What is the length of the vagina in girls and women? Maximum vaginal length

When it comes to the parameters of the genitals, then, as a rule, we mean the size of the male organ. What about the size of the vagina? After all, the quality of sex is influenced not so much by the dimensions of the penis, but by the volume and depth of the female vagina. Like men, who are often burdened with thoughts about the length/width of their penis, most modern girls are concerned about the characteristics of their own vagina. The issue of vaginal size becomes especially relevant after childbirth, when it stretches, adding several centimeters in diameter.

The structure of a woman's vagina

The walls of the vagina are 3–4 mm thick and consist of three layers:

  • Internal. This is the mucous membrane of the vagina. It is lined with stratified squamous epithelium, which forms numerous transverse folds in the vagina (they are very clearly visible in the figure). These folds, if necessary, allow the vagina to change its size.
  • Average. This is the smooth muscle layer of the vagina. Muscle bundles are oriented predominantly longitudinally, but bundles of a circular direction are also present. In its upper part, the muscles of the vagina pass into the muscles of the uterus. In the lower part of the vagina they become stronger, gradually intertwining with the muscles of the perineum.
  • Outdoor. The so-called adventitial layer in the structure of women. This layer consists of loose connective tissue with elements of muscle and elastic fibers.

The walls of the vagina are divided into anterior and posterior, which are connected to one another. The upper end of the vaginal wall covers part of the cervix, highlighting the vaginal part and forming the so-called vaginal vault around this area.

The lower end of the vaginal wall opens into the vestibule. In virgins, this opening is closed by the hymen.

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Appointment with a doctor - examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist, medical specialist, diagnostic and treatment, outpatientRUB 1,490
Appointment with obstetrician-gynecologist I.A. Vybornova, diagnostic and treatment, outpatient2,100 rub.
Summarizing the examination results and drawing up an individual treatment program, level 1 of complexity1,500 rub.
Insertion of an intrauterine device2,500 rub.
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Typically pale pink in color, the vaginal walls become brighter and darker during pregnancy. In addition, the vaginal walls are at body temperature and feel soft to the touch.

Having great elasticity, the vagina expands during sexual intercourse. Also, during childbirth, it can increase to 10-12 cm in diameter to allow the fetus to emerge. This feature is provided by the middle, smooth muscle layer. In turn, the outer layer, consisting of connective tissue, connects the vagina with neighboring organs that are not related to the woman’s genital organs - with the bladder and rectum, which, respectively, are located in front and behind the vagina.

Why is the vagina wet?

The walls of the vagina, like the cervical canal (the so-called cervical canal), and the uterine cavity are lined with glands that secrete mucus. This mucus is whitish in color with a characteristic odor and has a slightly acidic reaction. Mucus not only moisturizes a normal, healthy vagina, but also cleanses it of so-called “biological debris” - from the bodies of dead cells, from bacteria, due to its acidic reaction, it prevents the development of many pathogenic microbes, etc.

Normally, mucus from the vagina is not secreted externally - the internal processes are such that during the normal functioning of this organ, the amount of mucus produced is equal to the amount absorbed. If mucus is released, it is in very small quantities. If you have heavy discharge that has nothing to do with the days of ovulation, you need to go to a gynecologist and undergo a detailed examination, even if nothing bothers you.

Vaginal discharge is a symptom of inflammatory processes in a woman’s genital organs, which can be caused by both not very and very dangerous infections, in particular chlamydia. Thus, chlamydia often has a hidden course, but causes irreversible changes in the female reproductive system, leading to miscarriages, miscarriages, and infertility.

Normally, the vagina should be moist all the time, which not only helps maintain healthy microflora, but also ensures full sexual intercourse. The process of vaginal secretion is regulated by the action of estrogen hormones. Typically, during menopause, the amount of hormones decreases sharply, as a result of which vaginal dryness is observed, as well as painful sensations during coitus. In such a situation, our medical gynecologists recommend that a woman consult a specialist. After an examination, the gynecologist will prescribe medications that help with this problem. Individually selected treatment has a positive effect on overall well-being during the premenopausal and menopausal periods.

Modern methods for determining bottom relief

Currently, there are more opportunities to determine the nature of the bottom relief when fishing from the shore. Fishermen have purchased new fishing rods and equipment that simplify and speed up the process of measuring depth. Some methods allow you to both measure depth and determine the type of soil.

Measuring depth with a plug

The longest fishing rod for fishing on a float is a plug. Some models reach a length of 14-16 m, which allows covering a large coastal sector. Thanks to the shortened equipment, bottom exploration occurs quickly and accurately. Many fishermen know the name of the special weight used to measure depth. This is a depth gauge, which is a lead sinker weighing 10-20 g with the ability to quickly attach to a hook or fishing line. It is pear-shaped, which allows it to sink into mud or rest on a hard bottom. When lifting the equipment, the angler can understand the nature of the bottom by the resistance.

