Is it possible to get a haircut during menstruation?

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Published: 10/23/2020

Reading time: 8 min



  • Haircut during menstruation
  • Is it possible to get a haircut during menstruation: why you can’t cut your hair, folk signs and superstitions Superstitions about cutting hair When you can
  • On what days is it not possible?
  • When to cut hair according to the lunar calendar
  • Is it possible to get a haircut during pregnancy?
  • What is the connection between menstruation and the lunar cycle?
  • Which days of the week to choose for cutting hair during menstrual periods?
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Why is it better to refrain from painting?
      Increased oiliness of hair
  • Unstable emotional state
  • Deterioration of hair quality How hormones affect hair condition
  • Stylists' opinion
  • Medical opinion on haircuts on critical days
  • Girls' opinion
  • So should you cut your hair or not on your period?
      Impact on curls
  • What should I do if I need to get my hair cut before surgery?
  • What happens if you take a risk
  • Are exceptions possible?
  • Features of the procedure if necessary
  • What recommendations should you follow?
  • Which procedures at the hairdresser should be postponed Using henna - pros and cons
  • Advice for those in doubt
  • Is it possible to have hair extensions during menstruation?
  • Summary on the topic
  • Haircuts during menstruation - all the pros and cons

    There are several options for why you can’t get a haircut during your period. Medical experts have their own point of view regarding this issue. They claim that the adverse effects on health and hair growth will depend on which days hair is cut during menstruation. For example, if the days coincide with the lunar cycle, then any manipulation is not recommended so as not to harm the curls.

    And since the menstrual cycle often coincides with the lunar cycle, you should not cut, style or dye your hair on these days, but it is better to postpone it to more pleasant days. Moreover, there is an opinion that the hairstyle done will be unsuccessful due to the fact that these days the hair does not look the same as always.

    • The menstrual cycle negatively affects the sebaceous glands, which begin to actively produce sebum. The hair becomes heavy and unkempt, so the hairstyle will look ugly and sloppy.
    • A woman’s mental state does not allow her to adequately respond to a change in image. As a rule, during this period a woman is very self-critical of herself and her appearance, so any change in appearance can provoke severe stress.
    • Menstruation provokes disturbances in blood circulation and thermoregulation. During this period, hair loses its former shine and elasticity. They become brittle and unruly.

    Pros and cons of cutting hair during menstruation

    There are many beliefs among people. Some of them seem absolutely absurd, while others have not even been heard of.

    Many people know the “grandmother’s” opinion about haircuts during pregnancy, but as it turns out, a change in hairstyle can affect not only pregnant women, but also all girls during menstruation.

    According to doctors: is it possible to cut hair during menstruation, and if there is a connection between the regula and the hair on the head.

    Many have heard that there is a ban on cutting hair during menstruation.

    How hormones affect hair condition

    During the period when a woman undergoes menstruation, the ovaries begin to actively produce hormones that affect the functioning of all systems, including the hair and skin.

    Normally, a woman’s body should experience an increase in estrogen. It is this hormone that is responsible for female beauty. If testosterone increases during menstruation, a number of abnormalities may be observed.

    An increased level of androgens in the female body provokes changes in the scalp:

    • profuse hair loss;
    • increased fat content;
    • falling asleep and dying of hair follicles;
    • thinning and brittle hair.

    Hormonal imbalance does not happen to every girl during menstruation. However, this violation cannot be ruled out.

    What do doctors say about haircuts?

    In medicine, studies have been carried out many times on the topic: “is it possible to cut hair during menstruation,” but no definite answer has been received. This is due to the fact that no pronounced changes were noted during haircuts during menstruation. But there is medical evidence of impaired hair condition in girls during menstruation due to insufficient blood supply.

    During menstruation, hair often becomes very dry.

    Due to increased blood flow to the organs of the reproductive system, the hairline experiences a nutritional deficiency. This causes a woman's hair to become dull, broken, and fall out during her period.

    Experts do not give recommendations about unwanted haircuts during menstruation, but they warn that the hair during this period is very unruly, the emotional state of the woman herself is unstable and this can lead to dissatisfaction with the result.

    What are superstitions?

    Signs came in our time from our ancient ancestors. They all have certain reasons. So, if we talk about menstruation, then in the “old” times it was believed that a girl who is menstruating is unclean.

    At this time, women were not allowed to do any manipulation with their hair. People were of the opinion that if you dye or cut your hair, illness will overtake you, aging will set in early, or a woman’s fate will be unhappy.

    Modern girls are mostly skeptical. They visit hairdressers despite their menstrual cycle. Of course, some women still abstain from procedures until the end of menstruation. They explain this by the fact that, in their opinion, the hair is weakened at this time and cutting it worsens its condition.

    Every girl decides whether to cut her hair during her period or not, based on her own views. However, the signs probably no longer have the same power.

    Why is it better to postpone a haircut?

    Hairdressers advise against cutting hair during menstruation if a woman regularly notices a significant deterioration in the condition of her hair during menstruation. According to hairdressers, if your hair is very weak, it is better to wait until your period has passed and then get a haircut.

    Many hairdressers still recommend waiting until your period ends.

    The main factor that prevents you from cutting your hair during menstruation is the coincidence of the lunar cycle with the menstrual cycle. It is regarding the influence of this factor on haircuts that the opinions of gynecologists and hairdressers coincide.

