Menstrual symptoms and pain treatment with folk remedies and methods

Causes of severe pain during menstruation

Pain during menstruation most often occurs in nulliparous women due to the anatomical features of the location of the uterus. If the pain syndrome is accompanied by dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting and leads to disability, they speak of algomenorrhea. Pathological symptoms indicate disturbances in various body systems.

Attention! Identification and treatment of the underlying disease that leads to pain during menstruation can reduce its intensity.

Pain during menstruation is a disorder of menstrual function. According to statistics, about 10% of women experience intense cramping pain during menstruation, which can be reduced by taking painkillers.

Pain syndrome can occur 12 hours before the next menstruation and last for several days. Sometimes the pain moves to the area of ​​the bladder, lower back, and rectum. The constant expectation of discomfort leads to psycho-emotional disorders, insomnia, depression and anxiety.

If algomenorrhea is unexpressed, the pain does not require relief with medications. Gynecologists emphasize that the initial degree of algomenorrhea becomes more severe over time. That is why, if there is pain during menstrual periods, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate examination.

Attention! After childbirth, minor pain during menstruation often goes away on its own.

If the pain syndrome is of moderate severity, the following accompanying symptoms are also observed:

  • nausea;
  • frequent urination;
  • chills;
  • general weakness.

A woman's performance may decrease. Pain can be reduced through preliminary examination and medication correction.

If algomenorrhea is severe, fainting, fever, and vomiting are noted. The woman loses her ability to work. Usually the pathology is associated with an inflammatory process or congenital anomalies of the genital organs.

Functional dysmenorrhea

Primary algomenorrhea (dysmenorrhea) occurs after the onset of the first menstruation for 3 years. It has been established that the pathology is characteristic of emotionally unstable representatives with an asthenic physique. Often the pain is accompanied by PMS.

Primary dysmenorrhea includes the following types:

  1. Adrenergic. The failure of the hormonal system is caused by an increase in the production of dopamine, norepinephrine, and adrenaline. Symptoms include intense headaches, constipation, fever, insomnia, pale skin, and rapid heartbeat.
  2. Parasympathetic. An increase in the concentration of serotonin is noted in the cerebrospinal fluid. This causes a decrease in body temperature, heart rate, diarrhea, edema, and weight gain.

Primary algomenorrhea is a consequence of the following pathologies:

  • connective tissue dysplasia (concomitant disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, scoliosis, flat feet, excessive joint flexibility);
  • neurological disorders (decreased pain threshold, psychosis, emotional instability, changes in pain perception);
  • underdevelopment, uterine kinks and malformations.

With abnormalities of the uterine body, the outflow of menstrual flow is difficult. Contractile activity increases, causing pain.

Acquired dysmenorrhea

Secondary algomenorrhea occurs in women who have given birth or the fairer sex after 30 years. This disorder occurs in approximately every 3 women and often occurs in moderate or severe form. Usually the pain syndrome is combined with heavy bleeding.

Depending on the predominance of characteristic features, several main groups are distinguished:

  • bloating, hiccups, nausea or vomiting (vegetative symptoms);
  • numbness of the arms or legs, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, fainting (vegetative-vascular manifestations);
  • increased irritability, depression, impaired perception of smell or taste (psycho-emotional disorders);
  • skin itching, joint pain, weakness (endocrine and metabolic disorders).

Important! The occurrence of symptoms depends on the patient's medical history.

Often, women with acquired algomenorrhea experience pain during sexual intercourse, which may be due to the following pathologies:

  • inflammation;
  • adhesive process;
  • benign or malignant tumors;
  • varicose veins;
  • pelvic neuritis;
  • endometriosis.

Experts name the following factors that provoke pain during menstruation:

  • use of an IUD;
  • frequent intrauterine manipulations, abortions leading to scar tissue deformation;
  • postpartum complications;
  • overwork, stress.

Important! To reduce severe discomfort during menstruation, therapy comes down not so much to pain relief, but to finding and eliminating the causes of the pathological condition.

Safe types of massage

What massage is considered safe for women during bleeding? Experts allow relaxing treatment of the neck, head, feet, and hands. All these manipulations will help reduce pain, get rid of your problems and worries, normalize breathing and the functioning of the nervous system.

Self-massage will also be safe. To carry it out, you can use improvised devices, such as tennis balls. Place them under your lower back and begin to make circular movements. This exercise will relieve stress on the back and relieve pain. What about the abdominal area? Is it possible to have a massage during menstruation? Light stroking is acceptable here. The resulting heat will relax the muscle organ and improve blood flow. Manipulations help normalize sleep and improve emotional state.

