Causes of cervical cancer at the psychogenic level

Psychological causes of the disease

In modern medicine, it is customary to classify cancers of the reproductive organs as sexually transmitted diseases. This is due to the fact that in 95% of cases of cancer detection, patients simultaneously turned out to be carriers of HPV (human papillomavirus). But calling HPV the only cause of cancer would be wrong. Scientific research has long confirmed that there are several factors that provoke the development of cancer cells:

  • smoking;
  • violation of diet, consumption of trans fats;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • the presence of genitourinary tract infections.

Psychologists consider one of the most influential factors to be problems of internal balance and female sexuality . According to the theory of psychosomatics, cancer can be provoked by:

  • grievances against the male sex;
  • feelings of shame or guilt arising from sexual reasons;
  • suppression of desires, manifestations of non-traditional orientation;
  • rejection of one's own femininity and sexuality;
  • psychological trauma associated with sex.

The most common psychological problem faced by women is having sex without desire.

This behavior of girls is associated primarily with the imposed stereotypes that a wife in marriage (or a friend in a close relationship) is obliged to fulfill her sexual duty, putting her partner and his needs first.

The result of such psychological violence is psychotrauma similar to those suffered by victims of physical sexual violence.

Cervical diseases: accept yourself as a woman! Psychosomatics

When you have been undergoing treatment for a long time and to no avail, or are recovering, but the disease returns again, pay attention to what psychosomatics says. Cervical dysplasia - why does it occur?

Dysplasia is a disease in which the cells of the mucous membrane of the cervix thicken, grow, and change structure. It is considered precancerous because if left untreated, the consequences can be disastrous.

Dysplasia is similar to erosion, but, unlike it, it affects not only the surface of the epithelium, but also deeper layers. Caused by the human papillomavirus.

Most often, dysplasia develops in women 25-35 years old. The disease is also dangerous because it can negatively affect reproductive function.

Factors provoking dysplasia:

  • Starting sexual activity too early
  • Multiple sexual intercourse without using a condom
  • Numerous births and abortions
  • Smoking
  • Carriage of sexually transmitted diseases
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Heredity
  • Long-term stress

Dysplasia is a very unpleasant disease that causes constant discomfort. It is accompanied by bloody discharge and sometimes pain in the lower abdomen. To confirm the diagnosis, you must contact a gynecologist who will prescribe the necessary examinations and treatment. In severe forms, surgery must be performed.

Dysplasia: psychosomatics

Psychologists have noticed that this disease is more common in women with low self-esteem who are not confident in themselves and their attractiveness. They do not accept femininity and are sometimes rude. Metaphysical factors of female diseases are also associated with avoidance of intimacy. Thus, the disease has its own secondary benefits for them

If a problem arises in a girl who has not given birth, it is worth paying attention to whether she is ready to become a mother. Perhaps on a conscious level she wants this, but on a subconscious level she is afraid.

Tumors in the cervical area often arise due to strong grievances against men. Since dysplasia is a precancerous condition, you urgently need to get rid of grievances and other negative conditions.

Psychosomatics of a polyp on the cervix

Polyps are wart-like growths. Doctors associate their appearance with inflammatory processes, hormonal disorders, long-term erosion and ruptures during childbirth.

Like any disease, polyps have psychological causes. Problems with the uterus are often associated with self-rejection and uncertainty about the feelings of the man you love. By the way, women's diseases often appear in feminists or women who suppress their feminine energy.

Polyps also occur in girls and women who are afraid to have children or who have children but feel that they are not a good enough mother. They can also develop in those who view sex as something dirty and shameful.

The authors of books on psychosomatics recommend that those who have problems “on the feminine side” learn to accept themselves and their femininity, remove feelings of guilt and fear, and leave grievances against men.

Help yourself!

Many women understand that they need to forgive and be feminine. Psychosomatics teaches this. Cervical dysplasia, like other diseases, can be cured with medical methods, but will return again if the root cause is not removed.

Doing this on your own is incredibly difficult. Many people have been going to a psychologist for years. Do you have time for this?

Fortunately, there is a faster method that you can master yourself. This is “Spiritual Integration,” a technology created in Russia. Its author, Konstantin Dovlatov, and his students teach people to communicate with their own subconscious in order to eliminate the metaphysical factors of female diseases.

The subconscious knows everything: where the disease came from, what is needed to cure it. The main thing is to learn to interact with him. You find the cause, heal it, activate your own resources, and the disease goes away.