    What is the connection between haircuts and the lunar cycle?

    The influence of the moon phase on living organisms is a fact proven by scientists. Most representatives of the fair sex know that haircuts during the waning or full moon are undesirable. Such manipulations can lead to a significant slowdown in hair growth and loss of hair health.

    The combination of menstruation with the waning moon is a doubly enhanced factor that cannot be ignored when going to the hairdresser. Of course, if there is an urgent need to change your hairstyle, you can visit a haircutting specialist, but then hairdressers advise coming back to the hairdresser after 1 - 2 weeks to perform at least a minimal hair trimming.

    Girls who care about their hair but don't follow the lunar cycle can use modern technology to learn about the phases of the moon and determine the most suitable day to change their image. Otherwise, the growth of hair on the head may noticeably slow down.

    It is important to consider the lunar phases before cutting

    What hairdressing procedures should you avoid?

    Hormonal imbalance can affect not only the results of haircuts, but also other hairdressing procedures.

    Is it possible to dye your hair during your period? This video will tell you about it:

    Types of hairdressing services that should not be done during menstruation:

    • any type of coloring (the pigment is unevenly distributed);
    • perm (they will deteriorate, and the perm will be weak and of varying degrees);
    • extensions (they will be brittle, will begin to fall out profusely, and may not adhere well).

    Whether women should get a haircut during menstruation or not is a completely rhetorical question. Each lady will decide for herself, but, as everyone knows, if a woman is eager to get her hair cut, no signs will convince her. Those girls who have healthy hair should not worry too much. It is better for women with severe hormonal imbalances or hair problems to postpone cutting their hair.


    Why not

    Based on various opinions, we can come to the conclusion that it is still not recommended to cut your hair during your period. Other factors also influence this:

    1. Since a woman’s psychological state during her period is very changeable, a trip to the hairdresser may not end at all as desired. The result obtained may not coincide with the desired one, and as a result, money for a haircut, styling or perm will be wasted.
    2. Due to the fact that hair during menstruation is dull and brittle, the hairstyle done will not make any impression.
    3. During menstruation, the female body is very weakened, so it is not recommended to expose it to stress again.

    Whether you can cut your hair during your period or not is an individual decision for everyone. But most experts, taking into account the listed factors, recommend refraining from going to a beauty salon.

    What folk wisdom says

    Previously, cutting hair during menstruation was considered unacceptable, because the female population these days suffered from many prohibitions. Even going to church during menstruation was not allowed. Over time, many taboos have become a thing of the past. But still, the appearance of menstrual blood makes superstitious girls put off going to the beauty salon. Some people believe that if you cut your hair during your period, you risk:

    • lose luck;
    • worsen connection with nature;
    • cause slower hair growth;
    • ruin love relationships;
    • incur material expenses.

    Such information rarely has real confirmation. But overly superstitious women, under the influence of emotions, set themselves up for bad things. Therefore, the negative situations that have occurred are the result of one’s own thoughts, and not a consequence of a haircut against the background of the release of menstrual blood.

    Follow the link and find out what menstruation may mean in dreams and how to react to such dreams.

    Are exceptions possible?

    But despite various superstitions and expert opinions, hair can be cut at any time convenient for a woman, and at the same time not pay attention to all prejudices and superstitions. But if during her critical days a girl still experiences some discomfort and anxiety, then she can get her hair done on another day.

    See also: Is it possible to go to a solarium while on your period?

    If you still can’t reschedule your haircut or styling, then it’s best to follow a few basic tips and recommendations:

    • There is no need to go to a beauty salon in the first two days of menstruation. This is especially true for the hair coloring process. At this time, it is better to use a tonic. The most optimal days are considered to be 4–5 days, that is, the end of menstruation. At this time, the body's functionality will be almost restored, so the impact will be minimal.
    • It is best to entrust styling or cutting to a trusted hairdresser. This is explained by the fact that in case of an unsuccessful procedure, he will be able to correct the result in a timely and quick manner. Changing your image at home can lead to even bigger problems.
    • If the girl had long hair before going to the hairdresser, then cutting it too short these days is not recommended. But a little trimming won't hurt. It is believed that cutting hair removes all negative energy.
    • It is not recommended to radically change your image. Despite the fact that most women these days have a great desire to radically change their style and image, dyeing your hair from blonde to brunette is not worth it. Since this, firstly, is a lot of stress both for the hair and for the whole body as a whole. And secondly, the paint may not apply correctly or take on a different shade.

    Many women can claim that these recommendations are effective and safe. The main thing is that after visiting the hairdresser, follow all the recommendations he gave. In the process of hair care, it is recommended to use professional cosmetics, as well as the use of strengthening masks and rinses with herbal decoctions prepared according to folk recipes.

    Women usually treat menstruation as a necessary evil. It’s inconvenient, unpleasant, but what can you do? Physiology is a common thing. Meanwhile, a century ago the attitude towards menstruation was different. During this period, a woman was considered unclean and dangerous, and menstrual blood was actively used for magical purposes.

    Has anyone heard that there is a way to bewitch a man by mixing a drop of your menstrual blood into his red wine? Medical students sometimes whisper about this to each other. An ordinary girl frowns in disgust at such information. It’s terrible what they can’t come up with! Today, even for the sake of great love, few people dare to undertake such experiments.

