The use of sage during menopause: medicinal properties for women and recipes

Menopause inevitably comes into the life of every woman. At this time, patients note a significant deterioration in well-being, a decrease in quality of life and constant fatigue from the manifestations of menopause. For a long time, people have used sage during menopause to relieve the main symptoms of menopause, which, if used correctly, can significantly improve well-being, relieve hot flashes and replenish the body with missing microelements.

Features of the menopause

Menopause is a natural process for any woman approaching retirement age. In gynecological practice, this process is not considered a disease. Hormonal changes occur gradually over a long period of time. It can last for several years and is associated with loss of function and complete death of the ovaries. Estrogen production stops. There are different types of menopause, which are united by common reasons - a decrease in the amount of estrogen in the blood. This period is characterized by functional disorders of many body systems, which have become classic symptoms of menopause.

During this period, the following may occur:

  • sleep disorder (drowsiness or insomnia);
  • hot temper;
  • anxiety;
  • tearfulness;
  • indifference;
  • sadness;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • sweating

In women, the menstrual cycle ends, libido decreases, and tachycardia and weakness often occur. A decrease in hormones negatively affects the appearance and condition of women's skin, which loses elasticity and begins to age. The appearance of wrinkles seriously and permanently spoils a woman’s mood. The skeletal system suffers, and the likelihood of osteoporosis is high.

The classic symptom of menopause is hot flashes, manifested by:

  • feeling of heat throughout the body;
  • redness of the face and neck;
  • increased sweating;
  • shortness of breath;
  • weakness;
  • rapid heartbeat.

They occur suddenly, at any time, most often in the evenings and at night. As a result of disorders, various diseases can occur, for example, endometriosis. Women often experience weight gain – up to 6 kg over the course of several months. This occurs due to the replacement of estrogen produced by adipose tissue.

Useful properties of sage

Salvia (the second name of the herb) is a popular gastronomic seasoning. The plant is a subshrub. Found in the wild in its native Italy. For medical use, it is grown on an industrial scale in Crimea, Greece, the Czech Republic and many other countries.

Sage has long been used in folk medicine as a preventive and medicinal product.

The plant has many healing qualities:

  1. disinfectant;
  2. diuretic;
  3. astringent;
  4. general strengthening;
  5. painkillers;
  6. antispasmodic;
  7. calming;
  8. normalizing sweating.

Herbal preparations based on sage are prescribed for various inflammatory processes:

  1. for stomach and intestinal problems;
  2. gynecological and genitourinary pathologies;
  3. in dental practice;
  4. for respiratory viral infection;
  5. respiratory diseases;
  6. with dysfunction of the reproductive system;
  7. as a sedative.

Modern herbal medicine has proven through research the healing effects of herbal remedies, which contain many valuable components.

Nature's Answer, Sage, Alcohol Free, 30 ml

See price on iHerb

Chemical composition

The beneficial qualities of sage are dictated by the content of valuable ingredients in it:

  1. biologically active substances – plant pigments, flavonoids, which play an important role in metabolism and are involved in photosynthesis, and also have a protective function. They act as antispasmodics, relieve headaches;
  2. Linoleic acid glycerides affect the composition of adipose tissue and the normal development of the body;
  3. tannins are complex, water-soluble organic components of the aromatic series that have astringent properties;
  4. water-insoluble volatile essential oils - secretions of plant glands that give the product aroma and have medicinal properties;
  5. cineole is a component of essential oil used in medicine as an antiseptic and cough suppressant;
  6. ursolic acid, which serves to form muscle mass and reduce the proportion of fat, has anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects;
  7. oleic acid is one of the most important fatty acids, participating in metabolism in the body and serving as a source of energy;
  8. uvaol, characterized by diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  9. salvin is a strong natural antibiotic;
  10. vitamins A, P, K, PP, group B serve for general health, relieve stress, prevent depression, and normalize the emotional sphere;
  11. essential microelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, copper, etc.);
  12. Carotenes and saponins improve blood flow and help cope with headaches resulting from vascular spasms.

Application in gynecology

Sage, whose medicinal properties are due to the inclusion of a number of biologically active substances in its composition, is widely used in gynecology. This medicinal plant is prescribed as part of complex therapy in the treatment of disorders such as:

  • thrush;
  • inflammation of the female genital organs;
  • cervical erosion.

For these pathological conditions, a decoction is most often used for douching and sitz baths. To prepare this remedy, take 1 cup of sage to 10 cups of boiling water. The herb should be boiled for at least 10-15 minutes. After this, the composition must be cooled to 38°C and filtered. The prepared decoction should be used for medical procedures 2 times a day.

This plant is often used to eliminate irregularities in the menstrual cycle. Its use is justified in the treatment of infertility. This drug is also prescribed to stimulate labor, because The active components present in sage help increase uterine tone.

This medicinal plant is often used to stop lactation.