Traditional medicine recipes for dysplasia and polyps

  • Grind the green part of the celandine and put it in a liter jar until it is half full, compact it tightly. Pour boiling water over the herb to the top edge of the jar. To cover with a lid. After the broth reaches room temperature, strain it. Use for douching (the whole liter at a time). There are contraindications!
  • Mix calendula flowers (20 g) with olive oil (200 ml) and place in a dark place for 7-10 days. Strain. Use as tampons for 15 days.
  • Mix propolis (10 g) with 200 g of melted butter. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain. Spread on tampons and insert into the vagina for 30 minutes for 10 days.

Traditional medicine often helps to get rid of diseases. But it is worth remembering that the main cause of all our problems is in the head. Psychosomatics speaks about this.

Cervical dysplasia, like other diseases, will go away forever only if you work through its psychological causes!


Louise Hay

Louise Hay is an American psychologist, author of many books, and founder of her own popular literature publishing house. This woman is also the author of a psychosomatic table of diseases, which demonstrates the relationship of all kinds of diseases with the psychological attitudes of the individual. Despite the fact that in Russia most doctors are skeptical about psychosomatics and refuse to recognize it as a science, the works of Louise Hay have gained worldwide fame and are used abroad in treatment and diagnosis.

Louise was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in the seventies of the last century, and this is where her journey to discovering the spiritual causes of cancer began. The woman analyzed and completely changed her attitude towards life. If previously her thoughts were dominated by emotions such as anger and despair, her new worldview was based on forgiveness and acceptance.

Louise consulted a doctor who, in addition to traditional therapy, prescribed her a special cleansing diet to rid her body of accumulated toxins. Six months of eating vegetables, reflexology, meditation and prayer were not in vain. At the next consultation, the doctor informed the woman about her recovery.

Having gone through her own journey of fighting uterine cancer, Louise Hay formulated several principles to preserve and restore women's health:

  1. It is impossible to have a completely healthy body when your thoughts are immersed in depression. Dissatisfaction with one’s own life, sexual dissatisfaction, rejection of one’s femininity are the main causes of uterine cancer according to the psychosomatic table.
  2. Treatment should begin with identifying the provocateur. It could be any important event in life that caused negative experiences or severe stress.
  3. The three main medicines are faith in one's own strength, willingness to use every opportunity for healing, and a sincere desire to live.

According to Louise, the psychosomatics of reproductive diseases in women is associated with a violation of internal harmony, therefore, having learned to get along with your body, you can set the intention for healing.

Psychosomatics and cervical erosion

A look at cervical erosion through psychosomatics interests many women, but does this new direction in “science” help get rid of pathology? Most scientists classify “psychosomatics” as pseudoscience.

What is psychosomatics based on?

It is known that a person has not only a material component, but also a spiritual one. Even materialists will not deny that human thoughts and feelings are immaterial, but they exist and have a direct impact on a person.

Psychosomatic “science” studies the influence of feelings, thoughts, desires on health. Its main principles are the following:

  1. Emotions affect health in the same way as physical factors (viruses, infections, etc.).
  2. Many illnesses can be cured through a change in thinking.
  3. The body must be in harmony with feelings, for this you need to change your attitude towards yourself and the people around you.

In this case, the cause of the physical ailment is hidden in the “spiritual” component of the person and medications will not solve the problem. Medicines can relieve painful symptoms, but if the cause is not addressed, the disease will progress.

In this case, psychosomatics tries to solve a person’s “spiritual” problems, and sometimes such “treatment” is very successful. Below will be given apologists of psychosomatics with their opinion regarding cervical erosion.

Liz Burbo

Liz Burbo is a Canadian psychologist who also has her own table of diseases with her conclusions regarding the “spiritual” cause of diseases and their “spiritual” treatment. Cervical erosion and its psychosomatics are not included in this table, however, the uterus section indicates the causes of problems with the cervix.

So, in her opinion, the reason for cervical erosion is that the woman is in a hurry to implement some ideas. She does not “bear” them for the proper amount of time. In addition, if a girl experiences a “false” feeling of guilt about a poorly organized family home.

Valery Sinelnikov

Valery Sinelnikoy became known throughout the Russian-speaking world thanks to his book “Love your illness.” He graduated from medical school, but then became interested in psychosomatics and began writing books on this topic. Valery Sinelnikov sees the psychosmatic reasons for cervical erosion in the fact that a woman does not feel “desired”, she has “wounded” female pride.

Cauterization does not solve the problem of erosion, but only aggravates it, driving the disease inside. Cauterizing cervical erosion means fighting the consequences of the problem; in fact, you need to change your thinking about men!