    The magic of mother's slaps

    In Russian traditional culture, periods (menstruation) were considered a time when a woman was unclean, and therefore should be isolated from society. That is why her behavior during menstruation was regulated by strict prohibitions and regulations.

    However, if a woman’s uncleanliness was dangerous mainly for those around her, then the magical actions associated with the first menstruation were supposed to protect her herself.

    The rituals associated with the first regulations were usually performed by the girl’s mother. To ensure that her daughters' periods lasted no more than three days, the mother herself washed the bloody linen, most often a shirt, and splashed water onto the lower logs of the hut. It was believed that the fewer crowns were wet, the fewer days the girl’s menstruation would last.

    Also, during the first menstruation, great importance was given to preserving the girl’s blush, which was considered an indicator of her health. Having learned about her daughter's first period, the mother tried to hit her harder in the face so that her cheek turned red .

    The belief in the power of a mother's blow, which preserves a girl's blush, has been preserved not only in rural, but also in urban environments to the present day. It was believed that if the mother died during her daughter’s first menstruation, the girl would lose her blush, since the deceased mother would take it to the ground.

    The girls themselves tried to keep their first periods secret, as well as all subsequent ones. The reason is a superstition that if she spills the beans, she will suffer on her wedding day. Namely: despite accurate calculations, premature menstruation will come, and the wedding will have to be postponed, since in this state visiting church is strictly prohibited.

    Prohibit and don't let go!

    Now, actually, about the prohibitions. When a girl gets her first period, adult women should inform her about the need to be careful and not break certain rules associated with this period.

    There are many prohibitions, and they are unusually strict. Some of them are still observed today. Moreover, even modern women report that they learned this information in their youth after their first menstruation from their friends.

    Church prohibitions

    Thus, the ban on going to church while on your period is still observed. However, in addition to the traditional motive of a woman’s “uncleanness” and insulting God’s temple with her condition, there is an additional motivation for this prohibition. It is believed that the offender will grow a beard.

    This is the most common, but not the only prohibition related to the ritual sphere of life. Thus, during menstruation, it was forbidden to go to the cemetery and even say goodbye to the deceased, because he could take part of the “uncleanness” from the woman and, because of this, lose the opportunity to get into the kingdom of heaven. As a result, the restless deceased could begin to “appear” alive or even take them with him to the next world.

    During menstruation, women were also forbidden to light a lamp or candle in front of icons, eat prosphora and drink holy water. It was believed that holy water would lose its power, and a candle lit in front of the icons would burn not for God, but for the Devil.

    Secular prohibitions

    Another group of prohibitions is related to the performance of women’s social functions. She was not allowed to participate in plowing and sowing because she takes power from the earth and plants. A woman should not have baked pies, fermented cabbage, or cut bread in this state, because the dough would sour, the cabbage would rot, and the bread would turn over (which portends a dead person) or crumble (which portends poverty).

    A woman was also forbidden to weave at this time, since the work done would be torn and the threads would get tangled. Thus, any work done at this time was perceived as useless and unnecessary, and sometimes dangerous to life and health. .

    During menstruation, women tried not to look at newborns, since it was believed that it was during these days that the power of the “accidental evil eye” was great.

    Folk menstrual witchcraft

    In addition to the prohibitions, there were a number of magical actions associated with menstrual blood. So, in order to bewitch a guy, a girl had to bake a cake using the water remaining after washing soiled clothes.

    With the help of menstrual blood it was possible to spoil another woman. To do this, they collected blood and quietly poured it onto the road, so that the object of damage would step on it. It was believed that if a woman stepped on menstrual blood, she would begin to bleed and the bleeding would not stop. .

    It is precisely the fear of damage that explains the ban on going to the bathhouse during menstruation, since “if anyone looks at this blood, the woman will spoil the woman, the woman will wither away.”

    Menstrual blood was also used to prevent pregnancy. To do this, they took someone else's linen, stained with blood, washed it and went to the bathhouse with this water. There, dirty water was thrown onto the stove. It was believed that after this a miscarriage would occur.

    We do not give loans during the month!

    As already mentioned, most of these superstitions exist in villages these days. However, some “fresh” signs and prohibitions, on the contrary, exist specifically in big cities.

    Thus, in a recent survey of residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg, it was possible to record more than a hundred prohibitions related to behavior during menstruation. Among them were both traditional prohibitions (not going to church, not wiping dust from icons, not drinking holy water, not putting dough, not cooking) and very specific ones. According to some residents of large cities, the following things should not be done during menstruation:

    Surgeons are not superstitious, but...

    During your period, you should not perform surgery (or pull out teeth). But this is no longer superstition, but pure science: at this time, a woman’s blood clots worse, which is fraught with very heavy bleeding during and after surgery.

    You can’t bleach your laundry - as the bleach will eat everything to holes;

    You can’t put heels on - they’ll fall off anyway;

    You can’t put fillings - they’ll fall out;

    You can’t take out a loan - you won’t be able to repay;

    You can’t buy shares or play on the stock market at all - you’ll go broke;

    You can’t cut your hair, put on makeup, or get a perm - the hairdresser will ruin your hairstyle;

    You can’t go to fish restaurants - you’ll get poisoned;

    You can’t buy a car - it will be stolen;

    You can’t introduce your boyfriend to your girlfriend - they’ll take you away;

    You can't take exams - you'll fail.

