over your body because the cervix is ​​stimulated by deep penetration. Well, you might be wondering if deep cervical penetration can actually happen and be safe. Find out the answer below.

Is it possible to penetrate the cervix?

Some people believe that women can achieve cervical orgasm by penetrating the cervix or cervix, but this is not entirely true. Cervical orgasm is achieved through cervical stimulation rather than penetration.

Your cervix cannot be completely penetrated by the penis. This is because the opening of the cervix is ​​known as the external axis, which is too narrow for the penis to enter. The channel is no bigger than your thumb. Let's look more specifically at the following illustration.

In addition, the outer part of the mouth is filled with cervical mucus, which further blocks the penetration of the penis into the cervix. As a result, there is no possibility of penetration of the penis into the cervix. However, the cervical duct or opening is not always small; there are times when the cervix dilates quite widely, namely during childbirth or when the baby leaves the uterus. Unless it is in labor, nothing should pass through the cervix.

With deep penetration, you may feel the penis pushing or touching the lower end of the cervix. This is what is called cervical stimulation. So in fact, the penis cannot penetrate the cervix , but only pushes or touches the lower end of the opening of the cervix. Again, this is because nothing can enter or exit the cervix except during labor.

Chapter twenty-three. contact between penis and cervix

Very often, men ejaculate too quickly, and women do not have time to feel the deep penetration of love. Because of this, the clitoris becomes the center of female sexuality. However, in reality, the key to true physical and emotional union is the womb.

If the couple's genitals are comparable in size, then the penis, inserted to its full length, reaches the cervix. However, genitals come in different sizes, and this can lead to some difficulties. For example, if the length of the penis exceeds the length of the vagina, then the penis, with strong insertion, can penetrate directly into the uterus. Sometimes, on the contrary, the penis is not long enough and in any position does not reach the cervix. However, most couples can, through careful experimentation, figure out in what position their genitals come together harmoniously.

Often a couple needs to try many positions in order to understand in which of them the penis reaches the cervix. If the vagina is shorter than the penis, during sex the partners can lie facing each other, and the woman should press her legs together. This prevents the man from penetrating too deeply and causing pain to the woman. If the penis is shorter than the vagina, the woman can lie on her back facing her partner and put her legs on his shoulders. In this position, the penis penetrates the vagina as deeply as possible. Some couples prefer to use a position in which the woman is on her knees and the man enters her from behind to stimulate the cervix.

Pay attention to how you feel during cervical stimulation. If the penis is pressed against her for too long, the man may lose his erection and the woman's arousal may decrease. This is not only due to the lack of movement, but also because the energy is balanced between the cervix and the head of the penis.

Move your penis away from your cervix and notice the changes in energy flow. Learn to feel the difference between cervical contact and regular genital contact.

Increase the strength of your sexual energy with shallow movements. The head of the penis should not reach the cervix. Once you are both energized, allow them to connect. First, close your eyes to better feel what is happening. When you learn to feel the movements of the energy flow, begin to look into your partner's eyes.

Each partner can move in such a way that the penis rubs against the cervix, and the energy increases. The hot masculine energy of the penis flows through the cervix and up the woman's spine, and the cool feminine energy flows through the penis and up the man's spine. Before you get tired of this type of movement, move the penis away from the cervix and continue shallow movements, being aware of the inner energy circle: up the spine and down the chest.

The penis can touch the cervix in different ways: firmly, softly, measuredly, motionlessly, and can even plunge into the cervix itself. The cervix should be stimulated very carefully. First, a woman should tell her partner what to do. It must be remembered that it is the cervical area that often accumulates emotional trauma and stress, which means that even the slightest touch to it can cause pain. You can get rid of old stress using the method described in previous chapters. This will help partners restore energy circulation and connect the penis and cervix with love.

Can a woman reach climax with cervical stimulation?

The answer is, of course, possible. However, this may not necessarily happen to everyone. Every woman has different pleasure points. Some women may find it easier to orgasm through clitoral stimulation rather than deep penetration into the lower end of the cervix.

If your partner stimulates your cervix, you may feel a sensation of pressure that spreads throughout your body. This can cause muscle contractions throughout the body, with a tingling sensation that spreads in waves from the head to the toes. This is what brings women to climax. For some women, this cervical orgasm can last a long time.

However, don't worry if you don't orgasm at all. Maybe the cervix isn't your sensitive area, and it doesn't matter, really.

Can a penis touch the cervix during sex?