Oleg Torsunov

In Torsunov’s psychosomatics of female diseases, cervical erosion is absent, however, the causes of all female diseases, according to this “doctor,” are in the “lack of humility” of a woman in front of a man. When a woman does not want to submit to her man and be devoted to him, pathological changes begin to occur in her body.

A woman must teach fidelity and devotion to her man, accept her role as a wife and mother. Do not argue, do not rebel, remain faithful - this is her path to healing.

Sergey Konovalov

Sergei Konovalov was a military doctor, then became interested in the occult and began teaching various spiritual practices of “self-healing.” In his opinion, the psychosomatics of all “uterine” (uterine-related) diseases lies in accumulated grievances and hidden anger towards a man. A woman must forgive all the men in her life and forget about her grievances.

Luule Viilma

Luule Viilma graduated from a medical university in Estonia with a degree in obstetrics and gynecology, but then became interested in esotericism, psychosomatics, parapsychology and began writing books on these topics.

In her book “The Bright Source of Love,” she writes that cervical erosion occurs due to the fact that a woman does not know how to express her sexual desires to her husband and this causes her dissatisfaction and resentment towards her husband.

Congenital erosion of the cervix, in her opinion, occurs in a girl if her mother has not learned to love her husband unconditionally and has passed on her grievances to her daughter.

As the daughter grows up, she will begin to blame her father for everything and have a bad attitude towards the male sex.

If she meets a real gentleman who will look after her beautifully, and she sincerely loves him, then in this case healing from cervical erosion may occur.

Alexander Astrogor

According to Alexander Astrogor, the psychosomatics of female diseases associated with the uterus (this includes cervical erosion) is due to the fact that a woman does not know how to be affectionate and attentive with a man. If she is rude, insolent to men, and also discusses her family on the phone with her friends, then she will have a lot of problems with the uterus. A woman needs to learn to control her tongue.

What causes a brain tumor?

There are more than one hundred types of cancer of this organ. Many scientists believe that the cause of such a tumor is a severe nervous shock that disrupts the functioning of blood vessels and the supply of nutrients to cells. In brain cancer, psychosomatics can be caused by excessive persistence, the desire to change other people, and confidence in the lack of justice in life. Often such patients are touchy and aggressive. Sometimes a brain tumor is caused by selfishness, the desire to attract attention to one’s personality and force people to love oneself at all costs. Envy, anger and malice, which a person constantly scrolls through his thoughts, also negatively affect his condition.

Healing Methods

To get rid of the problem you need to change your entire lifestyle, but first of all you need to find a hobby, a favorite hobby. This is a source of joy that will always be at your fingertips. Choose any type of creativity that you like and develop in that direction.

The study showed that 70% of women who allowed themselves to do what they had long wanted but were prohibited from doing, were able to get rid of uterine fibroids without surgery. Other studies have shown that people who do what they love live longer and are healthier.

Gynecological bleeding in women indicates an unmet need for love and recognition. But in order for others to love and notice you, you yourself must love yourself and be satisfied with your own life. Let go of past traumas and allow your abilities to come out. Learn to perceive yourself as a person worthy of love and devotion, and after that learn to trust other people and expect good treatment from them.

Menstruation disorders are usually associated with childhood traumas hidden in the subconscious. This is often observed in girls who were told as children that they wanted a boy instead. To work through old psychological traumas, it is better to consult a psychotherapist.

A disease that is considered one of the most terrible today, cancer, is as old as the world. Paleontologists have identified the remains of tumors on the bones of animals that lived several million years ago. In the sixteenth century, a case of cancer was first described. At the beginning of the last century, one in thirty people suffered from cancer. Today, every fifth person on Earth is diagnosed with cancer.


Having considered the factors that provoke cancer, psychosomatics, and the causes of this disease, we can say with confidence that the state of mind plays an important role in the development of pathology. Long-term observations of scientists over the condition of cancer patients allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

  1. In childhood and adolescence, these people often felt rejected, unhappy and unnecessary. They found it difficult to establish close relationships with their relatives. They often felt sad and apathetic. Many patients lost loved ones early on. Some had dysfunctional families.
  2. As adults, these patients invested too much effort and energy into work or personal relationships. They often completely ignored their own needs and interests for the sake of others.
  3. After severe mental trauma (death of loved ones, dismissal from a favorite job, moving of a son or daughter, divorce), these people seemed to have lost the meaning of their existence, lost the desire to live. It turns out that many of them have childish character traits and dependence on others. They are prone to depression and feelings of despair, and do not know how to forgive and let go of grievances and grief.
  4. Often cancer patients are secretive individuals. They harbor unresolved problems and refuse to acknowledge and voice them. They are real perfectionists, they want to correspond to some ideal, they fit themselves into a mold.