    And some women who work in the offices of large companies believe that you shouldn’t go to your boss during your period—they’ll yell at you anyway. You can’t say anything, the sign is original. But many managers like to yell at employees without any sign. That's why they are bosses!

    Varvara Dobrovolskaya

    To paint or not to paint? Some women wonder when they are thinking about dyeing their hair during their period. Grandmothers also insisted that you should not wear makeup or have a haircut during your period. And you want to be beautiful: a beautiful dress, lush eyelashes and clear arrows in your eyes, plucked eyebrows and bright, well-groomed hair. Where is the catch, and what to expect if you decide to make drastic changes in your appearance?

    Changes in the body during menstruation

    During menstruation, the unfertilized female reproductive cell dies, passing out with menstrual blood. The hormonal background in the body changes dramatically. It concerns all parts and cells of the body. Affected by: hair, nails and skin.

    Experts say that hormones can affect hair very seriously. During coloring, such changes will lead to a completely different result than expected. Melanin, which is responsible for the natural color of hair, against the background of hormones and chemicals included in the dye, can react incorrectly and give a completely unpredictable hair color. Whether you can dye your hair or not during menstruation is up to you to decide.

    In addition, hormonal changes affect pregnant and breastfeeding women. Both during pregnancy, lactation, and during menstruation in women, blood circulation, thermoregulation and metabolism are disrupted, which undoubtedly affect the resulting color. The necessary heating of the paint during dyeing is not carried out, since the main volume of blood goes to the pelvic area, and the scalp loses the necessary heat.

    Not only hair coloring is questionable or prohibited during menstruation. Please note that hormonal fluctuations affect the outcome of nail extensions, hair removal and tanning. Not all women are suitable for such procedures during menstruation.

    Why you should put off getting a haircut on your period

    Both hairdressers and doctors argue that menstrual periods are not an absolute contraindication. You can get your hair cut during this period, but you need to take into account some factors and the condition of your hair at this time. During menstruation, women experience the following:

    Increased oiliness of hair

    Due to hormonal changes, the scalp and hair roots quickly become oily. If the master only straightens the ends, then there will be no discomfort. But styling will suffer greatly, because the hairdryer will only enhance the work of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, the hairstyle looks bad and does not meet expectations.

    Deterioration in hair quality

    Menstruation is accompanied by a deterioration in thermoregulation processes and blood circulation. Curls lose their elasticity, become dull, and become unruly. It will be difficult for the hairdresser to do his job, so inaccuracies and minor haircut defects are possible.

    For the same reason, hair coloring during menstruation is not recommended by hairdressers. Color intensity may be weaker.

    Unstable emotional state

    The psycho-emotional background at the beginning of the menstrual cycle is unstable. The girl, under his influence, makes rash decisions to radically change her image. As a result, women often regret having too short hair, bangs and other changes within a few days.

    Find out in the article at the link whether it is possible to do sugaring during menstruation and when is the most favorable day for the procedure.

    Consequences of coloring

    Why can't you dye your hair? Some say it’s possible, others roll their eyes and say it’s not possible. No matter how much one might like to think, slander still makes sense, and the consequences are simply unpredictable and sometimes terrible.

    Coloring your hair correctly during your period is a serious matter. The result can be absolutely anything. Which one, you ask?

    • Incomplete hair dyeing, even if you kept the dye on your hair for a long time. Ugly differently colored strands will lead you to disappointment
    • The chances of making your hair brittle and split ends increase. The strands become painful and thin. Hair structure can change quickly and permanently. Oily hair will become dry, and dry hair will become dry.
    • The paint can set in spots. In places where melanin is not active, the paint will lie smoothly, but in other places it simply won’t take. Leopard print is not the most pleasant sight
    • The resulting color will exceed the possible color. Extraordinary shades in the form of green, blue and gray, as well as completely opposite colors
    • If you had a perm on your hair before dyeing your hair during your period, then most likely you will not dye your hair at all. Hair chemistry itself does not imply a long dyeing time, and in combination with hormone surges and dyeing will not give any results
    • Dyeing can lead to hair loss and bald patches. Fragile hair receives little nutrition and oxygen from the blood, the roots begin to die, and hair loss is inevitable.
    • The condition of the scalp will deteriorate sharply. The skin may become oily or, conversely, dry. In addition, various allergic reactions are possible in the form of skin burns, rashes and redness.
    • Unpleasant sensations during menstruation can be aggravated by inhaling the pungent odors of paint chemicals. You may experience headache, dizziness, or nausea. The general condition will include weakness and chills. Hormonal surges increase sensitivity to various odors, especially pungent ones

    There are quite a lot of negative and unpleasant consequences, but the topic remains open, and only women can decide. The opinions of doctors and professional stylists vary. No one undertakes to make predictions, since each organism reacts individually. If a friend’s paint applied smoothly and the shade turned out as planned, this does not mean that yours will be the same.

    To be or not to be

    Hormones go crazy, behavior and mood are no exception. Hair and nails behave unpredictably, and if you plan to color or extend nails, then the result is completely incomprehensible.