The organs of the female reproductive system have a natural anatomical structure, weight and position. All of these parameters may change depending on the phase of the cycle, the presence or absence of pregnancy, which affects the ability to gain access to the cervix during sex. Is a medium-sized penis capable of reaching the cervix in an excited state and what does a woman feel at this moment? Is there danger in such deep penetration and can the male genital organ overcome the cervix and enter the uterus? Further in the article we will consider in detail the anatomical structure of the female genital organs and provide accurate answers to the listed questions.

Carrying out diagnostics

A foreign body in the uterus can be detected using hysteroscopy. The following are used as auxiliary diagnostic methods:

  • Ultrasound,
  • laparoscopy,
  • probing,
  • visual inspection on the chair.

Hysteroscopy is a method of examining the uterine cavity using a special optical device that is inserted through the cervical canal. Foreign bodies are located mainly on the fundus of the uterus.

What the uterus will look like from the inside depends on what kind of foreign body remains in its cavity. The hysteroscopic picture changes depending on the duration of the objects' presence.

If foreign bodies have been in the uterus for a long time, they may be partially covered with intrauterine synechiae, endometrium, and calcium deposits. Sometimes because of them, bedsores form in the walls of the muscular organ. You can identify crushed plastic parts, “whiskers”, and metal fragments. They are free in the cavity or embedded in the wall of the uterus.

Also, during hysteroscopy, intrauterine contraceptives are removed, which, due to a long stay inside, have become attached or even grown into the myometrium. When performing this therapeutic and diagnostic procedure, it is possible to accurately determine the location of foreign objects and accurately remove them.

Ultrasound can detect remnants of intrauterine contraceptive devices. If the contraceptive has moved, its proximal part can be found in the cervical canal (in its upper third). But bone fragments and ligatures are practically invisible in this study. True, parts of the bones can be visualized as disparate echo-rich structures with irregular shapes.

Features of the structure of the female genital organs

Internal female genital organs:

  • ovaries;
  • the fallopian tubes;
  • uterus;
  • vagina.

The vagina is a tube that can contract; it has no glands; the discharge is the result of capillary activity. Due to the secretions, normal microflora is supported. The vagina has two walls: back and front, they form a vault and connect to the cervix. It represents a transitional part from the external genital organs to the internal ones. Sperm pass through it, ensuring fertilization of the egg and the onset of pregnancy.

The shape of the cervix before pregnancy is cone-shaped, after childbirth it is cylindrical. There is an external os, it opens the vaginal part of the cervix. The internal one is the entrance to the uterine cavity. Normally, both pharynxes should be closed, but after the second and subsequent births, the external one remains slightly open and retains the ability to allow the tip of one finger through.

The uterus is a hollow structure, presented in the form of a cavity and a cervix - this is the main reproductive organ of a woman. According to the anatomical features, it is located in front of the rectum and bladder. The main function is to ensure gestation of the fetus. The weight of the organ in a nulliparous girl is no more than 50 grams, in women after childbirth - more than 80. After pregnancy, the uterus is greatly stretched.

The endometrium lines the walls of the uterus from the inside, and the embryo attaches to it. If fertilization does not occur in a particular cycle, the lining layer is rejected and excreted from the woman’s body in the form of menstrual bleeding.

Fallopian tubes are muscular formations, no more than 13 cm long. They connect the ovaries to the uterus, their main function is the transport of a mature egg. The ovaries are paired glands that produce female sex hormones. During one cycle, about 40 follicles are formed, of which 1-2 reach dominant sizes and ovulate.


Foreign objects in the uterus are sometimes encapsulated. In such a situation, the woman will not have any symptoms for a long time. But more often, foreign objects provoke the onset of the inflammatory process. It cannot be stopped using conservative therapy.

Women who have foreign bodies in the uterine cavity most often come to the gynecologist with complaints of menstrual dysfunction and pain.

In patients, menstruation becomes heavy and prolonged, blood loss exceeds the standard norm of 150 ml. Many people talk about the appearance of intermenstrual bleeding. If a foreign object remains in the uterus for a long time, the patient may experience:

  • chronic endometritis (inflammation of the inner mucous layer of the uterus),
  • pyometra (accumulation of pus in the uterine cavity),
  • secondary infertility.

The development of these pathologies often begins due to lavsan or silk ligatures remaining in the uterine cavity after surgery. They provoke the appearance of purulent discharge, which does not decrease even with antibiotic therapy. These patients had a history of cesarean section, conservative myomectomy, or other uterine surgery.

Severe pain more often occurs if an intrauterine contraceptive device or its individual fragments remain inside. They appear when the migration of these objects begins in the following anatomical areas:

  • appendages,
  • intestines (into the cecum to the appendix, into the small intestine or rectosigmoid angle of the large intestine),
  • retroperitoneal space,
  • stuffing box.