On a note! If the depth gauge rises without additional effort, then the bottom is solid. When the angler has to exert more force, the bottom surface is muddy.

The essence of the measurement is to lower the depth gauge over the entire sector with an interval of 20-50 cm.

Marker float

Match or feeder fishing is characterized by long casts of equipment. Often the cast is made at a distance of about 100 m. How can you find out the depth away from the shore?

Amateurs and professionals use a specially equipped fishing rod called a marker. The gear consists of a 4 m long rod, a 3000-4000 spinning reel and a 0.25-0.30 mm monofilament line.

Recommendation! It is better to equip a marker fishing rod with a multi-colored fishing line, in which the color changes after 1 m.

The equipment is made of a large float with a high antenna, which is attached to the end of the fishing line, and a sliding sinker. The weight of the sinker must exceed the carrying capacity of the marker float.

Photo 1. Marker float.

The principle of operation of the marker is quite simple. After casting the rig, the line is pulled into a straight line, the sinker is on the bottom next to the float. When releasing the line using a weakened clutch, the fisherman needs to wait until the float appears on the surface of the water. The length of the pulled line must be recorded.

Now you need to move the equipment to the shore by 0.5-1.0 m. To do this, the line is tightened by rotating the reel. As soon as the load comes off the bottom surface, the displacement distance is determined by the length of the fishing line. The line is released again and the depth is determined. In this way, you can accurately measure a large water area, find the lower and upper edges, drop-offs, snags, etc.

Jig method

Fans of jig fishing for predators determine the bottom topography using a set of sinkers and the tip of the rod. In this method, it is important that the angler can clearly determine the moment the sinker touches the bottom. The depth is calculated arithmetically.

  • Immediately a cast is made to the maximum distance and the countdown of the fall of the bait equipment begins from the moment it touches the surface of the water until the load touches the bottom.
  • After falling to the bottom, the fishing line is reeled in with a reel with the same number of revolutions and a constant speed. For example, two turns of the handle are made, a pause is made and the countdown begins. If the time the load falls is constant, then the bottom is level.

Spinning experts are able to read complete information about the situation in the area under study.

  • When a load collides with a stone, a characteristic sound is transmitted to the hand.
  • Contact with shells produces a hard knock.
  • On a clay surface, the load constantly sticks.
  • Spinners compare getting a load into the mud with the equipment falling onto a cushion.


The structure of the bottom can be determined by dragging or dragging a load. This can be done using a feeder.

To find the edge, a heavy weight is mounted on the fishing line. It should not float up when reeling in the fishing line. On a flat surface, the load moves smoothly, but when it hits the edge it begins to cling. Sometimes it is difficult to remove the rig from a steep drop in depth.

Measuring the bottom by dragging requires some skill and experience. It is better for novice fishermen to reinforce the information received with other methods of determining depth.

Coastal echo sounder

Civilization has already reached the most remote regions of the country. Many provincial fishermen have managed to acquire echo sounders. With these devices you can explore the bottom not only from a boat, but also from the shore. To do this, it must be equipped with a remote sensor.

The principle of operation of the gear looks simple. A sensor is attached to the end of the main line of any fishing rod. Then a cast is made to the desired point. When it gets into the water, the device will begin to display the bottom topography.

The maximum possible area to study is within 50 m. However, some specialists are upgrading the echo sounder by installing an antenna from a radio receiver. In this way, it is possible to further increase the coverage of the studied water area.

Photo 2. Coastal echo sounder.

The advantage of an echo sounder is that it reduces the time required to determine the depth and composition of the bottom.

Anatomy of the female genital organs

In the depths of the female vagina is the cervix, which looks like a dense rounded cushion. The cervix has an opening called the cervical canal. The entrance to it is closed by a dense mucous plug, and therefore objects inserted into the vagina (for example, tampons) cannot pass into the uterus. However, in any case, objects left in the vagina can become a source of infection. In particular, it is necessary to change the tampon in a timely manner and monitor whether it causes any pain.

In addition, contrary to popular belief, the vagina contains few nerve endings, so it is not as sensitive and is not a woman’s main erogenous zone. The most sensitive of a woman's genital organs is the vulva.

Recently, in the special medical and sexological literature, when considering the structure of women, much attention has been paid to the so-called G-spot, located in the vagina and capable of delivering a lot of pleasant sensations during sexual intercourse. This point was first described by Dr. Gräfenberg, and since then there has been debate as to whether it really exists. At the same time, it has been proven that on the front wall of the vagina, at a depth of about 2-3 cm, there is an area that is slightly dense to the touch, about 1 cm in diameter, the stimulation of which really gives strong sensations and makes orgasm more complete. In this case, the G point can be compared to a man’s prostate, since, in addition to the usual vaginal secretion, it secretes a specific fluid.