So, self-education and positive thinking play an important role in cancer prevention. It is necessary to work on these negative character traits so as not to damage your health:

  1. Negative thoughts and memories.
  2. Psychological dependence.
  3. Rejection of one's individuality and constant striving for an unattainable ideal.
  4. Helplessness, despair.
  5. Depression, loss of meaning in life, apathy.

To get rid of such a serious illness as cancer, of course, it is not enough just to work on yourself. You should definitely follow your doctor’s recommendations, take prescribed medications, and undergo regular examinations. It is important to adhere to proper nutrition, eat fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean meat and fish. Don't forget about physical exercise and meditation. You definitely need to give up bad habits.

When treating cancer, it is important not to lose courage and fight for life and health. Of course, this is a severe pathology, accompanied by severe pain and extremely poor physical well-being. Treatment is also a burden on the body, leading to fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite and many other side effects. And only the strong in spirit can walk this path. By directing thinking in the right direction, a person stimulates his immune system, and it, in turn, becomes stronger. Thanks to treatment, the body destroys defective cells. Positive attitudes and a positive attitude can be developed through psychotherapy sessions. A specialist will help identify problems that bother the patient and provoke serious pathologies. Then it will be possible to develop ways to deal with psychological difficulties and the disease itself.

A new approach to explaining the causes of cancer. What can help you heal?

Louise Hay, a specialist in the field of psychology, wrote many books and even became the founder of a popular literature publishing company. The table of psychosomatic diseases, which was also authored by this woman, clearly demonstrates how important it is to take into account the relationship between psychological attitudes and a person’s physical well-being. In the seventies, Louise Hay was diagnosed with cancer.

She reflected on her life and decided that her emotions, such as anger and despair, were the main factor that triggered the development of the tumor. Louise decided to put an end to her negative feelings forever, let go of unpleasant experiences, and accept the personality of her parents and their actions. She also consulted a doctor who prescribed her a detox diet to get rid of accumulated toxins in her body. Louise ate exclusively vegetables, attended acupuncture procedures and cleansed the intestines, spent a lot of time walking, and read prayers. Six months passed, and the doctor informed Hay that she had fully recovered.

If, against the background of a serious pathology, a person feels depressed, dissatisfied with himself and his life, the table of psychosomatic diseases will help him understand his feelings. Perhaps she will also suggest the hidden causes of the disease.

It is also important to understand what events in life are associated with negative experiences that destroy health. Scientists have found that often the trigger for the development of cancer is prolonged stress or a one-time, but severe mental shock or loss.

Psychosomatics of cancer - it all depends on your head

Scientists have proven that deadly oncological diseases arise, among other things, due to psychological disorders in the soul, thoughts and subconscious of a person. Thus, the psychosomatics of breast cancer sees the cause of the pathology in the feeling of loneliness and misunderstanding that a woman experiences from year to year. What emotions can provoke other types of disease?

What is psychosomatics of cancer?

Psychosomatics arose from the merger of two sciences - medicine and psychology. This direction studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and development of diseases.

It is believed that before the disease made itself felt physically, it appeared in the human mind.

The point is not that the future patient is setting himself up for cancer, but that long-term and deep negative feelings leave their mark on the cells of our body.

Psychosomatics of any form of cancer tries to explain the causes of the appearance of a malignant tumor. After all, scientists have not decided on this issue. The causes of cancer are viruses, parasites, the environment, bad habits, and lifestyle. But pathology can come from within the body.

Scientists from one of the American universities identified a general pattern: every cancer patient had an event that caused strong feelings of resentment, anger and disappointment. The study results represent a breakthrough in the treatment of a disease often considered fatal.

It can be cured by eliminating internal disorders and inconsistencies.

Development mechanism

It is believed that a tumor is a concentration of a situation of hopelessness. The disease begins when a person loses faith in himself, in others and in the whole world. Destructive thoughts and feelings destroy your own body.

Cancer psychosomatics researcher Dr. L. Leschen describes people who are most likely to have the disease:

  • he cannot openly express his feelings and defend himself;
  • he does not love himself and considers himself inferior;
  • he has difficulty communicating with his parents;
  • he is experiencing emotional loss.

Cancer can kill such a patient in just six months.