    During your period, you can, of course, have your hair cut and dyed, but you should think about your individual characteristics of the body. Use the following expert advice:

    • If your hair is prone to loss, the ends are dry and brittle, then it is better not to dye your hair during your period. Set aside henna, homemade infusions and decoctions too
    • Thin and smooth hair should be dyed with gentle dyes
    • If your period does not bring you any discomfort or unpleasant sensations, and you do not react to smells, then feel free to get dyed

    Any woman would always like to look perfect in everything. Various methods are used, money and time are spent. Period or not, sometimes the status simply cannot be tolerated and requires a trip to the stylist. So is it possible to wear high-quality makeup during your period?

    At home

    If you decide to dye at home, then remember that it is better to be patient for the first two or three days. In this case, the likelihood of getting an ugly color or spotting will be less.


    If your hair grows quite strongly, and you do not dare to dye it, then resort to a wash. Professional means will remove the color in the salon; you can also purchase such removers in the store yourself. In addition, no one has canceled washing at home with natural ingredients.

    Tinting products

    Use tonics and tinted balms, and once your period is over, dye your hair in your favorite color. Such products do not spoil the hair, and in any case give an even and perfect shade. Over time, they are simply washed out of the hair.

    Traditional methods

    Resort to traditional methods. To maintain the beauty of their hair, grandmothers used decoctions and masks that not only strengthened the curls, but also dyed them the desired color. Blonde women needed a chamomile tea to get a beautiful golden hue.

    Dark-blond beauties made a decoction of linden flowers and onion peels to give their hair a pleasant chestnut color. To obtain a rich red-brown color, use black, strongly brewed tea.

    If you decide to paint it in a salon

    Have you decided to paint? Remember a few tips to help avoid an unpleasant situation with the resulting color:

    • Most often, unexpected results occur in the first days of menstruation. It is advisable to take the selection of paint and coloring seriously. It is best to plan trips to the salon a month in advance and compare them with your menstrual period. Then just reschedule your visit to the 3rd or 4th day of your period. At this time, hormones decline, and you are less likely to get an ugly tone
    • Come to the salon and immediately notify the specialist about your situation. Experienced and wise hairdressers understand what hormonal storms are and how to color
    • You can avoid incidents with your hair by visiting the same hairdresser. You trust him and do not doubt his professionalism
    • Do not resort to complete repainting or changing colors. Leave the experiments for later so as not to injure your hair now, because it is weakened and after a while new coloring
    • Use quality paint
    • Before the procedure, do a test on one strand
    • Natural based paints: henna, basma, onion infusions, chamomile or strong brewed tea, perfect during menstruation

    Think about the consequences. Weigh the pros and cons and then decide. Surely it’s worth waiting a couple of days and not sacrificing your hair and nerves?


    Even with the development of progress and the emergence of new proven theories, people do not stop believing in omens. One of the common questions girls have is: is it possible to get a haircut during menstruation? According to superstitions, it is not allowed to perform any manipulations with hair during menstruation, for which there are a number of reasons.

    Features of cutting hair during menstruation

    Getting a haircut and also monitoring the condition of your curls is considered the norm for any girl who is used to taking care of herself and her health. A haircut during menstruation was previously considered undesirable, as it could lead to poor hair growth. Many girls can easily cut their hair, not paying attention to traditions and superstitions, while others clearly follow the instructions of their ancestors.

    Comment! It was believed that during menstruation a woman became “unclean.” Cutting your hair these days was prohibited in the old days, as such a procedure could lead to trouble.

    It is known that there are favorable and unfavorable days for cutting hair. The menstrual cycle is often associated with the lunar phases, so you need to be careful when getting your hair cut in a salon during your period. Girls who experienced this procedure during menstruation noted that later the haircut was difficult to style and the curls were difficult to put in order.

    Is it possible to get a haircut during menstruation?

    Despite the fact that superstitions say that haircuts are prohibited during menstruation, officially medicine does not provide proven facts about the harm of visiting a hairdresser. Most doctors and stylists claim that during menstruation you can cut your hair, use perm services, as well as other procedures that improve the appearance and health of the strands.

    If prejudices still do not allow you to get a haircut during menstruation, but this manipulation is necessary, it is recommended to use the following tips:

    • cut your hair starting from day 4 of the cycle;
    • visit only a trusted professional;
    • give preference to radical changes so as not to change the energy sector.

    The answer to the question whether it is possible to cut your hair during menstruation directly depends on the girl’s views. If superstitions and traditions are revered, then it is better not to risk it and wait until your period is over.

    What do doctors say about haircuts?

    In medicine, studies have been carried out many times on the topic: “is it possible to cut hair during menstruation,” but no definite answer has been received. This is due to the fact that no pronounced changes were noted during haircuts during menstruation. But there is medical evidence of impaired hair condition in girls during menstruation due to insufficient blood supply.

    During menstruation, hair often becomes very dry.

    Due to increased blood flow to the organs of the reproductive system, the hairline experiences a nutritional deficiency. This causes a woman's hair to become dull, broken, and fall out during her period.

    Experts do not give recommendations about unwanted haircuts during menstruation, but they warn that the hair during this period is very unruly, the emotional state of the woman herself is unstable and this can lead to dissatisfaction with the result.

    Is it possible to have hair extensions during menstruation?

    If the situation with haircuts is approximately clear, then the issue of hair extensions also worries female representatives. It is known that during menstruation, hormonal levels change slightly, which has a negative impact on the condition of the curls - their appearance, shine, health.

    Warning! If a girl has predominant male hormones when there is a malfunction, alopecia may develop.