Sage for women's health

The beneficial effect of salvia on the body of women has been known for a long time, and is now confirmed by official medicine. The benefits of the plant during menopause are explained by the large number of phytohormones similar to estrogen. This hormone:

  1. controls the reproductive system;
  2. eliminates hormonal imbalances;
  3. reduces the severity of inflammatory processes in the female organs;
  4. normalizes a woman’s sexual sphere.

Preparations based on sage reduce the manifestation of unwanted menopausal symptoms, helping to maintain hormonal levels at the proper level. During menopause, all changes in the body are caused by an age-related decrease in the amount of sex hormones necessary for reproductive function.

Estrogen levels can be replenished with the help of special prophylactic medications. In some cases, herbal medicine successfully replaces drug treatment.

The uniqueness of sage lies in the content of a valuable vitamin and mineral complex, which not only improves hormonal levels, but also improves the overall health of a woman.

Use of herbal remedy:

  1. reduces the strength and frequency of hot flashes;
  2. reduces sweating;
  3. regulates the activity of the genitourinary organs;
  4. calms and normalizes sleep;
  5. reduces the intensity of dizziness and headaches;
  6. helps cleanse the body and rejuvenate a woman;
  7. saturates the body with valuable vitamins;
  8. improves emotional state;
  9. improves appearance by strengthening skin and hair.

It will not be possible to completely get rid of menopause with the help of sage, but taking medications based on it will significantly reduce the unpleasant symptoms of menopause and can eliminate the use of synthetic hormonal drugs.

Salvia is considered one of the most effective herbal remedies for the treatment of menopausal symptoms, however, in severe cases, one herbal preparation is not enough.

Planetary Herbals, Sage, 1,020 mg, 120 Tablets

See price on iHerb

Traditional medicine suggests using sage as an additional remedy. For a final cure, it is recommended to combine herbal medicine with traditional methods of treatment. In any case, you should not self-medicate; you should definitely consult a doctor. It is best to take the medicine under his supervision.

Does sage help with menopause and hot flashes and how can women take this herb to its advantage?

The onset of menopause brings with it irritability, hot flashes, headaches, and depression. Not all women during menopause take drugs with synthetic hormones. This is due to their side effects, contraindications, and individual intolerance. Herbal remedies can help reduce symptoms and reduce the frequency of their occurrence. Sage during menopause is indicated in case of contraindications to hormone replacement therapy. The herbal medicine reduces the severity and frequency of symptoms during menopause.

Correct use during menopause

The herbal medicine can be taken in various forms. Traditional medicine advises preparing decoctions, teas, infusions, and alcohol tinctures. In this case, you should always follow the preparation recipe and dosage determined by a specialist.

The pharmaceutical industry has also mastered the production of a variety of finished products based on sage: capsules, tablets, dietary supplements.

For the best results in menopause therapy, you need to prepare each remedy correctly. Most often, dry leaves of the plant are used, from which infusions, decoctions, teas, and tinctures are prepared.


Medicine to relieve the symptoms of menopause is prepared according to the usual recipe of traditional healers: 2 tbsp. l. Dried or crushed fresh sage leaves are poured into 0.7 liters of boiling water and kept over low heat for 5 minutes.

After the broth has cooled, filter it. Take 3 times a day for 2 weeks, after which a break of 14 days is required. In some cases, a single dose per day is prescribed. The resulting drug can be added to a bath to reduce sweating, which is taken no more than a quarter of an hour.

Frontier Natural Products, Organic Ground Sage Leaves, 453 g

See price on iHerb


Preparing a natural healthy drink is quite painstaking, but the effect is felt quickly. To extract the juice, take freshly picked sage leaves and squeeze them in a juicer. It is recommended to drink 2-3 tbsp. l. simultaneously with meals.


The drink is brewed in the same way as all herbal teas. 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials are poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and allowed to brew a little. Take 200 ml three times a day.

It is useful to drink the strained drink with the addition of a slice of lemon, a mint leaf or a spoon of honey. Sage tea is beneficial for reducing the intensity of hot flashes, helps reduce sweating, as well as blood pressure.


To make a medicinal product, 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves of the plant are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 1 hour. The resulting product is filtered and taken 1 dessert spoon per day for 10 days. The interval between courses of treatment should be at least 2 weeks.

Alcohol tincture

The extract is prepared from the dried leaves of the plant. 1.5 tbsp. l. raw materials and 0.25 liters of vodka are placed in a glass vessel and infused for a month at room temperature. Take 1 tbsp of the tincture, strained and diluted with water. l. 3 times a day. After 10 days of use, you should take a break.

Sage oil

To relieve irritation, tension, and stress, aromatherapy with vegetable oil, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, is used. A few drops of the product are added to the bath or a special aroma lamp. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour.

Now Foods, Essential Oils, Clary Sage, 30 ml

See price on iHerb

Combined decoctions

Sage works well in combination with other medicinal herbs. To get rid of headaches, take 3 parts of dry salvia, 1 part each of valerian and horsetail. 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured into a glass of boiling water, left for 5 minutes and filtered.