If you find it difficult to find a similar site in your area, do not despair. Remember that each woman has her own physiological characteristics and size of the female vagina, and the erogenous zones may vary for everyone. In addition, in this matter a lot depends on the experience of your partner.


Sweet taste of honey

“A night without honey is a morning without vigor,” say the English women. In English, “honey” is not only a food product, but also a synonym for equally sweet sexual pleasure. Gynecologists and endocrinologists agree with British women: full sexual activity maintains physical fitness and mental balance.


Questions by topic


I would like to express my deep gratitude to Irina Anatolyevna Vybornova. This is a doctor from God. During our acquaintance, she became closer than a native person. Very friendly, polite, always helping and giving advice. Well, thank you so much for our son! In general, many thanks to all the clinic staff! Everyone is responsive and friendly!

You always go to the doctors at the very last moment, and in this case I am no exception. I understand that I had let myself go, I was afraid that now, as always, you would walk into the office and they would start yelling at you like you were a teenager. But I got to L.N. Bulatova, who approached the problem in a humane way, calmly listened and conducted an examination. After the tests, she prescribed treatment, and this was done with respect, attention and a calm tone. Girls, if you need just such an attentive and knowledgeable gynecologist, then you should definitely come to Lyubov Nikolaevna! Now I come to her at the first suspicion of some kind of illness, and simply for prevention, without fear or fear of anything!


Kegel exercises: work without mistakes

Dr. Tarney states that any of his patients can demonstrate how to contract and release the biceps. But when most girls report that they regularly perform Kegel exercises, the doctor makes sure that one half is doing intimate gymnastics incorrectly, and the other simply cannot maintain normal coordination between the brain and muscles.

To record the location of the muscles involved in the world-famous exercises, you should either place a finger in the vagina and squeeze its walls, or consciously stop the flow during urination. After identifying the muscles, you should practice contracting them for periods of five to ten seconds, alternating contractions with minutes of complete relaxation. If you are concerned about the length of your vagina and are unable to withstand such a long period of muscle tension, start with shorter periods and gradually increase the load. The exercise should be repeated 10-20 times in a row, three times a day. During gymnastics, you need to monitor your breathing and try not to use the muscles of your legs, abdomen or pelvis in any way.

Some women experience nerve tissue injury during childbirth and are unable to feel their pelvic floor muscles. Others simply do gymnastics incorrectly. Interestingly, in the United States of America there are special specialists - therapists who professionally help patients perform Kegel exercises correctly.

Anatomy and physiology

The average length of the vagina is from 7 to 12 cm. When a woman stands, the vagina bends slightly upward.

The walls of the vagina are 3-4 mm thick and consist of three layers:

  • Internal.
    This is the mucous membrane of the vagina. It is lined with stratified squamous epithelium, which forms numerous transverse folds in the vagina. These folds allow the vagina to change its size if necessary. The folds are most pronounced during childbearing years.
  • Average.
    This is the smooth muscle layer of the vagina. Muscle bundles are oriented predominantly longitudinally, but bundles of a circular direction are also present. In its upper part, the muscles of the vagina pass into the muscles of the uterus. In the lower part of the vagina they become stronger, gradually intertwining with the muscles of the perineum.
  • Outdoor.
    The so-called adventitial layer. This layer consists of connective tissue with elements of muscle and elastic fibers [3].

The walls of the vagina are divided into anterior and posterior, which are connected to one another. The upper end of the vaginal wall covers part of the cervix, highlighting the vaginal part and forming the so-called vaginal vault around this area. The lower end of the vaginal wall opens into the vestibule. In women who have not been sexually active, in this area along the posterior and partially lateral edges there is a thin fold of duplicative mucous membrane, most often having a crescent shape, which is called the hymen.

Typically, the walls of the vagina are pale pink, but during pregnancy they become brighter and darker.

The walls of the vagina are lined with glands that secrete whitish mucus with a characteristic odor. It has a slightly acidic reaction. The acidic reaction (pH 4.0-4.5) is due to the presence of lactic acid. The fact is that the surface cells of the epithelium of the vaginal mucosa contain a significant amount of glycogen.

Glycogen performs two functions in the vagina. On the one hand, it serves as a nutrient substrate for sperm entering the vagina; on the other hand, glycogen is necessary for the life of lactobacilli, which are an indispensable attribute of the vaginal contents of a healthy woman. Glycogen undergoes enzymatic transformations into lactic acid, thereby creating an acidic environment and preventing the proliferation of other microorganisms.