Migrating parts of intrauterine contraceptives can lead to perforation not only of the walls of the uterus, but also of the organs into which they enter.

With secondary infertility, cycle disorders, endometritis, discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen, bone remains of the fetus can be detected. In such women, a history of spontaneous termination of pregnancy or abortion at a period of more than 12 weeks is revealed. Often such abortions and miscarriages were complicated by prolonged bleeding; patients underwent additional curettage.

If bone fragments have been in the uterus for more than 5 years, they take on a coral-like shape. When you try to pull them out, they crumble into small pieces.

How to find out vaginal length

The average length of the vagina in women is discussed in anatomy textbooks. Different sources have different numbers, which is explained by the peculiarities of the anatomical structure. On average, the length of the vagina is from 7 to 12 centimeters, but the parameters are individual, therefore it is impossible to refute the possibility of identifying other values.

The channel can stretch and contract depending on the phase of the cycle. During menstrual bleeding, it becomes narrow, and during childbirth it expands and reaches 10-12 cm in diameter. Expansion of the birth canal is the main condition for ensuring the birth of the baby.

After the vagina is the cervix, followed by the body and bottom. In appearance, the cervix is ​​presented in the form of a round patch, in the center of which there is a small hole - the cervical canal. The length of the cervix does not exceed 4 cm in a non-pregnant woman, the uterus - up to 7 cm.

Is it possible to get the cervix out?

It is impossible to feel the body of the uterus on your own, but it is possible to reach the cervix through the vagina. Many girls regularly perform self-examinations to make sure that ovulation has occurred.

The manipulation is performed as follows:

  1. Nails are trimmed and hangnails are removed to avoid damage to the mucous membranes.
  2. Hands are washed with antibacterial soap and treated with an antiseptic solution.
  3. The woman takes a comfortable position that allows wide access to the vagina. Many girls find the sitting position comfortable.
  4. The middle finger is inserted into the vagina until it touches the seal - this is the cervix.

After ovulation occurs, the consistency of the cervix changes, and a lot of mucus forms on the surface and walls of the vagina.

Gynecologists do not support the possibility of a woman conducting such self-examinations and do not recommend using this method, especially if the goal is curiosity and searching for an answer to the question of what is the length of the vagina and whether it is possible to reach the cervix. You can clarify this information with a gynecologist or the doctor who performed the ultrasound.

Removing a foreign body from the vagina

Vaginal foreign body extraction is the removal of a foreign object from the vaginal tube.

The content of the article:

  • Executing the procedure

Manipulations aimed at removing a foreign object can be performed using various methods:

  • using fingers;
  • liquid washing method;
  • using tweezers;
  • through the rectum.

The procedure to remove a foreign object from the vagina is associated with the risk of injury to the patient. Therefore, the choice of extraction method depends on a number of factors that the doctor takes into account.

These include:

  1. patient's age;
  2. size and nature of origin of the foreign body;
  3. the time during which the foreign object is in the vagina.

Often, foreign objects entering the vagina occur in early childhood. This is due to the fact that a child, without paying attention to this during the game, can sit on some object: a piece of a mosaic, a hairpin, a pen cap, a thread or button, a coin, etc.

No less often, foreign objects are found in the vagina in teenage girls, who could have ended up there during masturbation.

Patients in the older age group have problems with foreign objects getting into the vagina during masturbation. In addition, a foreign object can be inserted for the purpose of termination of pregnancy or contraception. Also, a foreign object may remain in the vagina after surgery, when the doctor forgets to remove the tampon.

A foreign body in the vagina can cause an inflammatory process, which is accompanied by suppuration, bleeding and a specific odor. In addition, the vaginal tube may begin to soften, ulcers may appear, the vaginal opening may begin to narrow, and various infections of the abdominal cavity are often observed.

Immediately before the doctor begins to remove the foreign body from the vagina, the reason why the object ended up there is determined. To do this, a thorough gynecological examination is performed using speculum, during which the vagina is examined. Girls undergo an examination of the vagina using a vaginoscope and undergo a rectoabdominal examination.

The procedure is performed with extreme caution to avoid causing injury to the walls of the vagina and not to disrupt the integrity of the girl’s virgin pleura. If foreign body removal occurs in very young children, anesthesia may be used. Anesthesia is used when removing sharp objects that can cause injury during their removal.