    Hairdressers recommend extending curls only if there are no problems with hormonal levels, otherwise the procedure will not bring the desired results. If your period comes on time, the discharge lasts the same amount of time, and the menstruation itself is painless, you can safely go for hair extensions without worrying about your health.

    The same goes for hair dyeing: in the absence of hormonal imbalances, dyeing will bring only positive emotions. If a woman experiences strong changes in hormone levels during menstruation, it is better to refrain from the procedure. You can learn more about this from the video:

    Why you shouldn't get your hair cut during your period

    It is forbidden to cut your hair during menstruation according to the belief that was invented by our ancestors. During menstruation, a woman has poor energy, and when the ends of her hair are cut, they begin to grow with even greater force. It follows from this that new strands will also have negative energy and will grow poorly.

    To fully understand the situation, it is necessary to consider the main reasons why you should not cut your hair during menstruation:

    1. During menstruation, hair roots become oily, which makes it difficult for the stylist to work, even after washing your hair. For the same reason, the strands will not be blow-dryed.
    2. Thermoregulation and blood circulation worsen during critical days, so the hair becomes dry and dull.
    3. Changes in the emotional background lead girls to drastic decisions that they may regret just a couple of days after their period.

    You can cut your hair during menstruation if a woman does not have these deviations from the norm or if they are mild. During menstruation, every lady wants to look stylish, and a trip to the hairdresser will satisfy the girl’s emotions and lift her spirits.

    Why is it better to refrain from painting?

    There are certain reasons why you should not dye your hair. These include:

    1. After the procedure, after a few days, the curls will become dull, brittle, stiff, and lose their healthy shine.
    2. It is also important what day the procedure was carried out. When dyeing on the first day of menstruation, such manipulations have a negative effect not only on the curls, but also on the entire body. There is a high probability that if hair falls out before menstruation, then after dyeing the intensity of hair loss increases significantly, and whole clumps of hair will begin to actively fall out, which cannot but upset you. And lost hair will not be restored so quickly.
    3. During periods of critical days, your health worsens, and painting can upset you even more. In addition, if the dye contains ammonia, this will negatively affect overall health.

    Increased oiliness of hair

    Due to hormonal changes, the scalp and hair roots quickly become oily. If the master only straightens the ends, then there will be no discomfort. But styling will suffer greatly, because the hairdryer will only enhance the work of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, the hairstyle looks bad and does not meet expectations.

    Unstable emotional state

    The psycho-emotional background at the beginning of the menstrual cycle is unstable. The girl, under his influence, makes rash decisions to radically change her image. As a result, women often regret having too short hair, bangs and other changes within a few days.

    Find out in the article at the link whether it is possible to do sugaring during menstruation and when is the most favorable day for the procedure.

    Deterioration in hair quality

    Menstruation is accompanied by a deterioration in thermoregulation processes and blood circulation. Curls lose their elasticity, become dull, and become unruly. It will be difficult for the hairdresser to do his job, so inaccuracies and minor haircut defects are possible.

    For the same reason, hair coloring during menstruation is not recommended by hairdressers. Color intensity may be weaker.

    How hormones affect hair condition

    During the period when a woman undergoes menstruation, the ovaries begin to actively produce hormones that affect the functioning of all systems, including the hair and skin.

    Normally, a woman’s body should experience an increase in estrogen. It is this hormone that is responsible for female beauty. If testosterone increases during menstruation, a number of abnormalities may be observed.

    An increased level of androgens in the female body provokes changes in the scalp:

    • profuse hair loss;
    • increased fat content;
    • falling asleep and dying of hair follicles;
    • thinning and brittle hair.

    Hormonal imbalance does not happen to every girl during menstruation. However, this violation cannot be ruled out.

    Superstitions about hair cutting

    Although there is no evidence that hairdressing procedures on critical days somehow affect the condition of the hair and cause other harm to health, many women are still afraid to do them on such days. As a rule, this applies to those female representatives who are very impressionable and cautious by nature. They know many different signs, believe in them and do not want to take risks in any way.

    There is a popular belief that it is unacceptable to carry out any procedures with hair on the days when a woman has her period. Nowadays, menstrual flow is considered simply a physiological process, but in old times a woman on such days was considered unclean

    . People sincerely believed that if a woman lost her hair these days, then she would suffer illness in the future, she would grow old very early or even die.

    Nowadays, most girls go to the hairdresser and use the services of specialists whenever they want. But still, there are those who prefer not to tempt fate and hold off on visiting a beauty salon until their period is over. They explain this decision not by the fact that they are afraid of quickly getting old or getting sick, but by the fact that if you cut your hair during your period, it will negatively affect the growth and structure of your curls.

    Which days of the week to choose for cutting hair during menstrual periods?

    If you cut your hair during your period, you can know the future and attract good luck. But you need to do this on a specific day of the week:


    A very favorable time, which helps to get rid of bad emotions when visiting a hairdresser. And also a woman will be able to solve problems and difficulties. But this period is not suitable for dyeing curls.


    A visit to a beauty salon will give you the physical strength that was so lacking to solve a problem or radically change your life.


    A new hairstyle promises a woman new acquaintances, travel, as well as good news.

    What days can you get your hair cut?

    If there is no particular need for such a procedure, then it is better to wait and wait until menstruation ends. If the situation develops in such a way that it is impossible to postpone, you can go to the hairdresser; this does not bode well. It’s only better to get a haircut at the end of critical days, when a hormonal “lull” sets in and the female body begins to recover.