Nevertheless, many are interested in the average length of the vagina (well, there must be an average statistical indicator?). For such information, it is worth turning to the study of Masters and Johnson, conducted back in the 1960s. Two scientists described in detail the physical characteristics of hundreds of women who had never been pregnant and found that in the absence of stimulation, the length of the vagina in girls is a minimum of 6.9 cm, a maximum of 8.2 cm. With stimulation, the organ lengthens to 10. 8 cm and 12 cm respectively. The last indicator is the actual maximum length of the vagina within the normal range. Regardless of the numerical characteristics, it should be borne in mind that the area presumably responsible for the female orgasm is located in the first (outer) third of the vagina.


Copulative function

The vagina is involved in the process of fertilization: the seminal fluid released during sexual intercourse (copulation) in men enters the vagina, from where sperm penetrate into the uterine cavity and tubes. Sperm accumulates mainly in the posterior (deepest) vaginal vault, where the cervix with a mucus plug in the cervical canal is directed. The indicated spatial relationships and physical and chemical properties of the cervical mucous secretion (low viscosity, alkaline reaction, etc.) contribute to the penetration of sperm into the upper genital tract, and, consequently, the process of fertilization.

Generic function

The vagina also participates in the process of childbirth: it forms the birth canal with the cervix, through which the fetus and placenta pass. Unhindered expulsion of the fetus is possible because during pregnancy physiological changes occur in the vaginal tissues (hypertrophy and hyperplasia of muscle fibers, connective tissue, blood vessels, serous impregnation and loosening of tissues), as a result of which its walls become elastic and tensile.

Protective function

The barrier function of the vagina and its ability to self-cleanse are also important.

As mentioned above, the vagina is covered with layers of flat cells - stratified squamous epithelium, which is constantly kept moist by vaginal discharge. It is white in color, consists of vaginal epithelial cells, lactobacilli, has a neutral odor and an acidic environment. The multilayered squamous epithelium of the vaginal mucosa blocks the path of pathogenic microbes into the underlying tissue.

Of particular importance is the vagina’s ability to self-cleanse; this process is regulated by the ovaries, which secrete female sex hormones - estrogens and progesterone. Under the influence of estrogens, the substance glycogen is synthesized in the cells of stratified squamous epithelium, from which lactic acid is then formed. The process of formation of lactic acid from glycogen occurs with the participation of lactic acid bacteria (Dederlein's rods), while the vaginal environment is maintained in an acidic state (pH ranges from 3.8 to 4.5).

The vagina of a healthy woman contains mainly Dederlein bacilli, as well as a small number of other microorganisms, including staphylococci, streptococci, yeasts, and anaerobes. The acidic environment of a healthy vagina does not allow other microorganisms to multiply; even the causative agents of gonorrhea and trichomoniasis can be present in small quantities in the vaginal microflora, without leading to the development of infection [4].

Excretory function

The functions of the vagina include the removal of physiological vaginal discharge from the body. Vaginal discharge consists of mucus from the cervical canal, secretion from the glands of the vaginal part of the uterus, secretion from the vaginal glands and a mixture of normal vaginal microflora with dead cells of the vaginal epithelium. Normally, the secretion of physiological secretions reaches up to 2 ml per day. Their number may vary depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Normally, they are transparent or milky discharge of uniform consistency and odorless. During menstruation, the vagina serves to remove menstrual fluid.


To answer the question of what depth to drill a well, it is necessary to understand the variety of aquifers and their characteristics. There are three main aquifers from which water is drawn for hygienic and economic needs:

  1. The depth of the perched water varies between 4-7 meters. Due to the lack of a stable waterproof layer, this water is mainly used for technical needs and irrigation. From this layer the water often comes out muddy, with sand and other impurities.
  2. The depth of groundwater is 10-18 meters, but can be much higher. Household and drinking water is often taken from this vein. Groundwater that has been filtered in a well is of a higher quality than well water. However, this does not exclude the presence of harmful and dangerous impurities in it. Water from any aquifer must be tested for compliance with SES requirements in special licensed laboratories.
  3. The third aquifer is artesian water. There is no exact information on what the depth of the natural reserve of artesian water should be. It is generally accepted that the depth of the layer ranges from 25-40 meters, but can go deep up to 60 m. Much depends on the terrain. Water from the third aquifer, called natural, is the cleanest and healthiest.

In accordance with the three aquifers, there are three types of wells:

On the sand

Auger drilling is used to reach the first aquifer along the route of the drill. The usual depth of a sand well is 15–30 meters. The structure itself is a long pipe with a cross-section of 10 cm. At the end, the pipe is perforated and wrapped with a fine-mesh braided mesh. The filter is installed in a layer of coarse sand. The production rate of a sand well, that is, the volume of water extracted per unit of time, is about 0.5-1.2 m³/hour. The service life of this type of well is quite short - 5–10 years in case of constant use. If you drill it in an uninhabited dacha or in a house with seasonal residence, the device will become unusable within 2–3 years.