Most extraction is done using one finger. The insertion of a finger occurs into the rectum, followed by the advancement of a foreign object through the vaginal wall with the second hand through the peritoneum. When an object enters the direct access zone, the doctor grabs it with forceps and removes it completely from the vagina. This method is used when detecting small foreign bodies with a smooth and rounded surface.

If the foreign body is very small in size, then extraction is performed by washing out. First a catheter is used. On one side there is a syringe, which is used to inject liquid into all parts of the vagina. Then the foreign body is removed with forceps or long tweezers.

Sharp objects are removed quite difficult by surgical intervention with dissection of scars formed due to stenosis.

Can the penis reach the cervix

In a state of erection, the male sexual organ can penetrate quite deeply, but much depends on its length. If the penis is long, it is likely to push against the cervix with each contact. If the partner has a sufficient length of the vagina, and the man has a small penis, deep penetration is difficult to achieve. To ensure contact, you should use special positions.

Positions for deep penetration

According to sex therapists, it is not the size of the male penis that plays a decisive role in ensuring orgasm, but the use of the most comfortable positions that ensure deep penetration. The list of these includes:

  • the partner throws her legs over the man’s shoulders and closes them;
  • the partner, lying on her back, raises her legs and spreads them to the sides;
  • advanced horsewoman;
  • "diagonally";
  • standing pose;
  • modified missionary position, the man enters the vagina, and the woman then closes her legs;
  • Asian cowgirl;
  • butterfly.

We advise you to read about the curvature of the cervix and positions for conception in case of abnormalities of the reproductive organs.

Using the listed positions will ensure contact of the head of the penis with the cervix, but you should not count on getting a powerful orgasm when using them. For contact to bring satisfaction, you need to remember about caresses and foreplay, create a romantic atmosphere and relax.


Hysteroscopy allows you to accurately determine the location of the foreign body. Other examination methods are less accurate and can be used as auxiliary ones. For example, with the help of a probe a foreign body can be detected, but it will not be possible to find out where it is in this way. It’s impossible to determine its shape and size.

Hysteroscopy also allows you to determine how a foreign object is located in relation to the walls of the uterus and other pelvic organs. Ultrasound examination can help in detecting the remains of intrauterine contraceptives.

These fragments can be found both in the uterine cavity and inside the myometrium. Using ultrasound, it is almost impossible to detect bone remains left after an abortion and ligature. Foreign objects in the uterus can also be detected using radiography, but many of the nuances of finding a foreign body in the uterus may be missed during this examination.

The danger of contact between the penis and the cervix

After aggressive sexual intercourse, a woman may experience various diseases of the genitourinary system, for example:

  • clitoral damage;
  • vaginal chafing;
  • rupture of the vaginal walls and fornix;
  • cervical contusion;
  • traumatic bleeding;
  • wounds.

The partner's penis should not hit the cervix; a blow can cause bruise to the woman's main reproductive organ.

The danger of these injuries also lies in the fact that against the background of damage, the risk of developing various infectious processes in the organs of the female genitourinary system increases. Sometimes girls develop symptoms of cystitis after rough sex, and the risk of developing candidiasis and vaginitis increases.

Men who have a small penis should not be upset. Not all girls like deep penetration that allows touching the cervix. At this moment, a woman may experience sharp pain and severe discomfort not associated with orgasm. Men with great “dignity” must control their behavior during sex in order to prevent damage to the cervix, because the main cause of erosive (how to have sex with cervical erosion?) and ulcerative lesions is precisely rough sex.


According to statistics, threads, plastic hangers and parts of the IUD are most often found. All these are remnants of intrauterine contraceptives, surgical ligatures. Very rarely, fragments of bone tissue left from the fetus after an abortion act as a foreign body.

These parts can be found in patients who have had an abortion in the past, especially after fourteen weeks. If a foreign object in the uterus is encapsulated, then there will be no picture corresponding to the fact that there is something in the cavity. In this case, the foreign body will not be detected at all.

Since the uterus is a muscular organ, it can contract. If a foreign object is located freely in the uterus, then during contractions it will change its location.

A foreign body easily injures the walls of the uterus. The hole can be complete when the foreign object extends beyond the walls of the organ and incomplete when the foreign body stops at the level of the myometrium. In this case, the object from the uterus is able to move to another place.

An infectious process that can develop due to the presence of a foreign body can also pose a danger. It is very difficult to cure such inflammation, especially if the source of infection continues to remain in the uterus. Most often, the cause of endometritis is lavsan or silk ligatures, which remain after various medical procedures, namely cesarean section, conservative myomectomy.

In order to understand the seriousness of the situation, it is enough to consider a simple example. Silk ligatures remained in the uterine cavity after the operation. Silk is a material that does not dissolve over time.