Scientists studying psychosomatics name the following reasons that trigger changes in cells:

  • a person has an insoluble situation in his life, and he feels helpless;
  • depression begins to suppress the immune system, which negatively affects the entire body, including cells;
  • due to a malfunction in the immune system, some cells change their structure and functions.

Scientists back in the 80s of the 20th century noted the influence of the central nervous system on immune cells. They found that it is the loss of interest in life that is decisive. It is not for nothing that the psychological factors of cancer are called psychological carcinogens.

Types of cancer and their causes

The location of the malignant tumor depends on emotions. Examples of some harmful attitudes are:

  1. Psychosomatics of breast cancer states that pathology arises due to problems in the sexual sphere, hidden emotions, dependence on people, and despair. In childhood, the patients felt lonely and abandoned, and in adulthood they acquired a person who became their meaning of existence. If they lose it too, then they quickly become patients at the oncology clinic. Another victim may be a woman who has taken on all the roles of family life at once: wives, mothers, and breadwinners. The relationship with my husband is not going well. Constant “I have to” can lead in the future to resentment towards loved ones because of their ingratitude. You can't put yourself last.
  2. The psychosomatics of stomach cancer, as well as intestinal cancer, cites the inability to “digest” any situation as the cause of the disease. The person rejects the help of family and friends. With bleeding, oncology is already powerless.
  3. Psychosomatics of brain cancer diagnoses in patients inertia, stubbornness, and adherence to old behavior patterns. Brain tumors are sometimes caused by selfishness and self-focus.
  4. Liver tumors are caused by a lack of something: money, love, care. The liver gradually accumulates these emotions and forms a tumor.
  5. Lung pathology develops in people who are faced with the spiritual callousness of family and friends. The person is disappointed, deprived of freedom for his actions.
  6. Skin cancer occurs due to childhood grievances, defenselessness and the inability to express one's anger.
  7. Blood cancer causes anger and anger towards loved ones.
  8. Changes in the thyroid gland occur in kind but vulnerable people who are afraid of other people's condemnation.
  9. Pancreas - due to conflict with immediate family.
  10. Cancer of the female genital organs is associated with rejection of one's femininity and unforgiven resentment towards partners. Tumors of the uterus and cervix also arise from sexual dissatisfaction.
  11. Prostate cancer. The patient is burdened by a failed relationship with a woman. His masculinity could have been seriously damaged by his wife's betrayal.

Such patterns are carefully studied by scientists and revealed in conversations with patients.

How to cure?

The basis of psychosomatic cancer treatment is the elimination of psychological causes, liberation from past grievances and feelings of guilt. It is important to learn:

  • recognize your negative emotions and yourself as the cause of stress;
  • stop replaying old unpleasant memories in your head: unfair attitude of teachers, parents and others around you, change your attitude towards them;
  • learn to forgive, prayers or your own texts will help with this. Instead of “I will never forgive” - “Give these people happiness and health”;
  • monitor your emotional state;
  • keep yourself busy with work and distract yourself;
  • think more about yourself and say “I want...”.

Many people find it difficult to believe in the power of their own thoughts, especially when a diagnosis has already been made. And you can’t do it without the help of doctors. But even without faith in recovery, procedures, medications and operations can become useless. Therefore, cancer patients are recommended to seek help from a psychotherapist. But is it possible to start treatment with folk remedies? Yes, it can be a heart-to-heart conversation with a loved one.

By changing his attitude towards problems, a person will be able to mobilize all the forces of the body to fight pathology. Clots of negativity should not linger in a person and become the cause of a malignant tumor over time.

Cancer Prevention

Even official medicine admits that laughter and positive emotions increase the activity of protective cells. There are amazing cases of recovery from cancer thanks to them.

In the USA, one person was diagnosed with cancer, and an inoperable form at that. But the patient decided not to give in to despondency, but rather to spend the last months of his life enjoying himself.

He read humorous books, watched comedies, and six months later... he recovered. How? He changed his life.

German researcher Professor Schmael calls the formula for cancer: “Cancer = age + predisposition + weak resistance + carcinogens .

Weak resistance is the only link that can be influenced. It is influenced by the psychological state of a person. But sometimes it alone is enough to make a person sick.

After all, how often do people drive themselves to depression because of little things?

This fact must be taken into account during therapy. Modern psychotherapy believes that to defeat cancer it is important to reassess the meaning of events:

  • we must overcome all hidden fears and resentments;
  • set goals for a new life, because many have lost them.

It is important to think about the questions about what I want, can and should do to be happy.

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