How to get rid of period pain

To reduce the intensity of pain that occurs during menstruation, various methods of drug and non-drug therapy are used. Remedies for period pain include:

  1. Sedatives. For manifestations of a neuropsychic nature, Relanium, Valerian tablets, and Trioxazine are prescribed.
  2. NSAIDs. Medicines have a pronounced effect and are represented by such drugs as Ibuprofen, Ketanov and Nise.
  3. Antispasmodics. You can reduce the pain that occurs during menstruation using No-shpa, Spazgan, Papaverine.
  4. COOK. Birth control pills are often prescribed for primary algomenorrhea.
  5. Natural progestins. This drug group includes the progesterone analogue Duphaston.
  6. Vitamin and mineral complexes. In case of laboratory confirmed deficiency of vitamins, microelements and macroelements, the doctor prescribes appropriate medications.

Important! To reduce pain during menstruation, you need to visit a doctor to undergo an examination and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Eat some cheese

British scientists have made an amazing discovery. They found that calcium deficiency may be the cause of acute menstrual pain. The fact is that this mineral is not only the main building material of bone tissue, but also a full participant in many biochemical processes in the body. Depletion of calcium reserves can lead to numerous health problems, ranging from dental problems and sleep disturbances to muscle spasms and uterine hypertonicity. Simply put, during your period, it sometimes contracts too much in an attempt to get rid of blood clots, and becomes hard as a rock. This is why you feel pain. To protect yourself from this trouble, ten days before the start of menstruation, when the level of calcium in the body begins to rapidly fall, lean on sesame seeds, hard cheese, sardines, broccoli, celery, dried apricots, milk and cottage cheese. These foods contain particularly high levels of calcium. Just keep in mind that it is difficult to digest and can easily pass through. To ensure that not a single microgram of valuable substance is lost along the way, eat foods rich in boron, copper, sulfur, zinc, vitamin D and manganese. Or buy a special preparation at the pharmacy in which calcium is already “mixed” with all the necessary microelements and vitamins in the required proportions. The main thing is to take the pills in the evening. At this time, calcium is better absorbed.

So that your efforts are not in vain, give up coffee, green tea, sweet soda, potatoes, sorrel, spinach and oatmeal for a while. They remove calcium from the body. And cane sugar, cocoa and chocolate make it difficult to absorb. Therefore, it is also better not to get carried away with these products.

How to reduce period pain without pills

There are several basic ways to reduce pain during menstrual periods.

Exercises for period pain

It is known that intense exercise is not recommended during menstruation. However, some exercises help relieve abdominal pain during menstruation.

In the first follicular phase of the cycle, you can practice yoga, Bodyflex, which involves internal massage of the pelvic organs. The formed adhesions are dissolved and the maturation of the egg is stimulated.


It is possible to reduce discomfort through general and acupressure massage. If it is not possible to conduct treatment sessions before the onset of menstruation, you can independently massage the lower back using the Kuznetsov applicator.

Folk remedies for pain during menstruation

Traditional medicine is used as an auxiliary method to reduce the severity of pain. Gynecologists recommend using infusions from the following medicinal plants:

  • elecampane root (2 tbsp three times a day);
  • horsetail (50 ml every hour);
  • a collection of centaury, knotweed grass, horsetail, cinquefoil (1 sip during the first day of the cycle);
  • strawberry leaves (half a glass per day).

Attention! Before using folk remedies, you should consult a specialist.

What foods reduce pain during menstruation?

Eating the right foods has a beneficial effect on your general condition and can reduce discomfort during menstruation. Before the onset of critical days, it is recommended to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Fatty foods, flour products, and smoked foods should be limited or completely excluded from your diet.

You need to drink at least 2 liters of mineral water per day. Peppermint teas have a good effect and help reduce pain.

How to lie down correctly during menstruation

To relieve pain, you need to lie on your side, with your legs bent and pulled towards your head. The “fetal position” helps reduce the intensity of pain.

Spot impact

Chinese healers have developed separate systems for influencing the body to help relax and cope with pain. Is it possible to have a massage during menstruation? Manipulations affecting biologically active points of your body will lead to relaxation and pain relief. It is important to carry out a relaxing or pain-relieving procedure yourself. After all, only you, like no one else, can carefully listen to your feelings.