Limestone wells can reach 100 meters in depth. The goal of drilling is to reach a layer of porous aquiferous limestone that carries very clean drinking water. The latter undergoes natural mineralization and is therefore beneficial to health. It is a long closed casing pipe to prevent high water from getting inside, and a perforated filter for collecting liquid. The flow rate of an artesian well is within the range of 3–10 cubic meters per hour. This means that water on your site will not disappear for the next 60–70 years, even during the most severe droughts. The only drawback is the high cost. Often, in order to save money, neighbors drill wells into limestone for several houses.

Abyssinian well

The simplest and cheapest type of well. It has another name: “needle well”. It is a long inch pipe with a needle-shaped tip and a filter for water intake. They are deepened by drilling or driving into the soil to 8-30 meters. Water is extracted using a pump that does not lift water from a depth of more than 8 meters. Suitable for areas with light soils without stones. The piezometric level should not exceed 8 meters.

Development and age-related changes

The development of the vagina is completely completed in the fifth month of fetal development. Seventy-five percent of the vagina is formed from the Müllerian duct, the remaining part (the vestibule of the vagina) is from the urogenital sinus. At this point, mesenchyme surrounds these epithelial structures, giving rise to the development of the musculature of the reproductive tract [15] [2] .

The vagina of a newborn has a length of up to 3 cm. Its position with age depends on the gradual lowering of both it and the bladder: their topographic-anatomical relationship changes. In early childhood, the vagina and uterus form an obtuse angle; its anterior wall is somewhat shorter than the posterior one [16].

From the age of five, the vagina is positioned in the same way as in an adult woman.

With age, the vaginal epithelium becomes thinner, due to changes in the secretion of ovarian hormones. The vaginal walls become thinner, drier and less elastic. The greatest thickness of the epithelium is observed in women of childbearing age in the middle of the menstrual cycle; at the same time, the cytoplasm of epithelial cells contains the maximum amount of glycogen.

Muscle tone

What really matters is the size of the vaginal vestibule, or vaginal opening. Most often, gynecologist patients complain about problems that appear after natural childbirth.

According to Tarney, visitors primarily describe changes in sexual function and notice that the vagina feels as if it has become too wide. As a result of this “expansion,” women experience sexual pleasure of less intensity. In fact, recent childbirth changes the sexual experience in many ways, so the feeling of a “wide vagina” almost never has anything to do with the diameter of the vaginal opening.


Developmental anomalies

Vaginal malformations include:

  • Vaginal aplasia
    is the absence of the entire vagina, as a result of a violation of the formation of its rudiment.
  • Vaginal agenesis
    is the absence of part of the vagina due to impaired formation of the vaginal tube.
  • Vaginal doubling
    - the formation of a partial or complete longitudinal septum; Formation of the transverse vaginal septum.

As a rule, these defects are combined with malformations of the uterus and organs of the urinary system.

Vaginal infections, developmental abnormalities and neoplasms

The main diseases to which the organ is susceptible [17]:

  • Colpitis is an inflammation, including due to sexually transmitted infections, thrush (vaginal candidiasis), and a lack of female sex hormones after the cessation of menstruation.
  • Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis) is vaginal dysbiosis.
  • Descent and prolapse (prolapse) of the vaginal walls, and with them the pelvic organs adjacent to its walls.
  • Condylomatosis (caused by the human papillomavirus).
  • Congenital developmental anomalies: aplasia (absence) of the vagina, stenosis (narrowing) of the vagina, duplication of the vagina, various types of vaginal septa.
  • Dysplasia and cancer of the vaginal mucosa (rather rare diseases).
  • Cysts and fibroids.

Atrophic diseases

As a result of a lack of estrogen, the vaginal walls lose their previously inherent ability to secrete their own lubricant. The folds that previously allowed them to stretch and contract during sex become thinner and drier, more irritable, tighter and less elastic. In other words, their atrophy occurs. This makes them susceptible to chronic inflammation, which is why this phenomenon has received its own name in medicine: atrophic vaginitis. This is a special health condition, and by no means an infectious disease, but it makes the vagina prone to wounds, injuries, bleeding and pain, especially after sexual intercourse, and also reduces its immunity to numerous pathogenic infections and microorganisms.