The infusion is divided into 2 servings and drunk throughout the day. You should not drink this drink before bed. The course of therapy lasts up to 3 months, after which a break is necessary.

To eliminate the symptoms of menopause, prepare a decoction of 1 tbsp. l. a mixture of equal parts of dried sage leaves, yarrow and anise seeds. The raw materials are poured with 200 ml of boiling water, left for 10 minutes, consumed for 3 months.

Plant brewing recipes

Now in pharmacies you can purchase not only specially prepared herbal raw materials, but also already packaged teas, tablets, essential oils and alcoholic tinctures of sage. If necessary, you can prepare healing remedies yourself. It is important to follow recommendations regarding the dosage of herbal ingredients when preparing medicinal formulations.

To eliminate increased sweating and other manifestations of menopause, you need to brew tea before drinking. Dried sage leaves are used to prepare this product. To brew healing tea, you need 1 tsp. vegetable ingredient pour 1 cup of boiling water. The composition needs to sit for 3-5 minutes. You can add honey to this tea to improve the taste.

Alternative forms

The pharmaceutical industry produces medicines based on sage.

Absorbable tablets with anti-inflammatory effects. The combined preparation contains bioactive elements and has astringent properties. It is usually prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the throat, but it can also help with symptoms of menopause.

Lozenges in a blister containing active substances – sage extract and essential oil. The action is similar to tablets.

Gaia Herbs, Throat Lozenges, Sage & Aloe, 20 Fast-Release Lozenges

See price on iHerb

Side effects

It is not recommended to use sage-based medications for longer than the period specified in the instructions. Usually it lasts no more than 2 weeks, but in some cases it lasts up to 3 months. This can be clarified by a herbalist. Uncontrolled use can cause side effects:

  1. inflammation of the mucous membranes of various concentrations;
  2. decreased blood glucose levels;
  3. tachycardia.

An overdose of the drug causes rapid heartbeat, dizziness, sleep disturbances, convulsions, and anxiety. With a long course of use, essential oils can accumulate in the liver and kidneys and have a toxic effect.

Course use of sage and strict adherence to the correct dosage will reduce the likelihood of adverse reactions.

Simply Organic, Sage, 40 g

See price on iHerb


Like all herbal remedies, sage has limitations in its use. The product should not be taken:

  1. with increased individual sensitivity;
  2. epilepsy;
  3. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  4. with acute renal inflammation;
  5. for diabetes mellitus;
  6. endometriosis;
  7. hypertension;
  8. in case of a breast tumor or its removal;
  9. in case of thyroid dysfunction.

Herbal preparations should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist. To avoid complications, it is unacceptable to self-medicate.

Sage, which has a general healing effect on the female body, thanks to its unique composition, helps treat the symptoms of menopause. It eliminates the intensity of hot flashes, irritation, sleep disturbances and many others. However, in severe cases, after consultation with a doctor, it can be used as an additional remedy in combination with medications.

I noticed a clear decrease in hot flashes, but the doctor dissuaded me! What's the result?

I give this wonderful herb the highest rating and recommend it, because when I took Sage it was much easier for me to cope with my problem.
Now about the problem itself. So I had to deal with wild hot flashes at night in the first year of menopause. And what started at night, I can’t compare with anything. I’ll try to compare this with the effect of an antipyretic drug multiplied by 16! I woke up not only wet from sweat, but I had the feeling that the roof of my house was leaking and the rain had flooded me with water. There was a real puddle on the bend of the elbow!

This condition began at the end of summer and, with short breaks, continued throughout the fall and winter. The doctor said indifferently, wait a year, then it won’t be so critical! And on one of the women's forums I read about the ability of sage to reduce hot flashes. Of course, I immediately went to the pharmacy. By the way, when taking it, it was recommended to brew it in a completely different way than on the packet of herbs.

At first I noticed a sugar-lowering effect (sage is actually used in the early and uncomplicated stages of diabetes), I thought this was great, but after a week my nightmares decreased very much, I no longer woke up in such a wildly wet state! And some nights there were no night sweats at all. Then, apparently, the body got used to it, there were hot flashes, but they were no longer so bright and nightmarish.

And what was my disappointment when, at a doctor’s appointment, I let slip that I was taking sage and that it was helping me, but the doctor convinced me that it was better to endure terrible hot flashes than to face the consequences of taking sage. Under the influence of sage, the cells of the uterine body degenerate into cysts and other neoplasms, and after 40 this happens at cosmic speed. This is me briefly conveying the doctor’s words; she told me so many terrible things that I won’t repeat them exactly, so please excuse me! Just like that! This may not always happen, but I don’t want to take risks! Sage is also contraindicated in cases of reduced thyroid function.

It’s a shame, because sage obviously made me feel better.

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