    You should find an experienced technician and be sure to inform him about your period. Usually good professionals know how to deal with weakened hair. They will perform a haircut, taking into account the woman’s condition and the characteristics of her hair these days.

    Superstitions about hair cutting

    The negative impact of hairdressing procedures on the health and condition of a woman during menstruation has not been proven, however, many prefer not to cut their hair or dye their hair and do beauty restoration after their menstrual period. This behavior is typical of impressionable and cautious people who know the signs, believe in them and see no point in taking risks.

    According to popular belief, any actions with hair during menstruation are unacceptable. Today, monthly discharge is considered a normal physiological process, but once upon a time these days were called unclean.

    Our distant ancestors sincerely believed that a woman who lost her hair during menstruation could get sick, age early and even die.

    Nowadays, most women use the services of hairdressers whenever they want. But there are also those who refrain from visiting beauty salons. They explain their fears not by fears of getting sick or growing old ahead of time, but by the fact that haircuts on critical days negatively affect the structure and growth of hair.

    When is it possible

    If you can wait it out, do it; don't cut your hair during your period. When the situation requires urgency, you can go to the hairdresser. It is recommended to get a haircut in the last days of menstruation, when there is a hormonal “lull” and the body is recovering.

    It is advisable to find a good specialist and be sure to tell him about your period. Professionals know how to work with weakened hair and will carry out measures taking into account the characteristics and condition of a woman at a certain phase of the cycle.

    On what days is it not possible?

    There is an interesting theory about the relationship between the lunar and menstrual cycles. It turns out that women's periods often occur during the new and full moons, and cutting their hair during these periods is prohibited.

    The influence of the luminary on all living things is considered a scientifically proven fact, but few women can boast of knowledge of the features of the lunar cycle and the ability to distinguish between the waning and waxing moon.

    You may not believe in theories and superstitions, but it is better not to go to the hairdresser on the first and second days of menstruation. During this period, it is advisable to avoid radical changes to your image. The result may not be pleasing.

    There are certain rules about what not to do during regulations. An article on our website or your gynecologist can tell you more about this.

    When not to visit the hairdresser

    It is believed, and this has been proven by experts, that there is some kind of relationship between the menstrual and lunar cycles. For most women, their critical days coincide with the full moon and new moon, and, as you know, you can’t get your hair cut at this time.

    Science has proven that the moon has an influence on all life on earth, but not all women understand the lunar cycles and distinguish between the periods of the waxing and waning moon. It is recommended to get a haircut during the waxing moon.

    You may not believe in various theories and signs why you should not cut your hair during menstruation, but still, it is better not to visit the hairdresser in the first days after the start of menstruation

    . It is better not to radically change your image at this time, as this may not give the desired result.

    What recommendations should you follow?

    When deciding to cut your hair during your period, it is advisable to adhere to the following tips:

    1. You should not go to the hairdresser if you have severe pain.
    2. You can trim the ends any day.
    3. Serious hair manipulation should be postponed until the middle of the cycle.
    4. Unruly hair during menstruation will become even less easy to style.
    5. You can only trust a proven master.

    Signs and superstitions should not rule a person’s life. It is important to listen to your body and if you are in a bad mood or not feeling well on the days of your menstruation, reschedule your visit to the stylist.

    There are a huge number of superstitions associated with menstruation. Most of them relate to prohibitions. One of the most relevant and discussed topics is whether it is possible to cut hair during menstruation and how serious the consequences are for those who take risks and do not pay attention to signs.

    Haircut during menstruation

    When menstrual periods arrive, serious changes occur in all organs and systems of the female body. The scalp and hair are not left out of this process; their condition also changes. This can be noticed by the fact that chemical compounds and paint adhere very poorly, and curls after curlers do not form at all or disappear quite quickly.

    These days, hair becomes heavy, oily, dull, and difficult to style. The reason for this phenomenon is as follows:

    1. The condition of the hair these days is affected by the sebaceous glands, the work of which is significantly activated. At the same time, a large amount of sebum is produced. The strands become greasy and dull, the roots become heavier.
    2. Due to the outflow of blood, it does not reach the hair follicles. For this reason, the hair weakens and is difficult to style.
    3. During the period of hormonal changes, testosterone production is activated. An excess of this male hormone in a woman’s body leads to weakening of the hair follicles, and the hair loses its natural shine.
    4. Metabolism is disrupted. Metabolism may slow down or speed up. This situation also affects the condition of the curls. They are difficult to paint, cut and style.

    On critical days, women experience not only physiological, but also psycho-emotional changes. They become irritable and more self-critical than on normal days. They are very difficult to please; any change in their usual image can result in severe stress. Wasted money and unfulfilled expectations can cause an attack of aggression.

    All these factors have a scientific medical basis. Women can get their hair cut during their period, but before going to the hairdresser, they should be prepared for the fact that the result may not be what they expected.