Diagnosis of diseases

The main method for diagnosing vaginal diseases is taking vaginal smears for examination. Due to the fact that the contents of the vagina include not only secretions and microflora, but also epithelial cells of the vagina itself, cells from the endometrium of the uterine body, the cervical canal and from the vaginal portion of the cervix, as well as leukocytes sweating from the blood vessels, the study of vaginal smears allows us to obtain a lot of information [16] :

  1. The appearance of cells from different areas reflects hormonal levels. Estrogen, which is secreted during ovulation, causes an increase in the number of acidophilic cells with a small dark nucleus. The study of desquamated vaginal cells in smears helps to clarify the time of ovulation and diagnose atrophy of the vaginal epithelium, as a sign of estrogen deficiency. Estrogen can cause thickening and even keratinization of the vaginal epithelium. Therefore, the appearance of altered cells in the smear makes it possible to evaluate the effect of therapeutic interventions, especially in girls before puberty. At this age, the vaginal epithelium is normally thin and very vulnerable.
  2. Microscopic examination of vaginal smears can detect tumor cells of the body and cervix, which are mixed with other cells of the vaginal contents. This may serve as a basis for a more thorough clinical examination if a tumor is suspected.
  3. The microbial composition of a vaginal smear allows one to suspect an infectious lesion of the vagina.

Degrees of vaginal cleanliness

There are four degrees of vaginal cleanliness [16] [18]:

  • first degree: the reaction of the vaginal contents is acidic, it contains many epithelial cells and vaginal Dederlein bacillus (lactic acid bacteria), there are no leukocytes and pathogenic microbes.
  • second degree: individual leukocytes appear in the vaginal contents, the number of lactic acid bacteria decreases, individual pathogenic microbes are determined, the reaction of the environment is acidic.
  • third degree: characterized by a predominance of leukocytes and the presence of streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, and sometimes Trichomonas, the reaction of the environment is alkaline.
  • fourth degree: no lactic acid fermentation bacteria, many leukocytes, pathogens, alkaline reaction.


The following operations are performed on the vagina:

  • colpoperineorrhaphy
    - suturing of the vaginal walls and perineal muscles in order to strengthen the pelvic floor in case of prolapse of the uterus and vagina;
  • colpopexy
    - fixation of the vagina to the anterior abdominal wall (usually in old age after removal of the uterus);
  • colporrhaphy
    - excision of excess tissue of the vaginal walls and suturing them in case of prolapse;
  • colpopoiesis
    - plastic surgery to create an artificial vagina;
  • colpotomy
    - an incision in the vaginal wall as a stage of various gynecological operations or for the purpose of emptying pelvic abscesses;
  • plastic surgery
    - surgery to rejuvenate the vagina. Recently they have become very popular, especially in the UK [19].

Transvaginal operations

  • Kidney removal
    - In 2008, Spanish doctors were the first in Europe to remove a kidney through the vagina. The first to perform such an operation were in Brazil [20] ;
  • appendix removal
    - In March 2008, the first surgery to remove the appendix through the vagina was performed in the United States [21].

Non-surgical treatment

There is no need to immediately run to the surgeon; perhaps someday this will be necessary, but it is possible to avoid, or rather delay, the operation. Kegel exercises are the most effective non-surgical ways to correct vaginal size. If after 3 months there is no result, then there are 2 options, either do nothing, according to all the complaints, if you still have the intention to change something, then only surgical intervention to restore torn muscles will help. Reducing the size of the vagina with laser or hyaluronic acid for pelvic floor injuries is ineffective, but it will not make things worse.

Kegel exercises

Personally, I do not recommend such procedures, because, in my opinion, there is some discrepancy between price and quality, money and time are wasted, and the result is questionable.

Vagina in culture

  • For the Hindu cult symbol, see the article Yoni.
  • In literature and mythology, there are references to “ vagina dentata
    ” - a vagina with teeth.

In American Indian myths

According to the Wai-Wai Indian myth, the twin ancestors Washi and Mawari (who had huge penises) caught women in the water who had vaginas with teeth. The impatient Vashi, trying to take possession of a woman, almost died, but lost part of his penis. Mavari obtained a magical drug, put his wife to sleep and removed the piranha’s teeth from her vagina [22]. In the myths of the Crow and Mandan Indians, there are three deer sisters with toothy vaginas, whom the hero meets, and he marries the fourth [23]. In a group of Salish myths, the demiurge Luna defeats a temptress with a toothy vagina and decrees that women will no longer be dangerous [24].

According to the myth of the Warao Indians, the hero Nahakoboni had no children. Then he carved the figure of his daughter from the trunk of a plum tree, and she came to life (cf. Pygmalion). After the matchmaking, the hero Sun received her as his wife. However, it turned out that her father forgot to make her genitals. Then, at the husband’s request, the bunia bird pierced the required hole, from which the snake had to be removed. According to the Cubeo Indians, the vagina was drilled by the hero's grandmother [25].

In Yurok myth, the creation of the vagina is attributed to the demiurge Old Man-from-Over-the-Ocean, who needed to help give birth to a girl who magically conceived from him [26]. In another myth, the Yurok Lady-Scat takes the demiurge captive during intercourse (squeezing his penis with her thighs) and finally alienates him from the human world [27].

In the myth of the Thompson River Indians, known in a number of variants, the tip of the long penis of the hero Coyote, capable of reaching across the river to a girl, gets stuck in her vagina, and only later does the hero, through deception, manage to remove it from there [28].

