Is it possible to get eyelash extensions during menstruation: all the pros and cons

An expensive, fashionable cosmetic procedure makes every woman's dream come true - beautiful fluffy eyelashes. What do they say about whether it is possible to get eyelash extensions during your period? Are critical days included in the list of contraindications? After all, in order for the result to please you longer, you must strictly follow the recommendations of specialists.

Eyelash extension procedure

Advertising for eyelash extensions using Japanese technology is present in every expensive salon. Experts claim that in their work they use natural hairs from mink, ferret, sable, and other animals with valuable fur. Using special glue, artificial hair is attached to natural eyelashes, providing them with natural silkiness, shine and the desired length. In most cases, synthetic material is used for eyelash extensions, which in structure resembles natural eyelash hair.

The whole procedure takes at least an hour. An experienced specialist attaches from 100 to 130 artificial eyelashes to one eye. Depends on the thickness, length of natural eyelashes, and the client’s wishes. The procedure is expensive. In addition to special equipment and materials, the skills of a craftsman are required. It largely depends on them how long the “beauty” will last. The result of high-quality eyelash extensions lasts from 3 to 5 weeks. But, besides this, the durability of the effect depends on the individual characteristics of the female body, on how carefully the girl adheres to the rules of caring for artificial eyelashes, and on the presence of contact lenses. After approximately 3-4 weeks, correction is necessary to maintain the effect.


Ekaterina Lomova, Samara I did extensions 6 times, and only once did I get a qualified specialist, after which there was a really good result. With the rest, I consider myself lucky that the cornea of ​​the eye was not damaged. Ksenia Trofimova, St. Petersburg After lamination, it turned out that I was allergic to the dye that was added to the composition for eyelashes. The result was 5 days in the hospital on a drip. I would not advise anyone to experiment with their eyes. Evgenia Malikova, Astrakhan I liked eyelash extensions. Of course, you have to get used to the sensations. But I was also lucky with the master. I do extensions regularly, but only with my specialist.

Contraindications to the procedure

The newfangled cosmetic procedure has direct and relative contraindications that should be taken into account.

  1. Individual intolerance to components. In fact, it is quite difficult to initially determine whether you are allergic to the components or not. Not every doctor can answer this. In most cases, intolerance appears after the procedure. You can easily avoid trouble if the specialist informs you that animal fur is used for extensions, and the woman is allergic to it. The procedure should definitely not be performed with hypersensitive eyes. An allergic reaction can occur to any component.
  2. Eye disease, especially conjunctivitis. If there are inflammatory processes in the eye, it is forbidden to use cosmetics; lotions and a special ointment should be applied to the sore spot. The procedure with the application of eyelashes will lead to complications of the disease, to the complete loss of natural eyelashes in a matter of days. The same prohibition applies to other infectious eye diseases.
  3. Colds, viral diseases. In this state, the girl is unlikely to go to a beauty salon, but this item was included in the list of contraindications.
  4. Diabetes. Impaired metabolism is the basis of this disease. Pathology entails a lot of changes in a woman’s body. As a result, it may turn out that the glue will not stick to the eyelashes, and the effect will be short-lived. And a few days after the procedure of applying artificial eyelashes, the girl will be left with nothing at all.
  5. Weak natural eyelashes. The procedure for applying artificial eyelashes involves attaching them to natural ones. Weak hairs cannot withstand the weight, break, and fall off.

Relative contraindications to the procedure are wearing contact lenses and menstruation. This raises a lot of questions about whether it is possible to transform eyelashes during menstruation and what to do if you have contact lenses?

The attitude of different religions to build-up during menstruation

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If a girl is religious and adheres to relevant traditions, she should consult with a spiritual mentor before going to the salon. In most Christian denominations, menstruation is considered an unclean condition. At such times, a woman cannot visit the temple and must lead a secluded lifestyle as much as possible. The attitude of religion towards decorating one’s body during such a period is negative. If its purpose is to attract the attention of the opposite sex, then the woman is considered to have committed a sin. Eyelash extensions during menstruation are strictly prohibited.

In traditional Judaism, there are even more restrictions for a woman experiencing her menstrual period. There is a direct command to be attractive only to your husband.

Islam considers menstruation to be a woman's natural state. Compared to other religions, it provides a number of significant concessions. One of them is that a woman should not fast during Ramadan.

But Muslim women are not allowed to have eyelash extensions. In ancient times, there was a strict ban on hair extensions. Modern theologians have extended it to artificial eyelashes and nails.

Buddhism does not impose everyday or religious restrictions that must be adhered to at such times. A woman's aura during menstruation is considered dark. The teaching encourages caring for the body and its health at any time.

How to Extend Eyelashes with Contact Lenses

Experts recommend removing contact lenses before the procedure and putting them on only after a day. The situation is associated with increased load on the eyelid. After a woman has eyelash extensions, it takes time to strengthen them. To insert the lens, you need to lift the eyelid, which can lead to breakage of the eyelashes. To avoid such a situation, some girls prefer not to remove their lenses at all during the procedure.

Review by Svetlana:

“I got eyelash extensions. The result is amazing. I couldn't stop looking at it. A day later I tried to insert lenses. The unusual thickness and length of the eyelashes became an obstacle. We succeeded on the fifth attempt. But several eyelashes broke off at once. The view deteriorated within a week.”

Experts' opinion

Why can't you get eyelash extensions while you're on your period? Despite the fact that menstruation is considered a contraindication to eyelash extensions, experienced cosmetologists emphasize that this is not a categorical prohibition, but a recommendation. If a girl is in excellent health and does not suffer from allergic reactions, her body is unlikely to produce an unexpected reaction. The result in this case, in most cases, will depend on the qualifications and experience of the specialist and the client’s compliance with all recommendations for the care of artificial eyelashes.