After some time, purulent discharge begins to appear. The period between the entry of the ligature into the uterus and the onset of suppuration can be very short. If, after the first signs of inflammation appear, a woman is prescribed antibiotics, there will be no significant improvement in the woman’s condition.

How does the female reproductive system work?

Before answering the question of whether it is possible to reach the uterus with a penis, you need to disassemble the very structure of the female reproductive system. In the photo, arrows indicate the entrance to the vagina. How does everything really work? For easy perception of information, a picture is presented - a “guide map” to the female reproductive system. So, a woman’s genital organs are divided into external and internal. The main external genitalia include:

  • Labia majora.
  • Labia minora.
  • Clitoris.

Uterus during sex and vital activity

It is necessary to clearly understand that the position of the uterus is not constant and it changes depending on influencing factors. During a calm sexual state, the uterus is normally in an anteflexio position. That is, the axis of the uterus itself is located along the pelvis.

During sex, the position of the uterus remains largely unchanged from its original position.

If in the process of life a woman’s bladder or rectum becomes full, then the uterus assumes an anteversional position. In this position, the uterus is tilted slightly forward.

Foreign bodies

During the diagnostic process, doctors sometimes discover that a woman has various foreign objects left in her uterus after interventions. Among them there are:

  • intrauterine contraceptives or parts thereof (metal fragments, plastic hangers, threads),
  • fruit fragments (bone parts),
  • operational ligatures.

There are situations when, when muscles contract, foreign bodies begin to move: they can perforate the wall of the uterus and end up in the abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space, or migrate to other organs. Foreign bodies in the uterus may remain after rape.


The cervix is ​​a kind of entrance from the vagina into the uterus itself. The cervix consists of 2 parts. The upper part is called porcio supraspinatus, the prefix “supra” means “from above”. The lower part is called porcio infraspinatus, the prefix “infra” meaning “from below”.

The cervix is ​​a very important element in a woman’s reproductive system. Since it is through it, or more precisely, through the cervical canal, that sperm enter the uterus, where they meet the egg. In addition, it is through the cervical canal that the formed fetus emerges during childbirth.

The epithelium that is located on the cervix is ​​very sensitive; it can very often change and degenerate, even becoming malignant. This is why it is so important to see a gynecologist regularly.


If there is perforation of the uterus and if severe inflammation is associated with this injury, conservative treatment may not be effective. In this case, doctors may resort to removing the uterus.

Next, the patient is prescribed intensive antimicrobial treatment. When a foreign body is detected, special attention should be paid to the condition of the uterus. After artificial termination of pregnancy, removal of the intrauterine device, it is recommended to conduct an inspection of the uterine cavity

Foreign objects should not be left in the uterus. A common phenomenon accompanying the presence of a foreign body in the uterus is pyometra. This is the name for a condition in which the uterus is filled with purulent contents. This complication is difficult to treat, even with the latest generation of antibiotics.

The most severe complication of this pathology is necrosis of uterine tissue.
Suppuration can cause sepsis. All these conditions pose a threat to a woman’s life. After removing foreign objects from the uterus, the effectiveness of certain drugs is checked before prescribing antibiotic therapy. Share:

The vagina is unpredictable

A woman's vagina is one of the most intriguing places for any man. Many women worry about the size of their vagina, its diameter. However, all worries are groundless! If a girl has a permanent sexual partner, then the vagina itself will individually adapt to the shape of manhood. And in this case, it is possible that even a small penis will reach the woman’s uterus, or rather, its front wall.

But what should girls do who change partners frequently? Firstly, it can cause discomfort due to the different dimensions of male assets. Secondly, it can cause erosion on the cervix itself.

Which penis reaches the uterus?

To reach the uterus itself, your partner will need to open the cervical canal of the cervix, and this is not possible. However, it is possible to reach the wall of the uterus with a member. The most interesting thing is that you don’t need to have a big penis to do this! Why?

Because the length of the vagina on average is 12 cm. And the average length of the manhood is 12-14 cm. And if the penis can reach the “dead end” in the vagina, then during friction it will slightly touch the walls of the uterus - this will give the girl huge fireworks pleasures.

Is it pleasant for her if I reach my uterus with my dick?

There is no clear answer to this question. All this is individual and depends on how the head of the penis touches the surface of the cervix, and on the length of the penis and the vagina itself.

Scientists have calculated that if a woman has a vaginal length of 10-12 cm, then it is enough for her to have a partner with a length of approximately 12-15 cm for the penis to reach the cervix. If the penis is too large, it will cause pain rather than pleasant sensations.

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