Lévi-Strauss characterizes this group of motives as follows:

However, a woman with a toothed vagina is just as much the anatomical equivalent of a symplegada as a long penis is the anatomical equivalent of a rope that links heaven and earth, given that she herself is capable of turning into a swing [29]

According to Levi-Strauss, this theory of holes is based on the techniques of combinatorics. Both the Yurok Indians and the ancient Romans believed that when giving birth, a woman should keep her mouth closed so that the baby could pass through the vagina more easily. If a woman has a caesarean section, she should keep her mouth and vulva open [30].

The Klickitat myth notes a color code: the hero (Coyote's adopted son) had seven wives: the Locust and Dove, whom he especially loved, had black vulvas, and the five Mice, whom her husband neglected, had white vulvas [31].

Early scientific texts

The Kama Sutra by Vatsyayana Mallanaga (3rd century) distinguishes three types of women based on the size of their genital organs: “gazelles,” “mares,” and “elephants,” three types of men and, accordingly, nine types of pleasures. An “equal” combination is considered the best, but each type offers its own recommendations on methods of reclining [32] .

Psychoanalytic interpretations

According to the psychoanalytic teachings of S. Freud, the sexual symbolism of dreams is extremely rich. The female genital organs “are depicted symbolically with the help of all objects that have the property of limiting a hollow space, of taking something into themselves.” Doors, gates, mouth are symbols of the genital opening, and a shoe, shoe, hearth are symbols of the vagina [33] . Many similar metaphors are found in literary works, starting at least with the Song of Songs.

Approximately every second person on the planet is new to the structure of their body. Interesting facts from female anatomy, and more precisely about the female vagina, will help correct this.

The vagina doubles in size when a woman is aroused

Most women have a vaginal depth of 7.5–10 cm. But nature has thought of everything. During arousal, it doubles, which makes sexual intercourse comfortable.

The clitoris is the most sensitive organ

There are 8,000 nerve endings on and around the clitoris. No penis has such sensitivity. This is why the clitoris is so responsive to even the most gentle stimulation.

Components found in shark liver were found in vaginal secretions

It turns out that girls and sharks have something in common. Squalene is a naturally occurring unsaturated hydrocarbon found in vaginal lubrication, vegetable oil, and shark liver. This component protects against injury and infection.

Pubic hair and scalp hair are different in nature

During puberty, a person begins to grow hair in the armpits and pubic hair - pubic hair. True, the stage of their development is much shorter than that of hair on the head.

The vagina cleans itself

Of course, ladies should not neglect hygiene. But the vaginal microflora rejects many fungi and bacteria, preventing them from entering the body. But you should always remember about contraception.

Vagina ribbed

The walls of the vagina are naturally folded.

Women hold the record for the most orgasms

The female orgasm is stronger than the male orgasm, and besides, during sexual intercourse, a woman can experience several orgasms at once.

There are a lot of bacteria in the vagina

The vagina is home to a large number of lactic acid bacteria. And this is the norm.

Gynecological instruments were used in ancient times

Gynecological instruments used by modern doctors were known in the times of the pharaohs.

Vagina means sheath

Translated from Latin, the word “vagina” means sheath. Well, very symbolic.

Incompatible: what to do next?

Some sexologists recommend that men check whether a woman’s sexual organ can withstand it or not, even at the dawn of a relationship. Of course, this is wrong, but it’s better to dot all the i’s right away than to be disappointed after a long time. Other experts do not advise rushing and starting everything with sex. In their opinion, it is necessary to take into account not only physiological, but also psychological compatibility.

If it turns out that the partners are not suitable for each other due to a disproportion in the structure of the genital organs, there is no need to panic and immediately ruin the relationship. Everything can be solved. To strengthen sex life between “different” partners, several techniques have been developed:

  • intimate gymnastics for women (two types: for narrow and wide vaginal openings);
  • special restrictor rings for couples where the man has a long penis and the woman has a short vaginal canal;
  • attachments for the penis (relevant if the penis is thin and the vaginal opening is wide).

You can also find suitable positions that will allow partners to adapt to each other and get a lot of pleasure from intimacy. This advice is suitable for those couples whose genital disproportion is not critical. If the difference is too big, then it will not help solve the problem.

Another option was to contact a plastic surgeon. There are a number of operations that will help correct the size of the genital organ or “adjust” the depth and width of the vagina to the required values.

The following procedures are recommended for men:

  • lipofilling (penis thickening);
  • intersection of the ligaments at the base of the phallus to increase its length;
  • injection correction of the penis with hyaluronic acid (increase in length and width);
  • penile prosthetics (sewing a silicone implant under the skin of the genital organ);
  • autotransplantation (penis lengthening by sewing in muscular-fascial vascularized tissue around its shaft);
  • implantation of a biodegradable collagen matrix (analogue of penile prosthesis).