Is it worth getting eyelash extensions while you're on your period?

Some girls say in amazement: “What does menstruation have to do with false eyelashes?” In fact, there is a relationship. Moreover, the procedure cannot be carried out not only during menstruation, but also shortly before its onset. One of the contraindications is hormonal imbalance in the body and all related diseases. Approximately 10 days before the start of menstruation, the body's hormonal levels change. Hormones affect the functions of internal organs and change metabolism.

What can happen if you apply eyelash extensions during your period?

  1. An unpredictable allergic reaction to both the glue and the material of artificial eyelashes may occur.
  2. The glue simply won’t work, and the eyelashes will begin to fall off almost immediately.
  3. At best, the effect will last for a week.

To say that you can’t get eyelash extensions while you’re on your period is wrong. You can do this. But the consequences will not be as rosy as the girl imagines.

Reasons for the influence of hormonal levels on the procedure

The days of menstruation, as well as the use of contact lenses, are conditional contraindications for extensions.

There is no consensus among lash makers. Some craftsmen consider such restrictions far-fetched and associate the result with the quality of materials and the experience of the specialist.

Some experts do not recommend doing eyelashes during menstruation. Such cosmetologists also suggest not carrying out correction, bio-curling and lamination of eyelashes during this period; they advise avoiding Botox injections and any other painful procedures on critical days.

During menstruation, women experience a significant change in hormonal levels. The period before menstruation has its own psychological and physiological manifestations, called premenstrual syndrome.

Do menstruation affect the functioning of the body? The answer is definitely positive. On critical days, metabolism changes, the emerging imbalance of hormones leads to increased work of the sebaceous glands and provokes the appearance of psycho-emotional instability in a woman.

When a girl menstruates, her skin becomes more sensitive to external irritants, such as the glue used to lengthen eyelashes, which can provoke an allergic reaction.

The result of eyelash extensions during menstruation

Thanks to natural processes in the female body, eyelashes are constantly renewed. The former ones fall out in 1.5–2 months. After applying artificial ones, the severity increases, and with it the process of loss accelerates. New eyelashes grow as before, but the absence of fallen ones becomes very noticeable. The hormonal background in the second half of the cycle changes the course of natural processes. Eyelashes don't just fall out, they crumble. The eye may be left without them altogether.

To restore the previous state, you should drink vitamins, use special creams and ointments. The result with beautiful eyelashes will last no more than 1 week; it will take at least a month to eliminate the consequences. The contraindication is relative, since each organism has an individual system. Everything may turn out differently when the effect after the build-up lasts for a set period. Experts note that it is not recommended to carry out extensions in the following cases:

  • menses;
  • PMS;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • with hormonal imbalance of various types.

Lilia's review:

“Before the wedding, there was a hormonal imbalance, most likely due to excitement. Menstruation came late, while eyelash extensions were scheduled. The master warned me about the possible consequences, but I took a risk. 3 days later at the wedding I was a beauty. And the very next day my eyelashes began to fall out. Not even a week has passed. As a result, it took about a month to recover. But it’s good that everything happened after the wedding. If it had been the day before, I don’t know what I would have done. It follows from this - it’s impossible, it means it’s impossible!”

Women's opinion

Reviews of eyelash extensions during menstruation rarely contain negative information. Problems after the procedure more often arise in those girls who had skin problems before or simply ended up with a bad specialist.

But most opinions agree that extensions against the background of menstruation are fraught with a less lasting result. Eyelashes do not fall out immediately, but you have to visit a beauty studio a week ahead of schedule.

Rare reviews contain information regarding severe allergic reactions and subsequent poor growth of natural hairs on the eyelids.

We recommend reading about whether you can visit a solarium during your period and what negative consequences are possible after tanning.

Recommendations for prolonging the effect

Immediately after extensions, some aspects in a woman’s life change. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, the effect will last about a month:

  • Do not wash your eyes during the day;
  • touch your eyelids less with your hands;
  • It should be painted 4 days before extensions, otherwise the paint may not adhere;
  • You cannot use decorative waterproof eye cosmetics; you can use mascara, which is quickly washed off with warm water;
  • do not sleep on your stomach;
  • You cannot visit the bathhouse, solarium, or sauna for 2 days.

During the procedure, you are allowed to sleep, since the whole thing lasts for about 3 hours. It is not recommended to talk. You should comb it with a special brush, but not too often. Morning, evening. You should trust your beauty treatments to an experienced specialist. If you do everything in a hurry, glue a bunch to one eyelash at once, the probability and speed of falling off increases significantly. Makeup removers should not contain an oily base; they all weaken the adhesive. Better to use on water. Or wash your face with regular warm water.

The optimal length of artificial hairs should be 1.5 times longer than natural ones. Failure to comply with this rule results in loss. Damage to hair follicles. To remove completely artificial hairs, you should again seek help from a hairdresser. He has a substance in his arsenal that quickly dissolves glue.


The presence of sparse and short eyelashes spoils a woman’s appearance, but this situation can be easily changed by eyelash extensions.

This procedure has its own rules and contraindications. When using the technique, the woman’s hormonal status should be taken into account. If failures occur, it is not recommended to carry it out, so most specialists do not recommend eyelash extensions during menstruation.

During this period, changes occur, against the background of which existing diseases may intensify, which negatively affects the condition of the woman’s entire body.

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