Such biologically active points are located in several places. Chinese sources report the location of the zone in the abdomen (three fingers below the umbilical ring). The point is also located in the ankle area. Apply gentle pressure on the indicated area 3-6 times. Monitor your feelings.

When to see a doctor

Despite popular belief, the presence of pain during menstruation is not always considered normal. A woman needs to see a doctor and identify the cause of her discomfort. This is associated with the risk of progression of the underlying disease and increased pain.

Important! An immediate visit to a doctor is required if the pain leads to decreased or incapacitated work and significantly affects the patient's quality of life.

Is it possible to drink holy water?

As you know, holy water has unique properties that are sometimes difficult to explain from a scientific point of view. It helps to get rid of the negative influence of ill-wishers, the so-called “Evil Eye”, cleanse your home, get rid of diseases and much more. Is it possible for women to drink holy water during menstruation, since some restrictions exist when attending church for women in a similar condition, although not everywhere.

Today the church does not voice a single opinion, and until a council decision is made, each priest will make his own decision. In some churches, women are even allowed to take communion on critical days; in others, they are not even advised to attend services. Maybe even a sip of holy water these days is not such a big sin?

The priest's answer

They drink holy water in the morning and on an empty stomach, with prayer, by doing this you seem to cleanse your soul from sinful thoughts and temptations. If you are ill, you are allowed to drink holy water all day long in small portions, again, accompanying this with prayers and asking for forgiveness. Only consumed on an empty stomach, this water penetrates into the most hidden corners of the soul and body and sanctifies them. If you drink holy water to get rid not of a physical illness, but of a mental illness, then you can do this at any time of the day when you feel the need. You can add it to ordinary water, in which case it also acquires special properties. The main thing is not to make tea from it or use it in cooking, since it is intended to ease the soul, not the stomach.

The amount of water consumed should not be large, one spoon is enough. You can drink it from glasses or mugs that have not previously been used for sinful drinks. You should not drink holy water directly from the jar, as this will show disrespect for the shrines.

Advice from gynecologists

Gynecologists argue that pain is not a disease, but a symptom indicating various pathological conditions developing in the body. That is why this sign cannot be ignored. Dysmenorrhea can accompany serious diseases of the reproductive system, which often lead to infertility and other complications.

To reduce the severity of pain, the use of medications is not always required. In some cases, it is enough to adjust your diet, physical activity and your regimen.

Relaxation manipulation: standard massage

Is it allowed to do this during menstruation? If you ask a gynecologist about this question, you will probably get a negative answer. Why can't you get a massage during your period? Doctors believe that the back, abdomen and buttocks are dangerous places to massage when bleeding. During manipulation, blood flows to the treated area, blood vessels dilate, and the load on the body increases. Even for women it can have unpleasant consequences. The blood accumulated in the pelvic area stagnates, the uterus becomes full, and pain appears. All this can not only worsen your health, but also lead to inflammation or the development of gynecological pathologies.

There is also an opposite opinion. Some gynecologists claim that if the woman is in good health, manipulation is possible. If you have not previously had menstrual pain, hormonal imbalances or gynecological diseases, then feel free to have a relaxing back massage. But you must definitely monitor your well-being during the manipulation and after it.

Effect of heat

People knew that heat has a beneficial effect on the body even before medicine was fully developed. Often, along with taking medications and infusions, the patient was recommended bed rest and mandatory warmth. Today, scientists have already given precise justifications and mechanisms for the effect of moderate temperature (not higher than 39 degrees) on the human body.

During menstruation, the usual way of life of many women is disrupted. Unpleasant symptoms characteristic of PMS appear:

  1. Frequent urination.
  2. Sharp or nagging pain, covering the lower abdomen.
  3. Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Periodic nausea.
  5. General weakness.

When a woman applies a heating pad to her stomach, the temperature of a certain area of ​​the body increases, which helps activate heat receptors. They block the synthesis of prostaglandin, histamine, and bradykinin. These compounds provoke the appearance of pain and spasms in the muscles of the uterus. As a result, tissue blood flow deteriorates. When biologically active substances are blocked, the woman feels relief. The same effect is observed after taking painkillers. Heat therapy helps:

  • reduce sensitivity;
  • speed up metabolic processes;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • relax muscles, remove spasms.

Despite the effectiveness of the home remedy for pain, it is allowed to be used for no longer than 15 minutes and only by those women who do not have a tendency to heavy bleeding. Moreover, if a woman has problems, diseases of the reproductive system, then the effect of heat can aggravate them.

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