Women undergo vaginoplasty. The operation allows not only to reduce, but also to increase its size and depth without consequences for the patient in the future. Surgical suturing of the canal is by far the most popular procedure ordered in medical centers. It is especially relevant when the penis cannot enter the vagina completely.

Vagina plastic surgery (colporrhaphy) is offered not only to those women who have a narrow or wide canal by nature. It is recommended for patients after childbirth, abortion, or those who have suffered pathologies that led to scarring of the vaginal walls and its narrowing. The operation takes place quickly - in 50-60 minutes. The rehabilitation period is 2-3 weeks. After this time, the woman can enter into intimate intimacy.

Traditional methods

For those who do not want to contact a plastic surgeon or wait until the vagina itself adapts to the size of the partner, the right solution would be to use traditional medicine. The problem of physiological incompatibility of partners is not new. Our ancestors also encountered it, so they created a lot of products from herbal ingredients that can expand or narrow the vagina.

Gooseberry decoction

A decoction of green gooseberries was used by women in North America. To prepare it, take half a glass of berries and 300 ml of water. Boil the gooseberries over low heat for 10 minutes and leave for half an hour. The prepared decoction is used for douching an hour before intimacy. It helps to narrow the vaginal walls.

Non-alcoholic tincture

To prepare the tincture you will need:

  • 200 ml food glycerin;
  • 1 cup oak balls (galls).

The balls are filled with glycerin and infused for several days. The finished product is injected using an enema directly into the vagina 30-40 minutes before sex. The tannin and witch hazel in the galls cause the vaginal canal to narrow. In addition, the tincture has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. At the beginning of using the product, a woman may feel a little hot inside. This is a normal phenomenon, you need to get used to it. After 3-4 procedures, the discomfort will disappear.

Cushion root decoction

A decoction of cucumber root causes the vaginal muscles to relax, which makes it wider. To prepare it you need to take 2 tbsp. l. herbs and add 200 ml of water. Boil the broth for 10 minutes over low heat, then filter and cool. Used for douching before sexual intercourse. You can also take 50 g. decoction inside. It will have a positive effect on the central nervous system and will help you tune into sex more easily.

The following plants have a similar effect:

His dick reaches my uterus, is that good or bad? The uterus is divided into body, fundus, cervix and isthmus. In this case, the vagina in an excited state, like the penis, increases in size; The deeper the vagina is in a calm state, the wider it is when excited. But it will not be possible to act on the cervix and the deep part of the vagina.


  1. megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to get rid of papillomas in their armpits? They really bother me, especially when you sweat.

  2. Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I was able to get rid of papillomas in the armpits (and on a very budget). PS But I’m from the city myself and didn’t find it on sale here, so I ordered it online.

  3. megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria, post a link to the article! PS I'm from the city too))

  4. Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - a link to the article.

  5. Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

  6. Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

  7. Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of papillomavirus infection is indeed not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. As of today, you can only order on the official website. Be healthy!

  8. Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

  9. Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods to get rid of warts and papillomas?

  10. Andrey A week ago

    I tried to burn off a wart on my head with vinegar. The wart really went away, only in its place there was such a burn that my finger hurt for another month. And the most annoying thing is that after a month and a half, two more warts popped up nearby ((

  11. Ekaterina A week ago

    I tried to burn out the papilloma with celandine, but it didn’t help, it just turned black and became so scary (((

  12. Maria 5 days ago

    I recently watched a program on Channel One, they also talked about this PAPIFEX. Many doctors recommended for treatment. I ordered it, I use it, and indeed, the papillomas are dissolving one by one, there are only 2 left, the most tenacious ones.

  13. Elena (dermatologist) 6 days ago

    Maria, soon these two will disappear too!

  14. Alexandra (Syktyvkar) 5 days ago

    A good product, completely worth the price. I have never seen any analogues.

  15. Maxim Today

    Has anyone tried to reduce papillomas with liquid nitrogen?

  16. Tatyana (Ekaterinburg) Today

    Yeah, you burn one, after a month three more grow ((I don’t recommend liquid nitrogen, although hospitals often use it

  17. Elena (dermatologist) 6 days ago

    Tatyana, liquid nitrogen is a thing of the past, now PAPIFEX is used in full and there is no need to go to the doctors!

  18. Mikhail (Moscow) Today

    PAPIFEX also helped (I ordered it according to the advice above), it should work, try it

  19. Vika (Ekaterinburg) Today

    That's great! I need to order, otherwise I’m already tormented with these warts! After all, a woman always wants to be beautiful!

  20. Kristina (Minsk) Today

    I had papillomas removed with a laser, quickly and without pain. But it's damn expensive.

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