    Whether it is possible to cut hair during menstruation, each girl must decide for herself. In the twenty-first century, few people pay attention to various signs and superstitions. Those who believe more in science, which has not found any particular reason why you can’t get your hair cut during your period, can discard all prejudices and calmly go to a beauty salon. But if a girl is very superstitious and believes in omens, and changing her image is urgent, then in this case the following can be recommended to her:

    • if you can wait a little, then it is better to get a haircut not in the first days of menstruation, but postpone it until the 3rd-4th day;
    • in a hairdresser, a woman must choose a hairdresser with whom she is well acquainted, so that he does not cause harm with his negative field;
    • If a representative of the fair sex decides to take a risk and cut her hair these days, then it is better to do it globally and cut off a large amount of hair so that the negative energy goes away along with the curls.

    Haircut during menstruation: possible or not

    There are a huge number of superstitions associated with menstruation. Most of them relate to prohibitions. One of the most relevant and discussed topics is whether it is possible to cut hair during menstruation and how serious the consequences are for those who take risks and do not pay attention to signs.

    Superstitions about hair cutting

    The negative impact of hairdressing procedures on the health and condition of a woman during menstruation has not been proven, however, many prefer not to cut their hair or dye their hair and do beauty restoration after their menstrual period. This behavior is typical of impressionable and cautious people who know the signs, believe in them and see no point in taking risks.

    According to popular belief, any actions with hair during menstruation are unacceptable. Today, monthly discharge is considered a normal physiological process, but once upon a time these days were called unclean.

    Our distant ancestors sincerely believed that a woman who lost her hair during menstruation could get sick, age early and even die.

    Nowadays, most women use the services of hairdressers whenever they want. But there are also those who refrain from visiting beauty salons. They explain their fears not by fears of getting sick or growing old ahead of time, but by the fact that haircuts on critical days negatively affect the structure and growth of hair.

    When is it possible

    If you can wait it out, do it; don't cut your hair during your period. When the situation requires urgency, you can go to the hairdresser. It is recommended to get a haircut in the last days of menstruation, when there is a hormonal “lull” and the body is recovering.

    It is advisable to find a good specialist and be sure to tell him about your period. Professionals know how to work with weakened hair and will carry out measures taking into account the characteristics and condition of a woman at a certain phase of the cycle.

    On what days is it not possible?

    There is an interesting theory about the relationship between the lunar and menstrual cycles. It turns out that women's periods often occur during the new and full moons, and cutting their hair during these periods is prohibited.

    The influence of the luminary on all living things is considered a scientifically proven fact, but few women can boast of knowledge of the features of the lunar cycle and the ability to distinguish between the waning and waxing moon.

    You may not believe in theories and superstitions, but it is better not to go to the hairdresser on the first and second days of menstruation. During this period, it is advisable to avoid radical changes to your image. The result may not be pleasing.

    There are certain rules about what not to do during regulations. An article on our website or your gynecologist can tell you more about this.

    Haircut during menstruation

    During menstruation, a woman's body undergoes major changes. This happens in all organs and systems. The condition of the hair and scalp also changes. Dyes and chemical compounds do not adhere well, and curls after curlers disappear or do not form.

    Hair quickly becomes oily, heavy, dull, brittle and unruly. This happens for the following reasons:

    1. During hormonal changes, testosterone is actively produced. The high concentration and predominance of the male hormone in the female body causes weakening of the hair follicles and loss of natural shine.
    2. Due to the outflow of blood, the hair follicles are deprived of blood supply. Hair loses strength and becomes unruly during this period.
    3. The condition of hair during menstruation is influenced by the sebaceous glands. Their work is activated, which causes the production of large amounts of sebum. The roots become heavier, the strands become dull and oily.
    4. On critical days, metabolism is disrupted. Metabolism accelerates or, conversely, slows down. Such unpredictable reactions also affect the condition of the hair. They are difficult to style, cut and paint.
    5. Physiological changes are complemented by psycho-emotional ones. During menstruation, women become more self-critical. They are difficult to please; any interference with their image can cause aggression. Unmet expectations and wasted money often cause a lot of stress.

    All of the above factors are justified and confirmed by doctors. You can take risks and cut your hair during your period, but when going to a beauty salon, be prepared for any development of events related to your transformation.

    Which procedures at the hairdresser are best postponed?

    The ideal haircut option for menstruation is minor changes, which can be easily corrected in case of an undesirable result. When the hormones stop raging and menstruation ends, your hairstyle can be adjusted without any problems.

    It is better to avoid dyeing your hair during menstruation. One possible consequence is uneven pigment distribution. The shade may turn out completely different from what was expected.

    The same goes for highlighting. Absolutely unpredictable results are possible due to the non-uniform distribution of paint under the influence of a chemical reaction.

    You should not experiment with extensions and do perms. These complex hairdressing procedures worsen the condition of the curls, cause brittle hair and provoke hair loss.


    Undesirable procedures

    As already noted, during menstruation various hair treatments may not give the desired result. Therefore, it is better to postpone some of them:

    1. These days it is not recommended to dye your hair, as this can lead to unpredictable results: the pigment may be distributed unevenly.
    2. The same can happen during highlighting. Under the influence of a chemical reaction, paint is often distributed unevenly.
    3. The ideal haircut option would be such minor changes, which can then be easily corrected if you don’t like the result. The hairstyle can be adjusted after the critical days are over and the hormones calm down.
    4. It is also not recommended to do curl extensions or perms. Such hairdressing procedures are quite traumatic for the hair on ordinary days, and during menstruation the condition of the strands becomes even worse - they begin to break and fall out.

    If possible, it is better to wait a little and do all these procedures with hair after the end of menstruation.

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